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《Journal of Asia》2021,24(4):1301-1312
The hoverfly genus Merodon Meigen, 1803 (Diptera, Syrphidae), which comprises more than 200 species is distributed in the Palaearctic and Afrotropical Region, but one species, Merodon equestris, is a pest of flower bulbs and has been invasive into New Zealand and North America. In this work, the Merodon aurifer species group, a member of the M. avidus-nigritarsis lineage, is revised. The diagnostic characters of the M. aurifer species group, and the morphological differences between M. aurifer Loew, 1862 and M. nudicorpus sp. n. are explained and illustrated, as well as their distribution map. A detailed study of the type material resulted in three new synonyms: M. distinctus Palma, 1863 is a junior synonym of M. aurifer; M. manicatus (Sack, 1938) and M. testacoides Hurkmans, 1993 are junior synonyms of M. testaceus.Lectotypes are designated for two taxa M. aurifer and M. manicatus instead of the erroneously designated types for these species in Hurkmans (1993).  相似文献   

Lyneborgimyia magnifica gen. et sp.n. is described and placed with Merodon Meigen and Platynochaetus Wiedemann in the Merodon genus group within the tribe Eumerini. New morphological characters and terms are introduced, and precise definitions proposed for characters applied inconsistently in the literature. The species possesses several unique autapomorphies, including an additional cross‐vein between R4+5 and M1, and a sclerotized connection between sternite 1 and the metepimeron, which are unknown otherwise within Diptera. A parsimony‐based phylogenetic analysis including 73 characters from the adult morphology provides strong support for the monophyly of the Eumerini (Eumerus Meigen, Azpeytia Walker, Lyneborgimyia, Merodon, Platynochaetus) and the Merodon genus group, whereas no support is found for the possible monophyly of the genus Eumerus. A sister‐group relationship is indicated between the Afrotropical Lyneborgimyia and the Palaearctic Platynochaetus.  相似文献   

Les vingt-deux espèces actuellement répertoriées dans le genre paléarctique Amblytylus Fieber ont été examinées. Le genre est redéfini principalement d’après les caractères des genitalia mâles. Dix espèces sont maintenues dans le genre: A. albidus (Hahn 1834), A. amoenus Wagner 1958, A. arnoldiorum Kerzhner 1977, A. brevicollis Fieber 1858, A. concolor Jakovlev 1877, A. crassicornis Wagner 1964, A. jani Fieber 1858, A. montanus Wagner 1974, A. nasutus (Kirschbaum 1856), A. peitho Linnavuori 1997; toutefois, A. amoenus est considérée comme incertae sedis et A. jani comme nomen dubium. Deux espèces sont transférées dans le genre Megalocoleus Reuter: Megalocoleus delicatus (Perris 1857) n. comb., Megalocoleus tarsalis (Reuter 1894) n. comb. Dix espèces sont mises en synonymie; soit avec une espèce d’Amblytylus: A. similis Wagner 1971 n. syn. de A. albidus (Hahn 1834); A. gregarius Linnavuori 1961 n. syn. de A. brevicollis Fieber 1868; A. vittiger Reuter 1899 n. syn., A. longicornis Wagner 1953 n. syn. et A. eckerleini Wagner 1964 n. syn. de A. concolor Jakovlev 1877; soit avec une espèce de Megalocoleus: A. erectus Wagner 1971 n. syn. de M. longirostris (Fieber 1861); A. glaucicollis Kerzhner 1977 n. syn. de M. exanguis (Herrich-Schaeffer 1835); A. macedonicus Wagner 1956 n. syn. de M. naso (Reuter 1879) n. comb.; A. luridus Hoberlandt 1961 n. syn. et A. scutellaris Horvath 1905 n. syn. de M. delicatus (Perris 1857) n. comb. Un lectotype est désigné pour quatre espèces (Lopus nasutus Kirshbaum, Amblytylus vanduzeei Blatchey, Amblytylus scutellaris Horváth, Capsus delicatus Perris). Une clé d’identification pratique bilingue (français et anglais) basée surtout sur des caractères externes tente de séparer les espèces d’Amblytylus. Une clé révisée des espèces de Megalocoleus est également fournie. Les deux genres Amblytylus et Megalocoleus, très semblables par l’habitus, restent difficiles à définir. Seules les plantes-hôtes - des Poaceae chez les Amblytylus, des Asteraceae chez les Megalocoleus - et dans une moindre mesure la vesica pourvue de deux processus apicaux (Amblytylus) ou d’un seul (Megalocoleus) semble indiquer l’existence de deux groupes d’espèces distincts.  相似文献   

Abstract A key is provided to twenty-four western Palaearctic species of Urophora Robineau-Desvoidy. The hosts of twenty-three species which attack Asteraceae are listed, including those being used or investigated as possible weed biocontrol agents. The species are divided into four species groups and the differing host relationships and types of galls induced by these groups are discussed. U.lopholomae sp.n. and U.affinis ssp. calcitrapae ssp.n., associated with Centaurea (Lopholoma) spp. and C. (Calcitrapa) spp. respectively, are described. U. algerica (Hering) and U.sjumorum (Rohdendorf) are both treated as subspecies of U. quadrifasciata (Meigen). U.pontica is given full specific status and U.hispanica is removed from synonymy. The following new synonymies are made (junior synonyms in parentheses): U. angustifascia (Hering) (= Euribia phaeocera Hering); U. cardui (Linnaeus) (= U. reaumurii Robineau-Desvoidy, lectotype designated); U. jaceana (Hering) (= E.conyzae Hering); U.maura (Frauenfeld) (= E. tecta Hering); U. mauritanica Macquart (= U. lejura Rondani, Trypeta macrura Loew); U.solstitialis (Linnaeus) (= E.sonderupi Hering, U. veruata Rondani ); U.stylata (Fabricius) (= E.pia Hering, U. vulcaanica Rondani); U. terebrans (Loew) (= E. approximata Hering, T. eriolepidis Loew, E. manni Hendel). The possibility that U. quadrifasciata is a species complex is discussed; it is also suggested that U.affinis and U.jaceana represent the morphological extremes of a complex. The misuse of the name Musca stylata Fabricius in the genus Myopites Blot is noted.  相似文献   

The genera of Acanthocinini which have males with antennomere III modified are discussed and redefined, a key to identify them is provided. Additionally, Alcathousites Gilmour, 1962 is proposed as a junior synonym of Xenocona Gilmour, 1960, and the following five new combinations are proposed: Xenocona asperipennis (Fairmaire & Germain, 1859) n. comb.; X. forsteri (Tippmann, 1960) n. comb.; X. penicillata (Monné, 1990) n. comb.; X. senticosa (Monné & Martins, 1976) n. comb.; and X. superstes (Erichson, 1847) n. comb. Moreover, a new species from Colombia (Huila) is described and illustrated, Xenocona antonkozlovi n. sp., and the male of X. penicillata is illustrated for the first time.  相似文献   

Based on examination of type specimens preserved in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, 50 new combinations in African Eumolpinae species described by Lefèvre and Pic in the genera Angoleumolpus Pic, 1938, Cheiriphyle Jacoby, 1901, Eryxia Baly, 1865, Eurydemus Chapuis, 1874, Microeurydemus Pic, 1938, Microsyagrus Pic, 1952, Pagria Lefèvre, Rhembastus Harold, 1877, Syagrus Chapuis, 1874 and Thysbina Weise, 1902 are proposed. The following new names are introduced to correct homonymies: Afroeurydemus fortesculptus nom. nov. for Microsyagrus cribricollis Pic, 1952, Afroeurydemus parvomaculatus nom. nov. for Syagrus quadrimaculatus Pic, 1940, Afroeurydemus selmani nom. nov. for A. signatus Selman, 1972, Microsyagrus punctaticollis nom. nov. for M. trinotatus Pic, 1952, Obelistes bryanti nom. nov. for O. nigrovittatus Bryant, 1952, and Pathius pici nom. nov. for Microeurydemus pallidus Pic, 1952. The following synonyms are established: Angoleumolpus Pic, 1938 n. syn. of Obelistes Lefèvre, 1885, Thysbina gabonica Pic, 1952 n. syn. of Ennodius murrayi (Chapuis, 1874), and Timentes flavipes Selman, 1965 n. syn. of Timentes camerunensis (Pic, 1953). Lectotypes are designated where appropriate.  相似文献   


After lectotype designations for both names, the synonymy between Cyrtolophus grandicornis Fairmaire, 1895 and Cyrtolophus viduus Ohaus, 1912, n. syn., is proposed. Pseudocyrtolophus n. gen. is described to accommodate Cyrtolophus limbicollis Ohaus, 1912, its type species, and a second species, Pseudocyrtolophus australis n. sp., which is described and compared to its most related species. The lectotype of Cyrtolophus limbicollis is designated. All species are illustrated. A map showing their distribution in Madagascar is given.  相似文献   

The southern African genus Macroderes Westwood is revised. Six new species, M. amplior n. sp., M. minutus n. sp., M. endroedyi n. sp., M. namakwanus n. sp., M. foveatus n. sp., and M. cornutus n. sp., are described.The neotype of M. bias (Olivier) is designated.Two new synonymies are established: M. pilula Sharp is a junior synonym of M. bias (Olivier), and M. westwoodi Preudhomme de Borre is a junior synonym of M. undulatus Preudhomme de Borre. A key to species and notes on biology and distribution are given.  相似文献   

Old World species of the genus Glenanthe are treated comprehensively with an emphasis on the unusually diverse morphological heterogeneity discovered in structures of the male terminalia. As perspective for this treatment, the tribe Lipochaetini, in which Glenanthe is placed, is characterized and discussed, and an annotated key to the four included genera is provided to facilitate their identification. Glenanthe is demonstrated to be a monophyletic lineage within Lipochaetini. Seven Old World species of Glenanthe are now known, including two new Afrotropical species as follows (type locality in parenthesis): G. namibia n. sp. (Namibia. Mukwe: Divuju: Okavango River [18°04’04”S, 21°28’51”E] and G. danielssoni n. sp. (Republic of South Africa. Cape Province: De Hoop Nature Reserve [34°27’S, 28°25’E]. The identity of G. fuscinervis Becker, revised status (raised from synonymy with G. ripicola (Haliday)), is clarified, and found to be conspecific with Hydrina ochracea Oldenberg, which is recognized as a junior synonym. Papp’s synonymy of Glenanthe fasciventris Becker with Hydrellia (Glenanthe) ripicola Haliday is confirmed, and herein we relegate G. iranica Canzoneri & Rampini also as junior synonym of G. ripicola. The remarkable diverse structures of the male terminalia of all included species are described and illustrated and distribution maps are also provided.  相似文献   


Twenty-four species of shallow-water marine non-asellote isopods are described or noted from collections made by University of Canterbury workers at The Snares islands (asterisks denote new records): Gnathia akaroensis* (Gnathiidae); Neastacilla antipadea n.sp., N. tuberculata* (Arcturidae); Crabyzos elongatus*, Euidotea peronii*, Idotea metallica* (ldoteidae); Mesanthura sp. (Anthuridae); Colanthura rima n.sp., Paranthura flagellata* (Paranthuridae); Cirolana rossi*, Cirolana sp. (Cirolanidae); Lironeca raynaudii* (Cymothoidae); Limnoria quadripunctata* (Limnoriidae); Plakarthrium typicum* (Plakarthriidae); Amphoroidea falcifer, A. longipes*, Dynamenella condita, D. huttoni, Scutuloidea maculata, Ciliacaea caniculata, Cymodoce allegra, Exosphaeroma obtusum, Isocladus calcareus, and Pseudosphaeroma campbellensis (Sphaeromatidae). Cymodoce australis has been recorded from The Snares but was not represented in the material examined. The genus Paradynamenopsis from Chile is made a junior synonym of Pseudosphaeroma.  相似文献   

Thirty-one species and one subspecies have been described since publication of the first supplement to the polytomous key toXiphinema spp. (see Loof & Luc, 1993). Of these, 11 species belonging to the X. americanum-group are not considered here. Of the 20 remaining species, 13 are considered valid, for which identification codes are given. Three species were described earlier, but had not come to authors' notice; two of them,X. chothecolla andX. clavatus (sic) have already been synonymised withX. radicicola (see Luc & Loof, 1993); codes are given for the third species,X. codiaei. Xiphinema adenohystherum, X. cohni, X. macrogastrum, X. nuragicum andX. sphaerocephalum were considered junior synonyms ofX. pyrenaicum by Baujardet al. (1996);X. hunaniense is considered a junior synonym ofX. radicicola andX. hispanum ofX. aceri. Changes in the group and/or identification codes are made forX. aceri, X. barense, X. dentatum, X. diversicaudatum, X. filicaudatum filicaudatum, X. globosum, X. hardingi, X. paritaliae (= X. dolosum), X. paulistanum, X. pyrenaicum andX. transkeiense. The specific nameX. swarti is emended toX. swartae. Information is given for computerisation of the key.  相似文献   


The Chinese species of the genus Coenochilus Schaum, 1841 are revised, including a new species, C. pilosus n. sp. described from southern China (also from Vietnam and Laos). The lectotype for Coenochilus uncinatipes Moser, 1915 is designated, and this name is recognized as a junior synonym of C. bifoveolatus Fairmaire, 1888. Previously published synonymy of Coenochilus apicalis Westwood, 1873 and C. armiger Westwood, 1873 is confirmed based on the examination of type specimens. The neotype of C. tonkinensis Moser, 1910 is designated, and C. clinteroceroides Jákl, 2015 is synonymized with this species. Coenochilus tonkinensis is newly recorded from China, while Chinese records of C. nitidus Arrow, 1910 are verified as misidentification of C. striatus Westwood, 1873, thus C. nitidus is removed from the Chinese fauna. Diagnoses and illustrations are provided for all five Chinese species. A key to Chinese species and new distribution records are also presented.??  相似文献   

The family Halictidae includes four subfamilies, Halictinae, Nomioidinae, Nomiinae and Rophitinae, apparently monophyletic. Systropha Illiger is the most diverse genus in Rophitinae (the Holartic genus Dufourea excluded). Several unique morphological, biogeographical and ecological features characterise the species within this taxon raising its interest for evolutionary studies. Now, to date there has been no extensive revision of the genus. The present work aims to alleviate this lack. In the first part, the authors propose an exhaustive catalogue, including the synonymy of the 26 described species. The last described species, Systropha heinzi Dubitzky 2004 syn. nov. is proposed as a junior synonym of S. kazakhstaniensis Patiny 2004, described one day earlier. The next parts of the study include a comprehensive key for the World species and the analysis of the species phylogeny based on 34 morphological characters. Converging with the conclusions of several former studies, this analysis points out the existence of 3 clades within the genus. These latter are described as 3 subgenera: S. (Systropha) Illiger 1806, S. (Systrophidia) Cockerell 1936 and S. (Austrosystropha) n. sg. Lastly, distribution and floral choices of taxa are specified.  相似文献   

A revision of the genus Trixa Meigen (Diptera: Tachinidae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genus Trixa Meigen, 1824 is revised. Dexiotrix Villeneuve, 1936 and Trixella Mesnil, 1980, each of which was sometimes treated as a distinct genus, are treated as junior synonyms of Trixa Meigen. Two species from Sichuan and Yunnan, China, are described as new to science, viz. Trixa chinensis sp. nov. and T. chaoi sp. nov. T. alpina Meigen is treated as a junior synonym of T. caerulescens Meigen. T. nox (Shima) and T.pubiseta (Mesnil) are newly recorded from China. Males of T. pubiseta (Mesnil) and T.longipensis (Villeneuve) are described for the first time. Diagnoses, figures and a key to twelve species in Trixa are given.  相似文献   

The Merodon aureus group is characterized by high endemism and the presence of morphologically cryptic species. Within one of its subgroups, M. bessarabicus, seven species and four more species complexes have been described to date. One of these complexes, the M. luteomaculatus, comprises new taxa that are the subject of the present study. Its members have allopatric ranges restricted to the Balkan Peninsula and Aegean islands. This complex exhibits morphological variability that could not be characterized using a traditional morphological approach. Thus, we used integrative taxonomy with independent character sets (molecular, geometric morphometric, distributional) to delimit species boundaries. Data on three molecular markers (COI, 28S rRNA, and ISSR) and geometric morphometry of the wing and male genitalia, together with distributional data, enabled recognition of six cryptic species within the complex: M. andriotes sp. n., M. euri sp. n., M. erymanthius sp. n., M. luteomaculatus sp. n., M. naxius sp. n., and M. peloponnesius sp. n. We discuss the possible influence of Aegean paleogeographical history on the speciation of this complex.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the Iberian Leptodirini species of the section Anillochlamys Jeannel, 1909 has been revised. The proposed classification is based on the study of the genital structures of both sexes, in particular the internal sac of the aedeagus. According to the different models of internal sacs, the following genera, species and subspecies are identified: genus Anillochlamys Jeannel, 1909: A. aurouxi Español, 1965, A. bueni Jeannel, 1909 (= A. avariae Comas, 1977 n.syn.), A. cullelli Lagar, 1978, A. moroderi Bolívar, 1923 (= A. negrei Comas, 1990 n. syn.), A. subtruncatus Jeannel, 1930 (= A. baguenai Jeannel, 1930) and A. tropicus (Abeille, 1881) (= Adelops hispanicus Ehlers, 1893; A. tropicus var. apicalis Jeannel, 1909); genus Paranillochlamys Zariquiey, 1940: P. catalonicus (Jeannel, 1913), P. urgellesi (Español, 1965) and P. velox Zariquiey, 1940 (= P. velox montadai Lagar, 1963 n. syn.); genus Pseudochlamys Comas, 1977: P. raholai (Zariquiey, 1922) (= Anillochlamys raholai luis-bofilli Zariquiey, 1940 n. syn.); genus Spelaeochlamys Dieck, 1870 (= Typhlochlamys Español, 1975 n.syn.): S.bardisai (Español, 1975) (= Typhlochlamys escolai Comas, 1978 n. syn.), S. ehlersi Dieck, 1870 and S. ehlersi verai Comas, 1977 n. stat.  相似文献   

Macrolycus is a genus of net‐winged beetles with 69 species distributed in the eastern Palearctic and northernmost part of the Oriental region. The first molecular phylogeny of Macrolycus was produced using an rrnL + tRNA‐Leu + nad1 mtDNA fragment. The major lineages and species limits were identified with morphology and molecular data. We propose that Cerceros is a subgenus of Macrolycus to enable identification of all adult specimens in the genus without DNA sequencing. Two species groups are proposed in Macrolycus s. str. and six in Cerceros. Additionally, twelve Macrolycus species are newly described from China: M. aquilinus, M. baihualingensis, M. bicolor, M. guangxiensis, M. jianfenglingensis, M. kuatunensis, M. lizipingensis, M. parvus, M. phoeniceus, M. rhodoneurus, M. rosaceus and M. sichuanensis. Macrolycus holzschuhi is proposed to be a junior subjective synonym of M. jeanvoinei. The highest diversity of Macrolycus is found in southern China. The species from the main islands of Japan are placed in two species groups: M. excellens is a sister to remaining species of the M. murzini group and the M. flabellatus group is a monophylum of closely related species in a sister position to the M. bicolor group.  相似文献   

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