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The white-noise method of system identification has been applied to the transient light-growth response of a set of seven mutants of Phycomyces with abnormal phototropism, affected in genes madA to madG. The Wiener kernels, which represent the input-output relation of the light-growth response, have been evaluated for each of these mutants and the wild-type strain at a log-mean blue-light intensity of 0.1 W m-2. Additional experiments were done at 3x10-4 and 10 W m-2 on the madA strain C21 and wild-type. In the normal intensity range (0.1 W m-2) the madA mutant behaves similarly to wild-type, but, at high intensity, the madA response is about twice as strong as that of wild-type. Except for C21 (madA), the first-order kernels of all mutants were smaller than the wild-type kernel. The first-order kernels for C111 (madB) and L15 (madC) show a prolonged time course, and C111 has a longer latency. The kernels for C110 (madE), C316 (madF), and C307 (madG) have a shallow and extended negative phase. For C68 (madD), the latency and time course are shorter than in the wild-type. These features are also reflected in the parameters estimated from fits of the anlytical model introduced in the previous paper to the experimental transfer functions (Fourier transforms of the kernels). The kernel for L15 (madC) is described better by a model that lacks one of the two second-order low-pass filters, because its response kinetics are dynamically of lower order.  相似文献   

The light-growth responses of Phycomyces behavioral mutants, defective in genes madB, madC, and madH, were studied with the sum-of-sinusoids method of system identification. Modified phototropic action spectra of these mutants have indicated that they have altered photoreceptors (P. Galland and E.D. Lipson, 1985, Photochem. Photobiol. 41:331). In the two preceding papers, a kinetic model of the light-growth response system was developed and applied to wild-type frequency kernels at several wavelengths and temperatures. The present mutant studies were conducted at wavelength 477 nm. The log-mean intensity was 6 X 10(-2)W m-2 for the madB and madC night-blind mutants, and 10(-4)W m-2 for the madH hypertropic mutant. The prolonged light-growth responses of the madB and madC mutants are reflected in the reduced dynamic order of their frequency kernels. The linear response of the hypertropic mutant is essentially normal, but its nonlinear behavior shows modified dynamics. The behavior of these mutants can be accounted for by suitable modifications of the parametric model of the system. These modifications together support the hypothesis that an integrated complex mediates sensory transduction in the light responses and other responses of the sporangiophore.  相似文献   

The sum-of-sinusoids method of nonlinear system identification has been applied to the light-growth response of the Phycomyces sporangiophore. Experiments were performed on the Phycomyces tracking machine with the wild-type strain with single and double mutants affected in genes madA, madB, and madC. The sum-of-sinusoids test stimuli were applied to the logarithm of the light intensity. The log-mean intensity level was 10-1 Wm-2 and the wavelength was 477 nm. The system identification results are in the form of first- and second-order frequency kernels, which are related to temporal kernels that appear in the Wiener functional series. The first-order kernels agree well with those obtained previously by the white noise method. In particular, the madA madB and madB madC double mutants show very weak responses. With the superior precision of the sum-of-sinusoids methods, we have achieved sufficient resolution to measure and analyze their second-order kernels. The first- and second-order frequency kernels were interpreted by system analysis methods involving a nonlinear parametric model. In addition a nonparametric hypothesis concerning interactions of gene products was tested. Results from the interaction tests confirm the earlier conclusion that the madB and madC gene products interact. In addition, with the enhanced precision and with the extension to nonlinear analysis, we have found evidence of interaction of the madA gene product with the madB and madC gene products. Thus all three genes appear to have mutual interactions, presumably because of their close physical association in a photoreceptor complex.  相似文献   

The light-growth response of Phycomyces has been studied further with the sum-of-sinusoids method in the framework of the Wiener theory of nonlinear system identification. The response was treated as a black box with the logarithm of light intensity as the input and elongation rate as the output. The nonlinear input-output relation of the light-growth response can be represented mathematically by a set of weighting functions called kernels, which appear in the Wiener intergral series. The linear (first-order) kernels of wild type, and of single and double mutants affected in genes madA to madG were determined previously with Gaussian white noise test stimuli, and were used to investigate the interactions among the products of these genes (R.C. Poe, P. Pratap, and E.D. Lipson. 1986. Biol. Cybern. 55:105.). We have used the more precise sum-of-sinusoids method to extend the interaction studies, including both the first- and second-order kernels. Specifically, we have investigated interactions of the madH ("hypertropic") gene product with the madC ("night blind") and madG ("stiff") gene products. Experiments were performed on the Phycomyces tracking machine. The log-mean intensity of the stimulus was 6 x 10(-2) W m-2 and the wavelength was 477 nm. The first- and second-order kernels were analyzed in terms of nonlinear kinetic models.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The light-growth response of Phycomyces has been studied with the sum-of-sinusoids method of nonlinear system identification (Victor, J.D., and R.M. Shapley, 1980, Biophys. J., 29:459). This transient response of the sporangiophore has been treated as a black-box system with one input (logarithm of the light intensity, I) and one output (elongation rate). The light intensity was modulated so that log I, as a function of time, was a sum of sinusoids. The log-mean intensity was 10(-4) W m-2 and the wavelength was 477 nm. The first- and second-order frequency kernels, which represent the linear and nonlinear behavior of the system, were obtained from the Fourier transform of the response at the appropriate component and combination frequencies. Although the first-order kernel accounts for most of the response, there remains a significant nonlinearity beyond the logarithmic transducer presumed to occur at the input of the sensory transduction chain. From the analysis of the frequency kernels, we have derived a dynamic nonlinear model of the light-growth response system. The model consists of a nonlinear subsystem followed by a linear subsystem. The model parameters were estimated from a combined nonlinear least-squares fit to the first- and second-order frequency kernels.  相似文献   

The light-growth response of the Phycomyces sporangiophore is a transient change of elongation rate in response to changes in ambient blue-light intensity. The white-noise method of nonlinear system identification (Wiener-Lee-Schetzen theory) has been applied to this response, and the results have been interpreted by system analysis methods in the frequency domain. Experiments were performed on the Phycomyces tracking machine. Gaussian white-noise stimulus patterns were applied to the logarithm of the light intensity. The log-mean intensity of the broadband blue illumination was 0.1 W m-2 and the standard deviation of the Gaussian white-noise was 0.58 decades. The results, in the form of temporal functions called Wiener kernels, represent the input-output relation of the light-growth response system. The transfer function, which was obtained as the Fourier transform of the first-order kernel, was analyzed in the frequency domain in terms of a dynamic model that consisted of a first-order high-pass filter, two secondorder low-pass filters, a delay element, and a gain factor. Parameters in the model (cutoff frequencies, damping coefficients, latency, and gain constant) were evaluated by nonlinear least-squares methods applied to the complex-valued transfer function. Analysis of the second-order kernel in the frequency domain suggests that the residual nonlinearity of the system lies close to the input.  相似文献   

Ensminger PA  Lipson ED 《Planta》1991,184(4):506-509
Null-point action spectra of the light-growth response were measured for three mutants of Phycomyces blakesleeanus (Burgeff) and compared with the action spectrum of the wild type (WT). The action spectrum for L150, a recently isolated night-blind mutant, differs from the WT spectrum. The L150 action spectrum has a depression near 450 nm and small alterations in its long-wavelength cutoff, the same spectral regions where its photogravitropism action spectrum is altered. This indicates that the affected gene product influences both phototropism and the light-growth response. For L85, a hypertropic (madH) mutant, the light-growth-response action spectrum is very similar to that of WT even though the photogravitropism action spectrum of L85 has been shown previously to be altered in the near-UV region. The affected gene product in this mutant appears to affect phototropic transduction but not light-growth-response transduction. The action spectrum of C110, a stiff (madE) mutant, differs significantly from the WT spectrum near 500 nm, the same spectral region where sporangiophores of madE mutants have been shown to have small alterations in second-derivative absorption spectra. This indicates that the madE gene product may be physically associated with a photoreceptor complex, as predicted by system-analysis studies.Abbreviations SE standard error of the mean - UV ultraviolet light - Wt wild type I dedicated to Masaki Furuya on the occasion of his 65th birthdayWe thank H. Reiner Schaefer for performing some of the experiments and for help in data analysis, David Durant for computer programming, and Benjamin Horwitz for helpful discussions. This work was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (GM29707) to E.D. Lipson.  相似文献   

The light-growth response of the Phycomyces sporangiophore was studied further with the sum-of-sinusoids method of nonlinear system identification. The first- and second-order frequency kernels, which represent the input-output relation of the system, were determined at 12 wavelengths (383-529 nm) and 4 temperatures (17 degrees, 20 degrees, 23 degrees, and 26 degrees C). The parametric model of the light-growth response system, introduced in the preceding paper, consists of nonlinear and linear dynamic subsystems in cascade. The model parameters were analyzed as functions of wavelength and temperature. At longer wavelengths, the system becomes more nonlinear. The latency and the bandwidth (cutoff frequency) of the system also vary significantly with wavelength. In addition, the latency decreases progressively with temperature (Q10 = 1.6). At low temperature (17 degrees C), the bandwidth is reduced. The results indicate that about half of the latency is due to physical processes such as diffusion, and the other half to enzymatic reactions. The dynamics of the nonlinear subsystem also vary with wavelength. The dependence of various model components on wavelength supports the hypothesis that the light-growth response, as well as phototropism, are mediated by multiple interacting photoreceptors.  相似文献   

P. Galland  A. Palit  E. D. Lipson 《Planta》1985,165(4):538-547
The relationship between phototropism and the light-growth response of Phycomyces blakesleeanus (Burgeff) sporangiophores was investigated. After dark adaptation, stage-IVb sporangiophores were exposed to short pulses of unilateral light at 450 nm wavelength. The sporangiophores show a complex reaction to pulses of 30 s duration: maximal positive bending at 3·10-4 and 10-1 J m-2, but negative bending at 30 J m-2. The fluence dependence for the light-growth response also is complex, but in a different way than for phototropism; the first maximal response occurs at 1.8·10-3 J m-2 with a lesser maximum at 30 J m-2. A hypertropic mutant, L85 (madH), lacks the negative phototropism at 30 J m-2 but gives results otherwise similar to the wild type. The reciprocity rule was tested for several combinations of fluence rates and pulse durations that ranged from 1 ms to 30 s. Near the threshold fluence (3·10-5 J m-2), both responses increase for pulse durations below 67 ms and both have an optimum at 2 ms. At a fluence of 2.4·10-3 J m-2, both responses decrease for pulse durations below 67 ms. The hypertropic mutant (madH), investigated for low fluence only, gave similar results. In both strains, the time courses for phototropism and light-growth response, after single short pulses of various durations, show no clear correlation. These results imply that phototropism cannot be caused by linear superposition of localized light-growth responses; rather, they point to redistribution of growth substances as the cause of phototropism.  相似文献   

The light-growth response of Phycomyces blakesleeanus (Burgeff) is a transient change in elongation rate of the sporangiophore caused by a change in light intensity. Previous investigators have found that the light-growth response has many features in common with phototropism; the major difference is that only the light-growth response is adaptive. In order to better understand the light-growth response and its relationship to phototropism, we have developed a novel experimental protocol for determining light-growth-response action spectra and have examined the effect of the reference wavelength and intensity on the shape of the action spectrum. The null-point action spectrum obtained with broadband-blue reference light has a small peak near 400 nm, a flat region from 430 nm to 470 nm, and an approximately linear decline in the logarithm of relative effectiveness above 490 nm. The shape of the action spectrum is different when 450-nm reference light is used, as has been shown previously for the phototropic-balance action spectrum. However, the action spectrum of the light-growth response differs from that for phototropic balance, even when the same reference light (450 nm) is used. Moreover, for the light-growth response, the relative effectiveness of 383-nm light decreases as the intensity of the 450-nm reference light increases; this trend is the opposite of that previously found for phototropic balance. The dependence of the lightgrowth-response action spectrum on the reference wavelength, its difference from the phototropic-balance action spectrum, and the reference-intensity dependence of the relative effectiveness at 383 nm may be attributable to dichroic effects of the oriented photoreceptor(s), and to transduction processes that are unique to the light-growth response.I dedicated to Masaki Furuya on the occasion of his 65th birthdayThis work was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (GM29707) to E.D. Lipson. Anuradha Palit, Promod Pratap, and Benjamin Horwitz participated in the early phases of this work. We thank Leonid Fukshansky and Benjamin Horwitz for helpful discussions, David Durant for computer programming, and Steven Block for providing us with a C-language program of Reinsch's procedure for cubic spline interpolation. One of us (R.S.) gratefully acknowledges a junior faculty fellowship leave from the Department of Physics at Yale University.  相似文献   

Growth distribution in the light-growth response of Phycomyces   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Elongation of sporangiophores marked with numerous starch grains was photographically recorded in the steady state and during the light-growth response when the rate is more than doubled. From these records the spatial distribution of growth within the cell's growth zone was derived. Stimulation by a single saturating flash of light speeds growth proportionally in all parts of the growing zone, maintaining the same pattern of growth distribution as in the steady state. This finding implies that light is absorbed and acts locally throughout the length of the cell's growth zone. Cohen and Delbrück's proposal of a partial spatial separation of light reception and growth is discussed.  相似文献   

Light and dark adaptation in Phycomyces light-growth response   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Sporangiophores of the fungus Phycomyces exhibit adaptation to light stimuli over a dynamic range of 10(10). This range applies to both phototropism and the closely related light-growth response; in the latter response, the elongation rate is modulated transiently by changes in the light intensity. We have performed light- and dark- adaptation experiments on growing sporangiophores using an automated tracking machine that allows a continuous measurement of growth velocity under controlled conditions. The results are examined in terms of the adaptation model of Delbruck and Reichardt (1956, Cellular Mechanisms in Differentiation and Growth, 3-44). The "level of adaptation," A, was inferred from responses to test pulses of light by means of a series of intensity-response curves. For dark adaptation to steps down in the normal intensity range (10(-6)-10(-2) W/m2), A decays exponentially with a time constant b = 6.1 +/- 0.3 min. This result is in agreement with the model. Higher-order kinetics are indicated, however, for dark adaptation in the high-intensity range (10(-2)-1 W/m2). Adaptation in this range is compared with predictions of a model relating changes in A to the inactivation and recovery of a receptor pigment. In response to steps up in intensity in the normal range, A was found to increase rapidly, overshoot the applied intensity level, and then relax to that level within 40 min. These results are incompatible with the Delbruck-Reichardt model or any simple generalizations of it. The asymmetry and overshoot are similar to adaptation phenomena observed in systems as diverse as bacterial chemotaxis and human vision. It appears likely that light and dark adaptation in Phycomyces are mediated by altogether different processes.  相似文献   

A new class of Phycomyces behavioral mutants with enhanced tropic responses has been analyzed genetically to determine the number of genes involved and the nature of their expression. These hypertropic mutants carry pleiotropic nuclear mutations. Besides their effects on sensory behavior, they also affect morphology and meiotic processes. Behavioral analyses of heterokaryons containing hypertropic and wild-type nuclei in varying proportions show that the hypertropic mutations in strains L82, L84, L86, and L88 are strongly dominant. Conversely, the hypertropic mutations carried by the strains L83, L85, and L87 are strongly recessive. We performed recombination analyses between hypertropic mutants and mutants with diminished phototropism, affected in the seven genes madA to madG. We found no evidence of linkage between the hypertropic mutations and any of these mad mutations. From crosses, we isolated double mutants carrying hypertropic mutations together with madC (night blind) and madG (stiff) mutations. The behavioral phenotypes of the double mutants are intermediate between those of the parentals. Complementation analyses show that the three recessive hypertropic mutations affect the same gene, which we call madH. The expression of the recessive hypertropic allele becomes dominant in heterokaryons carrying madC and madH nuclei; the madC gene has been implicated separately with the photoreceptor at the input to the sensory pathway, while the madH gene is associated with the growth control output. This result suggests the physical interaction of both gene products, madH and madC, in a molecular complex for the photosensory transduction chain.  相似文献   

Stage IVb sporangiophores of Phycomyces grow into the wind--the anemotropic response--and away from gravity--the geotropic response. A procedure has been designed to measure the equilibrium bend angle that results when the two stimuli are given simultaneously over a long period of time. This angle will be referred to as the anemogeotropic equilibrium angle. This measurement of a sensory response is analogous to the photogeotropic equilibrium angle in which the variable stimulus is light instead of wind. We have found that the anemogeotropic angle, measured relative to the vertical, increases with both increasing wind speed and increasing relative humidity of the wind stimulus. This finding is new and argues against a major prediction of the mass transfer model that anemogeotropism and relative humidity are inversely related. Data from these anemogeotropic experiments further suggest that the self-emitted gas responsible for both the anemotropic response and the avoidance response is water.  相似文献   

Using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, we have analyzed proteins from a plasma membrane-enriched fraction from Phycomyces sporangiophores. Specifically, we have compared gels for night-blind mutants and a wild-type strain to find proteins involved in the early steps of the sensory transduction chain for phototropism. In the gels for a mutant affected in the gene madA, a protein spot [51 kilodaltons (kdal) and pI 6.35] appears that is absent from the wild-type and the other mad mutants. Mutants affected in either of two madB alleles lack a protein spot (57 kdal and pI 6.6) that is present in the wild-type and all other mad strains; this spot probably represents the madB gene product. In some madC mutants, two spots (59 kdal, pI 6.5, with a covalently linked flavin; and 50 kdal, pI 6.4) are absent; however, in other madC strains, one or both of these spots are present. These four protein spots that are altered in madA, madB, and madC mutants may represent components of the photoreceptor complex responsible for phototropism in Phycomyces.This work was supported in part by an equipment grant to JAP from the Syracuse University Senate Research Committee, research grants to EDL from the National Science Foundation (PCM-8003915 and DMB-8316458), and a fellowship to EDL from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.  相似文献   

Mutants resistant to nikkomycin, an inhibitor of chitin biosynthesis, were isolated after exposure of wild-type spores of the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus to N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Genetic analysis revealed that nikkomycin resistance was due to mutations in a single gene, chsA. Mutants and wild type grew equally well in the absence of nikkomycin. In contrast to the wild type, whose spore germination and mycelial growth were inhibited by 5 μM nikkomycin, chsA mutants grew reasonably well in the presence of 50 μM nikkomycin. Chitin synthesis in vivo was much less affected by the drug in the mutants than in the wild type. Resistance was not due to impaired uptake or detoxification of the drug. Analysis of the kinetics of chitin synthesis in vitro showed that the mutants had a decreased Ka for the allosteric activator, N-acetylglucosamine, and gross alterations in nikkomycin inhibition kinetics. These results indicate that chsA is the structural gene for chitin synthetase, or at least for the polypeptide that bears the catalytic and allosteric sites.  相似文献   

Phycomyces: electrical response to light stimuli   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Electrical signals have been detected in response to light excitation of the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus. These signals are related to the wavelength and intensity of the stimulus and the growth stage of the fungus. A relationship between the signals and the possible photoreceptor-pigment system is explored.  相似文献   

Phycomyces is a fungal producer of beta-carotene and other beneficial metabolites. Several erg mutants of Phycomyces, originally selected to study the effects of membrane alteration on physiological responses, have now been used to gain information about sterol biosynthesis in filamentous fungi. One mutant, H23, and its progeny were found to be blocked at episterol C-5 dehydrogenase and did not produce ergosterol or any other sterol with a conjugated Delta(5,7) diene system. This mutant showed abnormal phototropism, which was correlated with the altered sterol composition. Another mutant, H25, seems to be a regulatory mutant. All analyzed mutants synthesized ergosta-7,22,24(28)-trien-3beta-ol, demonstrating for the first time that the sterol C-22 dehydrogenase of Phycomyces is capable of recognizing sterols with a 24(28) unsaturated side chain. New evidence regarding the biogenesis of neoergosterol and phycomysterols, the potential sparking function of cholesterol, as well as the regulation of sterol biosynthesis in this fungus is also reported. Given these results, a pathway for sterol biosynthesis in Phycomyces is proposed.  相似文献   

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