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胚胎干细胞(Embryonic stem cells, ESCs)是一类能够无限增殖和诱导分化为多种类型细胞的干细胞。MicroRNA(miRNA)是一类内源性具有调控基因表达功能的非编码RNA, 在ESCs增殖和分化过程中起重要作用。MiRNA可以通过对ESCs多能性网络中的转录因子、细胞周期、表观遗传学、信号转导等方面调控, 促使ESCs维持多能性状态。文章重点综述了miRNA的生成过程、调控ESCs多能性的主要miRNA家族以及miRNA对ESCs多能性网络调控作用等内容。  相似文献   

Nanog and transcriptional networks in embryonic stem cell pluripotency   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Pan G  Thomson JA 《Cell research》2007,17(1):42-49

The derivation of ES cells is poorly understood and varies in efficiency between different strains of mice. We have investigated potential differences between embryos of permissive and recalcitrant strains during diapause and ES cell derivation. We found that in diapause embryos of the recalcitrant C57BL/6 and CBA strains, the epiblast failed to expand during the primary explant phase of ES cell derivation, whereas in the permissive 129 strain, it expanded dramatically. Epiblasts from the recalcitrant strains could be expanded by reducing Erk activation. Isolation of 129 epiblasts facilitated very efficient derivation of ES cell lines in serum- and feeder-free conditions, but reduction of Erk activity was required for derivation of ES cells from isolated C57BL/6 or CBA epiblasts. The results suggest that the discrepancy in ES cell derivation efficiency is not attributable merely to variable prodifferentiative effects of the extra-embryonic lineages but also to an intrinsic variability within the epiblast to maintain pluripotency.  相似文献   

The fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling pathway is one of the most ubiquitous in biology. It has diverse roles in development, differentiation and cancer. Embryonic stem (ES) cells are in vitro cell lines capable of differentiating into all the lineages of the conceptus. As such they have the capacity to differentiate into derivatives of all three germ layers and to some extent the extra‐embryonic lineages as well. Given the prominent role of FGF signalling in early embryonic development, we explore the role of this pathway in early ES cell differentiation towards the major lineages of the embryo. As early embryonic differentiation is intricately choreographed at the level of morphogenetic movement, adherent ES cell culture affords a unique opportunity to study the basic steps in early lineage specification in the absence of ever shifting complex in vivo microenvironments. Thus recent experiments in ES cell differentiation are able to pinpoint specific FGF dependent lineage transitions that are difficult to resolve in vivo. Here we review the role of FGF signalling in early development alongside the ES cell data and suggest that FGF dependent signalling via phospho‐Erk activation maybe a major mediator of transitions in lineage specification. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 10–20, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A major goal of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research is to regulate differentiation through external means to generate specific cell types with high purity for regenerative medicine applications. Although all hESC lines express pluripotency‐associated genes, their differentiation ability to various lineages differs considerably. We have compared spontaneous differentiation propensity of the two hESC lines, RelicellhES1 and BG01. Spontaneous differentiation of hESC lines grown in different media conditions was followed by differentiation using two methods. Kinetic data generated by real‐time gene expression studies for differentiated cell types were analyzed, and confirmed at protein levels. Both cell lines showed upregulation of genes associated with the 3 germ layers, although stark contrast was evident in the magnitude of upregulation of lineage specific genes. A distinct difference was also found in the rate at which the pluripoteny factors, Oct‐4 and Nanog, were downregulated during differentiation. Once differentiation was initiated, both Oct‐4 and Nanog gene expression was drastically reduced in RelicellhES1, whereas a gradual decrease was observed in BG01. A clear trend is seen in RelicellhES1 to differentiate into neuroectodermal and mesenchymal lineages, whereas BG01 cells are more prone to mesoderm and endoderm development. In addition, suspension versus plated methods of cell culture significantly influenced the outcome of differentiation of certain types of cells. Results obtained by spontaneous differentiation of hESCs were also amplified by induced differentiation. Thus, differential rates of downregulation of pluripotency markers along with culture conditions seem to play an important role in determining the developmental bias of human ES cell lines.  相似文献   

The development of efficient and reproducible culture systems for embryonic stem (ES) cells is an essential pre‐requisite for regenerative medicine. Culture scale‐up ensuring maintenance of cell pluripotency is a central issue, because large amounts of pluripotent cells must be generated to warrant that differentiated cells deriving thereof are transplanted in great amounts and survive the procedure. This study aimed to develop a robust scalable cell expansion system, using a murine embryonic stem cell line that is feeder‐dependent and adapted to serum‐free medium, thus representing a more realistic model for human ES cells. We showed that high concentrations of murine ES cells can be obtained in stirred microcarrier‐based spinner cultures, with a 10‐fold concentration of cells per volume of medium and a 5‐fold greater cell concentration per surface area, as compared to static cultures. No differences in terms of pluripotency and differentiation capability were observed between cells grown in traditional static systems and cells that were replated onto the traditional system after being expanded on microcarriers in the stirred system. This was verified by morphological analyses, quantification of cells expressing important pluripotency markers (Oct‐4, SSEA‐1, and SOX2), karyotype profile, and the ability to form embryoid bodies with similar sizes, and maintaining their intrinsic ability to differentiate into all three germ layers. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

LIF (leukaemia inhibitory factor) is commonly used to maintain mouse embryonic stem cells in an undifferentiated state. These cells spontaneously differentiate when allowed to aggregate in the absence of LIF, forming embryoid bodies in which early embryonic cell lineages develop. Using embryoid bodies cultured in the presence and absence of LIF, we show that although LIF inhibited the development of visceral and parietal endodermal cells, it did not affect the differentiation of the primitive endodermal cell precursors of these extraembryonic cell lineages. Furthermore, deposition of the basement membrane produced by the primitive endodermal cells, which separates them from the remaining cells of the embryoid body, still occurred. The differentiation of primitive ectodermal cells and their progeny was inhibited by LIF, as evidenced by the lack of expression of FGF-5, muscle, and neuronal markers. However, cavitation of the embryoid body and maintenance of the cells in contact with the primitive endodermal basement membrane as an epiblast epithelium still occurred normally in the presence of LIF. These results indicate that cavitation and formation of the epiblast epithelium are regulated by mechanisms distinct from those controlling the differentiation of epiblast cell lineages. Furthermore, although epithelium formation and cavitation do not require the differentiation of visceral endodermal cells, the results are consistent with the hypothesis that the primitive endodermal basement membrane is sufficient to induce the epithelialization of undifferentiated embryonic stem cells necessary for cavitation.  相似文献   

Developmental potential was assessed in 8 intra-specific and 20 inter-specific hybrid clones obtained by fusion of embryonic stem (ES) cells with either splenocytes or fetal fibroblasts. Number of chromosomes derived from ES cells in these hybrid clones was stable while contribution of somatic partner varied from single chromosomes to complete complement. This allowed us to compare pluripotency of the hybrid cells with various numbers of somatic chromosomes. Three criteria were used for the assessment: (i) expression of Oct-4 and Nanog genes; (ii) analyses of teratomas generated by subcutaneous injections of the tested cells into immunodeficient mice; (iii) contribution of the hybrid cells in chimeras generated by injection of the tested cells into C57BL blastocysts. All tested hybrid clones showed expression of Oct-4 and Nanog at level comparable to ES cells. Histological and immunofluorescent analyses demonstrated that most teratomas formed from the hybrid cells with different number of somatic chromosomes contained derivatives of three embryonic layers. Tested hybrid clones make similar contribution in various tissues of chimeras in spite of significant differences in the number of somatic chromosomes they contained. The data indicate that pluripotency is manifested as a dominant trait in the ES hybrid cells and does not depend substantially on the number of somatic chromosomes. The latter suggests that the developmental potential derived from ES cells is maintained in ES-somatic cell hybrids by cis-manner and is rather resistant to trans-acting factors emitted from the somatic one.  相似文献   

The Oct4 gene is a master regulator of the pluripotent properties of embryonic stem cells (ESCs). Recently, Oct4 loci were shown to frequently localize in close proximity to one another during the early stage of cellular differentiation, implicating this event as an important prerequisite step for ESCs to exert their full differentiation potential. Although the differentiation capacity of embryonal carcinoma cells (ECCs), such as F9 and P19 ECC lines, is severely restricted compared with ESCs, ECCs bear a highly similar expression profile to that of ESCs including expression of Oct4 and other pluripotency marker genes. Therefore, we examined whether allelic pairing of Oct4 loci also occurs during differentiation of F9 and P19 ECCs. Our data clearly demonstrate that this event is only observed within ESCs, but not ECCs, subjected to induction of differentiation, indicating transient allelic pairing of Oct4 loci as a specific feature of pluripotent ESCs. Moreover, our data revealed that this pairing did not occur broadly across chromosome 17, which carries the Oct4 gene, but occurred locally between Oct4 loci, suggesting that Oct4 loci somehow exert a driving force for their allelic pairing.  相似文献   

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