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The genus Agaricus was recently rearranged to accommodate numerous tropical taxa. Accordingly, the genus was split into six subgenera and 22 sections of which 12 are included in A. subg. Pseudochitonia. Preliminary data indicated that three putative new species belong to this subgenus. Our objectives were to describe these species, to determine to which sections they belong, and to experience the interest of some traditional traits in this new context. We morphologically described Agaricus coniferarum from France and Portugal, Agaricus iranicus from Iran, and Agaricus lusitanicus from Portugal. Multi-gene phylogenetic analyses based on ITS, LSU, and tef1 sequence data of representatives of the 12 sections clearly indicated that A. coniferarum and A. lusitanicus are placed in Agaricus sect. Bohusia, while A. iranicus is in A. sect. Sanguinolenti. Incidentally, we replaced the illegitimate name Agaricus magnivelaris by Agaricus fiardianus. In a phylogenetic tree, based on all available ITS sequence data and focussing on six related sections, we examined the phylogenetic distribution of various characters. The intensity of red discolouration when the sporocarp is rubbed or cut appeared as a phylogenetically weak informative trait. We propose a determination key leading to a group of three hardly distinguishable sections (Bohusia, Nigrobrunnescentes, and Sanguinolenti).  相似文献   

王龙 《菌物学报》2013,32(Z1):136-144
报道分离自中国山东泰山土壤的曲霉属焦曲霉组的一个新种——类开费曲霉Aspergillus keveioides.基于形态学及钙调蛋白、β-微管蛋白基因部分序列和核糖体DNAITSl-5.8S-ITS2序列分析的证据支持新种的建立.  相似文献   

A new species ofTalaromyces, characterized by development of unusual deep green ascomata on common media, is described and given the nameTalaromyces euchlorocarpius. This species, isolated from soil, also produces ellipsoidal, spinose ascospores, typically biverticillate penicilli, large ellipsoidal, smooth-walled conidia, and is assigned to the seriesLutei of the sectionTalaromyces.  相似文献   

A new species ofNeosartorya, N. sublevispora (anam.Aspergillus sublevisporus), is described and photographed. The species is characterized by non-ostiolate ascomata covered loosely with a pale yellowish hyphal envelope, lenticular ascospores with two low equatorial crests, and subglobose to ellipsoidal, microtuberculate conidia. The ornamentation of ascospores, which is composed of two closely appreassed crests and small even-sized echines on their convex surfaces, particularly serves to distinguish this species from other recognized species. A revised key to all accepted species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

The ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) systems were determined for 176 teleomorphic isolates, 14 anamorphic isolates, and three samples of fruit-bodies of Dendrosphaera eberhardtii, which belonged to Eurotiales, Onygenales, and related taxa. In Eurotiales, Ascosphaera had Q-9, whereas Bettsia had Q-10. All isolates of Monascaceae had the Q-10 system, whereas those of four genera of Pseudeurotiaceae had the Q-10(H2) system. The Q-10(H2) system was found in genera of Trichocomaceae, except for Aspergillus, Penicillium, Paecilomyces, and their related taxa. However, Thermoascus had the Q-9 system. In Onygenales, members of Arthrodermataceae had Q-9, and those of Gymnoascaceae had Q-10(H2). Isolates of Myxotrichaceae were characterized by Q-10(H2) with few exceptions, which had Q-10. The quinones of Onygenaceae belonged to complex systems, i.e., Q-9, 0-10 and 0-10(H2), and a combination of two systems. Families Onygenaceae and Trichocomaceae are likely a phylogenetic heterogeneity. Ubiquinone analysis provides a very useful criterion of great promise for classifying eurotialean taxa and also for identifying their isolates.  相似文献   

Aspergillus nomius is described and represents a new aflatoxigenic species phenotypically similar to A. flavus. Strains examined were isolated from insects and agricultural commodities. Separation from A. flavus is based on the presence of indeterminate sclerotia and a lower growth temperature. Comparisons of DNA relatedness show A. nomius to have only relatively recently evolved from A. flavus and A. tamarii.  相似文献   

Aspergillus taichungensis isolated from a soil sample collected in Taiwan is described as a new species. The new species is characterized by its restricted growth on Czapek's and malt extract agars and its white to light yellow colonies, radiate conidial heads, smooth and often diminutive conidiophores, hemispherical to elongate vesicles with biseriate aspergilla (conidiogenous cells), globose, micro-verrucose conidia and dark brown sclerotia. The species somewhat resemblesA. versicolor, A. terreus andA. flavipes, but differs in cultural and morphological details, and is considered to represent an interface species in the subgenusNidulantes.  相似文献   

Aspergillus takadae is characterized by its heterothallic reproduction, pale yellow cleistothecia, broadly lenticular ascospores with two short equatorial crests and smooth convex surfaces, and broadly ellipsoidal to ovate conidia with a smooth wall. The validation of these novel species is supported further by the analyses of the β-tubulin, calmodulin, actin, and RPB2 sequences. In addition, the phylogenetic tree and DDBJ accession numbers of all the species of Aspergillus section Fumigati are presented. We report on the crossing of A. takadae species and the result of crossing A. takadae with a closely related species, A. spathulatus.  相似文献   

The species Hebeloma vesterholtii spec. nov. is described. It is morphologically and molecularly closely related to Hebeloma theobrominum from which it can be distinguished using either morphological or molecular characters. Both of these species belong to section Theobromina. The new species is known from 13 collections from six European countries.  相似文献   

A new species ofAspergillus, A. salviicola, has been isolated from Turkish sage, an imported spice in Japan. The species, characterized by white to rosy buff conidial heads, pinkish smooth-walled conidiophores, large biseriate aspergilla, globose smooth-walled conidia, absence of sclerotia and thermotolerant growth, is considered to represent an interface species in the subgenusCircumdati.  相似文献   

Three new aflatoxin-producing species belonging to Aspergillus section Flavi are described. They are Aspergillus mottae, A. sergii and A. transmontanensis. These species were isolated from Portuguese almonds and maize. An investigation examined morphology, extrolite production and DNA sequence data to characterize these isolates and describe the new species. Phylogenetic analysis showed that A. transmontanensis and A. sergii form a clade with A. parasiticus whereas A. mottae shares a most recent common ancestor with the combined A. flavus and A. parasiticus clade.  相似文献   

An oomycetous fungus Phytophthora causing fruit rot is the most devastating disease of arecanut in different agro-climatic zones of Karnataka with varied climatic profiles. The main aim of this investigation was to characterize the geo-distant Phytophthora populations infecting arecanut using robust morphological, multi-gene phylogeny and haplotype analysis. A total of 48 geo-distant fruit rot infected samples were collected during the South-West monsoon of 2017–19. Pure culture of the suspected pathogen was isolated from the infected nuts and pathogenic ability was confirmed and characterized. Colony morphology revealed typical whitish mycelium with stellate or petalloid pattern and appearance with torulose hyphae. Sporangia were caducous, semipapillate or papillate, globose, ellipsoid or ovoid-obpyriform in shape and sporangiophores were irregularly branched or simple sympodial in nature. Subsequent multi-gene phylogeny (ITS, β-tub, TEF-1α and Cox-II) and sequence analysis confirmed the identity of oomycete as Phytophthora meadii which is predominant across the regions studied. We identified 49 haplotypes representing the higher haplotype diversity with varying relative haplotype frequency. Comprehensive study confirmed the existence of substantial variability among geo-distant populations (n = 48) of P. meadii. The knowledge on population dynamics of the pathogen causing fruit rot of arecanut generated from this investigation would aid in developing appropriate disease management strategies to curtail its further occurrence and spread in arecanut ecosystem.  相似文献   

Aspergillus caatingaensis and A. pernambucoensis, isolated from semi-desert soil in caatinga area, the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, are described and illustrated. Aspergillus caatingaensis is characterized by its white cleistothecia, broadly lenticular ascospores with four equatorial crests and irregularly ribbed to slightly reticulate with aculeate convex surfaces, and ellipsoidal to broadly ellipsoidal conidia with a smooth wall. Aspergillus pernambucoensis is characterized by its, white cleistothecia, lenticular ascospores with two equatorial crests and irregularly ribbed with tuberculate to verrucate convex surfaces, and ovoid to broadly ellipsoidal conidia with a smooth wall. The validation of these new species is supported further by analyses of the β-tubulin, calmodulin and actin gene sequences.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of molecular data (COI, 16SrDNA, 18SrDNA, and 28SrDNA) show that the hesionid genus Gyptis Marion & Bobretzky in Marion, 1874, and the tribe Gyptini Pleijel, 1998, are nonmonophyletic as currently delineated. We introduce the new tribe Amphidurini and the new genus Neogyptis to accommodate these new findings. Amphidurini is sister to Gyptini and Ophiodromini and includes Amphiduros Hartman, 1959, Amphiduropsis, Pleijel, 2001, Neogyptis gen. nov. , and, possibly, Parahesione Pettibone, 1956. Morphologically, Amphidurini can be separated from Gyptini by the distally, rather than subdistally, inserted ventral cirri, and Neogyptis by the combination of this feature, the presence of a median antenna, and a distal ring with papillae on the proboscis. We redescribe and transfer the four species Gyptis crypta Pleijel, 1993, Gyptis mediterranea Pleijel, 1993, Gyptis plurisetis Hilbig, 1992, and Gyptis rosea (Malm, 1874) from Gyptis to Neogyptis gen. nov. , and describe five new species from shallow waters in Belize, Hong Kong, off Vladivostok, and deep‐sea hydrothermal vents in the Lau Basin off Fiji.  相似文献   

本文报道分离自贵州省土壤的拟棘壳孢属Pyrenochaetopsis真菌一新种,对该种结合形态特征及分子系统学分析明确其分类地位,命名为土栖拟棘壳孢Pyrenochaetopsis terricola;编制了该属13个已知种的分种检索表。研究标本保存于贵州大学植物病理学实验室(HGUP)和中国微生物菌种保藏管理委员会普通微生物中心(CGMCC)。  相似文献   

“亚东黑耳”是西藏近几年备受关注的一种特色野生珍稀食用菌,但对其分类学地位尚无定论。本文基于分子系统学和形态学研究了东亚、欧洲和北美洲与亚东黑耳相近的黑耳属标本,发现碟形黑耳Exidia recisa是个物种复合群,已知包括4个种,欧洲有碟形黑耳和浅波黑耳E. repanda两个种,北美洲有钝齿黑耳E. crenata,东亚的为1新种,本文将其描述为亚东黑耳Exidia yadongensis。这4个种在系统发育关系中相近,形态相似,但亚东黑耳的子实体边缘基本是全缘,担孢子大小为12-16×3-4μm (Q=3.62-3.83),而欧洲的碟形黑耳E. recisa和北美洲的钝齿黑耳E. crenata子实体边缘通常锯齿状,担孢子分别为13-15.5×2.8-3.8μm (Q=4.51)和12-14×3-4μm (Q=4.11),浅波黑耳E. repanda具有垫状至波浪状折叠的子实体,区别于其他3个种的盘状至耳状的子实体,其担孢子为12.7-15.7×2.8-3.7μm (Q=4.33-4.57)。此外,亚东黑耳具有树状分枝和叉形的子实层侧丝,但其他3个种只有树状分枝的子实层侧丝。尽管亚东黑耳广泛分布于东亚地区,但由于亚东黑耳的汉语名称已经在中国普遍使用,所以我们提出了上述拉丁学名。  相似文献   

杜蕊  戴玉成 《菌物学报》2020,39(4):637-644
本文报道了产自斯里兰卡的干皮孔菌属一个新种,该种的主要特征是具有平伏反卷或具菌盖的子实体,很小的孔口(每毫米8-10个),菌丝系统二系,生殖菌丝覆盖有刺状结晶,骨架菌丝橙棕色,细腊肠状担孢子(2.7-3.4×0.5-0.8μm)。基于ITS和nLSU序列的系统发育分析表明该新种属于干皮孔菌属的一个明确的分支。此外,将毛孔菌属组合到干皮孔菌属中,并报道了3个组合种,白边干皮孔菌、印度干皮孔菌和萨彦干皮孔菌。  相似文献   

New remains from the La Meseta (Thanetian – Lutetian) and Submeseta (Lutetian – Rupelian) formations (Seymour Island, Antarctica) are tentatively assigned to Diomedeidae and Procellariidae (Procellariiformes). Based on the fossil record and several analyses that attempt to explain the evolutionary patterns of Diomedeidae, Notoleptos giglii gen. et sp. nov., based on a small tarsometatarsus, was an ancestral form that lived in Antarctica before the rise of large-sized albatrosses. Subsequent environmental cooling since the late Oligocene could have selected against small body size, to the detriment of small-sized albatrosses like Notoleptos, thus favoring large body size and setting the stage for the development of the specialized albatross flight.

ZooBank ID (LSID): urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C8D9C862-1536-4EA3-8A76-70903AA75639  相似文献   

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