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The enzymes of the β-decarboxylating dehydrogenase superfamily catalyze the oxidative decarboxylation of d-malate-based substrates with various specificities. Here, we show that, in addition to its natural function affording bacterial growth on d-malate as a carbon source, the d-malate dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli (EcDmlA) naturally expressed from its chromosomal gene is capable of complementing leucine auxotrophy in a leuB strain lacking the paralogous isopropylmalate dehydrogenase enzyme. To our knowledge, this is the first example of an enzyme that contributes with a physiologically relevant level of activity to two distinct pathways of the core metabolism while expressed from its chromosomal locus. EcDmlA features relatively high catalytic activity on at least three different substrates (l(+)-tartrate, d-malate, and 3-isopropylmalate). Because of these properties both in vivo and in vitro, EcDmlA may be defined as a generalist enzyme. Phylogenetic analysis highlights an ancient origin of DmlA, indicating that the enzyme has maintained its generalist character throughout evolution. We discuss the implication of these findings for protein evolution.  相似文献   

In this thematic minireview series, the JBC presents five provocative articles on Enzyme Evolution. The reviews discuss stimulating concepts that include the emergence of primordial catalysts at temperatures that were considerably warmer than present day ones and the impact of the cooling environment on the evolution of catalytic fitness and the preservation of catalysis-promoting conformational dynamics. They also discuss the use of Urzymes or invariant modules in enzyme superfamilies as paradigms for understanding the evolution of catalytic efficiency and specificity, the use of bioinformatics approaches to understand the roles of substrate ambiguity and catalytic promiscuity as drivers of evolution, and the challenges associated with assigning catalytic function as the number of superfamily members grows rapidly.  相似文献   

Catalytic promiscuity and substrate ambiguity are keys to evolvability, which in turn is pivotal to the successful acquisition of novel biological functions. Action on multiple substrates (substrate ambiguity) can be harnessed for performance of functions in the cell that supersede catalysis of a single metabolite. These functions include proofreading, scavenging of nutrients, removal of antimetabolites, balancing of metabolite pools, and establishing system redundancy. In this review, we present examples of enzymes that perform these cellular roles by leveraging substrate ambiguity and then present the structural features that support both specificity and ambiguity. We focus on the phosphatases of the haloalkanoate dehalogenase superfamily and the thioesterases of the hotdog fold superfamily.  相似文献   

The hydride transfer reaction catalyzed by dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) is a model for examining how protein dynamics contribute to enzymatic function. The relationship between functional motions and enzyme evolution has attracted significant attention. Recent studies on N23PP Escherichia coli DHFR (ecDHFR) mutant, designed to resemble parts of the human enzyme, indicated a reduced single turnover rate. NMR relaxation dispersion experiments with that enzyme showed rigidification of millisecond Met-20 loop motions (Bhabha, G., Lee, J., Ekiert, D. C., Gam, J., Wilson, I. A., Dyson, H. J., Benkovic, S. J., and Wright, P. E. (2011) Science 332, 234–238). A more recent study of this mutant, however, indicated that fast motions along the reaction coordinate are actually more dispersed than for wild-type ecDHFR (WT). Furthermore, a double mutant (N23PP/G51PEKN) that better mimics the human enzyme seems to restore both the single turnover rates and narrow distribution of fast dynamics (Liu, C. T., Hanoian, P., French, T. H., Hammes-Schiffer, S., and Benkovic, S. J. (2013) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 110, 10159–11064). Here, we measured intrinsic kinetic isotope effects for both N23PP and N23PP/G51PEKN double mutant DHFRs over a temperature range. The findings indicate that although the C-H→C transfer and dynamics along the reaction coordinate are impaired in the altered N23PP mutant, both seem to be restored in the N23PP/G51PEKN double mutant. This indicates that the evolution of G51PEKN, although remote from the Met-20 loop, alleviated the loop rigidification that would have been caused by N23PP, enabling WT-like H-tunneling. The correlation between the calculated dynamics, the nature of C-H→C transfer, and a phylogenetic analysis of DHFR sequences are consistent with evolutionary preservation of the protein dynamics to enable H-tunneling from well reorganized active sites.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses have identified positive selection as an important driver of protein evolution, both structural and functional. However, the lack of appropriate combined functional and structural assays has generally hindered attempts to elucidate patterns of positively selected sites and their effects on enzyme activity and substrate specificity. In this study we investigated the evolutionary divergence of the glutathione S-transferase (GST) family in Pinus tabuliformis, a pine that is widely distributed from northern to central China, including cold temperate and drought-stressed regions. GSTs play important roles in plant stress tolerance and detoxification. We cloned 44 GST genes from P. tabuliformis and found that 26 of the 44 belong to the largest (Tau) class of GSTs and are differentially expressed across tissues and developmental stages. Substitution models identified five positively selected sites in the Tau GSTs. To examine the functional significance of these positively selected sites, we applied protein structural modeling and site-directed mutagenesis. We found that four of the five positively selected sites significantly affect the enzyme activity and specificity; thus their variation broadens the GST family substrate spectrum. In addition, positive selection has mainly acted on secondary substrate binding sites or sites close to (but not directly at) the primary substrate binding site; thus their variation enables the acquisition of new catalytic functions without compromising the protein primary biochemical properties. Our study sheds light on selective aspects of the functional and structural divergence of the GST family in pine and other organisms.  相似文献   

Mammalian glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is a housekeeping enzyme central to the metabolism of glutamate. Its activity is potently inhibited by GTP (IC50 = 0.1–0.3 μm) and thought to be controlled by the need of the cell in ATP. Estrogens are also known to inhibit mammalian GDH, but at relatively high concentrations. Because, in addition to this housekeeping human (h) GDH1, humans have acquired via a duplication event an hGDH2 isoform expressed in human cortical astrocytes, we tested here the interaction of estrogens with the two human isoenzymes. The results showed that, under base-line conditions, diethylstilbestrol potently inhibited hGDH2 (IC50 = 0.08 ± 0.01 μm) and with ∼18-fold lower affinity hGDH1 (IC50 = 1.67 ± 0.06 μm; p < 0.001). Similarly, 17β-estradiol showed a ∼18-fold higher affinity for hGDH2 (IC50 = 1.53 ± 0.24 μm) than for hGDH1 (IC50 = 26.94 ± 1.07 μm; p < 0.001). Also, estriol and progesterone were more potent inhibitors of hGDH2 than hGDH1. Structure/function analyses revealed that the evolutionary R443S substitution, which confers low basal activity, was largely responsible for sensitivity of hGDH2 to estrogens. Inhibition of both human GDHs by estrogens was inversely related to their state of activation induced by ADP, with the slope of this correlation being steeper for hGDH2 than for hGDH1. Also, the study of hGDH1 and hGDH2 mutants displaying different states of activation revealed that the affinity of estrogen for these enzymes correlated inversely (R = 0.99; p = 0.0001) with basal catalytic activity. Because astrocytes are known to synthesize estrogens, these hormones, by interacting potently with hGDH2 in its closed state, may contribute to regulation of glutamate metabolism in brain.  相似文献   

The C-terminal domain (C(t)-FDH) of 10-formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (FDH, ALDH1L1) is an NADP(+)-dependent oxidoreductase and a structural and functional homolog of aldehyde dehydrogenases. Here we report the crystal structures of several C(t)-FDH mutants in which two essential catalytic residues adjacent to the nicotinamide ring of bound NADP(+), Cys-707 and Glu-673, were replaced separately or simultaneously. The replacement of the glutamate with an alanine causes irreversible binding of the coenzyme without any noticeable conformational changes in the vicinity of the nicotinamide ring. Additional replacement of cysteine 707 with an alanine (E673A/C707A double mutant) did not affect this irreversible binding indicating that the lack of the glutamate is solely responsible for the enhanced interaction between the enzyme and the coenzyme. The substitution of the cysteine with an alanine did not affect binding of NADP(+) but resulted in the enzyme lacking the ability to differentiate between the oxidized and reduced coenzyme: unlike the wild-type C(t)-FDH/NADPH complex, in the C707A mutant the position of NADPH is identical to the position of NADP(+) with the nicotinamide ring well ordered within the catalytic center. Thus, whereas the glutamate restricts the affinity for the coenzyme, the cysteine is the sensor of the coenzyme redox state. These conclusions were confirmed by coenzyme binding experiments. Our study further suggests that the binding of the coenzyme is additionally controlled by a long-range communication between the catalytic center and the coenzyme-binding domain and points toward an α-helix involved in the adenine moiety binding as a participant of this communication.  相似文献   

The β-hydroxyacid dehydrogenases form a large family of ubiquitous enzymes that catalyze oxidation of various β-hydroxy acid substrates to corresponding semialdehydes. Several known enzymes include β-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, 2-(hydroxymethyl)glutarate dehydrogenase, and phenylserine dehydrogenase, but the vast majority of β-hydroxyacid dehydrogenases remain uncharacterized. Here, we demonstrate that the predicted β-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase PA0743 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa catalyzes an NAD+-dependent oxidation of l-serine and methyl-l-serine but exhibits low activity against β-hydroxyisobutyrate. Two crystal structures of PA0743 were solved at 2.2–2.3-Å resolution and revealed an N-terminal Rossmann fold domain connected by a long α-helix to the C-terminal all-α domain. The PA0743 apostructure showed the presence of additional density modeled as HEPES bound in the interdomain cleft close to the predicted catalytic Lys-171, revealing the molecular details of the PA0743 substrate-binding site. The structure of the PA0743-NAD+ complex demonstrated that the opposite side of the enzyme active site accommodates the cofactor, which is also bound near Lys-171. Site-directed mutagenesis of PA0743 emphasized the critical role of four amino acid residues in catalysis including the primary catalytic residue Lys-171. Our results provide further insight into the molecular mechanisms of substrate selectivity and activity of β-hydroxyacid dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

The human NAD-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) is a heterotetrameric mitochondrial enzyme with 2α:1β:1γ subunit ratio. The three subunits share 40–52% identity in amino acid sequence and each includes a tyrosine in a comparable position: αY126, βY137, and γY135. To study the role of the corresponding tyrosines of each of the subunits of human NAD-IDH, the tyrosines were mutated (one subunit at a time) to Ser, Phe, or Glu. Enzymes were expressed with one mutant and two wild-type subunits. The results of characterization of the mutant enzymes suggest that βY137 is involved in NAD binding and allosteric activation by ADP. The αY126 is required for catalytic activity and likely acts as a general acid in the reaction. The γY135 is also required for catalytic activity and may be involved in proper folding of the enzyme. The corresponding tyrosines in the three dissimilar subunits of NAD-IDH thus have distinctive functions.  相似文献   

Synthesis of fatty acid retinyl esters determines systemic vitamin A levels and provides substrate for production of visual chromophore (11-cis-retinal) in vertebrates. Lecithin:retinol acyltransferase (LRAT), the main enzyme responsible for retinyl ester formation, catalyzes the transfer of an acyl group from the sn-1 position of phosphatidylcholine to retinol. To delineate the catalytic mechanism of this reaction, we expressed and purified a fully active, soluble form of this enzyme and used it to examine the possible formation of a transient acyl-enzyme intermediate. Detailed mass spectrometry analyses revealed that LRAT undergoes spontaneous, covalent modification upon incubation with a variety of phosphatidylcholine substrates. The addition of an acyl chain occurs at the Cys161 residue, indicating formation of a thioester intermediate. This observation provides the first direct experimental evidence of thioester intermediate formation that constitutes the initial step in the proposed LRAT catalytic reaction. Additionally, we examined the effect of increasing fatty acyl side chain length in phosphatidylcholine on substrate accessibility in this reaction, which provided insights into the function of the single membrane-spanning domain of LRAT. These observations are critical to understanding the catalytic mechanism of LRAT protein family members as well as other lecithin:acyltransferases wherein Cys residues are required for catalysis.  相似文献   

Glycerol dehydrogenase (GDH) is an important polyol dehydrogenase for glycerol metabolism in diverse microorganisms and for value-added utilization of glycerol in the industry. Two GDHs from Klebsiella pneumoniae, DhaD and GldA, were expressed in Escherichia coli, purified and characterized for substrate specificity and kinetic parameters. Both DhaD and GldA could catalyze the interconversion of (3R)-acetoin/(2R,3R)-2,3-butanediol or (3S)-acetoin/meso-2,3-butanediol, in addition to glycerol oxidation. Although purified GldA appeared more active than DhaD, in vivo inactivation and quantitation of their respective mRNAs indicate that dhaD is highly induced by glycerol and plays a dual role in glycerol metabolism and 2,3-butanediol formation. Complementation in K. pneumoniae further confirmed the dual role of DhaD. Promiscuity of DhaD may have vital physiological consequences for K. pneumoniae growing on glycerol, which include balancing the intracellular NADH/NAD+ ratio, preventing acidification, and storing carbon and energy. According to the kinetic response of DhaD to modified NADH concentrations, DhaD appears to show positive homotropic interaction with NADH, suggesting that the physiological role could be regulated by intracellular NADH levels. The co-existence of two functional GDH enzymes might be due to a gene duplication event. We propose that whereas DhaD is specialized for glycerol utilization, GldA plays a role in backup compensation and can turn into a more proficient catalyst to promote a survival advantage to the organism. Revelation of the dual role of DhaD could further the understanding of mechanisms responsible for enzyme evolution through promiscuity, and guide metabolic engineering methods of glycerol metabolism.  相似文献   

Biotin carboxylase (BC) activity is shared among biotin-dependent carboxylases and catalyzes the Mg-ATP-dependent carboxylation of biotin using bicarbonate as the CO2 donor. BC has been studied extensively over the years by structural, kinetic, and mutagenesis analyses. Here we report three new crystal structures of Escherichia coli BC at up to 1.9 Å resolution, complexed with different ligands. Two structures are wild-type BC in complex with two ADP molecules and two Ca2+ ions or two ADP molecules and one Mg2+ ion. One ADP molecule is in the position normally taken by the ATP substrate, whereas the other ADP molecule occupies the binding sites of bicarbonate and biotin. One Ca2+ ion and the Mg2+ ion are associated with the ADP molecule in the active site, and the other Ca2+ ion is coordinated by Glu-87, Glu-288, and Asn-290. Our kinetic studies confirm that ATP shows substrate inhibition and that this inhibition is competitive against bicarbonate. The third structure is on the R16E mutant in complex with bicarbonate and Mg-ADP. Arg-16 is located near the dimer interface. The R16E mutant has only a 2-fold loss in catalytic activity compared with the wild-type enzyme. Analytical ultracentrifugation experiments showed that the mutation significantly destabilized the dimer, although the presence of substrates can induce dimer formation. The binding modes of bicarbonate and Mg-ADP are essentially the same as those to the wild-type enzyme. However, the mutation greatly disrupted the dimer interface and caused a large re-organization of the dimer. The structures of these new complexes have implications for the catalysis by BC.  相似文献   

Understanding how enzymes have evolved offers clues about their structure-function relationships and mechanisms. Here, we describe evolution of functionally diverse enzyme superfamilies, each representing a large set of sequences that evolved from a common ancestor and that retain conserved features of their structures and active sites. Using several examples, we describe the different structural strategies nature has used to evolve new reaction and substrate specificities in each unique superfamily. The results provide insight about enzyme evolution that is not easily obtained from studies of one or only a few enzymes.  相似文献   

Despite high similarity in sequence and catalytic properties, the l-lactate dehydrogenases (LDHs) in lactic acid bacteria (LAB) display differences in their regulation that may arise from their adaptation to different habitats. We combined experimental and computational approaches to investigate the effects of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP), phosphate (Pi), and ionic strength (NaCl concentration) on six LDHs from four LABs studied at pH 6 and pH 7. We found that 1) the extent of activation by FBP (Kact) differs. Lactobacillus plantarum LDH is not regulated by FBP, but the other LDHs are activated with increasing sensitivity in the following order: Enterococcus faecalis LDH2 ≤ Lactococcus lactis LDH2 < E. faecalis LDH1 < L. lactis LDH1 ≤ Streptococcus pyogenes LDH. This trend reflects the electrostatic properties in the allosteric binding site of the LDH enzymes. 2) For L. plantarum, S. pyogenes, and E. faecalis, the effects of Pi are distinguishable from the effect of changing ionic strength by adding NaCl. 3) Addition of Pi inhibits E. faecalis LDH2, whereas in the absence of FBP, Pi is an activator of S. pyogenes LDH, E. faecalis LDH1, and L. lactis LDH1 and LDH2 at pH 6. These effects can be interpreted by considering the computed binding affinities of Pi to the catalytic and allosteric binding sites of the enzymes modeled in protonation states corresponding to pH 6 and pH 7. Overall, the results show a subtle interplay among the effects of Pi, FBP, and pH that results in different regulatory effects on the LDHs of different LABs.  相似文献   

Proline dehydrogenase (PRODH) and Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C) dehydrogenase (P5CDH) catalyze the four-electron oxidation of proline to glutamate via the intermediates P5C and l-glutamate-γ-semialdehyde (GSA). In Gram-negative bacteria, PRODH and P5CDH are fused together in the bifunctional enzyme proline utilization A (PutA) whereas in other organisms PRODH and P5CDH are expressed as separate monofunctional enzymes. Substrate channeling has previously been shown for bifunctional PutAs, but whether the monofunctional enzymes utilize an analogous channeling mechanism has not been examined. Here, we report the first evidence of substrate channeling in a PRODH-P5CDH two-enzyme pair. Kinetic data for the coupled reaction of PRODH and P5CDH from Thermus thermophilus are consistent with a substrate channeling mechanism, as the approach to steady-state formation of NADH does not fit a non-channeling two-enzyme model. Furthermore, inactive P5CDH and PRODH mutants inhibit NADH production and increase trapping of the P5C intermediate in coupled assays of wild-type PRODH-P5CDH enzyme pairs, indicating that the mutants disrupt PRODH-P5CDH channeling interactions. A dissociation constant of 3 μm was estimated for a putative PRODH-P5CDH complex by surface plasmon resonance (SPR). Interestingly, P5CDH binding to PRODH was only observed when PRODH was immobilized with the top face of its (βα)8 barrel exposed. Using the known x-ray crystal structures of PRODH and P5CDH from T. thermophilus, a model was built for a proposed PRODH-P5CDH enzyme channeling complex. The structural model predicts that the core channeling pathway of bifunctional PutA enzymes is conserved in monofunctional PRODH-P5CDH enzyme pairs.  相似文献   

6-Pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase (PTPS) homologs in both mammals and bacteria catalyze distinct reactions using the same 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate substrate. The mammalian enzyme converts 7,8-dihydroneopterin triphosphate to 6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin, whereas the bacterial enzyme catalyzes the formation of 6-carboxy-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin. To understand the basis for the differential activities we determined the crystal structure of a bacterial PTPS homolog in the presence and absence of various ligands. Comparison to mammalian structures revealed that although the active sites are nearly structurally identical, the bacterial enzyme houses a His/Asp dyad that is absent from the mammalian protein. Steady state and time-resolved kinetic analysis of the reaction catalyzed by the bacterial homolog revealed that these residues are responsible for the catalytic divergence. This study demonstrates how small variations in the active site can lead to the emergence of new functions in existing protein folds.  相似文献   

The protein N-terminal methyltransferase 1 (NTMT1) catalyzes the transfer of the methyl group from the S-adenosyl-l-methionine to the protein α-amine, resulting in formation of S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine and α-N-methylated proteins. NTMT1 is an interesting potential anticancer target because it is overexpressed in gastrointestinal cancers and plays an important role in cell mitosis. To gain insight into the biochemical mechanism of NTMT1, we have characterized the kinetic mechanism of recombinant NTMT1 using a fluorescence assay and mass spectrometry. The results of initial velocity, product, and dead-end inhibition studies indicate that methylation by NTMT1 proceeds via a random sequential Bi Bi mechanism. In addition, our processivity studies demonstrate that NTMT1 proceeds via a distributive mechanism for multiple methylations. Together, our studies provide new knowledge about the kinetic mechanism of NTMT1 and lay the foundation for the development of mechanism-based inhibitors.  相似文献   

Protein kinases are activated by phosphorylation and by the binding of activator proteins. The interplay of these two factors is incompletely understood. We applied energetic analysis to this question and characterized the activation process of the serine/threonine kinase Aurora-A by phosphorylation and by its protein partner, targeting protein for Xenopus kinesin-like protein 2 (TPX2). We discovered that these two activators act synergistically and without a predefined order: each can individually increase the activity of Aurora-A, and the effect of both bound together is the exact sum of their individual contributions to catalysis. Unexpectedly, the unphosphorylated enzyme has catalytic activity that is increased 15-fold by the binding of TPX2 alone. The energetic contribution of phosphorylation to catalysis is 2-fold greater than that of TPX2 binding, which is independent of the phosphorylation state of the enzyme. Based on this analysis, we propose a revised, fluid model of Aurora-A activation in which the first step is a reduction in the mobility of the activation loop by either TPX2 binding or phosphorylation. Furthermore, our results suggest that unphosphorylated Aurora-A bound to the mitotic spindle by TPX2 is catalytically active and that the phosphorylation state of Aurora-A is an inaccurate surrogate for its activity. Extending this form of analysis will allow us to compare quantitatively the effects of the whole network of kinase-activating partners. Comparison with other kinases showed that kinetic characterization detects those kinases whose activation loops undergo a rearrangement upon phosphorylation and thus whose unphosphorylated state offers a distinct target for the development of Type II inhibitors.  相似文献   

d-Xylulokinase (XK; EC catalyzes the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of d-xylulose (Xu) to produce xylulose 5-phosphate (Xu5P). In mammals, XK is the last enzyme in the glucuronate-xylulose pathway, active in the liver and kidneys, and is linked through its product Xu5P to the pentose-phosphate pathway. XK may play an important role in metabolic disease, given that Xu5P is a key regulator of glucose metabolism and lipogenesis. We have expressed the product of a putative human XK gene and identified it as the authentic human d-xylulokinase (hXK). NMR studies with a variety of sugars showed that hXK acts only on d-xylulose, and a coupled photometric assay established its key kinetic parameters as Km(Xu) = 24 ± 3 μm and kcat = 35 ± 5 s−1. Crystal structures were determined for hXK, on its own and in complexes with Xu, ADP, and a fluorinated inhibitor. These reveal that hXK has a two-domain fold characteristic of the sugar kinase/hsp70/actin superfamily, with glycerol kinase as its closest relative. Xu binds to domain-I and ADP to domain-II, but in this open form of hXK they are 10 Å apart, implying that a large scale conformational change is required for catalysis. Xu binds in its linear keto-form, sandwiched between a Trp side chain and polar side chains that provide exquisite hydrogen bonding recognition. The hXK structure provides a basis for the design of specific inhibitors with which to probe its roles in sugar metabolism and metabolic disease.  相似文献   

Castellaniella (ex Alcaligenes) defragrans strain 65Phen mineralizes monoterpenes in the absence of oxygen. Soluble cell extracts anaerobically catalyzed the isomerization of geraniol to linalool and the dehydration of linalool to myrcene. The linalool dehydratase was present in cells grown on monoterpenes, but not if grown on acetate. We purified the novel enzyme ∼1800-fold to complete homogeneity. The native enzyme had a molecular mass of 160 kDa. Denaturing gel electrophoresis revealed one single protein band with a molecular mass of 40 kDa, which indicated a homotetramer as native conformation. The aerobically purified enzyme was anaerobically activated in the presence of 2 mm DTT. The linalool dehydratase catalyzed in vitro two reactions in both directions depending on the thermodynamic driving forces: a water secession from the tertiary alcohol linalool to the corresponding acyclic monoterpene myrcene and an isomerization of the primary allylalcohol geraniol in its stereoisomer linalool. The specific activities (Vmax) were 140 nanokatals mg−1 for the linalool dehydratase and 410 nanokatals mg−1 for the geraniol isomerase, with apparent Km values of 750 μm and 500 μm, respectively. The corresponding open reading frame was identified and revealed a precursor protein with a signal peptide for a periplasmatic location. The amino acid sequence did not affiliate with any described enzymes. We suggest naming the enzyme linalool dehydratase-isomerase according to its bifunctionality and placing it as a member of a new protein family within the hydrolyases (EC 4.2.1.X).  相似文献   

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