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Coral Reefs - Highly abundant and widespread populations of the introduced eastern Pacific ophiuroid brittle star Ophiothela mirabilis occur in southeast Florida, extending the range of this new...  相似文献   

Animals with highly inducible traits may show no inducible response when exposed to a related but wholly novel cue. This appears to be true for the intertidal whelk Nucella lamellosa faced with a voracious introduced predator. In the laboratory, we exposed whelks to effluent from two species of predatory crab, the native red rock crab Cancer productus and the invasive European green crab Carcinus maenas. Nucella and Cancer have a long shared history in the northeast Pacific, whereas potential interaction with Carcinus began here less than 10 years ago. Although Nucella responded adaptively to Cancer effluent by increasing shell thickness and decreasing somatic growth, there was no such response to Carcinus. Furthermore, thicker shelled Nucella were less likely to be eaten by Carcinus. Because Nucella produces thicker shells when exposed to Cancer cues, its ability to respond similarly to Carcinus depends only on the coupling of the Carcinus cue to the existing developmental pathways for adaptive changes in shell form. Such coupling of latent plasticity to a novel cue -- via genetic changes or associative learning -- could explain many cases of rapid phenotypic change following a sudden shift in the environment.  相似文献   

Tavares  M. R.  Franco  A. C. S.  Ventura  C. R. R.  Santos  L. N. 《Hydrobiologia》2021,848(9):2093-2103
Hydrobiologia - This study aimed to address the Ophiothela species distribution worldwide, report invasive populations, and investigate their association with benthic organisms through an...  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Due to an unfortunate turn of events, four rows in Table 2 were transposed. Hence, the original article has been corrected. The corrected section (part of ‘Minor...  相似文献   

Great Spotted Cuckoo nestlings were shown, after some days in the nest, to have begging calls that differed depending on whether they were being reared by Magpies or Carrion Crows. They also produced calls of a pitch and repetition rate that implied a high level of hunger.  相似文献   

Phenotypic differentiation can occur between the native and introduced ranges of a species as a result of novel selective pressures, or by neutral processes and historical events. Our aim was to determine how underlying patterns of genetic diversity and potential population origin might have contributed to phenotypic differentiation between the native and introduced ranges of an herbaceous weed. We combined data from microsatellite markers from 16 native and 16 introduced populations of Cynoglossum officinale, a noxious weed of the western US, with previously published phenotypic data from common gardens to investigate genetic diversity in both ranges and relate population structure to phenotypic differentiation. Several lines of evidence suggest loss of genetic diversity during the introduction of C. officinale. Despite reduced diversity, introduced plants out-performed natives in a common garden in one environment. We found little evidence that population-level variation in diversity contributed to phenotypic variation (e.g. through inbreeding depression). Our results suggest that establishment, spread, and potentially adaptation of a species to a new range is not prevented by reductions in genetic diversity of the magnitude we observed. Further, we suggest that non-random filtering or biased introduction at the point of emigration may contribute to phenotypic divergence between ranges.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of on-host habitat selection of parasites are important to the understanding of host-parasite interactions and evolution. To this end, it is important to separate the factors driving parasite micro-habitat selection from those resulting from host anti-parasite behaviour. We experimentally investigated whether tick infestation patterns on songbirds are the result of an active choice by the ticks themselves, or the outcome of songbird grooming behaviour. Attachment patterns of three ixodid tick species with different ecologies and host specificities were studied on avian hosts. Ixodes arboricola, Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes frontalis were put on the head, belly and back of adult great tits (Parus major) and adult domestic canaries (Serinus canaria domestica) which were either restricted or not in their grooming capabilities. Without exception, ticks were eventually found on a bird’s head. When we gave ticks full opportunities to attach on other body parts – in the absence of host grooming – they showed lower attachment success. Moreover, ticks moved from these other body parts to the host's head when given the opportunity. This study provides evidence that the commonly observed pattern of ticks feeding on songbirds’ heads is the result of an adaptive behavioural strategy. Experimental data on a novel host species, the domestic canary, and a consistent number of published field observations, strongly support this hypothesis. We address some proximate and ultimate causes that may explain parasite preference for this body part in songbirds. The link found between parasite micro-habitat preference and host anti-parasite behaviour provides further insight into the mechanisms driving ectoparasite aggregation, which is important for the population dynamics of hosts, ectoparasites and the micro-pathogens for which they are vectors.  相似文献   

Age-specific access to high-quality resources (e.g. territory or nest site) might be an important determinant for improved reproductive performance with increasing age. I experimentally investigated the effects of territory quality versus other age-related improvements in breeding competence (e.g. foraging skills, breeding experience and local knowledge) on age-specific reproductive success. Territory quality (i.e. territory field layer height) was manipulated in year 2 of northern wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) that were breeding in the same territory in two consecutive years. Changing territory quality by changing field layer height had a strong effect on within-individual change in the reproductive success of wheatears. This effect was mainly due to a corresponding change in nest predation risk. When territory quality was kept constant (i.e. no between-year change in territory field layer height), within-individual reproductive success did not change between subsequent years. Thus, age-related improvements in foraging skills, breeding experience and local familiarity had no significant effect on within-individual changes in reproductive success. Increased reproductive success with increased age in northern wheatears is therefore mainly explained by an improved access to high-quality territories with increasing age. I conclude that age-dependent access to high-quality breeding resources might be a widespread phenomenon in nature.  相似文献   

Human alteration of habitat has increased the proportion of forest edge in areas of previously continuous forest. This edge habitat facilitates invasion of exotic species into remaining fragments. The ability of native species to resist invasion varies and may depend on intrinsic variables such as dispersal and reproductive rates as well as external factors such as rate of habitat change and the density of populations of introduced species in edge habitat. We examined the distributional and competitive relationships of two members of the class Chilopoda, Scolopocryptops sexspinosus, a centipede native to the eastern US, and Lithobius forficatus, an exotic centipede introduced from Europe. We found that L. forficatus was most abundant in edge habitat and S. sexspinosus was most abundant in the interior habitat at our field sites. Although L. forficatus was present in habitat interiors at 11 of 12 sites, there was no correlation between fragment size and numbers of L. forficatus in interior habitat. The native centipede was rarely found occupying fragment edges. We used laboratory microcosms to examine potential competitive interactions and to indirectly assess prey preferences of the two species. In microcosms both species consumed similar prey, but the native centipede, S. sexspinosus, acted as an intraguild predator on the introduced centipede. Native centipedes were competitively superior in both intraspecific and interspecific pairings. Our results suggest that intraguild predation may aid native centipedes in resisting invasion of introduced centipedes from edge habitat.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Recent shifts in the presence and abundance of species on shallow Caribbean coral reefs have left octocorals as the dominant functional group on some reefs, creating an ‘animal...  相似文献   

Gubba  E.M.  Netherton  C.M.  Herbert  J. 《Brain Cell Biology》2000,29(5-6):439-449
In this paper, we review studies suggesting that elevated glucocorticoids increase the susceptibility of the brain to adverse events. The events themselves can be varied, and their effects on the brain can also differ. The common feature is that glucocorticoids may modulate the likelihood (risk) of damage or malfunction following adversity. In the first part of our paper, we describe experimental studies on the brain's cellular response to neurotoxins that support this thesis; in the second, we survey clinical evidence that indicate that glucocorticoids may endanger the brain's response to adverse social events. We suggest that there may be common features in the experimental and clinical findings. To begin, however, we draw attention to some of the properties of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis that seem relevant to our discussion.  相似文献   

There was analysed the behaviour of the pulmonary tissue in white Wistar female rats exposed to a single effect of electroenergetic ashes from a few Polish power stations, hasting plants and electrohasting plants. The animals received a single 0.6 ml dose of the ashes in suspension of physiologic fluid intratracheally; 3 and 6 months after the experiment, the animals were decapitated and material for examinations was collected. Grains of used ashes were then assessed under the scanning electron microscope. Segments were stained with hematoxyline and cosine and by Masson's method. All the ashes caused inflammatory infiltrations, granulomas containing grains of the examined ash, fibrosis, thickening of interalveolar septa, atelectasis, and emphysema. The experiment resulted in a disturbance of biological balance of pulmonary connective tissue (stroma) due to the action of the ashes.  相似文献   

The results of the correction of disturbances in intestinal microflora in elderly patients with the use of bifidumbacterin in the form of powder or suppositories are presented. The effectiveness of the rectal administration of bifidumbacterin (by microinjections through an enema or in suppositories) is shown in comparison with the oral administration of the preparation. The administration of bifidumbacterin in suppositories for 15 days resulted in decreased content of hemolytic Escherichia below the threshold of determination in all examined patients.  相似文献   

Eleven new species of the genus Pseudocercospora were found on Byrsonima spp. from the Cerrado in Brazil: Pseudocercospora annellidica, P. byrsonimae-basilobae, P. byrsonimae-coccolobifoliae, P. byrsonimicola, P. byrsonimigena, P. campograndensis, P. grajauensis, P. mutabiliconidiophorum, P. pediformiconidiorum, P. planaltinensis, and P. subhyalina. The new species are described, illustrated and compared with hitherto described Pseudocercospora spp. on various hosts belonging to the Malpighiaceae, and all species concerned are keyed out.  相似文献   

This study describes experimental herbivory and detritivory of three common native aquatic macrophyte species by the introduced Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters) (Pisces: Cichlidae), and its physiological response to their consumption. There was a highly significant effect of fish herbivory on plant weight for each of the macrophyte species, but this effect was not influenced by any preference for periphyton. Despite the herbivory, there was a highly significant loss of fish body weight across all plant species and weight could only be maintained by supplementary feeding of a high protein fish flake. These results suggest that despite eating these plants, an alternative food resource may be needed for survival and may trigger trophic plasticity in O. mossambicus.  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - A Correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10641-021-01108-5  相似文献   

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