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The temporal fluctuation of water levels and the presence of mosquito larvae were investigated for four types of small container habitats (treeholes, bamboo stumps, cemetery stone vases, and cemetery stone vessels) on Kabeshima Island in Kyushu, southwestern Japan. The probability that containers held water was positively correlated with the quantity of the preceding rainfall and with the depth and volume of the containers. It was estimated that dehydration occurred more regularly in autumn and winter than in summer. The probability that mosquito larvae were present in each type of container was positively correlated with habitat stability in terms of the probability of the existence of standing water and the coefficient of variation of the water level. Twelve species of mosquito larvae, including two rare predators, were found. Species composition differed between the different types of container. Although 4 to 10 species used each type of container, the median number of species per container was two for treeholes and bamboo stumps, and one for the others. The dominant species wasTripteroides bambusa in treeholes and bamboo stumps,Aedes albopictus in stone vases, andA. japonicus in stone vessels. The larval mosquito community, which lacked major predators, possessed the following features that may facilitate the coexistence of many species: (1) niche segregation amongst species in terms of their selection of container types; (2) an aggregated distribution of the individual species among containers of the same type; (3) high intraspecific mean crowding (and hence probably intense intraspecific competition) in the dominant species in each type of container; (4) independent species associations within the same type of container; and (5) low interspecific mean crowding (and hence probablynot intense interspecific competition) between species in the same type of container.  相似文献   

Comparison of adult mosquito community structure on various habitats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The community structure of adult mosquitoes was compared from New Jersey light trap collections in six different types of habitats in Citrus County, Florida, USA. From October 1998 to December 2000, mosquitoes were collected three times a week from the following habitats (swamps, swamps and freshwater marshes, pine fiat-woods, pine fiat-woods and scrub, salt marshes, and salt marshes and mangroves). Mosquito density was highest in the swamps and freshwater marshes habitat, with an average of 95.65 specimens per trap.Density was lowest in the flatwoods and scrub habitat, with an average of 14.38 specimens per trap. Species dominance differed among habitats. Salt marshes produced the greatest aggregation index, while pine flatwoods produced the lowest. Conversely, diversity analysis showed that pine flatwoods had the greatest diversity, while salt marshes the lowest diversity. Similarity indices indicated that the adult mosquito communities from pine flatwoods and pine flatwoods and scrub were very similar (0.8583). The adult mosquito community of salt marshes was different from that of swamps and freshwater marshes (the similar index was 0.0217).  相似文献   

The study was carried out to characterize potential larval habitats in the city of Sekondi with the aim of assessing the relative importance of anthropogenic and natural water bodies as larval habitats. Insecticide-resistance status of Anopheles gambiae senso lato in the southwestern part of the coastal savannah zone in Ghana was also assessed against four different classes of insecticides. Larval surveys were carried out in two communities that are separated by a lagoon. Although the lagoon was a potential mosquito larval habitat, we showed that it was not an important mosquito breeding site. The major larval habitats were anthropogenic, resulting from human behavior. Some of the organically polluted breeding sites were inhabited by both An. gambiae s.l. and Culex quinquefasciatus larvae. The data also showed that An. gambiae s.l. has currently developed a strong resistance to DDT and pyrethroid insecticides in southwestern Ghana, where the species was reported to be susceptible about a decade ago. The use of insecticides in households was implicated as a possible cause of the development of resistance among An. gambiae s.l. populations in the area. The management of insecticide resistance among malaria vectors needs urgent attention if insecticide-treated materials can continue to be used for malaria control.  相似文献   

Abstract  Mosquitoes are a significant pest and human health issue in the Kingdom of Tonga. The occurrence of species and habitats used by mosquito larvae were investigated to determine the potential for control through larval habitat management. Forty-two sites, including 22 villages and 20 farm plantations on the six islands of Tongatapu, Pangaimotu, Vava'u, Pangaimotu (Vava'u group), 'Utungake and Nuku, were surveyed in April 2006. A total of eight mosquito species were collected: Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus), Ae. horrescens (Edwards), Ae. nocturnus (Theobold), Ae. tongae (Edwards), Culex albinervis (Edwards), Cx. annulirostris (Skuse), Cx. quinquefasciatus (Say) and Cx. sitiens (Wiedemann). Several species were widespread, particularly Ae. aegypti and Ae. nocturnus on the main island of Tongatapu, whereas Ae. aegypti dominated sites on islands of the Vava'u group. Comparative sampling of 17 village and 17 rural sites showed that larval habitat was more abundant in towns than in rural areas. Larvae were found in a wide range of habitats but were particularly abundant in artificial water bodies (e.g. disused concrete water tanks, 44-gallon drums and used car tyres). In rural sites, habitats were generally sparse except in rain-filled branch stems of giant taro plants. Mosquito populations in artificial habitats could be markedly reduced by seeding disused water tanks with aquatic predators already present in Tonga, using mesh-net covers over 44-gallon drums, and drilling holes in used car tyres.  相似文献   

Females of most mosquito species require a blood meal to provision eggs and can be medical problems because of this dependency. Autogenous mosquitoes do not require blood to mature an initial egg batch and, instead, acquire nutrients for egg provisioning as larvae. We studied the importance of larval and adult nourishment for Ochlerotatus atropalpus which is obligatory autogenous for its first egg cycle but may ingest blood for subsequent cycles. Larval nourishment strongly influenced autogenous egg production: female larvae that were nutritionally stressed emerged as smaller adults, produced fewer eggs and emerged with less protein, lipid and glycogen stores. Female Oc. atropalpus are 100% autogenous, regardless of larval diet quality or whether females are fed sugar or water at emergence. Upon completion of the first egg batch, only females emerging from a poor larval diet ingested blood and produced a second egg batch.  相似文献   

1. Hydroperiod duration has been identified as the main factor determining the faunal composition and structure of aquatic communities in temporary habitats. It is hypothesised that desiccation will positively affect mosquito oviposition habitat selection during the post-drought period due to the lack of antagonists. 2. An experiment was carried out in outdoor mesocosms to assess whether desiccation events have post-drought effects on community richness and mosquito oviposition. Three different treatments were randomly assigned to the mesocosms: (i) eight mesocosms were left dried for a week and then reflooded; (ii) eight mesocosms stayed dry for 4 weeks before they were reflooded; (iii) eight mesocosms were maintained at a constant water volume of 30 litres during the entire experiment as controls. Mosquito oviposition and invertebrate community richness were monitored in every mesocosm, along with environmental parameters [water temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids (TSS) and chlorophyll a concentration]. 3. Post-drought mosquito oviposition and larval abundance were higher in the short-drought and long-drought pools than in the control. Desiccation negatively affected the biomass of the filter feeder invertebrates in both desiccation treatments. Chlorophyll a concentrations were higher in the long-drought pools than in controls. The negative impact of desiccation on zooplankton led to a post-drought increase in algae, associated with an increase in mosquito oviposition. 4. Despite immediate negative effect on mosquitoes, pulsed disturbances can benefit mosquitoes as they favour oviposition during the post-disturbance recovery period due to a lower abundance of mosquito antagonists and higher food resources for their offspring.  相似文献   

  • 1 Wetlands harbour high biodiversity and offer important ecosystem services, but they are also a habitat for mosquito larvae (Diptera: Culicidae), which are important disease vectors.
  • 2 Isolation among remnant, or newly created wetlands and ponds, and their consequent density in the landscape, is a key factor that can influence a variety of food web processes, including effects on mosquitoes which are important prey to many predators.
  • 3 We assess the impact of habitat isolation on the density of pond‐breeding mosquitoes (several Anopheles and Culex species) both directly and indirectly through the food web.
  • 4 Results from structural equation modelling of survey data shows that larval mosquitoes are denser in ponds that are more isolated from one another, and that this result was primarily driven indirectly by a reduction of larval mosquito predators (e.g. predaceous insects and amphibians). Furthermore, results from a long‐term mesocosm experiment factorially manipulating isolation and predator reduction show that the effect of isolation on mosquito density was eliminated when predators were experimentally reduced.
  • 5 It is concluded that metacommunity processes, both directly and indirectly mediated through predators, can play an important role in the local abundance of wetland breeding mosquitoes and possibly the diseases they spread.

Bamboo stumps can be a congenial breeding habitat of the mosquitoes. In view of this, a preliminary assessment of the dipteran immatures inhabiting the stumps of bamboo groves in the Darjeeling Himalayas was carried out at a spatial scale. Of the 104 stumps of Dendrocalamus hamiltoni surveyed, 70 were found to host immatures of three dipteran species, the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus and the midges Chironomus sp. in varying densities. Though the stumps varied in diameter, in each stump on average 12. 1 immatures were found. The abundance of the immatures was positively correlated with the diameter of the stumps (r=+0.382; P < 0.001) but negatively with the pH of the water present in the stumps (r=–0.336; P < 0.01). The coefficient of association was found to be +8.4 for the Ae. aegypti and Chironomus immatures, while in the rest of the species pair the association seemed to be independent. Thus it can be concluded that the stumps in the bamboo groves of Darjeeling Himalayas provides a favourable habitat for the mosquito and chironomid immatures.  相似文献   

Larval grayling were found along the shoreline at velocities <20 cm s-1 depths <40 cm, shear stress <2 dyn m-2 and over sand and silt. Juveniles were found in the river channel at currents of 20-40 cm s-1 depths of 40-60 cm and shear stresses of 2-4 dyn m-2, over gravel and pebbles.  相似文献   

Nine larval types within the genera Anisakis, Terranova, Thynnascaris and Contracaecum were recovered from south-eastern Queensland marine fishes. Data on (i) incidence, (ii) intensity of infection, (iii) host diet and (iv) habitat for each type suggest Anisakis is an open water type, Contracaecum an inshore, shallow water type and both Terranova and Thynnascaris have intermediate distributions. Host diets indicate Anisakis and Terranova are found in predators of nekton, Contracaecum and Thynnascaris in benthic feeders.  相似文献   

Many species spawn in oceanic waters yet their juvenile stages use nearshore and estuarine habits and the bio-physical mechanisms by which late-larvae enter these juvenile habitats may be an important bottleneck in the population dynamics of these species. To provide parameters for the development of larval ingress models, sinking rates were measured of the late-stage larvae of six fish species: Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus), spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus), summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus), southern flounder (P. lethostigma), and gulf flounder (P. albigutta). Species-specific differences were found in sinking rates; Atlantic croaker had the slowest sinking rates and Atlantic menhaden and the three flounder species had the fastest sinking rates. Additionally, sinking rates increased for all species as length increased. The total amount of variability explained in sinking rates was low (20–50%), indicating a large amount of variability at the level of the individual. The observed patterns in sinking rates were then combined with previous studies on the mechanisms of larval ingress to present species-specific conceptual models of ingress.  相似文献   

We examined the relative importance of parental nutritional condition and larval food ration on the rates of development, growth and metamorphosis of larvae of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (Müller) in a laboratory experiment. Parents were reared for 22 months on either a high ration of kelp (Laminaria spp., 6 days week−1) supplemented with mussel flesh (Mytilus spp., 1 day week−1) (KM), or a low ration of kelp (1 day week−1) (KL). Larvae were fed either a high ration (5000 cells ml−1) or a low ration (500 cells ml−1) of microalgae (Dunaliella tertiolecta). Larval food ration had a strong effect on the rates of development, growth, and metamorphosis, which were all significantly greater in larvae fed the high ration. Test diameter of settlers also was significantly greater in the high than the low ration. Parental nutritional condition had little or no effect on the rates of development and growth, and no effect on settler size. The rate of metamorphosis was significantly higher in larvae from the KM than the KL treatment in the high but not the low ration (where rates of metamorphosis were similar). Although parental condition generally had a small effect on larval development, our results suggest that when planktonic food is abundant, larvae of adults from nutritionally rich habitats (such as kelp beds) may metamorphose sooner than those of adults from nutritionally poor habitats (such as barrens).  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Most female Culiseta longiareolata (Diptera: Culicidae) avoid ovipositing in pools that contain the predatory backswimmer Notonecta maculata . Such oviposition habitat selection has been suggested to reflect a trade-off between the risk of predation on larvae and potential density-dependent fitness costs. This putative trade-off was examined. In particular, evidence was sought in support of direct female response to local heterogeneity in habitat quality.
2. Three habitat types were established using artificial outdoor pools: predator pools, and non-predator pools with either low or high densities of Culiseta larvae. During each experimental night, females were offered one of the three possible pair-wise treatment combinations.
3. The majority (≈88%) of females oviposited in low-density pools rather than in the predator- or high-density pools. Furthermore, a substantially higher proportion of females oviposited in predator pools when faced with the high-density alternative, however this was due largely to fewer females ovipositing in high- vs low-density pools.
4. Females of a second mosquito species ( Culex laticinctus ), the larvae of which are at a lower risk of predation, were predicted to exhibit weaker aversion to N. maculata ; this prediction was supported only weakly.
5. Oviposition habitat selection by female C. longiareolata does not appear to involve a behavioural response that is based on individual assessment of local heterogeneity in relative pool quality, at least not at the spatial scale examined here; alternative explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

Cannon L. R. G. 1978. A larval ascaridoid nematode from Queensland scallops. International Journal for Parasitology8: 75–80. The morphology of a fourth stage larval ascaridoid found in Amusium balloti is given with observations on the double nature of the excretory system. The infection rate was 5.6% with rarely more than one worm per scallop. No seasonal change in incidence was detected and no change in incidence with host size. The systematic position, possible life cycle and economic importance of the worm are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Fire retardants are composed of fertilising salts that are commonly used for fighting wildfires. These chemicals have various effects on individual arthropod species and aquatic communities. 2. This study investigated the effects of four treatments of a prevalent fire retardant [FR CROS 134 (FR), applied at concentrations of 0, 3.8 × 102, 7.6 × 102 and 11.4 × 102 mg litre−1] on oviposition habitat selection (OHS) by Culiseta longiareolata and Culex laticinctus mosquitoes in an outdoor mesocosm. Additionally, larval development of C. longiareolata was examined in response to this fire retardant. 3. The results demonstrate that OHS increased in both species, whereas survivorship (0–86.7%) and time to metamorphosis (5.4–23.1 days) of C. longiareolata were not affected by any of the treatments. However, cyanobacterial biomass increased and heterotrophic bacteria decreased in response to the addition of FR. 4. It was found that FR applications can have unintended consequences which can increase OHS by female mosquitoes. The growing use of fire retardants worldwide, and especially in Israel, justify evidence-based assessment and environmental management of their use. This study is a first critical step in filling the knowledge gap with respect to the impact of FR on aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Previous studies have used C and N isotope ratios to investigate the use of different food resources such as plant and animal detritus by container‐breeding mosquitoes. This study is the first to report on the potential food resources assimilated by larval mosquitoes in agricultural and reference wetlands. Larval mosquitoes (Diptera: Culcidae) were sampled, along with their potential food resources, from agricultural and reference wetland habitats throughout a seasonal hydroperiod. IsoSource mixing model results indicated that food resources had greater δ15N isotope values in agricultural wetlands compared with cypress‐gum swamps. In February, Aedes vexans (Meigen) and Culex territans Walker larvae fed primarily on lower quality food resources (coarse particulate organic matter and sediment) based on C:N. In contrast, higher quality food resources (fine particulate organic matter) were utilized by Anopheles spp. throughout the study and by Psorophora columbiae (Dyer and Knab) in May. This research contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the food resources available and assimilated by larval mosquitoes in agricultural wetlands.  相似文献   

Summary The changes in spatial distribution pattern during larval stage of the fall webworm,Hyphantria cunea were quantitatively investigated in the field experimental populations. The female adult deposits eggs as a cluster and the hatchlings make a compact colonial-web. In this period, the all-or-none type mortality which is characteristic in gregarious insect species was occasionary recognized before spinning a compact colonial-web. Once making a compact colonial-web, the larvae feed the leaves in the colonial-web up to about 5th instar. In this period, the movement of larvae occurred due to the local food shortage in a colonial-web and the expansion of colonial-web. As the larvae developed, the colonial-web was separated into several small groups. These larvae began to disperse about 5th instar. In this period, the local food shortage seems to be an important trigger for the larval dispersal. The mean concentration of larvae on leaves abruptly decreased, and finally the larvae became solitary at the 6th or 7th instars. The dispersal process in later larval stage is not necessarily due to the complete food shortage. The dispersal prior to the occurrence of food shortage may be a safety mechanism to protect the larvae from the food shortage.  相似文献   

An efficient and low-cost method of examining larval movement in Drosophila melanogaster is needed to study how mutations and/or alterations in the muscular, neural, and olfactory systems affect locomotor behavior. Here, we describe the implementation of wrMTrck, a freely available ImageJ plugin originally developed for examining multiple behavioral parameters in the nematode C. elegans. Our optimized method is rapid, reproducible and does not require automated microscope setups or the purchase of proprietary software. To demonstrate the utility of this method, we analyzed the velocity and crawling paths of two Drosophila mutants that affect muscle structure and/or function. Additionally, we show that this approach is useful for tracking the behavior of adult insects, including Tribolium castaneum and Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

In 2005, adult and larval mosquito surveillance was conducted at selected sites in Korea to associate larval habitats with species distribution of mosquitoes of the Anopheles Hyrcanus Group (An. sinensis, An. lesteri, An. pullus, An. belenrae and An. kleini) and other mosquito species. Anopheles specimens belonging to the Anopheles Hyrcanus Group were identified to species level by molecular confirmation using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS)‐2 within nuclear ribosomal (r)DNA. A total of 6644 mosquitoes from resting and light trap collections (4451; 67.0%) and larval collections (2193; 33.0%) comprising 32 species and nine genera (Culex [11], Anopheles [8], Ochlerotatus [5], Aedes [3], Armigeres [1], Coquillettidia [1], Mansonia [1], Tripteroides [1] and Lutzia [1]) were collected. Larval habitats were characterized into 14 categories. Of a total of 4534 Anopheles spp. collected (3766 resting and light trap collections and 768 larval collections), Anopheles sinensis (3194; 70.4%) was the most frequently captured, followed by An. kleini (813; 17.9%), An. pullus (299; 6.6%) and An. belenrae (129; 2.8%). Four species of Anopheles (An. lesteri, An. sineroides, An. koreicus and An. lindesayi) were infrequently collected (<3.0%) at all sites surveyed by all methods of collection. Anopheles kleini, An. pullus and An. belenrae were collected in greater proportions in malaria high‐risk areas north of Seoul, and were infrequently collected in other parts of Korea, where An. sinensis was the predominant Anopheles spp. captured. A total of 2110 culicine mosquitoes (685 adult collections and 1425 larval collections) comprising 24 species and eight genera were collected.  相似文献   

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