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The present study investigates the modulation of the ventral tegmental area (VTA)-ventral pallidum (VP) dopaminergic system by glutamate agonists in rats. The glutamate receptor agonists N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) were infused via reversed microdialysis into the VTA, and dopamine (DA), glutamate, and aspartate levels in the VTA and ipsilateral VP were monitored together with motor behavior screened in an open field. NMDA (750 microM) infusion, as well as AMPA (50 microM) infusion, induced an increase of DA and glutamate levels in the VTA, followed by an increase of DA levels in the ipsilateral VP and by enhanced locomotor activity. The increase of DA in the VP was similar after administration of these two glutamate agonists, although motor activity was more pronounced and showed an earlier onset after NMDA infusion. Glutamate levels in the VP were not increased by the stimulation of DA release. It is concluded that DA is released from mesencephalic DA neurons projecting to the VP and that these neurons are controlled by glutamatergic systems, via NMDA and AMPA receptors. Thus, DA in the VP has to be considered as a substantial modulator. Dysregulation of the mesopallidal DA neurons, as well as their glutamatergic control, may play an additional or distinct role in disorders like schizophrenia and drug addiction.  相似文献   

Summary The dopamine innervation of the frontal cortex originates in the A9 and A10 mesencephalic dopamine cell groups. In weaver mutant mice, there is a 77% frontocortical dopamine deficiency associated with losses of dopamine neurones in areas A9 and A10. The dopamine-depleted cortical areas of weaver mutant mice are receptive to reinnervation by afferent fibres originating in dopamine-containing mesencephalic grafts from normal donor embryos. In the anteromedial frontal lobe, reinnervation by tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive fibres is largely confined to the basal cortical layers whereas in the anterior cingulate cortex, tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive fibres also occupy superficial layers, including the molecular layer. Normally, the dopaminergic innervation of the anteromedial frontal lobe is distributed among the basal cortical layers (IV–VI), and the dopaminergic innervation of the cingulate cortex occupies both basal and superficial cortical layers. The pattern of innervation following transplantation indicates that, in repopulating dopamine-deficient cortical areas of recipient weaver mutants, graft-derived dopamine fibres show a preference for those layers which are normally invested by dopamine afferents.  相似文献   

Abstract: In this study, we compare the electrically evoked, somatodendritic release of dopamine (DA) with axonal release of serotonin (5-HT) in the substantia nigra (SN) and ventral tegmental area (VTA) in vitro by using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry with carbon-fibre microelectrodes. Furthermore, we have examined transmitter release in these regions in guinea-pig compared with rat. Somatodendritic DA was released, as shown previously, in guinea-pig VTA, SN pars compacta (SNc), and occasionally in SN pars reticulata (SNr). 5-HT was rarely released, except in SNr, where nonetheless it only contributed to <30% of amine signals. In rat midbrain, somatodendritic DA release was evoked to a similar extent as in guinea-pig. However, a clear species difference was apparent; i.e., 5-HT and DA were detected equally in rat SNc, whereas in rat SNr, 5-HT was the predominant transmitter detected. Nevertheless, electrically evoked extracellular concentrations of 5-HT in SNc and SNr were, respectively, seven- and fourfold less than DA in SNc. 5-HT release was low in all regions in neonatal rat slices before the maturation of 5-HT terminals. Hence, axonal 5-HT transmission in midbrain exhibits both species and site selectivity. Moreover, whereas somatodendritic DA release is conventionally regarded as modest compared with axon terminal release in striatum, somatodendritic DA release can result in significantly greater extracellular levels than a transmitter released from axon terminals in the same locality.  相似文献   

Summary The putative role of non-NMDA excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptors in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) for the increase in dopamine (DA) release in the nucleus acumbens (NAC) and the behavioural stimulation induced by systemically administered dizocilpine (MK-801) was investigated. Microdialysis was utilized in rats with probes in the VTA and NAC. The VTA was perfused with the AMPA and kainate receptor antagonist CNQX (0.3 or 1.0 mM) or vehicle and dialysates from the NAC were analyzed with high-performance liquid chromatography for DA. Forty min after onset of CNQX or vehicle perfusion of the VTA MK-801 (0.1 mg/kg) was injected subcutaneously (sc). Subsequently, typical MK-801 induced behaviours were assessed. The MK-801 induced hyperlocomotion was associated with a 50% increase of DA levels in NAC dialysates. Both the MK-801 evoked hyperlocomotion and DA release in the NAC were effectively antagonized by CNQX perfusion of the VTA. However, by itself the CNQX or vehicle perusion of the VTA did not affect DA levels in NAC or the rated behaviours. The results indicate that MK-801 induced hyperlocomotion and increased DA release in the NAC are largely elicited within the VTA via activation of non-NMDA EAA receptors, tentatively caused by locally increased EAA release. In contrast, the enhanced DA output in the NAC induced by systemic nicotine (0.5 mg/kg sc) was not antagonized by intra VTA infusion of CNQX (0.3 or 1.0 mM), but instead by infusion of the NMDA receptor antagonist AP-5 (0.3 or 1.0 mM) into the VTA, which by itself did not alter DA levels in the NAC. Thus, the probably indirect, EAA mediated activation of the mesolimbic DA neurons in the VTA by MK-801 and nicotine, respectively, seems to be mediated via different glutamate receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

Single unit recording and micropressure ejection techniques were used to investigate the actions of opiates on dopaminergic and non-dopaminergic neurons in the rat substantia nigra. Systemic administration of morphine, 1 to 4 mg/kg, led to a naloxone-reversible increase in firing rate of all zona compacta dopaminergic (ZC) neurons examined (n=10). In a specifically defined subpopulation of non-dopaminergic nigral zona reticulata (ZR) neurons, systemically administered morphine led to a naloxone reversible decrease in activity (n=9). D-Ala2-d-leu5 (DADL)-enkephalin, when applied directly onto ZC neurons by micropressure ejection techniques, had no effect on their firing rate. In contrast, micropressure ejection of DADL enkephalin onto ZR neurons produced a decrease in firing rate which was blocked by systemically administered naloxone. Morphine sulfate applied by pressure ejection onto both ZC and ZR neurons produced mixed results which were not always blocked by naloxone. These results suggest that one of the mechanisms by which opiates increase dopaminergic neurotransmission is through disinhibition of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra.  相似文献   

An improved quantitative immunochemical determination of brain tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) concentrations was designed using direct transfer into nitrocellulose from 20-microns thick brain sections, followed by immunodetection and quantitative radioautography in three reference brain structures (locus ceruleus, substantia nigra, and ventral tegmental area). Results obtained by this methodology were similar to those obtained after extraction and Western blotting of the TH protein in control and reserpine-treated animals. Moreover, this methodology allows the combination of high sensitivity and high anatomical resolution in the study of the distribution of pharmacological effects. The locus ceruleus exhibited a significant posteroanterior distribution of TH protein concentration in control and reserpine-treated animals.  相似文献   

To investigate the regulatory effects of somatodendritic D2 receptors on the terminal's extracellular dopamine (DA) concentration, a D2 antagonist (eticlopride) was infused directly into the ventral tegmental area via a microdialysis probe in chloral hydrate-anesthetized rats. Extracellular DA changes in both the nucleus accumbens (N ACC) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) were monitored. Infusion of 10.0 fM eticlopride had no effect on DA in the mPFC (110.2 +/- 10.0% of baseline) but significantly increased DA in the N ACC (150.1 +/- 11.7%). Infusion of a higher dose of eticlopride (100.0 or 1,000.0 fM) significantly augmented the DA in the mPFC (121.1 +/- 7.6 and 180.7 +/- 25.8%, respectively) but surprisingly had no effect on DA in the N ACC (111.5 +/- 7.3 and 104.1 +/- 8.7%, respectively). To further investigate whether the bluntness of DA increase in the N ACC was due to DA receptor activation in the mPFC, eticlopride or SCH23390 was infused into the mPFC prior to and during intrategmental eticlopride infusion, and the change of DA in the N ACC was simultaneously monitored. During intra-mPFC 1.0 nM eticlopride infusion but not during 10.0 nM SCH23390 administration (95.5 +/- 6.1%), intrategmental 1,000.0 fM eticlopride infusion could further elevate DA in the N ACC (130.0 +/- 4.6%). Our results indicated that (1) the mesolimbic and the mesocortical pathways were under tonic inhibition by somatodendritic D2 receptors; (2) the DA concentration in the N ACC first increased and then returned to baseline while the intrategmental infusion dose of eticlopride increased; and (3) the bluntness of DA increase in the N ACC resulted from the D2 receptor activation in the mPFC.  相似文献   

Abstract: We developed a rapid and sensitive radioimmunohistochemical method for the quantification of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) at both the anatomical and cellular level. Coronal tissue sections from fresh-frozen rat brains were incubated in the presence of a TH monoclonal antibody. The reaction was revealed with a 35S-labeled secondary antibody. TH content was quantified in catecholaminergic brain areas by measuring optical density on autoradiographic films or silver grain density on autoradiographic emulsion-coated sections. Regional TH concentrations determined in the locus ceruleus (LC), substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC), and ventral tegmental area (VTA) were significantly increased by 45% after reserpine treatment in the LC but unchanged in the SNC and VTA. Microscopic examination of TH radioimmunolabeling showed a heavy accumulation of silver grains over catecholaminergic cell bodies. In the LC, grain density per cell was heterogeneous and higher in the ventral than in the dorsal part of the structure. After reserpine treatment, TH levels were significantly increased (57%) in the neurons of the LC but not in those of the SNC or VTA. The data support the validity of this radioimmunohistochemical method as a tool for quantifying TH protein at the cellular level and they confirm that TH protein content is differentially regulated in noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons in response to reserpine.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), and choline acetyl transferase (CAT) were used as markers for catecholamine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, and acetylcholine containing neurons in human mesencephalon. Their rostrocaudal, mediolateral, and dorsoventral distribution was investigated within the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNC) and pars reticulata (SNR) and in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). TH activity was highest in the caudal, medial, and ventral SNC and in the middle of VTA medio-ventrally. The enzyme activity in SNR was low and uniformly distributed. In SNC as well as SNR, GAD activity was high and greater laterally and in the middle of the rostro-caudal extent. No particular pattern of distribution was observed in VTA. an area with low GAD content. In the substantia nigra, CAT activity was low. A characteristic medio-ventral distribution with a peak of high enzyme activity in the middle of the rostrocaudal extent was observed. In VTA, enzyme levels were high and also concentrated medio-ventrally and in the middle of the area. In parkinsonian brains, the distribution of TH was uniformly affected throughout the rostro-caudal extent. In VTA the enzyme activity was not as reduced as in SNC and SNR; the CAT pattern was only disrupted in a very localized part of SNC but not in SNR and VTA. In all three areas, GAD activity was reduced to a uniformly low distribution.  相似文献   

Daily injections of cocaine or morphine into rodents produces behavioral sensitization such that the last daily injection results in a greater motor stimulant effect than the first injection. To evaluate a role for brain dopamine in behavioral sensitization to cocaine and morphine, tissue slices from the ventromedial mesencephalon (containing dopamine cell bodies), the nucleus accumbens, and striatum (dopamine terminal fields) were obtained from rats pretreated with daily cocaine, morphine, or saline 2-3 weeks earlier. When the tissue slices were depolarized by increasing potassium concentration in the superfusate, the release of endogenous dopamine from the ventromedial mesencephalon of cocaine- and morphine-pretreated rats was significantly decreased. In contrast, the release of dopamine from the nucleus accumbens and striatum was either unaltered or slightly enhanced in rats pretreated with cocaine and morphine. When dopamine was released by amphetamine, a significant decrease in dopamine release from the ventromedial mesencephalon of cocaine-pretreated rats was measured. No other significant changes were measured after amphetamine-induced release. It is postulated that the decrease in dopamine release from the ventromedial mesencephalon of cocaine- and morphine-sensitized rats results in less somatodendritic autoreceptor stimulation, and thereby produces an increase in dopamine neuronal activity.  相似文献   

Sulzer D  Rayport S 《Amino acids》2000,19(1):45-52
Summary. While direct application of dopamine modulates postsynaptic activity, electrical stimulation of dopamine neurons typically evokes excitation. Most of this excitation appears to be due to activation of collateral pathways; however, several lines of evidence have suggested that there is a monosynaptic component due to glutamate corelease by dopamine neurons. Recently, more direct evidence obtained in culture has shown that ventral midbrain dopamine neurons release both dopamine and glutamate. Moreover, they appear to do so from separate release sites, calling into question recent modifications of Dale's Principle. The neurochemical phenotype of a given synapse may be determined by subcellular neurotransmitter levels, uptake, or storage. However, the relationship between dopamine and glutamate release from dopamine neuron synapses in the intact brain – and the mechanisms involved – has yet to be resolved. Received August 31, 1999 Accepted September 20, 1999  相似文献   

Abstract: Microdialysis was used to compare the effect of local perfusion of cocaine with that of functionally similar compounds on extracellular norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin (measured simultaneously) in the ventral tegmental area of freely moving rats. Tetrodotoxin (1 µ M ) potently inhibited both basal and cocaine-induced dialysate monoamine outputs. The local anesthetic lidocaine produced little or no effect on the monoamine output, whereas all uptake blockers tested (at 0.1–1,000 µ M ) increased the monoamine output in a dose-dependent manner. The selective norepinephrine-uptake blockers desipramine and nisoxetine did not show any selectivity for norepinephrine, whereas the selective serotonin-uptake blockers fluoxetine and citalopram, as well as the selective dopamine-uptake blocker GBR 12935, preferentially (but not exclusively) increased their target amine. Cocaine at low concentrations (1–10 µ M ) increased the three amines similarly, but at higher concentrations (100–1,000 µ M ) caused a relatively higher dopamine output. A positive relationship between blocker-induced dialysate norepinephrine and dopamine outputs suggests significant interactions between monoamine systems. The present results indicate that cocaine's action in the ventral tegmental area involves not only a dopamine-, but also a norepinephrine- and a serotonin-related component, and that cocaine-induced monoamine increase is independent of its local anesthetic property.  相似文献   

The N-type voltage-dependent calcium channels play a significant role in neurotransmitter release. The alpha1B subunit of the N-type calcium channel functions as the primary subunit that forms the pore and contains the structural motifs that mediate the pharmacological and gating properties of the channel. We report on an isoform of the alpha1B subunit that is preferentially expressed by the monoaminergic neurons of the rat brain. This isoform contains a 21-amino acid cassette in the synprint site present in the cytoplasmic loop between domains IIS6 and IIIS1. RT-PCR of micropunched tissue was used to show preferential expression of this isoform in regions of the brain containing monoaminergic neurons and to a lesser extent in the cerebellum. Double-label in situ hybridization was used to show expression of this isoform mRNA in dopaminergic neurons of the ventral mesencephalon. The expression of two distinct N-type calcium channels containing these alpha1B subunit isoforms by the monoaminergic neurons may provide for synapse-specific regulation of neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   

Long-Term Effects of RU24722 on Tyrosine Hydroxylase of the Rat Brain   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
The effects of RU24722 (14,15-dihydro-20,21-dinoreburnamine-14-ol) on tyrosine hydroxylase in central catecholaminergic neurons were studied in rats treated with different quantities of the molecule, and a time course was done for the minimal dose that gave the maximal effect. RU24722 induced increases in tyrosine hydroxylase activities and specific protein content in noradrenergic cells of the locus ceruleus and decreased all these parameters in dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area. The results pointed out that the specific activity of newly synthesized tyrosine hydroxylase in the loci cerulei was potentially greater but was not expressed "in vivo" except 7 days after injection. The phenotypic specificity and the time course pattern of the action could be considered as a consequence of an induction mechanism. The comparison of long-term change in tyrosine hydroxylase values after piperoxane, RU24722, clonidine, and combined RU24722-clonidine treatment demonstrated that an activation during a few hours did not induce tyrosine hydroxylase in central noradrenergic neurons. Clonidine antagonized the activating effect of RU24722 following its injection but did not affect its long-term induction properties.  相似文献   

The herbicide atrazine (ATR) is a very commonly used pesticide in the United States. and a major ground water contaminant. It has also been recently implicated as a potential basal ganglia toxicant. In the present study, our objective was to determine the effects of ATR exposure on striatal neurochemistry, on the number of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc), and, as a reference, in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of male juvenile C57BL/6 mice. Oral exposure to ATR for 14 days dose-dependently decreased the levels of dopamine (DA) and its metabolites in the striatum for up to a week post-treatment. ATR exposure also time- and dose-dependently decreased the number of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive (TH+) dopaminergic neurons in both SNpc and VTA (with effects being slightly more prominent in SNpc), such that the decreases were most evident at 7 weeks post-cessation of exposure to ATR. Together, these data indicate that, in the juvenile male C57BL/6 mouse, the neurotoxic effects of ATR appear to cause transient neurochemical alterations, whereas the loss of TH+ neurons appears to be persistent, possibly confined to basal ganglia dopaminergic neurons, but not exclusive to the SNpc.  相似文献   

Repeated social subjugation in early puberty lowers testosterone levels. We used hamsters to investigate the effects of social subjugation on male sexual behavior and metabolic activity within neural systems controlling social and motivational behaviors. Subjugated animals were exposed daily to aggressive adult males in early puberty for postnatal days 28 to 42, while control animals were placed in empty clean cages. On postnatal day 45, they were tested for male sexual behavior in the presence of receptive female. Alternatively, they were tested for mate choice after placement at the base of a Y-maze containing a sexually receptive female in one tip of the maze and an ovariectomized one on the other. Social subjugation did not affect the capacity to mate with receptive females. Although control animals were fast to approach females and preferred ovariectomized individuals, subjugated animals stayed away from them and showed no preference. Cytochrome oxidase activity was reduced within the preoptic area and ventral tegmental area in subjugated hamsters. In addition, the correlation of metabolic activity of these areas with the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and anterior parietal cortex changed significantly from positive in controls to negative in subjugated animals. These data show that at mid-puberty, while male hamsters are capable of mating, their appetitive sexual behavior is not fully mature and this aspect of male sexual behavior is responsive to social subjugation. Furthermore, metabolic activity and coordination of activity in brain areas related to sexual behavior and motivation were altered by social subjugation.  相似文献   

The past two decades have seen an explosion in our understanding of the origin and development of the midbrain dopamine system. Much of this work has been focused on the aspects of dopamine neuron development related to the onset of movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease, with the intent of hopefully delaying, preventing or fixing symptoms. While midbrain dopamine degeneration is a major focus for treatment and research, many other human disorders are impacted by abnormal dopamine, including drug addiction, autism and schizophrenia. Understanding dopamine neuron ontogeny and how dopamine connections and circuitry develops may provide us with key insights into potentially important avenues of research for other dopamine‐related disorders. This review will provide a brief overview of the major molecular and genetic players throughout the development of midbrain dopamine neurons and what we know about the behavioral‐ and disease‐related implications associated with perturbations to midbrain dopamine neuron development. We intend to combine the knowledge of two broad fields of neuroscience, both developmental and behavioral, with the intent on fostering greater discussion between branches of neuroscience in the service of addressing complex cognitive questions from a developmental perspective and identifying important gaps in our knowledge for future study.  相似文献   

Abstract: The dopamine (DA)-containing nerve terminals in the caudate nucleus arise from cell bodies located in the substantia nigra (pars compacta), and it is possible that p-tyramine- and m-tyramine-containing neurons may also exist in this nucleus. We have studied the effects of unilateral electrolytic lesions of the pars compacta in rat on levels of DA, p-tyramine, m-tyramine, and homovanillic acid in the caudate nucleus after various survival times. At 12 and 24 h following lesioning the ipsilateral level of p-tyramine was significantly reduced compared with the contralateral side, whereas the concentrations of m-tyramine, DA, and homovanillic acid were significantly increased. Thus, in the short term, the lesion results in an increase in DA turnover, which is accompanied by an increase in m-tyramine levels and a decrease in p-tyramine levels. Similar changes occur following pharmacological treatments (chlorpromazine, d-amphetamine, l-DOPA) that increase DA turnover. At survival times of 2, 11, and 25 days, the ipsilateral concentrations of m-tyramine, DA, and homovanillic acid were reduced along with p-tyramine. These longer-term alterations in amine levels are most likely a consequence of degeneration of nigro-striatal axons. Placement of a lesion 1 mm dorsal to the usual position centering on the pars compacta produced different biochemical changes from those seen after the pars compacta lesion. One day following this lesion the concentration of p-tyramine was slightly reduced; DA was unaffected, but the concentration of m-tyramine was profoundly increased, even more so than after the pars compacta lesion. This could indicate the existence of specific m-tyramine-containing cell bodies located dorsal to the substantia nigra. The results suggest that p- and m-tyramine in the caudate nucleus originate from neurons in or close to the substantia nigra. The results in the short term following the lesion support the observation that there is an inverse relationship between p-tyramine concentration and DA turnover in the caudate nucleus.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of different psychotropic drugs on the rate of DOPA accumulation after administration of a decarboxylase inhibitor (NSD 1015) was compared in the substantia nigra (SN) and caudate nucleus (CN) by a new radioenzymatic method. Inhibition of monoamine oxidase with pargyline or stimulation of dopamine (DA) receptors with apomorphine, N -n-propyl-norapomorphine or d -amphetamine reduced DOPA formation in the CN and SN to the same extent. Vice versa, both inhibition of DA receptors with haloperidol or (-)sulpiride and depletion of DA concentration with reserpine enhanced DOPA formation to a greater extent in the CN than in the SN. Apomorphine antagonized not only the effect of haloperidol and (-)sulpiride, but also, and even more effectively, that of reserpine. The results indicate that DA synthesis in the SN is controlled by both end-product inhibition and DA receptor-mediated mechanisms.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of tetanus toxin on the uptake and release of radiolabelled transmitters from slices prepared from substantia nigra (SN) and striatum of rats has been investigated. Tetanus toxin-500–750 mouse lethal doses (MLD)-injected into the SN 6 h before preparing the slices significantly reduced the calcium-dependent, potassium-evoked release of [3H]GABA. Endogenous GABA levels in the SN and [3H]GABA uptake by nigral slices were unaffected by pretreatment with the toxin. Injections of tetanus toxin (1000–2000 MLD) into the striatum significantly reduced the calcium-dependent, potassium-evoked release of [14C]GABA and also [3H]dopamine, but had no effect on the K+-evoked release of [3H]5-hydroxytryptamine or [14C]acetylcholine. It is concluded that tetanus toxin inhibits GABA release directly and not by interference with synthesis or inactivation processes.  相似文献   

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