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The effect of the use of an oral contraceptive (OC) on the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and on the response in the alkaline comet assay (single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE)) was investigated in 18 women taking contraceptive pills daily for 24 months. As controls, fertile women were included with regular menstrual cycles who received no OC drugs. A significant increase in the number of lymphocytes with DNA migration and an increased frequency of SCE per metaphase were observed in OC users as compared with their age-matched untreated controls (P<0.005). As higher incidences of spontaneous SCEs in peripheral blood lymphocytes have been reported to occur in females during pregnancy due to profound changes in the levels of certain sex hormones such as progesterone and estrogen, particularly during the last trimester, 17 pregnant women served as positive controls in this study in order to test the rate of genetic damage due to those changes. Higher frequencies of SCEs and comet responses were observed in pregnant women than in their matched controls. However, no statistically significant difference in DNA damage was observed between OC users and pregnant women (P>0.05). This study underscores the fact that prolonged and extensive use of these drugs in our daily life may be hazardous and also, that OC users should be aware of multifactorial risk factors (environmental, genetic and life style patterns) that may be responsible for additional DNA damage.  相似文献   

Lead, an environmental toxin is known to induce a broad range of physiological and biochemical dysfunctions in humans through a number of mechanisms including the deactivation of antioxidants thus leading to generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and subsequent DNA damage. Selenium on the other hand has been proven to play an important role in the protection of cells from free radical damage and oxidative stress, though its effects are thought to be form and dose dependent. As the liver is the primary organ required for metabolite detoxification, HepG2 cells were chosen to assess the protective effects of various selenium compounds following exposure to the genotoxic agent lead nitrate. Initially DNA damage was quantified using a comet assay, gene expression patterns associated with DNA damage and signalling were also examined using PCR arrays and the biological pathways which were most significantly affected by selenium were identified.Interestingly, the organic type selenium compounds (selenium yeast and selenomethionine) conferred protection against lead induced DNA damage in HepG2 cells; this is evident by reduction in the quantity of DNA present in the comet tail of cells cultured in their presence with lead. This trend also followed through the gene expression changes noted in DNA damage pathways analysed. These results were in contrast with those of inorganic sodium selenite which promoted lead induced DNA damage evident in both the comet assay results and the gene expression analysis. Over all this study provided valuable insights into the effects which various selenium compounds had on the DNA damage and signalling pathway indicating the potential for using organic forms of selenium such as selenium enriched yeast to protect against DNA damaging agents.  相似文献   

The concern about DNA damage has directed efforts toward evaluating the genotoxic potential of physical and chemical agents. Since the extent of DNA damage is also related to the capacity of the organism in repairing the DNA, the advance of toxicological studies on this area depends on the characterization of the DNA repair mechanisms in the available models. The cellular zebrafish models, for example, replace mammalian cells to answer ecologically relevant questions on aquatic toxicology. So, the aim of the present study was to characterize the nucleotide excision repair (NER) and photoreactivation (PER) in two cellular models of Danio rerio liver, primary hepatocytes and ZF-L (Zebrafish Liver) cell line. We performed kinetic studies of the DNA damage levels after exposure to 6.8 J/m2 UVC using the T4-PDG modified Comet Assay, and determined the expression levels of important genes involved in NER, PER and base excision repair using RT-qPCR. It was observed that both ZF-L cell line and primary hepatocytes exhibit similar NER and PER activity. Primary hepatocytes showed similarities in the gene expression of most of the evaluated repair genes with the original tissue. These results indicate that both primary hepatocytes and ZF-L cells are useful models for toxicological studies aiming to evaluate NER and PER in hepatic cells. Moreover, the similarities in gene expression between the cellular models suggest that the ZF-L cells retain the DNA repair characteristics of the primary hepatocytes and, thus, could serve as replacement to this primary culture, reducing the use of animals in research.  相似文献   

Pollution of the aquatic environment is an ever-growing problem, as waters are the ultimate sink for the large number of xenobiotics from multiple sources. DNA damaging agents have a significant ecological relevance since they are implicated in many pathological processes and exert effects beyond that of individual being active through following generations. A large number of methods have been applied to evaluate genotoxic damage in different aquatic species. Comet assay, as method for de- tecting DNA alterations, and micronucleus test, as an index of chromosomal damage are the most widely applied and validated methods in field studies. These methods were applied in different vertebrate and invertebrate aquatic species, but only mollusk and fish species have been employed in routine biomonitoring programs. Mussels, due to their widely geographical distribution and the suitability for caging represent the bioindicator of choice in field studies. Mytilus species is the most used marine mussel. The use of fish is limited to specific geographic areas. The present review mainly focuses on the application of comet assay and micronucleus test in mussels. A number of biomonitoring studies in mussels, using comet assay or micronucleus test, revealed exposure to different classes of genotoxic compounds with a good discrimination power. The different evidence from the two as- says, reflects different biological mechanisms for the two genetic endpoints, DNA damage and chromosomal damage, suggesting their combined application in the field. Different endogenous and exogenous factors have been shown to modulate the genotoxic responses in mussels, acting as confounding factors in environmental monitoring. The use of standardized protocol for caging, sampling and genotoxity evaluation is critical in biomonitoring studies. The use of a multimarker approach coupling genotoxicity biomarkers with physiological and biochemical factors allows to have a complete picture of the environmental pollution [Current Zoology 60 (2): 273-284, 2014].  相似文献   



Single cell gel electrophoresis, or the comet assay, was devised as a sensitive method for detecting DNA strand breaks, at the level of individual cells. A simple modification, incorporating a digestion of DNA with a lesion-specific endonuclease, makes it possible to measure oxidised bases.

Scope of review

With the inclusion of formamidopyrimidine DNA glycosylase to recognise oxidised purines, or Nth (endonuclease III) to detect oxidised pyrimidines, the comet assay has been used extensively in human biomonitoring to monitor oxidative stress, usually in peripheral blood mononuclear cells.

Major conclusions

There is evidence to suggest that the enzymic approach is more accurate than chromatographic methods, when applied to low background levels of base oxidation. However, there are potential problems of over-estimation (because the enzymes are not completely specific) or under-estimation (failure to detect lesions that are close together). Attempts have been made to improve the inter-laboratory reproducibility of the comet assay.

General significance

In addition to measuring DNA damage, the assay can be used to monitor the cellular or in vitro repair of strand breaks or oxidised bases. It also has applications in assessing the antioxidant status of cells. In its various forms, the comet assay is now an invaluable tool in human biomonitoring and genotoxicity testing. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Current methods to study reactive oxygen species - pros and cons and biophysics of membrane proteins. Guest Editor: Christine Winterbourn.  相似文献   

We studied mtDNA introgression across the contact zone between Mus musculus musculus and M. m. domesticus in two independent transects in the Czech Republic and Bavaria, Germany. A total of 1270 mice from 98 localities in the Czech transect and 456 mice from 41 localities in the Bavarian transect were examined for presence or absence of a Bam HI restriction site in the mt-Nd1 gene. Using this simple mtDNA marker, variants that belonged to the M. m. domesticus lineage (presence of restriction site) could be unequivocally distinguished from those belonging to the M. m. musculus lineage (absence of restriction site). The extent of introgression of mtDNA, three autosomal allozymes and the X chromosome was compared. The introgression of X markers was more limited than was that of the allozymes and mtDNA. In the Czech transect, the centre for the mtDNA cline was shifted about 3.6 km to the west relative to the X chromosome cline, with asymmetric introgression from M. m. musculus to M. m. domesticus . Interestingly, in the Bavarian transect, the centre of the mtDNA cline was shifted about 10.9 km to the east relative to the X chromosome cline, with asymmetric introgression from M. m. domesticus to M. m. musculus, opposite in direction to that observed in the Czech transect.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 363–378.  相似文献   

The current study was carried out to evaluate the genotoxic aspects of the aqueous extracts of the Tribulus terrestris fruits by comet assay and cytogenetic procedures conditions on cultured human peripheral blood lymphocyte. After the treatment of the lymphocytes with four concentrations of the aqueous fruit extract of T. terrestris (10, 20, 40 and 80 mg/L) for 24 h it was noticed that, the presence of micronuclei and/or chromosomal aberration were monitored and a significant increase of comet cells at high concentration of T. terrestris extract 80 mg/L. Also, this study showed that the presence of micronuclei, chromosomal aberration as a chromosomal gap, fragmentation, stickiness and necrotic cells were appeared and increased with high concentrations of T. terrestris fruits extract (40–80 mg/L). On the other hand, no significant difference was observed with the low concentration of the extract (10–20 mg/L) as compared with control. The current study refers to the ability of the extract of T. terrestris fruits to do damage in the target DNA at the higher concentrations. Thus, it could be considered that the aqueous extracts of the T. terrestris fruits have genotoxic effect in the therapeutic protocols if it used in high doses.  相似文献   

The choice of a suitable species to translate pollution signals into a quantitative monitor is a fundamental step in biomonitoring plans. Here we present the results of three years of biomonitoring at a new coal power plant in central Italy using three different aquatic and terrestrial wildlife species in order to compare their reliability as sentinel organisms for genotoxicity. The comet assay was applied to the common land snail Helix spp., the lagoon fish Aphaniusfasciatus, and the green frog Rana esculenta sampled in the area potentially exposed to the impact of the power station. The tissue concentration of some expected pollutants (As, Cd, Ni, Pb, Cr) was analysed in parallel samples collected in the same sampling sites. The three species showed different values in the comet assay (Tail Intensity) and different accumulation profiles of heavy metals. Aphanius fasciatus showed an increasing genotoxic effect over time that paralleled the temporal increase of the heavy metals, especially arsenic, and the highest correlation between heavy metals and DNA damage. Helix spp. showed levels of damage inversely related to the distance from the source of pollution and in partial accordance with the total accumulation of trace elements. On the contrary, Rana esculenta showed a low capability to accumulate metals and had inconsistent results in the comet test. The fish appeared to be the most efficient and sensitive species in detecting chemical pollution. Overall, both the fish and the snail reflected a trend of increasing pollution in the area surrounding the power plant across time and space [Current Zoology 60 (2): 308-321, 2014].  相似文献   

Coal is a mixture of a variety of compounds containing mutagenic and carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Exposure to coal is considered as an important non-cellular and cellular source of reactive oxygen species that can induce DNA damage. In addition, spontaneous combustion can occur in coal mining areas, further releasing compounds with detrimental effects on the environment. In this study the comet assay was used to investigate potential genotoxic effects of coal mining activities in peripheral blood cells of the wild rodents Rattus rattus and Mus musculus. The study was conducted in a coal mining area of the Municipio de Puerto Libertador, South West of the Departamento de Cordoba, Colombia. Animals from two areas in the coal mining zone and a control area located in the Municipio de Lorica were investigated. The results showed evidence that exposure to coal results in elevated primary DNA lesions in blood cells of rodents. Three different parameters for DNA damage were assessed, namely, DNA damage index, migration length and percentage damaged cells. All parameters showed statistically significantly higher values in mice and rats from the coal mining area in comparison to the animals from the control area. The parameter “DNA Damage Index” was found to be most sensitive and to best indicate a genotoxic hazard. Both species investigated were shown to be sensitive indicators of environmental genotoxicity caused by coal mining activities. In summary, our study constitutes the first investigation of potential genotoxic effects of open coal mining carried out in Puerto Libertador. The investigations provide a guide for measures to evaluate genotoxic hazards, thereby contributing to the development of appropriate measures and regulations for more careful operations during coal mining.  相似文献   

Pastor N  Cortés F 《DNA Repair》2003,2(12):1353-1360
The bufadienolide bufalin, a component of the Chinese medicine chan'su, has been reported to selectively inhibit the growth of various lines of human cancer cells, due at least in part to its specific effect on topoisomerase (topo) II. We have treated Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells with doses of bufalin that result in a dramatic reduction in both the level and catalytic activity of topo II without any concomitant induction of DNA damage, as assessed by the comet assay. When cells were pre-treated with bufalin and then irradiated with X-rays, a follow-up study revealed that the kinetics of DNA repair was clearly affected, with a general delay in the restoration of DNA to the situation observed in non-irradiated controls. The possible involvement of topo II in radiation damage repair is discussed.  相似文献   

DNA sensitivity in peripheral blood leukocytes of radar-facility workers daily exposed to microwave radiation and an unexposed control subjects was investigated. The study was carried out on clinically healthy male workers employed on radar equipment and antenna system service within a microwave field of 10 μW/cm2–20 mW/cm2 with frequency range of 1,250–1,350 MHz. The control group consisted of subjects of similar age. The evaluation of DNA damage and sensitivity was performed using alkaline comet assay and chromatid breakage assay (bleomycin-sensitivity assay). The levels of DNA damage in exposed subjects determined by alkaline comet assay were increased compared to control group and showed inter-individual variations. After short exposure of cultured lymphocytes to bleomycin cells of subjects occupationally exposed to microwave (MW) radiation responded with high numbers of chromatid breaks. Almost three times higher number of bleomycin-induced chromatid breaks in cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes were determined in comparison with control group. The difference in break per cell (b/c) values recorded between smokers and non-smokers was statistically significant in the exposed group. Regression analyses showed significant positive correlation between the results obtained with two different methods. Considering the correlation coefficients, the number of metaphase with breaks was a better predictor of the comet assay parameters compared to b/c ratio. The best correlation was found between tail moment and number of chromatid with breaks. Our results indicate that MW radiation represents a potential DNA-damaging hazard using the alkaline comet assay and chromatid breakage assay as sensitive biomarkers of individual cancer susceptibility.  相似文献   

Genotoxicity and cytotoxicity were evaluated in an in vitro system with a permanent cell line Epithelioma papulosum cyprini (EPC) derived from a skin tumour of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). EPC cells were exposed to different concentrations of organic sediment extracts from the North Sea for 24 h. After incubation the cells were analysed for viability and DNA strand breaks with the comet assay or single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE). The results confirm the sensitivity of this assay. Out of 10 marine sediment samples from the North Sea, 9 showed a dose-dependent genotoxic effect. The EC50 of sediment extracts ranged from 7 to 307 mg sediment dry weight/ml assay volume. Hepatic microsomal enzymes from dab (Limanda limanda L.) was proposed for enzymatic activation of benzo[a]pyrene (BAP) or sediment extracts, respectively. The suitability of this in vitro test system for assessing genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of marine sediment extracts on EPC cells could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

The toxicity of trace metals is still incompletely understood. We have previously shown that a single oral dose of iron or copper induces genotoxic effects in mice in vivo, as detected by single cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay). Here, we report the effect of these metals on subchronic exposure. Mice were gavaged for six consecutive days with either water, 33.2 mg/kg iron, or 8.5 mg/kg copper. On the 7th day, the neutral and alkaline comet assays in whole blood and the bone marrow micronucleus (MN) test were used as genotoxicity and mutagenicity endpoints, respectively. Particle induced X-ray emission was used to determine liver levels of the metals. Females showed a slightly lower DNA damage background, but there was no significant difference between genders for any endpoint. Iron and copper were genotoxic and mutagenic. While copper was more genotoxic in the neutral version, iron was more genotoxic in the alkaline version of the comet assay. Copper induced the highest mutagenicity as evaluated by the MN test. Iron was not mutagenic to male mice. Iron is thought to induce more oxidative lesions than copper, which are primarily detected in the alkaline comet assay. Treatment with iron, but not with copper, induced a significant increase in the hepatic level of the respective metal, reflecting different excretion strategies.  相似文献   

The hybrid zone between the two subspecies of mice Mus musculus domesticus and Mus musculus musculus, which has been studied extensively in Denmark, crosses Europe to the Black Sea through the Alps and the Balkans. Two hundred and seventy-nine animals were captured in 22 localities along a transect across the Balkans. The animals were characterized for seven diagnostic nuclear loci by protein electrophoresis and by restriction pattern analysis of their mitochondrial DNA. The nuclear data show a sharp transition between the two subspecies, most of the variations in allele frequencies (from 0.9 to 0.1) occurring within a 36-km section of the transect. The introgression varies from one locus to the other and is more pronounced, in terms of distance, in M. m. musculus territory. Mitochondrial DNA introgression is important but occurs in one direction only, i.e. from M. m. musculus to M. m. domesticus, while a cytoplasmic transfer from M. m. domesticus to M. m. musculus has been reported. A previous study showed that no Y chromosome introgression occurs. The different behaviour of these three types of markers could be due to the interaction between selection against hybrid genomes and meiotic recombination. Objectively, it would appear that the genes that can introgress are neutral or nearly so and have been separated from deleterious genes they were linked to by recombination. This could explain the differential introgression between autosomal loci. The mitochondrial and Y chromosomes undergo no or very little recombination and each is transmitted as a whole. Their degree of introgression is thus indicative of the intensity of selection resulting from the amount of functional differentiation between the two taxa, which seems to be strong for the Y chromosome and weak for mitochondrial DNA. We propose that the asymmetry of nuclear introgression is due to different population structures. As M. m. musculus is relatively less structured, the rapid spreading of introgressed genes would be favoured. Such a scheme, however, can hardly account for the unidirectionality of the mitochondrial flow, which could be due to sex-dependent behaviour.  相似文献   

The comet assay for DNA damage and repair   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The comet assay (single-cell gel electrophoresis) is a simple method for measuring deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) strand breaks in eukaryotic cells. Cells embedded in agarose on a microscope slide are lysed with detergent and high salt to form nucleoids containing supercoiled loops of DNA linked to the nuclear matrix. Electrophoresis at high pH results in structures resembling comets, observed by fluorescence microscopy; the intensity of the comet tail relative to the head reflects the number of DNA breaks. The likely basis for this is that loops containing a break lose their supercoiling and become free to extend toward the anode. The assay has applications in testing novel chemicals for genotoxicity, monitoring environmental contamination with genotoxins, human biomonitoring and molecular epidemiology, and fundamental research in DNA damage and repair. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay are greatly enhanced if the nucleoids are incubated with bacterial repair endonucleases that recognize specific kinds of damage in the DNA and convert lesions to DNA breaks, increasing the amount of DNA in the comet tail. DNA repair can be monitored by incubating cells after treatment with damaging agent and measuring the damage remaining at intervals. Alternatively, the repair activity in a cell extract can be measured by incubating it with nucleoids containing specific damage.  相似文献   

As part of a comprehensive investigation of the potential genotoxicity of radiofrequency (RF) signals emitted by cellular telephones, in vitro studies evaluated the induction of DNA and chromosomal damage in human blood leukocytes and lymphocytes, respectively. The signals were voice modulated 837 MHz produced by an analog signal generator or by a time division multiple access (TDMA) cellular telephone, 837 MHz generated by a code division multiple access (CDMA) cellular telephone (not voice modulated), and voice modulated 1909.8 MHz generated by a global system of mobile communication (GSM)-type personal communication systems (PCS) cellular telephone. DNA damage (strand breaks/alkali labile sites) was assessed in leukocytes using the alkaline (pH>13) single cell gel electrophoresis (SCG) assay. Chromosomal damage was evaluated in lymphocytes mitogenically stimulated to divide postexposure using the cytochalasin B-binucleate cell micronucleus assay. Cells were exposed at 37+/-1 degrees C, for 3 or 24 h at average specific absorption rates (SARs) of 1.0-10.0 W/kg. Exposure for either 3 or 24 h did not induce a significant increase in DNA damage in leukocytes, nor did exposure for 3 h induce a significant increase in micronucleated cells among lymphocytes. However, exposure to each of the four RF signal technologies for 24 h at an average SAR of 5.0 or 10.0 W/kg resulted in a significant and reproducible increase in the frequency of micronucleated lymphocytes. The magnitude of the response (approximately four fold) was independent of the technology, the presence or absence of voice modulation, and the frequency (837 vs. 1909.8 MHz). This research demonstrates that, under extended exposure conditions, RF signals at an average SAR of at least 5.0 W/kg are capable of inducing chromosomal damage in human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

杀虫剂敌敌畏和除草剂丁草胺对斑腿树蛙蝌蚪的遗传毒性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
耿宝荣  姚丹  薛清清 《动物学报》2005,51(3):447-454
敌敌畏和丁草胺是我国农田中使用最普遍的杀虫剂和除草剂,这些农田化学物质对当地的水生动物及种群造成很大威胁.本文以广泛分布于我国南方农田区域的斑腿树蛙蝌蚪为研究对象,用碱性单细胞电泳方法(或慧星试验)对暴露在不同浓度的敌敌畏(2.08,4.16,6.24,8.32,10.40 mg/L)和丁草胺(0.1025,0.205,0.410,0.820,1.230 mg/L)溶液中的蝌蚪进行了遗传毒性的检测.结果表明在实验室条件下,随着农药浓度的增加,蝌蚪的DNA损伤(DNA尾长与尾宽比)随之增加;敌敌畏浓度为2.08 mg/L和丁草胺浓度为0.41 mg/L时,对蝌蚪造成显著的损伤,而且农药的剂量与蝌蚪的DNA损伤(DNA尾长与尾宽比)呈显著的线性关系敌敌畏,y=1.136±0.0083x,r=0.957,P<0.01;丁草胺,y=0.968±0.0093x,r=0.964,P<0.01.本研究表明这两种农药对我国的两栖动物具有遗传毒性作用;同时也表明,在检测环境污染物对蝌蚪的基因毒性方面,碱性单细胞电泳分析是一种合适的方法[动物学报 51(3)447-454,2005].  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation is known to produce a variety of cellular and sub cellular damage in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Present studies were undertaken to assess gamma ray induced DNA damage in different organs of the chick embryo using alkaline comet assay and peripheral blood micronucleus test. Further the suitability of chick embryo, as an alternative model for genotoxicity evaluation of environmental agents was assessed. Fertilized eggs of Rhode island red strain were exposed to 0.5, 1 and 2 Gy of gamma rays delivered at a dose rate of 0.316 Gy/min using a 60Co teletherapy machine. Peripheral blood smears were prepared from 8- to 11-day-old chick embryos for micronucleus test. Alkaline comet assay was performed on 11-day-old chick embryos in different organs such as the heart, liver, lung, blood, bone marrow, brain and kidney.Analysis of the data revealed a significant increase in the frequency of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes, micronucleated normochromatic erythrocytes and total micronucleated erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of gamma irradiated chick embryos at all the doses tested as compared to the respective controls. The polychromatic to normochromatic erythrocytes ratio which is an indicator of proliferation rate of hematopoetic tissue, decreased in the irradiated groups as compared to the controls. Data obtained from comet assay, clearly demonstrated a significant increase in DNA strand breaks in all the organs of irradiated chick embryos as compared to the respective controls. However, maximum damage was observed in the heart tissue on all the doses tested, followed by kidney, brain, lung, blood and liver. The lowest damage was observed in the bone marrow tissue. Both micronucleus test and comet assay were found to be suitable biomarkers for the evaluation of genotoxicity of gamma radiation in the chick embryo.  相似文献   

We compared DNA damage and the efficacy of its repair after genotoxic treatment with γ-radiation of lymphocytes and tissue cells isolated from patients with squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck (HNSCC) and healthy donors. Thirty-seven subjects with HNSCC and 35 healthy donors were enrolled in the study. The extent of DNA damage including oxidative lesions and efficiency of the repair were examined by alkaline comet assay. HNSCC cancer cells were more sensitive to genotoxic treatment and displayed impaired DNA repair. In particular, lesions caused by γ-radiation were repaired less effectively in metastasis of HNSCC than in healthy controls. The differences in radiation sensitivity of cancer and control cells suggested that DNA repair might be critical for HNSCC treatment. We conclude that γ-radiation might be considered as an effective therapeutic strategy for head and neck cancers, including patients in advanced stage of the disease with clear evidence of metastasis.  相似文献   

氧化苦参碱的提取分离及对小鼠的毒性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用酸性乙醇提取、硅胶柱层析分离、乙醚分级沉淀、丙酮重结晶的方法从苦参中分离到氧化苦参碱单体。对小鼠的毒性测定表明,试鼠的死亡主要集中在48 h内,48 h后无试鼠的死亡现象。小鼠对氧化苦参碱的耐受量大于50 mg/kg,小于20 mg/kg,致死中量LD50为85.95 mg/kg,回归方程Y=-3.2664 4.2737X,LD50标准误差s=8.77。氧化苦参碱毒性较低,致死中量适宜,对试鼠有较好的适口性,可以作为杀鼠剂使用。  相似文献   

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