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目的:建立兔颈动、静脉移植血管桥动物模型,观察移植桥血管内膜增生和狭窄的电镜下表现。方法:通过兔双侧颈动脉进行动脉桥和静脉桥的移植,形成双侧移植血管桥再狭窄动物模型。在第8周施行血管桥移植手术的同时留取右侧颈动静脉标本作为对照血管,再分别于第12周、16周和第20周分别处死模型兔,采集移植桥血管标本,在光镜下测量其内膜厚度、面积、狭窄度,并进行电镜观察。结果:颈动脉和颈静脉桥移植后,随着时间的延长,桥血管的出现平滑肌迁移,脂质沉积,内膜增生,血管狭窄等改变,且以静脉桥血管的病理改变更为明显。结论:在兔形成动脉粥样硬化病变基础上,进行双侧颈动脉血管桥的移植,建立兔双侧颈动脉移植血管桥再狭窄动物模型,有利于设立自身对照,研究术后动静脉桥再狭窄差异机制;建立动、静脉桥后,位于血管中膜的平滑肌细胞出现向血管内膜迁移现象,说明中膜平滑肌细胞迁移进入内膜导致新内膜形成是血管再狭窄的重要环节。  相似文献   

目的:建立兔颈动、静脉移植血管桥动物模型,观察移植桥血管内膜增生和狭窄的电镜下表现。方法:通过兔双侧颈动脉进行动脉桥和静脉桥的移植,形成双侧移植血管桥再狭窄动物模型。在第8周施行血管桥移植手术的同时留取右侧颈动静脉标本作为对照血管,再分别于第12周、16周和第20周分别处死模型兔,采集移植桥血管标本,在光镜下测量其内膜厚度、面积、狭窄度,并进行电镜观察。结果:颈动脉和颈静脉桥移植后,随着时间的延长,桥血管的出现平滑肌迁移,脂质沉积,内膜增生,血管狭窄等改变,且以静脉桥血管的病理改变更为明显。结论:在兔形成动脉粥样硬化病变基础上,进行双侧颈动脉血管桥的移植,建立兔双侧颈动脉移植血管桥再狭窄动物模型,有利于设立自身对照,研究术后动静脉桥再狭窄差异机制;建立动、静脉桥后,位于血管中膜的平滑肌细胞出现向血管内膜迁移现象,说明中膜平滑肌细胞迁移进入内膜导致新内膜形成是血管再狭窄的重要环节。  相似文献   

In this paper, the hemodynamic characteristics of blood flow and stress distribution in a layered and stenotic aorta are investigated. By introducing symmetrical and unsymmetrical stenosis, the influence of stenosis morphology and stenotic ratio on the coupled dynamic responses of aorta is clarified. In the analysis, the in-vivo pulsatile waveforms and fully fluid–structure interaction (FSI) between the layered elastic aorta and the blood are considered. The results show that the fluid domain is abnormal in the stenotic aorta, and the whirlpool forms at the obstructed and downstream unobstructed regions. The maximum wall shear stresses appear at the throat of the stenosis. Downstream region appears low and oscillated shear stresses. In addition, along with the increase of the stenotic ratio, the amplitude of the maximum shear stress will be intensively increased and localized, and the sensitivity is also increased. In the aorta with unsymmetrical stenosis, the Von Mises stresses reach the peak value at the side with the surface protuberance, but they are reduced at the side with no protuberance. The sign variation of the layer interface shear stresses near the throat indicates the variation of the shear direction which increases the opportunity of shear damage at the transition plane. Moreover, the shear stress levels at the fluid-solid and intima-media interfaces are higher than that at the media-adventitia interface. The unsymmetrical stenosis causes higher stresses at the side with the surface protuberance than symmetrical one, but lower at the side with no protuberance. These results provide an insight in the influence of the stenosis, as well as its morphology, on the pathogenesis and pathological evolution of some diseases, such as arteriosclerosis and aortic dissection.  相似文献   

嫁接接合部维管组织分化的激素调节   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
利用黄瓜( CucumissativusLinn.) 试管苗离体茎段自体嫁接系统, 研究IAA和ZT对砧木和接穗维管组织分化的影响, 发现外源IAA 和ZT 是砧木和接穗间维管束桥分化的必要条件。培养基中外源激素的浓度和种类通过调控维管束桥形成时间和数目以及贯通砧木和接穗的管状分子数来调节嫁接体发育。接合部维管组织分化是生长素和细胞分裂素共同作用的结果。离体茎段自体嫁接系统是一个理想的研究植物维管组织分化的新系统。  相似文献   

Diverse tree structures such as blood vessels, branches of a tree and river basins exist in nature. The constructal law states that the evolution of flow structures in nature has a tendency to facilitate flow. This study suggests a theoretical basis for evaluation of flow facilitation within vascular structure from the perspective of evolution. A novel evolution parameter (Ev) is proposed to quantify the flow capacity of vascular structures. Ev is defined as the ratio of the flow conductance of an evolving structure (configuration with imperfection) to the flow conductance of structure with least imperfection. Attaining higher Ev enables the structure to expedite flow circulation with less energy dissipation. For both Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, the evolution parameter was developed as a function of geometrical shape factors in laminar and turbulent fully developed flows. It was found that the non-Newtonian or Newtonian behavior of fluid as well as flow behavior such as laminar or turbulent behavior affects the evolution parameter. Using measured vascular morphometric data of various organs and species, the evolution parameter was calculated. The evolution parameter of the tree structures in biological systems was found to be in the range of 0.95 to 1. The conclusion is that various organs in various species have high capacity to facilitate flow within their respective vascular structures.  相似文献   

形状记忆合金超弹性自扩张血管支架的优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自扩张型镍钛合金血管支架由于其良好的生物相容性与超弹性,可以很好地解决支架植入后的再狭窄问题。利用有限元软件ANSYS对支架在血管中的自扩张行为进行模拟,并对支架的网格形状与尺寸进行优化设计。  相似文献   

Bioengineering of vascular grafts holds great potential to address the shortcomings associated with autologous and conventional synthetic vascular grafts used for small diameter grafting procedures. Lumen endothelialization of bioengineered vascular grafts is essential to provide an antithrombogenic graft surface to ensure long-term patency after implantation. Conventional methods used to assess endothelialization in vitro typically involve periodic harvesting of the graft for histological sectioning and staining of the lumen. Endpoint testing methods such as these are effective but do not provide real-time information of endothelial cells in their intact microenvironment, rather only a single time point measurement of endothelium development. Therefore, nondestructive methods are needed to provide dynamic information of graft endothelialization and endothelium maturation in vitro. To address this need, we have developed a nondestructive fiber optic based (FOB) imaging method that is capable of dynamic assessment of graft endothelialization without disturbing the graft housed in a bioreactor. In this study we demonstrate the capability of the FOB imaging method to quantify electrospun vascular graft endothelialization, EC detachment, and apoptosis in a nondestructive manner. The electrospun scaffold fiber diameter of the graft lumen was systematically varied and the FOB imaging system was used to noninvasively quantify the affect of topography on graft endothelialization over a 7-day period. Additionally, results demonstrated that the FOB imaging method had a greater imaging penetration depth than that of two-photon microscopy. This imaging method is a powerful tool to optimize vascular grafts and bioreactor conditions in vitro, and can be further adapted to monitor endothelium maturation and response to fluid flow bioreactor preconditioning.  相似文献   

After many years of research, small diameter, synthetic vascular grafts still lack the necessary biologic integration to perform ideally in clinical settings. Endothelialization of vascular grafts has the potential to improve synthetic graft function, and endothelial outgrowth cells (EOCs) are a promising autologous cell source. Yet no work has established the link between endothelial cell functions and outcomes of implanted endothelialized grafts. This work utilized steady flow, oscillatory flow, and tumor necrosis factor stimulation to alter EOC phenotype and enable the formulation of a model to predict endothelialized graft performance. To accomplish this, EOC in vitro expression of coagulation and inflammatory markers was quantified. In parallel, in non-human primate (baboon) models, the platelet and fibrinogen accumulation on endothelialized grafts were quantified in an ex vivo shunt, or the tissue ingrowth on implanted grafts were characterized after 1mth. Oscillatory flow stimulation of EOCs increased in vitro coagulation markers and ex vivo platelet accumulation. Steady flow preconditioning did not affect platelet accumulation or intimal hyperplasia relative to static samples. To determine whether in vitro markers predict implant performance, a linear regression model of the in vitro data was fit to platelet accumulation data—correlating the markers with the thromboprotective performance of the EOCs. The model was tested against implant intimal hyperplasia data and found to correlate strongly with the parallel in vitro analyses. This research defines the effects of flow preconditioning on EOC regulation of coagulation in clinical vascular grafts through parallel in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo analyses, and contributes to the translatability of in vitro tests to in vivo clinical graft performance.  相似文献   

In addition to cholesterol-lowering properties, statins exhibit lipid-independent immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory actions. However, high concentrations are typically required to induce these effects in vitro, raising questions concerning therapeutic relevance. We present evidence that endothelial cell sensitivity to statins depends upon shear stress. Using heme oxygenase-1 expression as a model, we demonstrate differential heme oxygenase-1 induction by atorvastatin in atheroresistant compared with atheroprone sites of the murine aorta. In vitro, exposure of human endothelial cells to laminar shear stress significantly reduced the statin concentration required to induce heme oxygenase-1 and protect against H2O2-mediated injury. Synergy was observed between laminar shear stress and atorvastatin, resulting in optimal expression of heme oxygenase-1 and resistance to oxidative stress, a response inhibited by heme oxygenase-1 small interfering RNA. Moreover, treatment of laminar shear stress-exposed endothelial cells resulted in a significant fall in intracellular cholesterol. Mechanistically, synergy required Akt phosphorylation, activation of Kruppel-like factor 2, NF-E2-related factor-2 (Nrf2), increased nitric-oxide synthase activity, and enhanced HO-1 mRNA stability. In contrast, heme oxygenase-1 induction by atorvastatin in endothelial cells exposed to oscillatory flow was markedly attenuated. We have identified a novel relationship between laminar shear stress and statins, demonstrating that atorvastatin-mediated heme oxygenase-1-dependent antioxidant effects are laminar shear stress-dependent, proving the principle that biomechanical signaling contributes significantly to endothelial responsiveness to pharmacological agents. Our findings suggest statin pleiotropy may be suboptimal at disturbed flow atherosusceptible sites, emphasizing the need for more specific therapeutic agents, such as those targeting Kruppel-like factor 2 or Nrf2.The efficacy of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase antagonists (statins) in reducing low density lipoprotein cholesterol, cardiovascular morbidity, and mortality is widely recognized (1). The observation that beneficial actions of statins on vascular function are detectable prior to any fall in serum cholesterol, extend to normocholesterolemic patients and exceed those of other lipid-lowering drugs despite comparable falls in total cholesterol (2, 3), suggest the existence of low density lipoprotein-cholesterol-independent effects (4, 5). Judging from in vitro studies, these may include immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-adhesive, anti-thrombotic, and cytoprotective actions (6). However, the experimental work demonstrating these pleiotropic effects has predominantly used statin concentrations exceeding those achieved by therapeutic dosing, raising questions concerning clinical relevance (4).Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1)2 acts as the rate-limiting factor in the catabolism of heme into biliverdin, releasing free iron and carbon monoxide (CO). Biliverdin is subsequently converted to bilirubin by biliverdin reductase, whereas intracellular iron induces expression of heavy chain-ferritin and the opening of Fe2+ export channels (7). The biologic activity of HO-1 represents an important adaptive response in cellular homeostasis, as revealed by widespread inflammation and persistent endothelial injury in human HO-1 deficiency (8).Expression of HO-1 in atherosclerotic lesions, and its ability to inhibit vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation, exert anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antithrombotic effects, suggests a protective role during atherogenesis (9, 10). HMOX1 promoter polymorphisms affecting HO-1 expression may influence susceptibility to intimal hyperplasia and coronary artery disease, whereas a low serum bilirubin constitutes a cardiovascular risk factor (11). Moreover, overexpression of HO-1 inhibited atherogenesis, whereas Hmox1/ mice bred onto an ApoE−/− background developed more extensive and complex atherosclerotic plaques (12, 13).Recent interest has focused on the therapeutic potential of HO-1 and its products, with probucol, statins, rapamycin, nitric oxide donors, and aspirin being shown to induce HO-1 (reviewed in Ref. 10). Indeed, induction of HO-1 may represent an important component of the vasculoprotective profile of statins, with simvastatin, atorvastatin, and rosuvastatin variously shown to increase HMOX1 promoter activity and mRNA levels, to induce enzyme activity and increase antioxidant capacity in human endothelial cells (EC) (1418). However, induction of HO-1 in vascular EC in vivo has not yet been demonstrated.Vascular endothelium exposed to unidirectional, pulsatile laminar shear stress (LSS) >10 dynes/cm2 is relatively protected against atherogenesis. LSS increases nitric oxide (NO) biosynthesis, prolongs EC survival, and generates an anticoagulant, anti-adhesive cell surface. In contrast, endothelium exposed to disturbed blood flow, with low shear reversing or oscillatory flow patterns, such as that located at arterial branch points and curvatures, is atheroprone. Thus endothelial cells exposed to disturbed blood flow exhibit reduced levels of endothelial nitric-oxide synthase (eNOS), increased apoptosis, oxidative stress, permeability to low density lipoprotein, and leukocyte adhesion (19).The atheroprotective influence of unidirectional LSS and the overlap between these actions and those of statins led us to hypothesize that LSS increases endothelial responsiveness to statins. We demonstrate for the first time that treatment of mice with atorvastatin induces HO-1 expression in the aortic endothelium and that this occurs preferentially at sites exposed to LSS. In vitro, pre-conditioning human EC with an atheroprotective, but not an atheroprone waveform, significantly reduces the concentration of atorvastatin required to enhance HO-1-mediated cytoprotection against oxidant-induced injury. A synergistic relationship between LSS and statins is revealed, resulting in maximal Akt phosphorylation and dependence upon eNOS, Kruppel-like factor 2 (KLF2), and NF-E2-related factor-2 (Nrf2) activation.  相似文献   

To examine the efficacy of sisomicin (SISO) incorporated into fibrin glue (FG) for the prevention of graft infection in animal models, the susceptibility to infection of Dacron grafts (control) and SISO-FG Dacron grafts following the inoculation of Staphylococcus aureus or S. epidermidis was compared. The results showed that SISO-FG Dacron grafts displayed resistance to graft infection.  相似文献   


Unnatural temporal and spatial distributions of wall shear stress in the anastomosis of distal bypass grafts have been identified as possible factors in the development of anastomotic intimal hyperplasia in these grafts. Distal bypass graft anastomoses with an autologus vein cuff (a Miller cuff) interposed between the graft and artery have been shown to alleviate the effects of intimal hyperplasia. In this study, pulsatile flow through models of a standard end-to-side anastomosis and a Miller cuff anastomosis are computed and the resulting wall shear stress and pressure distributions analysed. The results are inconclusive, and could be taken to suggest that the unnatural distributions of shear stress that do occur along the anastomosis floor may not be particularly important in the development of intimal hyperplasia. However, it seems more likely that the positive effects of the biological and material properties of the vein cuff, which are not considered in this study, somehow outweigh the negative effects of the shear stress distributions predicted to occur on the floor of the Miller-cuff graft.  相似文献   

Characterization of biodegradable stent vein graft thickening. Polydioxanone vascular sutures (PDSs) were used in a biodegradable arteriovenous bypass model. Twenty-four rabbits underwent carotid interposition bypass via ipsilateral jugular vein. One half received the stent (PDS group) and the remaining half a simple vein graft (controls). Group subsets received external stent removal or sham-control exploration at 4 and 12 weeks. At 4 and 12 weeks, the PDS group had significantly less medial and intimal thickening than the control group (P < 0.05), and there were fewer proliferating smooth muscle cells and extra cellular matrix formation than the control group at every interval. At 12 weeks, partial stent degradation occurred without deleterious effects. Furthermore proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), angiotensin type 1 receptor (AT1R), and transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1) levels were significantly lower than the control group. The external stent inhibited medial and intimal hyperplasia, an effect that remains after the material has completely degraded. This PDS stent is feasible option for vein grafts.  相似文献   

Schuette JL  Klug MJ 《Plant physiology》1995,108(3):1251-1258
Myriophyllum heterophyllum Michx. is a rhizomatous submersed aquatic plant that produces a short, emergent floral spike. We hypothesized that lacunar pressures in emergent spikes should be at or near atmospheric pressure and that a mass flow of gases from submersed stems through the rhizome to emergent stems may occur as lacunar O2 concentrations and pressures in submersed stems increase during photosynthesis. We examined the potential for a pressure gradient ([delta]P) to develop along this pathway by measuring diurnal changes in lacunar gas composition and pressure in submersed stems of nonflowering plants and emergent stems of flowering individuals. Methane release from emergent spikes was also monitored during three diurnal cycles to evaluate the hypothesis that the [delta]P is maintained by the release of lacunar gases to the atmosphere. Lacunar O2 concentrations and pressures in submersed stems increased at sunrise and reached maximum levels by midday. Although O2 fluctuated similarly in emergent stems, lacunar pressures remained at or near atmospheric pressure, indicating that a [delta]P is generated between submersed and emergent stems during photosynthesis. Methane release from emergent spikes increased as lacunar pressures increased, indicating that rhizome gases are transported through emergent stems by mass flow and the [delta]P is maintained by venting lacunar gases from emergent spikes. The potential for mass flow in both flowering and nonflowering individuals is discussed.  相似文献   

Since fluid dynamics plays a critical role in vascular remodeling, quantification of the hemodynamics is crucial to gain more insight into this complex process. Better understanding of vascular development can improve prediction of the process, and may eventually even be used to influence the vascular structure. In this study, a methodology to quantify hemodynamics and network structure of developing vascular networks is described. The hemodynamic parameters and topology are derived from detailed local blood flow velocities, obtained by in vivo micro-PIV measurements. The use of such detailed flow measurements is shown to be essential, as blood vessels with a similar diameter can have a large variation in flow rate. Measurements are performed in the yolk sacs of seven chicken embryos at two developmental stages between HH 13+ and 17+. A large range of flow velocities (1 µm/s to 1 mm/s) is measured in blood vessels with diameters in the range of 25–500 µm. The quality of the data sets is investigated by verifying the flow balances in the branching points. This shows that the quality of the data sets of the seven embryos is comparable for all stages observed, and the data is suitable for further analysis with known accuracy. When comparing two subsequently characterized networks of the same embryo, vascular remodeling is observed in all seven networks. However, the character of remodeling in the seven embryos differs and can be non-intuitive, which confirms the necessity of quantification. To illustrate the potential of the data, we present a preliminary quantitative study of key network topology parameters and we compare these with theoretical design rules.  相似文献   

The refractive index (RI) sensitivity of a localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR)-based fiber-optic probes is dependent on surface coverage of gold nanoparticles (GNP), fiber core diameter, and probe geometry. For U-bent LSPR fiber-optic probes, which demonstrated an order higher absorption sensitivity over straight probes, bend diameter and probe length may also have a significant influence on the sensitivity. This study on U-bent fiber-optic LSPR probes is aimed at optimizing these parameters to obtain highest possible RI sensitivity. RI sensitivity increases linearly as a function of surface coverage of GNP in the range of 2–22 %. U-bent fiber-optic probes made of 200-, 400-, and 600-μm fiber core diameter show optimum bend diameter value as ~1.4 mm. In addition, RI sensitivity is almost the same irrespective of fiber core diameter demonstrating flexibility in choice of the fiber and ease in optical coupling. The length of the probe preceding and succeeding the bend region has significantly less influence on RI sensitivity allowing miniaturization of these probes. In addition to these experimental studies, we present a theoretical analysis to understand the relative contribution of evanescent wave absorbance of GNP and refractive losses in the fiber due to GNP, towards the RI sensitivity.  相似文献   

新型复合血管制备过程中胶原管成熟过程的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对新型生物-人工复合血管制备过程中胶原管的成熟过程进行了观察,确定了成熟时间为3个月。作者发现胶原管的成熟过程是聚酯网和硅胶棒刺激增生的纤维结缔组织在聚酯周围及内侧围绕硅胶棒不断塑开始以细胞成分为主,以后随着胶原成分不断增多,到3个月时以胶原成分为主,胶原纤维变得粗大且有序,以聚酯为骨架的胶原管成熟。  相似文献   

A model helicopter is more difficult to control than its full scale counterpart. This is due to its greater sensitivity to control inputs and disturbances as well as higher bandwidth of dynamics. This work is focused on designing practical tracking controller for a small scale helicopter following predefined trajectories. A tracking controller based on optimal control theory is synthesized as a part of the development of an autonomous helicopter. Some issues with regards to control constraints are addressed.The weighting between state tracking performance and control power expenditure is analyzed. Overall performance of the control design is evaluated based on its time domain histories of trajectories as well as control inputs.  相似文献   

利用脱细胞血管基质体外构建小口径组织工程血管   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨利用犬的间充质干细胞诱导分化种子细胞,以异种脱细胞血管基质为基础体外构建小口径血管移植物。方法采用密度梯度离心和贴壁培养的方法从犬骨髓中分离出间充质干细胞并体外培养,诱导分化成内皮样细胞和平滑肌样细胞;采用非离子型去垢剂和胰蛋白酶去除猪颈动脉血管壁结构细胞,对脱细胞基质进行组织学、力学检测及孔隙率评估。在生物反应器内采用旋转种植的方法将犬骨髓间充质干细胞诱导的内皮样细胞种植到脱细胞基质上,体外构建小口径组织工程血管。结果犬的骨髓间充质干细胞体外能够定向诱导分化为平滑肌样细胞和内皮样细胞,可以作为血管组织工程的种子细胞。经过脱细胞处理后,光镜和电镜观察证实血管壁的细胞成分完全去除。具有良好的孔径和孔隙率。支架在生物力学、孔隙率等方面符合构建组织工程血管支架的要求。在生物反应器内剪切力条件下可以初步构建出组织工程血管。结论小口径血管移植物可以将间充质干细胞诱导种子细胞,以异种脱细胞血管支架作为基质,在搏动性生物反应器内培养的方法进行构建。  相似文献   

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