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Prey impaling in shrikes Laniidae is considered to be a feeding adaptation to dismember and consume large prey and is unique among food-storing animals. However, other exaptations of this behaviour were recorded, including signals in mate choice, where cache size is a sign of male quality. Thus, due to a strong sexual selection, male and female birds might differ in their behavioural patterns of impaling behaviour. We examined sex differences in impaling behaviour of the Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor - one of the species where caches are known to be sexual signals. Data were collected in western Poland during breeding seasons in the years 2006-2010. In the studied population, we recorded several sex-specific differences in impaling behaviour. Males impaled prey, invertebrates as well as vertebrates, faster and with fewer attempts per impaling event than females. Sexes differed in the location of impaled prey; males selected more visible places, especially during the mating and courtship phase, whereas females impaled prey in concealed locations. Males also had slightly better impaling success compared to females. We suggest that sex differences in impaling behaviour may be due to different uses of impaled prey, and the better impaling skills of males may be the result of better experience in impaling which is forced by sexual selection in this species. We also discuss other factors which might trigger sex-specific differences in food caching by shrikes.  相似文献   

Many animals, including shrikes (Laniidae), are known to store food. This behaviour ensures food availability during inclement weather, for rearing nestlings or signalling territory quality. Unlike most other shrike species, which accumulate food before breeding, Red-backed Shrikes Lanius collurio store food in larders, mainly during the nestling and fledgling periods. If this is an adaptive behaviour, variation in this behaviour should affect either or both the number and condition of nestlings, which may benefit from such larders. We assessed the haematological condition of Red-backed Shrike nestlings in east-central Poland in 2021 using a suite of blood parameters relating to sites where shrikes did or did not store food. Haemoglobin concentrations were positively correlated with larders, being significantly higher in nestlings of pairs that stored prey compared with those whose parents did not do so. White blood cell counts were lower in nestlings whose parents kept larders. Red blood cell counts and glucose concentrations in nestlings were not related to whether parents had larders. Food storage probably ensures a more constant access to food, which results in a superior haematological condition in nestlings.  相似文献   

The Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis) is a common resident along the rift valley. During 2007-2008 we studied the impaling behavior of Southern Grey Shrikes at the Shezaf nature reserve by food supplementation. Our findings indicate seasonal shifts in impaling behavior. During the winter, there was no difference between the sexes and shrikes impaled house mice (Mus musculus) close to their territorial boundaries with neighboring conspecifics. All impaled mice disappeared from the tree within a few hours of impalement. During the mating season, males impaled the whole prey and let females eat it, and prey was impaled by both sexes only in order to dismember and feed the nestlings. Shrikes impaled and cached meal worms only after they were satiated. The number of meal worms taken to be hoarded increased during the non-breeding season, but during the breeding season male shrikes preferred to feed the females. During the entire research period we did not find any specific cache sites or trees and no prey remained impaled for extended periods of time. In conclusion, impaling prey changed temporally and between sexes: from being a signal for conspecifics to pair bonding.  相似文献   

The breeding performance of the Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) in relation to the territory characteristics was investigated. The study was conducted in an area of high agricultural land use, characterised by small field size, a more mosaic habitat and low use of mineral fertilisers in comparison to Western European countries. The influence of habitat structure and composition in the territory on the date of clutch initiation, nest predation and clutch size in the Red-backed Shrike was not found, but such an influence on the number of nestlings was shown. The minimum adequate model explained 18.3% of the variation between territories in nestling’s number. The number of fledglings was positively correlated with the area of pastures, meadows, orchards and fallows within territories, and negatively correlated with length of overhead transmission lines. The number of fledglings was correlated with food abundance within territories, based on to the results from pitfall traps. There was no correlation between territory food abundance and the size of clutch. The presence of pastures, meadows and fallows, which are foraging places, thus seems to be crucial for the protection of the Red-backed Shrike.  相似文献   

The number of tandem repeats in the mitochondrial control region were used to differentiate the Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio , Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator , Great Grey Shrike (subspecies Lanius excubitor excubitor ) and the Southern Grey Shrike (subspecies L. meridionalis meridionalis , L. m. koenigi, L. m. pallidirostris and L. m. aucheri ). The Red-backed and Woodchat Shrikes lacked repeats whereas the Great Grey and Southern Grey had two, three and 2 + 3 repeats. A subspecies of Southern Grey ( L. m. koenigi ) had 2 + 3 + 4 repeats. These findings are discussed in terms of the taxonomy of the Lanius genus, especially with respect to the Great Grey and Southern Grey Shrikes.  相似文献   

Minimizing disturbance to animals when studying them should be a major consideration in ecological research design, especially when species are known to be sensitive to disturbances. A basic method in the study of bird reproductive ecology involves nest visits, but these can adversely affect birds’ breeding success. Appropriate fieldwork procedures are therefore highly important, especially in the case of timid and sensitive species. This study aimed to assess the impact of the method of searching for nests of Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio on the probability of these birds abandoning their broods. Our study revealed that observer experience and nest searching intensity did influence the likelihood of brood desertion by this species. Less field experience and a greater nest searching intensity caused the shrikes to abandon their nests more often. We recommend paying scrupulous attention to the behaviour of the birds when searching for nests and when looking for nests after incubation has started.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Beutetierreste aus 293 Gewöllen des Neuntöters, gesammelt 1990 und 1991 in 10 Jahresrevieren in Nordrhein-Westfalen ergaben im Mittel aller Aufsammlungsorte 51,3 Individuen-% Käfer, 37,2% Hautflügler, 5,0% Springschrecken, 2,7% Zweiflügler, 1,5% Schmetterlinge und 0,9% Wirbeltiere. Der Anteil stark sklerotisierter Insekten war hoch. Die Werte aus Gewölle- und Mageninhalts-Analysen (Literaturangaben) sind prinzipiell vergleichbar. Gewölleanalysen können daher beim Neuntöter mit tolerablem Fehler zur Quantifizierung seiner Nahrung verwendet werden. Von Mai bis August nahm der Anteil der Käfer ab, jener der Hautflügler stetig zu. Die Summe der anderen Arthropodengruppen und die Wirbeltiere konnten in annähernd konstanten Anteilen nachgewiesen werden. Die Abnahme der Käfern ist auf den Rückgang des Anteils koprophiler Arten, insbesondere von Aphodius fossor (Scarabaeidae) zurückzuführen; die Zunahme des Hautflügler-Anteils durch die Abundanzsteigerung der eusozialen Hummeln und Wespen im Verlauf des Sommers zu erklären. Die Minimalbeutegröße des Neuntöters liegt bei etwa 4 mm Körperlänge. Kleinere Beutetiere werden nur bei kummuliertem Auftreten aufgenommen (Ameisen). Der Neuntöter ist ein unspezialisierter Kleintierjäger. Die Optimalbeute ist groß, häufig und dabei leicht zu erjagen.
Seasonal change in diet composition of the Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio)
Summary The remains of prey in 293 pellets of the Red-backed Shrike, collected 1990 and 1991 in NW-Germany, consisted on average of 51,3% Coleoptera, 37,2% Hymenoptera, 5,0% Saltatoria, 2,7% Diptera, 1,5% Lepidoptera and 0,9% vertebrates. Generally, the part of extremly scleroticized insects was high. Careful and thorough pellet-analyses of the Red-backed Shrike can be used for quantitative studies with tolerable error. The pellets were all found on pasture-ground; thus they are comparable concerning their contents. From May to August the percentage of Coleoptera increased, whereas the part of Hymenoptera decreased constantly. Other arthropods as well as vertebrates could be found in constant parts. The decreasing number of beetles is due to the decline of coprophile species, mainlyAphodius fossor (Scarabaeidae). The inclining number of Hymenoptera may find an explanation in the increasing abundance of eusocial bumble-bees and wasps in the course of summer. The minimal size of the Red-backed Shrike's prey is about 4 mm. Smaller prey is only caught when appearing in large amounts like ants. The Red-backed Shrike is an unspecialized hunter of small prey. The optimal prey is big, abundant and easy to hunt.

Detailed information on spring migration routes of songbirds across the Mediterranean is still scanty. Results are presented here from a study on the occurrence of eight Palaearctic-African migrants across the western and central Mediterranean based on ringing data collected during the Progetto Piccole Isole, a co-ordinated project based on standardized mist netting at 21 islands and coastal stations. The species were Melodious Warbler Hippolais polyglotta , Icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina, Bonelli's Warbler Phylloscopus bonelli , Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix , Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca , Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis , Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio and Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator . Their capture frequencies were expressed as the frequency of each species relative to the total number of migrants ringed at each station in order to correct for differences in capture effort between stations. For most species, the detailed, quantitative results confirmed the scanty information available so far, whereas in the case of Melodious Warbler and Bonelli's Warbler, evidence of undescribed and unexpected migration routes was found. These results suggest that standardized mist netting provides an important method for studying the migratory routes of small birds, in particular for those species which are not frequently ringed in their breeding and wintering grounds.  相似文献   

Capsule: The survival rate of Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio nests in western Poland was higher when they nested in bushes aggregated in patches, rather than linear formations.  相似文献   

The Red-tailed Hawk and Great Horned Owl are two species of raptor that are similar in body size, diet, and habitat. Both species use their hindlimbs during hunting, but differ in foot morphology, how they approach and immobilize prey, and the average size of prey captured. They also differ in primary flight style: the Red-tailed Hawk uses static soaring and the Great Horned Owl uses flap-gliding. The objectives of this study were to characterize the microstructure and cross-sectional shape of limb bones of these species and examine the relationship with flight and hunting behaviors. The mid-shaft of six limb bones from six individuals of each species was sampled. The degree of bone laminarity (proportion of circular primary vascular canals) and cross-sectional geometric parameters were calculated. In both species, the humerus and femur exhibited features that suggest high resistance to torsional loading, whereas the tibiotarsus and phalanges had a shape more likely to resist compression and bending in a specific plane. The femur of the Red-tailed Hawk exhibited higher laminarity and larger polar moment of area than that of the Great Horned Owl. The tibiotarsus was more elliptical than that of the Great Horned Owl. The hawk approaches prey from a more horizontal axis, takes prey of greater mass, and is more likely to pursue prey on the ground, which could potentially be causing more torsional loads on the femur and bending loads on the tibiotarsus. In addition, differences in polar moment of area of the phalanges between the species could relate to differences in foot morphology or digit length. The humerus and ulna of the flap-gliding Great Horned Owl are more elliptical than the static soaring Red-tailed Hawk, a shape that may better resist the bending loads associated with a larger amount of flapping.  相似文献   

Differentiation in habitat selection among sympatric species may depend on niche partitioning, species interactions, selection mechanisms and scales considered. In a mountainous area in Sweden, we explored hierarchical habitat selection in Global Positioning System-collared individuals of two sympatric large carnivore species; an obligate predator, the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), and a generalist predator and scavenger, the wolverine (Gulo gulo). Although the species’ fundamental niches differ widely, their ranges overlap in this area where they share a prey base and main cause of mortality. Both lynx and wolverines selected for steep and rugged terrain in mountainous birch forest and in heaths independent of scale and available habitats. However, the selection of lynx for their preferred habitats was stronger when they were forming home ranges and they selected the same habitats within their home ranges independent of home range composition. Wolverines displayed a greater variability when selecting home ranges and habitat selection also varied with home range composition. Both species selected for habitats that promote survival through limited encounters with humans, but which also are rich in prey, and selection for these habitats was accordingly stronger in winter when human activity was high and prey density was low. We suggest that the observed differences between the species result primarily from different foraging strategies, but may also depend on differences in ranging and resting behaviour, home range size, and relative density of each species. Our results support the prediction that sympatric carnivores with otherwise diverging niches can select for the same resources when sharing main sources of food and mortality.  相似文献   

<正>2014年4月17日上午7:20时许,在攀枝花市西区格里坪镇竹林坡村(26°38′42.26″N,101°31′34.61″E,海拔1 991 m)的山坡农田边缘低矮灌丛中,观察并拍摄到一只伯劳(图1)。该鸟头顶黑灰色,到枕部转为灰色,前额、眼先、眼周和耳覆羽深黑色,形成粗而明显的贯眼纹。喉、胸及下体白色。肩、背为深栗色。尾羽黑色,但外侧尾羽为白色。飞羽为黑色,但具有褐色羽缘,且在大覆羽下方有一白色翅斑。确认为雄性栗背伯劳(Lanius  相似文献   

Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) shares similar prey preferences and co-occurs with several other carnivores, and is together with pine marten (Martes martes), the most common mesocarnivore in the northern boreal forest. Voles are important prey for both species, but it is unclear to what extent they compete for the same food resources in winter. Here, we use 2139 km and 533 km of meticulous snow tracking of red foxes and pine martens to evaluate their food niches. We measured hunting and digging behaviour, whether successful or not, and the effect of snow depth and temperature. Pine martens were restricted to forested habitats, whereas red foxes used a wide range of habitats. Red foxes were found to dig more often than pine martens, 0.67 vs. 0.39 digging events per kilometre. Hunting was less common and similar in both species, about 0.1 hunting event per kilometre. Pine martens were more efficient in hunting and finding food remains compared to red foxes. Increasing snow depth reduced hunting success and also reduced dig success of red foxes. Food niche overlap was small. Red foxes used mostly voles and carrion remains of ungulates, whereas pine martens used cached eggs and small birds. We suggest that caching eggs is an important strategy for pine martens to survive winter in northern latitudes. Snow depth was important for capturing voles, and thick snow cover appeared to mask the effect of vole peaks. Intensified land use, as clear-cutting and leaving slaughter remains from harvest, will benefit red foxes on the expense of pine martens. The ongoing climate change with warmer winters and less snow will likely further benefit the red fox.  相似文献   

True Shrikes (Laniidae) are sit-and-wait predators that hunt prey from elevated perches and frequently impale them on sharp objects in conspicuous places. During the 2014 breeding season, we followed a pair of Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) through their reproductive cycle and documented over 100 h of their behavior on video. On three occasions, the shrikes were observed hunting grasshoppers and in a sequence of very quick stereotypic behaviors, they eviscerated their prey. The shrike held the grasshopper in its feet and with its sharp beak, penetrated the body between the head and the shield-like pronotum, removed the digestive tract in one pull, and then ingested the prey. The removal of the alimentary tract appears to target the anterior portion, specifically the foregut or crop, along with its associated contents. This particular behavior was observed only when grasshoppers were caught but not with other invertebrates. The whole process lasted ca. 5 (±2.6 SD) s.  相似文献   

The food and habitat niches of two nesting species of hawks Accipiter spp were studied in an extensively forested area of the Eastern Deciduous Forest Biome Nesting habitat was quantitated at 19 Cooper s hawk A cooperu nests and 16 northern goshawk A gentilis nests There was no significant trend for Cooper's hawks to nest in less mature forests than northern goshawks as reported previously for western North America Forest habitats did not differ markedly except that shrub cover was greater at Cooper's hawk nest sites, which were also on flatter terrain and closer to roads, forest openings, and human habitation However, these few differences resulted m reducing habitat-niche overlap considerably (0 538), as was calculated using principal components analysis Mean prey weight was significantly larger for the northern goshawk which follows its 2 2-fold body weight advantage over Cooper's hawk Although bird prey was of primary importance to both Accipiter, goshawks took twice the proportion of mammals compared to their smaller congener Food-niche overlap was lowest by prey species overlap (0 470), followed by prey size class overlap (0 529), and highest by vertical foraging zone overlap (0 816) The Cooper's hawk showed the greatest niche breadth for both food and habitat niches indicating it as more of a generalist Overall, niche complementarity of food and habitat dimensions resulted in niche overdispersion along food and habitat dimensions with a total niche overlap (0 504) that was below the competition threshold These results suggested that competition (past and current) was responsible for segregating niches  相似文献   

The seasonal diet and prey selection of the Southern Grey Shrike (Lanius meridionalis) was studied in two different insular habitats: shrub environments of the Canary Islands in coastal and high mountain zones. We measured, in each season, food availability and prey size in order to determine prey size selection of shrikes along an altitudinal gradient. Moreover, we compared the diet patterns observed with those documented on the continent, to determine if Southern Grey Shrikes in the islands’ high mountain zone (which has a continental climate) showed seasonal diet variation similar to those in northern continental areas. We analysed a total of 1,139 shrike pellets collected in 1 year and identified 10,179 prey items. Numerically arthropods (91%), and in terms of biomass lizards (70%) were the main prey consumed by the shrikes. The proportions of the main prey items differed significantly between seasons and habitats. Diet in the coastal areas was less variable than in the high mountain zone. The greater seasonal climatic variation in the high mountain zone was associated with diet patterns similar to those found in some northern continental areas, such as the Iberian Peninsula and southern France. Finally, shrikes selected the largest prey in the high mountain habitat. This suggests that foraging behaviour in this species is related to climatic conditions, as the biggest and most profitable prey were consumed in the most harsh habitats.  相似文献   

Individual specialization (IS), i.e. the relatively narrower niche of individuals compared to their population, can be caused by the interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic factors. We studied IS on prey type and size in three congeneric euryphagous sympatrically occurring species: Philodromus albidus, Philodromus aureolus, and Philodromus cespitum. We performed prey acceptance experiments in standardized laboratory conditions using adult females. We also studied possible factors affecting IS. As intrinsic factors, we measured aggressiveness toward prey and spider size as the measures of behavioral and morphological differences, respectively. As extrinsic factors, we studied the composition of the guild of actively hunting spiders in the area from where the philodromids were collected. We computed the degree of inter- and intraspecific crowding as a measure of inter- and intraspecific competition, respectively. Then we computed competition coefficients from census data in order to estimate the strength of interspecific competition among three species. There was no IS on prey type in any studied species. In terms of prey size, only P. albidus was found to be individually specialized, while there was no IS in the other two species. There was a significant effect of aggressiveness, but no significant effect of body size on IS in P. albidus. This species was the least aggressive of the studied species. The philodromids were the dominant actively hunting spiders in the study area. P. albidus was exposed to a relatively higher degree of interspecific than intraspecific competition, whereas in the other philodromids the situation was reversed. The presence of interspecific competition between P. albidus and the other two species was confirmed by the census data analysis. We documented context-dependent IS in Philodromus species. We argue that the higher degree of IS in P. albidus was influenced by interference competition mainly from the other two philodromid species. The niches of the other two species were influenced by food limitation, which decreased their IS.  相似文献   

Compound eyes and hunting behaviour of three species of the genus Asaphidion de Gozis 1886 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) have been investigated. All three have a fovea and binocular overlap in their frontal fields of vision. In the smallest species A. flavipes, the binocular overlap is largest and the foveal interommatidial angles are narrowest. All three species hunt by visual cues; A. flavipes is the most precise during the approach to the prey and during the attack. The mean size of its approach jerks and its critical distance prior to the attack are shorter than those of A. caraboides, and the scatter of these distances is much smaller. This leads to greater success in capturing fast fleeing prey (Collembola) on the soil surface.  相似文献   

A statistical method, using presence/absence data from monthly fieldcards, to describe the phenology of migration is developed. The method uses the generalized linear model to fit a Fourier series to binomial-type data giving the proportion of fieldcards reporting a species. A method for estimating mid-arrival and mid-departure dates, and residency period is also developed. The methodology is applied to data collected during the 'Southern African Bird Atlas Project' for the following species: Willow Warbler Phulloscopus trochilus, Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio, European Swallow Hirundo rustica, White Stork Ciconia ciconia, Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo and European Bee-eater Merops apiaster.  相似文献   

Hypogean habitats are relatively simple exhibiting low diversity, low production and relative constancy of environmental factors, and are therefore appropriate for studying species coexistence in situ. We investigated the coexistence of two closely related, similarly sized orb-weaving spider species, Meta menardi and Metellina merianae, living syntopically in a Slovenian cave. We studied the annual dynamics of both species within a mixed population, and the impact of the ambient temperature, relative humidity, airflow and illumination, and compared their trophic niches to legacy data on prey of both species from 55 caves in Slovenia. We predicted a large overlap in their spatial niches and substantial differences in their temporal and trophic niches. We found that their spatial niches overlap greatly with few exceptions, mostly on the dates of notable meteorological changes in the cave but that their temporal niches differ significantly with r-strategy resembling epigean annual dynamic in M. merianae and a steady low abundance course in M. menardi within the cave. We also found that different predatory strategies significantly segregate their trophic niches: M. merianae uses a typical orb-weaving hunting strategy, while M. menardi combines web hunting with off-web hunting. Our findings suggest that both the diverse dynamics and trophic niches enable the coexistence of M. menardi and M. merianae despite their similar spatial niches, and that M. menardi, in particular, is optimally adapted to the epigean/hypogean ecotone.  相似文献   

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