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The Na+,K+-ATPase binds Na+ at three transport sites denoted I, II, and III, of which site III is Na+-specific and suggested to be the first occupied in the cooperative binding process activating phosphorylation from ATP. Here we demonstrate that the asparagine substitution of the aspartate associated with site III found in patients with rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism or alternating hemiplegia of childhood causes a dramatic reduction of Na+ affinity in the α1-, α2-, and α3-isoforms of Na+,K+-ATPase, whereas other substitutions of this aspartate are much less disruptive. This is likely due to interference by the amide function of the asparagine side chain with Na+-coordinating residues in site III. Remarkably, the Na+ affinity of site III aspartate to asparagine and alanine mutants is rescued by second-site mutation of a glutamate in the extracellular part of the fourth transmembrane helix, distant to site III. This gain-of-function mutation works without recovery of the lost cooperativity and selectivity of Na+ binding and does not affect the E1-E2 conformational equilibrium or the maximum phosphorylation rate. Hence, the rescue of Na+ affinity is likely intrinsic to the Na+ binding pocket, and the underlying mechanism could be a tightening of Na+ binding at Na+ site II, possibly via movement of transmembrane helix four. The second-site mutation also improves Na+,K+ pump function in intact cells. Rescue of Na+ affinity and Na+ and K+ transport by second-site mutation is unique in the history of Na+,K+-ATPase and points to new possibilities for treatment of neurological patients carrying Na+,K+-ATPase mutations.  相似文献   

The vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase) is a 1MDa transmembrane proton pump that operates via a rotary mechanism fuelled by ATP. Essential for eukaryotic cell homeostasis, it plays central roles in bone remodeling and tumor invasiveness, making it a key therapeutic target. Its importance in arthropod physiology also makes it a promising pesticide target. The major challenge in designing lead compounds against the V-ATPase is its ubiquitous nature, such that any therapeutic must be capable of targeting particular isoforms. Here, we have characterized the binding site on the V-ATPase of pea albumin 1b (PA1b), a small cystine knot protein that shows exquisitely selective inhibition of insect V-ATPases. Electron microscopy shows that PA1b binding occurs across a range of equivalent sites on the c ring of the membrane domain. In the presence of Mg·ATP, PA1b localizes to a single site, distant from subunit a, which is predicted to be the interface for other inhibitors. Photoaffinity labeling studies show radiolabeling of subunits c and e. In addition, weevil resistance to PA1b is correlated with bafilomycin resistance, caused by mutation of subunit c. The data indicate a binding site to which both subunits c and e contribute and inhibition that involves locking the c ring rotor to a static subunit e and not subunit a. This has implications for understanding the V-ATPase mechanism and that of inhibitors with therapeutic or pesticidal potential. It also provides the first evidence for the position of subunit e within the complex.  相似文献   

In this review we summarize mutagenesis work on the structure–function relationship of transmembrane segment M1 in the Na+,K+-ATPase and the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase. The original hypothesis that charged residues in the N-terminal part of M1 interact with the transported cations can be rejected. On the other hand hydrophobic residues in the middle part of M1 turned out to play crucial roles in Ca2+ interaction/occlusion in Ca2+-ATPase and K+ interaction/occlusion in Na+,K+-ATPase. Leu65 of the Ca2+-ATPase and Leu99 of the Na+,K+-ATPase, located at homologous positions in M1, function as gate-locking residues that restrict the mobility of the side chain of the cation binding/gating residue of transmembrane segment M4, Glu309/Glu329. A pivot formed between a pair of a glycine and a bulky residue in M1 and M3 seems critical to the opening of the extracytoplasmic gate in both the Ca2+-ATPase and the Na+,K+-ATPase. All numbering of Na+,K+-ATPase amino acid residues in this article refers to the sequence of the rat α1-isoform.  相似文献   

We examined the mechanism through which leptin increases Na+, K+-ATPase activity in the rat kidney. Leptin was infused under anaesthesia into the abdominal aorta proximally to the renal arteries and then Na+, K+-ATPase activity was measured in the renal cortex and medulla. Leptin (1 μg/kg min) increased Na+, K+-ATPase activity after 3 h of infusion, which was accompanied by the increase in urinary H2O2 excretion and phosphorylation level of extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK). The effect of leptin on ERK and Na+, K+-ATPase was abolished by catalase, specific inhibitors of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, AG1478 and PD158780, as well as by ERK inhibitor, PD98059, and was mimicked by both exogenous H2O2 and EGF. The effect of leptin was also prevented by the inhibitor of Src tyrosine kinase, PP2. Leptin and H2O2 increased Src phosphorylation at Tyr418. We conclude that leptin-induced stimulation of renal Na+, K+-ATPase involves H2O2 generation, Src kinase, transactivation of the EGF receptor, and stimulation of ERK.  相似文献   

Transmembrane stretch M2C from the bacterial K+-translocating protein KtrB is unusually long. In its middle part, termed M2C2, it contains several small and polar amino acids. This region is flanked by the two α-helices M2C1 and M2C3 and may form a flexible gate at the cytoplasmic side of the membrane controlling K+ translocation. In this study, we provide experimental evidence for this notion by using continuous wave and pulse EPR measurements of single and double spin-labeled cysteine variants of KtrB. Most of the spin-labeled residues in M2C2 were shown to be immobile, pointing to a compact structure. However, the high polarity revealed for the microenvironment of residue positions 317, 318, and 327 indicated the existence of a water-accessible cavity. Upon the addition of K+ ions, M2C2 residue Thr-318R1 (R1 indicates the bound spin label) moved with respect to M2B residue Asp-222R1 and M2C3 residue Val-331R1 but not with respect to M2C1 residue Met-311R1. Based on distances determined between spin-labeled residues of double-labeled variants of KtrB in the presence and absence of K+ ions, structural models of the open and closed conformations were developed.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism underlying the characteristic high apparent Ca2+ affinity of SERCA2b relative to SERCA1a and SERCA2a isoforms was studied. The C-terminal tail of SERCA2b consists of an 11th transmembrane helix (TM11) with an associated 11-amino acid luminal extension (LE). The effects of each of these parts and their interactions with the SERCA environment were examined by transient kinetic analysis of the partial reaction steps in the Ca2+ transport cycle in mutant and chimeric Ca2+-ATPase constructs. Manipulations to the LE of SERCA2b markedly increased the rate of Ca2+ dissociation from Ca2E1. Addition of the SERCA2b tail to SERCA1a slowed Ca2+ dissociation, but only when the luminal L7/8 loop of SERCA1 was simultaneously replaced with that of SERCA2, thus suggesting that the LE interacts with L7/8 in Ca2E1. The interaction of LE with L7/8 is also important for the low rate of the Ca2E1P → E2P conformational transition. These findings can be rationalized in terms of stabilization of the Ca2E1 and Ca2E1P forms by docking of the LE near L7/8. By contrast, low rates of E2P dephosphorylation and E2 → E1 transition in SERCA2b depend critically on TM11, particularly in a SERCA2 environment, but do not at all depend on the LE or L7/8. This indicates that interaction of TM11 with SERCA2-specific sequence element(s) elsewhere in the structure is critical in the Ca2+-free E2/E2P states. Collectively these properties ensure a higher Ca2+ affinity of SERCA2b relative to other SERCA isoforms, not only on the cytosolic side, but also on the luminal side.  相似文献   

Demidchik V  Sokolik A  Yurin V 《Planta》2001,212(4):583-590
Effects of Cu2+ on a non-specific conductance and H+-ATPase activity in the plasma membrane of the freshwater alga Nitella flexilis L. Agardh was studied using a conventional microelectrode voltage-clamp technique. We show that a Cu2+-induced increase in the non-specific conductance is related to the formation of pores in the plasma membrane. Pore formation is the result of unidentified chemical reactions, since the Q10 for the rate of increase of conductance over time was about 3. Various oxidants and antioxidants (10 mmol/l H2O2, 10 mmol/l ascorbate, 100 μg/ml superoxide dismutase, and 100 μg/ml catalase) did not alter Cu2+-induced changes in the plasma membrane conductance, suggesting that the effect of Cu2+ was unrelated to peroxidation of plasma-membrane lipids. In contrast, organic and inorganic Ca2+-channel antagonists (nifedipine, Zn2+, Cd2+, Fe2+, Ni2+) inhibited the Cu2+-induced non-specific conductance increase. This suggests that changes in Ca2+ influx underlie this effect of Cu2+. Decreasing the pH or the ionic strength of external solutions also inhibited the Cu2+-induced plasma-membrane conductance increase. Copper was also found to inhibit plasma-membrane H+-ATPase activity with half-maximal inhibition occurring at about 5–20 μmol/l and full inhibition at about 100–300 μmol/l. The Hill coefficient of Cu2+ inhibition of the H+-ATPase was close to two. Received: 8 December 1999 / Accepted: 16 August 2000  相似文献   

The chemical reactions of omeprazole, leading to inhibition of gastric acid secretion, were investigated. In acid buffer solutions, omeprazole was found to be labile, whereas at physiological pH it was stable ( ). The stability of omeprazole was also studied in isolated, acid producing, gastric glands under conditions where acid formation was either stimulated or inhibited. The rate of transformation of omeprazole was high ( ) under stimulation. Inhibition of acid formation in the gland greatly retarded the decomposition of omeprazole ( ). The time-course for inhibition of acid formation by omeprazole was parallel to that for decomposition. The major product formed from omeprazole was the reduced form, H 168/22. The inhibitory action of omeprazole was shown to depend on acid-induced transformation, since no inhibition was obtained when omeprazole was incubated under neutral conditions, both in the isolated gastric mucosal- and the (H+ + K+)-ATPase preparations. Despite the fact that H 168/22 was the major product formed in the glandular preparation, it was found to be virtually inactive in both the glandular- and (H+ + K+)-ATPase preparations. Therefore, a model is proposed in which the inhibition of acid formation by omeprazole is mediated by a compound formed during the reduction of omeprazole to H 168/22 within the acid compartments of the parietal cell. Furthermore, mercaptanes, such as β-mercaptoethanol, were found to prevent as well as reverse inhibition by omeprazole in both the glandular- and (H+ + K+)-ATPase preparations. This indicates that -SH groups are most likely involved in the chemical reactions leading to inhibition of acid secretion.  相似文献   

The endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT-0-III) allow membrane budding and fission away from the cytosol. This machinery is used during multivesicular endosome biogenesis, cytokinesis, and budding of some enveloped viruses. Membrane fission is catalyzed by ESCRT-III complexes made of polymers of charged multivesicular body proteins (CHMPs) and by the AAA-type ATPase VPS4. How and which of the ESCRT-III subunits sustain membrane fission from the cytoplasmic surface remain uncertain. In vitro, CHMP2 and CHMP3 recombinant proteins polymerize into tubular helical structures, which were hypothesized to drive vesicle fission. However, this model awaits the demonstration that such structures exist and can deform membranes in cellulo. Here, we show that depletion of VPS4 induces specific accumulation of endogenous CHMP2B at the plasma membrane. Unlike other CHMPs, overexpressed full-length CHMP2B polymerizes into long, rigid tubes that protrude out of the cell. CHMP4s relocalize at the base of the tubes, the formation of which depends on VPS4. Cryo-EM of the CHMP2B membrane tubes demonstrates that CHMP2B polymerizes into a tightly packed helical lattice, in close association with the inner leaflet of the membrane tube. This association is tight enough to deform the lipid bilayer in cases where the tubular CHMP2B helix varies in diameter or is closed by domes. Thus, our observation that CHMP2B polymerization scaffolds membranes in vivo represents a first step toward demonstrating its structural role during outward membrane deformation.  相似文献   

The L-type Ca2+ channel (dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) in skeletal muscle acts as the voltage sensor for excitation-contraction coupling. To better resolve the spatial organization of the DHPR subunits (α1s or CaV1.1, α2, β1a, δ1, and γ), we created transgenic mice expressing a recombinant β1a subunit with YFP and a biotin acceptor domain attached to its N- and C- termini, respectively. DHPR complexes were purified from skeletal muscle, negatively stained, imaged by electron microscopy, and subjected to single-particle image analysis. The resulting 19.1-Å resolution, three-dimensional reconstruction shows a main body of 17 × 11 × 8 nm with five corners along its perimeter. Two protrusions emerge from either face of the main body: the larger one attributed to the α2-δ1 subunit that forms a flexible hook-shaped feature and a smaller protrusion on the opposite side that corresponds to the II-III loop of CaV1.1 as revealed by antibody labeling. Novel features discernible in the electron density accommodate the atomic coordinates of a voltage-gated sodium channel and of the β subunit in a single docking possibility that defines the α1-β interaction. The β subunit appears more closely associated to the membrane than expected, which may better account for both its role in localizing the α1s subunit to the membrane and its suggested role in excitation-contraction coupling.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are essential for development and stress signaling in plants. They contribute to plant defense against pathogens, regulate stomatal transpiration, and influence nutrient uptake and partitioning. Although both Ca2+ and K+ channels of plants are known to be affected, virtually nothing is known of the targets for ROS at a molecular level. Here we report that a single cysteine (Cys) residue within the Kv-like SKOR K+ channel of Arabidopsis thaliana is essential for channel sensitivity to the ROS H2O2. We show that H2O2 rapidly enhanced current amplitude and activation kinetics of heterologously expressed SKOR, and the effects were reversed by the reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT). Both H2O2 and DTT were active at the outer face of the membrane and current enhancement was strongly dependent on membrane depolarization, consistent with a H2O2-sensitive site on the SKOR protein that is exposed to the outside when the channel is in the open conformation. Cys substitutions identified a single residue, Cys168 located within the S3 α-helix of the voltage sensor complex, to be essential for sensitivity to H2O2. The same Cys residue was a primary determinant for current block by covalent Cys S-methioylation with aqueous methanethiosulfonates. These, and additional data identify Cys168 as a critical target for H2O2, and implicate ROS-mediated control of the K+ channel in regulating mineral nutrient partitioning within the plant.  相似文献   

A 14-3-3 protein has been cloned and sequenced from a cDNA library constructed from mRNAs of mature pollen grains of Lilium longiflorum Thunb. Monoclonal antibodies (MUP 5 or MUP 15) highly specific against 14-3-3 proteins recognised a 30-kDa protein in the cytoplasmic fraction of many various lily tissues (leaves, bulbs, stems, anther filaments, pollen grains, stigmas) and in other plants (Arabidopsis seedlings, barley recombinant 14-3-3). In addition, 14-3-3 proteins were detected in a microsomal fraction isolated from pollen grains and tubes, and the amount of membrane-bound 14-3-3 proteins as well as the amount of the plasma membrane (PM) H+ ATPase increased during germination of pollen grains and tube growth. No change was observed in the cytoplasmic fraction. A further increase in the amount of 14-3-3 proteins in the microsomal fraction was observed when pollen grains were incubated in germination medium containing 1 μM fusicoccin (FC) whereas the number of 14-3-3s in the cytoplasmic fraction decreased. Fusicoccin also protected membrane-bound 14-3-3 proteins from dissociation after washing with the chaotropic salt KI. Furthermore, FC stimulated the PM H+ ATPase activity, the germination frequency and the growth rate of pollen tubes, thus indicating that a modulation of the PM H+ ATPase activity by interaction with 14-3-3 proteins may regulate germination and tube growth of lily pollen. Received: 20 June 2000 / Accepted: 2 October 2000  相似文献   

Voltage-gated T-type Ca(2+) channel Ca(v)3.2 (α(1H)) subunit, responsible for T-type Ca(2+) current, is expressed in different tissues and participates in Ca(2+) entry, hormonal secretion, pacemaker activity, and arrhythmia. The precise subcellular localization and regulation of Ca(v)3.2 channels in native cells is unknown. Caveolae containing scaffolding protein caveolin-3 (Cav-3) localize many ion channels, signaling proteins and provide temporal and spatial regulation of intracellular Ca(2+) in different cells. We examined the localization and regulation of the Ca(v)3.2 channels in cardiomyocytes. Immunogold labeling and electron microscopy analysis demonstrated co-localization of the Ca(v)3.2 channel and Cav-3 relative to caveolae in ventricular myocytes. Co-immunoprecipitation from neonatal ventricular myocytes or transiently transfected HEK293 cells demonstrated that Ca(v)3.1 and Ca(v)3.2 channels co-immunoprecipitate with Cav-3. GST pulldown analysis confirmed that the N terminus region of Cav-3 closely interacts with Ca(v)3.2 channels. Whole cell patch clamp analysis demonstrated that co-expression of Cav-3 significantly decreased the peak Ca(v)3.2 current density in HEK293 cells, whereas co-expression of Cav-3 did not alter peak Ca(v)3.1 current density. In neonatal mouse ventricular myocytes, overexpression of Cav-3 inhibited the peak T-type calcium current (I(Ca,T)) and adenovirus (AdCa(v)3.2)-mediated increase in peak Ca(v)3.2 current, but did not affect the L-type current. The protein kinase A-dependent stimulation of I(Ca,T) by 8-Br-cAMP (membrane permeable cAMP analog) was abolished by siRNA directed against Cav-3. Our findings on functional modulation of the Ca(v)3.2 channels by Cav-3 is important for understanding the compartmentalized regulation of Ca(2+) signaling during normal and pathological processes.  相似文献   

An ion-selective vibrating-microelectrode system, which was originally used to measure extracellular Ca2+ gradients generated by Ca2+ currents, was used to study K+, H+ and Ca2+ transport in intact maize (Zea mays L.) roots and individual maize suspension cells. Comparisons were made between the vibrating ion-selective microelectrode, and a technique using stationary ion-selective microelectrodes to measure ionic gradients in the unstirred layer at the surface of plant roots. The vibrating-microelectrode system was shown to be a major improvement over stationary ion-selective microelectrodes, in terms of sensitivity and temporal resolution. With the vibrating ion microelectrode, it was easy to monitor K+ influxes into maize roots in a background K+ concentration of 10 mM or more, while stationary K+ electrodes were limited to measurements in a background K+ concentration of 0.3 mM or less. Also, with this system it was possible to conduct a detailed study of root Ca2+ transport, which was previously not possible because of the small fluxes involved. For example, we were able to investigate the effect of the excision of maize roots on Ca2+ influx. When an intact maize root was excised from the seedling at a position 3 cm from the site of measurement of Ca2+ transport, a rapid fourfold stimulation of Ca2+ influx was observed followed by dramatic oscillations in Ca2+ flux, oscillating between Ca2+ influx and efflux. These results clearly demonstrate that wound or perturbation responses of plant organs involve transient alterations in Ca2+ transport, which had previously been inferred by demonstrations of touch-induced changes in cytoplasmic calcium. The sensitivity of this system allows for the measurement of ion fluxes in individual plant cells. Using vibrating K+ and H+electrodes, it was possible to measure H+efflux and both K+ influx and efflux in individual maize suspension cells under different conditions. The availability of this technique will greatly improve our ability to study ion transport at the cellular level, in intact plant tissues and organs, and in specialized cells, such as root hairs or guard cells.Symbol X amplitude of vibration The authors would like to thank Richard Sanger for his invaluable work on the design and improvement of the ion-selective vibratingmicroelectrode system. The research presented here was supported in part by U.S. Department of Agriculture Competitive Grant No. 90-37261-5411 to Leon Kochian and William Lucas.  相似文献   

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