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Han Si  Lee SG  Kim KH  Choi CJ  Kim YH  Hwang KS 《Bio Systems》2006,84(3):175-182
Most multiple gene sequence alignment methods rely on conventions regarding the score of a multiple alignment in pairwise fashion. Therefore, as the number of sequences increases, the runtime of sequencing expands exponentially. In order to solve the problem, this paper presents a multiple sequence alignment method using a linear-time suffix tree algorithm to cluster similar sequences at one time without pairwise alignment. After searching for common subsequences, cross-matching common subsequences were generated, and sometimes inexact matching was found. So, a procedure aimed at masking the inexact cross-matching pairs was suggested here. In addition, BLAST was combined with a clustering tool in order to annotate the clusters generated by suffix tree clustering. The proposed method for clustering and annotating genes consists of the following steps: (1) construction of a suffix tree; (2) searching and overlapping common subsequences; (3) grouping subsequence pairs; (4) masking cross-matching pairs; (5) clustering gene sequences; (6) annotating gene clusters by the BLAST search. The performance of the proposed system, CLAGen, was successfully evaluated with 42 gene sequences in a TCA cycle (a citrate cycle) of bacteria. The system generated 11 clusters and found the longest subsequences of each cluster, which are biologically significant.  相似文献   

TonB is a protein prevalent in a large number of Gram-negative bacteria that is believed to be responsible for the energy transduction component in the import of ferric iron complexes and vitamin B12 across the outer membrane. We have analyzed all the TonB proteins that are currently contained in the Entrez database and have identified nine different clusters based on its conserved 90-residue C-terminal domain amino acid sequence. The vast majority of the proteins contained a single predicted cytoplasmic transmembrane domain; however, nine of the TonB proteins encompass a ∼290 amino acid N-terminal extension homologous to the MecR1 protein, which is composed of three additional predicted transmembrane helices. The periplasmic linker region, which is located between the N-terminal domain and the C-terminal domain, is extremely variable both in length (22–283 amino acids) and in proline content, indicating that a Pro-rich domain is not a required feature for all TonB proteins. The secondary structure of the C-terminal domain is found to be well preserved across all families, with the most variable region being between the second α-helix and the third β-strand of the antiparallel β-sheet. The fourth β-strand found in the solution structure of the Escherichia coli TonB C-terminal domain is not a well conserved feature in TonB proteins in most of the clusters. Interestingly, several of the TonB proteins contained two C-terminal domains in series. This analysis provides a framework for future structure-function studies of TonB, and it draws attention to the unusual features of several TonB proteins. Byron C. H. Chu and R. Sean Peacock contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The broadspectrum herbicide glyphosate (N-[phosphonomethyl]glycine), an inhibitor of the shikimate pathway enzyme 5-enolpyruvyl-shikimic acid-3-phosphate (EPSP)-synthase, inhibits the growth of Aerobacter aerogenes and causes the excretion of shikimic acid-3-phosphate. A strain of A. aerogenes, resistant to inhibition of growth by glyphosate, was isolated and found to have a glyphosate-insensitive EPSP-synthase and to no longer excrete shikimic acid-3-phosphate in the presence of glyphosate. Partial identity of EPSP-synthases from the glyphosate-sensitive and-resistant A. aerogenes strains was demonstrated by immunological procedures.Abbreviation EPSP-synthase 5-enolpyruvylshikimic acid-3-phosphate synthase (EC; 3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase)  相似文献   

应用电生理方法研究了除草剂草甘膦对中华大蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans Cantor)坐骨神经干冲动产生和传导的影响。用不同浓度的草甘膦溶液对中华大蟾蜍进行胁迫处理,草甘膦有效成分经由皮肤进入蟾蜍体内而作用于神经系统,利用生物信号采集处理系统测定草甘膦胁迫下中华大蟾蜍离体坐骨神经干的应激反应时间、动作电位幅度和冲动传导速度,结果表明:随着草甘膦溶液浓度的升高,中华大蟾蜍坐骨神经干接受刺激后产生冲动所需的时间逐渐延长,动作电位峰值降低,神经冲动传导速度亦逐渐减慢。草甘膦施用后,中华大蟾蜍7d内的平均应激反应时间与草甘膦浓度呈正相关,而动作电位幅度及传导速度均与草甘膦浓度呈负相关。草甘膦溶液浓度达到推荐农田使用浓度1.64~2.87ml/L时,各处理组蟾蜍的应激反应时间、动作电位幅度和冲动传导速度均与对照组差异极显著(P〈0.01)。同时,随着试验处理时间的延长,中华大蟾蜍神经干对刺激的反应变得更为迟钝,神经冲动的传导速度也进一步减慢。回归分析可知,中华大蟾蜍坐骨神经干的应激反应时间与草甘膦施用后天数呈正相关,而神经传导速度与药后天数呈负相关。由此可以说明,草甘膦胁迫条件下,中华大蟾蜍神经细胞对刺激反应的灵敏性降低,动作电位的产生及传导受到一定程度的抑制和阻碍。  相似文献   

The side effects of glyphosate on the soil microflora were monitored by applying a range of glyphosate concentrations (0, 2, 20, and 200 μg g−1 herbicide) to incubated soil samples, and following changes in various microbial groups over 27 days. Bacterial propagule numbers were temporarily enhanced by 20 μg g−1 and 200 μg g−1 glyphosate, while actinomycete and fungal propagule numbers were unaffected by glyphosate. The frequency of three fungal species on organic particles in soil was temporarily enhanced by 200 μg g−1 glyphosate, while one was inhibited. One species was temporily enhanced on mineral particles. However, many of these fungi were inhibited by 200 μg g−1 glyphosate in pure culture. There was little agreement between species responses to glyphosate in incubated soil samples and in pure culture.  相似文献   

Abstract The potent inhibition of the shikimate pathway enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase by the broad-spectrum herbicide glyphosate ( N -[phosphonomethyl]glycine) was confirmed for the enzymes extracted from various bacteria, a green alga and higher plants. However, 5 out of 6 species belonging to the genus Pseudomonas were found to have EPSP synthases with a 50- to 100-fold decreased sensitivity to the inhibitor. Correspondingly, growth of these 5 species was not inhibited by 5 mM glyphosate, and the organisms did not excrete shikimate-3-phosphate in the presence of the herbicide.  相似文献   

基本局部比对搜索工具(basic local alignment search tool,BLAST)是核酸或蛋白质序列相似性分析最常用的工具之一.因为程序涉及参数较多,一些学生和研究者有时不根据实际情况也不阅读说明书就直接选择默认参数,可能会得出错误结论.BLAST可以进行核酸、蛋白质序列及其相互间的比对,一些低年级...  相似文献   

Liang A  Sha J  Lu W  Chen M  Li L  Jin D  Yan Y  Wang J  Ping S  Zhang W  Wang Y  Lin M 《Biotechnology letters》2008,30(8):1397-1401
A novel class II 5-enoylpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) was identified from Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501 by complementation of an Escherichia coli auxotrophic aroA mutant. The single amino acid substitution of serine (Ser) for asparagine (Asn)-130 of the A1501 EPSPS enhanced resistance to 200 mM glyphosate. The mutated EPSPS had a 2.5-fold increase for IC(50) [glyphosate] value, a 2-fold increase for K (i) [glyphosate] value, but a K (m) [PEP] value similar to that of wild type. The effect of the single residue mutation on glyphosate resistance was also analyzed using a computer-based three-dimensional model.  相似文献   

Possible non-target effects of the widely used, non-selective herbicide glyphosate were examined in six cyanobacterial strains, and the basis of their resistance was investigated. All cyanobacteria showed a remarkable tolerance to the herbicide up to millimolar levels. Two of them were found to possess an insensitive form of glyphosate target, the shikimate pathway enzyme 5-enol-pyruvyl-shikimate-3-phosphate synthase. Four strains were able to use the phosphonate as the only phosphorus source. Low uptake rates were measured only under phosphorus deprivation. Experimental evidence for glyphosate metabolism was also obtained in strains apparently unable to use the phosphonate. Results suggest that various mechanisms may concur in providing cyanobacterial strains with herbicide tolerance. The data also account for their widespread ability to metabolize the phosphonate. However, such a capability seems limited by low cell permeability to glyphosate, and is rapidly repressed when inorganic phosphate is available.  相似文献   



The increasing abundance of neuromorphological data provides both the opportunity and the challenge to compare massive numbers of neurons from a wide diversity of sources efficiently and effectively. We implemented a modified global alignment algorithm representing axonal and dendritic bifurcations as strings of characters. Sequence alignment quantifies neuronal similarity by identifying branch-level correspondences between trees.


The space generated from pairwise similarities is capable of classifying neuronal arbor types as well as, or better than, traditional topological metrics. Unsupervised cluster analysis produces groups that significantly correspond with known cell classes for axons, dendrites, and pyramidal apical dendrites. Furthermore, the distinguishing consensus topology generated by multiple sequence alignment of a group of neurons reveals their shared branching blueprint. Interestingly, the axons of dendritic-targeting interneurons in the rodent cortex associates with pyramidal axons but apart from the (more topologically symmetric) axons of perisomatic-targeting interneurons.


Global pairwise and multiple sequence alignment of neurite topologies enables detailed comparison of neurites and identification of conserved topological features in alignment-defined clusters. The methods presented also provide a framework for incorporation of additional branch-level morphological features. Moreover, comparison of multiple alignment with motif analysis shows that the two techniques provide complementary information respectively revealing global and local features.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-015-0605-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Eleven carbazole (CAR)-degrading bacterial strains were isolated from seawater collected off the coast of Japan using two different media. Seven isolates were shown to be most closely related to the genera Erythrobacter, Hyphomonas, Sphingosinicella, Caulobacter , and Lysobacter . Meanwhile, strains OC3, OC6S, OC9, and OC11S showed low similarity to known bacteria, the closest relative being Kordiimonas gwangyangensis GW14-5 (90% similarity). Southern hybridization analysis revealed that only five isolates carried car genes similar to those reported in Pseudomonas resinovorans CA10 ( car CA10) or Sphingomonas sp. strain KA1 ( car KA1). The isolates were subjected to GC-MS and the results indicated that these strains degrade CAR to anthranilic acid.  相似文献   

Bacteria are sensitive to an increase in population density and respond quickly and coordinately by induction of certain sets of genes. This mode of regulation, known as quorum sensing (QS), is based on the effect of low-molecular-weight signal molecules, autoinducers (AIs). When the population density is high, AIs accumulate in the medium and interact with regulatory receptor proteins. QS systems are global regulators of bacterial gene expression and play a key role in controlling many metabolic processes in the cell, including bacterial virulence. The review considers the molecular mechanisms of QS in different taxonomic groups of bacteria and discusses QS regulation as a possible target in treating bacterial infections. This is a new, alternative strategy of antibacterial therapy, which includes the construction of drugs acting directly against bacterial pathogenicity by suppressing QS (antipathogenicity drugs). This strategy makes it possible to avoid a wide distribution of antibiotic-resistant pathogenic bacteria and the formation of biofilms, which dramatically increase drug resistance.  相似文献   

Literature studies, 3D structure data, and a series of sequence analysis techniques were combined to reveal important residues in the structure and function of the ligand-binding domain of nuclear hormone receptors. A structure-based multiple sequence alignment allowed for the seamless combination of data from many different studies on different receptors into one single functional model. It was recently shown that a combined analysis of sequence entropy and variability can divide residues in five classes; (1) the main function or active site, (2) support for the main function, (3) signal transduction, (4) modulator or ligand binding and (5) the rest. Mutation data extracted from the literature and intermolecular contacts observed in nuclear receptor structures were analyzed in view of this classification and showed that the main function or active site residues of the nuclear receptor ligand-binding domain are involved in cofactor recruitment. Furthermore, the sequence entropy-variability analysis identified the presence of signal transduction residues that are located between the ligand, cofactor and dimer sites, suggesting communication between these regulatory binding sites. Experimental and computational results agreed well for most residues for which mutation data and intermolecular contact data were available. This allows us to predict the role of the residues for which no functional data is available yet. This study illustrates the power of family-based approaches towards the analysis of protein function, and it points out the problems and possibilities presented by the massive amounts of data that are becoming available in the "omics era". The results shed light on the nuclear receptor family that is involved in processes ranging from cancer to infertility, and that is one of the more important targets in the pharmaceutical industry.  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of this study was to find and characterize a fungal or bacterial strain capable of metabolizing mesotrione, a new selective herbicide for control of broad-leaved weeds in maize. METHODS AND RESULTS: This strain was isolated from cloud water and showed close phylogenetic relationship with strains belonging to the Bacillus genus, based on 16S rRNA gene alignment. Kinetics of mesotrione degradation were monitored by high-performance liquid chromatography and in situ(1)H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at different concentrations. Mesotrione was completely biotransformed even at 5 mmol l(-1) concentration. 2-Amino-4-methylsulfonyl benzoic acid (AMBA) was identified as one of the metabolites, but was not the major one. CONCLUSIONS: This study reports the first rapid mesotrione biotransformation by a pure bacterial strain and the formation of several metabolites including AMBA. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This bacterium isolated from cloud water is the first pure strain capable of rapidly degrading mesotrione.  相似文献   

It is an important goal of computational biology to correctly predict the association state of a protein based on its amino acid sequence and the structures of known homologues. We have pursued this goal on the example of anthranilate phosphoribosyltransferase (AnPRT), an enzyme that is involved in the biosynthesis of the amino acid tryptophan. Firstly, known crystal structures of naturally occurring homodimeric AnPRTs were analyzed using the Protein Interfaces, Surfaces, and Assemblies (PISA) service of the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI). This led to the identification of two hydrophobic “hot spot” amino acids in the protein-protein interface that were predicted to be essential for self-association. Next, in a comprehensive multiple sequence alignment (MSA), naturally occurring AnPRT variants with hydrophilic or charged amino acids in place of hydrophobic residues in the two hot spot positions were identified. Representative variants were characterized in terms of thermal stability, enzymatic activity, and quaternary structure. We found that AnPRT variants with charged residues in both hot spot positions exist exclusively as monomers in solution. Variants with hydrophilic amino acids in one hot spot position occur in both forms, monomer and dimer. The results of the present study provide a detailed characterization of the determinants of the AnPRT monomer-dimer equilibrium and show that analysis of hot spots in combination with MSAs can be a valuable tool in prediction of protein quaternary structures.  相似文献   

The mechanism of resistance to chloramphenicol was studied in four strains of Bacillus clausii included in a probiotic mixture, which is administered to humans for prevention of gastrointestinal side effects due to oral antibiotic therapy. By cloning experiments, a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene, cat Bcl , coding for a putative 228-amino acid CAT protein was identified in B. clausii SIN. The deduced amino acid sequence displayed from 31% to 85% identity with 56 CAT proteins from other Gram-positive bacterial strains. The cat Bcl gene was also detected by PCR in the three other B. clausii strains resistant to chloramphenicol, whereas it was absent in the three control strains susceptible to chloramphenicol. Pulse-field gel electrophoresis of total DNA digested by I-CeuI followed by hybridization with a cat -specific probe as well as unsuccessful repeated attempts of in vitro transfer of chloramphenicol resistance to various recipient cells indicated that cat Bcl was chromosomally located in all four resistant B. clausii strains.  相似文献   

The conservation of residues in columns of a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) reflects the importance of these residues for maintaining the structure and function of a protein. To date, many scores have been suggested for quantifying residue conservation, but none has achieved the full rigor both in biology and statistics. In this paper, we present a new approach for measuring the evolutionary conservation at aligned positions. Our conservation measure is related to the logarithmic probabilities for aligned positions, and combines the physicochemical properties and the frequencies of amino acids. Such a measure is both biologically and statistically meaningful. For testing the relationship between an amino acid's evolutionary conservation and its role in the Phi-value defined protein folding kinetics, our results indicate that the folding nucleus residues may not be significantly more conserved than other residues by using the biological-relevance weighted statistical scoring method suggested in this paper as an alternative to entropy-based procedures.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel, linguistic-like method of genome analysis. We propose a natural approach to characterizing genomic sequences based on occurrences of fixed length words from a predefined, sufficiently large set of words (strings over the alphabet {A, C, G, T} ). A measure based on this approach is called compositional spectrum and is actually a histogram of imperfect word occurrences. Our results assert that the compositional spectrum is an overall characteristic of a long sequence i.e., a complete genome or an uninterrupted part of a chromosome. This attribute is manifested in the similarity of spectra obtained on different stretches of the same genome, and simultaneously in a broad range of dissimilarities between spectral representations of different genomes. High flexibility characterizes this approach due to imperfect matching and as a result sets of relatively long words can be considered. The proposed approach may have various applications in intra- and intergenomic sequence comparisons.  相似文献   

【背景】内生菌对作物生长发育和抗逆性有重要作用,本团队分离筛选了一株显著促进玉米生长的莫拉维假单胞菌(Pseudomonas moraviensis)GF-55。【目的】揭示莫拉维假单胞菌GF-55的促生抗倒伏能力。【方法】开展了盆栽及温室种植试验,并测定了玉米生长发育和抗倒伏相关指标。【结果】通过分析表明,GF-55菌处理与对照相比,玉米株高、苗干重和苗鲜重分别增加43.47%、26.67%和82.44%,根干重、鲜重、长、体积、表面积和平均直径分别增加231.25%、96.42%、141.68%、46.51%、37.07%和52.38%。菌株GF-55分泌生长激素吲哚乙酸(indole-3-acetic acid,IAA)、嗜铁素相对含量和解磷量分别为30.88μg/mL、50.20%和58.43 mg/L;温室试验发现施菌处理可显著提高玉米吐丝期后茎秆的抗倒伏效果,玉米茎秆穿刺、弯曲和压碎强度较对照分别增加15.78%、55.83%和33.71%。施菌处理的秸秆半纤维素、纤维素和木质素含量较对照分别增加10.56%、2.91%和48.01%。【结论】莫拉维假单胞菌GF-55具有促...  相似文献   

Liu XS  Guo WL 《Amino acids》2008,34(4):643-652
Measuring residue conservation at aligned positions has many applications in biology. Recently, a new conservation score has been defined. Unlike the previous methods, the new approach considers both residue frequencies and physicochemistries. Specifically, it measures physicochemistries based on BLOSUM matrices disregarding the meaning of the entries in such matrices, which may involve the problem of log–log probability. In this paper we present a conservation measure that also reflects both frequencies and physicochemistries while considering the fact that the entries of BLOSUM matrices are already interpreted as log probability. When the supposed score is applied to 14 protein examples, the results show that these two conservation scores are equivalent aside from the different score ranges. The method is also used to score the functional sites of three protein families. Compared with the widely used entropy-based methods, the resulting scores are more robust and consistent in the sense that the functional sites are much more conserved because of functional constraints.  相似文献   

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