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Summary In a study of the biochemical basis of seed dispersal by ants, elaiosomes of Acacia myrtifolia and Tetratheca stenocarpa induced seed collection: intact diaspores and elaiosomes were taken rapidly by ants while most seeds remained on the forest floor. Extracts of elaiosomes (non-polar lipids, polar lipids, and aqueous fractions) were differentially collected by ants. Small pieces of pith impregnated with the polar lipid fraction from elaiosomes of either species elicited a removal rate by ants equivalent to that of intact elaiosomes and significantly higher than that of untreated pith. The non-polar lipid fraction, highest in concentration in elaiosomes of both species, elicited removal that did not differ from that of untreated pith. In T. stenocarpa, however, the aqueous fraction also induced removal equivalent to the polar lipid fraction. 1,2-Diglycerides with unsaturated groups are present in the active polar fractions of both species and unsaturated oleate is the major acid group of the glycerides in elaiosomes. Most oleate-containing compounds tested were taken more rapidly by ants than saturated compounds, and oleic acid, associated with corpse-carrying in ants, induced rapid removal. 1,2-Diolein, but not 1,3-diolein, was taken suggesting that the specific configuration of fatty acid moieties influences collection by ants. We hypothesize that a small suite of oleyl-containing compounds in elaiosomes elicit a stereotyped carrying response by a variety of ants. While the nutrient composition of elaiosomes may provide the underlying selective advantage for ants in seed dispersal, specific compounds may manipulate their behaviour and maximize seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Questions: What is the potential of sheep to serve as seed dispersers via ingestion and defecation in calcareous grasslands? Is the presence of viable seeds from dung correlated with specific seed traits? Location: Calcareous grasslands, South Limburg, the Netherlands/Belgium. Methods: Dung samples (n=24) from sheep were collected between September 2006 and November 2007 from five sites with Mesobromion plant communities, and communities of Nardo‐Galion saxatilis. Germinability and identity of seeds in the dung samples were ascertained from germination of seedlings under glasshouse conditions. Seed traits of species with viable seeds in dung were compared with those present in the local species pool. Results: Seventy‐two plant species from 23 plant families had viable seeds in sheep dung. The plant families encountered most frequently were Gramineae and Compositae. The most abundant and frequently recorded plant species in dung samples was Urtica dioica, accounting for >80% of the total number of seeds. Mean seed density in sheep dung was 0.8 seeds g?1 dry matter. Seeds with low seed mass and a high seed longevity index were over‐represented in dung. Viable seeds >2.5 mg were infrequent in the dung samples. Conclusions: We conclude that sheep are potentially important dispersers of plant species in Dutch calcareous grasslands. Although smaller seeds were relatively abundant in sheep dung, it cannot be excluded that this was mainly caused by differences in seed abundance.  相似文献   

The composition of a seed flora always differs from actual vegetation. For archaeobotanists, who try to reconstruct former communities on the basis of plant macrofossils extracted from soil samples, this is a serious handicap. This difference can be explained by dispersal processes and by differences in preservation. Seeds that are incorporated into the soil may originate from both local and regional vegetation. Once incorporated, differences in preservation may result in a seed flora from a mixture of communities. The comparison may be further confounded when seeds that are transported over long distances are also of subfossil or even fossil origin. Both wind and water are effective agencies for long-distance dispersal. This study deals with the dispersal of botanical macro-remains by water. Water may be considered an important dispersal agent, especially in sites situated in the vicinity of running water, or liable to contact with water during storm surges or river floods. Therefore, the interpretation of seed assemblages from sediments that may have been in contact with running water needs special attention. In order to obtain information about the dispersal potential of plant remains by water transport, litter which had been transported by the river Rhine, and litter which had been washed ashore on the North Sea coast of the Netherlands was examined.  相似文献   

Question: Understanding the aerial movement of seed is of great significance to the management of native and invasive plant species, but has proven difficult to measure. Here we examine how a more quantitative approach to measuring the aerial movement of seed can be achieved. Location: SE Australia. Methods: We describe a novel seed trap (the ‘Melbourne trap’), for which the proportion of free‐stream airflow through the trap can be measured, allowing a more quantitative approach to measuring aerial seed movement. We assessed airflow through the Melbourne trap in a wind tunnel and describe how this information, along with measurements of wind speed and direction, can now be used to derive seed density per volume of airflow. We compare the seed capture and retention efficiency of the Melbourne trap with two simpler and cheaper trap designs, bucket traps and sticky traps. Results: Melbourne and bucket traps captured significantly more species than sticky traps. Seed catch was dominated numerically by Lachnagrostis filiformis (G. Forst.) Trin. Melbourne traps proved more effective than sticky traps, but not bucket traps, in capturing L. filiformis, based on intake area. For all other seeds, Melbourne traps were more effective than both bucket and sticky traps. Conclusion: The Melbourne trap design is a significant advance in quantifying seed dispersal by wind. Melbourne traps will improve the capacity and accuracy of studies that seek to: (i) quantify seed fluxes across landscapes boundaries; (ii) assess directionality of dispersal; (iii) understand processes controlling seed release; and (iv) compare dispersal in wind and water.  相似文献   

We studied the seed dispersal spectra of 46 Iberian plant communities of five types: potential woodland, forest fringe, substitutional scrubland, nitrophile communities and montane communities. There were no significant differences between the spectra of communities of the same type from Mediterranean and Eurosiberian regions. Biotic dispersal is most common at mature stages of succession, and abiotic dispersal at immature stages.  相似文献   

Quantity,quality and the effectiveness of seed dispersal by animals   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Disperser effectiveness is the contribution a disperser makes to the future reproduction of a plant. Although it is a key notion in studies of seed dispersal by animals, we know little about what determines the effectiveness of a disperser. The role of the present paper is to review the available information and construct a hierarchical framework for viewing the components of disperser effectiveness.Effectiveness has both quantitative and qualitative components. The quantity of seed dispersal depends on (A) the number of visits made to the plant by a disperser and (B) the number of seeds dispersed per visit. The quality of seed dispersal depends on (A) the quality of treatment given a seed in the mouth and in the gut and (B) the quality of seed deposition as determined by the probability that a deposited seed will survive and become an adult. In this paper I review the ways disperser behavior, morphology and physiology can influence these major components of disperser effectiveness, and when data permit present preliminary analyses of relationships among components.  相似文献   

对取食种子的动物而言,种子的选择、扩散以及随后的处理是一个复杂的过程。为了解济源太行山区鼠类对不同种林木种子的选择和扩散策略的差异,于2011 年9 月10 日至11 月8 日,选取山杏、桃和栓皮栎3 种林木种子,将种子标记后,释放于次生林中,以5 d 间隔,调查并记录种子命运。结果表明: (1)大林姬鼠和岩松鼠是该地区主要的种子取食者和扩散者; (2)3 种种子的扩散速率明显不同,栓皮栎种子扩散速率最快(中位存留时间8. 6 d),其次为山杏种子(中位存留时间20. 9 d),桃种子扩散速率最慢(中位存留时间37. 5 d); (3)鼠类倾向于取食栓皮栎种子(55.0%) , 埋藏山杏种子(62. 0% ),但忽略桃种子(原地存留率99. 0% );(4)88. 6%的山杏和78. 8% 的栓皮栎种子被贮藏在灌丛下方、树干基部周围和石块旁边等生境中,而仅有4 3% 的山杏和9.1% 的栓皮栎种子被贮藏于裸地中;(5)鼠类将山杏种子搬运到更远(3. 4 ± 2. 1 m,mean± SE,n =63)处贮藏;而栓皮栎种子的搬运距离则相对较近(2. 5 ± 2. 4 m,n = 57)。结果显示:鼠类对不同种植物种子具有明显的取食、贮藏偏好和不同的贮藏策略。  相似文献   

The role in seed dispersal played by the pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus) inhabiting Wamba, Republic of Zaïre, was studied. Germination was tested for seeds of 17 plant species recovered from the feces of pygmy chimpanzees at Wamba. The fecal seeds of 13 species germinated, and in six of the species the germination rate for the fecal seeds was higher than that of control seeds. Although five other species showed a higher germination rate in the control seeds than in the fecal seeds, the remaining two species revealed no difference in germination rate between the fecal and control seeds. There was no great difference in germination velocity between the fecal and control seeds of the same species. For comparison, seeds of four plant species collected from the feces of common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and gibbons (Hylobates lar) in captivity in Okinawa were tested for their germinability. In this test, although the seeds had passed through the digestive tract, their germinability demonstrated little change. Based on the behavioral characteristics of the pygmy chimpanzee at Wamba and observations of the captive primates on Okinawa, it seems that pygmy chimpanzees may play an important role in the seed dispersal of fruit plant species at Wamba.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal patterns were studied in a north-western Spain temperate forest community to assess the performances of alternative dispersal kernels during two years with ecologically contrasting scenarios; a non-mast year, and a mast year of the dominant canopy species, beech Fagus sylvatica. Dispersal kernels were fitted under a Bayesian modeling framework. Both simple and mixture kernels were considered for the five more abundant tree species (Corylus avellana, Crataegus monogyna, F. sylvatica, Ilex aquifolium and Taxus baccata). Mixture kernels provided a better fit for almost all species, and the log-normal performed best for T. baccata. No relationship between dispersal syndromes and the best dispersal kernel function emerged. However, we found temporal changes in the shape of the dispersal kernels that seemed to be related to variation in relative fruit production among species and the resulting changes in the responses of dispersal vectors. This reveals a potential role for disperser-mediated indirect effects in terms of introducing temporal variation in species spread. In this sense, our results highlight the need to consider single species seed dispersal as a community process. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Question: The vegetation in a polder after partial tidal restoration does not resemble the targeted salt‐marsh vegetation. Is this difference in vegetation due to lack of dispersal or unsuitable abiotic conditions? What could be done for a better restoration of the site? Location: Northwestern France. Methods: Seeds were trapped at the single inlet of the polder with a 200‐μ m mesh net to estimate inputs of seeds from the bay. In parallel, seed dispersal was studied in the polder by placing Astroturf® seed traps on the surface of the sediment at three different elevations in three distinct areas. Abiotic conditions such as flooding frequency, water table level and soil salinity were monitored. Results: All but one species from the adjacent salt marshes were trapped at the inlet. Not all of these species were on the seed traps inside the polder. Seed dispersal was not homogeneous in the polder and seed trap content mostly discriminated in function of their elevation. Salinity and water logging at the bottom of the slope were very high compared to tolerance of most halophytes but decreased rapidly higher up the slope. Conclusions: The development of salt marsh target species is highly restricted by limited hydrochory inside the polder but also by unfavourable soil conditions induced by the actual hydrological regime. Halophytes are excluded at the bottom of the slope by abiotic conditions and out‐competed by sub‐halophytes higher up. In order to restore salt marsh vegetation inside the polder, a larger opening should be induced in order to increase the flooded surface, and diminish water logging and flooding frequencies.  相似文献   

南京中山植物园春夏季节鸟类对植物种子的传播作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李新华  尹晓明 《生态学报》2004,24(7):1452-1458
2002年4月至8月,在南京中山植物园内收集了198份鸟粪样品,从中分离、鉴定出9 573粒结构完整的种子及果核,分别隶属于12科15属20种植物,另有1 6粒种子属于1未知种类.单份鸟粪样品中可含有1~4种种子,平均1.5±0.7种;但单份鸟粪样品中种子数量变化很大,约为1~583粒,平均48.4±70.7粒.鸟粪样品中出现频次较高的种类主要有构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)、蛇莓(Duchesnea indica)、桑树 (Morus alba)、山莓(Rubus corchorifolius)、日本珊瑚树(Viburnum awabuki)、蓬FDA1(Rubus hirsutus)和美洲商陆(Phytolacca americana)等7种,并且它们的种子数量也多达9 213粒,占种子总数的96.1%.鸟粪样品中种子出现频次的月份变化也在一定程度上间接地反映出植物果实的成熟期和鸟类对果实的取食频率.白头鹎(Pycn onotus sinensis)、乌鸫(Turdus merula)等鸟类则主要以呕出种子的方式传播桂花(Osmanthus fragrans)、白玉兰(Magnolia denudata)等体积较大的种子.此外,鸟类还以衔取果实的形式传播种子.2000~2002年,已经观察到8种鸟类取食18种植物的肉质果实,其中灰喜鹊(Cyanopica cyana)、乌鸫、白头鹎和山斑鸠(Streptope lia orientalis)等4种留鸟分别取食8~16种植物果实,是春夏季节植物园内取食果实种类数目较多的鸟类,并且也可能是重要的种子传播者.鸟类传播种子已经导致了阔叶十大功劳(Mahonia bealei)、樱桃(Cerasus pseudocerasus)、掌叶复盆子(Rubus chingi i)和桂花等栽培树种逸出植物园,使它们的实生苗及小树成功地侵入到植物园周围的自然生境中,促进了植物园内一些具肉质果实的栽培植物的自然更新.同时,鸟类传播种子也是导致美洲商陆等引种栽培植物逸生为外来杂草并迅速蔓延的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

Figueroa  Javier A. 《Plant Ecology》2003,166(2):227-240
Canopy gap and chilling requirements for seed germination were assessed in 61 and 44 species, respectively, in the temperate rain forest of southern Chile. Germination assays within canopy gap and understorey were carried out under natural conditions. Germination tests in cold stratified and non-stratified seeds were performed under laboratory conditions. Seeds were collected of common trees, shrubs, vines and perennial herbs of forests in southern Chile. Final percent germination was significantly enhanced under canopy gap conditions in 19 species, and significantly reduced in 11 species. Germination proved indifferent under gap vs. understorey conditions in half the species tested. Cold stratification affected germination in 11 species: significantly increasing final germination of four species, and significantly decreasing final percent germination of seven species. A Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was applied with the purpose of identifying groups of species with similar germination strategies. Four attributes were included in the PCA: final germination percentage in canopy gap, germination rate in the laboratory, and gap-and chilling-dependency indices (EGAP and STRAT, respectively). The first axis separated species mainly on EGAP variation while the second axis separated them mainly according to STRAT variation; the two axes together explaining 73% of the among-species variation. A small group of trees and vines germinating best in the understorey and neutral to chilling could clearly be distinguished from the remaining species analyzed. Multifactorial ANOVAs were used for evaluating the combined effect of successional status, seed mass, dispersal period, life form, phylogenetic categories, and dispersal syndrome on EGAP and STRAT variation. The EGAP value of secondary successional species proved significantly greater than that of primary successional species and species with endozoochorous seed dispersal were significantly less dependent on chilling (according to STRAT values) compared to species with mainly wind-dispersed seeds. The possible implications of these results for seedling establishment are discussed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate the usefulness of the germination vs. the X-ray test in determining the initial viability of seeds of five wild species (Moringa peregrina, Abrus precatorius, Arthrocnemum macrostachyum, Acacia ehrenbergiana and Acacia tortilis) from Saudi Arabia. Usually several days were required to determine the viability of all five species via germination tests. However, X-ray test will give immediate results on filled/viable seeds. Seeds of all species, except Acacia ehrenbergiana and Acacia tortilis showed high viability in both germination (96–72% at 25/15 °C, 94–70% at 35/25 °C) and X-ray (100–80%) test. Furthermore, there was a general agreement between the germination (19%, 14% at 25/15 °C and 17% and 12% at 35/25 °C) and X-ray (8%, 4%) tests in which seed viability of Acacia ehrenbergiana and Acacia tortilis was very low due to insect damaged embryo as shown in X-ray analysis. Seeds of Abruspreca torius have physical dormancy, which was broken by scarification in concentrated sulfuric acid (10 min), and they exhibited high viability in both the germination (83% at 25/15 °C and 81% at 35/25 °C) and X-ray (96%) tests. Most of the nongerminated seeds of the five species except those of Acacia ehrenbergiana and Acacia tortilis, were alive as judged by the tetrazolium test (TZ). Thus, for the five species examined, the X-ray test was proved to be a good and rapid predictor of seed viability.  相似文献   

Two types of tagging methods, i.e., a 1 × 3-cm tin tag attached to seed with a 10- to 12-cm metal wire (total weight 0.32 g) and a 2 × 4-cm white plastic tag fastened to seed with an identical metal wire (total weight 0.57 g) were used to study their effects on seed dispersal of Korean pine by small rodents. A total of 600 seeds were released to assess four main points: (1) difference in seed survival rates, (2) difference in caching behaviors of small rodents, (3) difference in dispersal distances, and (4) proportion of seed missing. The results demonstrated that seed removal for wire-plastic-tagged seeds was faster than that for wire-tin-tagged seeds. There was no apparent difference in the proportion of seeds eaten in situ (42% and 52% for wire-plastic-tagged seeds and wire-tin-tagged seeds, respectively). We found 41% and 1% of seeds were moved and hoarded for wire-plastic-tagged seeds and wire-tin-tagged seeds, respectively. However, 2.33% and 14% of seeds were missing, and their ultimate fates were not known for wire-plastic-tagged seeds and wire-tin-tagged seeds, respectively. We found the wire-plastic-tagged seeds easier to track than the wire-tin-tagged seeds due to the fact that the white plastic tags were more salient than the tin tags in field environments. The average dispersal distances were 4.11 ± 2.40 m and 3.01 ± 2.06 m for wire-plastic-tagged seeds and wire-tin-tagged seeds, respectively, and showed great difference. Despite most being eaten in situ or after removal, 41% of seeds were cached for wire-plastic-tagged seeds, much more than for wire-tin-tagged seeds. A total of 71 primary caches (123 seeds) were found for wire-plastic-tagged seeds, with the average and maximum cache sizes being 1.73 and 6, respectively. However, only three caches were found, and cache size was equal to one for wire-tin-tagged seeds. The above data suggests there is some uncertainty in different tagging methods to used track seed fates. Despite their effectiveness in helping to trace seed dispersal or movement by seed-dispersing rodents, different tagging methods—including size, color, and mass—need to be fully understand in enclosure experiments .  相似文献   

The size and shape of the tail of the seed dispersal curve is important in determining the spatial dynamics of plants, but is difficult to quantify. We devised an experimental protocol to measure long-distance dispersal which involved measuring dispersal by wind from isolated individuals at a range of distances from the source, but maintaining a large and constant sampling intensity at each distance. Seeds were trapped up to 80 m from the plants, the furthest a dispersal curve for an individual plant has been measured for a non-tree species. Standard empirical negative exponential and inverse power models were fitted using likelihood methods. The latter always had a better fit than the former, but in most cases neither described the data well, and strongly under-estimated the tail of the dispersal curve. An alternative model formulation with two kernel components had a much better fit in most cases and described the tail data more accurately. Mechanistic models provide an alternative to direct measurement of dispersal. However, while a previous mechanistic model accurately predicted the modal dispersal distance, it always under-predicted the measured tail. Long-distance dispersal may be caused by rare extremes in horizontal wind speed or turbulence. Therefore, under-estimation of the tail by standard empirical models and mechanistic models may indicate a lack of flexibility to take account of such extremes. Future studies should examine carefully whether the widely used exponential and power models are, in fact, valid, and investigate alternative models. Received: 7 March 1999 / Accepted: 2 April 2000  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by ants in the semi-arid Caatinga of North-East Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Myrmecochory is a conspicuous feature of several sclerophyll ecosystems around the world but it has received little attention in the semi-arid areas of South America. This study addresses the importance of seed dispersal by ants in a 2500-km(2) area of the Caatinga ecosystem (north-east Brazil) and investigates ant-derived benefits to the plant through myrmecochory. METHODS: Seed manipulation and dispersal by ants was investigated during a 3-year period in the Xingó region. Both plant and ant assemblages involved in seed dispersal were described and ant behaviour was characterized. True myrmecochorous seeds of seven Euphorbiaceae species (i.e. elaiosome-bearing seeds) were used in experiments designed to: (1) quantify the rates of seed cleaning/removal and the influence of both seed size and elaiosome presence on seed removal; (2) identify the fate of seeds dispersed by ants; and (3) document the benefits of seed dispersal by ants in terms of seed germination and seedling growth. KEY RESULTS: Seed dispersal by ants involved one-quarter of the woody flora inhabiting the Xingó region, but true myrmecochory was restricted to 12.8 % of the woody plant species. Myrmecochorous seeds manipulated by ants faced high levels of seed removal (38-84 %) and 83 % of removed seeds were discarded on ant nests. Moreover, seed removal positively correlated with the presence of elaiosome, and elaiosome removal increased germination success by at least 30 %. Finally, some Euphorbiaceae species presented both increased germination and seedling growth on ant-nest soils. CONCLUSIONS: Myrmecochory is a relevant seed dispersal mode in the Caatinga ecosystem, and is particularly frequent among Euphorbiaceae trees and shrubs. The fact that seeds reach micro-sites suitable for establishment (ant nests) supports the directed dispersal hypothesis as a possible force favouring myrmecochory in this ecosystem. Ecosystems with a high frequency of myrmecochorous plants appear not to be restricted to regions of nutrient-impoverished soil or to fire-prone regions.  相似文献   

Abstract. Seed heteromorphism in annual Geigeria alata in the Namib Desert was investigated in relation to environmental conditions. Geigeria alata shows heteromorphism in seed dispersal distance depending on the position of the seeds on the parent plant. Seeds produced in capitula on branches (aerial) travel long distances, while seeds produced at the base of the plant remain in the vicinity of the parent plant. The ratio of aerial to basal seed production was investigated under different environmental conditions following an aridity gradient. Although there were significant differences in seed and capitula production between seasons and between different positions on the plant, no overall trend was found with increasing aridity.  相似文献   

Species-rich, winter-rainfall, microphyllous Renosterveld vegetation in the Western Cape Province of South Africa has largely been transformed for production of wheat and wine. Remaining fragments thus have high conservation value. Abandoned old fields adjacent to natural vegetation fragments could potentially be restored as corridors and habitat for indigenous flora and fauna. We hypothesised that indigenous antelope maintained in a matrix of natural vegetation and abandoned field could play a role in restoration of Renoserveld via seed dispersal.We collected dung of indigenous ungulates in an abandoned field at various distances from natural Renosterveld vegetation, in order to assess the potential of large herbivores to contribute to restoration of plant diversity through seed dispersal. Emerged seedlings from the collected dung represented 29 forb, 13 grass, four sedge, four geophyte and one shrub species. The most abundant emerging seedlings were lawn grass Cynodon dactylon (38%), alien pasture grasses (31%) and indigenous geophyte Romulea rosea (12%). Whereas seeds of annual forbs and grasses were dispersed, only one shrub species was dispersed at very low density. We concluded that large herbivores could retard the rate of recovery of Renosterveld vegetation because viable seeds of herbaceous plants, particularly alien annual grasses and lawn-grasses were more abundant in the dung than the shrub, geophyte or perennial tussock grass species that characterise this vegetation type.  相似文献   

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