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A new species of cleptoparasitic bee of the genus Thyreus Panzer (Apinae: Melectini) is described and figured from northern Yemen and southwestern Saudi Arabia. Thyreus shebicus Engel, sp. n. is a relatively small species superficially similar to the widespread and polytypic species T. ramosus (Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau) and T. ramosellus (Cockerell) but more closely allied to various African forms on the basis of the male genitalia. The species is distinguished from its congeners on the basis of coloration pattern, male hind leg structure, and particularly male terminalia.  相似文献   

The ant genus Carebara of the Arabian Peninsula is revised. Carebara abuhurayri Sharaf & Aldawood, 2011 is synonymized under Carebara arabica Collingwood & van Harten, 2001. Carebara arabica is redescribed and a Neotype is fixed based on a specimen collected from southwestern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A new species, C. fayrouzae sp. n. is described from Saudi Arabia based on queens, major and minor workers. Keys to major and minor workers of the two Arabian Carebara species are given.  相似文献   

红火蚁与两种本地蚂蚁间的干扰竞争   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了探讨重大入侵生物红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren与本地蚂蚁的竞争机制以及红火蚁成功入侵的机理, 本研究以红火蚁和2种本地蚂蚁黑头酸臭蚁Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabricius)及亮红大头蚁Pheidole fervida Smith为材料, 室内测定了红火蚁分别与黑头酸臭蚁、亮红大头蚁之间在个体水平和种群水平上的攻击性和攻击强度。一对一攻击试验结果表明:红火蚁和黑头酸臭蚁之间攻击级别多集中在Ⅲ级, 即竞争优势明显的红火蚁对黑头酸臭蚁缺乏激烈的攻击, 只是在相互攻击时多摆出威胁姿势; 红火蚁与亮红大头蚁之间攻击性较强, 尤其是红火蚁中型和小型工蚁与亮红大头蚁兵蚁之间的攻击性(3.35和3.30)显著强于红火蚁大型工蚁与亮红大头蚁兵蚁的攻击性(2.70)。群体攻击试验结果表明:与黑头酸臭蚁群体攻击的红火蚁各处理组合中, 无死亡红火蚁出现, 而黑头酸臭蚁死亡率为31.80%; 而与亮红大头蚁群体攻击中, 红火蚁死亡率为0.20%~12.00%, 而亮红大头蚁平均死亡率为49.91%。可见, 红火蚁的群体攻击能力强于黑头酸臭蚁和亮红大头蚁, 其中红火蚁与亮红大头蚁间的相互攻击程度激烈, 死亡率较高, 而与黑头酸臭蚁间的攻击程度较弱, 可能由于黑头酸臭蚁化学防御对本身起到一定的保护作用, 这为进一步加强红火蚁发生区本地蚂蚁优势种--黑头酸臭蚁的保护利用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Abstract  The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta , a damaging invasive pest, was discovered in February 2001 in Brisbane, Australia at two sites, Fisherman Islands and suburban Richlands-Wacol. Using four microsatellite loci and the protein marker Gp-9 , we compared the two infestations with each other, and with potential source populations in North and South America to better understand the history of their introduction to Brisbane. Based on an analysis of molecular variance, as well as a maximum likelihood tree of colonies from the two Australian sites, we found that the two sites were genetically distinct and were almost certainly introduced separately. All of the colonies at Fisherman Islands were monogynous, headed by a single queen, while the Richlands-Wacol site had a mixture of single-queen monogynous and multiple-queen polygynous colonies. However, the monogynous and polygynous colonies at the Richlands-Wacol site were not genetically distinct from each other, and probably constitute a single, mixed introduction. Based on allele frequencies at the microsatellite loci, and Gp-9 , both Australian infestations were more similar to North American populations than to South American, though the Fisherman Islands infestation was intermediate, making it difficult to assign. Thus, there has been one introduction from either a North or South American monogynous population at Fisherman Islands, and one introduction from a mixed monogynous/polygynous North American population at Richlands-Wacol. These findings have implications for the control of the current infestations, as well as for the quarantine regulations necessary to prevent additional introductions to Australia.  相似文献   

Leptogenys polaszeki sp. n. is described from the Asir Mountains, Saudi Arabia, based on the worker caste. The new species is a member of the L. sulcinoda-group and appears closest to L. bellii Emery, 1901, originally described from Ethiopia. The likely male caste of L. polaszeki sp. n. is described based on a single specimen collected by a pitfall trap in the type locality.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:5D3BF3AF-5308–48E8–8416–902278909AD5  相似文献   

The present study shows an updated synoptic list of the 30 known Isoptera of the Arabian Peninsula which are classified under four families and nine genera. Twenty-seven species are hitherto known from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The present inventory of the termites of Riyadh Province (KSA) indicated three species, Anacanthotermes ochraceous (Burmeister 1839), Psammotermes hypostoma Desneux, 1902 and a rare species, Coptotermes heimi (Wasmann 1902). We present an illustrated key to species based on the soldier caste. Anacanthotermes ochraceous, and P. hypostoma are widely distributed Palearctic species whereas C. heimi seems rare and is a new record for KSA. Distribution maps for the three species are provided based on recently collected material and literature records and remarks on species habitat preference are given.  相似文献   

Cost-effective detection of invasive ant colonies before establishment in new ranges is imperative for the protection of national borders and reducing their global impact. We examined the sampling efficiency of food-baits and pitfall traps (baited and nonbaited) in detecting isolated red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) nests in multiple environments in Gainesville, FL. Fire ants demonstrated a significantly higher preference for a mixed protein food type (hotdog or ground meat combined with sweet peanut butter) than for the sugar or water baits offered. Foraging distance success was a function of colony size, detection trap used, and surveillance duration. Colony gyne number did not influence detection success. Workers from small nests (0- to 15-cm mound diameter) traveled no >3 m to a food source, whereas large colonies (>30-cm mound diameter) traveled up to 17 m. Baited pitfall traps performed best at detecting incipient ant colonies followed by nonbaited pitfall traps then food baits, whereas food baits performed well when trying to detect large colonies. These results were used to create an interactive model in Microsoft Excel, whereby surveillance managers can alter trap type, density, and duration parameters to estimate the probability of detecting specified or unknown S. invicta colony sizes. This model will support decision makers who need to balance the sampling cost and risk of failure to detect fire ant colonies.  相似文献   

Invasive species are capable of causing considerable damage to natural ecosystems, agriculture and economies throughout the World. Samsum ant, Brachyponera (Pachycondyla) sennaarensis has been a reason for medical implication and social nuisance through its poisonous and severely painful sting causing anaphylactic shock in many cases. We surveyed for the presence of the samsum ant in various provinces of Saudi Arabia. B. sennaarensis was the abundant Ponerinae species in human settlements. In the Eastern provinces, however, few samples were collected, and none were found in the Northern and Western provinces. Infestations of B. sennaarensis were particularly severe in the spring and summer seasons, when the ants make nests in moist areas and in cracks in cemented structures, whereas the extent of infestation reduced in winter seasons.  相似文献   

The myrmicine ant genus Carebara is recorded for the first time in Saudi Arabia from the Arabian Peninsula as a whole. A new species Carebara abuhurayrisp. n. is described based on workers collected from Al Bahah region. One of the smallest ant species known to occur in Arabia, Carebara abuhurayri is found in an area inhabited by many ant species including Tetramorium sericeiventre Emery, 1877, Pheidole minuscula Bernard, 1952, Pheidole sp., Monomorium destructor (Jerdon, 1851), Monomorium exiguum (Forel, 1894) and Monomorium sp. and Crematogaster sp.  相似文献   

Synonymy of two Arabian Monomorium Mayr, 1855 species is proposed: Monomorium exiguum Forel, 1894 = Monomorium desertorum Collingwood & Agosti, 1996, syn. n.; Monomorium subopacum Smith, 1858 = Monomorium mintiribe Collingwood & Agosti, 1996, syn. n. A lectotype for Monomorium venustum Smith, 1858 is designated. Information on nesting habits of Monomorium exiguum and Monomorium venustum in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are provided for the first time. Recently collected records for Monomorium exiguum, Monomorium subopacum, and Monomorium venustum from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates are listed.  相似文献   

Vitellin (VN) and vitellogenin (VG) profiles were analyzed in monogyne and polygyne colonies of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. Non-denaturing and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) analyses indicated that the native VN was likely 350 kDa and comprised of two subunits in the molecular size range of 170-185 kDa. SDS-PAGE of hemolymph showed that the relative mobilities and subunit patterns of VG and VN were similar. VG was present in the hemolymph of reproductive queens; alate, virgin queens; and workers, but not in males. Anti-VN, prepared from polygyne egg homogenates, reacted with egg homogenates and with hemolymph VG from reproductive, monogyne and polygyne queens and alate, virgin polygyne queens. Analysis of circulating VG and ovarian development in alate, virgin queens showed that low levels of VG appeared by five days following adult eclosion, but egg development was not observed until seven weeks. VG was evident in newly inseminated queens, and increased steadily for the first three weeks following dealation. VG levels declined slightly near eclosion of the first workers (= nanitics) and dropped sharply after nanitic emergence at five weeks following dealation. Oocyte maturation peaked at days 15-25 following dealation, but otherwise remained low but steady. These studies provide the basis for future investigations into endocrine regulations of vitellogenesis in S. invicta queens.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Apsiphortica are described from China: A. orthophallos n. sp. and A. sinuatipenis n. sp. Species delimitations are improved by integrating morphological and DNA barcoding information. The intra- and interspecific pairwise p-distances (proportional distance) are summarized for five Apsiphortica species from China. Furthermore, nucleotide sites with fixed status in the alignment of the COI sequences (639 nucleotide sites in length) are used as “pure” molecular diagnostic characters to delineate the five species. A key to all the Chinese species of the genus Apsiphortica is provided.  相似文献   

Red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, colonies were successfully infected with the microsporidium Vairimorpha invictae by introducing live larvae, pupae, or dead adults from V. invictae-infected field colonies collected in Argentina. Introductions with 4th instar larvae or non-melanized pupae obtained from infected field colonies, resulted in infection of 40% of the inoculated colonies. Introductions of 4th instars or melanized pupae produced from colonies that were initially infected in the laboratory, resulted in infections of 83% of the colonies, thus perpetuating the infection in other colonies. Infection was detected in 2 of 6 colonies after introducing adult worker caste ants that had died with V. invictae. The average number of adults and the volume of immature ants per colony were significantly lower in the infected than in the control colonies. Infected colonies had 86% fewer adults per colony and 82% less immature ants than the controls. A portion of the 16S rRNA gene of the V. invictae identified from these studies was amplified, cloned, and sequenced; the 1251 nucleotide amplicon was 100% identical to the 16S rRNA gene sequence recorded previously in the GenBank database, thus verifying the species as V. invictae. This is the first report of the artificial transmission of this pathogen to uninfected ant colonies, and demonstration of its ability to hinder growth in individual colonies.  相似文献   

Identification of the juveniles of economically important thrips species on imports by morphology alone can be challenging and culturing is usually required. In the case of EU quarantine species such as Thrips palmi, rapid and accurate identification is essential. DNA barcoding using the Cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene has become a popular technique for species identification; however, in some invertebrate genera COI has been shown to provide insufficient variability for species discrimination. This study presents a comparison of five different loci to investigate their ability to discriminate a small number of Thrips species. All five loci discriminated the species by neighbour-joining tree and varying degrees of discrimination were determined upon further investigation of the intraspecific and interspecific distances. Two distinct COI clades were observed for T. Palmi and judged to be COI haplotypes when data from the other four additional loci and geographical collection data were taken into consideration. COI was shown to provide sufficient variation to be used in future DNA barcoding efforts within the genus Thrips.  相似文献   

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