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Depriving one eye of visual experience during a sensitive period of development results in a shift in ocular dominance (OD) in the primary visual cortex (V1). To assess the heritability of this form of cortical plasticity and identify the responsible gene loci, we studied the influence of monocular deprivation on OD in a large number of recombinant inbred mouse strains derived from mixed C57BL/6J and DBA/2J backgrounds (BXD). The strength of imaged intrinsic signal responses in V1 to visual stimuli was strongly heritable as were various elements of OD plasticity. This has important implications for the use of mice of mixed genetic backgrounds for studying OD plasticity. C57BL/6J showed the most significant shift in OD, while some BXD strains did not show any shift at all. Interestingly, the increase in undeprived ipsilateral eye responses was not correlated to the decrease in deprived contralateral eye responses, suggesting that the size of these components of OD plasticity are not genetically controlled by only a single mechanism. We identified a quantitative trait locus regulating the change in response to the deprived eye. The locus encompasses 13 genes, two of which--Stch and Nrip1--contain missense polymorphisms. The expression levels of Stch and to a lesser extent Nrip1 in whole brain correlate with the trait identifying them as novel candidate plasticity genes.  相似文献   

Recent experimental evidence has implicated neurotrophic factors (NTs) in the competitive process believed to drive the development of ocular dominance (OD) columns. Application of excess amounts of particular NTs can prevent the segregation process, suggesting that they could be the substance for which geniculocortical afferents compete during development. We have previously presented a model that accounts for normal OD development as well as the prevention of that development with excess NT. The model uses a Hebbian learning rule in combination with competition for a limiting supply of cortical trophic factor to drive OD segregation, without any weight normalization procedures.Subsequent experimental evidence has further suggested that NTs may be causally involved in the competitive process. Application of NT antagonist can prevent OD columns by causing inputs from both eyes to be eliminated, suggesting that NTs may be the substance for which geniculocortical afferents compete. Also, excess NT can mitigate the shift to the open eye normally caused by monocular deprivation (MD). In this article, we show that the current model can account for these subsequent experiments. We show that deprivation of NT causes inputs from both eyes to decay and that excess NT can mitigate the shift to the open eye normally seen with MD. We then present predictions of the model concerning the effects of NT on the length of the critical period during which MD is effective. The model presents a novel mechanism for competition between neural populations inspired by particular biological evidence. It accounts for three specific experimental results, and provides several testable predictions.  相似文献   

Visual deprivation is a classical tool to study the plasticity of visual cortical connections. After eyelid closure in young animals (monocular deprivation, MD), visual cortical neurons become dominated by the open eye, a phenomenon known as ocular dominance (OD) plasticity . It is commonly held that the molecular mediators of OD plasticity are cortically derived and that the retina is immune to the effects of MD . Recently, it has been reported that visual deprivation induces neurochemical, structural, and functional changes in the retina , but whether these retinal changes contribute to the effects of MD in the cortex is unknown. Here, we provide evidence that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) produced in the retina influences OD plasticity. We found a reduction of BDNF expression in the deprived retina of young rats. We compensated this BDNF imbalance between the two eyes by either injecting exogenous BDNF in the deprived eye or reducing endogenous BDNF expression in the nondeprived eye. Both treatments were effective in counteracting the OD shift induced by MD. Retinal BDNF could also influence OD distribution in normal animals. These results show for the first time that OD plasticity is modulated by BDNF produced in the retina.  相似文献   

幼猫单眼视剥夺和反缝过程中显示的双眼竞争机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
寿天德  刘华 《生理学报》1994,46(3):281-287
本研究以光栅为刺激所同时产生的图形视觉诱发电位和图形视网膜电图为指标,测定了单眼视剥夺和缝的新生幼猫个体在发育不同阶段的空间频率调谐曲线,并与同龃正常猫,成年正常猫进行了比较研究。结果显示,在0.12-1.5c/d空间频率范围内,正常幼猫单独刺激其左眼和右眼所驱动的P-VEP振幅相近,但都明显地比双眼驱动的为小。在单眼剥夺的幼猫,由剥夺眼所驱动的P-VEP振幅大幅度下降,健康眼所驱动的P-VEP则  相似文献   

We derive an activity-based developmental model of ocular dominance column formation in primary visual cortex that takes into account cortical growth. The resulting evolution equation for the densities of feedforward afferents from the two eyes exhibits a sequence of pattern forming instabilities as the size of the cortex increases. We use linear stability analysis to investigate the nature of the transitions between successive patterns in the sequence. We show that these transitions involve the splitting of existing ocular dominance (OD) columns, such that the mean width of an OD column is approximately preserved during the course of development. This is consistent with recent experimental observations of postnatal growth in cat.  相似文献   

Visual problems that occur early in life can have major impact on a child''s development. Without verbal communication and only based on observational methods, it is difficult to make a quantitative assessment of a child''s visual problems. This limits accurate diagnostics in children under the age of 4 years and in children with intellectual disabilities. Here we describe a quantitative method that overcomes these problems. The method uses a remote eye tracker and a four choice preferential looking paradigm to measure eye movement responses to different visual stimuli. The child sits without head support in front of a monitor with integrated infrared cameras. In one of four monitor quadrants a visual stimulus is presented. Each stimulus has a specific visual modality with respect to the background, e.g., form, motion, contrast or color. From the reflexive eye movement responses to these specific visual modalities, output parameters such as reaction times, fixation accuracy and fixation duration are calculated to quantify a child''s viewing behavior. With this approach, the quality of visual information processing can be assessed without the use of communication. By comparing results with reference values obtained in typically developing children from 0-12 years, the method provides a characterization of visual information processing in visually impaired children. The quantitative information provided by this method can be advantageous for the field of clinical visual assessment and rehabilitation in multiple ways. The parameter values provide a good basis to: (i) characterize early visual capacities and consequently to enable early interventions; (ii) compare risk groups and follow visual development over time; and (iii), construct an individual visual profile for each child.  相似文献   

We studied the development and maturation of the visual system by determining when zebrafish begin to see and to move their eyes. This information was correlated with the time courses of the development of the retina, the retinofugal projection, the retinal image, and the extraocular muscles, to obtain an integrated picture of early visual development. Two visual behaviors were monitored over 48–96 hr postfertilization (hpf). The startle response (body twitch) was evoked by an abrupt decrease in light intensity. The optokinetic response (tracking eye movements) was evoked by rotation of a striped drum. Visually evoked startle developed over 68–79 hpf, more than 20 hr after the onset of a touch-evoked startle. It was not seen in eyeless fish, excluding a role for nonretinal light senses. Tracking eye movements developed over 73–80 hpf. They were always in the direction of drum rotation, even when the fish had been light deprived from blastula stage, ruling out a “trial and error” period of learning to track the drum. The image formed by the ocular lens was examined in intact fish made transparent by suppressing the formation of melanin. The eye was initially far sighted and gradually improved, so that by 72 hpf the image plane coincided with the photoreceptor layer. The extraocular muscles assumed their adult configuration between 66 and 72 hpf. Thus, the retinal image and functional extraocular muscles appeared nearly simultaneously with the onset of tracking eye movements and probably represent the last events in the construction of this behavior.  相似文献   

Male ornaments function as honest cues of male quality in many species and are subject to intra‐ and intersexual selection. These ornaments are generally studied during peak expression, however their size outside the breeding season may determine ultimate ornament size and costliness, and as such reproductive success. We investigated whether male black grouse Lyrurus tetrix eye comb size was related to age, condition and measures of male dominance before and during the breeding season. Total combined eye comb size began to increase ~70 d before the start of the breeding season. Adult males (aged ≥ 2 yr old) had consistently larger eye combs than younger males (1 yr old) both before and during the breeding season. Heavier and more dominant adult males (attending the lek more frequently and successfully reproducing) had larger eye combs. For younger males, those that were heavier had larger eye combs. Additionally, males that spent more time on the lek showed increased eye comb size as the breeding season approached. Overall we find that ornament size is positively related to dominance and condition before and during the breeding season. Since dominance is accrued through year‐round interactions in many species, the ability to maintain larger signals over prolonged periods, including outside of the breeding season, is likely to be beneficial for adults. For younger males, it is likely that they cannot sustain or are constrained from producing larger eye combs over long periods of time. They therefore prioritise growth of their ornaments later, and according to the amount of time they spend on the lek.  相似文献   

The growth of the eye, unlike other parts of the body, is not ballistic. It is guided by visual feedback with the eventual aim being optimal focus of the retinal image or emmetropization . It has been shown in animal models that interference with the quality of the retinal image leads to a disruption to the normal growth pattern, resulting in the development of refractive errors and defocused retinal images . While it is clear that retinal images rich in pattern information are needed to control eye growth, it is unclear what particular aspect of image structure is relevant. Retinal images comprise a range of spatial frequencies at different absolute and relative contrasts and in different degrees of spatial alignment. Here we show, by using synthetic images, that it is not the local edge structure produced by relative spatial frequency alignments within an image but rather the spatial frequency composition per se that is used to regulate the growth of the eye. Furthermore, it is the absolute energy at high spatial frequencies regardless of the spectral slope that is most effective. Neither result would be expected from currently accepted ideas of how human observers judge the degree of image "blur" in a scene where both phase alignments and the relative energy distribution across spatial frequency (i.e., spectral slope) are important.  相似文献   

Each of our eyes normally sees a slightly different image of the world around us. The brain can combine these two images into a single coherent representation. However, when the eyes are presented with images that are sufficiently different from each other, an interesting thing happens: Rather than fusing the two images into a combined conscious percept, what transpires is a pattern of perceptual alternations where one image dominates awareness while the other is suppressed; dominance alternates between the two images, typically every few seconds. This perceptual phenomenon is known as binocular rivalry. Binocular rivalry is considered useful for studying perceptual selection and awareness in both human and animal models, because unchanging visual input to each eye leads to alternations in visual awareness and perception. To create a binocular rivalry stimulus, all that is necessary is to present each eye with a different image at the same perceived location. There are several ways of doing this, but newcomers to the field are often unsure which method would best suit their specific needs. The purpose of this article is to describe a number of inexpensive and straightforward ways to create and use binocular rivalry. We detail methods that do not require expensive specialized equipment and describe each method''s advantages and disadvantages. The methods described include the use of red-blue goggles, mirror stereoscopes and prism goggles.  相似文献   

Play has been defined as apparently functionless behaviour, yet since play is costly, models of adaptive evolution predict that it should have some beneficial function (or functions) that outweigh its costs. We provide strong evidence for a long-standing, but poorly supported hypothesis: that early social play is practice for later dominance relationships. We calculated the relative dominance rank by observing the directional outcome of playful interactions in juvenile and yearling yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) and found that these rank relationships were correlated with later dominance ranks calculated from agonistic interactions, however, the strength of this relationship attenuated over time. While play may have multiple functions, one of them may be to establish later dominance relationships in a minimally costly way.  相似文献   

The coordination of visual attention among social partners is central to many components of human behavior and human development. Previous research has focused on one pathway to the coordination of looking behavior by social partners, gaze following. The extant evidence shows that even very young infants follow the direction of another''s gaze but they do so only in highly constrained spatial contexts because gaze direction is not a spatially precise cue as to the visual target and not easily used in spatially complex social interactions. Our findings, derived from the moment-to-moment tracking of eye gaze of one-year-olds and their parents as they actively played with toys, provide evidence for an alternative pathway, through the coordination of hands and eyes in goal-directed action. In goal-directed actions, the hands and eyes of the actor are tightly coordinated both temporally and spatially, and thus, in contexts including manual engagement with objects, hand movements and eye movements provide redundant information about where the eyes are looking. Our findings show that one-year-olds rarely look to the parent''s face and eyes in these contexts but rather infants and parents coordinate looking behavior without gaze following by attending to objects held by the self or the social partner. This pathway, through eye-hand coupling, leads to coordinated joint switches in visual attention and to an overall high rate of looking at the same object at the same time, and may be the dominant pathway through which physically active toddlers align their looking behavior with a social partner.  相似文献   

A controversial debate in evolutionary biology has been to explain why deleterious mutations are usually recessive to their wild-type allele. For Fisher, dominance of the wild-type is the result of selection, whereas for Wright it is a mere consequence of the biochemical properties of physiological pathways. Over time, Wright's theory has appeared as the most appropriate, and Kacser and Burns explained why the widespread occurrence of recessive mutants is the inevitable consequence of the kinetic structure of enzyme networks. Does Wright and Kacser and Burns (W-K-B)'s theory apply for newly arisen adaptive genes? A survey of more than 70 studies shows that pesticide resistance conferred by mutations decreasing the affinity of the pesticide target-sites varies from complete recessivity to complete dominance. This review shows that dominance always has a purely physiological explanation that can be roughly, but not simply, predicted by W-K-B's theory. Thus, although W-K-B's theory remains powerful for predicting the recessivity of deleterious mutations involved in enzymatic pathways, no general theory emerges from the study of other situations, and molecular explanations are to be sought on a case by case basis.  相似文献   

Ohshiro T  Weliky M 《Neuron》2006,51(5):524-526
Previous work demonstrates an essential role of subplate neurons during ocular dominance (OD) column formation in the developing visual cortex. While inhibitory circuitry has also been shown to play an essential role in OD plasticity, the relationship between subplate neurons and the development of inhibitory circuits has been unclear. In this issue of Neuron, Kanold and Shatz provide evidence that maturation of inhibitory circuitry requires subplate neurons in the developing cortex.  相似文献   

Natural patterned early visual input is essential for the normal development of the central visual pathways and the visual capacities they sustain. Without visual input, the functional development of the visual system stalls not far from the state at birth, and if input is distorted or biased the visual system develops in an abnormal fashion resulting in specific visual deficits. Monocular deprivation, an extreme form of biased exposure, results in large anatomical and physiological changes in terms of territory innervated by the two eyes in primary visual cortex (V1) and to a loss of vision in the deprived eye reminiscent of that in human deprivation amblyopia. We review work that points to a special role for binocular visual input in the development of V1 and vision. Our unique approach has been to provide animals with mixed visual input each day, which consists of episodes of normal and biased (monocular) exposures. Short periods of concordant binocular input, if continuous, can offset much longer episodes of monocular deprivation to allow normal development of V1 and prevent amblyopia. Studies of animal models of patching therapy for amblyopia reveal that the benefits are both heightened and prolonged by daily episodes of binocular exposure.  相似文献   

In humans, temperament plays an important role in socialization and personality. Some temperaments, such as behavioral inhibition are associated with an increased risk for psychopathology. Nonhuman primates can serve as a model for neurobiological and developmental contributions to emotional development and several recent studies have begun to investigate temperament in nonhuman primates. In rhesus monkeys, dominance rank is inherited from the mother and is associated with social and emotional tendencies that resemble differences in temperament. The current study assessed differences in temperament in infant rhesus monkeys as a function of maternal dominance rank. Temperament was assessed in 26 infants (13 males) from birth until 6 months of age with a battery that included Brazelton test, human intruder test, human intruder‐startle, cortisol stress reactivity, and home cage observations of interactions with peers and the mother. Throughout testing, infants lived with their mothers and a small group of other monkeys in indoor/outdoor runs. Dominance rank of the mothers within each run was rated as either low/middle (N = 18, 9 male) or high/alpha (N = 8, 4 female). Infants of high‐ranking mothers displayed more intruder‐directed aggression and reduced startle potentiation in the human intruder tests. Dominant offspring also had reduced levels cortisol and startle across development and spent more time away from mothers in the interaction tests. These results suggest that dominance of the mother may be reflected in behavioral reactivity of infants early in life. These findings set up future studies, which may focus on contributing factors to both dominance and temperament such as genetics, rearing, and socialization. Such factors are likely to interact across development in meaningful ways. These results also suggest future human‐based studies of a similar relationship may be warranted, although social dominance is clearly more complex in human than macaque societies. Am. J. Primatol. 75:65‐73, 2013. Published 2012 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.?  相似文献   

Monocular deprivation (MD) during development leads to a dramatic loss of responsiveness through the deprived eye in primary visual cortical neurons, and to degraded spatial vision (amblyopia) in all species tested so far, including rodents. Such loss of responsiveness is accompanied since the beginning by a decreased excitatory drive from the thalamo-cortical inputs. However, in the thalamorecipient layer 4, inhibitory interneurons are initially unaffected by MD and their synapses onto pyramidal cells potentiate. It remains controversial whether ocular dominance plasticity similarly or differentially affects the excitatory and inhibitory synaptic conductances driven by visual stimulation of the deprived eye and impinging onto visual cortical pyramids, after a saturating period of MD. To address this issue, we isolated visually-driven excitatory and inhibitory conductances by in vivo whole-cell recordings from layer 4 regular-spiking neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1) of juvenile rats. We found that a saturating period of MD comparably reduced visually–driven excitatory and inhibitory conductances driven by visual stimulation of the deprived eye. Also, the excitatory and inhibitory conductances underlying the synaptic responses driven by the ipsilateral, left open eye were similarly potentiated compared to controls. Multiunit recordings in layer 4 followed by spike sorting indicated that the suprathreshold loss of responsiveness and the MD-driven ocular preference shifts were similar for narrow spiking, putative inhibitory neurons and broad spiking, putative excitatory neurons. Thus, by the time the plastic response has reached a plateau, inhibitory circuits adjust to preserve the normal balance between excitation and inhibition in the cortical network of the main thalamorecipient layer.  相似文献   

All known photoreceptor cells adapt to constant light stimuli, fading the retinal image when exposed to an immobile visual scene. Counter strategies are therefore necessary to prevent blindness, and in mammals this is accomplished by fixational eye movements. Cubomedusae occupy a key position for understanding the evolution of complex visual systems and their eyes are assumedly subject to the same adaptive problems as the vertebrate eye, but lack motor control of their visual system. The morphology of the visual system of cubomedusae ensures a constant orientation of the eyes and a clear division of the visual field, but thereby also a constant retinal image when exposed to stationary visual scenes. Here we show that bell contractions used for swimming in the medusae refresh the retinal image in the upper lens eye of Tripedalia cystophora. This strongly suggests that strategies comparable to fixational eye movements have evolved at the earliest metazoan stage to compensate for the intrinsic property of the photoreceptors. Since the timing and amplitude of the rhopalial movements concur with the spatial and temporal resolution of the eye it circumvents the need for post processing in the central nervous system to remove image blur.  相似文献   

Lehmann K  Löwel S 《PloS one》2008,3(9):e3120


Short monocular deprivation (4 days) induces a shift in the ocular dominance of binocular neurons in the juvenile mouse visual cortex but is ineffective in adults. Recently, it has been shown that an ocular dominance shift can still be elicited in young adults (around 90 days of age) by longer periods of deprivation (7 days). Whether the same is true also for fully mature animals is not yet known.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We therefore studied the effects of different periods of monocular deprivation (4, 7, 14 days) on ocular dominance in C57Bl/6 mice of different ages (25 days, 90–100 days, 109–158 days, 208–230 days) using optical imaging of intrinsic signals. In addition, we used a virtual optomotor system to monitor visual acuity of the open eye in the same animals during deprivation. We observed that ocular dominance plasticity after 7 days of monocular deprivation was pronounced in young adult mice (90–100 days) but significantly weaker already in the next age group (109–158 days). In animals older than 208 days, ocular dominance plasticity was absent even after 14 days of monocular deprivation. Visual acuity of the open eye increased in all age groups, but this interocular plasticity also declined with age, although to a much lesser degree than the optically detected ocular dominance shift.


These data indicate that there is an age-dependence of both ocular dominance plasticity and the enhancement of vision after monocular deprivation in mice: ocular dominance plasticity in binocular visual cortex is most pronounced in young animals, reduced but present in adolescence and absent in fully mature animals older than 110 days of age. Mice are thus not basically different in ocular dominance plasticity from cats and monkeys which is an absolutely essential prerequisite for their use as valid model systems of human visual disorders.  相似文献   

Saliency maps produced by different algorithms are often evaluated by comparing output to fixated image locations appearing in human eye tracking data. There are challenges in evaluation based on fixation data due to bias in the data. Properties of eye movement patterns that are independent of image content may limit the validity of evaluation results, including spatial bias in fixation data. To address this problem, we present modeling and evaluation results for data derived from different perceptual tasks related to the concept of saliency. We also present a novel approach to benchmarking to deal with some of the challenges posed by spatial bias. The results presented establish the value of alternatives to fixation data to drive improvement and development of models. We also demonstrate an approach to approximate the output of alternative perceptual tasks based on computational saliency and/or eye gaze data. As a whole, this work presents novel benchmarking results and methods, establishes a new performance baseline for perceptual tasks that provide an alternative window into visual saliency, and demonstrates the capacity for saliency to serve in approximating human behaviour for one visual task given data from another.  相似文献   

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