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The non-consumptive effects of predators on prey can affect prey phenotypes, potentially having important consequences for communities due to trait-mediated indirect interactions. Predicting non-consumptive effects and their impacts on communities can be difficult because predators can affect resources directly through nutrient cycling and indirectly by altering prey resource use, which can lead to complex interactions among resources and consumers. In this study we examined the effects of caged dragonfly predators on aquatic resources in the presence and absence of two focal herbivores, the tadpoles of Neotropical tree frogs Agalychnis callidryas and Dendropsophus ebraccatus. We crossed the presence/absence of caged dragonflies with four tadpole treatments: no tadpoles, each tadpole species alone, and both species together to examine interactions among tadpole composition, predator presence, and time on tadpole growth, resources, and zooplankton abundances. Predator effects on growth changed through ontogeny and was species-dependent. Predators initially reduced then dramatically increased A. callidryas growth, but had no effect on D. ebraccatus. Predators also increased the abundances of both periphyton and phytoplankton. However, there was no evidence of a trait-mediated trophic cascade (i.e., tadpole by predator interaction). Instead, nutrients from prey carcass subsidies likely played an increasingly important role in facilitating resources, and shaping tadpole growth, competitive interactions, and zooplankton abundances through time. In nutrient-poor aquatic systems the release of nutrients via the consumption of terrestrially derived prey items by aquatic predators may have important impacts on food webs by facilitating resources independent of the role of trait-mediated trophic cascades.  相似文献   

The impacts of climatic change on organisms depend on the interaction of multiple stressors and how these may affect the interactions among species. Consumer–prey relationships may be altered by changes to the abundance of either species, or by changes to the per capita interaction strength among species. To examine the effects of multiple stressors on a species interaction, we test the direct, interactive effects of ocean warming and lowered pH on an abundant marine herbivore (the amphipod Peramphithoe parmerong), and whether this herbivore is affected indirectly by these stressors altering the palatability of its algal food (Sargassum linearifolium). Both increased temperature and lowered pH independently reduced amphipod survival and growth, with the impacts of temperature outweighing those associated with reduced pH. Amphipods were further affected indirectly by changes to the palatability of their food source. The temperature and pH conditions in which algae were grown interacted to affect algal palatability, with acidified conditions only affecting feeding rates when algae were also grown at elevated temperatures. Feeding rates were largely unaffected by the conditions faced by the herbivore while feeding. These results indicate that, in addition to the direct effects on herbivore abundance, climatic stressors will affect the strength of plant–herbivore interactions by changes to the susceptibility of plant tissues to herbivory.  相似文献   

Plant Ecology - Fluid-feeding herbivores directly affect host plants through sap consumption. Moreover, they establish mutualistic relationships with ants, which might generate additional...  相似文献   

Aim To discuss the theory that the present high species diversity and apomorphic character of the coral reef ecosystem is because of the historic accumulation of basal species from marginal habitats. Location The Indo‐West Pacific Ocean. Methods The examination of biogeographical patterns from the standpoint of paleontology, phylogeny, genetics, and empirical data. Results Fossil patterns from several clades indicate a gradient of increasing average generic age that extends outward from the high diversity reefs. Successful species that give rise to new species, genera, and families apparently originate from high diversity locations. The tropics have been a major source of evolutionary novelty, not simply a refuge that has accumulated diversity. Many plesiomorphic clades, that once dominated the shallow tropics, are now limited to the deep sea and other safe places. Recent research on several tropical fish families indicates that more apomorphic species inhabit the high diversity reefs. Genetic studies suggest that a decrease in genetic variation extends from the diversity centre toward the outer reaches of the Indo‐West Pacific. Empirical data show that it is extremely difficult for species from low diversity areas to invade places of higher diversity. Main conclusions There is no convincing evidence to indicate that basal species from marginal habitats have been able to accumulate on the coral reefs. Once such species have been displaced from a high diversity environment, there is apparently no return. The evolutionary innovations that contribute to the origination of new phyletic lines take place under conditions of high diversity and maximum competition.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of leptin on the insulin resistance in skeletal muscles by measuring glucose transport. Male Wistar rats were fed rat chow or high-fat diets for 30 days. Before sacrifice, rats fed high-fat diet were subcutaneously injected with leptin (1 mg/kg b.w.) for 3 days. The glucose transport in epitrochlearis and soleus muscles did not differ in the experimental groups under basal conditions, however these values decreased significantly in the rats fed high-fat diet under insulin stimulation (p<0.01). Leptin treatment recovered the decreased glucose transport in epitrochlearis (p<0.05) and soleus muscles (p=0.08). Triglyceride concentrations in soleus muscles were increased significantly in the rats fed high-fat diet as compared to rats fed chow diet (p<0.01), and were decreased significantly by leptin treatment (p<0.01). The glucose transport was measured under basal conditions and after 60 microU/ml of insulin treatment with or without 50 ng/ml of leptin. Leptin had no direct stimulatory effect on glucose transport under both basal and insulin-stimulated conditions in vitro. These results demonstrate that leptin injection to rats fed high-fat diet recovered impaired insulin responsiveness of skeletal muscles and muscle triglyceride concentrations. However, there was no direct stimulatory effect of leptin on insulin sensitivity of skeletal muscles in vitro.  相似文献   

Do invasive plant species act more as “passengers” or drivers of ecological change in native plant communities? Snapshot studies based on correlations at the site scale ignore longer-term dynamics and variation in how particular invaders affect particular native species. We analyzed patterns of co-occurrence between three invading species (Alliaria petiolata, Lonicera x bella, and Rhamnus cathartica) and 70 native plant species in 94 southern Wisconsin forests at two scales to test four hypotheses. Surveys at these sites in the 1950s and again in the 2000s allowed us to assess how initial plant diversity and site conditions affected subsequent patterns of invasion. Sites with more native species in the 1950s experienced fewer invasions of Lonicera and Rhamnus. However, this result may reflect the fact that more fragmented habitat patches supported both fewer species in the 1950s and more invasions. At the site-level, few negative correlations exist between invasive and native species’ abundances. Sites with higher Alliaria densities in the 2000s, however, support fewer native species and lower populations of several declining natives. Rhamnus-invaded sites support lower populations of two increasing species. Association (C-score) analyses detect more associations and more negative associations at the 1 m2 scale than at the site scale. Most strong associations between invasive and increasing native species are positive while those with declining natives are often negative. Species restricted to specialized habitats rarely co-occur with invaders. Alliaria has more negative associations at fragmented sites where it is more abundant and invasions may be older. Fine-scale invasive-native associations were stronger, easier to detect, and less consistent than those detectable at the site-level. Thus, screening large numbers of local associations using observational data may allow us to identify particular invasive-native interactions worth further investigation. Although invading plants sometimes act as passive passengers, increasing in tandem with certain native plants in response to disturbed fragmented habitats, they may also contribute to the declines we observe in many native species. Monitoring invasions would allow us to assess whether local associations serve to predict subsequent invasive species impacts.  相似文献   

Characterizations of Philippine coral diseases are very limited. The two most common, ulcerative white spot disease (UWS) and massive Porites growth anomalies (MPGA), target the genus Porites, a dominant reef-building genus. This is the first investigation in the Philippines to detect positive correlations between coral disease, nutrient levels, and organic carbon. A total of 5,843 Porites colonies were examined. Water and sediment samples were collected for analyses of nutrients (total nitrogen and phosphorus) and total organic carbon at 15 sites along a 40.5 km disease gradient, which was previously shown to positively correlate with human population levels. Results suggest that outbreaks of UWS and MPGAs are driven by elevated nutrient and organic carbon levels. Although the variables analyzed could be proxies for other causative agents (e.g., high sediment levels), the results provide quantitative evidence linking relatively higher coral disease prevalence to an anthropogenically impacted environment.  相似文献   

Recent taxonomic advances are challenging widely held theories of the ecology and evolution of coral reef Invertebrates and communities. Large numbers of sibling species have been discovered across a variety of higher taxa. Differences in distribution, behavior and life history characteristics among sibling species demonstrate that niche diversification is more finely tuned, and interactions among organisms more specific, than most reef ecologists believed previously. Ecological and evolutionary understanding depends on good taxonomy.  相似文献   

The effect of trypan blue on the 11.5-day rat conceptus after intravitelline vessel administration is described. For comparison, conceptuses injected with varying volumes of Hanks' BSS have also been studied. Trypan blue significantly retarded the growth and development of conceptuses after 6 hours incubation in vitro. The SEM revealed rounded ectodermal cells, some of which appeared disrupted. These cells seemed to cause some of the intersomitic grooves to disappear, making a number of the somites indistinct from the outside. Unlike cells of uninjected embryos, the surfaces of the affected ectodermal cells lacked microvilli and their perimeters were lined with microvilli-like structures which appeared matted together. It was concluded that trypan blue affected the embryo directly probably by disturbing its fluid and ionic balance.  相似文献   

Fatal infestations of land-based Acropora cultures with so-called Acropora-eating flatworms (AEFWs) are a global phenomenon. We evaluate the hypothesis that AEFWs represent a risk to coral reefs by studying the biology and the invasive potential of an AEFW strain from the UK. Molecular analyses identified this strain as Amakusaplana acroporae, a new species described from two US aquaria and one natural location in Australia. Our molecular data together with life history strategies described here suggest that this species accounts for most reported cases of AEFW infestations. We show that local parasitic activity impairs the light-acclimation capacity of the whole host colony. A. acroporae acquires excellent camouflage by harbouring photosynthetically competent, host-derived zooxanthellae and pigments of the green-fluorescent protein family. It shows a preference for Acropora valida but accepts a broad host range. Parasite survival in isolation (5–7 d) potentially allows for an invasion when introduced as non-native species in coral reefs.  相似文献   

Coral reefs globally are in decline, with some reefs undergoing phase shifts from coral-dominance to degraded states dominated by large fleshy macroalgae. These shifts have been underpinned by the overharvesting of herbivorous fishes and represent a fundamental change in the physical structure of these reefs. Although the physical structure provided by corals is regarded as a key feature that facilitates herbivore activity, the influence of the physical structure of macroalgal stands is largely unknown. Using transplanted Sargassum, the largest coral reef macroalga, we created habitat patches of predetermined macroalgal density (0.25-6.23 kg m(-2)). Remote video cameras revealed both grazing and browsing fishes avoided high density patches, preferring relatively open areas with low macroalgal cover. This behaviour may provide a positive feedback leading to the growth and persistence of macroalgal stands; increasing the stability of phase shifts to macroalgae.  相似文献   

Spatial overlap between predators and prey is key to predicting their interaction strength and population dynamics. We constructed a spatially-explicit simulation model to explore how predator and prey behavioral traits and patterns of resource distribution influence spatial overlap between predators, prey, and prey resources. Predator and prey spatial association primarily followed the ideal free distribution. Departures from this model were intriguing, especially from the interactions of predator and prey behavior. When prey weakly avoided conspecifics, they associated more highly with resources when predators were present. Predators increased the rate of prey movement between patches, which increased their ability to sample their environment and aggregate in patches with high resources. When prey strongly avoided each other, predators decreased prey association with resources. That is, an increased rate of prey movement increased the probability that prey would interact and avoid each other without regard to the distribution of resources. More generally, a more highly clumped distribution of resources acted as a spatial anchor that generally increased prey, predator, and resource association. Prey tended to congregate with resources and predators generally congregated with prey.  相似文献   

Introduced rats (Rattus spp.) can affect island vegetation structure and ecosystem functioning, both directly and indirectly (through the reduction of seabird populations). The extent to which structure and function of islands where rats have been eradicated will converge on uninvaded islands remains unclear. We compared three groups of islands in New Zealand: islands never invaded by rats, islands with rats, and islands on which rats have been controlled. Differences between island groups in soil and leaf chemistry and leaf production were largely explained by burrow densities. Community structure of woody seedlings differed by rat history and burrow density. Plots on islands with high seabird densities had the most non-native plant species. Since most impacts of rats were mediated through seabird density, the removal of rats without seabird recolonization is unlikely to result in a reversal of these processes. Even if seabirds return, a novel plant community may emerge.  相似文献   

In contrast to expectations of the enemy release hypothesis, but consistent with the notion of biotic resistance, we found that native generalist crayfishes preferred exotic over native freshwater plants by a 3 : 1 ratio when plants were paired by taxonomic relatedness. Native crayfishes also preferred exotic over native plants when tested across 57 native and 15 exotic plants found growing sympatrically at 11 sites throughout the southeastern USA. Exotic grass carp that share little evolutionary history with most of these plants exhibited no preference for native vs. exotic species. Analyses of three terrestrial data sets showed similar patterns, with native herbivores generally preferring exotic plants, while exotic herbivores rarely exhibited a preference. Thus, exotic plants may escape their coevolved herbivores only to be preferentially consumed by the native generalist herbivores in their new ranges, suggesting that native herbivores may provide biotic resistance to plant invasions.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - While there is an ever-expanding list of impacts on coral reefs as a result of ocean warming and acidification, there is little information on how these global changes influence...  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Benthic cyanobacterial mats (BCMs) have increased in abundance on coral reefs worldwide. However, their species diversity and role in nitrogen fixation are poorly understood. We...  相似文献   

  • Mutualistic (e.g. pollination) and antagonistic (e.g. herbivory) plant–insect interactions shape levels of plant fitness and can have interactive effects.
  • By using experimental plots of Brassica rapa plants infested with generalist (Mamestra brassicae) and specialised (Pieris brassicae) native herbivores and with a generalist invasive (Spodoptera littoralis) herbivore, we estimated both pollen movement among treatments and the visiting behaviour of honeybees versus other wild pollinators.
  • Overall, we found that herbivory has weak effects on plant pollen export, either in terms of inter‐treatment movements or of dispersion distance. Plants infested with the native specialised herbivore tend to export less pollen to other plants with the same treatment. Other wild pollinators preferentially visit non‐infested plants that differ from those of honeybees, which showed no preferences. Honeybees and other wild pollinators also showed different behaviours on plants infested with different herbivores, with the former tending to avoid revisiting the same treatment and the latter showing no avoidance behaviour. When taking into account the whole pollinator community, i.e. the interactive effects of honeybees and other wild pollinators, we found an increased avoidance of plants infested by the native specialised herbivore and a decreased avoidance of plants infested by the invasive herbivore.
  • Taken together, our results suggest that herbivory may have an effect on B. rapa pollination, but this effect depends on the relative abundance of honeybees and other wild pollinators.

Alien species can affect native species through several ecological processes such as competition. Here we tested the hypothesis of interspecific competition for space and food resources between the native Eurasian red squirrel and the invasive Pallas’s squirrel introduced in Italy. We used an experimental study design comparing space and habitat use and body condition parameters of red squirrels between areas of co-occurrence with the Pallas’s squirrel and areas without it. There were no differences in mean home range size of red squirrels between red-only areas and red-Pallas. However, when Pallas’s squirrels were removed, the red squirrels increased their home ranges. Moreover, in the area of syntopy, red squirrels had a higher degree of intraspecific home range overlap than in the red-only area. We also found indirect evidence for competition for food with red squirrels having a poorer body condition when co-occurring with the alien species. We analyzed the body mass and size of red squirrels in the two areas and our results showed that red squirrels had a reduced body mass and size when in syntopy, confirming that the interspecific competition does not allow red squirrels to reach the optimum body condition that they would have if the competitor was not present. Moreover, tree-species niche overlap was very high and both species fed primarily on the same tree seeds. Differences in vegetation cover between areas are discussed. This is the first study that confirms the invasiveness of the Pallas’s squirrel also in terms of capability to compete with native species.  相似文献   

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