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The Coral Triangle (CT) region of the Indo‐Pacific realm harbors an extraordinary number of species, with richness decreasing away from this biodiversity hotspot. Despite multiple competing hypotheses, the dynamics underlying this regional diversity pattern remain poorly understood. Here, we use a time‐calibrated evolutionary tree of living reef coral species, their current geographic ranges, and model‐based estimates of regional rates of speciation, extinction, and geographic range shifts to show that origination rates within the CT are lower than in surrounding regions, a result inconsistent with the long‐standing center of origin hypothesis. Furthermore, endemism of coral species in the CT is low, and the CT endemics are older than relatives found outside this region. Overall, our model results suggest that the high diversity of reef corals in the CT is largely due to range expansions into this region of species that evolved elsewhere. These findings strongly support the notion that geographic range shifts play a critical role in generating species diversity gradients. They also show that preserving the processes that gave rise to the striking diversity of corals in the CT requires protecting not just reefs within the hotspot, but also those in the surrounding areas.  相似文献   

Situated along a corridor linking the Asian continent with the outer islands of the Pacific, Papua New Guinea has long played a key role in understanding the initial peopling of Oceania. The vast diversity in languages and unique geographical environments in the region have been central to the debates on human migration and the degree of interaction between the Pleistocene settlers and newer migrants. To better understand the role of Papua New Guinea in shaping the region's prehistory, we sequenced the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region of three populations, a total of 94 individuals, located in the East Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea. We analyzed these samples with a large data set of Oceania populations to examine the role of geography and language in shaping population structure within New Guinea and between the region and Island Melanesia. Our results from median‐joining networks, star‐cluster age estimates, and population genetic analyses show that while highland New Guinea populations seem to be the oldest settlers, there has been significant gene flow within New Guinea with little influence from geography or language. The highest genetic division is between Papuan speakers of New Guinea versus East Papuan speakers located outside of mainland New Guinea. Our study supports the weak language barriers to genetic structuring among populations in close contact and highlights the complexity of understanding the genetic histories of Papua New Guinea in association with language and geography. Am J Phys Anthropol 142:613–624, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

1. The overlap in species composition of Cercopoidea (Aphrophoridae, Cercopidae, and Machaerotidae), Flatidae, and Ricaniidae between two data sets, an almost exhaustive census from 13 Ficus species and a sample from diverse vegetation in the same area, led to the estimate for local species richness of 111 (SE 11.5) species (45 species of Cercopoidea, 36 species of Flatidae, and 30 species of Ricaniidae) at a lowland rainforest site in New Guinea. 2. Samples restricted to 13 species of Ficus contained 66 species, i.e. 59% of the estimated local species richness. This high proportion probably results from the high proportion of polyphagous and tourist (transient) species in the Cercopoidea, Flatidae, and Ricaniidae. 3. The two largest museum collections of New Guinean insects contained 327 species of Cercopoidea from New Guinea, including 23 of the 34 species collected in the field samples. This overlap led to the estimate of 483 (SE 97.2) species of Cercopoidea present in New Guinea. 4. The species found in the field samples were also 2.6 times more likely to be found in the museum collection than other species. This sampling bias can be due to a positive correlation between species local abundance and geographic distribution and/or similar patterns of species abundance at different sites. 5. The estimate of species richness of Cercopoidea in New Guinea increased to 1222 species when corrected for this sampling bias. Thus, only 4% of the New Guinean species were present locally, in the study area. Such high beta diversity is probably a consequence of the exceptional habitat and vegetation diversity in New Guinea, as well as its complex geological history.  相似文献   

  1. The coastal rivers of the São Paulo State in SE Brazil have different lengths and seawater influence. We evaluated whether: (1) environmental heterogeneity (EH) is associated with the species and life-form richness of aquatic macrophytes; and (2) EH and geographical distance influence species composition in these coastal rivers.
  2. We recorded the macrophyte species and life form occurrence and collected explanatory variables characterising the water, sediment, and river channel at 100 sampling sites over 8 rivers. We applied a principal component analysis to the explanatory variables and calculated the rivers' EH using the range of principal component 1 scores. We also determined the position of each river mouth along the coastline to measure the distance between the rivers. We used quasi-Poisson generalised linear models to evaluate the effects of EH on richness of species and life forms. To determine the effect of EH and geographical distance (Euclidean distance matrices) on the variation in species composition (Jaccard dissimilarity matrix) among the rivers, we applied multiple regressions on distance matrices.
  3. The most heterogeneous river had heterogeneity score about five times greater than the least heterogeneous river. Sediment salinity, river width, total phosphorus concentration of water and distance from river mouth were the most important variables contributing to the rivers' EH. We found that EH did not explain variation in species richness; however, it had a significant positive relationship with life-form richness. The effect of EH was greater than that of the geographical distance on the variation in species composition among the rivers. The pairs of rivers with the most similar EH were the most similar in species composition, but not all of them were geographically close.
  4. We conclude that EH influences life-form richness but does not influence species richness of aquatic macrophytes in the coastal rivers we studied; however, EH does influence species composition regardless of geographical distance among rivers.

In a given area, human activities usually cause the extinction of native species and the establishment of non‐native species. A key conservation issue is whether non‐native establishment tends to outpace native species extinction to produce a net gain in species richness. To determine this, empirical data must be accumulated at various scales. I show that, within the United States, the number of established non‐native plant species per state does tend to outpace the number of extinct and threatened species per state. The net gain in plant species is strongly and positively correlated with human population density. Continuation of this trend predicts substantial gains in net plant species richness for all states in the United States as human population grows. This contrasts with freshwater fishes, where most states show a net loss of species diversity as extinct and threatened species exceed established non‐native species. Changes in fish diversity do not correlate strongly with human population or non‐native species but are largely driven by the decline of native fish species.  相似文献   

Using an exhaustive data compilation, Iberian vascular plant species richness in 50 times 50 UTM grid cells was regressed against 24 explanatory variables (spatial, geographical, topographical, geological, climatic, land use and environmental diversity variables) using Generalized Linear Models and partial regression analysis in order to ascertain the relative contribution of primary, heterogeneous and spatially structured variables. The species richness variation accounted for by these variables is reasonably high (65% of total deviance). Little less than half of this variation is accounted for spatially structured variables. A purely spatial component of variation is hardly significant. The most significant variables are those related to altitude, and particularly maximum altitude, whose cubic response reflects the occurrence of the maximum number of species at the highest altitudes. This result highlighted the importance of Iberian mountains as hotspots of diversity and the relevance of large and small scale historical factors in contemporary plant distribution patterns. Climatic or energy-related variables contributed little, whereas geological (calcareous and acid rocks) and, to a lesser extent, environmental heterogeneity variables (land use diversity and altitude range) seem to be more important.  相似文献   

Considering that Earth and life evolve together, the present study aims to verify whether the species richness patterns are spatially congruent to biotic history. Niche conservatism was adopted as a background hypothesis to associate species richness with phylogenetic information. A parallel analysis between this procedure and cladistic biogeography was undertaken. Eleven Muscidae genera that were previously systematically reviewed for phylogenetic hypotheses were chosen for the analysis. The genera were split into ‘basal’ and ‘derived’ species, following terminal taxon root distance within each genus. Richness patterns were contrasted for the most basal and most derived 33% of species, and richness maps were constructed at 220 × 220 km grid size. A difference richness map was drawn by derived minus basal values (=derived?basal). For regions with difference values around zero, a component analysis was performed and compared with relationships established by other studies. Derived and basal species richness showed a very concise richness gradient in the Neotropical region and it was compatible with its known biogeographical history. In the Andean region, richness did not show any pattern. The area cladogram grouped Subantarctic subregion in a polytomy and Central Chile as a paraphyletic group. All hypotheses about area relationship were divergent and no vicariant pattern could be recognized in Andean region. In Neotropical region, Muscidae results corroborated a previous component relationship. The hypothesis that Paleogene climatic changes could drive the biotic component’s split was suggested. In the Andean region, recently ice sheet covering events had driven the species to disperse and/or extinct resulted in absence of pattern seen either in richness analysis or in component analysis. It is believed that species richness is linked to biotic history and this fact may be considered when evaluating hypotheses to explain broad‐scale richness gradients.  相似文献   

This study describes the pattern of invertebrate species richness in a river reach with large differences in habitat complexity at two, hierarchically nested, spatial scales. The aim was to determine whether the mass effect was likely to be increasing invertebrate species richness in epilithic microhabitats in this river. The mass effect is the process by which the species richness of a patch is increased when it acts as a ‘sink’ for species generated by ‘source’ patches. Microhabitat patch types in Mountain River, Tasmania, were distinguished on the basis of physical structure and orientation on the river bed. They were nested within two types of riffle with contrasting structural complexity: bedrock and boulder-cobble riffles. It was hypothesized that microhabitats with high species richness would act as source patches, contributing species to other microhabitats (sinks) and thereby increasing their species richness. Microhabitat sampling was carried out in four consecutive seasons and rarefaction was used to estimate riffle-scale species richness. Analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) was used to compare the identical microhabitats present in the contrasting riffle types, to detect evidence of the mass effect in either riffle type. The more structurally complex boulder-cobble riffles had higher species richness than did bedrock riffles. Amongst the microhabitats, the spaces beneath the cobbles had the most species. Microhabitats accounted for a higher percentage of the variation in species richness than did differences between riffles of the same type. No evidence was found for the operation of the mass effect in either riffle type. The majority of species found only in boulder-cobble riffles were unique to the beneath-cobble microhabitat and appeared to be unable to colonize other microhabitats, even as transients. In Mountain River, small-scale habitat characteristics appeared to be more important than larger-scale effects in determining microhabitat species richness.  相似文献   

Aim In Europe, the relationships between species richness and latitude differ for lentic (standing water) and lotic (running water) species. Freshwater animals are highly dependent on suitable habitat, and thus the distribution of available habitat should strongly influence large‐scale patterns of species richness. We tested whether habitat availability can account for the differences in species richness patterns between European lentic and lotic freshwater animals. Location Europe. Methods We compiled occurrence data of 1959 lentic and 2445 lotic species as well as data on the amount of lentic and lotic habitats across 25 pre‐defined biogeographical regions of European freshwaters. We used the range of elevation of each region as a proxy for habitat diversity. We investigated the relationships between species richness, habitat availability and habitat diversity with univariate and multiple regression analyses. Results Species richness increased with habitat availability for lentic species but not for lotic species. Species richness increased with elevational range for lotic species but decreased for lentic species. For both groups, neither habitat availability nor diversity could account for previously reported latitudinal patterns in species richness. For lotic species, richness declined with latitude, whereas there was no relationship between habitat availability and latitude. For lentic species, richness showed a hump‐shaped relationship with latitude, whereas available habitat increased with latitude. Main conclusions Habitat availability and diversity are poor predictors of species richness of the European freshwater fauna across large scales. Our results indicate that the distributions of European freshwater animals are probably not in equilibrium and may still be influenced by history, namely the recurrent European glaciations and possible differences in post‐glacial recolonization. The distributions of lentic species appear to be closer to equilibrium than those of lotic species. This lends further support to the hypothesis that lentic species have a higher propensity for dispersal than lotic species.  相似文献   

物种丰富度格局的形成不仅依赖于群落的构建过程, 同样也依赖于群落中的物种组成(如稀有种和常见种)。本文以黄土高原子午岭林区的辽东栎(Quercus wutaishanica)林为研究对象, 根据频度大小对物种进行排序, 形成稀有-常见种和常见-稀有种两条物种序列, 通过逐一添加(去除)物种, 分析引起的总体物种丰富度及其成分(α多样性和β多样性)的变化, 确定稀有种和常见种对物种丰富度格局的相对贡献。结果表明: (1)常见-稀有种序列与群落总体物种丰富度的相关性呈先剧增后平稳的对数增长曲线, 而稀有-常见种序列与群落总体的相关性与前者刚好相反, 呈先平稳后剧增的指数增长曲线; (2) α多样性在常见-稀有种序列中呈明显的对数变化曲线, 而在稀有-常见种序列中呈指数增长曲线; (3)与α多样性变化相反, β多样性在常见-稀有种序列中随物种的进入先迅速降低后逐渐平稳, 而在稀有-常见种序列中先平稳后急剧降低。可以看出, 常见种不仅主导群落的总体物种丰富度格局, 同时也是α多样性和β多样性格局的重要贡献者。因此, 常见种是群落物种丰富度格局的指示者, 也应该是优先保护的物种。  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Colonisation is a critical ecological process influencing both population and community level dynamics by connecting spatially discrete habitat patches. How communities respond to both natural and anthropogenic disturbances, furthermore, requires a basic understanding of how any environmental change modifies colonisation rates. For example, disturbance‐induced shifts in the quantity of forest cover surrounding aquatic habitats have been associated with the distribution and abundance of numerous aquatic taxa. However, the mechanisms generating these broad and repeatable field patterns are unclear. 2. Such patterns of diversity could result from differential spatial mortality post colonisation, or from colonisation alone if species select sites non‐randomly along canopy coverage gradients. We examined the colonisation/oviposition dynamics of aquatic beetles in experimental ponds placed under both open and closed forest canopies. 3. Canopy coverage imposed a substantial behavioural filter on the colonisation and reproduction of aquatic beetles representing multiple trophic levels, and resulted in significantly higher abundance, richness, and oviposition activity in open canopy ponds. These patterns strengthened overtime; although early in the experiment, the most abundant beetle had similar abundance in open and closed ponds. However, its abundance subsequently declined and then most other species heavily colonised open canopy ponds. 4. The primary response of many aquatic species to disturbances that generate canopy coverage gradients surrounding aquatic ecosystems is behavioural. The magnitude of the colonisation responses reported here rivals, if not exceeds, those produced by predators, suggesting that aquatic landscapes are behaviourally assessed and partitioned across multiple environmental gradients. The community level structure produced solely by selective colonisation, is predicted to strongly modify how patch area and isolation affect colonisation rates and the degree to which communities are linked by the flux of individuals and species.  相似文献   

Aim Species richness and endemic richness vary along elevation gradients, but not necessarily in the same way. This study tests if the maxima in gamma diversity for flowering plants and the endemic subset of these plants are coherent or not. Location The study was conducted in Nepal, between 1000 and 5000 m a.s.l. Methods We used published data on distribution and elevational ranges of the Nepalese flora to interpolate presence between maximum and minimum elevations. Correlation, regression and graphical analyses were used to evaluate the diversity pattern between 1000 and 5000 m a.s.l. Results The interval of maximum species endemic to Nepal or the Himalayas (3800–4200 m) is above the interval of maximum richness (1500–2500 m). The exact location of maximum species density is uncertain and its accuracy depends on ecologically sound estimates of area in the elevation zones. There is no positive statistically significant correlation between log‐area and richness (total or endemic). Total richness is positively correlated with log‐area‐adjusted, i.e. estimated area adjusted for the degree of topographic heterogeneity. The proportion of endemic species increases steadily from low to high elevations. The peak in endemism (c. 4000 m) corresponds to the start of a rapid decrease in species richness above 4000 m. This may relate to the last glacial maximum (equilibrium line at c. 4000 m) that penetrated down to 2500–3000 m. This dynamic hard boundary may have caused an increase in the extinction rate above 4000 m, and enhanced the probability of isolation and facilitated speciation of neoendemics, especially among genera with a high proportion of polyploids. Main conclusions The results reject the idea of corresponding maxima in endemic species and species richness in the lowlands tentatively deduced from Stevens’ elevational Rapoport effect. They confirm predictions based on hard boundary theory, but hard‐boundaries should be viewed as dynamic rather than static when broad‐scale biogeographical patterns with a historical component are being interpreted.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the mechanisms that generate temporal and spatial species richness patterns. We tested four common hypotheses (water, energy, climatic heterogeneity and net primary productivity) to evaluate which factors best explain patterns of Zygoptera species richness. Of these, we predicted that climatic heterogeneity would be the most important predictor for Zygoptera richness patterns. We sampled communities of adult Zygoptera in 100 small Amazonian streams. Based on generalized linear mixed models (GLMM), we found that net primary productivity and climatic heterogeneity comprised the best model of Zygoptera species richness in Amazonian streams, with an pseudo r2 of 39.5%. Results indicate that species richness increases by one species per 1 kg of biomass per square meter in NPP, or with an increase of 2 °C in air temperature variability. Our work corroborates a recent study with other taxa in Brazilian Bioms. This suggests that temporal variation in climate and net primary productivity are important predictors of the macroecological patterns of richness for aquatic organisms in tropical regions.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2023,33(1):174-182.e10
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Hanley  M.E. 《Plant Ecology》2004,170(1):35-41
The aim of this experiment was to determine how increasing species richness within artificially created grassland gaps affected the overall magnitude of seedling losses to, and the selectivity of, seedling herbivores. Using chemical exclusion methods, the influence of molluscs the principal invertebrate herbivores in temperate grasslands, was assessed at three levels of plant species diversity (3, 6, and 12 species per gap). In comparison with ungrazed controls, mollusc herbivory significantly reduced seedling numbers. However, the total number of seedlings killed by molluscs was unrelated to the number of seedling species present in the gap. Furthermore, there was no evidence to suggest that seedling species diversity influenced rates of mollusc selection of the three individual species (Agrostis capillaris, Senecio jacobaeae, and Taraxacum officinale) present in each diversity treatment. This work highlights the preferential selection by molluscs of broad-leaved herb species over neighbouring grass seedlings. However the results also suggest that when presented with an increasing choice of different seedling species, the overall magnitude and selectivity of seedling removal by molluscs remains unchanged.  相似文献   

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