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We develop a simplified model of themultiply occupied Kcsa-like selectivityfilter based on the best availablestructural data. The existence of hierarchyof motions in the selectivity filter isshown. Fast fluctuations of the ion-iondistances may be considered adiabaticallydecoupled from the slow diffusive motion ofthe ions' center of masses. The latter canbe considered as a quasi-particle, called aquasi-ion, moving in an effectivepotential. In the Kcsa-like selectivityfilter occupied by three ions the effectivepotential allows free barrier-lessdiffusional motion of the quasi-ions. Theconcept of the quasi-ions performing iontranslocation through the channel may bevital in explaining barrier-less `knock-on' conduction postulated for real channels.  相似文献   

Long-term behavioral tracking can capture and quantify natural animal behaviors, including those occurring infrequently. Behaviors such as exploration and social interactions can be best studied by observing unrestrained, freely behaving animals. Weakly electric fish (WEF) display readily observable exploratory and social behaviors by emitting electric organ discharge (EOD). Here, we describe three effective techniques to synchronously measure the EOD, body position, and posture of a free-swimming WEF for an extended period of time. First, we describe the construction of an experimental tank inside of an isolation chamber designed to block external sources of sensory stimuli such as light, sound, and vibration. The aquarium was partitioned to accommodate four test specimens, and automated gates remotely control the animals'' access to the central arena. Second, we describe a precise and reliable real-time EOD timing measurement method from freely swimming WEF. Signal distortions caused by the animal''s body movements are corrected by spatial averaging and temporal processing stages. Third, we describe an underwater near-infrared imaging setup to observe unperturbed nocturnal animal behaviors. Infrared light pulses were used to synchronize the timing between the video and the physiological signal over a long recording duration. Our automated tracking software measures the animal''s body position and posture reliably in an aquatic scene. In combination, these techniques enable long term observation of spontaneous behavior of freely swimming weakly electric fish in a reliable and precise manner. We believe our method can be similarly applied to the study of other aquatic animals by relating their physiological signals with exploratory or social behaviors.  相似文献   

Summary The calcium binding constant associated with external surface charge in a position to influence the voltage sensing charges for potassium channel gating appears to be 30 molar–1, a value much larger than previously thought and in approximate agreement with that found for artificial membranes composed of the lipid brain phosphatidylserene. Fixed charge on the periaxonal membrane surface is distributed in such a way that much larger charges occur at a distance of at least 8 angstroms from the channel pore openings. The separation between the ion pathway and the channel gating charge appears to be greater than or equal to 8 angstroms. Periaxonal surface charge which is in a position to determine the surface potential for gating has a magnitude greater than or equal to one (negative) electronic charge per 182 square angstrom before calcium binding, which is reduced to –e/625 Å in a normal divalent ionic environment. With the normal divalent ionic composition of seawater the surface potential at a position to influence the gating voltage sensor is –15 millivolts relative to the bulk external potential. The external surface potential is –3 mV at the pore mouth. There appears to be a negligible amount of fixed charge on the axoplasmic surface in the vicinity of the ion channel opening. Further, our results confirm earlier measurements that have given a negligible amount of axoplasmic surface fixed charge whose field components would be in a position to influence the channel gating charges.  相似文献   

以AtAKT1所编码的氨基酸序列为检索序列,通过对GenBank NR数据库以及EMBL、DDBJ、PDB数据库进行检索,发现水稻、小麦、大麦、玉米、烟草等作物中具有cds全长的34个疑似K~+通道基因.其中:水稻7个,玉米6个,烟草4个,马铃薯、胡萝卜、大麦各3个,葡萄、番茄各2个,蚕豆、小麦、油菜、甜瓜等各1个;有25个基因经过功能验证确定为K~+通道基因.利用比较基因组学,将剩余的9个基因确定为K~+通道基因.对34个K~+基因进化关系的分析表明,与AtAKT1的同源性较高的K~+通道基因为马铃薯的SKT1(相似性71%)、番茄的LKT1(相似性71%)、胡萝卜的DKT1(相似性69%)、烟草的NKT1(相似性62%).  相似文献   

Electric fish communicate with electric organ (EO) discharges (EODs) that are sexually dimorphic, hormone-sensitive, and often individually distinct. The cells of the EO (electrocytes) of the weakly electric fish Sternopygus possess delayed rectifying K+ currents that systematically vary in their activation and deactivation kinetics, and this precise variation in K+ current kinetics helps shape sex and individual differences in the EOD. Because members of the Kv1 subfamily produce delayed rectifier currents, we cloned a number of genes in the Kv1 subfamily from the EO of Sternopygus. Using our sequences and those from genome databases, we found that in teleost fish Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 exist as duplicate pairs (Kv1.1a&b, Kv1.2a&b) whereas Kv1.3 does not. Using real-time quantitative RT-PCR, we found that Kv1.1a and Kv1.2a, but not Kv1.2b, expression in the EO is higher in high EOD frequency females (which have fast EO K+ currents) than in low EOD frequency males (which have slow EO K+ currents). Systemic treatment with dihydrotestosterone decreased Kv1.1a and Kv1.2a, but not Kv1.2b, expression in the EO, whereas treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) increased Kv1.2a but not Kv1.1a or Kv1.2b expression in the EO. Thus, systematic variation in the ratios of Kv1 channels expressed in the EO is correlated with individual differences in and sexual dimorphism of a communication signal.  相似文献   

就多种药物或措施改善心肌缺血/再灌注损伤的关键环节或信息通路进行了探讨.以大鼠心肌为材料,选取腺苷A1受体激动剂R-苯异丙基腺苷(R-PIA)为保护剂,分别或同时加入ATP敏感性钾通道阻滞剂格列苯脲、蛋白激酶C(PKC)抑制剂等,观察对氧自由基、一氧化氮、ATP酶和一氧化氮合酶基因等的影响,并与缺血预处理组比较,结果显示:R-PIA和缺血预处理后均有较好的保护作用,这些作用依赖钾通道的开放与蛋白激酶C(PKC)的激活;虽然钾通道的开放部分依赖PKC的激活,但ATP敏感性钾通道可能是居于下游的、比PKC更关键的因素.  相似文献   

Slo2 potassium channels have a very low open probability under normal physiological conditions, but are readily activated in response to an elevated [Na+]i (e.g. during ischemia). An intracellular Na+ coordination motif (DX(R/K)XXH) was previously identified in Kir3.2, Kir3.4, Kir5.1, and Slo2.2 channel subunits. Based loosely on this sequence, we identified five potential Na+ coordination motifs in the C terminus of the Slo2.1 subunit. The Asp residue in each sequence was substituted with Arg, and single mutant channels were heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes. The Na+ sensitivity of each of the mutant channels was assessed by voltage clamp of oocytes using micropipettes filled with 2 m NaCl. Wild-type channels and four of the mutant Slo2.1 channels were rapidly activated by leakage of NaCl solution into the cytoplasm. D757R Slo2.1 channels were not activated by NaCl, but were activated by the fenamate niflumic acid, confirming their functional expression. In whole cell voltage clamp recordings of HEK293 cells, wild-type but not D757R Slo2.1 channels were activated by a [NaCl]i of 70 mm. Thus, a single Asp residue can account for the sensitivity of Slo2.1 channels to intracellular Na+. In excised inside-out macropatches of HEK293 cells, activation of wild-type Slo2.1 currents by 3 mm niflumic acid was 14-fold greater than activation achieved by increasing [NaCl]i from 3 to 100 mm. Thus, relative to fenamates, intracellular Na+ is a poor activator of Slo2.1.  相似文献   

We describe two new, closely related species of toothed Brachyhypopomus (Hypopomidae: Gymnotiformes: Teleostei) from the central Amazon basin and create a new subgenus for them. Odontohypopomus, new subgenus of Brachyhypopomus, is diagnosed by (1) small teeth present on premaxillae; (2) medialmost two branchiostegal rays thin with blades oriented more vertically than remaining three rays; (3) background color in life (and to lesser extent in preservation) distinctly yellowish with head and sides peppered with small, widely spaced, very dark brown stellate chromatophores that greatly contrast with light background coloration; (4) a dark blotch or bar of subcutaneous pigment below the eye; (5) electric organ discharge waveform of very long duration (head-positive phase approx. 2 milliseconds or longer, head-negative phase shorter or absent) and slow pulse repetition rate (3–16 Hz). The type species of the new subgenus, Brachyhypopomus (Odontohypopomus) walteri sp. n., is diagnosed by the following additional character states: (1) subcutaneous dark pigment at base of orbit particularly prominent, (2) body semi-translucent and nearly bright yellow background coloration in life, (3) a biphasic electric organ discharge (EOD) waveform of very long duration (between 3.5 and 4 milliseconds at 25° C) with head-positive first phase significantly longer than second head-negative phase in both sexes. Brachyhypopomus (Odontohypopomus) bennetti sp. n. is diagnosed by two character states in addition to those used to diagnose the subgenus Odontohypopomus: (1) a deep electric organ, visible as large semi-transparent area, occupying approximately 14–17% body depth directly posterior to the abdominal cavity in combination with a short, but deep, caudal filament, and (2) a monophasic, head-positive EOD waveform, approximately 2.1 milliseconds in duration in both sexes. These are the only described rhamphichthyoid gymnotiforms with oral teeth, and Brachyhypopomus bennetti is the first Brachyhypopomus reported to have a monophasic (head-positive) EOD waveform. Unlike biphasic species, the waveform of its EOD is largely unaffected by tail damage from predators. Such injuries are common among specimens in our collections. This species’ preference for floating meadow habitat along the major channels of the Amazon River basin may put it at particularly high risk of predation and “tail grazing.”  相似文献   

Structural models of voltage-gated channels suggest that flexibility of the S3-S4 linker region may be important in allowing the S4 region to undergo large conformational changes in its putative voltage-sensing function. We report here the initial characterization of 18 mutations in the S3-S4 linker of the Shaker channel, including deletions, insertions, charge changes, substitution of prolines, and chimeras replacing the 25-residue Shaker linker with 7- or 9-residue sequences from Shab, Shaw, or Shal. As measured in Xenopus oocytes with a two-microelectrode voltage clamp, each mutant construct yielded robust currents. Changes in the voltage dependence of activation were small, with activation voltage shifts of 13 mV or less. Substitution of linkers from the slowly activating Shab and Shaw channels resulted in a three- to fourfold slowing of activation and deactivation. It is concluded that the S3-S4 linker is unlikely to participate in a large conformational change during channel activation. The linker, which in some channel subfamilies has highly conserved sequences, may however be a determinant of activation kinetics in potassium channels, as previously has been suggested in the case of calcium channels.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence to support the notion that membrane proteins, instead of being isolated components floating in a fluid lipid environment, can be assembled into supramolecular complexes that take part in a variety of cooperative cellular functions. The interplay between lipid-protein and protein-protein interactions is expected to be a determinant factor in the assembly and dynamics of such membrane complexes. Here we report on a role of anionic phospholipids in determining the extent of clustering of KcsA, a model potassium channel. Assembly/disassembly of channel clusters occurs, at least partly, as a consequence of competing lipid-protein and protein-protein interactions at nonannular lipid binding sites on the channel surface and brings about profound changes in the gating properties of the channel. Our results suggest that these latter effects of anionic lipids are mediated via the Trp67–Glu71–Asp80 inactivation triad within the channel structure and its bearing on the selectivity filter.  相似文献   

Instead of vision, many nocturnal animals use alternative senses for navigation and object detection in their dark environment. For this purpose, weakly electric mormyrid fish employ active electrolocation, during which they discharge a specialized electric organ in their tail which discharges electrical pulses. Each discharge builds up an electrical field around the fish, which is sensed by cutaneous electroreceptor organs that are distributed over most of the body surface of the fish. Nearby objects distort this electrical field and cause a local alteration in current flow in those electroreceptors that are closest to the object. By constantly monitoring responses of its electroreceptor organs, a fish can detect, localize, and identify environmental objects.Inspired by the remarkable capabilities of weakly electric fish in detecting and recognizing objects, we designed technical sensor systems that can solve similar problems of remote object sensing. We applied the principles of active electrolocation to technical systems by building devices that produce electrical current pulses in a conducting medium (water or ionized gases) and simultaneously sense local current density. Depending on the specific task a sensor was designed for devices could (i) detect an object, (ii) localize it in space, (iii) determine its distance, and (iv) measure properties such as material properties, thickness, or material faults. Our systems proved to be relatively insensitive to environmental disturbances such as heat, pressure, or turbidity. They have a wide range of applications including material identification, quality control, non-contact distance measurements, medical applications and many more. Despite their astonishing capacities, our sensors still lag far behind what electric fish are able to achieve during active electrolocation. The understanding of the neural principles governing electric fish sensory physiology and the corresponding optimization of our sensors to solve certain technical tasks therefore remain ongoing goals of our research.  相似文献   

Instead of vision, many nocturnal animals use alternative senses for navigation and object detection in their dark environment. For this purpose, weakly electric mormyrid fish employ active electrolocation, during which they discharge a specialized electric organ in their tail which discharges electrical pulses. Each discharge builds up an electrical field around the fish, which is sensed by cutaneous electroreceptor organs that are distributed over most of the body surface of the fish. Nearby objects distort this electrical field and cause a local alteration in current flow in those electroreceptors that are closest to the object. By constantly monitoring responses of its electroreceptor organs, a fish can detect, localize, and identify environmental objects.Inspired by the remarkable capabilities of weakly electric fish in detecting and recognizing objects, we designed technical sensor systems that can solve similar problems of remote object sensing. We applied the principles of active electrolocation to technical systems by building devices that produce electrical current pulses in a conducting medium (water or ionized gases) and simultaneously sense local current density. Depending on the specific task a sensor was designed for devices could (i) detect an object, (ii) localize it in space, (iii) determine its distance, and (iv) measure properties such as material properties, thickness, or material faults. Our systems proved to be relatively insensitive to environmental disturbances such as heat, pressure, or turbidity. They have a wide range of applications including material identification, quality control, non-contact distance measurements, medical applications and many more. Despite their astonishing capacities, our sensors still lag far behind what electric fish are able to achieve during active electrolocation. The understanding of the neural principles governing electric fish sensory physiology and the corresponding optimization of our sensors to solve certain technical tasks therefore remain ongoing goals of our research.  相似文献   

Summary A Ca-activated, K-selective channel from plasma membrane of rat skeletal muscle was studied in artificial lipid bilayers formed from either phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) or phosphatidylserine (PS). In PE, the single-channel conductance exhibited a complex dependence on symmetrical K+ concentration that could not be described by simple Michaelis-Menten saturation. At low K+ concentrations the channel conductance was higher in PS membranes, but approached the same conductance observed in PE above 0.4m KCl. At the same Ca2+ concentration and voltage, the probability of channel opening was significantly greater in PS than PE. The differences in the conduction and gating, observed in the two lipids, can be explained by the negative surface charge of PS compared to the neutral PE membrane. Model calculations of the expected concentrations of K+ and Ca2+ at various distances from a PS membrane surface, using Gouy-Chapman-Stern theory, suggest that the K+-conduction and Ca2+-activation sites sense a similar fraction of the surface potential, equivalent to the local electrostatic potential at a distance of 9 Å from the surface.  相似文献   

钾通道在培养大鼠海马神经元凋亡性容积减少中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨钾通道参与神经元凋亡的可能机制,在星形孢菌素(STS)诱导的培养海马神经元凋亡模型上,研究了凋亡时神经细胞容积的动态变化及钾通道在其中的作用.实验结果显示,钾通道阻断剂四乙铵或升高细胞外K+均能够明显抑制STS诱导的神经元凋亡,并且大电导钙激活钾通道(BK)选择性阻断剂iberiotoxin和paxilline具有同样程度的抗细胞凋亡作用,表明钾通道(可能主要是BK通道)参与了STS诱导的培养海马神经元凋亡.在STS诱导神经元凋亡的早期就出现了细胞容积的显著减少,而钾通道阻断剂或升高细胞外K+均可阻断该细胞容积减少.研究结果提示细胞内钾离子的外流可能参与了凋亡性细胞容积减少,这也可能是钾通道介导细胞凋亡的重要机制之一.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane hyperpolarization is crucial for mammalian sperm to acquire acrosomal responsiveness during capacitation. Among the signaling events leading to mammalian sperm capacitation, the immediate activation of protein kinase A plays a pivotal role, promoting the subsequent stimulation of protein tyrosine phosphorylation that associates with fertilizing capacity. We have shown previously that mice deficient in the tyrosine kinase cSrc are infertile and exhibit improper cauda epididymis development. It is therefore not clear whether lack of sperm functionality is due to problems in epididymal maturation or to the absence of cSrc in sperm. To further address this problem, we investigated the kinetics of cSrc activation using anti-Tyr(P)-416-cSrc antibodies that only recognize active cSrc. Our results provide evidence that cSrc is activated downstream of PKA and that inhibition of its activity blocks the capacitation-induced hyperpolarization of the sperm plasma membrane without blocking the increase in tyrosine phosphorylation that accompanies capacitation. In addition, we show that cSrc inhibition also blocks the agonist-induced acrosome reaction and that this inhibition is overcome by pharmacological hyperpolarization. Considering that capacitation-induced hyperpolarization is mediated by SLO3, we evaluated the action of cSrc inhibitors on the heterologously expressed SLO3 channel. Our results indicate that, similar to SLO1 K+ channels, cSrc blockers significantly decreased SLO3-mediated currents. Together, these results are consistent with findings showing that hyperpolarization of the sperm plasma membrane is necessary and sufficient to prepare the sperm for the acrosome reaction and suggest that changes in sperm membrane potential are mediated by cSrc activation.  相似文献   

The neural circuit that controls the electric organ discharge (EOD) of the brown ghost knifefish (Apteronotus leptorhynchus) contains two spontaneous oscillators. Both pacemaker neurons in the medulla and electromotor neurons (EMNs) in the spinal cord fire spontaneously at frequencies of 500–1000 Hz to control the EOD. These neurons continue to fire in vitro at frequencies that are highly correlated with in vivo EOD frequency. Previous studies used channel blocking drugs to pharmacologically characterize ionic currents that control high‐frequency firing in pacemaker neurons. The goal of the present study was to use similar techniques to investigate ionic currents in EMNs, the other type of spontaneously active neuron in the electromotor circuit. As in pacemaker neurons, high‐frequency firing of EMNs was regulated primarily by tetrodotoxin‐sensitive sodium currents and by potassium currents that were sensitive to 4‐aminopyridine and κA‐conotoxin SIVA, but resistant to tetraethylammonium. EMNs, however, differed from pacemaker neurons in their sensitivity to some channel blocking drugs. Alpha‐dendrotoxin, which blocks a subset of Kv1 potassium channels, increased firing rates in EMNs, but not pacemaker neurons; and the sodium channel blocker μO‐conotoxin MrVIA, which reduced firing rates of pacemaker neurons, had no effect on EMNs. These results suggest that similar, but not identical, ionic currents regulate high‐frequency firing in EMNs and pacemaker neurons. The differences in the ionic currents expressed in pacemaker neurons and EMNs might be related to differences in the morphology, connectivity, or function of these two cell types. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2006  相似文献   

Honeybees, like other insects, accumulate electric charge in flight, and when their body parts are moved or rubbed together. We report that bees emit constant and modulated electric fields when flying, landing, walking and during the waggle dance. The electric fields emitted by dancing bees consist of low- and high-frequency components. Both components induce passive antennal movements in stationary bees according to Coulomb''s law. Bees learn both the constant and the modulated electric field components in the context of appetitive proboscis extension response conditioning. Using this paradigm, we identify mechanoreceptors in both joints of the antennae as sensors. Other mechanoreceptors on the bee body are potentially involved but are less sensitive. Using laser vibrometry, we show that the electrically charged flagellum is moved by constant and modulated electric fields and more strongly so if sound and electric fields interact. Recordings from axons of the Johnston organ document its sensitivity to electric field stimuli. Our analyses identify electric fields emanating from the surface charge of bees as stimuli for mechanoreceptors, and as biologically relevant stimuli, which may play a role in social communication.  相似文献   

Ions bound near the external mouth of the potassium channel pore impede the C-type inactivation conformational change (Lopez-Barneo, J., T. Hoshi, S. Heinemann, and R. Aldrich. 1993. Receptors Channels. 1:61– 71; Baukrowitz, T., and G. Yellen. 1995. Neuron. 15:951–960). In this study, we present evidence that the occupancy of the C-type inactivation modulatory site by permeant ions is not solely dependent on its intrinsic affinity, but is also a function of the relative affinities of the neighboring sites in the potassium channel pore. The A463C mutation in the S6 region of Shaker decreases the affinity of an internal ion binding site in the pore (Ogielska, E.M., and R.W. Aldrich, 1998). However, we have found that this mutation also decreases the C-type inactivation rate of the channel. Our studies indicate that the C-type inactivation effects observed with substitutions at position A463 most likely result from changes in the pore occupancy of the channel, rather than a change in the C-type inactivation conformational change. We have found that a decrease in the potassium affinity of the internal ion binding site in the pore results in lowered (electrostatic) interactions among ions in the pore and as a result prolongs the time an ion remains bound at the external C-type inactivation site. We also present evidence that the C-type inactivation constriction is quite local and does not involve a general collapse of the selectivity filter. Our data indicate that in A463C potassium can bind within the selectivity filter without interfering with the process of C-type inactivation.  相似文献   

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