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In both unicellular and multicellular organisms, transmembrane (TM) proteins are sorted to and retained at specific membrane domains by endomembrane trafficking mechanisms that recognize sorting signals in the these proteins. The trafficking and distribution of plasma membrane (PM)-localized TM proteins (PM proteins), especially of those PM proteins that show an asymmetric distribution over the PM, has received much attention, as their proper PM localization is crucial for elementary signaling and transport processes, and defects in their localization often lead to severe disease symptoms or developmental defects. The subcellular localization of PM proteins is dynamically regulated by post-translational modifications, such as phosphorylation and ubiquitination. These modificaitons mostly occur on sorting signals that are located in the larger cytosolic domains of the cargo proteins. Here we review the effects of phosphorylation of PM proteins on their trafficking, and present the key examples from the animal field that have been subject to studies for already several decades, such as that of aquaporin 2 and the epidermal growth factor receptor. Our knowledge on cargo trafficking in plants is largely based on studies of the family of PIN FORMED (PIN) carriers that mediate the efflux of the plant hormone auxin. We will review what is known on the subcellular distribution and trafficking of PIN proteins, with a focus on how this is modulated by phosphorylation, and identify and discuss analogies and differences in trafficking with the well-studied animal examples.  相似文献   

Acylated SH4 domains represent N-terminal targeting signals that anchor peripheral membrane proteins such as Src kinases in the inner leaflet of plasma membranes. Here we provide evidence for a novel regulatory mechanism that may control the levels of SH4 proteins being associated with plasma membranes. Using a fusion protein of the SH4 domain of Leishmania HASPB and GFP as a model system, we demonstrate that threonine 6 is a substrate for phosphorylation. Substitution of threonine 6 by glutamate (to mimic a phosphothreonine residue) resulted in a dramatic redistribution from plasma membranes to intracellular sites with a particular accumulation in a perinuclear region. As shown by both pharmacological inhibition and RNAi-mediated down-regulation of the threonine/ serine-specific phosphatases PP1 and PP2A, recycling back to the plasma membrane required dephosphorylation of threonine 6. We provide evidence that a cycle of phosphorylation and dephosphorylation may also be involved in intracellular targeting of other SH4 proteins such as the Src kinase Yes.  相似文献   

植物纤维素生物合成及其相关酶类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
纤维素是由成千上万个D-葡萄糖分子通过β-1,4糖苷键连接的具有一定立体构象的链状聚合物,其葡萄糖残基约为2000~25000个。它是细胞壁的主要组成成分之一。植物,大多数藻类,一些细菌和真菌甚至有些动物都能合成纤维素。它作为世界上最丰富的,具有巨大商业价值的生物多聚体,几十年来一直受到人们的重视,成为人们的研究热点。尽管如此,这方面的研究仍比较滞后,人们对纤维素生物合成途径及其相关酶类还是知之甚少。近几年来,随着基因组学的发展,关于纤维素的生物合成及相关基因表达调控的研究也成绩斐然,现就高等植物纤维素生物合成途径及其相关的纤维素合成酶的最新研究进展作一介绍。  相似文献   

植物纤维素合成酶基因的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周晓馥  王景余  王兴智 《遗传》2002,24(3):376-378
纤维素是植物细胞壁的主要成分。自然界中每年大约有1800亿吨的纤维素产物生成。纤维素的巨大经济价值使纤维素合成酶基因成为基因工程的热点之一。1996年, Delmer小组首次从植物中克隆出纤维素合成酶基因。近年来,在纤维素合成酶的结构、功能、定位和基因功能的研究方面成果斐然。本文概述了植物纤维素合成酶基因的研究进展。 Abstract:Cellulose is a major component in plant cell wall.About 180 billion tons of cellulose are produced per year in nature.The commercial importance of cellulose makes the genes coding it one of attractive targets for plant genetic engineering.A number of cellulose synthase genes have been first cloned from plant species by Delmer's group in 1996.Recently,research achievement has been obtained in accumulating to understanding the cellulose synthase function,location,and the gene function.The paper summarized the research progress of cellulose synthase genes in higher plants.  相似文献   

Endocytosis-mediated recycling of plasma membrane is a critical vesicle trafficking step important in diverse biological processes. The membrane trafficking decisions and sorting events take place in a series of heterogeneous and highly dynamic organelles, the endosomes. Syntaxin 13, a recently discovered member of the syntaxin family, has been suggested to play a role in mediating endosomal trafficking. To better understand the function of syntaxin 13 we examined its intracellular distribution in nonpolarized cells. By confocal immunofluorescence and electron microscopy, syntaxin 13 is primarily found in tubular early and recycling endosomes, where it colocalizes with transferrin receptor. Additional labeling is also present in endosomal vacuoles, where it is often found in clathrin-coated membrane areas. Furthermore, anti-syntaxin 13 antibody inhibits transferrin receptor recycling in permeabilized PC12 cells. Immunoprecipitation of syntaxin 13 revealed that, in Triton X-100 extracts, syntaxin 13 is present in a complex(es) comprised of βSNAP, VAMP 2/3, and SNAP-25. This complex(es) binds exogenously added αSNAP and NSF and dissociates in the presence of ATP, but not ATPγS. These results support a role for syntaxin 13 in membrane fusion events during the recycling of plasma membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The digestive vacuole plays an important role in the pathophysiology of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. It is a terminal degradation organelle involved in the proteolysis of the host erythrocyte's haemoglobin; it is the site of action of several antimalarial drugs and its membrane harbours transporters implicated in drug resistance. How the digestive vacuole recruits residential proteins is largely unknown. Here, we have investigated the mechanism underpinning trafficking of the chloroquine resistance transporter, PfCRT, to the digestive vacuolar membrane. Nested deletion analysis and site‐directed mutagenesis identified threonine 416 as a functional residue for sorting PfCRT to its site of residence. Mass spectroscopy demonstrated that threonine 416 can be phosphorylated. Further phosphorylation was detected at serine 411. Our data establish PfCRT as a phosphoprotein and suggest that phosphorylation of threonine 416 is a possible deciding signal for the sorting of PfCRT to the digestive vacuolar membrane.  相似文献   

Plants are constantly subjected to various biotic and abiotic stresses and have evolved complex strategies to cope with these stresses. For example, plant cells endocytose plasma membrane material under stress and subsequently recycle it back when the stress conditions are relieved. Cellulose biosynthesis is a tightly regulated process that is performed by plasma membrane-localized cellulose synthase (CESA) complexes (CSCs). However, the regulatory mechanism of cellulose biosynthesis under abiotic stress has not been well explored. In this study, we show that small CESA compartments (SmaCCs) or microtubule-associated cellulose synthase compartments (MASCs) are critical for fast recovery of CSCs to the plasma membrane after stress is relieved in Arabidopsis thaliana. This SmaCC/MASC-mediated fast recovery of CSCs is dependent on CELLULOSE SYNTHASE INTERACTIVE1 (CSI1), a protein previously known to represent the link between CSCs and cortical microtubules. Independently, AP2M, a core component in clathrin-mediated endocytosis, plays a role in the formation of SmaCCs/MASCs. Together, our study establishes a model in which CSI1-dependent SmaCCs/MASCs are formed through a process that involves endocytosis, which represents an important mechanism for plants to quickly regulate cellulose synthesis under abiotic stress.  相似文献   

植物纤维素合酶基因研究进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
纤维素合酶催化合成的 β_1 ,4糖苷链构成植物细胞壁中含量最丰富的组份纤维素。植物体中存在着众多纤维素合酶 ,同时还具多种与之相关的纤维素合酶相似蛋白 ,它们组成了一个庞大的纤维素合酶超家族。纤维素合酶的催化机理尚不清楚 ,纤维素合酶相似蛋白的功能更有待于深入研究。本文综述了近年植物纤维素合酶及其相似蛋白编码基因的研究进展。  相似文献   

Vesicle delivery of Cdc42 has been proposed as an important mechanism for generating and maintaining Cdc42 polarity at the plasma membrane. This mechanism requires the density of Cdc42 on secretory vesicles to be equal to or higher than the plasma membrane polarity cap. Using a novel method to estimate Cdc42 levels on post‐Golgi secretory vesicles in intact yeast cells, we: (1) determined that endocytosis plays an important role in Cdc42's association with secretory vesicles (2) found that a GFP‐tag placed on the N‐terminus of Cdc42 negatively impacts this vesicle association and (3) quantified the surface densities of Cdc42 on post‐Golgi vesicles which revealed that the vesicle density of Cdc42 is three times more dilute than that at the polarity cap. This work suggests that the immediate consequence of secretory vesicle fusion with the plasma membrane polarity cap is to dilute the local Cdc42 surface density. This provides strong support for the model in which vesicle trafficking acts to negatively regulate Cdc42 polarity on the cell surface while also providing a means to recycle Cdc42 between the cell surface and internal membrane locations.   相似文献   

Discs large 1 (Dlg1) is a modular scaffolding protein implicated in the control of cell polarity through assembly of specific multiprotein complexes, including receptors, ion channels and signaling proteins, at specialized zones of the plasma membrane. Recent data have shown that in addition to these well‐known interaction partners, Dlg1 may also recruit components of the vesicle trafficking machinery either to the plasma membrane or to transport vesicles. Here, we discuss Dlg1 function in vesicle formation, targeting, tethering and fusion, in both the exocytotic and endocytotic pathways. These pathways contribute to cell functions as major and diverse as glutamatergic activity in the neurons, membrane homeostasis in Schwann cell myelination, insulin stimulation of glucose transport in adipocytes, or endothelial secretion of the hemostatic protein, von Willebrand factor (VWF).  相似文献   

RGS4, a heterotrimeric G-protein inhibitor, localizes to plasma membrane (PM) and endosomal compartments. Here, we examined Rab-mediated control of RGS4 internalization and recycling. Wild type and constitutively active Rab5 decreased RGS4 PM levels while increasing its endosomal targeting. Rab5, however, did not appreciably affect the PM localization or function of the M1 muscarinic receptor (M1R)/Gq signaling cascade. RGS4-containing endosomes co-localized with subsets of Rab5-, transferrin receptor-, and Lamp1/Lysotracker-marked compartments suggesting RGS4 traffics through PM recycling or acidified endosome pathways. Rab7 activity promoted TGN association, whereas Rab7(dominant negative) trapped RGS4 in late endosomes. Furthermore, RGS4 was found to co-localize with an endosomal pool marked by Rab11, the protein that mediates recycling/sorting of proteins to the PM. The Cys-12 residue in RGS4 appeared important for its Rab11-mediated trafficking to the PM. Rab11(dominant negative) decreased RGS4 PM levels and increased the number of RGS4-containing endosomes. Inhibition of Rab11 activity decreased RGS4 function as an inhibitor of M1R activity without affecting localization and function of the M1R/Gq signaling complex. Thus, both Rab5 activation and Rab11 inhibition decreased RGS4 function in a manner that is independent from their effects on the localization and function of the M1R/Gq signaling complex. This is the first study to implicate Rab GTPases in the intracellular trafficking of an RGS protein. Thus, Rab GTPases may be novel molecular targets for the selective regulation of M1R-mediated signaling via their specific effects on RGS4 trafficking and function.  相似文献   

Acanthamoeba cysts are resistant to unfavorable physiological conditions and various disinfectants. Acanthamoeba cysts have 2 walls containing various sugar moieties, and in particular, one third of the inner wall is composed of cellulose. In this study, it has been shown that down-regulation of cellulose synthase by small interfering RNA (siRNA) significantly inhibits the formation of mature Acanthamoeba castellanii cysts. Calcofluor white staining and transmission electron microscopy revealed that siRNA transfected amoeba failed to form an inner wall during encystation and thus are likely to be more vulnerable. In addition, the expression of xylose isomerase, which is involved in cyst wall formation, was not altered in cellulose synthase down-regulated amoeba, indicating that cellulose synthase is a crucial factor for inner wall formation by Acanthamoeba during encystation.  相似文献   

Mizuta  Shun 《Plant & cell physiology》1985,26(8):1443-1453
The assembly of cellulose synthesizing complexes (terminal complexes,TCs) on the plasma membrane of Boodlea coacta was investigatedduring the formation of both the matrix-rich layer (MRL) andfibril-rich layers (FRLs) of cell walls. The TCs appeared tobe located mostly within the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane,and were observed as elliptical protrusions consisting of manyparticles of about 9 nm in diameter. Their length varied from100 to 500 nm (average, 220 nm) during MRL formation and from100 to 860 nm (average, 360 nm) during FRL formation. A correlationwas found between the length of TCs and the microfibril widthin both MRL and FRL. On the E-face of the plasma membrane, numerous round protrusions(30–130 nm in diameter), consisting of many particles,8–10 nm in diameter, were also present. Their densitywas greater during FRL formation than during MRL formation.Some of these structures larger than 100 nm were associatedwith microfibril impressions and some appeared to be bound tothe TCs. These protrusions increased in number with Calcofluortreatment but decreased in number when the dye was removed fromthe culture medium. Thus, the TCs may be assembled from massesof particles aggregated on the outer surface of the plasma membrane,and may grow longer by incorporation of these masses. The appearanceof the longer TCs during FRL formation is probably due to thegreater density of these masses. (Received May 1, 1985; Accepted August 16, 1985)  相似文献   

Peroxisomes rely on a diverse array of mechanisms to ensure the specific targeting of their protein constituents. Peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs), for instance, are targeted by at least two distinct pathways: directly to peroxisomes from their sites of synthesis in the cytosol or indirectly via the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). However, the extent to which each PMP targeting pathway is involved in the maintenance of pre‐existing peroxisomes is unclear. Recently, we showed that human PEX16 plays a critical role in the ER‐dependent targeting of PMPs by mediating the recruitment of two other PMPs, PEX3 and PMP34, to the ER. Here, we extend these results by carrying out a comprehensive mutational analysis of PEX16 aimed at gaining insights into the molecular targeting signals responsible for its ER‐to‐peroxisome trafficking and the domain(s) involved in PMP recruitment function at the ER. We also show that the recruitment of PMPs to the ER by PEX16 is conserved in plants. The implications of these results in terms of the function of PEX16 and the role of the ER in peroxisome maintenance in general are discussed.   相似文献   

The intracellular survival of Plasmodium falciparum within human erythrocytes is dependent on export of parasite proteins that remodel the host cell. Most exported proteins require a conserved motif (RxLxE/Q/D), termed the Plasmodium export element (PEXEL) or vacuolar targeting sequence (VTS), for targeting beyond the parasitophorous vacuole membrane and into the host cell; however, the precise role of this motif in export is poorly defined. We used transgenic P. falciparum expressing chimeric proteins to investigate the function of the PEXEL motif for export. The PEXEL constitutes a bifunctional export motif comprising a protease recognition sequence that is cleaved, in the endoplasmic reticulum, from proteins destined for export, in a PEXEL arginine- and leucine-dependent manner. Following processing, the remaining conserved PEXEL residue is required to direct the mature protein to the host cell. Furthermore, we demonstrate that N acetylation of proteins following N-terminal processing is a PEXEL-independent process that is insufficient for correct export to the host cell. This work defines the role of each residue in the PEXEL for export into the P. falciparum -infected erythrocyte.  相似文献   

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