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Increased intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) is required for smooth muscle contraction. In tracheal and other tonic smooth muscles, contraction and elevated [Ca2+]i are maintained as long as an agonist is present. To evaluate the physiological role of steady-state increases in Ca2+ on tension maintenance, [Ca2+]i was elevated using ionomycin, a Ca2+ ionophore or charybdotoxin, a large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel (KCa) blocker prior to or during exposure of tracheal smooth muscle strips to Ach (10–9 to 10–4 M). Ionomycin (5 µM) in resting muscles induced increases in [Ca2+]i to 500±230 nM and small increases in force of 2.6±2.3 N/cm2. This tension is only 10% of the maximal tension induced by ACh. Charybdotoxin had no effect on [Ca2+]i or tension in resting muscle. After pretreatment of muscle with ionomycin, the concentration-response relationship for ACh-induced changes in tension shifted to the left (EC50=0.07±0.05 µM ionomycin; 0.17±0.07 µM, control, p<0.05). When applied to the muscles during steady-state responses to submaximal concentrations of ACh, both ionomycin and charybdotoxin induced further increases in tension. The same magnitude increase in tension occurs after ionomycin and charybdotoxin treatment, even though the increase in [Ca2+]i induced by charybdotoxin is much smaller than that induced by ionomycin. We conclude that the resting muscle is much less sensitive to elevation of [Ca2+]i when compared to muscles stimulated with ACh. Steady-state [Ca2+]i limits tension development induced by submaximal concentrations of ACh. The activity of KCa moderates the response of the muscle to ACh at concentrations less than 1 µM.  相似文献   

Summary The physiological properties of mechanical responses and the intracellular localization and translocation of calcium as a pyroantimonate precipitate were studied in the longitudinal retractor muscle (LRM) of a Bermuda sea cucumber. Acetylcholine (ACh)-induced contraction was reduced by lowering the external Ca concentration, and suppressed completely by prolonged soaking in Ca-free solution. The magnitude of ACh-induced contraction was decreased by Mn and La ions. Furthermore, procaine reduced the ACh-induced contraction. The complete removal of Ca and Mg ions from the external medium induced a socalled Ca · Mg-removal contraction. Electron microscopically, numerous subsarcolemmal vesicles were observed in the LRM fibers. In the resting fibers, pyroantimonate precipitates were localized in the subsarcolemmal vesicles and along the inner surface of plasma membrane. While, in the fiber fixed during mechanical activity, the pyroantimonate precipitates were decreased remarkably in the subsarcolemmal vesicles and at the plasma membrane, and diffusely distributed in the myoplasm. Electronprobe X-ray microanalysis showed that the precipitate contains Ca in a significant amount. These results indicate that the contraction of the LRM fibers is caused not only by Ca-influx but also by Ca-release from the intracellular storage sites, such as the subsarcolemmal vesicles and the inner surface of plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure and model the passive biomechanics of cadaveric levator ani muscle in the fiber direction at low strains with a moderately slow deformation rate. Nine levator ani samples, extracted from female cadavers aged 64 to 96 years, underwent preconditioning and uniaxial biomechanical analysis on a tensile testing apparatus after the original width, thickness, and length were measured. The load extension data and measured dimensions were used to calculate stress–strain curves for each sample. The resulting stress–strain curves up to 10% strain were fit to four different constitutive models to determine which model was most appropriate for the data. A power-law model with two parameters was found to fit the data most accurately. Constitutive parameters did not correlate significantly with age in this study; this may be because all of the cadavers were postmenopausal.  相似文献   

Traditional muscle paths (the straight-line model and the viapoint-line model) emphasise either the mechanical properties that arouse joint movement or the morphological characteristics of the muscles. To consider both the factors, a muscle-path-plane (MPP) method is introduced to model the paths of muscles during joint movement. This method is based on the premise that there is a MPP, constructed by origin, insertion and MPP control point, which represents the major direction of the muscle contraction for an arbitrary joint configuration at any time. Then, we can calculate the functions and the lengths of the muscle paths during instantaneous joint movement in MPP by mathematical approaches. Taking the triceps brachii as an example, the lengths of its paths during elbow flexion are calculated and compared with the relative studies reported in the literature. It is concluded that this method can provide an insight into the simulation of the muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Ma FH  Higashira-Hoshi H  Itoh Y 《Life sciences》2002,70(10):1159-1172
A highly purified rat urinary bladder smooth muscle cell culture was obtained by a modified enzymic isolation method, and the presence of functional muscarinic as well as beta-adrenergic receptors were subsequently determined. At 7-10 days of culture, cells became elongated and spindle-shaped showing a typical "hills and valleys" form. They were stained with anti-alpha-actin and anti-myosin antibodies. Radiolabeled ligand binding using [3H]N-methylscopolamine and [3H]CGP12177 showed that these cells expressed muscarinic and beta-adrenergic receptors. Stimulation of cultured cells with carbachol inhibited the forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP formation, caused an elevation of intracellular Ca2+ concentration measured by fura-2 fluorometry. The latter response was almost completely blocked by 4-DAMP, a selective muscarinic M3 antagonist. On the other hand, stimulation of cultured cells with isoproterenol enhanced the basal cyclic AMP formation, which was reversed by carbachol. Therefore, the presence of functional muscarinic (both M2 and M3) as well as beta-adrenergic receptors was confirmed in pure culture of the rat bladder smooth muscle cells obtained by using an enzymic isolation method.  相似文献   

This work presents the application of a fading memory model to describe the behavior of contracted airway smooth muscle (ASM) for two biophysical cases: finite duration length steps and longitudinal sinusoidal oscillations. The model parameters were initially determined from literature data on transient step length change response and subsequently the model was applied to the two cases. Results were compared with previously published experimental data on ASM oscillations. The model confirms a trend observed in the experimental data which shows that: (i) the value of tissue length change is the most important factor to determine the degree of cross-bridge detachment and (ii) a strong correlation exists between increasing frequency and declining stiffness until a certain frequency (∼25 Hz) beyond which frequency dependence is negligible. Although the model was not intended to simulate biophysical events individually, the data could be explained by cross-bridge cycling rates. As the frequency increases, cross-bridge reattachment becomes less likely, until no further cross-bridge attachment is possible.  相似文献   

The relaxation and contraction in vertebrate skeletal muscle are regulated by Ca2+ through troponin and tropomyosin, which are located in the thin filament. Troponin is composed of three components, troponins C, I and T. In this review article, the Ca2+-regulatory mechanism is discussed with particular reference to the regulatory properties of troponin T.  相似文献   

From the aerial parts of Oyedaea verbesinoides nine ent-kauranes and a sesquiterpene were isolated. ent-9alpha-Hydroxy-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid, ent-15beta-tigloyloxy-9alpha-hydroxy-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid, ent-15beta-angeloyloxy-9alpha-hydroxy-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid, ent-16alpha-hydroxykaurane and 1alpha-angeloyloxy-carotol are new for the genus or the species and ent-15beta-angeloyloxy-7alpha,9alpha-dihydroxy-kaur-16-en-19-oic acid is reported for the first time. Structure elucidation was based on one and two dimensional NMR as well as ESI and CI-MS analysis. Some diterpenes were proven to exhibit inhibitory effects on smooth muscle contraction on rat aorta.  相似文献   

The contractile properties of the tibial anterior (TA) of Wistar rats were measured by means of a multipurpose testing machine. The muscle was isolated from the connective tissues, preserving the proximal insertion. The distal tendon was transected and fixed to the machine actuator. The leg was inmobilised using a pin drilled through the femoral condyle. In this way the force response was studied in vivo at different constant lengths for some voltages and frequencies. Mathematical functions are proposed for adjusting the force-length, force-frequency and force-time relations. The model includes a novel formulation for the depression response during muscle tetanisation.  相似文献   

Stromal cells follow a vascular smooth muscle differentiation pathway. However, cell culture models performed from human bone marrow do not allow the obtention of a large proportion of highly differentiated smooth muscle cells (SMC) and their differentiation pathways remain unclear. We have characterized a new model of SMC differentiation from human bone marrow stromal cells by using different factors (bFGF, EGF, insulin and BMP-4). A relative homogeneous population of differentiated SMC was reproducibly obtained in short-term culture with high expression of SMC markers. Id gene expression was investigated and showed that (1) Id2 mRNA expression was upregulated during SMC differentiation without change of Id1 mRNA and (2) Id1 gene expression highly increased concomitantly with a decrease of SMC markers while Id2 mRNA was slightly modulated. Our data suggested that Id genes are potentially implicated in the differentiation pathway of human SMC from bone marrow.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mixed model of inheritance with a finite number of polygenic loci. This model leads to a likelihood that can be calculated using efficient algorithms developed for oligogenic models. For comparison, likelihood profiles were obtained for the finite polygenic mixed model, the usual mixed model, with exact and approximate calculations, and for a class D regressive model. The profiles for the finite polygenic mixed model were closest to the profiles for the usual mixed model with exact calculations.  相似文献   

Semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) catalyzes formation of methylglyoxal (MG) from aminoacetone; MG then reacts with proteins to form advanced glycation end products or AGEs. Because of its potential to generate MG, SSAO may contribute to AGE-associated vascular complications of aging and diabetes. We developed a method to measure SSAO activity in bovine aortic smooth muscle cells (BASMC) based on the oxidation of 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin by hydrogen peroxide and horseradish peroxidase. The SSAO activity was completely inhibited by 10 mM semicarbazide. Argpyrimidine is a readily detectable fluorescent product of the reaction between MG and arginine. Cell lysates incubated with aminoacetone formed argpyrimidine in a reaction that was inhibited by 20 mM semicarbazide. Immunostaining of tissue sections showed that aminoacetone-treated rats (normal as well as diabetic) formed more argpyrimidine in aortic smooth muscle than untreated controls. We believe that SSAO can enhance AGE synthesis in the macrovasculature of diabetic individuals by production of MG.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to create a model for mapping the surface electromyogram (EMG) signals to the force that generated by human arm muscles. Because the parameters of each person's muscle are individual, the model of the muscle must have two characteristics: (1) The model must be adjustable for each subject. (2) The relationship between the input and output of model must be affected by the force-length and the force-velocity behaviors are proven through Hill's experiments. Hill's model is a kinematic mechanistic model with three elements, i.e. one contractile component and two nonlinear spring elements.In this research, fuzzy systems are applied to improve the muscle model. The advantages of using fuzzy system are as follows: they are robust to noise, they prove an adjustable nonlinear mapping, and are able to model the uncertainties of the muscle.Three fuzzy coefficients have been added to the relationships of force-length (active and passive) and force-velocity existing in Hill's model. Then, a genetic algorithm (GA) has been used as a biological search method that can adjust the parameters of the model in order to achieve the optimal possible fit.Finally, the accuracy of the fuzzy genetic implementation Hill-based muscle model (FGIHM) is invested as following: the FGIHM results have 12.4% RMS error (in worse case) in comparison to the experimental data recorded from three healthy male subjects. Moreover, the FGIHM active force-length relationship which is the key characteristics of muscles has been compared to virtual muscle (VM) and Zajac muscle model. The sensitivity of the FGIHM has been evaluated by adding a white noise with zero mean to the input and FGIHM has proved to have lower sensitivity to input noise than the traditional Hill's muscle model.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii infects virtually any nucleated cell type of warm-blooded animals and humans including skeletal muscle cells (SkMCs). Infection of SkMCs by T. gondii, differentiation from the highly replicative tachyzoites to dormant bradyzoites and tissue cyst formation are crucial for parasite persistence in muscle tissue. These processes are also prerequisites for one of the major routes of transmission to humans via undercooked or cured meat products. Evidence obtained in vitro and in vivo indicates that SkMCs are indeed a preferred cell type for tissue cyst formation and long-term persistence of T. gondii. This raises intriguing questions about what makes SkMCs a suitable environment for parasite persistence and how the SkMC–T. gondii interaction is regulated. Recent data from our laboratory show that differentiation of SkMCs from myoblasts to syncytial myotubes, rather than the cell type itself, is critical for parasite growth, bradyzoite formation and tissue cyst maturation. Myotube formation is accompanied by a permanent withdrawal from the cell cycle, and the negative cell cycle regulator cell division autoantigen (CDA)-1 directly or indirectly promotes T. gondii stage conversion in SkMCs. Moreover, host cell cycle regulators are specifically modulated in mature myotubes, but not myoblasts, following infection. Myotubes also up-regulate the expression of various pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines after T. gondii infection and they respond to IFN-γ by exerting potent anti-parasitic activity. This highlights that mature myotubes are active participants rather than passive targets of the local immune response to T. gondii which may also govern the interaction between SkMCs and the parasite.  相似文献   

Alloreactivity is the strongest known primary immune response. Its clinical manifestations are graft rejection, graft-versus-host disease and graft-versus-leukemia effect. The strongest stimulation by allogeneic cells is due to incompatibility at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes. However, the non-MHC genes also participate in allogeneic response. Here we present a mouse model for study of the role of non-MHC genes in regulation of alloreactivity and show that they besides encoding antigens also regulate the responsiveness. Recombinant congenic strains (RCS) of O20/A (O20)-c-B10.O20/Dem (OcB/Dem) series have been derived from the parental strains O20 and B10.O20, which carry identical MHC haplotypes (H2pz) and therefore their differences in alloantigen response depend only on non-MHC genes. We have tested a MLR response by spleen cells of the strains O20, B10.O20, and 16 OcB/Dem strains through stimulation by cells from strains C57BL/10 (H2b), BALB/c (H2d), CBA (H2k), and DBA/1 (H2q) alloantigens. Proliferative response of O20, B10.O20 and OcB/Dem strains to these four alloantigens exhibited a similar but not completely identical pattern of reactivity. The responses to different alloantigens were highly correlated: C57BL/10-BALB/c r = 0.87, C57BL/10-CBA r = 0.84, C57BL/10-DBA/1 r = 0.83. Cluster analysis of the responses by O20, B10.O20, and OcB mice identified groups of strains with distinct patterns of response. This data shows that two main types of genes influence MLR: 1. structural genes for major and minor alloantigens and 2. genes regulating T-cell receptor signal transduction or mediating costimulatory signals by antigen-presenting cells.  相似文献   

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