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Molecular ecology of hydrothermal vent microbial communities   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimneys harbor a high diversity of largely unknown microorganisms. Although the phylogenetic diversity of these microorganisms has been described previously, the adaptation and metabolic potential of the microbial communities is only beginning to be revealed. A pyrosequencing approach was used to directly obtain sequences from a fosmid library constructed from a black smoker chimney 4143-1 in the Mothra hydrothermal vent field at the Juan de Fuca Ridge. A total of 308 034 reads with an average sequence length of 227 bp were generated. Comparative genomic analyses of metagenomes from a variety of environments by two-way clustering of samples and functional gene categories demonstrated that the 4143-1 metagenome clustered most closely with that from a carbonate chimney from Lost City. Both are highly enriched in genes for mismatch repair and homologous recombination, suggesting that the microbial communities have evolved extensive DNA repair systems to cope with the extreme conditions that have potential deleterious effects on the genomes. As previously reported for the Lost City microbiome, the metagenome of chimney 4143-1 exhibited a high proportion of transposases, implying that horizontal gene transfer may be a common occurrence in the deep-sea vent chimney biosphere. In addition, genes for chemotaxis and flagellar assembly were highly enriched in the chimney metagenomes, reflecting the adaptation of the organisms to the highly dynamic conditions present within the chimney walls. Reconstruction of the metabolic pathways revealed that the microbial community in the wall of chimney 4143-1 was mainly fueled by sulfur oxidation, putatively coupled to nitrate reduction to perform inorganic carbon fixation through the Calvin–Benson–Bassham cycle. On the basis of the genomic organization of the key genes of the carbon fixation and sulfur oxidation pathways contained in the large genomic fragments, both obligate and facultative autotrophs appear to be present and contribute to biomass production.  相似文献   

The ultramafic-hosted Logatchev hydrothermal field (LHF) is characterized by vent fluids, which are enriched in dissolved hydrogen and methane compared with fluids from basalt-hosted systems. Thick sediment layers in LHF are partly covered by characteristic white mats. In this study, these sediments were investigated in order to determine biogeochemical processes and key organisms relevant for primary production. Temperature profiling at two mat-covered sites showed a conductive heating of the sediments. Elemental sulfur was detected in the overlying mat and metal-sulfides in the upper sediment layer. Microprofiles revealed an intensive hydrogen sulfide flux from deeper sediment layers. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that filamentous and vibrioid, Arcobacter-related Epsilonproteobacteria dominated the overlying mats. This is in contrast to sulfidic sediments in basalt-hosted fields where mats of similar appearance are composed of large sulfur-oxidizing Gammaproteobacteria. Epsilonproteobacteria (7-21%) and Deltaproteobacteria (20-21%) were highly abundant in the surface sediment layer. The physiology of the closest cultivated relatives, revealed by comparative 16S rRNA sequence analysis, was characterized by the capability to metabolize sulfur components. High sulfate reduction rates as well as sulfide depleted in (34)S further confirmed the importance of the biogeochemical sulfur cycle. In contrast, methane was found to be of minor relevance for microbial life in mat-covered surface sediments. Our data indicate that in conductively heated surface sediments microbial sulfur cycling is the driving force for bacterial biomass production although ultramafic-hosted systems are characterized by fluids with high levels of dissolved methane and hydrogen.  相似文献   

In situ microbial ecology of hydrothermal vent sediments   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Abstract Lipid analysis of a preliminary sampling of the Endeavor Ridge hydrothermal vent site was performed in order to estimate the extent and nature of the diversity of the microbial community. The vent microbial community was found to be highly variable in density and composition. Evidence was found for a dense microbial community of archaebacteria and possibly Thiobacilli in the interior of the flange of a black smoker, a red Beggiatoa -type colony in a sediment sample, and large amounts of polyenoic fatty acids of the type previously found in barophilic eubacteria. Lipid analysis provided a 'snapshot' of the in situ biomass, community structure, and metabolic status of the microbial community, a valuable addition to the techniques available to the microbial ecologist.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial archaeal colonization of hydrothermal vent deposits   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thermocouple arrays were deployed on two deep-sea hydrothermal vents at Guaymas Basin (27 degrees 0.5'N, 111 degrees 24.5'W) in order to measure in situ temperatures at which microorganisms colonize the associated mineral deposits. Intact sections of three structures that formed around the arrays were collected after 4 and 72 day deployments (named BM4, BM72 and TS72). Archaeal diversity associated with discreet subsamples collected across each deposit was determined by polymerase chain reaction amplification of 16S rRNA genes. Spatial differences in archaeal diversity were observed in all deposits and appeared related to in situ temperature. In BM4, no 16S rRNA genes were detected beyond about 1.5 cm within the sample (> 200 degrees C). Phylotypes detected on the outside of this deposit belong to taxonomic groups containing mesophiles and (hyper)thermophiles, whereas only putative hyperthermophiles were detected 1.5 cm inside the structure (approximately 110 degrees C). In contrast, the more moderate thermal gradient recorded across TS72 was associated with a deeper colonization (2-3 cm inside the deposit) of putative hyperthermophilic phylotypes. Although our study does not provide a precise assessment of the highest temperature for the existence of microbial habitats inside the deposits, archaeal 16S rRNA genes were detected directly next to thermocouples that measured 110 degrees C (Methanocaldococcus spp. in BM4) and 116 degrees C (Desulfurococcaceae in TS72). The successive array deployments conducted at the Broken Mushroom (BM) site also revealed compositional differences in archaeal communities associated with immature (BM4) and mature chimneys (BM72) formed by the same fluids. These differences suggest a temporal transition in the primary carbon sources used by the archaeal communities, with potential CO(2)/H(2) methanogens prevalent in BM4 being replaced by possible methylotroph or acetoclastic methanogens and heterotrophs in BM72. This study is the first direct assessment of in situ conditions experienced by microorganisms inhabiting actively forming hydrothermal deposits at different stages of structure development.  相似文献   

Compared to terrestrial and shallow-water habitats, deep-sea hydrothermal vents are unique environments characterized by their local insularity, global distribution, individual ephemerality, collective geological longevity, geochemical homogeneity, and their physical and energetic isolation from the catastrophic events implicated in the extinction and speciation of terrestrial and shallow-water forms. Development of vent communities has thus occurred in novel biogeographical contexts that challenge our ability to understand evolutionary processes in the deep sea. Recent field work by French, Canadian, German, Japanese and American scientists has revealed intriguing patterns in the taxonomic composition and distribution of vent organisms at geographically disjunct study sites.  相似文献   

DNA sequencing technology has proven very valuable for analysing the microbiota of poorly accessible ecosystems such as hydrothermal vents. Using a combination of amplicon and shotgun sequencing of small-subunit rRNA and its gene, we examined the composition and diversity of microbial communities from the recently discovered Jan Mayen vent field, located on Mohn's Ridge in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. The communities were dominated by the epsilonproteobacterial genera Sulfurimonas and Sulfurovum. These are mesophiles involved in sulphur metabolism and typically found in vent fluid mixing zones. Composition and diversity predictions differed systematically between extracted DNA and RNA samples as well as between amplicon and shotgun sequencing. These differences were more substantial than those between two biological replicates. Amplicon vs. shotgun sequencing differences could be explained to a large extent by bias introduced during PCR, caused by preferential primer-template annealing, while DNA vs. RNA differences were thought to be caused by differences between the activity levels of taxa. Further, predicted diversity from RNA samples was consistently lower than that from DNA. In summary, this study illustrates how different methods can provide complementary ecological insights.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of local fluid geochemistry on microbial communities associated with active hydrothermal vent deposits, we examined the archaeal and bacterial communities of 12 samples collected from two very different vent fields: the basalt-hosted Lucky Strike (37°17'N, 32°16.3'W, depth 1600-1750 m) and the ultramafic-hosted Rainbow (36°13'N, 33°54.1'W, depth 2270-2330 m) vent fields along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Using multiplexed barcoded pyrosequencing of the variable region 4 (V4) of the 16S rRNA genes, we show statistically significant differences between the archaeal and bacterial communities associated with the different vent fields. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays of the functional gene diagnostic for methanogenesis (mcrA), as well as geochemical modelling to predict pore fluid chemistries within the deposits, support the pyrosequencing observations. Collectively, these results show that the less reduced, hydrogen-poor fluids at Lucky Strike limit colonization by strict anaerobes such as methanogens, and allow for hyperthermophilic microaerophiles, like Aeropyrum. In contrast, the hydrogen-rich reducing vent fluids at the ultramafic-influenced Rainbow vent field support the prevalence of methanogens and other hydrogen-oxidizing thermophiles at this site. These results demonstrate that biogeographical patterns of hydrothermal vent microorganisms are shaped in part by large scale geological and geochemical processes.  相似文献   

The intact polar lipid (IPL) composition of twelve hydrothermal vent deposits from the Rainbow (RHF) and Lucky Strike hydrothermal fields (LSHF) has been investigated in order to assess its utility as a proxy for microbial community composition associated with deep‐sea hydrothermal locations. Gene‐based culture‐independent surveys of the microbial populations of the same vent deposits have shown that microbial populations are different in the two locations and appear to be controlled by the geochemical and geological processes that drive hydrothermal circulation. Large differences in the IPL composition between these two sites are evident. In the ultramafic‐hosted RHF, mainly archaeal‐IPLs were identified, including those known to be produced by hyperthermophilic Euryarchaeota. More specifically, polyglycosyl derivatives of archaeol and macrocyclic archaeol indicate the presence of hyperthermophilic methanogenic archaea in the vent deposits, which are related to members of the Methanocaldococcaceae or Methanococcaceae. In contrast, bacterial IPLs dominate IPL distributions from LSHF, suggesting that bacteria are more predominant at LSHF than at RHF. Bacterial Diacyl glycerol (DAG) IPLs containing phosphocholine, phosphoethanolamine or phosphoglycerol head groups were identified at both vent fields. In some vent deposits from LSHF ornithine lipids and IPLs containing phosphoaminopentanetetrol head groups were also observed. By comparison with previously characterized bacterial communities at the sites, it is likely the DAG‐IPLs observed derive from Epsilon‐ and Gammaproteobacteria. Variation in the relative amounts of archaeal versus bacterial IPLs appears to indicate differences in the microbial community between vent sites. Overall, IPL distributions appear to be consistent with gene‐based surveys.  相似文献   

The latest publications on the phylogenetic and functional diversity of thermophilic prokaryotes inhabiting thermal deep-sea environments are reviewed. Along with general physicochemical characterization of the biotope studied, certain adaptation mechanisms are discussed that are peculiar to the microorganisms inhabiting it. A separate chapter addresses phylogenetic analysis of deep-sea hydrothermal microbial communities and uncultivated microorganisms recently discovered therein using molecular biological techniques. Physiological groups of thermophilic microorganisms found in deep-sea hydrotherms are considered: methanogens, sulfate-, iron-, and sulfur-reducers, aerobic hydrogen-oxidizing prokaryotes, aerobic and anaerobic organotrophs. In most cases, the isolates represent novel taxa.  相似文献   

Defining biogeographic provinces to understand the history and evolution of communities associated with a given kind of ecosystem is challenging and usually requires a priori assumptions to be made. We applied network theory, a holistic and exploratory method, to the most complete database of faunal distribution available on oceanic hydrothermal vents, environments which support fragmented and unstable ecosystems, to infer the processes driving their worldwide biogeography. Besides the identification of robust provinces, the network topology allowed us to identify preferential pathways that had hitherto been overlooked. These pathways are consistent with the previously proposed hypothesis of a role of plate tectonics in the biogeographical history of hydrothermal vent communities. A possible ancestral position of the Western Pacific is also suggested for the first time. Finally, this work provides an innovative example of the potential of network tools to unravel the biogeographic history of faunal assemblages and to supply comprehensive information for the conservation and management of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Since deep-sea hydrothermal vent fluids are enriched with toxic metals, it was hypothesized that (i) the biota in the vicinity of a vent is adapted to life in the presence of toxic metals and (ii) metal toxicity is modulated by the steep physical-chemical gradients that occur when anoxic, hot fluids are mixed with cold oxygenated seawater. We collected bacterial biomass at different distances from a diffuse flow vent at 9 degrees N on the East Pacific Rise and tested these hypotheses by examining the effect of mercuric mercury [Hg(II)] on vent bacteria. Four of six moderate thermophiles, most of which were vent isolates belonging to the genus Alcanivorax, and six of eight mesophiles from the vent plume were resistant to >10 microM Hg(II) and reduced it to elemental mercury [Hg(0)]. However, four psychrophiles that were isolated from a nearby inactive sulfide structure were Hg(II) sensitive. A neighbor-joining tree constructed from the deduced amino acids of a PCR-amplified fragment of merA, the gene encoding the mercuric reductase (MR), showed that sequences obtained from the vent moderate thermophiles formed a unique cluster (bootstrap value, 100) in the MR phylogenetic tree, which expanded the known diversity of this locus. The temperature optimum for Hg(II) reduction by resting cells and MR activity in crude cell extracts of a vent moderate thermophile corresponded to its optimal growth temperature, 45 degrees C. However, the optimal temperature for activity of the MR encoded by transposon Tn501 was found to be 55 to 65 degrees C, suggesting that, in spite of its original isolation from a mesophile, this MR is a thermophilic enzyme that may represent a relic of early evolution in high-temperature environments. Results showing that there is enrichment of Hg(II) resistance among vent bacteria suggest that these bacteria have an ecological role in mercury detoxification in the vent environment and, together with the thermophilicity of MR, point to geothermal environments as a likely niche for the evolution of bacterial mercury resistance.  相似文献   

The distribution of microorganisms in the subsurfaces of hydrothermal vents was investigated by using subvent rock core samples. Microbial cells and ATP were detected from cores taken at depths of less than 99.4 and 44.8 m below the seafloor (mbsf), respectively. Cores from various depths were incubated anaerobically with a heterotrophic medium. Growth at 60 and 90 degrees C was ascribed to a Geobacillus sp. in the 448.6- to 99.4-mbsf cores and a Deinococcus sp. in the 64.8- to 128.9-mbsf cores, respectively, based on the 16S ribosomal DNA analysis.  相似文献   

Lipids from a thermophilic methanogen and the associated hydrothermal vent sediment (Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California) were analyzed by gas chrmotography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC). The neutral lipids of the thermophilic methagonen consisted of straight chain alkanes (nC22 to nC36), with nC24, nC28, nC32 and nC36 predominating and C25, C30 and C35-isoprenoids and hydroisoprenoids. The squalene (C30) series was the most abundant (95.6%). The backbone structure of the novel C35-isoprenouds was tentatively identified as 2,6,10,14,19,23,27-heptamethyloctacosane. Polar lipids of the thermophilic methanogen were analyzed by SFC and consisted fo diphytanyl glyceril diether (61.6%), macrocyclic glycerol diether (15.3%), dibiphytanyl diglycerol tetraether (11.8%) and an unidentified component (11.4%).Biomarker analysis of the Guaymas Basin sediment revealed the presence of small amounts of polyunsaturated C30-isoprenoids, with a distribution similar to the C30-isoprenoids of the thermophilic methanogen. In addition, the sediment contained ‘free’ diphytanyl glycerol diether as predominant ether lipid. Low levels of polar ether lipids, indicative of ‘active’ archaebacteria, were also detected. Results suggest that Guaymas Basin sediment recently contained active microbial populations with a lipid profile similar to the isolated thermophilic methanogen.  相似文献   

Since the first discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the Galápagos Rift in 1977, numerous vent sites and endemic faunal assemblages have been found along mid-ocean ridges and back-arc basins at low to mid latitudes. These discoveries have suggested the existence of separate biogeographic provinces in the Atlantic and the North West Pacific, the existence of a province including the South West Pacific and Indian Ocean, and a separation of the North East Pacific, North East Pacific Rise, and South East Pacific Rise. The Southern Ocean is known to be a region of high deep-sea species diversity and centre of origin for the global deep-sea fauna. It has also been proposed as a gateway connecting hydrothermal vents in different oceans but is little explored because of extreme conditions. Since 2009 we have explored two segments of the East Scotia Ridge (ESR) in the Southern Ocean using a remotely operated vehicle. In each segment we located deep-sea hydrothermal vents hosting high-temperature black smokers up to 382.8°C and diffuse venting. The chemosynthetic ecosystems hosted by these vents are dominated by a new yeti crab (Kiwa n. sp.), stalked barnacles, limpets, peltospiroid gastropods, anemones, and a predatory sea star. Taxa abundant in vent ecosystems in other oceans, including polychaete worms (Siboglinidae), bathymodiolid mussels, and alvinocaridid shrimps, are absent from the ESR vents. These groups, except the Siboglinidae, possess planktotrophic larvae, rare in Antarctic marine invertebrates, suggesting that the environmental conditions of the Southern Ocean may act as a dispersal filter for vent taxa. Evidence from the distinctive fauna, the unique community structure, and multivariate analyses suggest that the Antarctic vent ecosystems represent a new vent biogeographic province. However, multivariate analyses of species present at the ESR and at other deep-sea hydrothermal vents globally indicate that vent biogeography is more complex than previously recognised.  相似文献   

The structure of the exopolysaccharide produced under laboratory conditions by Vibrio diabolicus, a bacterium recovered from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent, has been investigated using sugar and methylation analysis and NMR spectroscopy. The polysaccharide consists of a linear tetrasaccharide repeating unit with the following structure. -->3)-beta-D-Glcp Nac-(1-->4)-beta-D-Glcp A-(1-->4)-beta-D-Glcp A-(1-->4)-alpha-D-Galp NAc-(1-->  相似文献   

Although numerous studies have investigated changes in soil microbial communities across space, questions about the temporal variability in these communities and how this variability compares across soils have received far less attention. We collected soils on a monthly basis (May to November) from replicated plots representing three land-use types (conventional and reduced-input row crop agricultural plots and early successional grasslands) maintained at a research site in Michigan, USA. Using barcoded pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, we found that the agricultural and early successional land uses harbored unique soil bacterial communities that exhibited distinct temporal patterns. α-Diversity, the numbers of taxa or lineages, was significantly influenced by the sampling month with the temporal variability in α-diversity exceeding the variability between land-use types. In contrast, differences in community composition across land-use types were reasonably constant across the 7-month period, suggesting that the time of sampling is less important when assessing β-diversity patterns. Communities in the agricultural soils were most variable over time and the changes were significantly correlated with soil moisture and temperature. Temporal shifts in bacterial community composition within the successional grassland plots were less predictable and are likely a product of complex interactions between the soil environment and the more diverse plant community. Temporal variability needs to be carefully assessed when comparing microbial diversity across soil types and the temporal patterns in microbial community structure can not necessarily be generalized across land uses, even if those soils are exposed to the same climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Metagenomic analyses of viruses have revealed widespread diversity in the viriosphere, but it remains a challenge to identify specific hosts for a viral assemblage. To address this problem, we analyze the viral metagenome of a northeast Pacific hydrothermal vent with a comprehensive database of spacers derived from the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) putative immune system. CRISPR spacer matches to the marine vent virome suggest that viruses infecting hosts from diverse taxonomic groups are present in this vent environment. Comparative virome analyses show that CRISPR spacers from vent isolates and from thermophiles in general have a higher percentage of matches to the vent virome than to other marine or terrestrial hot spring viromes. However, a high percentage of hits to spacers from mesophilic hosts, combined with a moderately high modeled alpha diversity, suggest that the marine vent virome is comprised of viruses that have the potential to infect diverse taxonomic groups of multiple thermal regimes in both the bacterial and the archaeal domains.  相似文献   

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