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BACKGROUND: Mice homozygous for a loss-of-function mutation of the recombination-activating gene-2 (RAG 2), which is required for the rearrangement of antigen receptor genes, do not produce mature B and T lymphocytes. But chimeric mice that result from injection of normal embryonic stem (ES) cells into blastocysts from RAG2-deficient mice develop normal mature lymphocyte populations, all of which are derived from the injected ES cells; we have called this process RAG2-deficient blastocyst complementation. Using ES cells with homozygous mutations, RAG-2-deficient blastocyst complementation could provide a physiological assay with which to determine the potential role of almost any gene in the development and/or function of lymphocytes. To test the general utility of this system, we have used it to test the differentiation-potential of ES cells that harbor homozygous loss-of function mutations of their retinoblastoma susceptibility (Rb) gene loci. We chose Rb for this analysis because of its widespread function in the control of the cell cycle and cell differentiation, the adverse effect of homozygous germline mutations of Rb on hematopoiesis in fetal liver, and the embryonic lethality that results when the homozygous Rb mutation is introduced into the germline. RESULTS: Homozygous Rb mutant ES cells can develop into phenotypically normal, mature B and T lymphocytes in the RAG-2-deficient background. Strikingly, Rb-deficient B and T cells do not have major defects in either activation or function. CONCLUSION: We have demonstrated the efficacy of the RAG-2-deficient blastocyst complementation system for evaluating the role of critical genes in lymphocyte development. Our results indicate that Rb expression is not intrinsically required for B-cell or T-cell function, despite the normally high levels of Rb expressed in lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

A series of T and B lymphocyte specific monoclonal antibodies was used to determine the localization of lymphocyte subpopulation in frozen and paraffin tissue sections of human normal tonsil and lymph node by means of immunocytochemical technique. In the paracortical and interfollicular area of tonsil and lymph node, most lymphocytes reacted with Leu 1, Leu 3 a, Leu 4 and OKT4. The numbers of Leu 2 a and OKT8 positive cells were rare in tissue. These cells were not only limited in paracortical area, they also appeared in considerable numbers in medullary cords of lymph nodes. Leu 2 a and OKT 8 positive cells decreased with prominent follicular hyperplasia of tonsils. In addition, substantial leu 3 a and Leu 4 cells were found in the germinal centers. This finding supports the importance of these lymphocyte subsets in regulation of human immune response. In the mantle zone of secondary follicles, the majority of lymphocytes were positive for OKB 2 and BA 1, whereas, the IgM positive cells were predominately observed in the cytoplasma and extracellular substance of B lymphocytes in the germinal centers, but the lymphocytes bearing sIgM were rarely observed. In the mantle zone, the IgM were frequently found on the surface of membrane of small lymphocytes, however, the staining intensity was much than that in the germinal centers.  相似文献   

Cell electrophoresis allows separation of normal human blood lymphocytes into two main groups which are a function of their relative rates of migration, with regard to the reference speed (1 mum.sec.-1V-1.cm): the lymphocytes which have a greater mobility than this value seem to be T-lymphocytes (80,1 per cent for 42 healthy adults); on the contrary, B-lymphocytes have an inferior mobility (19,9 per cent). Two known methods are used for the selection of the lymphoid populations: spontaneous rosetting with sheep's red blood cells, which are characteristic of T lymphocytes, and adherence to nylon wool columns, which is dominant in the case of B-lymphocytes. This method confirms the fact that T-lymphocytes have a rapid migration and B-lymphocytes a slow migration. We have isolated a third population, having neither the T markers, nor the B markers. It has a very homogeneous migration, centered on the two classes 1,05 and 1,10 mum.sec.-1.V.-1.cm.  相似文献   

Tubulin has been purified from human blood and tonsil lymphocytes. Using gel filtration, the molecular weight of human lymphocyte tubulin was estimated to be 119 000. The proteins was shown to consist of two subunits, with molecular weights of 61 000 and 58 000 comparable to the α and β polypeptides of human brain tubulin. A partial identity reaction was observed between lymphocyte tubulin and human tubulin when tested by double immunodiffusion against a rabbit anti-human brain tubulin antibody. In the presence of GTP, the purified protein polymerized to form microtubules. Tubulin was localized to the cell's juxtacentriolar region by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. When assayed by a colchicine-binding assay corrected for time decay, the binding affinity was 1.50 ± 0.86 · 106M?1 and a level in normal lymphocytes of 1.21 · 10?2 ± 0.79 g/g of soluble protein was determined. Since chronic lymphocytic leukemia lymphocytes have an anomalous capping behavior as well as an unusual susceptibility to colchicine toxicity, the properties and levels of tubulin were determined in these cells. Similar values were obtained for the level, decay rate, molecular weight, and Ka for colchicine as for normal lymphocytes. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia lymphocyte tubulin polymerized in a normal fashion. It thus appears that a decrease in the quantity or function of tubulin does not account for these anomalies in the chronic lymphocytic leukemia lymphocyte.  相似文献   

The use of cell surface antigens to characterise embryonic stem (ES) cells, and to monitor their differentiation, has had a long history, stretching back to the early studies of differentiation antigens in the haematopoietic system, and their application to teratocarcinomas and embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells in the laboratory mouse. A wide series of such antigens, which include both glycolipids and glycoproteins are now extensively used in studies of human ES cells. Many of these were first identified using both mouse and human EC cells, although the cell surface antigen phenotype of human EC and ES cells has proved to be significantly different from that of murine EC and ES cells.  相似文献   

Exosomes are nano-sized membrane vesicles released from a wide variety of cells, formed in endosomes by inward budding of the endosomal limiting membrane. They have immune stimulatory-, inhibitory-, or tolerance-inducing effects, depending on their cellular origin, which is why they are investigated for use in vaccine and immune therapeutic strategies. In this study, we explored whether exosomes of different origins and functions can selectively target different immune cells in human peripheral blood. Flow cytometry, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and multispectral imaging flow cytometry (ImageStream) revealed that exosomes derived from human monocyte-derived dendritic cells and breast milk preferably associated with monocytes. In contrast, exosomes from an EBV-transformed B cell line (LCL1) preferentially targeted B cells. This was not observed for an EBV(-) B cell line (BJAB). Electron microscopy, size-distribution analysis (NanoSight), and a cord blood transformation assay excluded the presence of virions in our LCL1 exosome preparations. The interaction between LCL1-derived exosomes and peripheral blood B cells could be blocked efficiently by anti-CD21 or anti-gp350, indicating an interaction between CD21 on B cells and the EBV glycoprotein gp350 on exosomes. The targeting of LCL1-derived exosomes through gp350-CD21 interaction strongly inhibited EBV infection in B cells isolated from umbilical cord blood, suggesting a protective role for exosomes in regulating EBV infection. Our finding also suggests that exosome-based vaccines can be engineered for specific B cell targeting by inducing gp350 expression.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of EBV-transformable human B lymphocyte populations   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Although most human B cells express receptors for Epstein Barr virus (EBV), few (usually less than 1%) are readily transformed into B lymphoblastoid cell lines after exposure to EBV. Transformable cells previously have been found to be mostly resting B lymphocytes. We recently developed a limiting dilution culture system which permits the growth of EBV-transformed B lymphocytes with high efficiency. Because in this system up to over 30% of peripheral blood- or tonsil-derived B cells respond to EBV, we re-examined the properties of EBV-transformable cells. Frequencies of transformable lymphocytes were determined by Poisson analysis. EBV-susceptible B cells committed to IgM, IgG, or IgA secretion were found to occur in the range of 3 to 27, 0.1 to 6, and 0.1 to 5 per 100 B cells, respectively. Under our culture conditions, a major proportion of the IgM-committed cells derived from large lymphocytes which appeared to have entered the cell cycle. This population contains most of the EBV-responsive cells detected and, therefore, most of the additional cells responding in our culture system. In contrast, precursors of IgG- or IgA-producing lymphoblast lines were small cells with DNA contents typical for the G0/G1 phases of the cell cycle. Anti-immunoglobulin antibodies were used in panning experiments to separate B cell subpopulations which expressed different immunoglobulin isotypes on their surface. In limiting dilution cultures of these purified B lymphocytes subsets, it was found that virtually all precursors of IgM-producing cell lines expressed surface IgM (sIgM) before their infection and transformation by EBV. The "cloning efficiency" of positively selected, large sIgM+ cells approached 100%. In contrast, sIgG or sIgA were found only on cells committed to the production of IgG or IgA, respectively. The expression of sIgD was examined by using sequential panning procedures. Virtually all IgM-committed lymphocytes and a subset of cells committed to IgA secretion were found among the sIgD+ cells. The majority of cells committed to IgA production and all IgG-committed cells were found in the sIgD- B cell population. Our findings indicate that the EBV-susceptible B cell subset of normal lymphocytes is heterogeneous with respect to cell size, cell cycle, sIg determinants, and efficiency of transformation. On the basis of our findings and previous reports, we propose a model in which transformability is a B cell-inherent property. Factors unrelated to the virus but present in our culture system appear responsible for the enhanced vulnerability to viral transformation in some cells which entered into the cell cycle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The antituinor agent 1,3 bis (2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) has been studied in order to determine its effect on thymic and splenic T and B lymphocytes in normal and immunosuppressed BALB/c mice. Utilizing indirect immunofluorescence and lymphocyte proliferation studies we detected an initial reduction of splenic T and B cells as a result of the administration of an optimal dose, 30 mg/kg, of BCNU. The population dynamics of the thymic lymphocytes are totally different in their mitogenic reactivity than that of the splenic lymphocytes. An initial decline in the PHA and LPS-sensitive splenic lymphocytes of BCNU-treated mice was temporary. However, there was no return to normal levels detected for the Con A-sensitive splenic lymphocytes. On the other hand, the PHA-sensitive thymic lymphocytes of BCNU-treated mice not only failed to repopulate but were totally depleted by the tenth day.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis of metaphase chromosome spreads from peripheral blood cells of hepatitis B virus (HBV) chronic carriers revealed supernumerary marker chromosomes in 2 of the 46 individuals tested. Both individuals are phenotypically normal oriental males, and exhibit mosaicism with a 46,XY/47,XY,+mar/ 48,XY,+2mar profile in one, and a 46,XY/47,XY,+mar profile in other. Based on the reported frequency of unidentified supernumerary chromosomes (12,500) in 377,357 amniocentesis samples, the frequency seen (123) in the population of HBV chronic carriers sampled here appears unusually high. The possibility of a role for HBV in the generation of marker chromosomes is discussed.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that the transmembrane form of IgM on murine and human B lymphocytes is physically associated with at least two proteins, forming a disulfide-linked dimer, which may control cell surface expression of IgM and also play a role in signal transduction after Ag binding (by analogy with the TCR-associated CD3 components in T lymphocytes). We have used mAb and polyclonal antibodies against an intracytoplasmic epitope on one of these polypeptides (previously identified in murine B cells as the product of the B cell specific mb-1 gene) to study the distribution of the IgM-associated dimer in human cells. By immunocytochemical staining of normal and neoplastic B cells, we show that the human mb-1 protein appears early in B cell differentiation, probably before expression of cytoplasmic mu-chain, and persists until the plasma cell stage, where it is seen as an intracytoplasmic component. According to immunohistologic analysis of reactive lymphoid tissue and lymphoma samples, mb-1 protein is completely B cell specific. Anti-mb-1 also labels B cell areas in tissues from seven different mammalian species. Finally, the Ig-associated dimer could be isolated from human hairy-cell leukemia cells in high purity and yield by affinity chromatography using anti-mb-1 antibody. Mice immunized with this material have produced a strong polyclonal response, so that it should now be possible to prepare a panel of new mAb reactive with different epitopes on both mb-1 and on its associated polypeptide(s).  相似文献   

To determine whether EBV affects phosphoinositide kinase activities of human B cells, we compared the activities between EBV- and EBV+ human B cell lymphoma lines. The two types of human B cells contained both phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) 4-kinase and phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PtdIns(4)P) kinase activities irrespective of the presence of EBV. However, both activities were increased in EBV+ cells compared to EBV- cells. The increases were associated with neither altered Km values for substrates nor altered elution profiles in DEAE-cellulose chromatography. Furthermore, expression of a latent EBV protein, EBV nuclear Ag1 (EBNA1) in BHK cells by the transfection of EBNA1 DNA was accompanied by increased PtdIns 4-kinase and PtdIns(4)P kinase activities. These increases also were not associated with altered Km values for substrates. However, phospholipase C activity was altered in neither EBV+ cells nor in EBNA1-expressing cells. These results indicate that EBV selectively increases the two phosphoinositide kinase activities in human B cells, although the viral gene product has no intrinsic phosphoinositide kinase activity. PtdIns 4-kinase and PtdIns(4)P kinase cooperatively synthesize PtdIns 4,5-bisphosphate, the major source of 1,2-diacylglycerol and inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate, the two second messengers in transducing signals for cell activation. Such increase therefore may play a role in EBV-induced human B cell activation.  相似文献   

Mononuclear cells (MNC) from the blood of healthy individuals cannot be stimulated in vitro with the soluble autoantigen thyroglobulin (Tg). However, when Tg or pepsin fragments of Tg were coupled with a carrier protein, tetanus toxoid (TT), MNC from four healthy TT vaccinated individuals responded to the carrier-autoantigen conjugates by generating anti-Tg antibody forming cells (AFC), as shown in a spot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Generation of anti-TT and anti-Tg AFC after stimulation with the conjugates required the donors to be boostered with TT. The autoantibodies were exclusively of the IgM class, in contrast to the carrier-specific anti-TT antibodies, which were predominantly of the IgG isotype. Activation of normal B cells to anti-Tg production was dependent on the presence of T cells in the cultures and required physical linkage of carrier and autoantigen: no anti-Tg AFC could be detected when MNC were stimulated with uncoupled combinations of Tg and TT. The autoreactive and the carrier-reactive B cells exhibited almost identical conjugate dose-response profiles, which suggest that they responded in a similar way to regulatory signals. These findings indicate that normal blood B cells are competent to respond to the autoantigen Tg in conjunction with signals originating from xeno-antigen-stimulated T cells.  相似文献   

We have analysed the transcribed immunoglobulin kappa (IGK) repertoire of peripheral blood B cells from four individuals from two genetically distinct populations, Papua New Guinean and Australian, using high-throughput DNA sequencing. The depth of sequencing data for each individual averaged 5,548 high-quality IGK reads, and permitted genotyping of the inferred IGKV and IGKJ germline gene segments for each individual. All individuals were homozygous at each IGKJ locus and had highly similar inferred IGKV genotypes. Preferential gene usage was seen at both the IGKV and IGKJ loci, but only IGKV segment usage varied significantly between individuals. Despite the differences in IGKV gene utilisation, the rearranged IGK repertoires showed extensive identity at the amino acid level. Public rearrangements (those shared by two or more individuals) made up 60.2% of the total sequenced IGK rearrangements. The total diversity of IGK rearrangements of each individual was estimated to range from just 340 to 549 unique amino acid sequences. Thus, the repertoire of unique expressed IGK rearrangements is dramatically less than previous theoretical estimates of IGK diversity, and the majority of expressed IGK rearrangements are likely to be extensively shared in individual human beings.  相似文献   

During the last few years a number of experimental evidences have shown the presence of Fc receptors for IgG or IgM on the membrane of human T cells. These two different receptors are detectable and mutually exclusive on distinct cell populations named respectively TG, TM and T "null" (which lack detectable receptors). Studies on the functional activities of these cells have shown that TM and TG lymphocytes play an antitetical role in regulating B cell response, TM exerting an "helper" activity on the differentiation of B lymphocytes while TG having a "suppressor" one. The aim of this study has been to determine the values of these two subpopulations in a group of twenty control subjects. Our results have shown that TG constitute 10%, whereas TM represent 40% of the total T cells. After EA-G rosetting, the purification of this subpopulation on a density gradient has shown an enrichment of more than 90% in TG cells, while TM contaminate this fraction for less than 4%. The purity of the fraction containing TM has been evaluated using the localization of alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase activity, which has shown that more than 88% of the cells in this fraction are positive for this enzyme.  相似文献   

The authors have studied in particular hepatitis B virus markers and the ratio of OKT4+/OKT8+ cells in two subgroups of 52 deprived asymptomatic drug addicts. In the group 1 (deprived for 19 days on an average), 52% of the subjects showed a ratio of OKT4+/OKT8+ less than 1, whereas in the group 2 (deprived for 30 months on an average), this percentage is only of 25%. HBV markers were present in 90% of the subjects in each group. We would like to point out the high frequency of the anti-HBc positivity without other markers in these two groups, respectively 20% in the group 1 and 32% in the group 2. These results emphasize the interest in screening systematically this marker in all blood donors.  相似文献   

Several reports have indicated that Factor H has specific effects on certain cell populations, suggesting that Factor H receptors may exist. Lambris & Ross [(1982) J. Exp. Med. 155, 1400-1411] purified a protein from Raji B-lymphoblastoid cell culture supernatants, using Factor H-Sepharose affinity chromatography. This species appeared to consist of two disulphide-linked components each of Mr 50,000, with an additional 50,000-Mr chain attached non-covalently. The existence of cell-surface Factor H-binding proteins has now been re-investigated with 125I surface-labelled Raji and tonsil B cells. Non-ionic-detergent extracts of the cells, in 0.1% Nonidet P40/10 mM-sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, were incubated with Factor H-Sepharose in the presence of proteinase inhibitors. After the beads had been washed, bound components were eluted with 50 mM-NaCl. A single radioactive species was eluted from the resin, which migrates identically with Factor H (apparent Mr 170,000) in SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis under reducing and non-reducing conditions. Biosynthetic radiolabelling studies confirmed that this species was synthesized by Raji cells. Examination of culture supernatants from biosynthetically radiolabelled Raji cells showed again the presence of a single soluble species that bound to Factor H-Sepharose, but this species was of lower Mr (approx. 105,000) than the membrane-derived protein. The soluble form may be produced by proteolysis of the membrane form, or may be of separate origin. The similarity in size of the cell-surface protein to Factor H was initially confusing, but it is distinct from cell-surface Factor H on the basis of three criteria: (1) it is not recognized by anti-(Factor H) monoclonal antibodies MRC OX23 and MRC OX24, nor by polyclonal F(ab')2 anti-(Factor H); (2) it does not bind to Zn2+-chelate resin, whereas Factor H does; (3) cell-surface Factor H present on U937 cells does not bind to Factor H-Sepharose.  相似文献   

We extended our investigations into the genetic requirements and antigen dependence for the induction of polyclonal B lymphocyte proliferation by primed T lymphocytes. By using recombinant inbred mouse strains and antigen-specific T lymphocyte clones that lack alloreactivity, the genetic requirement was mapped to the IA subregion of the MHC. Furthermore, approaches that prevented or limited the accessibility of antigens to the B lymphocyte surface demonstrated that antigen binding onto the B lymphocyte surface was probably not necessary for induction of B lymphocyte proliferation. These experiments suggest strongly that T lymphocyte recognition of B lymphocyte Ia molecules in the absence of sIg cross-linking or in the absence of antigen bound nonspecifically to B lymphocytes can cause cellular activation. Similar T lymphocyte-dependent B lymphocyte activation was seen when Lyb-5- cells from CBA/N mice with the xid defect were cultured. Increases in the number of cells secreting immunoglobulins could be detected in the proliferating B lymphocyte cultures, suggesting that the culture conditions had fulfilled the requirements for B lymphocyte differentiation into antibody-producing cells. Although anti-Ig did not interfere with the B lymphocyte proliferative responses, it did diminish the number of cells secreting immunoglobulins. The implications of these experiments in extending our understanding of the activation pathway of Lyb-5- and Lyb-5+ B lymphocytes are discussed.  相似文献   

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