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At the age of 25 days the TSH-gonadotropin overlap is minimal in rats and extremely high doses of TSH are required to produce gonadotropin-like responses. Although the effect may be due also to some occasional contamination, nevertheless a single treatment of newborn animals (hormonal imprinting) with either hormone augmented the response to a second treatment with either hormone performed at 25 days of age. Newborn rats pretreated with either TSH or gonadotropin were exposed to a second TSH challenge at the age of 25 days exhibited responses which were not commeasurable to those observed after gonadotropin treatment alone. However, the amplifying action of TSH pretreatment with regard to the second response to gonadotropin was comparable or even more apparent than that of gonadotropin pretreatment.  相似文献   

A single gonadotropin treatment of newborn rats influenced the thyrotropin (TSH) provoked thyroxine (T4) production of 2 months old animals. On pretreatment with 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 I.U. of gonadotropin, the T4 blood level of animals given 10 and 200 I.U. differed scarcely from the controls treated only by TSH, while intermediary doses had a damaging effect as the T4 values were well below the control values measured in animals treated by TSH in adulthood.  相似文献   

A single gonadotropin (FSH + LH) treatment of neonatal male rats resulted in depression of sexual activity in adulthood. It appears that not only steroids, but also gonadotropins may alter adult sexual behaviour by a single neonatal exposure. The chemically related hormone thyrotropin (TSH) had a similar, but much less pronounced, effect on adult sexual activity.  相似文献   

At the age of three weeks the experimental animals received either thyrotropin (TSH), or gonadotropin (FSH + LH), or endotoxin (LPS) alone or in combination. The effectivity of the treatments was evaluated at the age of two months (with or without further hormone treatment). Contrastingly to neonatal TSH treatment, TSH treatment at the age of three weeks did not give rise to imprinting. In female animals, however, TSH treatment increased the sensitivity to the related gonadotropin hormone. At the age of three weeks gonadotropin treatment--on its own--did not cause damages to the TSH receptors of the thyroid gland. While in previous experiments neonatal endotoxin treatment damaged considerably the thyroxin production of the adult thyroid gland, after treatments at the age of three weeks no similar effect could be observed. The treatment, however, decreased the sensitivity of the receptors to TSH. In female animals simultaneous administration of endotoxin and TSH led, even without further hormone treatment, to constant increase in T4 level (the increase could also be detected in the adult animal). Imprinting, however, did not develop. In male animals simultaneous administration of endotoxin and gonadotroph hormone decreased considerably the T4 baseline level, and further TSH or gonadotropin treatment was unable to enhance T4 production.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin or TSH treatment of the chick embryo influences the T4 production of the one-month-old animal if TSH is given on a second occasion. Hormone treatment on the 8th day of life was ineffective, while previous treatment of the 12-day-old embryo resulted in a significantly more pronounced elevation of serum T4 level compared to the control when provoked by TSH in the one-month-old animal and a significant reduction in the animals subjected to gonadotropin pretreatment.  相似文献   

We had previously shown that GRP acts directly at the pituitary gland inhibiting basal and TRH-stimulated TSH secretion in adult male rats. In this study we showed a gender dimorphism in this response of old animals pituitaries to GRP. In both female and male young adult animals, GRP-incubated pituitaries showed approximately 50% less basal and TRH-stimulated TSH secretion to the medium, without affecting the pituitary content of TSH. However, GRP did not have any significant effect upon TSH secretion in old male rats, but the old female showed the same degree of response to GRP as the young adult female rat, regarding basal and TRH-stimulated TSH secretion, while the TSH pituitary content after GRP incubation was higher than that of the young female group. Our data suggest a loss of thyrotrope responsiveness to GRP in aged male rats that could contribute to the decrease in TSH pituitary stores leading to lower basal and TRH-stimulated TSH secretion. Meanwhile, the preservation of GRP responsiveness could help in the relative maintenance of these parameters in the old female rat.  相似文献   

Summary Using the immunoperoxidase technique and antisera to the specific beta () subunits of bovine and rat TSH1, selective immunocytochemical staining was localized in a specific cell population in the pars distalis of the dog pituitary gland. These TSH cells were found to be positive to aldehyde fuchsin, alcian blue, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and aniline blue. With the performic acidalcian blue (pH 0.2) -PAS-orange G procedure these cells stained blue-purple, demonstrating FSH/LH cells (blue or turquoise), ACTH/MSH cells (redpurple) and PRL cells (orange-red). The TSH cells were further differentiated from other functional cell types of the pars distalis on the basis of their typical cytological features, intraglandular distribution and by immunocytochemical double staining. In the pars distalis of adult male dogs the TSH cells were mostly shown to be smaller in size and less numerous than in bitches in the anestrous phase of the sexual cycle. Moreover, cytological alterations in the immunoreactive thyrotrophs in the pituitary of male and female dogs generally paralleled the spontaneous changes in thyroid function associated with thyroid atrophy and/or pituitary insufficiency, and thyroid hyperplasia or goiter. In conclusion, because of their specificity and high potency, the antisera to the -subunits of bovine and rat TSH represent an effective tool for the selective immunocytochemical localization of TSH in the dog pituitary. This allows the study of the morphology and function of TSH cells under different physiological, pathological and experimental conditions.Abbreviations for Hormones cited in this Paper ACTH Adrenocorticotropin - FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone - GH Growth Hormone - LH Luteinizing Hormone - MSH Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone - PRL Prolactin - TSH Thyrotropin - TRH TSH Releasing Hormone - CG Chorionic Gonadotropin The authors are grateful to Mrs. B. Schilk and Miss U. Tüshaus for their excellent technical assistance  相似文献   

A synthetic decapeptide, P-194, which has the sequence No. 103 to 111 of hTSH receptor structure with an additional N-terminal tyrosine, did not bind TSH nor affected its receptor binding and thyroid stimulating activity. Preincubation of P-194 with sera from thyroid patients caused a significant decrease in TBII activity in almost all 12 TBII positive sera and an increase of thyroid stimulating activity in 3 of 7 Graves' IgG studied. In addition, [125I] P-194 bound to serum IgG fraction from thyroid patients with a positive correlation with TBII (N = 35, r = 0.509, p less than 0.01). The P-194 portion may be, at least a part of, TBII binding site distinct from the TSH binding site on the TSH receptor.  相似文献   

Summary Two different immunocytochemical techniques based on specific antibodies against -subunits of porcine, rat and bovine TSH were applied at the ultrastructural level to identify the TSH cells in the porcine anterior pituitary and to compare the subcellular localization of the hormone.The post-embedding method on serial ultrathin sections revealed the localization of TSH in the granules of a specific cell type, negative for the other hormones. TSH was found in polyhedral cells characterized (i) by their content of granules that were the smallest of all the cell types examined, and (ii) by their flattened or slightly dilated RER cisternae. The pre-embedding method applied to isolated cells permitted a good penetration of antisera and the maintenance of antigenicity in sites inaccessible to the post-embedding method. Thus, immunoreactivity of TSH was detected in the secretory granules, the cytoplasmic matrix and in portions of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, in association with some membranes and inside some saccular structures.  相似文献   

Four-time 3 micrograms digoxin treatment of male rats at puberty (in six weeks old rats) significantly increased the libido of rats (number of intromissions) and reduced the number of ejaculations, two months after the treatments (in three and a half months old rats). In female rats the Meyerson index and lordosis quotient were not significantly decreased. The experiment calls attention to the wide-ranging imprinting effect of digoxin which was also demonstrated earlier after prenatal (maternal) treatment. The experiment also supports the male sexual potency influencing effect of digoxin treatment, previously supposed in men.  相似文献   

The effect of acute administration of L-DOPA on TSH and TRH levels in serum was studied in primary or pituitary hypothyroidism. TRH levels in serum fell and then returned to initial levels after L-DOPA administration in primary or pituitary hypothyroidism. TSH levels in serum fell and then returned to initial levels after L-DOPA administration in primary hypothyroidism. T4 and T3 levels in serum did not change after L-DOPA administration in primary or pituitary hypothyroidism. These data suggested that L-DOPA might act directly to hypothalamus.  相似文献   

While aging is known to decrease episodic thyrotropin (TSH) secretion in men, no detailed information is available as to age-related alterations in the TSH and prolactin (PRL) release patterns in postmenopausal women (PMW). Accordingly, we compared the TSH and prolactin (PRL) secretory profiles of 6 euthyroid younger PMW (mean age: 53.0 years) with those of 7 euthyroid older PMW (mean age: 80.4 years). In all PMW, blood samples were obtained at 10 minute intervals for 10 hours for serial determinations of TSH and PRL by RIA. While thyroxine (T4) serum concentrations were not different in younger from older PMW, triiodothyronine (T3) levels markedly (p less than 0.05) decreased in older PMW. In both younger and older PMW, TSH and PRL were secreted episodically (by Cluster pulse algorithm), with considerable inter-individual variabilities in either study group. TSH and PRL pulse attributes (interpulse intervals, frequencies, amplitudes) were comparable in younger and older PMW, although a tendency of mean TSH to increase (p = 0.18) was noted for older PMW. Mean TSH and PRL serum concentrations were positively (r = 0.94, p less than 0.01) correlated in older, whereas not in younger PMW. These observations demonstrate that the pulse characteristics of episodic TSH and PRL secretion are preserved in PMW even of old age. However, in view of markedly decreased circulating T3 concentrations and of no substantial change in the TSH pulsatile secretion in older PMW, the negative feedback on the hypothalamic-pituitary unit may be impaired in elderly women.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated immunocytochemical staining for beta chains of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH-beta) in rough endoplasmic reticulum of pituitary cells hypertrophied after thyroidectomy ("thyroidectomy cells") (Moriarty CG(1976): J Histochem Cytochem (24:846; Moriarty GC, Tobin RB (1976): J Histochem Cytochem 24:1140). Here we report the localization of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) in serial sections of the same pituitaries to determine if it could be found at similar sites. No staining for TRH was found in hypertrophied TSH cells formed 42 days after the surgery, or after 14, 34, and 70 days of propylthiouracil (PTU) treatment. The loss in immunostaining in the PTU-treated rats was correlated with radioimmunoassay (RIA) measurements that showed a 65% reduction in anterior pituitary TRH content after 34, 70, and 98 days of PTU treatment (from 22.9--7.8 pg/mg wet wt) and a 50% reduction in TSH content after 34 days of treatment. When thyroxine was administered to hypothyroid rats for 3 days before death, our previous studies had demonstrated intense staining for TSH in granules inside the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In this study, the radioimmunoassay showed that TSH content rose dramatically in the hypothyroid animals treated with PTU for 77 days and thyroxine for 2 days before death (from 8.5--64.1 mU/mg wet wt); however, the rise in TRH content was minimal (5.8--9.8 pg/mg wet wt). The immunocytochemical stain for TRH correlated well with the RIA showing a weak reaction mainly on small granules in the cytoplasm. No reaction for TRH was found in rough endoplasmic reticulum. These results suggest that TRH and TSH storage sites are dissimilar in the hypothyroid rat. The presence of stain for TRH in granules in the cytoplasm suggests that it might play a role in the storage or packaging of TSH. Its absence in profiles of rough endoplasmic reticulum staining intensely for TSH suggests that it is not synthesized at this site. No definite conclusions about its origin can be drawn at this time.  相似文献   

CHO cells repeatedly treated with gonadotropin showed peak division rates after their third exposure and a decrease in the mitotic rate after their fourth exposure. Thyrotropin induced a considerable decrease in the mitotic rate following the first exposure, a significant increase after the second and a further decrease following the third and fourth exposures. The pattern did not differ between the two hormones when the cells were exposed further. The age (density of the cell cultures) had an appreciable influence on hormone-provoked changes in the mitotic rate, this differing only in intensity and never in the response following the initial re-exposure.  相似文献   

To identify the site(s) on the thyrotropin (TSH) receptor that interacts with TSH or thyroid stimulating antibody (TSAb), we examined the effect of the synthetic TSH receptor peptide (termed N2 peptide, No. 35-50) on the cAMP accumulation induced by TSH or TSAb. Preincubation of bovine TSH with N2 peptide resulted in a significant and dose-dependent decrease in cAMP accumulation. This decrease was not observed when bovine TSH was preincubated with P1 peptide, which was used as a control (No. 398-417). In contrast, the N2 peptide did not affect TSAb activity in immunoglobulin fractions from three TSAb-positive patients with Graves' disease. P1 peptide also had no effect on TSAb activity. These results suggest that the N-terminal region of the TSH receptor is important for TSH action, and also that TSAb activity cannot be suppressed only by the application of the synthetic peptide corresponding to the N-terminal region.  相似文献   

Cellular levels of mRNA encoding pro TRH in the rostral paraventricular nucleus are reduced by thyroid hormones. To determine whether this regulatory effect of thyroid hormones requires a functional pituitary gland or, specifically, TSH, we examined the effect of T3 on proTRH mRNA in hypophysectomized, thyro-parathyroidectomized male rats with or without bovine TSH replacement. Hypophysectomy plus thyro-parathyroidectomy reduced serum T4 and TSH to undetectable levels in all animals and elevated TRH mRNA in the paraventricular nucleus over that of sham-operated animals. Eleven consecutive daily injections of T3 significantly reduced TRH mRNA levels in both sham controls and thyro-parathyroidectomized rats. However, 11 daily injections of bovine TSH (1 U/day) failed to alter the effect of T3 on TRH mRNA levels. These results demonstrate that the regulatory influence of thyroid hormones on the biosynthesis of TRH within the thyrotropic center of the brain is independent of the pituitary gland and of TSH.  相似文献   

In order to investigate whether endogenous GHRH and somatostatin were involved in the mechanism of the paradoxical GH rise after TRH injection, changes in serum GH and plasma GHRH were examined before and after TRH injection in 12 cancer patients and changes in serum TSH and GH were similarly studied in 76 cancer patients including 31 GH-responders and 45 GH-nonresponders to TRH. TRH stimulated GH secretions without altering the circulating GHRH concentration in 4 of the 12 cancer patients. There was neither a significant correlation between the increase from the basal to maximum GH and GHRH after TRH injection in the 12 cancer patients nor a reciprocal relationship between the increase in GH and TSH after TRH injection in the 76 cancer patients. These findings suggested that the paradoxical GH rise after TRH injection in cancer patients was exerted by its direct action at the pituitary level, and not mediated through the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

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