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In the present study we examine the effects of Al on the uptake of Ca2+ and H2PO-4 in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) grown in inorganic nutrient solutions and nutrient solutions supplied with natural fulvic acids (FA). All the solutions used were chemically well characterized. The uptake of Al by roots of intact plants exposed to solutions containing 0, 0.15 or 0.3 mM AlCl3 for 24 h, was significantly less if FA (300 mg l−1) were also present in the solutions. The Ca2+(45Ca2+) uptake was less affected by Al in solutions supplied with FA than in solutions without FA. There was a strong negative correlation between the Al and Ca2+ uptake (r2=0.98). When the Al and Ca2+ (45Ca2+) uptake were plotted as a function of the Al3+ activity (or concentration of inorganic mononuclear Al), almost the same response curves were obtained for the -FA and +FA treatments. We conclude that FA-complexed Al was not available for root uptake and therefore could not affect the Ca2+ uptake. The competitive effect of Al on the Ca2+ uptake was also shown in a 5-week cultivation experiment, where the Ca concentration in shoots decreased at an AlCl3 concentration of 0.3 mM. The effect of Al on H2PO4 uptake was more complex. The P content in roots and shoots was not significantly affected, compared with the control, by cultivation for 5 weeks in a solution supplied with 0.3 mM AlCl3, despite a reduction of the H2PO4 concentration in the nutrient solution to about one-tenth. At this concentration Al obviously had a positive effect on H2PO4 uptake. The presence of FA decreased 32P-phosphate uptake by more than 60% during 24 h, and the addition of 0.15 or 0.3 mM AlCl3 to these solutions did not alter the uptake of 32P-phosphate.  相似文献   

The effects of AICI3 on uptake of Ca2+ and phosphate in roots of intact beech ( Fagus sylvatica L. provenance Maramures) plants were studied in nutrient solution and soil solution. Aluminium reduced the concentrations of Ca, Mg and P in plants and increased that of K. In short term experiments, uptake of Ca2+(45Ca) was reduced by exposure of the roots to Al. The effect of aluminium on Ca2+(45Ca) uptake was immediate and primarily of a competitive nature, preventing Ca2+ from being adsorbed. Uptake of 32P-phosphate increased with increasing Al concentration up to 0.1 m M and then decreased at higher Al concentrations. The effect of Al on 32P-phosphate uptake was most pronounced during the first hours of exposure. Growth of plants for 15 days in soil solution, collected from the upper A horizon of a beech forest soil, had no effect on uptake of Ca2+(45Ca) and 32P-phosphate, probably because of a low concentration of labile bound monomeric Al and binding of Al to organic compounds. Soil solution from the deeper B horizon reduced Ca2+(45Ca) uptake and increased 32P-phosphate uptake in a manner similar to that with Altreatment in nutrient solution. It is concluded that in soil solution from the deeper regions of the soil, mineral uptake by roots was affected by Al.  相似文献   

The effects of aluminium on biomass, nutrients and soluble carbohydrates and phenols were studied in beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.) seedlings. After germination, seedlings with cotyledons and the buds of the first leaf-pair developed, were preconditioned for two weeks and then grown for 31 days in nutrient solutions containing 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 m M A1C13. Aluminium did not affect the dry weights of roots but at Al concentrations ≥ 1.0 m M the development of the terminal shoot above the first leaf pair, was reduced by 80% or more. The concentrations of most nutrients (P, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu) in the plant tissues decreased strongly even at the lowest Al levels, but K increased in the shoots. The tissue concentration of N was not affected of Al. but the distribution between the organs was changed to a higher content of N in the roots. At ≥1.0 m M Al the concentrations of starch in both the shoots and the roots were significantly increased, and at ≥ 0.5 m M the roots contained more of total phenols than untreated seedlings. The elevated concentrations and contents of starch and phenols in the seedlings may partly be related to the reduced shoot growth. The observed effects of Al were marked already at Al levels found in soil waters from beech forests in southern Sweden.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) emission estimates from forest ecosystems are based currently on emission measurements using soil enclosures. Such enclosures exclude emissions via tall plants and trees and may therefore underestimate the whole-ecosystem N2O emissions. Here, we measured plant-mediated N2O emissions from the leaves of potted beech (Fagus sylvatica) seedlings after fertilizing the soil with 15N-labelled ammonium nitrate (15NH4(15)NO3), and after exposing the roots to elevated concentrations of N2O. Ammonium nitrate fertilization induced N2O + 15N2O emissions from beech leaves. Likewise, the foliage emitted N2O after beech roots were exposed to elevated concentrations of N2O. The average N2O emissions from the fertilization and the root exposure experiments were 0.4 and 2.0 microg N m(-2) leaf area h(-1), respectively. Higher than ambient atmospheric concentrations of N2O in the leaves of the forest trees indicate a potential for canopy N2O emissions in the forest. Our experiments demonstrate the existence of a previously overlooked pathway of N2O to the atmosphere in forest ecosystems, and bring about a need to investigate the magnitude of this phenomenon at larger scales.  相似文献   

Three-year-old beech trees were fed 35S-sulphate in August 1993 via a flap in a mature leaf of an upper branch. Harvest of beech trees was performed 24 h after feeding 35S-sulphate, before leaf senescence, after leaf abscission, in early winter (January 1994). in late winter (March 1994). before bud break and after bud break. Twenty-four h after feeding 35S-sulphate, 0.7 ± 0.5% of the 35S-radioactivity taken up was exported out of the fed leaf. When trees were analysed 2 months later, i.e., before leaf senescence, this value had increased to 22 ± 7%. The exported 35S-radioactivity was located in the branch containing the fed leaf (2.8 ± 13%). in basipetal parts of the trunk (41 ± 77%) and in the main rool (21 ± 6%). Leaves and apical parts of the trunk were no sink organs for the exported sulphur. Along the tree axis the main proportion of the radiolabel was located in the wood, predominantly in the acid soluble fraction. In the bark the greater portion of the radiolabel was found in the acid insoluble fraction. In both tissues the bulk of the 35S of the soluble fraction was sulphate together with small amounts of glutathione. This pattern did not change until bud break. After bud break, basipetal parts of the trunk lost part of its 35S-radioactivity. Of the 35S-radioactivity which had been exported out of the fed leaf during the previous autumn, 16 ± 2% remained in the trunk, whereas 47 ± 7% of the 35S was found in branches, mainly in the newly developed leaves. The present results show that sulphur, mainly in the form of sulphate, is stored along the tree axis in both bark and wood of beech trees and is re-mobilised during leaf development in spring.  相似文献   

35S-L-cysteine was fed to a mature leaf of 3-year-old beech trees via a flap. After 1 to 4 h the distribution of 35S-radioactivity was analysed in the leaves as well as the bark and wood of the trunk and the main root. Transport of 35S out of the fed leaf amounted to 0.3–1.2% of the total 35S taken up. The branches of the trees did not act as sink organs for the exported radioactivity. The main portion of the 35S-radioactivity transported out of the fed leaf was found in basipetal parts of the trunk. Only a small portion of 35S-radioactivity was transported in acropetal direction. The distribution of the 35S-radioactivity within the trunk showed a higher portion of 35S in the bark than in the wood. In both tissues, bark (70 to 80%) and wood (60 to 70%), the 35S was predominantly found in the HCl soluble fraction. However, 35S-cysteine, the compound fed to the leaves was not exported out of the fed leaf. Along the trunk 35S-cysteine was neither determined in bark nor in wood sections. The only low molecular mass S-compounds found was 35S-glutathione (GSH). The 35S-sulphate detected in bark and wood origined from cysteine oxidation in the leaf tissue and from contamination of the 35S-cysteine feeding solution. The ratio of GSH to sulphate decreased with increasing distance from the fed leaf. Apparently, 35S-radioactivity was transported as sulphate and GSH in the phloem in basipetal direction, but GSH was removed preferentially out of the phloem along the transport path. 35S-radioactivity exported out of the phloem and transported into the wood of the trunk was not retranslocated in the xylem. It may therefore be assumed that part of the 35S translocated was stored in ray cells, medullary sheath cells and/or pith parenchyma cells. Girdling experiments in which the bark of the trunk was peeled off basipetal to the branch containing the fed leaf support these assumptions.  相似文献   

Under the site conditions of a temperate forest, the exchange of short-chained oxygenated carbonyls (aldehydes, ketones) was assessed from leaves of adult European beech trees. The crowns of the trees were either exposed to an elevated O3 regime as released by a free-air fumigation system (2 × O3) or to the unchanged O3 regime at the site (1 × O3, ‘control’). Daily fluctuations of oxygenated carbonyls were quantified in relation to environmental and physiological factors. In particular, the effect of O3 on carbonyl exchange was studied. Measurements of leaf gas exchange were performed with a dynamic cuvette system, and carbonyl fluxes were determined using 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH)-coated silica gel cartridges. Leaves mainly emitted acetaldehyde, formaldehyde and acetone. Acetaldehyde dominated the emissions, amounting up to 100 nmol m−2 min−1, followed by formaldehyde (approximately 80 nmol m−2 min−1) and acetone (approximately 60 nmol m−2 min−1). Carbonyl emissions were highest during midday and significantly lowered at night, irrespective of the O3 exposure regime. Trees exposed to 2 × O3 emitted acetaldehyde and acetone at enhanced rates. The findings are of particular significance for future climate change scenarios that assume increased O3 levels.  相似文献   

To investigate the short‐term consequences of direct competition between beech and sycamore maple on root N uptake and N composition, mycorrhizal seedlings of both tree species were incubated for 4 days (i.e. beech only, sycamore maple only or both together) in an artificial nutrient solution with low N availability. On the fourth day, N uptake experiments were conducted to study the effects of competition on inorganic and organic N uptake. For this purpose, multiple N sources were applied with a single label. Furthermore, fine roots were sampled and analysed for total amino acids, soluble protein, total nitrogen, nitrate and ammonium content. Our results clearly show that both tree species were able to use inorganic and organic N sources. Uptake of inorganic and organic N by beech roots was negatively affected in the presence of the competing tree species. In contrast, the presence of beech stimulated inorganic N uptake by sycamore maple roots. Both the negative effect of sycamore maple on N uptake of beech and the positive effect of beech on N uptake of sycamore maple led to an increase in root soluble protein in beech, despite an overall decrease in total N concentration. Thus, beech compensated for the negative effects of the tree competitor on N uptake by incorporating less N into structural N components, but otherwise exhibited the same strategy as the competitor, namely, enhancing soluble protein levels in roots when grown under competition. It is speculated that enhanced enzyme activities of so far unknown nature are required in beech as a defence response to inter‐specific competition.  相似文献   


Fine roots represent a small proportion of total plant biomass however they represent the most dynamic component of the root systems of woody plants. There is limited information on the beech fine root production in Mediterranean ecosystems and especially in Greece. We measured live, dead and total fine root biomass (d<2 mm) (LFRB, DFRB and TFRB, respectively) over a growing season in a beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stand on Paiko mountain, NW Greece, in order to contribute to the generally scarce knowledge of the fine root biomass of beech stands. It was found that TFRB and LFRB increased from May to July and then decreased. LFRB decreased with soil depth while there was no pattern at the change of DFRB with soil depth.  相似文献   

Chilling and daylength requirements for dormancy release and budburst in dormant beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.) buds have been studied in cuttings flushing in controlled environments after different durations of outdoor chilling. Non-chilled buds sampled in mid October required long days (LD) only for budburst. Buds chilled until March still required LD for normal budburst, whereas buds sampled in November and December were unable to sprout regardless of daylength conditions and would do so only after a substantial period of chilling. Four ecotypes of distant latitudinal and altitudinal origin responded very similarly with a typical quantitative photoperiodic response. In fully chilled shoots sampled in March only 13 to 40% budburst took place in 8-h SD and only after three times as long time as in continuous light. It is concluded that this dual dormancy control system ensures optimum winter stability in trees under conditions of climatic warming. In the closely related Carpinus betulus L. budburst was unaffected by daylength.  相似文献   

To study the incorporation of carbon and nitrogen in different plant fractions, 3‐year‐old‐beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seedlings were exposed in microcosms to a dual‐labelling experiment employing 13C and 15N throughout one season. Leaves, stems, coarse and fine roots were harvested 6, 12 and 18 weeks after bud break (June to September) and used to isolate acid‐detergent fibre lignins (ADF lignin) for the determination of carbon and nitrogen and their isotope ratios. Lignin concentrations were also determined with the thioglycolic acid method. The highest lignin concentrations were found in fine roots. ADF lignins of all tissues analysed, especially those of leaves, also contained significant concentrations of nitrogen. This suggests that lignin‐bound proteins constitute an important cell wall fraction and shows that the ADF method is not suitable to determine genuine lignin. ADF lignin should be re‐named as ligno‐protein fraction. Whole‐leaf biomass was composed of 50 to 70% newly assimilated carbon and about 7% newly assimilated nitrogen; net changes in the isotope ratios were not observed during the experimental period. In the other tissues analysed, the fraction of new carbon and nitrogen was initially low and increased significantly during the time‐course of the experiment, whereas the total tissue concentrations of carbon remained almost unaffected and nitrogen declined. At the end of the experiment, the whole‐tissue biomass and ADF lignins of fine roots contained about 65 and 50% new carbon and about 50 and 40% new nitrogen, respectively. These results indicate that significant metabolic activity was related to the formation of structural biopolymers after leaf growth, especially below‐ground and that this activity also led to a substantial binding of nitrogen to structural compounds.  相似文献   

Allelic and genotypic variation at 13 different enzyme loci of autochthonous European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) was investigated in six 110-160-year-old stands growing at elevations between 150 and 660 m above sea level on the western slope of mount Vogelsberg in central Germany. The highest elevated population showed the highest number of effective alleles (Ne), the highest total heterozygosity (He) and the highest population differentiation deltaT. Also, the genotype SKD-A2A3 of shikimate dehydrogenase was significantly more frequent at the two highest elevated stands (P = 11%) than at the three lowest elevated stands (P = 1%). Further differences in genotype frequencies between 11 of 15 stand pairs were elevation independent.  相似文献   

The annual course of xylem embolism in twigs of adult beech trees was monitored, and compared to concurrent changes of tree water status and hydraulic resistances. Xylem embolism was quantified in 1-year-old apical twigs by the hydraulic conductivity as a percentage of the maximum measured after removal of air emboli. Tree and root hydraulic resistances were estimated from water potential differences and sap flux measurements. The considerable degree of twig embolism found in winter (up to 90% loss of hydraulic conductivity) may be attributed to the effect of freeze-thaw cycles in the xylem. A partial recovery from winter embolism occurred in spring, probably because of the production of new functional xylem. Xylem embolism fluctuated around 50% throughout the summer, without significant changes. Almost complete refilling of apical twigs was observed early in autumn. A significant negative correlation was found between xylem embolism and precipitation; thus, an active role of rainfall in embolism reversion is hypothesized. Tree and root hydraulic resistances were found to change throughout the growing period. A marked decrease of hydraulic resistance preceded the refilling of apical twigs in the autumn. Most of the decrease in total tree resistance was estimated to be located in the root compartment.  相似文献   

Concentrations of the antioxidants ascorbate and glutathione were measured in the apoplast of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) leaves and in leaf tissue. During early leaf development, reduced ascorbate (ASC) was almost absent from the apoplast, whereas levels of oxidized ascorbate (DHA) were high. Less than 20% of the apoplastic ascorbate was reduced. ASC increased towards midsummer, reaching top levels of about 4molm?3 apoplast volume in July and August. Reduction increased to 60–75% in summer. Neither DHA reductase nor glutathione was detected in the apoplast of beech leaves. Levels of apoplastic ascorbate were compared with ambient concentrations of ozone in air. Statistical analysis indicated a significant interrelation between atmospheric ozone and apoplastic ascorbate. In midsummer of 1993, contents of DHA were increased in the apoplast when ozone concentrations were high. Apoplastic ASC was also positively correlated with ambient ozone concentrations, but with a delay of 3 to 7d. In leaf tissue, levels of ascorbate were between 17 and 21 μmolg?1 FW in summer. Except for late April and November, more than 95% of the intracellular ascorbate was reduced. Glutathione contents were lowest during the summer. Oxidation was increased in spring and autumn, when apoplastic ascorbate was also largely oxidized. Usually, 80 to 90% of the glutathione was reduced. During the summer, intracellular concentrations of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) were increased, with a delay of about 1d following periods of high ambient ozone concentrations. The transitory accumulation of GSSG may be explained by slow enzymatic regeneration of glutathione.  相似文献   

Sclerophylly and synthesis of phenolic compounds are active responses of plants subjected to environmental stress (drought, low nutrient supply, u.v.-B radiation, ozone). Here we describe the morphological and histochemical alterations occurring in field-grown leaves of Fagus sylvatica L. from three sites located along an ecological gradient: from a site in cool and protected conditions to one located on a mountain ridge, where the trees grow on a thin layer of soil and are exposed to the wind and to intense solar radiation in summer. The morphological data show that, as the ecological conditions of the stand worsen, individual leaf surface decreases, while the thickness of the leaves and their specific d. wt (i.e. d. wt per unit leaf area) increases. Histochemical and ultrastructural tests show a marked increase of phenolics during the course of the year. These substances, present primarily in the leaves of trees growing in stress conditions, have been identified mainly as tannins. They accumulate in the vacuoles, especially those of the upper epidermal layer and the palisade mesophyll; at a later stage they appear to be solubilized in the cytoplasm and retranslocated, eventually impregnating the outer wall of the epidermal cells amidst the cellulose fibrils, where they cluster together and form an electron-opaque layer between the wall and the cuticle. Observation of the epidermal cells also reveals that the outer cell wall is thicker. The paper discusses the roles of secondary metabolites in protection and detoxification processes; the possible ecological significance of these alterations in the ecophysiology of beech trees.  相似文献   

Beech seedlings (Fagus sylvatica L. provenance Västra Torup) were grown in nutrient solution at low pH (4.2) and exposed to AlCl3 and different concentrations of nitrogen. The effects of AlCl3 and nitrogen on uptake of Ca2+ (45Ca) and H2PO4 - (32P) in roots of intact beech were studied. Crossections of roots were analyzed with respect to element concentrations, by use of Mikro-PIXE (particle induced X-ray emission). The distribution of Al, Ca, P, Mg, K, and S was analysed. The experiments were designed to evaluate the effects of aluminium on localization of elements in plant root tissue.Aluminium reduced the concentration of Ca in plants and increased that of K. High nitrogen levels in the solution further decreased the concentration of Ca in the roots. Aluminium (1.0 mM) effectively reduced the Ca2+ (45Ca) uptake in short time experiments. Aluminium accumulated in high concentration (up to 500 mol/g dry weight in areas of 30×30 m2) on the root surface, epidermis and outer layers of cortex. Corresponding areas had an extremely low Ca concentration (ca 5 mol/g dry weight) which could be harmful for regulation of mineral uptake and development of roots.It is concluded that the calcium concentration in roots was reduced by aluminium. The combination with high nitrogen levels further reduced calcium changing the mineral balance which could result in deficiency conditions of calcium in the root.  相似文献   

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