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Crop formations consist of geometrically organized regions ranging from 2 to 80 m diameter, in which the plants (primarily grain crops) are flattened in a horizontal position. Plants from crop formations display anatomical alterations which cannot be accounted for by assuming the formations are hoaxes. Near the soil surface the curved stems often form complex swirls with 'vortex' type patterns. In the present paper, evidence is presented which indicates that structural and cellular alterations take place in plants exposed within the confines of the 'circle' type formations, differences which were determined to be statistically significant when compared with control plants taken outside the formations. These transformations were manifested at the macroscopic-level as abnormal nodal swelling, gross malformations during embryogenesis. and charred epidermal tissue. Significant changes in seed germination and development were found, and at the microscopic level differences were observed in cell wall pit structures. Affected plants also have characteristics suggesting the involvement of transient high temperatures.  相似文献   

It is well established that crop production is inherently vulnerable to variations in the weather and climate. More recently the influence of vegetation on the state of the atmosphere has been recognized. The seasonal growth of crops can influence the atmosphere and have local impacts on the weather, which in turn affects the rate of seasonal crop growth and development. Considering the coupled nature of the crop–climate system, and the fact that a significant proportion of land is devoted to the cultivation of crops, important interactions may be missed when studying crops and the climate system in isolation, particularly in the context of land use and climate change.
To represent the two-way interactions between seasonal crop growth and atmospheric variability, we integrate a crop model developed specifically to operate at large spatial scales (General Large Area Model for annual crops) into the land surface component of a global climate model (GCM; HadAM3). In the new coupled crop–climate model, the simulated environment (atmosphere and soil states) influences growth and development of the crop, while simultaneously the temporal variations in crop leaf area and height across its growing season alter the characteristics of the land surface that are important determinants of surface fluxes of heat and moisture, as well as other aspects of the land-surface hydrological cycle. The coupled model realistically simulates the seasonal growth of a summer annual crop in response to the GCM's simulated weather and climate. The model also reproduces the observed relationship between seasonal rainfall and crop yield. The integration of a large-scale single crop model into a GCM, as described here, represents a first step towards the development of fully coupled crop and climate models. Future development priorities and challenges related to coupling crop and climate models are discussed.  相似文献   

There is a potential to sequester carbon in soil by changing agricultural management practices. These changes in agricultural management can also result in changes in fossil-fuel use, agricultural inputs, and the carbon emissions associated with fossil fuels and other inputs. Management practices that alter crop yields and land productivity can affect the amount of land used for crop production with further significant implications for both emissions and sequestration potential. Data from a 20-year agricultural experiment were used to analyze carbon sequestration, carbon emissions, crop yield, and land-use change and to estimate the impact that carbon sequestration strategies might have on the net flux of carbon to the atmosphere. Results indicate that if changes in management result in decreased crop yields, the net carbon flux can be greater under the new system, assuming that crop demand remains the same and additional lands are brought into production. Conversely, if increasing crop yields lead to land abandonment, the overall carbon savings from changes in management will be greater than when soil carbon sequestration alone is considered.  相似文献   

Kin selection and reciprocity in flight formation?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The reasons for conspicuous "V" and other flight formationsin birds are debated. Theory and recent empirical advances showthat energy saving is one important function of flight formations,but some aspects remain poorly understood. Combining theoriesof animal flight and sociality, we suggest that some of thevariation in flight formations has its base in kin selectionand reciprocation. The bird leading an acute V formation savesless energy than does the trailing participants. The disadvantageof leading is reduced in more obtuse formations, and when thelongitudinal distance between neighbors is small, the leadingbird can save about as much energy as others. Therefore, acuteV formations are predicted to occur mainly in circumstancesconducive to kin selection or reciprocity. These mechanismsseem possible, for example, in small flocks of adults with offspring,such as in swans, geese, and cranes. Inclusive fitness advantagesmay then favor an energetically expensive leader role for adults.In small groups, reciprocity is also possible among unrelatedadults that recognize each other and take turns leading theV formation. In contrast, obtuse formations are expected inlarge flocks of unrelated individuals, such as spring flocksof waders migrating long distances. Possibilities for testingthese ideas are discussed.  相似文献   

Agriculture today places great strains on biodiversity, soils, water and the atmosphere, and these strains will be exacerbated if current trends in population growth, meat and energy consumption, and food waste continue. Thus, farming systems that are both highly productive and minimize environmental harms are critically needed. How organic agriculture may contribute to world food production has been subject to vigorous debate over the past decade. Here, we revisit this topic comparing organic and conventional yields with a new meta-dataset three times larger than previously used (115 studies containing more than 1000 observations) and a new hierarchical analytical framework that can better account for the heterogeneity and structure in the data. We find organic yields are only 19.2% (±3.7%) lower than conventional yields, a smaller yield gap than previous estimates. More importantly, we find entirely different effects of crop types and management practices on the yield gap compared with previous studies. For example, we found no significant differences in yields for leguminous versus non-leguminous crops, perennials versus annuals or developed versus developing countries. Instead, we found the novel result that two agricultural diversification practices, multi-cropping and crop rotations, substantially reduce the yield gap (to 9 ± 4% and 8 ± 5%, respectively) when the methods were applied in only organic systems. These promising results, based on robust analysis of a larger meta-dataset, suggest that appropriate investment in agroecological research to improve organic management systems could greatly reduce or eliminate the yield gap for some crops or regions.  相似文献   

In this study we asked whether, in the context of a trap crop system, differential predation risks among plants influence host choice patterns of adult whiteflies, Bemisia argentifolii. We investigated whether adult whiteflies avoid natural enemies inhabiting poinsettia (a cash crop) and whether this behavior can be used to increase the movement of whiteflies to cucumber (a trap crop). The potential of cucumber as a trap crop was first evaluated and we found that significantly more whiteflies were attracted to cucumber when the whiteflies were released between the two plants. However, the accumulation of whiteflies on cucumber substantially diminished if the insects had first settled on poinsettia. Under such circumstances, we investigated whether movement of adult whiteflies to cucumber could be increased by creating conditions that would cause the whiteflies that had settled on poinsettia to leave the plant. A mechanical disturbance, consisting of shaking the plant, was first used to test this hypothesis. The shaking caused more whiteflies to leave poinsettia and move onto the trap crop, compared to undisturbed whiteflies. We then asked whether the presence of natural enemies on the cash crop could induce whiteflies to leave the cash crop and move onto the trap crop. Three natural enemies were tested: two predators, Amblyseius swirskii and Delphastus catalinae, and a parasitoid Encarsia formosa. The presence of D. catalinae on poinsettia induced significantly more whiteflies to disperse to cucumber compared to poinsettia with no natural enemies, whereas A. swirskii and E. formosa did not result in a significant increase. Predator avoidance behavior by adult whiteflies should be investigated further in the context of trap cropping and other crop-habitat alterations designed to help manage whitefly abundance.  相似文献   

The intricate and interconnecting reactions of C3 photosynthesis are often limited by one of two fundamental processes: the conversion of solar energy into chemical energy, or the diffusion of CO2 from the atmosphere through the stomata, and ultimately into the chloroplast. In this review, we explore how the contributions of stomatal morphology and distribution can affect photosynthesis, through changes in gaseous exchange. The factors driving this relationship are considered, and recent results from studies investigating the effects of stomatal shape, size, density and patterning on photosynthesis are discussed. We suggest that the interplay between stomatal gaseous exchange and photosynthesis is complex, and that a disconnect often exists between the rates of CO2 diffusion and photosynthetic carbon fixation. The mechanisms that allow for substantial reductions in maximum stomatal conductance without affecting photosynthesis are highly dependent on environmental factors, such as light intensity, and could be exploited to improve crop performance.  相似文献   

A global energy crop productivity model that provides geospatially explicit quantitative details on biomass potential and factors affecting sustainability would be useful, but does not exist now. This study describes a modeling platform capable of meeting many challenges associated with global‐scale agro‐ecosystem modeling. We designed an analytical framework for bioenergy crops consisting of six major components: (i) standardized natural resources datasets, (ii) global field‐trial data and crop management practices, (iii) simulation units and management scenarios, (iv) model calibration and validation, (v) high‐performance computing (HPC) simulation, and (vi) simulation output processing and analysis. The HPC‐Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (HPC‐EPIC) model simulated a perennial bioenergy crop, switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), estimating feedstock production potentials and effects across the globe. This modeling platform can assess soil C sequestration, net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, nonpoint source pollution (e.g., nutrient and pesticide loss), and energy exchange with the atmosphere. It can be expanded to include additional bioenergy crops (e.g., miscanthus, energy cane, and agave) and food crops under different management scenarios. The platform and switchgrass field‐trial dataset are available to support global analysis of biomass feedstock production potential and corresponding metrics of sustainability.  相似文献   

Kartchner Caverns is an oligotrophic subterranean environment that hosts a wide diversity of actively growing calcite speleothems (secondary mineral deposits). In a previous study, we demonstrated that bacterial communities extracted from these surfaces are quite complex and vary between formations. In the current study, we evaluated the influence of several environmental variables on the superficial bacterial community structure of 10 active formations located in close proximity to one another in a small room of Kartchner Caverns State Park, Arizona, USA. Physical (color, dimensions) and chemical (elemental profile and organic carbon concentration) properties, as well as the DGGE-based bacterial community structure of the formations were analyzed. While elemental concentration was found to vary among the formations, the differences in the community structure could not be correlated with concentrations of either organic carbon or any of the elements evaluated. In contrast, the locations of formations within a distinct region of the cave as well as the relative location of specific formations within a single room were found to have a significant influence on the bacterial community structure of the formations evaluated. Interestingly, Canonical Correspondence Analysis suggests an association between the observed drip pathways (drip lines) feeding the formations (as determined by the patterns of soda straws and small stalactites that reveal water flow patterns) and the bacterial community structure of the respective formations. The results presented here indicate that a broad range of formations fed by a diversity of drip sources must be sampled to fully characterize the community composition of bacteria present on the surfaces of calcite formations in carbonate caves.  相似文献   

Renewable energy policies in the electricity and transportation sectors in the United States are expected to create demand for biomass and food crops (corn) that could divert land from food crop production. We develop a dynamic, open‐economy, price‐endogenous multi‐market model of the US agricultural, electricity and transportation sectors to endogenously determine the quantity and mix of bioenergy likely to be required to meet the state Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPSs) and the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) if implemented independently or jointly (RFS & RPS) over the 2007–2030 period and their implications for the extent and spatial pattern of diversion of land from other uses for biomass feedstock production. We find that the demand for biomass ranges from 100 million metric tons (MMT) under the RPS alone to 310 MMT under the RFS & RPS; 70% of the biomass in the latter case can be met by crop and forest residues, while the rest can be met by devoting 3% of cropland to energy crop production with 80% of this being marginal land. Our findings show significant potential to meet current renewable energy goals by expanding high‐yielding energy crop production on marginal land and using residues without conflicting with food crop production.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that the combination of caffeine-containing drinks together with alcohol might reduce the subjective feelings of alcohol intoxication—the so-called “masking effect”. In this study, we aimed to review the effects of alcohol in combination with caffeine or energy drink with special focus on the “masking effect”. Fifty-two healthy male volunteers were analysed concerning breath alcohol concentration and subjective sensations of intoxication using a 18 item Visual Analogue Scale in a randomised, double-blinded, controlled, four treatments cross-over trial after consumption of (A) placebo, (B) alcohol (vodka 37.5 % at a dose of 46.5 g ethanol), (C) alcohol in combination with caffeine at a dose of 80 mg (equivalent to one 250 ml can of energy drink) and (D) alcohol in combination with energy drink at a dose of 250 ml (one can). Primary variables were headache, weakness, salivation and motor coordination. Out of four primary variables, weakness and motor coordination showed a statistically significant difference between alcohol and non-alcohol group, out of 14 secondary variables, five more variables (dizziness, alterations in sight, alterations in walking, agitation and alterations in speech) also showed significant differences due mainly to contrasts with the non-alcohol group. In none of these end points, could a statistically significant effect be found for the additional ingestion of energy drink or caffeine on the subjective feelings of alcohol intoxication. This within-subjects study does not confirm the presence of a “masking effect” when combining caffeine or energy drink with alcohol.  相似文献   

In crop modelling the soil, plant and atmosphere system is regarded as a continuum with regard to root water uptake and transpiration. Crop production, often assumed to be linearly related with transpiration, depends on several factors, including water and nutrient availability and salinity. The effect of crop production factors on crop production is frequently incorporated in crop models using empirical reduction functions, which summarize very complex processes. Crop modelling has mainly focused on conventional crops and specific plant types such as halophytes have received limited attention. Crop modelling of halophytes can be approached as a hierarchy of production situations, starting at the situation with most optimal conditions and progressively introducing limiting factors. We analyse crop production situations in terms of water- and salt limited production and in terms of combined stresses. We show that experimental data as such may not be the bottleneck, but that data need to be adequately processed, to provide the basis for a first analysis. Halophytic crops offer a production perspective in saline areas, but in other areas long-term use of low quality irrigation water for halophyte production can result in serious soil quality problems. An overview is given of potential problems concerning the use of (saline) irrigation water, leading to the conclusion that soil quality changes due to poor quality water should be considered in determining the areas selected for halophyte growing.  相似文献   

Waterfowl can cause substantial reductions in plant standing crop, which may have ecological and economic consequences. However, what determines the magnitude of these reductions is not well understood. Using data from published studies, we derived the relationship between waterfowl density and reduction in plant standing crop. When waterfowl density was estimated as individuals ha−1 no significant relationship with reduction in plant standing crop was detected. However, when waterfowl density was estimated as kg ha−1 a significant, positive, linear relationship with reduction in plant standing crop was found. Whilst many previous studies have considered waterfowl species as homologous, despite large differences in body mass, our results suggest that species body mass is a key determinant of waterfowl impact on plant standing crop. To examine relative impacts of waterfowl groups based on species body mass, a measure of plant biomass reduction (R s) per bird per hectare was calculated for each group. Comparison of R s values indicated some differences in impact between different waterfowl groups, with swans having a greater per capita impact than smaller-bodied waterfowl groups. We present evidence that this difference is linked to disparities in individual body size and associated differences in intake rates, diet composition and energy requirements. Future research priorities are proposed, particularly the need for experiments that quantify the importance of factors that determine the magnitude of waterfowl impacts on plant standing crop.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the conversion of Danish agricultural land from food/feed crops to energy crops. To this end, a life cycle inventory, which relates the input and output flows from and to the environment of 528 different crop systems, is built and described. This includes seven crops (annuals and perennials), two soil types (sandy loam and sand), two climate types (wet and dry), three initial soil carbon level (high, average, low), two time horizons for soil carbon changes (20 and 100 years), two residues management practices (removal and incorporation into soil) as well as three soil carbon turnover rate reductions in response to the absence of tillage for some perennial crops (0%, 25%, 50%). For all crop systems, nutrient balances, balances between above‐ and below‐ground residues, soil carbon changes, biogenic carbon dioxide flows, emissions of nitrogen compounds and losses of macro‐ and micronutrients are presented. The inventory results highlight Miscanthus as a promising energy crop, indicating it presents the lowest emissions of nitrogen compounds, the highest amount of carbon dioxide sequestrated from the atmosphere, a relatively high carbon turnover efficiency and allows to increase soil organic carbon. Results also show that the magnitude of these benefits depends on the harvest season, soil types and climatic conditions. Inventory results further highlight winter wheat as the only annual crop where straw removal for bioenergy may be sustainable, being the only annual crop not involving losses of soil organic carbon as a result of harvesting the straw. This, however, is conditional to manure application, and is only true on sandy soils.  相似文献   

The polysaccharides in Jerusalem artichoke (JA) carry a substantial amount of energy that can be partly accessed through bioconversion into storable fuels. We review the potential for converting inulin into a variety of high value-added biorefinery products, including biofuels and biochemicals, and consider the feasibility of regarding JA as a model species of an inulin-rich crop. We discuss feedstock pretreatment, microorganisms used during fermentation, biorefinery products derived from JA, and how to enhance the economic competitiveness of JA as an energy crop.  相似文献   

Nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) is the fundamental process by which plants exposed to high light intensities dissipate the potentially harmful excess energy as heat. Recently, it has been shown that efficient energy dissipation can be induced in the major light-harvesting complexes of photosystem II (LHCII) in the absence of protein-protein interactions. Spectroscopic measurements on these samples (LHCII gels) in the quenched state revealed specific alterations in the absorption and circular dichroism bands assigned to neoxanthin and lutein 1 molecules. In this work, we investigate the changes in conformation of the pigments involved in NPQ using resonance Raman spectroscopy. By selective excitation we show that, as well as the twisting of neoxanthin that has been reported previously, the lutein 1 pigment also undergoes a significant change in conformation when LHCII switches to the energy dissipative state. Selective two-photon excitation of carotenoid (Car) dark states (Car S(1)) performed on LHCII gels shows that the extent of electronic interactions between Car S(1) and chlorophyll states correlates linearly with chlorophyll fluorescence quenching, as observed previously for isolated LHCII (aggregated versus trimeric) and whole plants (with versus without NPQ).  相似文献   

This paper deals with the economic viability of using energy maize as a phytoremediation crop in a vast agricultural area moderately contaminated with metals. The acceptance of phytoremediation as a remediation technology is, besides the extraction rate, determined by its profitability, being the effects it has on the income of the farmer whose land is contaminated. This income can be supported by producing renewable energy through anaerobic digestion of energy maize, a crop that takes up only relatively low amounts of metals, but that can be valorised as a feedstock for energy production. The effect on the income per hectare of growing energy maize instead of fodder maize seems positive, given the most likely values of variables and while keeping the basic income stable, originating from dairy cattle farming activities. We propose growing energy maize aiming at risk-reduction, and generating an alternative income for farmers, yet in the long run also generating a gradual reduction of the pollution levels. In this way, remediation is demoted to a secondary objective with sustainable risk-based land use as primary objective.  相似文献   

Perennial grass energy crop production is necessary for the successful and sustainable expansion of bioenergy in North America. Numerous environmental advantages are associated with perennial grass cropping systems, including their potential to promote soil carbon accrual. Despite growing research interest in the abiotic and biotic factors driving soil carbon cycling within perennial grass cropping systems, soil fauna remain a critical yet largely unexplored component of these ecosystems. By regulating microbial activity and organic matter decomposition dynamics, soil fauna influence soil carbon stability with potentially significant implications for soil carbon accrual. We begin by reviewing the diverse, predominantly indirect effects of soil fauna on soil carbon dynamics in the context of perennial grass cropping systems. Since the impacts of perennial grass energy crop production on soil fauna will mediate their potential contributions to soil carbon accrual, we then discuss how perennial grass energy crop traits, diversity, and management influence soil fauna community structure and activity. We assert that continued research into the interactions of soil fauna, microbes, and organic matter will be important for advancing our understanding of soil carbon dynamics in perennial grass cropping systems. Furthermore, explicit consideration of soil faunal effects on soil carbon can improve our ability to predict changes in soil carbon following perennial grass cropping system establishment. We conclude by addressing the major knowledge gaps that should be prioritized to better understand and model the complex connections between perennial grass bioenergy systems, soil fauna, and carbon accrual.  相似文献   

Spanning 15% of the global ice‐free terrestrial surface, agricultural lands provide an immense and near‐term opportunity to address climate change, food, and water security challenges. Through the computationally informed breeding of canopy structural traits away from those of modern cultivars, we show that solutions exist that increase productivity and water use efficiency, while increasing land‐surface reflectivity to offset greenhouse gas warming. Plants have evolved to maximize capture of radiation in the upper leaves, thus shading competitors. While important for survival in the wild, this is suboptimal in monoculture crop fields for maximizing productivity and other biogeophysical services. Crop progenitors evolved over the last 25 million years in an atmosphere with less than half the [CO2] projected for 2050. By altering leaf photosynthetic rates, rising [CO2] and temperature may also alter the optimal canopy form. Here using soybean, the world's most important protein crop, as an example we show by applying optimization routines to a micrometeorological leaf canopy model linked to a steady‐state model of photosynthesis, that significant gains in production, water use, and reflectivity are possible with no additional demand on resources. By modifying total canopy leaf area, its vertical profile and angular distribution, and shortwave radiation reflectivity, all traits available in most major crop germplasm collections, increases in productivity (7%) are possible with no change in water use or albedo. Alternatively, improvements in water use (13%) or albedo (34%) can likewise be made with no loss of productivity, under Corn Belt climate conditions.  相似文献   

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