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Y Arai  Y Aizawa 《Prostaglandins》1978,15(3):447-455
Influence of inflammation on the release of prostaglandin-like substance (PG) from synovial tissue of rat was studied. 1) In carrageenin inflammation, PG release was proportional to the increase in synovial tissue weight. 2) PG release was only increased in the later phase of dextran inflammation. 3) Aspirin suppressed PG release from both non-inflamed and inflamed synovial tissues, but hydrocortisone suppressed that only in inflamed tissue.  相似文献   

The amount of prostaglandin-like substance (PG - LS) in the reproductive tract of the male and female rat following mating (p.c.) has been measured and compared with non-mated (control) values. Negligible amounts of PG-LS were detected in the control female tracts but a mean of 2 μg PGE1 equivalents was detected immediately p.c. The PG-LS is probably generated in the vas deferens since nearly 1 μg PGE1 equivalents per rat remained there p.c. No other tissue in the male reproductive tract contained significant amounts of PG-LS. Further extraction and chromatography of the PG-LS suggests that the bulk of the activity is due to PGE2 with a smaller amount being due to PGF.  相似文献   

The amount of prostaglandin-like substance (PG - LS) in the reproductive tract of the male and female rat following mating (p.c.) has been measured and compared with non-mated (control) values. Negligable amounts of PG-LS were detected in the control female tracts but a mean of 2 g PGE1 equivalents was detected immediately p.c. The PG-LS is probably generated in the vas deferens since nearly 1 g PGE1 equivalents per rat remained there p.c. No other tissue in the male reproductive tract contained significant amounts of PG-LS. Further extraction and chromatography of the PG-LS suggests that the bulk of the activity is due to PGE2 with a smaller amount being due to PGF.  相似文献   

The amount of prostaglandin-like substance (PG--LS) in the reproductive tract of the male and female rat following mating (p.c.) has been measured and compared with non-mated (control) values. Negligable amounts of PG-LS were detected in the control female tracts but a mean of 2 mug PGE, equivalents was detected immediately p.c. The PG--LS is probably generated in the vas deferens since nearly 1 mug PGE1 equivalents per rat remained there p.c. No other tissue in the male reproductive tract contained significant amounts of PG--LS suggests that the bulk of the activity is due to PGE2 with a smaller amount being due to PGF2 alpha.  相似文献   

The influence of sex steroids on the production of prostacyclin (PGI2) like material by the isolated rat uterus incubated in a buffer medium was explored by monitoring its ability to inhibit ADP-induced platelet aggregation. Chopped uterine strips from rats in natural estrus can generate an unstable substance that inhibits platelet aggregation and suggest to be prostacyclin. This capacity was significantly enhanced in preparations from spayed animals. The injection of 17-beta estradiol; progesterone or both diminished the production of the prostacyclin-like material by the uterus from ovariectomized rats. The already existing notion that ovarian steroids are able to regulate the synthesis of stable prostaglandins is discussed together with the present results suggesting in addition a depressive effect of sex hormones on the uterine PGI2 synthetase system.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin-like material was released from finely cut guinea-pig ileum or human intestinal mucosa during incubation with Krebs solution. The tissue inactivated some of the released material and added PGE2. There was no significant change in release of prostaglandin-like material when pure cholera toxin was incubated with guinea-pig ileum or human intestinal mucosa. The work is discussed in relation to the action of cholera toxin in vivo.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin-like material was released from finely cut guinea-pig ileum or human intestinal mucosa during incubation with Krebs solution. The tissue inactivated some significant change in release of prostaglandin-like material when pure cholera toxin was incubated with guinea-pig ileum or human intestinal mucosa. The work is discussed in relation to the action of cholera toxin in vivo.  相似文献   

The desensitizing potencies of angiotensin II (ANG II) analogues modified at positions 1, 2, 4, 7, and 8 have been examined in the rat isolated uterus assay by determining the time of recovery of the half-maximal concentration (EC50) response to angiotensin II after treatment of the tissues with a high dose (10(-5) M) of each analogue for 2 min. The magnitude of the desensitization effect was substituent dependent in the following manner: position 1, sarcosine (Sar) greater than Asp greater than des-Asp; position 2, Arg greater than Sar; position 4, Tyr greater than Tyr(Me) approximately Phe; position 7, 3,4-dehydroproline (Dpr) greater than Pro greater than thioproline (Tpr) greater than Sar; position 8, Ile greater than D-Trp greater than Ala greater than Phe. The "additivity" rule applied to these structure-desensitization relationships and the most potent desensitizer, requiring 3 h for reestablishment of the EC50 response, was [Sar1, Dpr7, Ile8]-ANG II. The desensitizing potencies of these analogues did not correlate with agonist or antagonist activities and demonstrated that the angiotensin-mediated tissue desensitization process has unique structural determinants. Methylation or elimination of the tyrosine hydroxyl group of strong desensitizers virtually eliminated the desensitization effect, implicating the phenoxyl moiety in the mechanism of desensitization. The initial phase of recovery of angiotensin responsiveness after desensitization by several analogues appeared to obey first-order kinetics. The results are discussed in the contexts of both one- and two-site receptor models.  相似文献   

Muscular exercise of the dog's hind leg evokes the release of prostaglandin-like substances / PG-like substances/ into femoral venous blood. The release of PG-like substances detected by the bioassay method was significantly greater in adrenalectomized as compared to normal dogs. To test the possibility that this difference may be related to the deficiency of adrenocortical secretion in adrenalectomized dogs, the effect of hydrocortisone / HC / and aldosterone / AS / upon the release of PG-like substances induced by muscular work of the dog's hind leg was investigated. The doses of HC and AS infused intravenously or intraarterially were close to the range of physiological secretion rate of these hormones. HC suppressed the release of PG-like material by 30 to 60%, whereas AS had no effect upon the rate and duration of the release. The rate of removal of exogenous PGE2 in the hind limb circulation was not influenced by HC, suggesting that the diminution of PG release by HC results from the suppression of PG generation rather than from the enhancement of degradation. It is suggested that inhibitory effect of HC upon the rate of the release of PG-like substances may be related to the membrane-stabilizing properties of this hormone. The difference in the intensity of the release of PG-like substances between normal and adrenalectomized dogs suggests that, at least in some conditions, the release of endogenous PGs from tissues may be influenced by the state of adrenocortical activity.  相似文献   

Parra J  Cantabrana B  Hidalgo A 《Life sciences》2000,66(26):2563-2569
Mifepristone, a synthetic 19-norsteroid, relaxed the KCl-induced tonic contraction in isolated rat uterus in a concentration-dependent way and CaCl2 (0.1 to 10 mM) counteracted it. This effect was similar to other steroids although the mechanisms involved are unclear. Before adding the contracturant, tissue was incubated with actinomycin D (10 microM), cycloheximide (300 microM), TPCK (3 and 10 microM), Rp-cAMPS (30 microM), DDA (100 microM) and H-7 (1 microM). None of these modified the relaxing effect of mifepristone. Incubation with drugs that interfere with cGMP such as a nucleotide analogue DDG (100 microM), a soluble guanylyl cyclase inhibitor ODQ (1 microM) and an inhibitor of protein kinase G 8pCPTcGMPS (1 microM) significantly modified the effect of mifepristone, increasing its IC50.  相似文献   

目的:应用离体淋巴管灌流技术,观察失血性休克(HS)发展进程中淋巴管对P物质(SP)的反应性。方法:Wistar雄性大鼠随机分为对照组(仅麻醉与手术)和HS组(通过股静脉放血至平均动脉血压为40 mmHg,复制HS模型,分为休克0h、0.5 h、1 h、2h、3 h五个亚组)。各组在相应时间点分离胸导管,制备淋巴管,3 cmH2O跨壁压下行离体灌流,分别给予从低到高浓度的SP,测量淋巴管收缩末期口径、舒张末期口径、收缩频率(CF)和被动管径,计算收缩幅度(CA)、泵流分数(FPF)和紧张指数(TI),以给予SP前后淋巴管的CF、TI、CA、FPF的差值△CF、△TI、△CA、△FPF作为评价淋巴管对SP反应性的指标。结果:Shock 0 h与shock 0.5 h大鼠淋巴管对多个或一个SP浓度的△CF、△TI、△CA、△FPF显著高于对照组,shock 2 h淋巴管对SP的△CF(3×10-7mol/L)、△TI(1×10-7mol/L)以及shock 3 h淋巴管对SP的△CF(1×10-7mol/L、3×10-7mol/L)、△TI(1×10-7mol/L)、△CA(1×10-7mol/L)均显著低于对照组。结论:休克淋巴管对SP反应性呈双相变化,即早期升高,晚期降低。  相似文献   

Release of [14C]glucosamine-labelled mucins was studied in vitro using well-characterised preparations of rat submandibular acini. Mucin release was stimulated by forskolin, an activator of the catalytic subunit of adenylate cyclase, and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), a cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Both stimulated in a dose-dependent manner to the same maximum as that seen with isoproterenol. Neither forskolin nor IBMX added in the presence of isoproterenol increased secretion above the maximum in response to isoproterenol alone, suggesting a similar mechanism of action, mediated by cyclic AMP. Prior exposure of acini to isoproterenol (10 microM) for 45 min, followed by washout resulted in (a) persistent increase in basal secretion which was abolished by propranolol and (b) reduced stimulation of mucin secretion in response to either a second isoproterenol challenge, noradrenaline or forskolin. Thus, exposure of rat submandibular acini in vitro desensitizes the cells to subsequent stimulation. Although this mimics the decreased beta-adrenergic secretory responses seen in submandibular cells from cystic fibrosis patients, results suggest that the isoproterenol-induced desensitization is at the level of beta-receptor and adenylate cyclase, rather than distal to cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

The present study has been performed to test for cell volume regulatory potassium release from the isolated perfused rat kidney exposed to hypotonic perfusate and for its sensitivity to potassium channel blocker barium and calcium channel blocker verapamil. Replacement of 25 mmol/l NaCl with 50 mmol/l mannitol has little effect on effluent potassium activity, whereas subsequent omission of mannitol from the perfusate leads to a transient increase of effluent potassium activity, reflecting volume regulatory potassium release. Barium (1 mmol/l) leads to a marked transient decrease of effluent potassium activity, pointing to net cellular uptake of potassium. Verapamil (1 mumol/l) leads to a slight decrease of effluent potassium activity. Both barium and verapamil virtually abolish the rapid, transient increase of effluent potassium activity upon exposure to hypotonic perfusates. Thus, the substances either block or markedly retard volume regulatory potassium release. The apparent renal vascular resistance is transiently increased by exposure to hypotonic perfusates and by barium, but is reduced by verapamil. Cell volume regulation of isolated perfused mouse straight proximal tubules is retarded but not abolished by verapamil (0.1 mmol/l). In conclusion, cellular potassium release from rat kidney can be determined by continuous measurement of effluent potassium activity. The volume regulatory potassium release and cell volume regulation are impaired by both barium and verapamil. The persisting cell volume regulation could be due either to slow potassium release and/or some mechanism independent of potassium.  相似文献   

Gastric somatostatin release from the isolated rat stomach was studied using a perfusion technique. Somatostatin released from the isolated perfused rat stomach was found to be identical in molecular size and immunoreactively with synthetic somatostatin. Infusion of glucagon (10?7 M) caused biphasic increase of gastric somatostatin release. Gastric somatostatin release was also stimulated by infusion of theophylline (10?3 M) and dibutyryl cyclic AMP (10?3 M). These results indicate the possible involvement of adenylate cyclase-cyclic AMP system in the regulatory mechanism of gastric somatostatin release.  相似文献   

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