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In a population the inbreeding coefficient alpha is determined by the relative incidence of the various degrees of consanguineous marriages--uncle-niece or aunt-nephew (C12), first cousin (C22), first cousin once removed (C23), second cousin (C33)--which may be related to temporal, geographic, demographic, and economic factors. Using published information from Spain corresponding to urban and rural areas, in this article we seek to establish how each specific relationship behaves with respect to geographic, demographic, and socioeconomic factors, to determine differential urban-rural patterns, and to study whether the diverse types of consanguineous matings relate homogeneously to these factors. For this purpose we performed multiple regressions in which the dependent variables were the different degrees of consanguinity previously selected and the independent variables were geographic, demographic, and economic factors. Our results indicate that the various types of consanguineous marriages in Spain are more conditioned by geographic, demographic, and economic variables than by the inbreeding level alpha (the coefficient of determination was between 0.22 and 0.72; the maximum for alpha was 0.35). A regional pattern exists in Spain and corresponds to close and to remote kinship, which may be mainly related to economic and family factors. Close relationships appear to be more associated with economic variables, whereas second-cousin marriages correspond largely to rural areas of the Spanish Central Plateau.  相似文献   

Inbreeding in Finland   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have compiled data on the frequency of first-cousin marriages in Finland using royal dispensation records for the time period 1810-1872 and national population statistics for the time period 1878-1920. For the earlier period, 0.315% of Finland's marriages were contracted between first cousins (2,331 of 739,387). During the second time period, 0.174% of Finland's marriages took place between first cousins (1,325 of 761,976). These figures, which yield average kinship coefficients of 0.00020 and 0.00011, respectively, show that the level of inbreeding in Finland due to first-cousin marriage has been quite low. An analysis of individual parishes shows that first-cousin marriages are, on average, substantially less frequent than predicted by a random-mating model. In order to evaluate determinants of first-cousin marriage, several predictive variables have been examined: parish ethnic composition (proportion of Swedish and Finnish speakers), husband's occupation (graded into 6 socioeconomic levels), geographic distance between spouses' premarital residences, population density, parish endogamy, and urban vs. rural residence. Various logistic and linear regression models were analyzed in which consanguinity was the dependent variable. The best predictors of consanguinity were ethnic composition and occupation. The other variables were not in general significant predictors. These results show that many of the "mate availability" factors that would be predicted theoretically to account for consanguinity variation (population density, geographic isolation, urban vs. rural residence) do not. Instead, the best predictors of consanguinity at the first-cousin level are cultural factors such as ethnicity and occupation. Evaluation of cultural variables can provide a greatly enriched interpretation of complex biosocial phenomena such as inbreeding.  相似文献   

In the last decade, the Costa Rican Central Valley population (CRCV), has received considerable scientific attention, attributed in part to a particularly interesting population structure. Two different and contradictory explanations have emerged: (1) An European-Amerindian-African admixed population, with some regional genetic heterocigosity and moderate degrees of consanguinity, similar to other Latin-American populations. (2) A genetic isolate, with a recent founder effect of European origin, genetically homogeneous, with a high intermarriage rate, and with a high degree of consanguinity. Extensive civil and religious documentation, since the settlement of the current population, allows wide genealogy and isonymy studies useful in the analysis of both hypotheses. This paper reviews temporal and spatial aspects of endogamy and consanguinity in the CRCV as a key to understand population history. The average inbreeding coefficients (a) between 1860 and 1969 show a general decrease within time. The consanguinity in the CRCV population is not homogeneous, and it is related to a variable geographic pattern. Results indicate that the endogamy frequencies are high but in general it was not correlated with a values. The general tendency shows a consanguinity decrease in time, and from rural to urban communities, repeating the tendencies observed in other countries with the same degree of development, and follows the general Western World tendency. Few human areas or communities in the world can be considered true genetic isolates. As shown, during last century, the CRCV population has had consanguinity values that definitively do not match those of true genetic isolates. A clear knowledge of the Costa Rican population genetic structure is needed to explain the origin of genetic diseases and its implications to the health system.  相似文献   

The Goierri, a mountain region within the Basque Hills of Guipúzcoa, includes one of the most culturally controlled autochthonous populations within the Basque area, mainly from linguistic point of view. The effects of geography and demographic changes (1862–1995) on consanguinity variables over its 21 Municipalities have been investigated. Rates of consanguineous marriages and mean inbreeding levels recorded in some of the southern villages can be considered high but, average values for the entire region were lowered due to the early industrialization of the province. In spite of that, consanguinity in the study area has been, for a long time, a prevailing and conspicuous phenomenon when compared to the other Guipúzcoa regions. The impact of marriages between first cousins from immigrant groups on the regional inbreeding levels represents an interesting result as well. Geographic and demographic factors seem to be related both to the extent of marriages as well as to the number of potential mates within populations, which, in turn, are associated with mean inbreeding levels. Altitude seems to show weak relationship with population distribution and population consanguinity variables. Nevertheless, levels of endogamy appear positively correlated with consanguinity rates and mean inbreeding coefficient and, inversely related-but not statistically significant- to mean village sizes. First cousin marriages yield the highest levels of exogamy and exogamous M22 marriages were mostly concentrated within short (1–10 km) and long-range marital distances (>50 km). The aveaage values of Goierri have been compared with a consanguinity data set of some selected Spanish mountain populations taken from the literature. One of the main results is that geographic and demographic variables are poorly correlated with the most important inbreeding parameters. However, different clusters of populations can be observed with specific characteristics for each of them, not highly correlated with geography.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal changes in the rates and the patterns of consanguinity are studied in some (indigenous as well as admixed) populations of Chile. Relationship between the variation of infant mortality and late fetal death rates with the degree of inbreeding is also explored. The need of a temporal study of these demographic variables is also emphasized to elucidate the influence of marriage structure or determined reproductive patterns on the genetic and demographic aspects within these populations.  相似文献   

This work analyzes the spatial heterogeneity of consanguinity in the Basque province of Guipúzcoa (Spain), using data provided by Catholic dispensations (1862-1980). Secular trends in consanguinity rates (%M(C)) and mean inbreeding coefficient (F) were similar in the seven Guipúzcoan regions considered, with peaks between 1881-1920 and subsequently a gradual decline. Substantial differences in consanguinity characteristics emerged when the regions were classified according to level of urbanization. Principal component analysis (accounting for more than 85% of the total variance in consanguinity variables) clearly discriminated between urbanized and less urbanized regions. The latter stand out for their high consanguinity rates (3.57-6.73%), mean inbreeding coefficient (0.00112-0.00240), and M22/M33 ratio (M22, first cousins; M33, second cousins), which ranged between 0.89-1.48. Moreover, in less urbanized regions, marital consanguinity was eminently local, and mainly conditioned by regional endogamy (71.4-85.0%). By contrast, urban subpopulations showed the lowest consanguinity rates (1.60-1.96%) and mean inbreeding coefficient (around 0.0007). In these regions, the M22/M33 ratio also exhibited high values (1.07-1.56), but this time at the expense of the contribution of the immigrant group. Discussion of the factors that could have modeled this spatial variation in consanguinity centers on: 1) demographic aspects related to the chronology and intensity of industrialization, 2) the geography of the territory and the geography of peopling, and 3) linguistic differences, expressed in the uneven distribution of Basque-speakers among the different territories considered.  相似文献   

The population of Easter Island is one of the most interesting extant human communities due to its unique demographic history, its geographic isolation, and the development of an incomparable culture characterized by the towering "Moais" and its enigmatic writing. Following the colonization of its population by Polynesians from the Mangarevan Islands in the 5th century AD, the island remained isolated up until the middle of the 20th century. Under these conditions, with endogamy levels fluctuating between 61.04-96.54% and given such a small population, a high rate of inbreeding, and consequently, an elevated level of genetic relationships would be expected. Using data from church and civil records, we calculated the consanguinity of the population of Rapa Nui. The results of this analysis do not support the hypothesis of a high level of consanguinity (alpha = 0.00028 and F(t) = 0.0007, with F(r) = 0.00586 and F(n) = -0.00519), suggesting instead the existence of a strategy used to avoid marriage between close relatives. To explain these observations, the structure and exchange dynamics of the population were studied in the tribes, known locally as "Mata." The results of this analysis suggest a tendency toward the avoidance of inbreeding within tribes, in order to decrease the rate of endogamy in each group. This is consistent with ethnographic observations from the beginning of the 20th century that support the existence of strict regulations to prevent inbreeding between closely related individuals. Furthermore, we confirm that this situation dates back to a period before the "refounding" of Easter Island. Our results demonstrate that conditions of geographical isolation are not in themselves sufficient to produce an elevated inbreeding coefficient, revealing Easter Island as an interesting example of how cultural rules can shape the genetic structure of a population.  相似文献   

The estimates of inbreeding derived from pedigrees and frequency of isonymous marriages (i.e., between persons of the same surname) are compared using genealogical and isonymic information from 4,899 marriages recorded between 1763 and 1972 in 4 rural villages of the French Jura region (a mountainous area near the Swiss border). Before the second half of the 20th century, the two kinds of estimates show a different temporal evolution. The mean inbreeding coefficient based on pedigrees increases between 1763 and 1852 and reaches a maximum between 1853 and 1882 (alpha = 0.0028), with a very low percentage (< 1%) the result of remote kinship. The mean inbreeding coefficient based on isonymy is always higher, with a maximum observed between 1793 and 1822 (F = 0.0200), and it remains roughly the same between 1763 and 1882 (F = 0.0150), with a high percentage resulting from a random component (Fr), a consequence of the small population size and genetic drift. After 1883, the 2 mean coefficients decrease. This discordance is largely explained by the poor quality, for the first periods, of the genealogical data base, which ignores the more remote links of kinship, justifying the use of the model of Crow and Mange (1965) to explore consanguinity during the more ancient periods. The temporal evolution of the repeated pairs of surnames index (RP) confirms the recent evolution of the marital structure of the valley. Moreover, it appears that isonymous marriages and repeated and unique pairs of surnames constitute 3 distinct matrimonial groups characterized by both a different mean coefficient of inbreeding (alpha) and a different rate of endogamy.  相似文献   

Genetic structure of Italian population is described as regards the level of inbreeding measured through the frequency of consanguineous marriages during a long period of time in different geographical areas. Analyses of spatial and temporal variation of the different types of marriages between close biological relatives allow us to point out the major factors responsible for the availability of cousins to marry within a specific area: population size, fertility, mortality and migration rates and, in general the demographic structure, changing over time and greatly affected by variation in the socio-economic structure. A deepened analysis, within each consanguinity degree, of the various pedigrees differing in the sex of ancestors, give information on the type of migration (patrilocal or matrilocal) occurred in various parts of Italy, as probable consequence of differential type of economy (for instance: pastoral or agricultural in Sardinia). Moreover, a cultural factor of varying intensity could be recognized in the greater observed frequency of marriages in which the nearest ancestors are females, interpreted as a tendency to maintain family ties by mothers of consanguineous mates.  相似文献   

The present paper is based on information on marital patterns and reproductive performance (reconstituted families) in the rural community of Los Nogales, Galicia, Spain. Biodemographic data were used to analyse temporal changes and structure of consanguinity in the population, as well as consanguinity versus reproductive success. Of 2347 marriages celebrated between 1871 and 1977, 5.15% were between relatives (up to third degree). The population's inbreeding coefficient was above the Spanish average after 1890, and levels were high during the first part of the 20th century. A possible underestimation of inbreeding coefficients is attributed to the elevated frequency of extramarital births occurring in the Los Nogales population (13.47%). The structures of consanguineous matings, expressed as C22/C33 and C33/C44, turned out to be 0.86 and 0.82 respectively. Regarding migration, before 1920 consanguinity increased, but net migration was negative. In the period 1920-1929 consanguinity began to decrease, prior to maximum emigration. As for reproductive success, information from 1503 reconstituted families shows that complete fertility was slightly higher among consanguineous families despite a greater infant mortality. Lower infertility in consanguineous matings, as well as lower age at marriage and first maternity, could explain the above results.  相似文献   

We studied 71.740 marriage certificates from the Diocese of León, Northern Spain, between the years 1918 and 1968. If VI degree marriages are considered 6.27% of the total were among relatives. The inbreeding coefficient is very near the average for other Spanish populations from the same period (F=0.002). Within the area studied, levels of inbreeding are higher in rural than in urban zones and slightly higher in the montaña than in the meseta. Within the montaña it is higher in the non-mining zone of the North than in the mining zone of the South. Throughout the entire period under study there is a continuous tendency towards a decrease in inbreeding which is sharper in the rural than in the urban zone. Consequently there is a convergence of values in recent times. This tendency appears later in rural populations in the center of the peninsula than in those of northern Spain, and in the Spanish population later than in other European countries.  相似文献   


A representative random sample of 11,628 rural couples and 8,998 urban couples from North Arcot District of Tamil Nadu in South India are under follow up since 1969 in a study of inbreeding eflFects. This paper describes the level of inbreeding and its relationship to religion of the couples. Wright's F for autosomal genes in the rural and urban areas were 0.0371 and 0.0205, respectively. The F for sex‐linked genes was significantly higher than that for autosomal and was 0.0411 in the rural areas and 0.0228 in the urban. Hindus had the highest inbreeding coefficients as compared to Muslims or Christians for both autosomal and sex‐linked genes, but there were significant variations among the different castes. The level of inbreeding among Muslims and Christians was similar and fairly high. Significant rural‐urban differentials persist in all religions. There is no appreciable change in the level of inbreeding over the past few decades in any religion, although minor declines are observed in certain castes in the urban areas.  相似文献   

Andorra, one of the smallest countries in Europe, is geographically very isolated. Located in the Central Pyrenees, it is surrounded by high mountains. This paper investigates the endogamous levels and relationships between demographic or geographical variation and inbreeding coefficients calculated through isonymic methods. Our results suggest that political and geographical frontiers are not significant enough to pose effective genetic barriers. The overall inbreeding coefficient average (0.0031) is moderate with respect to other populations in the same region. Temporal and geographical variations of total inbreeding and their components are explained in relation to changes in population size and intensity, and to origin and destination of migrant collectives. Although the spatial distribution of the population of Andorra is the main contributing factor to inbreeding, the kin-structured composition of immigrant collectives is another fundamental factor that helps to explain the levels and variation of inbreeding.  相似文献   



Hypertension is one of the main risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. In Madagascar, studies on hypertension in urban and rural communities are scarce.


The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of hypertension and identify associated risk factors in adults living in a health and demographic system in Moramanga, Madagascar.


The study included people aged 15 years old and above living in a health and demographic system in Moramanga. A household census was performed in 2012 to enumerate the population in 3 communities in Moramanga. In addition to the questionnaire used in the initial census, a standardized questionnaire and blood pressure were taken twice after 5 and 10 minutes of rest. In urban areas, heights and weights were also measured to calculate the body mass index.


There were 3621 and 4010 participants respectively in rural and urban areas. Prevalence of hypertension in rural population was 27.0% (IC95% [25.6–28.5]) and 29.7% (IC95% [28.3–31.1]) in urban population. Among hypertensive subjects, 1.7% (17/979) and 5.3% (64/1191) were on antihypertensive treatment for at least 1 month before the survey in rural and urban population, respectively. In rural areas, increasing age (65 years and older vs 18–25 years OR = 11.81, IC95% [7.79–18.07]), giving more than 3 positive responses to the usual risks factors of hypertension (OR = 1.67, IC95% [1.14–2.42]) and singles in comparison with married people (OR = 1.61, IC95% [1.20–2.17]) were associated to hypertension in a logistic regression model. In urban areas, increasing age (65 years and older vs 18–25 years OR = 37.54, IC95% [24.81–57.92]), more than 3 positive responses to the usual risks of hypertension (OR = 3.47, IC95% [2.58–4.67]) and obesity (OR = 2.45, IC95% [1.56–3.87]) were found as risk factors.


Hypertension is highly prevalent in rural areas although it is significantly less treated. As a result, a major epidemic of cardiovascular diseases is at risk in Madagascar’s progressively aging society.  相似文献   

In this study we describe inbreeding in a large pedigree from Tangier Island, Virginia, in which we compare two commonly used methods to estimate inbreeding in humans: pedigree and isonymy (identical surnames of spouses). Genealogical data on 3,512 individuals dating back to 1722 were used. Using the pedigree method, we determined an average inbreeding coefficient (F) of 0.00873 for the community as a whole, and 0.018 for inbred individuals. Analysis of temporal trends showed that inbreeding began around 1800 and peaked at 0.0109 in 1824-1849 and 1875-1899. Thereafter, inbreeding steadily declined to 0.00565 in 1975-1997. Analysis of pedigree structure complexity over time showed that close consanguinity contributes to inbreeding in the earlier cohorts, and remote consanguinity accounts for much of the inbreeding in the later cohorts. The number of common ancestors increases over time, as does the number of paths connecting inbred individuals to these common ancestors. Inbreeding estimates based on the isonymy approach yielded a 2.2-fold higher value of F (0.01945) compared to the pedigree method. Total isonymy estimates over 25-year cohorts overestimated inbreeding values from pedigree data between 1. 5-8-fold. We speculate that the overestimation is probably due to the inability of our data to satisfy the method's assumption of monophyletic origin of each surname. In conclusion, inbreeding in the Tangier Island population is consistent with the isolated nature of its population, and temporal trends reflect patterns in emigration and a breakdown in isolation over time.  相似文献   

Consanguineous marriage in a newly developed country: the Qatari population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the frequency of consanguineous marriage and coefficient of inbreeding in the State of Qatar. The study was conducted in semi-urban areas of Doha between January and May 2004. A sample of 1515 married Qatari females aged 15 years and over participated. The degree of consanguinity between each female and her spouse, and degree of consanguinity between their parents were recorded. The rate of consanguinity in the present generation was high (54.0%) with a coefficient of inbreeding of 0.02706. The commonest type of consanguineous marriage was between first cousins (34.8%). Double first cousin marriages were common (3.1%) compared with other populations. The consanguinity rate in the State of Qatar has increased from 41.8% to 54.5% in one generation.  相似文献   

After a decade of fertility decline, Ghana's fertility and the level of unmet need for contraception stalled in mid-transition in the late 1990s. Although the literature acknowledges this, the geographical patterns in unmet need have not been adequately documented. Spatial analysis of unmet need can reveal differences in usage and provision of contraceptive commodities, thereby pointing to geographical areas where contraceptive programmes should be strengthened. This study examines the geographical variation of the risk of mistimed and unwanted pregnancies between rural communities and also between urban communities of the three ecological zones of Ghana. The study also investigates if geographical differences in the risks of mistimed and unwanted pregnancies changed during the period when unmet need stalled at the national level. A multilevel regression model was applied to pooled data from the 1998 and 2003 Ghana Demographic and Health Surveys to examine the determinants of the risk of unintended pregnancies, while controlling for clustering of outcomes within communities. The results show that between the two surveys, there was no significant change in the levels of risk of mistimed and unwanted pregnancy. However, geographical heterogeneity in the risk of mistimed and unwanted pregnancy was observed, after controlling for relevant predictors. This showed concentration of mistimed pregnancies in some rural communities relative to others, and variation in the risk of unwanted pregnancies between urban communities. The results give a clear indication that bridging the inequality gap in contraceptive use requires programmes that are area-specific.  相似文献   



Evaluating environmental health risks in communities requires models characterizing geographic and demographic patterns of exposure to multiple stressors. These exposure models can be constructed from multivariable regression analyses using individual-level predictors (microdata), but these microdata are not typically available with sufficient geographic resolution for community risk analyses given privacy concerns.


We developed synthetic geographically-resolved microdata for a low-income community (New Bedford, Massachusetts) facing multiple environmental stressors. We first applied probabilistic reweighting using simulated annealing to data from the 2006–2010 American Community Survey, combining 9,135 microdata samples from the New Bedford area with census tract-level constraints for individual and household characteristics. We then evaluated the synthetic microdata using goodness-of-fit tests and by examining spatial patterns of microdata fields not used as constraints. As a demonstration, we developed a multivariable regression model predicting smoking behavior as a function of individual-level microdata fields using New Bedford-specific data from the 2006–2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, linking this model with the synthetic microdata to predict demographic and geographic smoking patterns in New Bedford.


Our simulation produced microdata representing all 94,944 individuals living in New Bedford in 2006–2010. Variables in the synthetic population matched the constraints well at the census tract level (e.g., ancestry, gender, age, education, household income) and reproduced the census-derived spatial patterns of non-constraint microdata. Smoking in New Bedford was significantly associated with numerous demographic variables found in the microdata, with estimated tract-level smoking rates varying from 20% (95% CI: 17%, 22%) to 37% (95% CI: 30%, 45%).


We used simulation methods to create geographically-resolved individual-level microdata that can be used in community-wide exposure and risk assessment studies. This approach provides insights regarding community-scale exposure and vulnerability patterns, valuable in settings where policy can be informed by characterization of multi-stressor exposures and health risks at high resolution.  相似文献   

The present paper examines consanguineous marriages occurring between 1874 and 1975 in three valleys (Tormes, Alberche, and Tiétar) in the Sierra de Gredos mountain range, Avila province, Spain. Information was obtained from parish registers of 42 localities, corresponding to a total of 41,696 weddings. Consanguineous marriages were defined as those up to the third degree of consanguinity (second cousins). From 1874 to 1975 the percentage of related mates was 4.45% and the inbreeding coefficient was 0.0011868 (for 1874 to 1917 corresponding figures up to the fourth degree were 16.44% and 0.00 19085, respectively). In order to ascertain the characteristics and evolution of mating patterns in Gredos, the contribution of each degree of kinship was analyzed as a whole and then for each valley separately. Regarding total consanguineous marriages in Gredos, there is a low frequency of uncle-niece matings (0.21%) and a first-second cousin mating ratio (C22/C33) of 0.23 (up to the third degree of consanguinity). Before 1918 multiple matings (i.e., those involving more than a single relationship) accounted for 19.16% of consanguineous marriages (up to the fourth degree). The observed frequencies of multiple consanguineous marriages was, on average, about twice that expected at random, and the proportion of such marriages to total inbreeding was 34.65%. The temporal change of the Gredos inbreeding pattern was characterized by a recent decrease; the highest inbreeding levels correspond to the period from 1915 to 1944. Finally, intervalley differences (maximum inbreeding coefficient in the Tormes, minimum in the Tiétar) are interpreted considering the geography, population size, and population mobility for each valley  相似文献   

Heterogeneous land cover patterns contribute to unique ecological conditions in cities and little is known about the drivers of these patterns among cities. We studied tree cover patterns in relationship to urban morphology (for example, housing density, parcel size), socioeconomic factors (for example, education, income, lifestyle characteristics), and historical legacies in Baltimore, Maryland, and Raleigh, North Carolina. Utilizing a multimodel inference approach and bivariate analyses, we analyzed two primary datasets employed in previous research predicting urban tree cover—one comprising continuous data (US Census), and the other consisting of categorical variables (Claritas PRIZM) that incorporate consumer purchasing data. Continuous data revealed that urban morphological characteristics were better predictors of tree cover patterns than socioeconomic factors in Raleigh and Baltimore at the parcel and neighborhood scales. Although the categorical dataset provided some evidence for the importance of socioeconomic and lifestyle characteristics in predicting tree cover patterns, the hierarchical nature of these data preclude separating the impacts of these factors from levels of urbanization. Bivariate analyses of continuous and categorical variables revealed that the highest correlation coefficients were associated with variables describing urban morphology—parcel size, percent pervious area, and house age. In Baltimore, historical census data were better predictors of present-day tree cover than census data from recent years. Most notably, parcel size, a key predictor of tree cover, has decreased with time in Raleigh to sizes consistently seen in Baltimore. Our findings demonstrate that urban morphology, the main driver of tree cover patterns in these cities, may lead to the homogenization of tree canopy in Raleigh and Baltimore in the future.  相似文献   

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