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Animals use rules to adjust their level of investment in a contest. We evaluate male strategies during contests over females in the golden orb-web spider Nephila clavipes. We tested whether male behaviour changes with female value, and found that contests were similar in intensity and outcome whether the female was a juvenile or adult, virgin or non-virgin, or whether one male had invested sperm in the female. We found evidence that males use a self-assessment strategy when deciding to withdraw from a contest. Loser body size and contestant size difference were correlated with a higher frequency of contest escalation, and fights involving two large males were more likely to escalate than a fight in which one male was small. A multiple regression showed that loser body size had a stronger effect on contest escalation than contestant body size difference. More importantly, the size of the winning male had no effect on contest escalation, a key prediction of a self-assessment strategy. In N. clavipes, body size is the primary factor that determines the outcome of male contests, and males do not appear to assess their opponent or the quality of the resource when deciding to withdraw from the fight.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees and the mathematics of battle   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Recent experiments have demonstrated the importance of numerical assessment in animal contests. Nevertheless, few attempts have been made to model explicitly the relationship between the relative number of combatants on each side and the costs and benefits of entering a contest. One framework that may be especially suitable for making such explicit predictions is Lanchester's theory of combat, which has proved useful for understanding combat strategies in humans and several species of ants. We show, with data from a recent series of playback experiments, that a model derived from Lanchester's 'square law' predicts willingness to enter intergroup contests in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Furthermore, the model predicts that, in contests with multiple individuals on each side, chimpanzees in this population should be willing to enter a contest only if they outnumber the opposing side by a factor of 1.5. We evaluate these results for intergroup encounters in chimpanzees and also discuss potential applications of Lanchester's square and linear laws for understanding combat strategies in other species.  相似文献   

The equations used to find an evolutionarily stable strategy in the basic game theory model (Maynard Smith, 1974, 1982; Maynard Smith & Price, 1973), and in sexual conflict models (Maynard Smith, 1977; Parker, 1979) do not, in fact, specify an ESS when the expected number of contests entered is not the same for each strategy. This means that the conclusions of many game theory models may be incorrect. This is particularly likely to be true when the mean durations of contests for different strategies are not the same, or when the probability that an individual enters a contest is not the same for all strategies. New ESS equations are developed which incorporate the expected number of contests entered.  相似文献   

Social experiences can be useful sources of information for animals charged with making fitness‐related decisions. Fighting experience can alter an animal's perception of its fighting ability possibly leading to changes in future contest decisions, which may increase/decrease their probability of winning future contests. Winner and loser effects have been revealed in a wide array of animals, but studies using reptilian models are rare. This study investigated the impact of fighting experience on future contest performance and outcome in the green anole lizard and investigated the assessment strategies used by anoles during contests of different intensities. To determine whether the green anole expresses winner or loser effects, focal animals engaged in a primary contest with a smaller (larger) opponent to gain a winning (losing) experience; opponent size asymmetries were a significant predictor of contest outcome. Focal individuals were isolated for 2 d before being given a secondary contest with a size‐matched, naïve opponent. We found no evidence of winner or loser effects 2 d following a previous contest. Although previous contest outcome did not dictate future contest success, dynamics of the previous contest did. Highly aggressive primary contest losers won a significant proportion of the secondary contests, while less aggressive losers were more apt to lose the secondary contest. Secondary contest success of prior winners was not influenced by earlier contest performance. Further analyses of contest dynamics reveal that individuals may use different assessment strategies depending on the intensity of the contest. Our results demonstrate that future contest success may be driven more by individual performance in a prior contest and less by prior contest outcome.  相似文献   

A determination of some of the factors that predict the outcome of contests between male tree lizards, Urosaurus ornatus, was made using logistic regression modelling on matched-pair data. Two-day-long encounters were staged between pairs of males differing in size (snout-vent length and mass), previous contest status (previous winners and previous losers), and coloration (dorsal coloration during their previous contest and throat coloration, a fixed trait). Mass proved to be the best single predictor of contest outcome, resulting in an 80% correct classification rate for predicting winners and losers, far better than the less than 57% correct classification rate for snout-vent length. Previous social status (winner or loser) also was a powerful single predictor of contest outcome with a 793% correct classification rate, as was previous dorsal coloration (76.7%). When combined, mass and previous status produced the strongest combination of predictors with a better than 86% correct classification rate. Contrary to several previous studies, which implicated throat coloration as an important status signal of dominance, our results failed to show that throat coloration is a strong predictor of contest outcome. Possible reasons for this discrepancy with earlier findings are discussed. The logistic regression models also allow prediction of the magnitude of difference in mass between two contestants for there to be an equal chance of winning, given a second asymmetry in contest predictors.  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis is made of the evolution of behavioural strategies in contest situations. It is assumed that behaviour will evolve so as to maximize individual fitness. If so, a population will evolve an ‘evolutionarily stable strategy’, or ESS, which can be defined as a strategy such that, if all members of a population adopt it, no ‘mutant’ strategy can do better. A number of simple models of contest situations are analysed from this point of view. It is concluded that in ‘symmetric’ contests the ESS is likely to be a ‘mixed’ strategy; that is, either the population will be genetically polymorphic or individuals will be behaviourally variable. Most real contests are probably asymmetric, either in pay-off to the contestants, or in size or weapons, or in some ‘uncorrelated’ fashion; i.e. in a fashion which does not substantially bias either the pay-offs or the likely outcome of an escalated contest. An example of an uncorrelated asymmetry is that between the ‘discoverer’ of a resource and a ‘late-comer’. It is shown that the ESS in asymmetric contests will usually be to permit the asymmetric cue to settle the contest without escalation. Escalated contests will, however, occur if information to the contestants about the asymmetry is imperfect.  相似文献   

Since the 1970's, models based on evolutionary game theory, such as war of attrition (WOA), energetic war of attrition (E‐WOA), cumulative assessment model (CAM) and sequential assessment model (SAM), have been widely applied to understand how animals settle contests. Despite the important theoretical advances provided by these models, empirical evidence indicates that rules adopted by animals to settle contests vary among species. This stimulated recent discussions about the generality and applicability of models of contest. A meta‐analysis may be helpful to answer questions such as: (i) is there a common contest rule to settle contests; (ii) do contest characteristics, such as the occurrence of physical contact during the fight, influence the use of specific contest rules; and (iii) is there a phylogenetic signal behind contest rules? To answer these questions, we gathered information on the relationship between contest duration and traits linked to contestants' resource holding potential (RHP) for randomly paired rivals and RHP‐matched rivals. We also gathered behavioural data about contest escalation and RHP asymmetry. In contests between randomly paired rivals, we found a positive relationship between contest duration and loser RHP but did not find any pattern for winners. We also found a low phylogenetic signal and a similar response for species that fight with and without physical contact. In RHP‐matched rivals, we found a positive relationship between contest duration and the mean RHP of the pair. Finally, we found a negative relation between contest escalation and RHP asymmetry, even though it was more variable than the other results. Our results thus indicate that rivals settle contests following the rules predicted by WOA and E‐WOA in most species. However, we also found inconsistencies between the behaviours exhibited during contests and the assumptions of WOA models in most species. We discuss additional (and relatively untested) theoretical possibilities that may be explored to resolve the existing inconsistencies.  相似文献   

Game theory models predict that individuals in contests adjust their strategy appropriately to the current value of the contested resource and the resource holding potential (RHP) of their opponent. In the current investigation, I examined interactively operating, multiple contest asymmetries on dyadic disputes for precopulatory guarding positions in the crab spider Misumenoides formosipes. In contests between equally sized adult males with no previous contest experience, residents had clear advantages in fighting success over intruders. Asymmetries in experience predicted outcome when tested against residency status, and experience operating in concert with residency status predicted resolution when tested against size asymmetries. Data from this investigation suggest that crab spiders learn strategies through experience rather than rely solely on the assessment of their opponent's RHP before determining contest effort.  相似文献   

Interstate wars and animal contests both involve disputed resources, restraint and giving up decisions. In both cases it seems illogical for the weaker side to persist in the conflict if it will eventually lose. In the case of animal contests analyses of the links between opponent power and contest duration have provided insights into what sources of information are available to fighting animals. I outline the theory of information use during animal contests and describe a statistical framework that has been used to distinguish between two strategies that individuals use to decide whether to persist or quit. I then apply this framework to the analysis of interstate wars. War duration increases with the power of winners and losers. These patterns provide no support for the idea that wars are settled on the basis of mutual assessment of capabilities but indicate that settlement is based on attrition. In contrast to most animal contests, war duration is as closely linked to the power of the winning side as to that of the losing side. Overall, this analysis highlights a number of similarities between animal contests and interstate war, indicating that both could be investigated using similar conceptual frameworks.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(2):321-326
Fights between male Euophrys parvula, a New Zealand salticid spider, consist of a number of discrete ‘stages’, of increasing intensity. Two aspects of these contests were investigated: (1) relative body size of the two opponents, and (2) the presence of a ‘resource’ (a female model). In 92% of all contests where a size difference existed, the larger of the two opponents won. Contest intensity (measured as the highest intensity behaviour elicited during the contest) was inversely correlated with relative body size of the two opponents (measured as carapace width). Contests escalated further when the female model was present. No relationship was found between contest duration and either relative body size or the presence of the model. It is suggested that for contests in which a number of behaviours of different intensity are used, contest intensity may be a better estimate of contest cost than duration. The results are discussed in terms of theoretical models of contest behaviour.  相似文献   

According to current theory, dominance relationships may depend on asymmetries between adversaries in their expected net gain from contested resources. A prediction derived from this theory was confirmed in the field by experimentally creating asymmetries between neighbouring territorial hummingbirds with regard to their net energy gains from their territories, and then forcing them to fight for ownership of the combined resources of the two territories. When territory productivity was increased to levels well above the daily energy requirements of each contestant, energetic asymmetries no longer detectably influenced dominance, and the amounts of aggression per contest were lower. Contests in which an energetic asymmetry was partially offset by an age-related asymmetry involved more fights than contests in which opponents belonged to different age classes but controlled feeders of identical productivity. The predicted negative correlation between the magnitude of the asymmetry in net energy gain and agonistic investment in the contest did not occur.  相似文献   

The question of why territorial residents usually win asymmetrical owner-intruder contests is critical to our understanding of animal contest evolution. Game theory suggests that, under certain conditions, residency could be used as an arbitrary means of contest settlement in a manner analogous to tossing a coin. Key empirical support for this idea is provided by a study on the speckled wood butterfly (Pararge aegeria); however, this result has proven controversial. We show conclusively that residency does not serve as an arbitrary cue for contest settlement in this species. By means of a series of manipulative experiments, conducted on two phenotypically divergent populations of P. aegeria, we also rule out the recently presented alternative that contests are settled due to resource-correlated asymmetries in thoracic temperature. Our results instead suggest that more intrinsically aggressive males accumulate as residents and continue to win due to the self-reinforcing effect of prior winning experience. Truly arbitrary contest settlement may be rare or non-existent in the wild.  相似文献   

Current theory predicts that contest outcome, as well as decisions on whether to initiate a contest, escalate during a contest or retreat are decided by asymmetries in resource holding potential (RHP) and/or expected payoffs between contestants. In this investigation, dyadic contests were staged between male swordtail fish (Xiphophorus cortezi) where individuals were paired based on cumulative fight records and were ranked at the end of the trials in order to approximate RHP. Size was the only asymmetry that I did not attempt to control for and as a result, I was able to determine the relationships between size, contest initiation, escalation and outcome. Individuals changed their contest initiation strategy based on their size relative to that of their opponents, and contrary to predictions, the smaller of the two males in each contest was more likely to initiate the conflict than was the larger male. However, the larger of the two males was more likely to win and standard length proved to be a moderate predictor of an individual's final rank. Regardless of size, initiators fared poorly, winning only 31% of the contests. In instances where the smaller males won the contests, they were no more likely to initiate the encounter than was the larger male. However, when small males did win, fights lasted longer, suggesting that in some cases smaller males may be able to outlast their opponents.  相似文献   

Male butterflies compete over mating opportunities. Two types of contest behavior are reported. Males of various butterfly species compete over a mating territory via aerial interactions until one of the two contestants retreats. Males of other butterfly species fly around larval food plants to find receptive females. Males of some species among the latter type can find a conspecific pupa, and they gather around it without expelling their rivals. Scramble competition over mating occurs when a female emerges from the pupa. Many studies have been performed on territorial species, and their contest resolution has often been understood from the point of view of contest models based on game theory. However, these models cannot explain why these butterflies perform contest displays despite the fact that they do not have the ability to attack their opponent. A recent study based on Lloyd Morgan’s Canon showed that territorial contests of male butterflies are better understood as erroneous courtship between sexually active males. In this paper, I review research on contests over mating opportunity in butterflies, and show that the erroneous courtship framework can explain not only territorial contests of butterflies but also why males do not determine the owner of a conspecific pupa.  相似文献   

Observations of small schools of squids in captivity suggested that dominance relationships among males were based upon major differences in the frequency or duration of their agonistic behavior, but staged contests showed few differences. During staged contests, squids exhibited up to 21 separate behaviors. Some contests included a complex array of visual signals and side-by-side posturing (Lateral Display) followed by physical contact during Fin beating. There was behavioral variability and step-wise escalation during the contests: squids performed either 1. long sequences of visual signaling followed by Chasing and Fleeing; or 2. short sequences of visual signaling followed by physical Fin beating and ending with Chasing and Fleeing. Size influenced outcome in all contests; larger males were more likely to win the contest. Size had no effect on contest duration, but contest duration was shorter when resource value was high, especially when a male established temporary ownership of a female. We speculate that when the perceived resource value is high, male squids are more likely to engage in a shorter yet riskier fighting tactic.  相似文献   

The theory of games and the evolution of animal conflicts   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The evolution of behaviour patterns used in animal conflicts is discussed, using models based on the theory of games. The paper extends arguments used by Maynard Smith &; Price (1973) showing that ritualized behaviour can evolve by individual selection. The concept of an evolutionarily stable strategy, or ESS, is defined. Two types of ritualized contests are distinguished, “tournaments” and “displays”; the latter, defined as contests without physical contact in which victory goes to the contestant which continues longer, are analyzed in detail. Three main conclusions are drawn. The degree of persistence should be very variable, either between individuals or for the same individual at different times; a negative exponential distribution of persistence times is predicted. Individuals should display with constant intensity, independent of how much longer they will in fact continue. An initial asymmetry in the conditions of a contest can be used to settle it, even if it is irrelevant to the outcome of a more protracted conflict if one were to take place.  相似文献   

In this study, the hypothesis that individual recognition is used as a cue to reduce the cost of contesting resources in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, was addressed. The predictions were that the second contest between familiar individuals should be settled with less aggression, and lower probability of status reversal, than a contest between strangers. To test these predictions, similar-sized juvenile rainbow trout were subjected to two dyadic dominance contests in one of four treatment groups: in half of the pairs, the initially subordinate and dominant individuals were staged against an unfamiliar opponent (of opposite rank to their own) in a second contest, while in the other the initial pair was reunited for the second contest. Further, in half of the pairs, contestants were separated for 3 d between contests, while in the other the second contest was staged immediately after the first. Levels of aggression in contests between familiar individuals were lower than in contests between strangers, which supports the hypothesis that individual recognition reduces aggression. Dominance status was reversed in 31% of the 62 tested pairs. Although the probability of status reversal was not significantly affected by individual recognition, the degree of change in competitive success appeared to be lower in familiar pairs. Separation interacted with familiarity so that the effect of individual recognition generally was less pronounced when pairs were separated between contests, suggesting that the ability to remember opponents is time/limited. In natural streams, salmonids may use individual recognition to reduce the cost of contesting resources within groups, to reduce aggression between territory neighbours and to distinguish ‘cheaters’ from honest signallers.  相似文献   

Game theory predicts which characteristics of male crab spiders should affect their success in mate-guarding contests. Previous data on Misumenoides formosipes suggested that body size and leg number influenced fight outcome, but the study had methodological problems. Using improved methods, we corroborated the size advantage but refuted the disadvantage of leg reduction. We also conducted the first test for an invertebrate on the effect that a single contest has on the outcome of subsequent contests. When size and residency status were controlled, prior winners defeated prior losers after only one contest experience. We discuss the importance of controlling for previous experiences in studies of contest resolution and the ramifications for both past and future studies.  相似文献   

Numerical superiority does not always ensure victory in intergroup contests. Although group size is likely to determine the maximum resource holding potential (RHP) of a group, the realized RHP is the collective outcome of individual group members' choices about participation in any given contest. For any group member, the choice about participation should be based on the assessment of costs and benefits that are affected by both ecological and social factors. In this study, we studied inter-unit contests in a provisioned troop of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana). We spent 368?hr in contact with 9 one-male units sharing the same home range, during which we recorded 148 inter-unit contests at a provisioning site. Inter-unit contests always started as inter-individual contests. Contests escalated only when the two individuals were of different age-sex classes and one was an adult male. When a contest escalated, additional individuals were likely to get involved, and the outcome of the contest depended on unit members' choices about participation. The superiority in the number of participants rather than the superiority in unit size led to victory in inter-unit contests, given that the difference in unit size did not predict a difference in the number of participants. Unit members were more likely to support others in inter-unit contests in winter when food was sparse than in spring when food was abundant. In addition, unit members were more likely to support others in escalated contests than in those resulting in displacement, indicating that they tended to alter the outcome of a contest to gain immediate benefit. Although males initiated most inter-unit contests, a clear win-loss was most likely when females joined the fight. This sex difference may reflect the benefits to males vs. females of living in a multi-level society.  相似文献   

Mantis shrimp strike with extreme impact forces that are deadly to prey. They also strike conspecifics during territorial contests, yet theoretical and empirical findings in aggressive behaviour research suggest competitors should resolve conflicts using signals before escalating to dangerous combat. We tested how Neogonodactylus bredini uses two ritualized behaviours to resolve size-matched contests: meral spread visual displays and telson (tailplate) strikes. We predicted that (i) most contests would be resolved by meral spreads, (ii) meral spreads would reliably signal strike force and (iii) strike force would predict contest success. The results were unexpected for each prediction. Contests were not resolved by meral spreads, instead escalating to striking in 33 of 34 experiments. The size of meral spread components did not strongly correlate with strike force. Strike force did not predict contest success; instead, winners delivered more strikes. Size-matched N. bredini avoid deadly combat not by visual displays, but by ritualistically and repeatedly striking each other''s telsons until the loser retreats. We term this behaviour ‘telson sparring'', analogous to sparring in other weapon systems. We present an alternative framework for mantis shrimp contests in which the fight itself is the signal, serving as a non-lethal indicator of aggressive persistence or endurance.  相似文献   

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