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Escherichia coli W7 cells were found to release three different muropeptides into the culture medium: tetrapeptide (L-Ala-D-Glu-meso-diaminopimelic acid-D-Ala), tripeptide (L-Ala-D-Glu-meso-diaminopimelic acid), and a previously undescribed dipeptide (meso-diaminopimelic acid-D-Ala). From the rate of release of these three peptides, it was calculated that 6 to 8% of the murein in the sacculus was lost per generation.  相似文献   

Serum-free supernatant fluids from monolayer cultures of B-16 mouse melanoma cells were found to contain a soluble membrane associated tumor-specific antigen. The 100,000 g supernatant of the culture fluid induced an antibody response to the B-16 cells both in rabbits and in the mouse strain of origin (C57Bl/6J). Similar supernatant fluids derived from an unrelated cell line (L-929) or from normal C57Bl/6 fibroblasts did not contain the B-16 specific material. Preliminary results indicate that the B-16 specific material is a protein of low molecular weight which is released into the culture fluid chiefly by living cells and, to a lesser extent, by autolysing cells.  相似文献   

When human diploid fibroblasts IMR-90 are cultured in routinely used medium (Eagle's basal medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum), sulfhydryl compounds appear in the medium. The major component of these sulfhydryl compounds is cysteine, and it is shown that a part of medium cystine is converted into cysteine by the cells. It is also shown that the sulfhydryl groups of serum albumin, which are masked and barely detectable before the culture, are restored. Probably cysteine formed by the cells reacts with serum albumin to give rise to the protein sulfhydryl groups via sulfhydryl–disulfide exchange reactions. Total sulfhydryl concentrations in the medium are maintained in a considerable level throughout the culture, and a possible physiological function of these sulfhydryl groups is discussed.  相似文献   

Trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi were metabolically labeled with [14C]-ethanolamine and [3H]-palmitic acid. Lipids shed to the culture medium were analyzed and compared with the parasite components. Phosphatidylcholine and lysophosphatidylcholine accounted for 53% of the total incorporated precursor. Interestingly, phosphatidylethanolamine and its lyso derivative lysophosphatidylethanolamine, although present in significant amounts in the parasites, could not be detected in the shed material. Shed lipids were highly enriched in the desaturated fatty acids C16:1 and C18:1 when compared to the total fatty acid pool isolated from the parasites.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of melanoma-associated antigens naturally shed from cultured melanoma cells in spent culture medium was investigated by means of a leukocyte migration test and culture medium from four melanoma and two control cell strains.Leukocytes from 29/64 melanoma patients showed a positive reaction with spent culture medium from at least one melanoma cell strain, whereas leukocytes from only 4/25 patients with other cancers and 1/30 normal donors reacted. On the other hand, leukocytes from only 8/51 melanoma patients reacted with control culture medium. Only melanoma patients' leukocytes reacted with two or more of the melanoma cell strains used. Culture media from two melanoma cell strains were more reactive (25.3% and 29.4% positive tests with melanoma patients' leukocytes) than others (12.5% and 17.2% positive tests); this may represent either a qualitative difference (i.e., different antigens) or a quantitative one (i.e., different levels of antigen expression according to tissue culture conditions). Both inhibition and stimulation of migration were observed, but with one exception, on a given occasion, leukocytes from the same donor always reacted in the same way (i.e., either inhibition or stimulation). Migration stimulation was observed mainly with melanoma patients' leukocytes, and more especially when leukocytes were sampled from patients within a few weeks from tumour removal; migration stimulation may thus reflect a particular state of sensitization in patients.From the evidence obtained in these studies, it is concluded that spent culture medium from melanoma cell strains contains melanoma-associated antigen (s) that is (are) reactive in the leukocyte migration test and that this may contribute to the study of specific antitumour reactivity in patients and to the study and purification of tumour-associated antigens by providing an homogeneous source of antigens spontaneously released from tumour cells in conditions close to natural ones.  相似文献   

The release of enzymatic activities from cells grown in protein-and lipid-free synthetic media into culture fluids was investigated. Cell strains employed were the derivatives from mouse fibroblasts, rat liver parenchymal cells, rat ascites hepatoma cells and HeLa cells. Activities of acid DNase, acid RNase and alkaline phosphatase (ALP)-I were detected in culture fluids as early as one day after renewal of medium, whereas those of β-glucuronidase and acid phosphatase were not found. This release of enzymes was unlikely to be caused by cell disruption during cultivation. The release of Dnase was inhibited by the addition of cycloheximide or actinbomycin D, whereas that of ALP-I was not inhibited.  相似文献   

Amino acids liberated into the culture medium by pea seedling roots   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary The amino acid composition of the medium in which seedlings of peas had been grown aseptically with and without quartz sand were determined by ion-exchange chromatography. Besides considerable amounts of amino acids, peptide material was also present.  相似文献   

3T3 fibroblasts release a novel factor into serum-free culture medium, which strongly suppressed concanavalin A-induced thymocyte DNA synthesis. This activity was highly purified by gel filtration, ion exchange and thin-layer chromatography and was characterized as a 1 kDa heat-stable peptide. Although this peptide suppressed lymphocyte DNA synthesis when added relatively early after lectin-stimulation, the cell viability was not changed significantly. The peptide considerably repressed DNA synthesis of some mammalian fibroblast cells, but malignant-transformed cells were not affected.  相似文献   

The release of membrane antigens into culture by adult Schistosoma mansoni.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Antigens sharing determinants with surface membranes and soluble proteins of adult Schistosoma mansoni have been detected in culture media after incubation of radioactively labelled worms. The relative quantities of these antigens were measured with specific antisera raised in rabbits and with serum from an immune rhesus monkey. It was found that 12-16% of TCA-precipitable radioactivity in the culture medium consisted of membrane antigens and 6-8% consisted of antigens sharing determinants with proteins found in the soluble fraction of adult worms. Over half the membrane antigens were present in particulate form, while other antigens were present in solution. Surface labelling the adult worms with [125I]confirmed that some of the particles in the culture medium were derived from the surface membrane of the adult worm and electron microscope examination of such particles showed that large membrane fragments were present. These results support the hypothesis that antibodies against schistosome membrane antigens are induced by particulate membrane antigens released by the parasite.  相似文献   

We have examined the morphologic characteristics of fibroblasts cultured from the beige mouse, a genetic variant phenotypically similar to human Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS). These cultured fibroblasts are characterized by large, amorphous dense body inclusions in their cytoplasm, often as large as the cell nucleus. Using time-lapse video phase-contrast microscopy, we have observed the formation of these large dense bodies through fusion of relatively normal-appearing lysosomes in the beige mouse fibroblast. After formation of these large inclusions, cells occasionally extruded the contents of these structures through apparent fusion with the plasma membrane and rapid exocytosis. Fibroblasts cultured from normal black mice showed no evidence of fusion between lysosomes or exocytosis of lysosomes. However, the uptake of extracellular medium through macropinocytosis, subsequent actions of lysosomes on these macropinosomes through saltatory motion, cellular migration and ruffling activity appeared normal in beige mouse fibroblasts. Immunocytochemical localization of α2-macroglobulin, a normal serum protein commonly incorporated into lysosomes in cultured fibroblasts by receptor-mediated endocytosis, showed that the large dense bodies contained α2-macroglobulin, in keeping with their lysosomal origin. This suggested further that receptor-mediated endocytosis in these cells was relatively normal. In addition, light and electron microscopic cytochemistry showed these large inclusions to be acid-phosphatase positive, further characterizing them as lysosomal. The electron microscopic appearance of these dense inclusions was consistent with their origin through repeated fusion of lysosomes. It is suggested that a primary defect in this disease may be the ability of mature lysosomal membranes to fuse, unlike normal lysosomal membranes, indicating perhaps an alteration in some specific component of the lysosomal membranes in CHS.  相似文献   

The ability of staphylococcal protein A (SPA) to bind to the Fc part of IgG has been used for the purification of a number of heterologous gene products as fusion proteins. Both the SPA promoter and signal sequence function in Escherichia coli, as well as in a number of Gram-positive bacteria, which facilitates comparisons of the expressed specific products in different hosts. The expression system developed for E. coli yields excretion of the fusion protein to the growth medium, which makes E. coli a competitive alternative to Gram-positive bacteria for the expression of secreted products. The human peptide hormones insulin-like growth factors (IGF) I and II were expressed using the protein A system in E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Despite a high degree of structural homology, large differences in the yields were observed in the two hosts. This underlines the importance of investigating different bacterial hosts for a particular protein product.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on cultures of human skin fibroblasts to explore the effects of culture medium glucose levels on insulin binding and action. Cell cultures in 5.55 mm glucose-containing medium depleted their medium glucose within 3 days, and at that time exhibited elevated deoxy-d-glucose (2-DG) transport (84% greater than control cultures fed 22.2 mm glucose) and failure of insulin to stimulate 2-DG transport (an insulin:control transport ratio of 1.02). There was also a significant negative correlation between basal 2-DG transport and insulin binding (r = ?0.621; n = 29; P < 0.01), while insulin binding exhibited a significant positive correlation with insulin action (r = 0.816; n = 12; P < 0.01). Glucose starvation of cultures for 18 h resulted in several changes: (i) a 49% decrease in specific 125I-insulin binding due to a reduction in binding capacity; (ii) elevated basal 2-DG transport; and (iii) an absence of insulin stimulation of 2-DG transport. Exposure to increasing concentrations of glucose for 18 h led to a glucose concentration-dependent increase in specific insulin binding. Additionally, the various changes in the glucose-starved group were reversed after as little as 6 h of glucose refeeding. The results indicate that basal sugar transport, and insulin binding and action can be regulated by the amount of glucose in the medium.  相似文献   

Materials released into culture medium by transformed and untransformed baby hamster kidney cells labelled with glucosamine, sulfate, fucose or leucine were characterized. Some of the components could also be labelled by iodination of intact cells, indicating their surface origin. Analysis on gradient polyacrylamide sodium lauryl sulfate gels demonstrated that a group of high apparent molecular weight glucosamine-labelled components were more abundant in materials released from Rous sarcoma virus-transformed baby hamster kidney cells than from baby hamster kidney cells or polymo virus-transformed baby hamster kidney cells. The relative rates of release of glucosamine-labelled components from transformed and untransformed cells were similar except that the transformed baby hamster kidney cells released some large molecular weight components slightly more rapidly than baby hamster kidney cells. Treatment of labelled medium materials with testicular hyaluronidase removed much glucosamine label from the materials but did not affect the amounts of other labels. After treatment with hyaluronidase, the patterns of labelled conditioned media from both transformed and untransformed baby hamster kidney cells were qualitatively and quantitatively very similar, suggesting that the differences seen in untreated labelled conditioned media were due to the presence of hyaluronidase-sensitive materials associated with medium materials rather than to actual differences in glycoproteins.  相似文献   

串珠镰刀菌可利用羟基脯氨酸、蔗糖、甘油和珍珠岩(P)等组成的P液体培养基合成镰刀菌素c(Fc),其最高量为93 6mg/kg有机物,比在玉米渣培养基中形成的Fc量较高。用P液体培养基制备Fc,受蔗糖浓度、胺类和培养温度及培养时间等的影响。实验证明,由1g百姓遭基因氨酸、40g蔗糖和珍珠岩组或的P液体培养基.在28℃培养二周是形成Fc的理想条件。液体培养基中加八珍珠岩,Fc的形成量增加500多倍。  相似文献   

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