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 DNA from endomycorrhizal fungi was extracted directly from a weathered soil (alfisol) mixed with sand. Mycorrhizae were established in a greenhouse culture of Glomus clarum with Sudan grass (Sorghum vulgare var. sudanense) host plants. The extraction procedure included enzymatic digestion of cell walls, sodium dodecyl sulfate lysis of cells, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone absorption of organic compounds, and ethanol precipitation of the DNA. DNA in the extracts was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction using primers from the nuclear 17S rRNA sequence that were general to fungi or were specific to endomycorrhizae. Accepted: 17 July 1996  相似文献   

Most studies involving next-generation amplicon sequencing of microbial communities from environmental studies lack replicates. DNA extraction and PCR effects on the variation of read abundances of operational taxonomic units generated from deep amplicon 454 pyrosequencing was investigated using soil samples from an agricultural field with diseased pea. One sample was extracted four times, and one of these samples was PCR amplified four times to obtain eight replicates in total. Results showed that species richness was consistent among replicates. Variation among dominant taxa was low across replicates, whereas rare operational taxonomic units showed higher variation among replicates. The results indicate that pooling of several extractions and PCR amplicons will decrease variation among samples.  相似文献   

We present results from a comparison of six methods for rapid DNA extraction from leaf and other plant tissues. We have used samples from six plant species in our study, including both crop species and their wild relatives. The success of the methods is assessed by PCR of the DNA using conserved primers, and the applicability of the different methods to particular species and tissues is assessed. The speed, reliability, convenience, and potential for further improvement of the methods are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a DNA extraction method suitable for fresh, herbarium-stored, lichenized and other fungal specimens. The method is fast and reliable, comparatively inexpensive and is suitable for obtaining PCR amplification quality DNA from large numbers of samples in a short time. The method has been tested with over 300 samples ofAscochyta, Phyllosticta, Ramalina, Parmelia andPhysconia. Amplifiable fungal DNA was extracted from pure cultures, leaf lesions, whole thalli and dissected only-fungal sections of lichenized fungi. In addition, the method has proved suitable for use with herbarium specimens of both lichenized and non-lichenized fungi, stored as dried pure cultures or dried infected plant material.  相似文献   

Fungal endophytes may alter plant responses to the environment, but how does the environment affect the communities of fungal symbionts within plants? We examined the impact of nutrient addition and herbivore exclusion on endophyte communities of the prairie grass Andropogon gerardii in a full factorial field experiment. Fungi were cultured from stems, young leaves, and mature leaves, ITS sequences obtained, and endophyte incidence, community richness, and composition analyzed. Results indicate that in plots where nutrient addition and herbivore exclusion treatments had been applied separately, fungal endophyte incidence, community composition or evenness did not differ, but that greater species richness was observed in plots with nutrient addition and herbivore exclusion treatments applied in combination, compared to other treatments. Further, although fungal community composition was significantly different in stem and leaf tissues, OTU richness was greater in all endophyte communities in nutrient addition plus herbivore exclusion treatments, regardless of tissue type. Our results indicate the distinct fungal endophyte communities found in different plant tissues respond similarly to environmental factors.  相似文献   

A simplified technique was developed for DNA sequence-based diagnosis of harmful dinoflagellate species. This protocol integrates procedures for DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification into a single tube. DNA sequencing reactions were performed directly, using unpurified PCR products as the DNA template for subsequent sequencing reactions. PCR reactions using DNA extracted from single cells of Cocodinium polykrikoides and Alexandrium catenella successfully amplified the target ribosomal DNA regions. DNA sequencing of the unpurified PCR products showed that DNA sequences corresponded to the expected locus of ribosomal DNA regions of both A. catenella and C. polykrikoides (each zero genetic distance and 100% sequence similarity). Using the protocol described in this article, there was little DNA loss during the purification step, and the technique was found to be rapid and inexpensive. This protocol clearly resolves the taxonomic ambiguities of closely related algal species (such as Alexandrium and Cochlodinium), and it constitutes a significant breakthrough for the molecular analysis of nonculturable dinoflagellate species.  相似文献   

A simple and easy protocol for extracting high-quality DNA from microorganisms and plants is presented. The method involves inactivating proteins by using SDS/proteinase K and precipitating polysaccharides in the presence of high salt. Further purification is based on differential solubility of DNA and high-molecular-weight polysaccharides in aqueous media. The procedure does not use the toxic and potentially hazardous phenol and chloroform, and as many as 100 samples can be processed per day. Absorbency ratios (A260/A280) of 1.6–2.0 indicated a minimal presence of contaminating metabolites. The DNA was completely digested with 5 restriction enzymes:EcoR I,RsaI,TaqI,EcoR V, andHind III. PCR analysis using enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC) sequence, sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR), and random amplified microsatellite (RAMS) primers showed the DNA's compatibility with downstream applications. This procedure is applicable to a range of pathogens and plants and thus may find wide application in quarantine services and marker-assisted selection (MAS) breeding.  相似文献   

Three comparatively rapid methods for the extraction of DNA from fungal conidia and yeast cells in environmental (air, water and dust) samples were evaluated for use in real-time PCR (TaqMan™) analyses. A simple bead milling method was developed to provide sensitive, accurate and precise quantification of target organisms in air and water (tap and surface) samples. However, quantitative analysis of dust samples required further purification of the extracted DNA by a streamlined silica adsorption procedure.  相似文献   

Five different DNA extraction methods were evaluated for their effectiveness in recovering PCR templates from the conidia of a series of fungal species often encountered in indoor air. The test organisms were Aspergillus versicolor, Penicillium chrysogenum, Stachybotrys chartarum, Cladosporium herbarum and Alternaria alternata. The extraction methods differed in their use of different cell lysis procedures. These included grinding in liquid nitrogen, grinding at ambient temperature, sonication, glass bead milling and freeze-thawing. DNA purification and recovery from the lysates were performed using a commercially available system based on the selective binding of nucleic acids to glass milk. A simple quantitative competitive polymerase chain reaction (QC-PCR) assay was developed for use in determining copy numbers of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the ribosomal RNA operon (rDNA) in the total DNA extracts. These quantitative analyses demonstrated that the method using glass bead milling was most effective in recovering PCR templates from each of the different types of conidia both in terms of absolute copy numbers recovered and also in terms of lowest extract to extract variability. Calculations of average template copy yield per conidium in this study indicate that the bead milling method is sufficient to support the detection of less than ten conidia of each of the different organisms in a PCR assay.  相似文献   

目的 介绍一种从酵母、无绿藻及丝状真菌中提取DNA以用于PCR反应的方法。方法 所用菌种包括临床分离的未知菌株和保藏菌株共23株:未知酵母菌(5株)、真皮毛孢子菌(1株)、糠秕马拉色菌(1株)、季也蒙念珠菌(5株)、未知丝状真菌(6株)、无绿藻(1株)、烟曲霉(2株)、拟青霉菌(1株)、茎点霉(1株)。用溶细胞酶(lyticase)结合Biospin真菌基因组DNA提取试剂盒提取基因组DNA,A260/A280检测纯度并计算质量浓度,用真菌通用引物ITS1/ITS4扩增真菌核糖体基因(rDNA)内转录间区ITS基因,经PCR扩增检验所提取的DNA质量。结果 成功提取所有23株真菌基因组DNA,其纯度及质量浓度能满足PCR反应的要求。结论 用溶细胞酶结合Biospin真菌基因组DNA提取试剂盒从酵母菌、无绿藻及丝状真菌提取的DNA可用于PCR反应。  相似文献   

 We describe a method that allows quick and easy PCR amplification and cloning of nearly complete SSU rRNA genes from arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. The procedure tested on spores from 37 different glomalean isolates was based on magnetic separation with Dynabeads, followed by nested PCR with two primer pairs. All trials led to visible amplification products of the expected size. Thereafter, the PCR fragments could be quickly and efficiently cloned by means of a topoisomerase-activated vector (pCR2.1-TOPO). The technique is rapid, uncomplicated and comparatively inexpensive. The use of single spores for DNA extraction has some advantages over multispore-preparations, e.g. it is less susceptible to contamination with other organisms present in the cultures. The method can be used for the quick and reliable preparation of a large number of samples and is highly reproducible. It could also be used for genes other than the SSU rRNA gene. Accepted: 25 October 2000  相似文献   

为了优选快速、 灵敏、 特异的家蚕微孢子虫Nosema bombycis分子检测方法和DNA抽提方法, 本文通过对家蚕微孢子虫TaqMan探针荧光定量PCR检测方法和SYBR Green荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立以及反应体系优化, 并与普通PCR方法进行比较; 再采用4种不同DNA抽提方法分别对PCR和实时荧光定量PCR方法检测家蚕微孢子虫悬浮液的效果评价。结果显示: 不经过DNA抽提, 直接将家蚕微孢子虫发芽液进行PCR反应的效果优于其他方法, 检测灵敏度由高到低依次为直接法、 酚/氯仿抽提法、 动物组织DNA试剂盒抽提法和植物组织DNA试剂盒抽提法; TaqMan探针法检测家蚕微孢子虫发芽液的灵敏度和SYBR Green法相近, 达到微孢子102个/mL, 两者均优于普通PCR方法。实验表明, 直接采用发芽液结合荧光定量PCR方法检测家蚕微孢子虫最为简便、 快速、 灵敏。该研究结果将有助于提高家蚕微粒子病监控技术和检疫能力, 对家蚕微粒子病的检疫和防治具有积极意义。  相似文献   

Abstract A procedure for isolation of genomic DNA from the zygomycete Cunninghamella elegans and other filamentous fungi and yeasts is reported. This procedure involves disruption of cells by grinding using dry ice, removal of polysaccharides using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and by phenol extractions, and precipitation of DNA with isopropanol at room temperature. The isolation method produced large scale (approximate 1 mg DNA/5 g wet cells) and highly purified high molecular mass DNA. Sau 3AI partially digested DNA showed high transformation efficiency (106 / 100ng DNA) when ligated to ZAP-express λ vector.  相似文献   

向日葵种子不同部位微量提取DNA用于PCR的研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
探索了从向日葵成熟种子的单粒种子、1/2种子、1/4种子、1/8种子中提取DNA的方法,结果表明,无论是从单粒种子、1/2种子、1/4种子还是1/8种子都能提取质量较好的DNA,对所有提取的DNA,进行RAPD分析,都能得到扩增产物,1/8种子提取的DNA量可保证用于2次PCR扩增。从种子的不同部位提取的DNA与从幼苗中提取的DNA用于RAPD分析,所得结果一致。说明直接从微量向日葵种子提取DNA应用于分子检测是可行的,但直接从向日葵果皮中提取DNA的技术有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

As crustose Corallinales on the coasts of Chile are usually flat, thin,strongly adherent to the rocks and with a high concentration ofpolysaccharides,there is a need to improve DNA extraction for molecular studies. The paperdescribes a protocol to achieve this, which includes steps for disruption ofcell walls and precipitation of polysaccharides and proteins; this leads to aPCR-quality product. The DNA obtained permitted amplification of SSU and rbcLgenes from small amounts of material (< 1 g) of several generaand species of Corallinales. Comparison of the sequences of small SSU fragments(approximately 500 bp), combined with morphological characters,together provide sufficient resolution to distinguish organisms at the genusandspecies levels.  相似文献   

Using environmental DNA (eDNA) to assess the distribution of micro‐ and macroorganisms is becoming increasingly popular. However, the comparability and reliability of these studies is not well understood as we lack evidence on how different DNA extraction methods affect the detection of different organisms, and how this varies among sample types. Our aim was to quantify biases associated with six DNA extraction methods and identify one which is optimal for eDNA research targeting multiple organisms and sample types. We assessed each methods’ ability to simultaneously extract bacterial, fungal, plant, animal and fish DNA from soil, leaf litter, stream water, stream sediment, stream biofilm and kick‐net samples, as well as from mock communities. Method choice affected alpha‐diversity for several combinations of taxon and sample type, with the majority of the differences occurring in the bacterial communities. While a single method performed optimally for the extraction of DNA from bacterial, fungal and plant mock communities, different methods performed best for invertebrate and fish mock communities. The consistency of methods, as measured by the similarity of community compositions resulting from replicate extractions, varied and was lowest for the animal communities. Collectively, these data provide the first comprehensive assessment of the biases associated with DNA extraction for both different sample types and taxa types, allowing us to identify DNeasy PowerSoil as a universal DNA extraction method. The adoption of standardized approaches for eDNA extraction will ensure that results can be more reliably compared, and biases quantified, thereby advancing eDNA as an ecological research tool.  相似文献   

DNA amplification in the field: move over PCR,here comes LAMP   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
It would not be an exaggeration to say that among molecular technologies, it is PCR (polymerase chain reaction) that underpins the discipline of molecular ecology as we know it today. With PCR, it has been possible to target the amplification of particular fragments of DNA, which can then be analysed in a multitude of ways. The capability of PCR to amplify DNA from a mere handful of copies further means that conservationists and ecologists are able to sample DNA unobtrusively and with minimal disturbance to the environment and the organisms of interest. However, a key disadvantage of PCR‐based methods has been the necessity for a generally non‐portable, laboratory setting to undertake the time‐consuming thermocycling protocols. LAMP (loop‐mediated isothermal amplification) offers a logistically simpler protocol: a relatively rapid DNA amplification reaction occurs at one temperature, and the products are visualized with a colour change within the reaction tubes. In the first field application of LAMP for an ecological study, Centeno‐Cuadros et al. ( 2016 ) demonstrates how LAMP can be used to determine the sex of three raptor species. By enabling DNA amplification in situ and in ‘real‐time’, LAMP promises to revolutionize how molecular ecology is practised in the field.  相似文献   

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