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Production of nitrous oxide (N2O) was studied in one peaty and one sandy soil undergoing wetting and drying cycles. The background concentration of N2O in the soil was compared with the N2O produced during 4 hours of incubation with and without addition of acetylene. The concentration of N2O in the soil under flooded conditions was relatively stable, and net consumption of N2O was observed as often as net production. The reference area and drained soils showed somewhat different patterns compared to the flooded soils, which was probably an effect of intermediate soil water conditions. During flooding, the nitrous oxide made up less than 1% of total denitrification on 50% and 54% of the sampling occasions for the peaty and the sandy soil, respectively, and N2O/(N2O+N2)-ratios exceeded 0.2 on only 6% and 3% of the sampling occasions. Under drained conditions and in the reference areas, the ratios showed a more even frequency distribution. Grouping the nitrous oxide production data for different seasons and field conditions, we found few seasonal trends. At the sandy site, mean production of N2O was larger during the winter months. There were weak correlations between N2O production and floodwater nitrate concentration, and between N2O production and soil temperature. N2O production in the reference area varied between consumption and 4.6 kg N ha–1 month–1 and in flooded and drained soil between consumption and 2.6 kg N ha–1 month–1.  相似文献   

Denitrification in the top and sub soil of grassland on peat soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Denitrification is an important process in the nitrogen (N) balance of intensively managed grassland, especially on poorly drained peat soils. Aim of this study was to quantify the N loss through denitrification in the top and sub soil of grassland on peat soils. Sampling took place at 2 sites with both control (0 N) and N fertilised (+ N) treatments. Main difference between the sites was the ground water level. Denitrification was measured on a weekly basis for 2 years with a soil core incubation technique using acetylene (C2H2) inhibition. Soil cores were taken from the top soil (0–20 cm depth) and the sub soil (20–40 cm depth) and incubated in containers for 24 hours. The denitrification rate was calculated from the nitrous oxide production between 4 and 24 hours of incubation. Denitrification capacities of the soils and the soil layers were also determined.The top soil was the major layer for denitrification with losses ranging from 9 to 26 kg N ha–1 yr–1 from the O N treatment. Losses from the top soil of the + N treatment ranged from 13 to 49 kg N ha–1 yr–1. The sub soil contributed, on average, 20% of the total denitrification losses from the 0–40 layer. Losses from the 0–40 cm layer were 2 times higher on the + N treatment than on the O N treatment and totalled up to 70 kg N ha–1 yr–1. Significant correlation coefficients were found between denitrification activity on the one hand, and ground water level, water filled pore space and nitrate content on the other, in the top soil but not in the sub soil. The denitrification capacity experiment showed that the availability of easily decomposable organic carbon was an important limiting factor for the denitrification activity in the sub soil of these peat soils.  相似文献   

The (sup15)N isotope dilution and pairing methods were applied to investigate the vertical distribution of nitrogen transformations during infiltration in one peaty soil and one sandy soil. Water containing (sup15)N-nitrate (99.9%; 200 (mu)M) as the only nitrogen fraction was infiltrated through cores containing homogenized soil, with lengths varying from 5.5 to 38 cm. Oxygen and nitrogen dynamics were investigated by measuring inflowing and outflowing water. The experimental design allowed determinations of vertical profiles of aerobic respiration, nitrification, and coupled and uncoupled denitrification and ammonification. In the sandy soil, all oxygen was consumed in the upper 14 cm and nitrate was subsequently consumed and removed, up to a maximum of 70% in the longest core (28 cm). In the peaty soil, oxygen was consumed in the upper 7.5 cm and all nitrate was denitrified in the top 20 cm. In both soils, nitrogen removal by denitrification was counteracted by the release of ammonium and dissolved organic nitrogen. In the sandy soil, net nitrogen removal occurred in cores of 14 cm and longer; in the longest core, 40% was removed. In the peaty soil, release was equal to removal in the top 14 cm but release exceeded removal in the deeper layers, leading to a 100% increase of total nitrogen in the effluent water from the longest core (38 cm).  相似文献   

Production of energy crops is promoted as a means to mitigate global warming by decreasing dependency on fossil energy. However, agricultural production of bioenergy can have various environmental effects depending on the crop and production system. In a field trial initiated in 2008, nitrate concentration in soil water was measured below winter wheat, grass‐clover and willow during three growing seasons. Crop water balances were modelled to estimate the amount of nitrate leached per hectare. In addition, dry matter yields and nitrogen (N) yields were measured, and N balances and energy balances were calculated. In willow, nitrate concentrations were up to approximately 20 mg l?1 nitrate‐N during the establishment year, but declined subsequently to <5 mg l?1 nitrate‐N, resulting in an annual N leaching loss of 18, 3 and 0.3 kg ha?1 yr?1 N in the first 3 years after planting. A similar trend was observed in grass‐clover where concentrations stabilized at 2–4 mg l?1 nitrate‐N from the beginning of the second growing season, corresponding to leaching of approximately 5 kg ha?1 yr?1 N. In winter wheat, an annual N leaching loss of 36–68 kg ha?1 yr?1 was observed. For comparison, nitrate leaching was also measured in an old willow crop established in 1996 from which N leaching ranged from 6 to 27 kg ha?1 yr?1. Dry matter yields ranged between 5.9 and 14.8 Mg yr?1 with lowest yield in the newly established willow and the highest yield harvested in grass‐clover. Grass‐clover gave the highest net energy yield of 244 GJ ha?1 yr?1, whereas old willow, winter wheat and first rotation willow gave net energy yields of 235, 180 and 105 GJ ha?1 yr?1. The study showed that perennial crops can provide high energy yields and significantly reduce N losses compared to annual crops.  相似文献   

Summary Ammonium nitrate fertilizer, labelled with15N, was applied in spring to winter wheat growing in undisturbed monoliths of clay and sandy loam soil in lysimeters; the rates of application were respectively 95 and 102 kg N ha−1 in the spring of 1976 and 1975. Crops of winter wheat, oilseed rape, peas and barley grown in the following 5 or 6 years were treated with unlabelled nitrogen fertilizer at rates recommended for maximum yields. During each year of the experiments the lysimeters were divided into treatments which were either freelydrained or subjected to periods of waterlogging. Another labelled nitrogen application was made in 1980 to a separate group of lysimeters with a clay soil and a winter wheat crop to study further the uptake of nitrogen fertilizer in relation to waterlogging. In the first growing season, shoots of the winter wheat at harvest contained 46 and 58% of the fertilizer nitrogen applied to the clay and sandy loam soils respectively. In the following year the crops contained a further 1–2% of the labelled fertilizer, and after 5 and 6 years the total recoveries of labelled fertilizer in the crops were 49 and 62% on the clay and sandy loam soils respectively. In the first winter after the labelled fertilizer was applied, less than 1% of the fertilizer was lost in the drainage water, and only about 2% of the total nitrogen (mainly nitrate) in the drainage water from both soils was derived from the fertilizer. Maximum annual loss occurred the following year but the proportion of tracer nitrogen in drainage was nevertheless smaller. Leaching losses over the 5 and 6 years from the clay and sandy loam soil were respectively 1.3 and 3.9% of the original application. On both soils the percentage of labelled nitrogen to the total crop nitrogen content was greater after a period of winter waterlogging than for freely-drained treatments. This was most marked on the clay soil; evidence points to winter waterlogging promoting denitrification and the consequent loss of soil nitrogen making the crop more dependent on spring fertilizer applications.  相似文献   

Field experiments were carried out in 1987 on winter wheat crops grown on three types of soil. 15N-labelled urea, 15NH4NO3 or NH4 15NO3 (80 kg N ha-1) was applied at tillering. The soils (chalky soil, hydromorphic loamy soil, sandy clay soil) were chosen to obtain a range of nitrogen dynamics, particularly nitrification. Soil microbial N immobilization and crop N uptake were measured at five dates. Shortly after fertilizer application (0–26 days), the amount of N immobilized in soil were markedly higher with labelled urea or ammonium than that with nitrate in all soils. During the same period, crop 15N uptake occurred preferentially at the expense of nitrate. Nitrification differed little between soils, the rates were 2.0 to 4.7 kg N ha-1 day-1 at 9°C daily mean temperature. The differences in immobilization and uptake had almost disappeared at flowering and harvest. 15N recovery in soil and crop varied between 50 and 100%. Gaseous losses probably occurred by volatilization in the chalky soil and denitrification in the hydromorphic loamy soil. These losses affected the NH4 + and NO3 - pools differently and determined the partitioning of fertilizer-N between immobilization and absorption.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted to assess the turnover and the leaching of nitrogen in arable soils of Lower Saxony (NW Germany). The mean surplus N (difference between N inputs by fertilization and N export by the yield; 146 field plots) from 1985–1988 amounted to 38 kg ha-1 yr-1 in fine textured (clay, loam, silt) and to 98 kg ha-1 yr-1 in coarse (sandy) soils. Leaching of nitrate calculated by a simple functional model for simulation of the N regime over the winter period (i.e. mineralization and leaching) was 16 kg ha-1 in the fine and 63 kg N ha-1 in coarse soils (mean values of the winter periods 1985–1988 from 256 plots).Before the 1960s, the depth of the Ap horizons rarely exceeded 25 cm in arable soils of the former FRG. During the last three decades, ploughing depth has increased to at least 35 cm. The mass balance calculations for total N after ploughing to 35 cm in loess soils of southern Lower Saxony (105 farm plots) yielded a mean increase in total N by about 900 kg ha-1 in 20 years. With respect to soil organic matter equilibria, N accumulation will continue for at least another 10 years on 67% of the examined farm plots. This study suggests that long term N immobilization is one of the most important sinks for nitrogen in arable soils of Germany. For simulation of the N dynamics over the growing season and for long time periods total nitrogen dynamics need to be considered.  相似文献   

Summary Denitrification was directly measured using the acetylene inhibition technique in a Sonoran Desert ecosystem dominated by Prosopis glandulosa. Soil under Prosopis and from the unvegetated area between Prosopis was wetted with 50 mm of water and denitrification measured for 48 hours. The mean denitrification rate under Prosopis was 11.6 g N ha-1h-1 compared to only 0.2 g N ha-1h-1 away from Prosopis. The denitrification response to wetting was rapid and rates peaked about 24 h after water application.The much higher denitrification under Prosopis probably results from high available organic C under Prosopis, but other soil chemical and physical changes effected by Prosopis may influence denitrification rates. About 0.5 kg N ha-1 of Prosopis cover may be lost from this ecosystem by denitrification after infrequent major rainfalls.  相似文献   

Overstory species influence the distribution and dynamics of nutrients in forest ecosystems. Ecosystem-level estimates of Ca, Mg, and K pools and cycles in 50-year old Douglas-fir and red alder stands were used to determine the effect of overstory composition on net cation removal from the mineral soil, i.e. cation export from the soil in excess of additions. Net cation removal from Douglas-fir soil was 8 kg Ca ha–1 yr–1, 1 kg Mg ha–1 yr–1, and 0.3 kg K ha–1 yr–1. Annual cation export from soil by uptake and accumulation in live woody tissue and O horizon was of similar magnitude to leaching in soil solution. Atmospheric deposition partially off-set export by adding cations equivalent to 28–88% of cation export. Net cation removal from red alder soil was 58 kg Ca ha–1 yr–1, 9 kg Mg ha–1 yr–1, and 11 kg K ha–1 yr–1. Annual cation accumulation in live woody tissue and O horizon was three times greater than in Douglas-fir, while cation leaching in soil solution was five to eight times greater. The lack of excessive depletion of exchangeable cations in the red alder soil suggests that mineral weathering, rather than exchangeable cations, was the source of most of the removed cations. Nitric acid generated during nitrification in red alder soil led to high rates of weathering and NO3-driven cation leaching.  相似文献   

Denitrification losses from a poorly drained clayey loamy soil under natural pasture were measured over a two-year period using the acetylene inhibition technique. Plots received two different applications of fertilizer as calcium ammonium nitrate or cow slurry (a total of 145–290 kg N ha–1 in 1991 and 120–240 kg in 1992). In the first year, N losses in the mineral treatments were about 4 times greater than losses in the slurry treatments. In the second year losses in the slurry treatments increased in such a way that losses in the higher slurry application became similar to those for the two mineral treatments. Soil nitrate was the factor producing differences between treatments. In this way, N mineralization in periods between fertilizations coinciding with high soil water contents was responsible in the second year for the increase in N losses in the slurry treatments. Denitrification rates greater than 0.1 kg N ha–1 day–1 occurred at soil water contents > 33 % (air filled porosity < 26 %) and soil nitrate contents > 1 mg N kg–1 dry soil. Spring and autumn were the seasons of highest risk of denitrification because of N fertilizations coinciding with periods of soil saturation with water. Winter losses were low, but this is a period when there is a risk of denitrification in wetter seasons, particularly for a slurry application management.  相似文献   

Transformations and fluxes of N were examined in three forested sites located along a gradient of soil texture in the coastal forests of the Waquoit Bay watershed on Cape Cod. Total N leaching losses to ground water were 0.5 kg ha-1 yr-1 in the loamy sand site and 1.5 kg ha-1 yr-1 in the fine sand site. Leaching loss to groundwater was not measured in the coarse sand site due to the prohibitive depth of the water table but total N leaching loss to 1m depth in the mineral soil was 3.9 kg ha-1 yr-1. DON accounted for most of the leaching losses below the rooting zone (77–89%) and through the soil profile to ground water (60%–80%). Differences in DON retention capacity of the mineral soil in the sites along the soil texture gradient were most likely related to changes in mineral soil particle surface area and percolation rates associated with soil texture. Forests of the watershed functioned as a sink for inorganic N deposited on the surface of the watershed in wet and dry deposition but a source of dissolved organic N to ground water and adjoining coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

Wetland ecosystems in agricultural areas often become progressively more isolated from main water bodies. Stagnation favors the accumulation of organic matter as the supply of electron acceptors with water renewal is limited. In this context it is expected that nitrogen recycling prevails over nitrogen dissipation. To test this hypothesis, denitrification rates, fluxes of dissolved oxygen (SOD), inorganic carbon (DIC) and nitrogen and sediment features were measured in winter and summer 2007 on 22 shallow riverine wetlands in the Po River Plain (Northern Italy). Fluxes were determined from incubations of intact cores by measurement of concentration changes or isotope pairing in the case of denitrification. Sampled sites were eutrophic to hypertrophic; 10 were connected and 12 were isolated from the adjacent rivers, resulting in large differences in nitrate concentrations in the water column (from <5 to 1,133 μM). Benthic metabolism and denitrification rates were investigated by two overarching factors: season and hydrological connectivity. SOD and DIC fluxes resulted in respiratory quotients greater than one at most sampling sites. Sediment respiration was coupled to both ammonium efflux, which increased from winter to summer, and nitrate consumption, with higher rates in river-connected wetlands. Denitrification rates measured in river-connected wetlands (35–1,888 μmol N m?2 h?1) were up to two orders of magnitude higher than rates measured in isolated wetlands (2–231 μmol N m?2 h?1), suggesting a strong regulation of the process by nitrate availability. These rates were also significantly higher in summer (9–1,888 μmol N m?2 h?1) than in winter (2–365 μmol N m?2 h?1). Denitrification supported by water column nitrate (DW) accounted for 60–100% of total denitrification (Dtot); denitrification coupled to nitrification (DN) was probably controlled by limited oxygen availability within sediments. Denitrification efficiency, calculated as the ratio between N removal via denitrification and N regeneration, and the relative role of denitrification for organic matter oxidation, were high in connected wetlands but not in isolated sites. This study confirms the importance of restoring hydraulic connectivity of riverine wetlands for the maintenance of important biogeochemical functions such as nitrogen removal via denitrification.  相似文献   

Inputs and losses of nitrogen (N) were determined in dairy cow farmlets receiving 0, 225 or 360 kg N ha-1 (in split applications as urea) in the first year of a large grazing experiment near Hamilton, New Zealand. Cows grazed perennial ryegrass/white clover pastures all year round on a free-draining soil. N2 fixation was estimated (using 15N dilution) to be 212, 165 and 74 kg N ha-1 yr-1 in the 0, 225 and 360 N treatments, respectively. The intermediate N rate had little effect on clover growth during spring but favoured more total pasture cover in summer and autumn, thereby reducing overgrazing and resulting in 140% more clover growth during the latter period.Removal of N in milk was 76,89 and 92 kg N ha-1 in the 0, 225 and 360 N treatments, respectively. Denitrification losses were low (7–14 kg N ha-1 yr-1), increased with N application, and occurred predominantly during winter. Ammonia volatilization was estimated by micrometeorological mass balance at 15, 45 and 63 kg N ha-1 yr-1 in the 0, 225 and 360 N treatments, respectively. Most of the increase in ammonia loss was attributed to direct loss after application of the urea fertilizer.Leaching of nitrate was estimated (using ceramic cup samplers at 1 m soil depth, in conjunction with lysimeters) to be 13, 18 and 31 kg N ha-1 yr-1 in a year of relatively low rainfall (990 mm yr-1) and drainage (170–210 mm yr-1). Drainage was lower in the N fertilized treatments and this was attributed to enhanced evapotranspiration associated with increased grass growth.Nitrate-N concentrations in leachates increased gradually over time to 30 mg L-1 in the 360 N treatment whereas there was little temporal variation evident in the 0 (mean 6.4 mg L-1) and 225 (mean 10.1 mg L-1) N treatments. Thus, the 360 N treatment had a major effect by greatly reducing N2 fixation and increasing N losses, whereas the 225 N treatment had little effect on N2 fixation or on nitrate leaching. However, these results refer to the first year of the experiment and further measurements over time will determine the longer-term effects of these treatments on N inputs, transformations and losses.  相似文献   

Modeling nitrogen cycling in a coastal fresh water sediment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increased nitrogen (N) loading to coastal marine and freshwater systems is occurring worldwide as a result of human activities. Diagenetic processes in sediments can change the N availability in these systems, by supporting removal through denitrification and burial of organic N (Norg) or by enhancing N recycling. In this study, we use a reactive transport model (RTM) to examine N transformations in a coastal fresh water sediment and quantify N removal rates. We also assess the response of the sediment N cycle to environmental changes that may result from increased salinity which is planned to occur at the site as a result of an estuarine restoration project. Field results show that much of the Norg deposited on the sediment is currently remineralized to ammonium. A rapid removal of nitrate is observed in the sediment pore water, with the resulting nitrate reduction rate estimated to be 130 μmol N cm−2 yr−1. A model sensitivity study was conducted altering the distribution of nitrate reduction between dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) and denitrification. These results show a 40% decline in sediment N removal as NO 3 reduction shifts from denitrification to DNRA. This decreased N removal leads to a shift in sediment-water exchange flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) from near zero with denitrification to 133 μmol N cm−2 yr−1 if DNRA is the dominant pathway. The response to salinization includes a short-term release of adsorbed ammonium. Additional changes expected to result from the estuarine restoration include: lower NO 3 concentrations and greater SO 4 2− concentrations in the bottom water, decreased nitrification rates, and increased sediment mixing. The effect of these changes on net DIN flux and N removal vary based on the distribution of DNRA versus denitrification, illustrating the need for a better understanding of factors controlling this competition.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) export from soils to streams and groundwater under the intensifying cropping schemes of the Pampas is modest compared to intensively cultivated basins of Europe and North America; however, a slow N enrichment of water resources has been suggested. We (1) analyzed the fate of fertilizer N and (2) evaluated the contribution of fertilizer and soil organic matter (SOM) to N leaching under the typical cropping conditions of the Pampas. Fertilizer N was applied as 15N-labeled ammonium sulfate to corn (in a corn/soybean rotation) sown under zero tillage in filled-in lysimeters containing two soils of different texture representative of the Pampean region (52 and 78 kg N ha-1, added to the silt loam and sandy loam soil, respectively). Total fertilizer recovery at corn harvest averaged 84 and 64% for the silt loam and sandy loam lysimeters, respectively. Most fertilizer N was removed with plant biomass (39%) or remained immobilized in the soil (29 and 15%, for the silt loam and sandy loam soil, respectively) whereas its loss through drainage was negligible (<0.01%). We presume that the unaccounted fertilizer N losses were related to volatilization and denitrification. Throughout the corn growing season, subsequent fallow and soybean crop, which took place during an exceptionally dry period, the fertilizer N immobilized in the organic pool remained stable, and N leaching was scarce (7.5 kg N ha-1), similar at both soils, and had a low contribution of fertilizer N (0–3.5%), implying that >96% of the leached N was derived from SOM mineralization. The inherent high SOM of Pampean soils and the favorable climatic conditions are likely to propitiate year-round production of nitrate, favoring its participation in crop nutrition and leaching. The presence of 15N in drainage water, however, suggests that fertilizer N leaching could become significant in situations with higher fertilization rates or more rainy seasons.  相似文献   

Summary Agro-ecosystems have developed from mixed- and multiple-cropping systems with relatively closed N cycles to intensively managed monocultures with large N inputs in the form of commercial fertilizers. Cultivation of increasingly larger areas of land has resulted in substantial losses of soil organic matter and N. Also, the move from slash and burn agriculture to intensively ploughed systems has resulted in losses through increased erosion.The use of N fertilizers has increased rapidly toca. 60 Tg N yr–1 (1980/81), which is equivalent to at least 40% of the N fixed biologically in all terrestrial systems and 36% more than is fixed in all croplands. On a global scale, the major losses of N from agro-ecosystems are estimated to be: harvest, 30 Tg; leaching, 2 Tg; erosion, 2–20 Tg; denitrification 1–44 Tg; and ammonia volatilization, 13–23 Tg. However, the data base is very crude and several estimates may be wrong by as much as one order of magnitude.Additions of N fertilizers have both direct and indirect effects on soil microorganisms. The possible importance of such effects is briefly discussed and a specific example is given on long-term effects on soil microbial biomass and nitrification rates in 27-year-old cropping systems with different N additions: (i) 0 kg N ha–1 yr–1, (ii) 80 kg N ha–1 yr–1, (iii) farmyard manureca. 80 kg N ha–1 yr–1.Few detailed N budgets exist for agro-ecosystems, despite its major importance as a limiting plant nutrient and the large losses of N from such systems. In conclusion, preliminary nitrogen budgets for four cropping systems (barley receiving 0 or 120 kg N ha–1 yr–1; meadow fescue ley with 200 kg N ha–1 yr–1 and a lucerne ley) are presented, with special attention to N flow through the soil organisms.Keynote address  相似文献   

Phosphorus budget of a 70-year-old northern hardwood forest   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Recent measurements have made it possible to revise and improve the phosphorus budget of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, including partitioning P uptake by vegetation from the forest floor and mineral soil and estimating net P mineralization in the forest floor. Both living biomass and forest floor are accumlating P (at rates of 1.3 and 0.16 kg P ha-1 yr-1 respectively) in this 70-yr old northern hardwood forest. About 61% of the P taken up by the vegetation each year comes from the forest floor (5.9 kg P ha-1 yr-1 of a total 9.6 kg P ha-1 yr-1), even though the P content of this pool is just 5% of that in mineral soil. The turnover rate of P in the forest floor is 7% yr-1, while that of the mineral soil is 0.3% yr-1. Recycling of P in the forest floor is very efficient; of the 5.6 kg P ha-1 yr-1 net mineralization in the forest floor, only 0.3 kg P ha-1 leaches into the mineral soil; the rest is taken up by plants. This tight recycling of P is important because P is less readily available in the mineral soil than in the forest floor.  相似文献   

Nitrogen loss from grassland on peat soils through nitrous oxide production   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Koops  J.G.  van Beusichem  M.L.  Oenema  O. 《Plant and Soil》1997,188(1):119-130
Nitrous oxide (N2O) in soils is produced through nitrification and denitrification. The N2O produced is considered as a nitrogen (N) loss because it will most likely escape from the soil to the atmosphere as N2O or N2. Aim of the study was to quantify N2O production in grassland on peat soils in relation to N input and to determine the relative contribution of nitrification and denitrification to N2O production. Measurements were carried out on a weekly basis in 2 grasslands on peat soil (Peat I and Peat II) for 2 years (1993 and 1994) using intact soil core incubations. In additional experiments distinction between N2O from nitrification and denitrification was made by use of the gaseous nitrification inhibitor methyl fluoride (CH3F).Nitrous oxide production over the 2 year period was on average 34 kg N ha-1 yr-1 for mown treatments that received no N fertiliser and 44 kg N ha-1 yr-1 for mown and N fertilised treatments. Grazing by dairy cattle on Peat I caused additional N2O production to reach 81 kg N ha-1 yr-1. The sub soil (20–40 cm) contributed 25 to 40% of the total N2O production in the 0–40 cm layer. The N2O production:denitrification ratio was on average about 1 in the top soil and 2 in the sub soil indicating that N2O production through nitrification was important. Experiments showed that when ratios were larger than l, nitrification was the major source of N2O. In conclusion, N2O production is a significant N loss mechanism in grassland on peat soil with nitrification as an important N2O producing process.  相似文献   

Within a long-term research project studying the biogeochemical budget of an oak-beech forest ecosystem in the eastern part of the Netherlands, the nitrogen transformations and solute fluxes were determined in order to trace the fate of atmospherically deposited NH4 + and to determine the contribution of nitrogen transformations to soil acidification.The oak-beech forest studied received an annual input of nitrogen via throughfall and stemflow of 45 kg N ha–1 yr–1, mainly as NH4 +, whereas 8 kg N ha–1 yr–1 was taken up by the canopy. Due to the specific hydrological regime resulting in periodically occurring high groundwater levels, denitrification was found to be the dominant output flux (35 kg N ha–1 yr–1). N20 emmission rate measurements indicated that 57% of this gaseous nitrogen loss (20 kg N ha–1 yr–1) was as N2O. The forest lost an annual amount of 11 kg N ha–1 yr–1 via streamwater output, mainly as N03 .Despite the acid conditions, high nitrification rates were measured. Nitrification occurred mainly in the litter layer and in the organic rich part of the mineral soil and was found to be closely correlated with soil temperature. The large amount of NH4 + deposited on the forest floor via atmospheric deposition and produced by mineralization was to a large extent nitrified in the litter layer. Almost no NH4 + reached the subsurface soil horizons. The N03 was retained, taken up or transformed mainly in the mineral soil. A small amount of N03 (9 kg N ha–1 yr–1) was removed from the system in streamwater output. A relatively small amount of nitrogen was measured in the soil water as Dissolved Organic Nitrogen.On the basis of these data the proton budget of the system was calculated using two different approaches. In both cases net proton production rates were high in the vegetation and in the litter layer of the forest ecosystem. Nitrogen transformations induced a net proton production rate of 2.4 kmol ha–1 yr–1 in the soil compartment.  相似文献   

Changes in the carbon stocks of stem biomass, organic layers and the upper 50 cm of the mineral soil during succession and afforestation of spruce (Picea abies) on former grassland were examined along six chronosequences in Thuringia and the Alps. Three chronosequences were established on calcareous and three on acidic bedrocks. Stand elevation and mean annual precipitation of the chronosequences were different. Maximum stand age was 93 years on acid and 112 years on calcareous bedrocks. Stem biomass increased with stand age and reached values of 250–400 t C ha?1 in the oldest successional stands. On acidic bedrocks, the organic layers accumulated linearly during forest succession at a rate of 0.34 t C ha?1 yr?1. On calcareous bedrocks, a maximum carbon stock in the humus layers was reached at an age of 60 years. Total carbon stocks in stem biomass, organic layers and the mineral soil increased during forest development from 75 t C ha?1 in the meadows to 350 t C ha?1 in the oldest successional forest stands (2.75 t C ha?1 yr?1). Carbon sequestration occurred in stem biomass and in the organic layers (0.34 t C ha?1 yr?1on acid bedrock), while mineral soil carbon stocks declined. Mineral soil carbon stocks were larger in areas with higher precipitation. During forest succession, mineral soil carbon stocks of the upper 50 cm decreased until they reached approximately 80% of the meadow level and increased slightly thereafter. Carbon dynamics in soil layers were examined by a process model. Results showed that sustained input of meadow fine roots is the factor, which most likely reduces carbon losses in the upper 10 cm. Carbon losses in 10–20 cm depth were lower on acidic than on calcareous bedrocks. In this depth, continuous dissolved organic carbon inputs and low soil respiration rates could promote carbon sequestration following initial carbon loss. At least 80 years are necessary to regain former stock levels in the mineral soil. Despite the comparatively larger amount of carbon stored in the regrowing vegetation, afforestation projects under the Kyoto protocol should also aim at the preservation or increase of carbon in the mineral soil regarding its greater stability of compared with stocks in biomass and humus layers. If grassland afforestation is planned, suitable management options and a sufficient rotation length should be chosen to achieve these objectives. Maintenance of grass cover reduces the initial loss.  相似文献   

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