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Essentual difficulties arise when base number in oligoguanylic blocks and location of these blocks along the polynucleotide chain need to be determined in the course of determination of the nucleotide sequences in ribonucleic acids. To overcome this difficulty it is suggested to take advantage of a recently discovered resistance of phosphodiester bond between kethoxalated G and its 3′-neighbour against T2 RNase hydrolysis 1,2. The approach is illustrated by analysis of 5S RNA from rat liver. Sequences of general formula (Gp)nXp were isolated from T2 RNase hydrolysate of 5 S RNA rapidly and quantitatively. The information obtained greatly facilitates the whole procedure of sequencing. It is expected that the method proposed would be effective for analysis of 5 S and 4 S RNA and for highmolecular weight fragments of ribosomal and viral RNAs.  相似文献   

Different stable forms of Escherichia coli and rat liver 5S rRNA have been probed by Pb(II)-induced hydrolysis. In the native A forms of 5S rRNA, Pb2+ reveal single-stranded RNA stretches and regions of increased conformational flexibility or distorted by the presence of bulged nucleotides. Hydrolysis of urea/EDTA-treated E. coli 5S rRNA (B form) shows the presence of two strong helical domains; helix A retained from the A form and a helix composed of RNA regions G33-C42 and G79-C88. Other RNA regions resistant to hydrolysis may be involved in alternative base pairing, causing conformational heterogeneity of that form. Pb(II)-induced hydrolysis distinguishes two different forms of rat liver 5S rRNA; the native A form and the form obtained by renaturation of 5S rRNA in the presence of EDTA. Pb(II)-hydrolysis data suggest that both forms are highly structured. In the latter form, the orientation of the bulged C66 is changed with respect to helix B. At the same time, a new helical segment is possibly formed, composed of nucleotides from helix C and loop c on one side and from helix E and loop d' on the other.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of the 5S rRNAs of Tetrahymena thermophila and two strains of T. pyriformis have been determined to be identical. The 5.8S rRNA sequences have also been determined; these sequences correct several errors in an earlier report. The 5.8S rRNAs of the two species differ at a single position. The sequencing results indicate that the species are of recent common ancestry. Molecular evidence that has been interpreted in the past as suggestive of an ancient divergence has been reviewed and found to be consistent with a T. pyriformis complex radiation beginning approximately 30-40 million years ago.  相似文献   

Eukaryotes-prokaryotes divergence estimated by 5S ribosomal RNA sequences   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
M Kimura  T Ohta 《Nature: New biology》1973,243(128):199-200

Poly(A)-containing low molecular weight (7.5S) messenger RNA was isolated in a highly purified form from both polyribosomes and post-polysomal supernatant of rat liver mitochondria. Both mRNA's contain rather short poly(A) tracts (40-70 mononucleotides) according to a profile of their elution from poly(U)-Sepharose column with a gradient of formamide concentration. Both mRNA's when added to a preincubated mitochondrial lysate programmed the synthesis of a hydrophobic polypeptide of a molecular weight about 9000 daltons which was soluble in the neutral chloroform-methanol mixture.  相似文献   

Summary Correspondence analysis (a form of multivariate statistics) applied to 74 5S ribosomal RNA sequences indicates that the sequences are interrelated in a systematic, nonrandom fashion. Aligned sequences are represented as vectors in a 5N-dimensional space, where N is the number of base positions in the 5S RNA molecule. Mutually orthogonal directions (called factor axes) along which intersequence variance is greatest are defined in this hyperspace. Projection of the sequences onto planes defined by these factorial directions reveals clustering of species that is suggestive of phylogenetic relationships. For each factorial direction, correspondence analysis points to regions of importance, i.e., those base positions at which the systematic changes occur that define that particular direction. In effect, the technique provides a rapid determination of group-specific signatures. In several instances, similarities between sequences are indicated that have only recently been inferred from visual base-to-base comparisons. These results suggest that correspondence analysis may provide a valuable starting point from which to uncover the patterns of change underlying the evolution of a macromolecule, such as 5S RNA.  相似文献   

Lead ions have been applied to the structural analysis of 5S rRNA from Thermus thermophilus, Bacillus stearothermophilus and Escherichia coli. Based on the distribution of Pb(II)-induced cleavages, some minor modifications of the consensus secondary structure model of 5S rRNA are proposed. They include the possible base pairing between nucleotides at positions 11 and 109, as well as changes in secondary interactions within the helix B region. The 'prokaryotic arm' region is completely resistant to hydrolysis in the three RNA species, suggesting that it is a relatively stable, highly ordered structure. Hydrolysis of E. coli 5S rRNA complexed with ribosomal protein L18 shows, besides the shielding effect of the bound protein, a highly enhanced cleavage between A108 and A109. It supports the concept that the major L18-induced conformational change involves the junction of helices A, B and D.  相似文献   

Rat liver 5S rRNA and 5.8S rRNA were end-labelled with 32P at 5'-end or 3'-end of the polynucleotide chain and partially digested with single-strand specific S1 nuclease and double-strand specific endonuclease from the cobra Naja naja oxiana venom. The parallel use of these two structure-specific enzymes in combination with rapid sequencing technique allowed the exact localization of single-stranded and double-stranded regions in 5S RNA and 5.8 S RNA. The most accessible regions to S1 nuclease in 5S RNA are regions 33-42, 74-78, 102-103 and in 5.8 S RNA 16-20, 26-29, 34-36, 74-80 and a region around 125-130. The cobra venom endonuclease cleaves the following areas in 5S RNA: 7-8, 17-20, 28-30, 49-51, 56-57, 60-64, 69-70, 81-82, 95-97, 106-112. In 5.8S RNA the venom endonuclease cleavage sites are 4-7, 10-13, 21-22, 33-35, 43-45, 51-55, 72-74, 85-87, 98-99, 105-106, 114-115, 132-135. According to these results the tRNA binding sequences proposed by Nishikawa and Takemura [(1974) FEBS Lett. 40, 106-109], in 5S RNA are located in partly single-stranded region, but in 5.8S RNA in double-stranded region.  相似文献   

Two distinct conformations of rat liver ribosomal 5S RNA.   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Three different conformers of rat liver 5S ribosomal RNA were investigated by partial nuclease cleavage technique using S1 nuclease and cobra venom endoribonuclease (CVE) as conformational probes. Urea-treated and renatured 5S RNA co-migrate on non-denaturing gels, but exhibit distinct differences in their nuclease cleavage patterns. The most prominent differences in S1 nuclease and CVE accessibility of these conformers are located in region 30-50 and around nucleotides 70 and 90. The third form of 5S RNA with higher electrophoretic mobility was generated by EDTA treatment. The cleavage patterns of this 5S RNA conformer are similar to that characteristic for the renatured 5S RNA. The results demonstrate the difference in secondary structure and possibly different tertiary base-pairing interactions of 5S RNA conformers.  相似文献   

Binding sites of rat liver 5S RNA to ribosomal protein L5   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ribonucleoprotein complex consisting of 5S RNA and the protein L5 was prepared from the large subunit of rat liver ribosomes. The RNA in the complex was digested in situ with RNase A or RNase T1. The RNase-resistant RNA fragments bound to the protein were recovered and purified by 2D-PAGE, and their nucleotide sequences were determined in order to elucidate the binding sites of the RNA to the protein. The results showed that the fragments had arisen from the 5'-end region (residues 1-21), from the second hairpin loop (residues 77-102) and from the 3'-end region (residues 106-120). Harsher digestion trimmed these fragments to shorter fragments. It was concluded that the minimal interactive sequences of 5S RNA to the protein L5 were residues 13-21, residues 85-102, and residues 106-114. A part of the first hairpin loop, residues 41-52, was also suspected to interact with the protein. These protein-binding sites of rat liver 5S RNA were compared with those of Escherichia coli, Halobacterium cutirubrum and yeast, and their probable conservation from eubacteria to eukaryotes is discussed.  相似文献   

Isolation of rat liver albumin messenger RNA.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Rat liver albumin messenger RNA has been purified to apparent homogeneity by means of polysome immunoprecipitation and poly(U)-Sepharose affinity chromatography. Specific polysomes synthesizing albumin were separated from total liver polysomes through a double antibody technique which allowed isolation of a specific immunoprecipitate. The albumin-polysome immunoprecipitate was dissolved in detergent and the polysomal RNA was separated from protein by sucrose gradient centrifugation. Albumin mRNA was then separated from ribosomal RNA by affinity chromatography through the binding of poly(U)-Sepharose to the polyadenylate 3' terminus of the mRNA. Pure albumin mRNA migrated as an 18 S peak on 85% formamide-containing linear sucrose gradients and as a 22 S peak on 2.5% polyacrylamide gels in sodium dodecyl sulfate. It coded for the translation of authentic liver albumin when added to a heterologous protein-synthesizing cell-free system derived from either rabbit reticulocyte lysates or wheat germ extracts. Translation analysis in reticulocyte lysates indicated that albumin polysomes were purified approximately 9-fold from total liver polysomes, and that albumin mRNA was purified approximately 74-fold from albumin polysomal RNA. The total translation product in the mRNA-dependent wheat germ system, upon addition of the pure mRNA, was identified as authentic albumin by means of gel electrophoresis and tryptic peptide chromatography.  相似文献   

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