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Two morphotypes of bracken fern in the genus Pteridium Gled. ex Scop. occur in sub-Saharan Africa. The more common and widespread of these is assigned in contemporary systematic treatments to the European subspecies, P. aquilinum (L.) Kuhn ssp. aquilinum . We show that this African form is separable morphometrically and genomically from the European subspecies, and reinstate its earlier name P. aquilinum ssp. capense (Thunb.) C.Chr. The second African bracken, with a more localized tropical distribution mainly in the drainage basins of the Congo and Zambezi River systems, is confirmed as P. aquilinum ssp. centrali-africanum Hieron. ex R.E. Fr. We reject suggestions that this taxon be treated as a full species. Phenetic cluster analysis based on use of Arbitrarily Primed Polymerase Chain Reaction (A-P PCR) and Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) fingerprinting of the nuclear genome provides evidence that the two African brackens are more closely related to each other than to other taxa, and sister to a grouping of the European sspp. aquilinum and pinetorum . The two African subspecies share solely with ssp. aquilinum a distinctive chloroplast haplotype carrying a 5-base direct repeat in the rps 4 –trn S region, confirming the close phyletic relationship between sspp. aquilinum , capense and centrali-africanum .  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 311–321.  相似文献   

Contemporary systematic treatments of the Central and South American bracken ferns in the genus Pteridium Gled. ex Scop. recognize morphotype caudatum as either a full species or a variety of P. aquilinum (L.) Kuhn. Geographically representative sporophytes of morphotype caudatum , including the type in the Linnaean Herbarium, are shown using spore size, guard-cell length and morphology of the cells of the false indusium to be tetraploid (based on 4 n  = 208). DNA fingerprinting of field-collected Venezuelan samples supports the generalization that morphotype caudatum is a fertile allotetraploid containing genomic elements otherwise distinctive of the southern hemisphere diploid P. arachnoideum (Kaulf.) Maxon, together with elements characteristic of northern hemisphere diploids including the North American P. aquilinum var. pubescens Underw. and P. aquilinum var. pseudocaudatum (Clute) A. Heller. Evidence of genetic isolation from taxa with overlapping distributions, as well as morphological, biochemical and ecological data, validate recognition of P. caudatum (L.) Maxon at species level. Heterogeneity observed within P. caudatum is consistent with multiple origins through independent hybridization events. Pteridium caudatum is strikingly analogous to the tropical Asian/Australasian allotetraploid P. semihastatum (N. Wallich ex J. G. Agardh) S. B. Andrews [= P. yarrabense (Domin) N. A. Wakef.].  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London . Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 140 , 237−248.  相似文献   

Despite recent taxonomic evaluations of Mephitidae and North American hog‐nosed skunks, southern South American species of Conepatus have not been thoroughly examined in a systematic context. Conepatus chinga and Conepatus humboldtii were described more than 150 years ago, based on external characters such as hair coloration and size. Although historically recognized as valid species, to date no detailed systematic analysis has been performed for either of these taxa. Herein, we evaluated the taxonomic status of C. chinga and C. humboldtii within the southern part of South America using geometric morphometrics of the skull and mandible, mitochondrial DNA analysis using the cytochrome b and cytochrome oxidase c subunit I genes, and also control region and pelage pattern variation. We failed to find morphological (skull shape and pelage coloration patterns) or molecular differences between these two species; thus, we considered that the specimens assigned to C. chinga and C. humboldtii belong to the same species. Our results indicate that environmental variation seems to be responsible for shape and size variation in Conepatus skulls from southern South America. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Based on morphological evidence, we newly define the genus Stenotaenia Koch, 1847 (=Scnipaeus Bergsøe & Meinert, 1866; =Simophilus Silvestri, 1896; =Onychopodogaster Verhoeff, 1902; =Insigniporus Attems, 1903; =Notadenophilus Verhoeff, 1928; =Bithyniphilus Verhoeff, 1941; =Schizopleres Folkmanova, 1956; =Euronesogeophilus Matic, 1972; all syn. nov. ) as including the following 15 species: Stenotaenia linearis (Koch, 1835) (=Geophilus simplex Gervais, 1835; =Geophilus brevicornis Koch, 1837; =Scnipaeus foveolatus Bergsøe & Meinert, 1866; =Himantarium caldarium Meinert, 1886 syn. nov. ; =Geophilus (Geophilus) linearis var. polyporus Verhoeff, 1896 syn. nov. ; =Geophilus ormanyensis Attems, 1903 syn. nov. , after lectotype designation; =Insigniporus acuneli C?pu?e, 1968 syn. nov. ) from central and northern Europe; Stenotaenia frenum (Meinert, 1870) from northern Africa; Stenotaenia romana (Silvestri, 1895) (=Geophilus silvestrii Verhoeff, 1928 syn. nov. ) and Stenotaenia sorrentina (Attems, 1903) (=Geophilus forficularius Fanzago, 1881 syn. nov. ; =Geophilus linearis abbreviatus Verhoeff, 1925 syn. nov. ) from the Italian peninsula and Sardinia; Stenotaenia antecribellata (Verhoeff, 1898) (=Simophilus albanensis Attems, 1929 syn. nov. ), Stenotaenia cribelliger (Verhoeff, 1898), Stenotaenia palpiger (Attems, 1903), Stenotaenia rhodopensis (Kaczmarek, 1970), and Stenotaenia sturanyi (Attems, 1903) from the Balkan peninsula; Stenotaenia naxia (Verhoeff, 1901) (=Geophilus graecus Verhoeff, 1902) from the Aegean islands; Stenotaenia asiaeminoris (Verhoeff, 1898) and Stenotaenia bosporana (Verhoeff, 1941) from Anatolia; Stenotaenia giljarovi (Folkmanova, 1956) from western Caucasus; Stenotaenia fimbriata (Verhoeff, 1934) and Stenotaenia palaestina (Verhoeff, 1925) from Palestine; with the only exception of S. linearis, all of these binomens are comb. nov. In Stenotaenia, a strongly conserved overall morphology is matched by an unusual interspecific variation in both the body size of fully grown specimens (from 1.7 cm in S. romana to 7.7 cm in S. sturanyi) and the number of leg‐bearing segments (from 43 in male S. romana to 115 in female S. sturanyi). The number of segments correlates with maximum body size. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 153 , 253–286.  相似文献   

The taxonomy ofCuscuta nevadensis andC. veatchii is investigated.Cuscuta nevadensis is more closely related toC. veatchii andC. denticulata than toC. salina, and the former two taxa are accepted as species. A summary of relevant taxonomic and biological information is provided, including synonymy, distribution and ecology, keys, and a comparison of the morphology of flowers and seeds are examined. The morphological basis of vivipary inC. nevadensis is discussed. The status ofCuscuta vivipara, an invalid name in recent use, is clarified.  相似文献   

North America and Eurasia share several closely related taxa that diverged either from the breakup of the Laurasian supercontinent or later closures of land bridges. Their modern population structures were shaped in Pleistocene glacial refugia and via later expansion patterns, which are continuing. The pikeperch genus Sander contains five species – two in North America (S. canadensis and S. vitreus) and three in Eurasia (S. lucioperca, S. marinus, and S. volgensis) – whose evolutionary relationships and relative genetic diversities were previously unresolved, despite their fishery importance. This is the first analysis to include the enigmatic and rare sea pikeperch S. marinus, nuclear DNA sequences, and multiple mitochondrial DNA regions. Bayesian and maximum‐likelihood trees from three mitochondrial and three nuclear gene regions support the hypothesis that Sander diverged from its sister group Romanichthys/Zingel ~24.6 Mya. North American and Eurasian Sander then differentiated ~20.8 Mya, with the former diverging ~15.4 Mya, congruent with North American fossils dating to ~16.3–13.6 Mya. Modern Eurasian species date to ~13.8 Mya, with S. volgensis being basal and comprising the sister group to S. lucioperca and S. marinus, which diverged ~9.1 Mya. Genetic diversities of the North American species are higher than those in Eurasia, suggesting fewer Pleistocene glaciation bottlenecks. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 156–179.  相似文献   

We compared the levels and distribution of genetic diversity in Eurasian and North American populations of Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) Beauv. (false brome), a newly invasive perennial bunchgrass in western North America. Our goals were to identify source regions for invasive populations, determine the number of independent invasion events, and assess the possibility that postinvasion bottlenecks and hybridization have affected patterns of genetic diversity in the invaded range. We tested the hypothesis that this Eurasian grass was accidentally introduced into two areas in Oregon and one site in California by examining nuclear microsatellites and chloroplast haplotype variation in 23 introduced and 25 native populations. In the invaded range, there was significantly lower allelic richness (R(S)), observed heterozygosity (H(O)) and within-population gene diversity (H(S)), although a formal test failed to detect a significant genetic bottleneck. Most of the genetic variation existed among populations in the native range but within populations in the invaded range. All of the allelic variation in the invaded range could be explained based on alleles found in western European populations. The distribution of identified genetic clusters in the North American populations and the unique alleles associated with them is consistent with two historical introductions in Oregon and a separate introduction to California. Further analyses of population structure indicate that intraspecific hybridization among genotypes from geographically distinct regions of western Europe occurred following colonization in Oregon. The California populations, however, are more likely to be derived from one or perhaps several genetically similar regions in the native range. The emergence and spread of novel recombinant genotypes may be facilitating the rapid spread of this invasive species in Oregon.  相似文献   

Since genetic variation is the basis of evolutionary potential of a species, its structure needs to be understood. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze and contrast the structure of genetic and phenotypic variation in the Euphydryas aurinia populations of southeastern central Europe. Genetic variation was studied by two types of molecular genetic markers: mtDNA COI sequences and allozymes. As the great hiatus in the European distribution of E. aurinia is located in the central part of the Carpathian Basin, we expected that the populations East and West to this gap would be highly differentiated. Populations of Central Transdanubia actually represent the easternmost margin of the West European distribution of E. aurinia. In view of the peripheral position of these populations, we supposed to find some genetic sign of local adaptation, as a consequence of diversifying selection and an increased level of fluctuating asymmetry as a result of environmental stress. The analyses of the molecular genetic markers revealed a basic East–West differentiation among the populations of southeastern central Europe which was further structured in the western part of the study area. The results suggested that the genetic differentiation between the two western regions is probably the consequence of diversifying selection. The pattern of phenotypic differentiation among the western populations, however, was different. A geographic cline was revealed (decreasing wing size) toward the eastern margin of the distribution in parallel with increasing fluctuating asymmetry. The conservation inferences of the results are considered.  相似文献   

The Caribbean region includes a geologically complex mix of islands, which have served as a backdrop for some significant studies of biogeography, mostly with vertebrates. Here, we use the tropical/subtropical spider genus Selenops (Selenopidae) to obtain a finer resolution of the role of geology in shaping patterns of species diversity. We obtained a broad geographic sample from over 200 localities from both the islands and American mainland. DNA sequence data were generated for three mitochondrial genes and one nuclear gene for eleven outgroup taxa and nearly 60 selenopid species. Phylogenetic analysis of the data revealed several biogeographic patterns common to other lineages that have diversified in the region, the most significant being: (1) a distinct biogeographic break between Northern and Southern Lesser Antilles, although with a slight shift in the location of the disjunction; (2) diversification within the islands of Jamaica and Hispaniola; (3) higher diversity of species in the Greater Antilles relative to the Lesser Antilles. However, a strikingly unique pattern in Caribbean Selenops is that Cuban species are not basal in the Caribbean clade. Analyses to test competing hypotheses of vicariance and dispersal support colonization through GAARlandia, an Eocene–Oligocene land span extending from South America to the Greater Antilles, rather than over‐water dispersal. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 288–322.  相似文献   

The crested loaches of the genus Paracobitis from the Sistan basin (Iran) are reviewed based on morphological and mitochondrial cytb and COI sequences characters to check the status of taxa in phylogenetic trees. Paracobitis rhadinaea (Regan, 1906) and P. vignai Nalbant & Bianco, 1998 were known only based on minor morphological differences (presence or absence of scales, caudal fin shape, colour pattern and fish size). We failed to find any diagnostic molecular and morphological characters between them. Therefore, we regard P. vignai as a junior synonym of P. rhadinaea.  相似文献   

Cluster analysis is used to reveal patterns of macromorphological variation in a species complex of Malmea (Annonaceae) distributed in eastern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras. Of 53 characters, 24 are important for the clustering of 238 herbarium specimens into 12 clusters. No cluster is exclusively specified by any character or combination of characters. Neither can any geographical pattern be detected, except for the clustering of specimens from Los Tuxtlas Tropical Biological Station, Veracruz. A new subspecies from this area, M. depressa subsp. abscondita, is described. Malmea gaumeri and M. leiophylla are brought into synonymy with M. depressa. Distribution patterns of Mexican and Central American taxa of Malmea are largely concordant with those of South American taxa, which spread into Cental America after the Pliocene closure of the Isthmus of Panama. A phytogeographical novelty is presented, however, as the distribution of M. depressa subsp. abscondita within the Sierra de los Tuxtlas shows an hitherto unknown pattern: the new subspecies is distributed only on the northeastern slopes of this mountain range, and is geographically separated from M. depressa subsp. depressa, which occurs only on the southwestern slopes.  相似文献   

五倍子蚜共6属12种, 除北美分布1属1种外, 其余分布东亚。本研究采用数值分类和分子系统发育分析方法对北美五倍子蚜Melaphis rhois的形态特点和分类地位进行研究, 以倍蚜6属8种179个有翅孤雌蚜为研究对象, 对其头部、胸部、腹部的直接测量特征48个、量度间比例特征31个及转化为数值的描述特征29个共108个特征进行分析。基于欧氏距离的聚类结果显示, 北美倍蚜M. rhois与倍蚜属关系较近, 五倍子蚜8个种共形成3个大的聚类簇, 北美倍蚜M. rhois与倍蚜属的倍蛋蚜Schlechtendalia peitan和角倍蚜S. chinensis聚为一支; 铁倍蚜属的肚倍蚜蛋铁亚种Kaburagia rhusicola ovogallis和肚倍蚜枣铁亚种K. rhusicola ensigallis与小铁枣蚜属的红小铁枣蚜Meitanaphis elongallis、圆角倍蚜属的倍花蚜Nurudea shiraii和红倍花蚜N. yanoiella与铁倍花蚜属的铁倍花蚜Floraphis meitanensis分别聚为一支。另外, 测定五倍子蚜8个种共16个样本的mtDNA COI基因序列(约1.2 kb), 最大简约法(maximum parsimony, MP)和最大似然法(maximum likelihood, ML)分子系统发育分析结果均显示北美倍蚜M. rhois与倍蚜属的关系密切, 和形态数据得到的结果一致; 但倍蚜8个种之间的聚类总体上与形态学研究结果不太一致, 铁倍花蚜属的铁倍花蚜和小铁枣蚜属的红小铁枣蚜、铁倍蚜属的肚倍蚜枣铁亚种和肚倍蚜蛋铁亚种与圆角倍蚜属的倍花蚜和红倍花蚜分别聚为一支, 彼此之间的关系尚需深入研究。  相似文献   

馆藏标本是分类学研究的主要凭证, 对特定类群标本的采集信息进行细致整理和分析, 有助于理解该类群研究的历史、现状和不足。此外, 结合最新的系统学研究成果和相应的环境数据构建生态位模型, 可以加深人们对特定类群分类与分布状况的认识。被子植物的分类鉴定常基于繁殖性状进行, 然而, 竹类植物一般进行克隆繁殖, 只有在经过长期的营养生长之后, 才会进行有性生殖并同时死亡。因此, 国内的竹类标本大多仅记录了营养性状, 具有繁殖性状的标本数量稀少。由于这一特殊的生物学习性, 竹类植物是当今分类学研究中最为困难的类群之一。本研究基于全国竹类植物馆藏标本的采集数据, 分析了我国竹类标本的采集和保藏现状; 利用比值法和斜率法从采集地理偏差和采集类群偏差两方面评估了竹类植物标本的采集完整度; 结合气候数据, 利用模型模拟的方法分析了影响不同竹类分支分布的主要因素。采集信息分析结果表明, 国内标本馆对竹类标本的收集和保藏存在很大的不均衡性, 且对研究团队具有较高的依赖性; 其次竹类标本的采集量的变化较好地反映了国内植物分类学研究的历史; 而对类群和地理采集完整度的评估结果表明, 中国竹类标本的采集和整理工作仍任重道远。模型模拟结果表明, 温度限定了竹类植物两大分支各自的分布北界, 水分对温带木本竹类分支(temperate woody bamboos, TWB)的限制作用比旧世界热带木本竹类分支(paleotropical woody bamboos, PWB)强, 而温度对PWB的限制性更强。生态位模拟的结果进一步显示, 中国温带和旧世界热带木本竹类两大分支的适生区出现了明显的分化, 但在亚热带区域仍有部分重叠。植物标本记录了特定类群在时间和空间上的分布格局, 相关的信息一方面可以促进物种灭绝风险评估、可持续利用和综合保护, 另一方面也可助力大尺度生物多样性分布格局及全球变化对多样性的影响研究。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to apply knowledge of holarctic grasshopper biogeography in representative, temperate ecosystems (Russia, South Siberia, Sayans region; 685,000km2 and USA, Wyoming; 272,000km2) to develop a comparative basis for understanding and conserving insect biodiversity. Maps of species distributions and vegetation zones were digitized, and a Geographic Information System was used to identify habitats with the greatest biodiversity and to characterize this diversity as a function of selected attributes. With respect to subfamilies, the greatest differences were in cold, mesic zones, where gomphocerines and melanoplines were dominant in Sayans and Wyoming, respectively. In terms of mobility, the Sayans has more flightless species and individuals, with the taiga supporting the greatest frequency of flightless acridids in both countries. With regard to feeding types, the diversity and richness of graminivores and forbivores were similar in the two regions, but mixed feeders were much more frequent in Wyoming. In the Sayans and Wyoming, pest species were most common in boreal and prairie zones, respectively. Ecoregions with a high diversity of pests also supported a high diversity of rare species. Shrub and desert zones supported many rare species in both countries. Thus, in terms of conservation, the Sayans' acridofauna appears to be at greater risk in terms of ecological vulnerability; acridid biodiversity is dispersed among habitats, with high frequencies of flightless and oligophagous species. The acridofauna of Wyoming could be conserved in fewer habitats than in the Sayans, but these habitats are subject to considerable human disturbance.  相似文献   

The Geophis sieboldi species group is composed of 16 currently recognized species distributed from Mexico to Colombia. Within this group, snakes of populations referred to the Geophis brachycephalus complex of lower Central America and Colombia display a remarkable polychromatism and the systematic status of these and other populations is problematic. The present study provides an analysis, including multivariate techniques, of variation in scalation, coloration, relative tail length and hemipenes to clarify the specific allocation of the populations belonging to this clade. Our results confirm the validity of three previously described taxa, namely G. brachycephalus , G. nigroalbus and G. talamancae , with reassignments of several populations previously referred to G. brachycephalus . In addition we recognize as a new species a suite of western Panama Geophis previously of uncertain status. We further provide a review of all other members of the G. sieboldi group in lower Central America and Colombia based on material obtained since the last revision of the group. Basic synonymies, diagnostics and known distributions are included for the treated taxa. Dietary guild, possible venomous coral snake mimicry and distributional anomalies for the group are discussed.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 153 , 561–599.  相似文献   

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