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Theory shows that speciation in the presence of gene flow occurs only under narrow conditions. One of the most favourable scenarios for speciation with gene flow is established when a single trait is both under disruptive natural selection and used to cue assortative mating. Here, we demonstrate the potential for a single trait, colour pattern, to drive incipient speciation in the genus Hypoplectrus (Serranidae), coral reef fishes known for their striking colour polymorphism. We provide data demonstrating that sympatric Hypoplectrus colour morphs mate assortatively and are genetically distinct. Furthermore, we identify ecological conditions conducive to disruptive selection on colour pattern by presenting behavioural evidence of aggressive mimicry, whereby predatory Hypoplectrus colour morphs mimic the colour patterns of non-predatory reef fish species to increase their success approaching and attacking prey. We propose that colour-based assortative mating, combined with disruptive selection on colour pattern, is driving speciation in Hypoplectrus coral reef fishes.  相似文献   

Humans like some colours and dislike others, but which particular colours and why remains to be understood. Empirical studies on colour preferences generally targeted most preferred colours, but rarely least preferred (disliked) colours. In addition, findings are often based on general colour preferences leaving open the question whether results generalise to specific objects. Here, 88 participants selected the colours they preferred most and least for three context conditions (general, interior walls, t-shirt) using a high-precision colour picker. Participants also indicated whether they associated their colour choice to a valenced object or concept. The chosen colours varied widely between individuals and contexts and so did the reasons for their choices. Consistent patterns also emerged, as most preferred colours in general were more chromatic, while for walls they were lighter and for t-shirts they were darker and less chromatic compared to least preferred colours. This meant that general colour preferences could not explain object specific colour preferences. Measures of the selection process further revealed that, compared to most preferred colours, least preferred colours were chosen more quickly and were less often linked to valenced objects or concepts. The high intra- and inter-individual variability in this and previous reports furthers our understanding that colour preferences are determined by subjective experiences and that most and least preferred colours are not processed equally.  相似文献   

Differences in the concentration of pigments as well as their composition and spatial arrangement cause intraspecific variation in the spectral signature of flowers. Known colour preferences and requirements for flower-constant foraging bees predict different responses to colour variability. In experimental settings, we simulated small variations of unicoloured petals and variations in the spatial arrangement of colours within tricoloured petals using artificial flowers and studied their impact on the colour choices of bumblebees and honeybees. Workers were trained to artificial flowers of a given colour and then given the simultaneous choice between three test colours: either the training colour, one colour of lower and one of higher spectral purity, or the training colour, one colour of lower and one of higher dominant wavelength; in all cases the perceptual contrast between the training colour and the additional test colours was similarly small. Bees preferred artificial test flowers which resembled the training colour with the exception that they preferred test colours with higher spectral purity over trained colours. Testing the behaviour of bees at artificial flowers displaying a centripetal or centrifugal arrangement of three equally sized colours with small differences in spectral purity, bees did not prefer any type of artificial flowers, but preferentially choose the most spectrally pure area for the first antenna contact at both types of artificial flowers. Our results indicate that innate preferences for flower colours of high spectral purity in pollinators might exert selective pressure on the evolution of flower colours.  相似文献   

Double cones (DCs) are the most common cone types in fish, reptiles and birds. It has been suggested that DCs are used for achromatic tasks such as luminance, motion and polarization vision. Here we show that a reef fish Rhinecanthus aculeatus can discriminate colours on the basis of the difference between the signals of individual members of DCs. This is the first direct evidence that individual members of DCs are used in colour vision as independent spectral channels.  相似文献   

The bold colours of reef fish probably serve various functions ranging from crypsis to advertisement. The presence of UV-sensitive vision in many reef fish demands that we explore these functions beyond the range of human vision. Current knowledge of the transmission of UV and visible radiation through clear ocean water, and knowledge of the likely spectral sensitivity of predatory and prey fish suggest that contrasting UV signals should be selected for social communication. For many juvenile reef fish, close-range detection and being noticed by predators may be much more important than long-range detection.Dascyllus aruanus (three-bar damsel) and D. reticulatus (two-bar damsel) juveniles are boldly coloured white fish with black bars that shelter in mixed-species groups in finely branched corals. Predators on the reef are probably well schooled in the location of their residence coral heads and the major threat is being noticed by a predator when making a defensive error. I took video images of the fish in the field through a series of narrow-band-pass filters from 340 to 600 nm, which spans the probable range for visual sensitivity in fish. With the help of colour reference standards and spectral irradiance data, I applied video pixel intensity measures to a model of colour vision to quantify luminance contrast when viewed by both conspecific fish and various predators. The two-bar damsel had a highly UV-reflective colour patch on its flag-like dorsal fin that was lacking in the three-bar. This result, taken together with their longer wavelength coloration, indicates that the two-bar is better adapted for short-range social communication, which would be difficult for predators to detect. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Summary A new training and testing paradigm for walking sheep blowflies, Lucilia cuprina, is described. A fly is trained by presenting it with a droplet of sugar solution on a patch of coloured paper. After having consumed the sugar droplet, the fly starts a systematic search. While searching, it is confronted with an array of colour marks consisting of four colours displayed on the test cardboard (Fig. 1). Colours used for training and test include blue, green, yellow, orange, red, white and black.Before training, naive flies are tested for their spontaneous colour preferences on the test array. Yellow is visited most frequently, green least frequently (Table 2). Spontaneous colour preferences do not simply depend on subjective brightness (Table 1).The flies trained to one of the colours prefer this colour significantly (Figs. 5 and 9–11). This behaviour reflects true learning rather than sensitisation (Figs. 6–7). The blue and yellow marks are learned easily and discriminated well (Figs. 5, 9, 11). White is also discriminated well, although the response frequencies are lower than to blue and yellow (Fig. 11). Green is discriminated from blue but weakly from yellow and orange (Figs. 5, 9, 10). Red is a stimulus as weak as black (Figs. 8, 9). These features of colour discrimination reflect the spectral loci of colours in the colour triangle (Fig. 14).The coloured papers seem to be discriminated mainly by the hue of colours (Fig. 12), but brightness may also be used to discriminate colour stimuli (Fig. 13).  相似文献   

We used molecular approaches to study the status of speciation in coral reef fishes known as hamlets (Serranidae: Hypoplectrus). Several hamlet morphospecies coexist on Caribbean reefs, and mate assortatively with respect to their strikingly distinct colour patterns. We provide evidence that, genetically, the hamlets display characteristics common in species flocks on land and in freshwaters. Substitutions within two mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) protein-coding genes place hamlets within a monophyletic group relative to members of two related genera (Serranus and Diplectrum), and establish that the hamlet radiation must have been very recent. mtDNA distances separating hamlet morphospecies were slight (0.6 +/- 0.04%), yielding a coalescent estimate for the age of the hamlet flock of approximately 430 000 years. Morphospecies did not sort into distinct mtDNA haplotype phylogroups, and alleles at five hypervariable microsatellite loci were shared broadly across species boundaries. None the less, molecular variation was not distributed at random. Analyses of mtDNA haplotype frequencies and nested clades in haplotype networks revealed significant genetic differences between geographical regions and among colour morphospecies. We also observed significant microsatellite differentiation between geographical regions and in Puerto Rico, among colour morphospecies; the latter providing evidence for reproductive isolation between colour morphospecies at this locale. In our Panama collection, however, colour morphospecies were mostly genetically indistinguishable. This mosaic pattern of DNA differentiation implies a complex interaction between population history, mating behaviour and geography and suggests that porous boundaries separate species in this flock of brilliantly coloured coral reef fishes.  相似文献   

Large-bodied reef fishes represent an economically and ecologically important segment of the coral reef fish assemblage. Many of these individuals supply the bulk of the reproductive output for their population and have a disproportionate effect on their environment (e.g. as apex predators or bioeroding herbivores). Large-bodied reef fishes also tend to be at greatest risk of overfishing, and their loss can result in a myriad of either cascading (direct) or indirect trophic and other effects. While many studies have investigated habitat characteristics affecting populations of small-bodied reef fishes, few have explored the relationship between large-bodied species and their environment. Here, we describe the distribution of the large-bodied reef fishes in the Mariana Archipelago with an emphasis on the environmental factors associated with their distribution. Of the factors considered in this study, a negative association with human population density showed the highest relative influence on the distribution of large-bodied reef fishes; however, depth, water temperature, and distance to deep water also were important. These findings provide new information on the ecology of large-bodied reef fishes can inform discussions concerning essential fish habitat and ecosystem-based management for these species and highlight important knowledge gaps worthy of additional research.  相似文献   

Plants use colours as signals to attract mutualists and repel antagonists. Fleshy-fruits are often conspicuously coloured to signal different types of information including fruit maturity and spatial location. Previous work on fruit colour selection focus on large diurnal vertebrates, yet fruit colours are perceived differently by frugivores with different types of visual systems. Here, we tested whether a nocturnal, frugivorous, seed-dispersing insect selects fruits based on their pigmentation and whether different lighting conditions affect fruit colour selection. We captured 20 Wellington tree weta (Hemideina crassidens) from a forest reserve on the North Island of New Zealand and brought them into laboratory conditions to test their fruit colour preferences. The fruits of Coprosma acerosa, a native shrub species that naturally produces translucent, blue-streaked fruits, were dyed either red or blue. Fruits were then offered to weta in a binary (y-maze) choice test in two light conditions, either at night during a full moon or under artificial light conditions in the lab. Weta preferred unmanipulated, naturally blue-streaked fruits and artificially-blue coloured fruits over those dyed red. Furthermore, their colour preferences were unaffected by light environment. Our results therefore suggest that weta can discriminate between colours (using colour vision) in both light and dark light environments. Their consistent preferences for colours other than red indicate that weta might be responsible for the unusual colours of fleshy-fruits in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are renowned for their spectacular biodiversity and the close links between fishes and corals. Despite extensive fossil records and common biogeographic histories, the evolution of these two key groups has rarely been considered together. We therefore examine recent advances in molecular phylogenetics and palaeoecology, and place the evolution of fishes and corals in a functional context. In critically reviewing the available fossil and phylogenetic evidence, we reveal a marked congruence in the evolution of the two groups. Despite one group consisting of swimming vertebrates and the other colonial symbiotic invertebrates, fishes and corals have remarkably similar evolutionary histories. In the Paleocene and Eocene [66–34 million years ago (Ma)] most modern fish and coral families were present, and both were represented by a wide range of functional morphotypes. However, there is little evidence of diversification at this time. By contrast, in the Oligocene and Miocene (34–5.3 Ma), both groups exhibited rapid lineage diversification. There is also evidence of increasing reef area, occupation of new habitats, increasing coral cover, and potentially, increasing fish abundance. Functionally, the Oligocene–Miocene is marked by the appearance of new fish and coral taxa associated with high‐turnover fast‐growth ecosystems and the colonization of reef flats. It is in this period that the functional characteristics of modern coral reefs were established. Most species, however, only arose in the last 5.3 million years (Myr; Plio–Pleistocene), with the average age of fish species being 5.3 Myr, and corals just 1.9 Myr. While these species are genetically distinct, phenotypic differences are often limited to variation in colour or minor morphological features. This suggests that the rapid increase in biodiversity during the last 5.3 Myr was not matched by changes in ecosystem function. For reef fishes, colour appears to be central to recent diversification. However, the presence of pigment patterns in the Eocene suggests that colour may not have driven recent diversification. Furthermore, the lack of functional changes in fishes or corals over the last 5 Myr raises questions over the role and importance of biodiversity in shaping the future of coral reefs.  相似文献   

Here we examine the ability of butterflies to learn colour cues in two different behavioural contexts, nectar foraging and oviposition, more or less simultaneously. We first trained female Battus philenor (Papilionidae) butterflies to associate a given colour with the presence of host plant leaf extract and assayed their colour preference; we then trained a subset of these butterflies to associate a second colour with the presence of sucrose solution and assayed colour preference once more. When offered an array of four unscented and unrewarding coloured models, ‘single-trained’ butterflies consistently alighted most frequently on their oviposition training colour. Green-trained butterflies landed on nontrained colours only about 4% of the time, while butterflies trained to red, yellow or blue made about 23% of their landings on nontrained colours; of those nontrained landings, most were on green. The majority of ‘dual-trained’ butterflies made the greatest number of visits to both training colours in the appropriate behavioural context; that is, they probed the models of their sucrose-associated colour and alighted on the models of their oviposition-associated colour. Landings or probes on nontrained colours in one context were consistently biased towards what was learned in the alternative context, suggesting an information-processing constraint in the butterflies. This paper provides a clear demonstration that butterflies can learn in two behavioural contexts within a short span of time. A capacity for such dual conditioning presumably permits female butterflies to forage effectively for egg-laying sites and nectar resources even when those activities are intermingled in time. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.    相似文献   

Wrasses (Labridae) are the second largest family of fishes on the Great Barrier Reef (after the Gobiidae) and, in terms of morphology and lifestyle, one of the most diverse. They occupy all zones of the reef from the very shallow reef flats to deep slopes, feeding on a variety of fauna. Many wrasses also have elaborately patterned bodies and reflect a range of colours from ultraviolet (UV) to far red. As a first step to investigating the visual system of these fishes we measured the transmission properties of the ocular media of 36 species from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, and Hawaii, California and the Florida Keys, USA. Transmission measurements were made of whole eyes with a window cut into the back, and also of isolated lenses and corneas. Based on the transmission properties of the corneas the species could be split into two distinct groups within which the exact wavelength of the cut-off was variable. One group had visibly yellow corneas, while the corneas of the other group appeared clear to human observers. Five species had ocular media that transmitted wavelengths below 400 nm, making a perception of UV wavelengths for those species possible. Possible functional roles for the different filter types are discussed.  相似文献   

Live corals are the key habitat forming organisms on coral reefs, contributing to both biological and physical structure. Understanding the importance of corals for reef fishes is, however, restricted to a few key families of fishes, whereas it is likely that a vast number of fish species will be adversely affected by the loss of live corals. This study used data from published literature together with independent field based surveys to quantify the range of reef fish species that use live coral habitats. A total of 320 species from 39 families use live coral habitats, accounting for approximately 8 % of all reef fishes. Many of the fishes reported to use live corals are from the families Pomacentridae (68 spp.) and Gobiidae (44 spp.) and most (66 %) are either planktivores or omnivores. 126 species of fish associate with corals as juveniles, although many of these fishes have no apparent affiliation with coral as adults, suggesting an ontogenetic shift in coral reliance. Collectively, reef fishes have been reported to use at least 93 species of coral, mainly from the genus Acropora and Porities and associate predominantly with branching growth forms. Some fish associate with a single coral species, whilst others can be found on more than 20 different species of coral indicating there is considerable variation in habitat specialisation among coral associated fish species. The large number of fishes that rely on coral highlights that habitat degradation and coral loss will have significant consequences for biodiversity and productivity of reef fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Reef fishes are closely connected to many human populations, yet their contributions to society are mostly considered through their economic and ecological values. Cultural and intrinsic values of reef fishes to the public can be critical drivers of conservation investment and success, but remain challenging to quantify. Aesthetic value represents one of the most immediate and direct means by which human societies engage with biodiversity, and can be evaluated from species to ecosystems. Here, we provide the aesthetic value of 2,417 ray-finned reef fish species by combining intensive evaluation of photographs of fishes by humans with predicted values from machine learning. We identified important biases in species’ aesthetic value relating to evolutionary history, ecological traits, and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) threat status. The most beautiful fishes are tightly packed into small parts of both the phylogenetic tree and the ecological trait space. In contrast, the less attractive fishes are the most ecologically and evolutionary distinct species and those recognized as threatened. Our study highlights likely important mismatches between potential public support for conservation and the species most in need of this support. It also provides a pathway for scaling-up our understanding of what are both an important nonmaterial facet of biodiversity and a key component of nature’s contribution to people, which could help better anticipate consequences of species loss and assist in developing appropriate communication strategies.

The most beautiful reef fish are tightly packed into small regions of both the phylogenetic tree and the ecological trait space of the world’s reef fish fauna and are less threatened than unattractive fish. This study highlights likely important mismatches between potential public support for conservation and the species most in need of this support.  相似文献   

Mortality is considered to be an important factor shaping the structure of coral reef fish communities, but data on the rate and nature of mortality of adult coral reef fishes are sparse. Mortality on coral reefs is intrinsically linked with predation, with most evidence suggesting that predation is highest during crepuscular periods. We tested this hypothesis using passive acoustic telemetry data to determine the time of day of potential mortality events (PMEs) of adult herbivorous reef fishes. A total of 94 fishes were tagged with acoustic transmitters, of which 43 exhibited a PME. Furthermore, we identified five categories of PMEs based on the nature of change in acoustic signal detections from tagged fishes. The majority of PMEs were characterised by an abrupt stop in detections, possibly as a result of a large, mobile predator. Overall, mortality rates were estimated to be approximately 59 % per year using passive acoustic telemetry. The time of day of PMEs suggests that predation was highest during the day and crepuscular periods and lowest at night, offering only partial support for the crepuscular predation hypothesis. Visually oriented, diurnal and crepuscular predators appear to be more important than their nocturnal counterparts in terms of predation on adult reef fishes. By timing PMEs, passive acoustic telemetry may offer an important new tool for investigating the nature of predation on coral reefs.  相似文献   

汪振华  章守宇  陈清满  许强  王凯 《生物多样性》2012,20(1):41-50,117,119
为了解潮下带岩礁生境的鱼类区系特征,于2009年对马鞍列岛岩礁生境进行了12个月的多网目组合刺网采样,从分类学和生态型组成等方面,结合多样性和相对重要性指数,对该生境的鱼类组成和多样性特征进行了分析。全年共采集鱼类87种,隶属2纲14目50科73属。其中鲈形目鱼类51种,占58.6%;趋礁性鱼类49种,占56.3%;放流鱼类7种,占8%。所有鱼类个体中,幼鱼的总比例为67.4%。暖水种、暖温种和冷温种分别为50、36和1种;底层、近底层和中上层鱼类各为19、46和22种,其中褐菖鲉(Sebasti scus marmoratus)、黄姑鱼(Nibea albiflora)和赤鼻棱鳀(Thryssa kammalensis)分别为各水层的绝对优势种;定居种、季节性洄游种和偶见种各为32、55和11种。岩礁生境鱼类多样性呈现明显的季节变化特征,2月份最低,9月份最高。研究结果表明,马鞍列岛岩礁生境是以趋礁鱼类为特征群体、暖水性和暖温性鱼类共同主导、各个类型的幼鱼在夏秋季集群出现、同时也分布了一定量放流种的高鱼类多样性栖息地,它为各种鱼类提供了优良的摄食、避敌和繁殖场所,是近岸海洋生态系统中相当重要的生境。然而相比过去,该生境的鱼类多样性已经大大降低,因此需对其保护工作予以更多关注。  相似文献   

Alpine flowers face multiple challenges in terms of abiotic and biotic factors, some of which may result in selection for certain colours at increasing altitude, in particular the changing pollinator species composition, which tends to move from bee-dominated at lower elevations to fly-dominated in high-alpine regions. To evaluate whether growing at altitude—and the associated change in the dominant pollinator groups present—has an effect on the colour of flowers, we analysed data collected from the Dovrefjell National Park in Norway. Unlike previous studies, however, we considered the flower colours according to ecologically relevant models of bee and fly colour vision and also their physical spectral properties independently of any colour vision system, rather than merely looking at human colour categories. The shift from bee to fly pollination with elevation might, according to the pollination syndrome hypothesis, lead to the prediction that flower colours should shift from more bee-blue and UV-blue flowers (blue/violet to humans, i.e. colours traditionally associated with large bee pollinators) at low elevations to more bee-blue-green and green (yellow and white to humans—colours often linked to fly pollination) flowers at higher altitude. However, although there was a slight increase in bee-blue-green flowers and a decrease in bee-blue flowers with increasing elevation, there were no statistically significant effects of altitude on flower colour as seen either by bees or by flies. Although flower colour is known to be constrained by evolutionary history, in this sample we also did not find evidence that phylogeny and elevation interact to determine flower colours in alpine areas. Handling editor: Neal Williams  相似文献   

Speciation in coral-reef fishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Covering <0·1% of the ocean’s surface, coral reefs harbour about one‐third of all marine fishes or c. 5000 species. Allopatry (geographic isolation) is believed to be the primary mode of speciation, yet few biogeographic barriers exist between reefs, and most reef fishes have a pelagic larval stage capable of extensive dispersal. Under these circumstances, why are there so many species of reef fishes? Since most biogeographic barriers in the oceans are either spatially or temporally permeable on a relatively short time frame, the requirement of isolation during allopatric speciation is hard to satisfy. Evidence from empirical and theoretical studies, the biological characteristics of coral reefs, and a reanalysis of biogeographic barriers indicate that sympatric speciation is possible but not common at small spatial scales and that parapatric speciation is a common (and probably the prevalent) mode of diversification in coral‐reef fishes. Regardless of the speciation mode, previous hypotheses of accelerated diversification in the Pleistocene due to sea level fluctuations are not supported by phylogenetic analyses. Recent developments in the area of comparative genomics can fuel a new revolution in the way marine speciation is studied.  相似文献   

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