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The forebrain constitutes the most anterior part of the central nervous system, and is functionally crucial and structurally conserved in all vertebrates. It includes the dorsally positioned telencephalon and eyes, the ventrally positioned hypothalamus, and the more caudally located diencephalon [from rostral to caudal: the prethalamus, the zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI), the thalamus and the pretectum]. Although antagonizing Wnt proteins are known to establish the identity of the telencephalon and eyes, it is unclear how various subdivisions are established within the diencephalon--a complex integration center and relay station of the vertebrate brain. The conserved forebrain-specific zinc-finger-containing protein Fezl plays a crucial role in regulating neuronal differentiation in the vertebrate forebrain. Here, we report a new and essential role of zebrafish Fezl in establishing regional subdivisions within the diencephalon. First, reduced activity of fezl results in a deficit of the prethalamus and a corresponding expansion of the ZLI. Second, Gal4-UAS-mediated fezl overexpression in late gastrula is capable of expanding the prethalamus telencephalon and hypothalamus at the expense of the ZLI and other fore- and/or mid-brain regions. Such altered brain regionalization is preceded by the early downregulation of wnt expression in the prospective diencephalon. Finally, fezl overexpression is able to restore the anterior forebrain and downregulate wnt expression in Headless- and/or Tcf3 (also known as Tcf7l1a)-deficient embryos. Our findings reveal that Fezl is crucial for establishing regional subdivisions within the diencephalon and may also play a role in the development of the telencephalon and hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Otx1l, Otx2 and Irx1b establish and position the ZLI in the diencephalon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The thalamic complex is the major sensory relay station in the vertebrate brain and comprises three developmental subregions: the prethalamus, the thalamus and an intervening boundary region - the zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI). Shh signalling from the ZLI confers regional identity of the flanking subregions of the ZLI, making it an important local signalling centre for regional differentiation of the diencephalon. However, our understanding of the mechanisms responsible for positioning the ZLI along the neural axis is poor. Here we show that, before ZLI formation, both Otx1l and Otx2 (collectively referred to as Otx1l/2) are expressed in spatially restricted domains. Formation of both the ZLI and the Irx1b-positive thalamus require Otx1l/2; embryos impaired in Otx1l/2 function fail to form these areas, and, instead, the adjacent pretectum and, to a lesser extent, the prethalamus expand into the mis-specified area. Conditional expression of Otx2 in these morphant embryos cell-autonomously rescues the formation of the ZLI at its correct location. Furthermore, absence of thalamic Irx1b expression, in the presence of normal Otx1l/2 function, leads to a substantial caudal broadening of the ZLI by transformation of thalamic precursors. We therefore propose that the ZLI is induced within the competence area established by Otx1l/2, and is posteriorly restricted by Irx1b.  相似文献   

The thalamus and prethalamus consist of multiple distinct nuclei and their boundary is demarcated by the zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI). The development of the primordial thalamus and prethalamus proceed within the caudal diencephalon. Shh has been shown to be essential for diencephalic patterning and regionalization. To understand the role of Shh in the specification of distinct thalamic and prethalamic nuclei, we developed a lineage marker for diencephalic cells expressing Shh by using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenesis. A genomic fragment containing ~210 kb of the mouse Shh locus was used to target enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) in transgenic mice. This transgenic BAC reporter faithfully mimicked the pattern of endogenous Shh expression in the caudal diencephalon, including the ZLI. Fate mapping analysis at multiple developmental stages showed that descendents of Shh-expressing progenitor cells derived from ZLI contribute to a population of cells in the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus.  相似文献   

Midway between the anterior neural border and the midbrain-hindbrain boundary, two well-known local signalling centres in the early developing brain, is a further transverse boundary with putative signalling properties -- the zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI). Here, we describe formation of the ZLI in zebrafish in relation to expression of sonic hedgehog (shh) and tiggy-winkle hedgehog (twhh), and to development of the forebrain regions that flank the ZLI: the prethalamus and thalamus. We find that enhanced Hh signalling increases the size of prethalamic and thalamic gene expression domains, whereas lack of Hh signalling leads to absence of these domains. In addition, we show that shh and twhh display both unique and redundant functions during diencephalic patterning. Genetic ablation of the basal plate shows that Hh expression in the ZLI alone is sufficient for diencephalic differentiation. Furthermore, acquisition of correct prethalamic and thalamic gene expression is dependent on direct Hh signalling. We conclude that proper maturation of the diencephalon requires ZLI-derived Hh signalling.  相似文献   

An unknown chicken gene selected from a published substractive hybridization screen (GenBank Accession No. ; [Christiansen, J.H., Coles, E.G., Robinson, V., Pasini, A., Wilkinson, D.G., 2001. Screening from a subtracted embryonic chick hindbrain cDNA library: identification of genes expressed during hindbrain, midbrain and cranial neural crest development. Mech. Dev. 102, 119-133.]) was deemed of interest because of its dynamic pattern of expression across the forebrain and midbrain regions. A 528bp fragment cloned from early chick embryo cDNA and used for in situ hybridization corresponded to part of the 3' untranslated region of the chicken gene Leucine-rich repeat neuronal protein 1 (Lrrn1). The expression of this gene, mapped in the embryonic chick brain between stages HH10 and HH26, apparently preconfigures the zona limitans thalami site before overt formation of this boundary structure. Apart of colateral expression in the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain basal plate, the most significant expression of Lrrn1 was found early on across the entire alar plate of midbrain and forebrain (HH10). This unitary domain soon divides at HH14 into a rostral part, across alar secondary prosencephalon and prospective alar prosomere 3 (prethalamus; caudal limit at the prospective zona limitans), and a caudal part in alar prosomere 1 (pretectum) and midbrain. The rostral forebrain domain later downregulates gradually most extratelencephalic signal of Lrrn1, but the rostral shell of zona limitans retains expression longer. Expression in the caudal alar domain also changes by downregulation within its pretectal subdomain. Caudally, the midbrain domain ends at the isthmo-mesencephalic junction throughout the studied period. Embryonic Lrrn1 signal also appears in the somites and in the otic vesicle.  相似文献   

Patterning of the early neural tube is achieved in part by the inductive signals, which arise from neuroepithelial signaling centers. The zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI) is a neuroepithelial domain in the alar plate of the diencephalon which separates the prethalamus from the thalamus. The ZLI has recently been considered to be a possible secondary organizer, effecting its inductions via sonic hedgehog (Shh), a signaling molecule which drives morphogenetic information for the thalamus. Using experimental embryological techniques involving the generation of chimeric embryos, we show that the formation of the ZLI in the diencephalic alar plate is due to an interaction between the prechordal and epichordal plate neuroepithelia. We also provide evidence that Shh expression in the ZLI underlies the morphogenetic activity of this putative diencephalic organizer. Ectopic Shh led to the auto-induction of its own gene expression in host cells, as well as to the expression of other genes involved in diencephalic regionalization and histogenesis. Analysis of long-term surviving embryos after Shh ectopic expression demonstrated that Shh was able to induce thalamic structures and local overgrowth. Overall, these results indicate that Shh expressed in the ZLI plays an important role in diencephalic growth and in the development of the thalamus.  相似文献   

The mammalian diencephalon is the caudal derivative of the embryonic forebrain. Early events in diencephalic regionalization include its subdivision along the dorsoventral and anteroposterior axes. The prosomeric model by Puelles and Rubenstein (1993) suggests that the alar plate of the posterior diencephalon is partitioned into three different prosomeres (designated p1–p3), which develop into the pretectum, thalamus, and prethalamus, respectively. Here, we report the developmental consequences of genetic ablation of cell populations from the diencephalic basal plate. The strategy for conditionally regulated cell ablation is based on the targeted expression of the diphtheria toxin gene (DTA) to the diencephalic basal plate via tamoxifen‐ induced, Cre‐mediated recombination of the ROSADTA allele. We show that activation of DTA leads to specific cell loss in the basal plate of the posterior diencephalon, and disrupted early regionalization of distinct alar territories. In the basal plate‐deficient embryos, the p1 alar plate exhibited reduced expression of subtype‐specific markers in the pretectum, whereas p2 alar plate failed to further subdivide into two discrete thalamic subpopulations. We also show that these defects lead to abnormal nuclear organization at later developmental stages. Our data have implications for increased understanding of the interactive roles between discrete diencephalic compartments. genesis 53:356–365, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Initial axial patterning of the neural tube into forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain primordia occurs during gastrulation. After this patterning phase, further diversification within the brain is thought to proceed largely independently in the different primordia. However, mechanisms that maintain the demarcation of brain subdivisions at later stages are poorly understood. In the alar plate of the caudal forebrain there are two principal units, the thalamus and the pretectum, each of which is a developmental compartment. Here we show that proper neuronal differentiation of the thalamus requires Lhx2 and Lhx9 function. In Lhx2/Lhx9-deficient zebrafish embryos the differentiation process is blocked and the dorsally adjacent Wnt positive epithalamus expands into the thalamus. This leads to an upregulation of Wnt signaling in the caudal forebrain. Lack of Lhx2/Lhx9 function as well as increased Wnt signaling alter the expression of the thalamus specific cell adhesion factor pcdh10b and lead subsequently to a striking anterior-posterior disorganization of the caudal forebrain. We therefore suggest that after initial neural tube patterning, neurogenesis within a brain compartment influences the integrity of the neuronal progenitor pool and border formation of a neuromeric compartment.  相似文献   

The zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI) is located at the border between the prospective ventral thalamus and dorsal thalamus, and functions as a diencephalic signaling center. Little is known about the mechanism controlling ZLI formation. Using a combination of fate-mapping studies and in vitro assays, I show that the differentiation of the ZLI from progenitor cells in the alar plate is initiated by a Shh-dependent signal from the basal plate. The subsequent dorsal progression of ZLI differentiation requires ongoing Shh signaling, and is constrained by inhibitory factors derived from the dorsal diencephalon. These studies demonstrate that self-organizing signals from the basal plate regulate the formation of a potential patterning center in the ZLI in an orthogonal orientation in the alar plate, and thus create the potential for coordinated thalamic patterning in two dimensions.  相似文献   

Following unilateral iontophoretic application of HRP into the optic tectum of Salamandra salamandra, retrogradely HRP-filled cells were found bilaterally in the pretectum, tegmentum isthmi, the reticular formation, pars medialis, and in the nucleus vestibularis magnocellularis. The area octavo-lateralis projects only to the caudal part of the tectum. Ipsilateral projections were noted from the dorsal gray columns of the cervical spinal cord, the dorsal tegmentum, the thalamus dorsalis pars medialis, thalamus dorsalis, pars anterior (to the rostral one-third of the tectum), the thalamus ventralis (in its entire rostro-caudal extent), and the preoptico-hypothalamic complex. Retrogradely filled cells were identified in deeper layers of the contralateral tectum. There are two telencephalic nuclei projecting ipsilaterally to the tectum via the lateral forebrain: the ventral part of the lateral pallium, and the posterior strioamygdalar complex.  相似文献   

Yang Z  Liu N  Lin S 《Developmental biology》2001,231(1):138-148
Identification of the earliest forebrain-specific markers should facilitate the elucidation of molecular events underlying vertebrate forebrain determination and specification. Here we report the sequence and characterization of fez (forebrain embryonic zinc finger), a gene that is specifically expressed in the embryonic forebrain of zebrafish. Fez encodes a putative nuclear zinc finger protein that is highly conserved in Drosophila, zebrafish, Xenopus, mouse, and human. In zebrafish, the expression of fez becomes detectable at the anterior edge of the presumptive neuroectoderm by 70% epiboly. During the segmentation period, its expression is completely restricted to the rostral region of the prospective forebrain. At approximately 24 h postfertilization, fez expression is mostly confined to the telencephalon and the anterior-ventral region of the diencephalon. Although fez expression is present in one-eyed pinhead (oep) and cyclops (cyc) zebrafish mutants, the pattern is altered. Forced expression of fez induces ectopic expression of dlx2 and dlx6, two genes involved in brain development. Knockdown of fez function using a morpholino-based antisense oligo inhibited dlx2 expression in the ventral forebrain. Our studies indicate that fez is one of the earliest markers specific for the anterior neuroectoderm and it may play a role in forebrain development by regulating Dlx gene expression.  相似文献   

The diencephalon is a central area of the vertebrate developing brain, where the thalamic nuclear complex, the pretectum and the anterior tegmental structures are generated. It has been subdivided into prosomeres, which are transversal domains defined by morphological and molecular criteria. The zona limitans intrathalamica is a central boundary in the diencephalon that separates the posterior diencephalon (prosomeres 1 and 2), from the anterior diencephalon (prosomere 3). This intrathalamic limit appears early on in neural tube development, and the molecular pattern that it reveals suggests an important role in the diencephalic histogenesis. We hereby present a fate map of the presumptive territories in the diencephalon of a chick embryo at the 10-11 somite stages (HH9-10), by homotopic and isochronic quail-chick grafts. The anatomical interpretation of chimeric brains was aided by correlative whole-mount in situ hybridization with RNA probes for chicken genes expressed in specific diencephalic territories. The resulting fate map describes the distribution of the presumptive diencephalic prosomeres in the neural tube, and demonstrates their topologically conserved relationships throughout the neural development. Moreover, we show that the presumptive epithelium of ZLI can be localized at early developmental stages in the diencephalic alar plate at the anterior limit of the Wnt8b gene expression domain.  相似文献   

The dorsal column nuclei (DCN) project to a number of targets in the nervous system besides the ventroposterolateral nucleus (VPL) of the thalamus. Recent evidence obtained using double-labeling techniques indicates that DCN's diencephalic-projecting neurons differ in their location and morphology from those that project to some of its other targets, such as the cerebellum and tectum. The purpose of the present study was to characterize anatomically the DCN neurons that project another of DCN's targets, the pretectum, and to determine if any of these neurons have collateral projections to the tectum or diencephalon.

The projections were studied using two double-labeling methods. One method made use of either tritiated inactivated horseradish peroxidase ([3H]apoHRP) or tritiated N-acetyl wheatgerm agglutinin ([3H]WGA) as a marker and HRP or WGA conjugated to HRP. The other method made use of the dyes Fast Blue and Nuclear Yellow. In each cat, one marker was injected into the DCN-recipient portions of the pretectum, tectum, or diencephalon, and the other marker was injected into another of these three targets.

Neurons labeled by pretectal or tectal injections were of all sizes, fusiform and multipolar in shape, and similarly located. They were scattered through the rostral zone of DCN, but were distributed at the periphery of and at the junction between the gracile and cuneate nuclei in DCN's middle and caudal zones.

In contrast to the pretectal-and tectal-labeled neurons, neurons labeled by diencephalic injections were round and large. They were found throughout the DCN complex, but were concentrated in DCN's middle and caudal zones. When both the pretectum and diencephalon were injected in the same cat, the two groups of neurons occupied similar locations in the rostral zone, but were distinct in the middle and caudal zones, with the pretectal-projecting neurons surrounding the clusters of diencephalic-projecting neurons. Very few neurons were double-labeled.

These results demonstrate that the projections to the pretectum, tectum, and diencephalon originate from different populations of neurons within specific domains in DCN. When these results are compared with the results of electrophysiological and other anatomical studies, it appears that the pretectal- and tectal-projecting neurons may be part of a previously unrecognized system originating in DCN. In contrast with the well-known lemniscal system, recognized for its function in tactile discrimination, and composed of DCN's VPL-projecting neurons together with VPL's projections to the cerebral cortex, this other system may serve some role in the regulation of posture or the coordination of movement.  相似文献   

We have identified and cloned a novel zinc finger gene, Fez (forebrain embryonic zinc-finger), as a potential downstream determinant of anterior neural plate formation in Xenopus. Fez was isolated as one of several neural-specific genes that was induced by the neuralizing factor, noggin (Smith and Harland, 1992. Cell 70, 829-840), in uncommitted ectoderm. Fez has an open reading frame comprising 466 amino acids, and contains six C(2)H(2) type zinc finger domains, which are highly conserved among Drosophila, zebrafish, mouse, and human. In Xenopus, the expression of Fez begins at stage 12 in the rostral end of the neural plate, and by stage 45, it is localized to several telencephalic regions, including the olfactory bulbs, nervus terminalis, and ventricular zone. The mouse homologue of Fez is similarly expressed in the mouse forebrain by embryonic day 11.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the gene regulatory network that governs formation of the Zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI), a signaling center that secretes Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) to control the growth and regionalization of the caudal forebrain. Using loss- and gain-of-function, explants and grafting experiments in amphibians, we demonstrate that barhl2 acts downstream of otx2 and together with the iroquois (irx)-3 gene in establishment of the ZLI compartment initiated by Shh influence. We find that the presumptive (pre)-ZLI domain expresses barhl2, otx2 and irx3, whereas the thalamus territory caudally bordering the pre-ZLI expresses barhl2, otx2 and irx1/2 and early on irx3. We demonstrate that Barhl2 activity is required for determination of the ZLI and thalamus fates and that within the p2 alar plate the ratio of Irx3 to Irx1/2 contributes to ZLI specification and size determination. We show that when continuously exposed to Shh, neuroepithelial cells coexpressing barhl2, otx2 and irx3 acquire two characteristics of the ZLI compartment—the competence to express shh and the ability to segregate from anterior neural plate cells. In contrast, neuroepithelial cells expressing barhl2, otx2 and irx1/2, are not competent to express shh. Noteworthy in explants, under Shh influence, ZLI-like cells segregate from thalamic-like cells. Our study establishes that Barhl2 activity plays a key role in p2 alar plate patterning, specifically ZLI formation, and provides new insights on establishment of the signaling center of the caudal forebrain.  相似文献   

During early vertebrate development, a series of neuromeres divides the central nervous system from the forebrain to the spinal cord. Here we examine in more detail the expression of Wnt-3, a member of the Wnt gene family of secreted proteins, in the developing diencephalon, in comparison to the expression of the homeobox gene Dlx-1. In 9.5-day mouse embryos, Wnt-3 is expressed in a restricted area of the diencephalon before any morphological signs of subdivisions appear. Around embryonic day 11.5, Wnt-3 expression becomes restricted to one of the neuromeres of the diencephalon, the dorsal thalamus. Dlx-1 is expressed in a non-overlapping area immediately anterior to and abutting the Wnt-3 expressing domain, corresponding to the ventral thalamus. In addition, Wnt-3 is expressed in the midbrain-hindbrain region. In the adult mouse, Wnt-3 and Dlx-1 are expressed in subsets of neural cells derived from the original areas of expression in the diencephalon. Taken together, our results suggest that Wnt-3 and Dlx-1 provide positional information for the regional specification of neuromeres in the forebrain. The continued expression of these genes in the adult mouse brain suggests a distinct role in the mature CNS.  相似文献   

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