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Thyroid hormone acts via receptor subtypes (TRα1, TRβ1, TRβ2) with differing tissue distributions, encoded by distinct genes (THRA, THRB). THRB mutations cause a disorder with central (hypothalamic–pituitary) resistance to thyroid hormone action with markedly elevated thyroid hormone and normal TSH levels.

Scope of review

This review describes the clinical features, genetic and molecular pathogenesis of a homologous human disorder mediated by defective THRA. Clinical features include growth retardation, skeletal dysplasia and constipation associated with low-normal T4 and high-normal T3 levels and a low T4/T3 ratio, together with subnormal reverse T3 levels. Heterozygous TRa1 mutations in affected individuals generate defective mutant receptors which inhibit wild-type receptor action in a dominant negative manner.

Major conclusions

Mutations in human TRα1 mediate RTH with features of hypothyroidism in particular tissues (e.g. skeleton, gastrointestinal tract), but are not associated with a markedly dysregulated pituitary–thyroid axis.

General significance

Human THRA mutations could be more common but may have eluded discovery due to the absence of overt thyroid dysfunction. Nevertheless, in the appropriate clinical context, a thyroid biochemical signature (low T4/T3 ratio, subnormal reverse T3 levels), may enable future identification of cases.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Thyroid hormone signalling.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormone deficiency is known to deeply affect cerebellum post-natal development. We present here a detailed analysis of the phenotype of a recently generated mouse model, expressing a dominant-negative TRα1 mutation. Although hormonal level is not affected, the cerebellum of these mice displays profound alterations in neuronal and glial differentiation, which are reminiscent of congenital hypothyroidism, indicating a predominant function of this receptor isoform in normal cerebellum development. Some of the observed effects might result from the cell autonomous action of the mutation, while others are more likely to result from a reduction in neurotrophic factor production.  相似文献   

In this study, we found that the mRNA level of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) alpha, but not of PPARdelta, was elevated in the jejunum during the postnatal development of the rat. Moreover, we found that the expressions of PPAR-dependent genes, such as acyl-CoA oxidase, L-FABP, and I-FABP, were also increased during the postnatal development of the small intestine. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay revealed that both the PPARalpha-9-cis-retinoic acid receptor alpha (RXRalpha) heterodimer and the PPARdelta-RXRalpha heterodimer bound to the peroxisome proliferator response element (PPRE) of acyl-CoA oxidase and L-FABP genes. The binding of the PPARalpha-RXRalpha heterodimer to the PPREs of the various genes was enhanced by the addition of PPARalpha, with a concomitant reduction of the binding of PPARdelta-RXRalpha to the PPREs. Furthermore, the binding activity of PPARalpha-RXRalpha, but not PPARdelta-RXRalpha, to the PPREs was enhanced by the addition of a PPAR ligand, WY14,643. The GAL4-PPAR-chimera reporter assay showed that WY14,643 transactivated the reporter gene through action of PPARalpha, but not through PPARdelta, in Caco-2 cells. Furthermore, oral administration of a PPAR ligand, clofibrate, during 3 consecutive days of the weanling period caused a parallel increase in the mRNA levels of these PPAR-dependent genes. These results suggest that acyl-CoA oxidase, L-FABP and the other PPAR-dependent genes in the small intestine may be coordinately modulated during postnatal development by the disproportional expression of PPARalpha over PPARdelta.  相似文献   

The diverse functions of thyroid hormones are thought to be mediated by two nuclear receptors, T3R alpha1 and T3R beta, encoded by the genes T3R alpha and T3R beta respectively. The T3R alpha gene also produces a non-ligand-binding protein T3R alpha2. The in vivo functions of these receptors are still unclear. We describe here the homozygous inactivation of the T3R alpha gene which abrogates the production of both T3R alpha1 and T3R alpha2 isoforms and that leads to death in mice within 5 weeks after birth. After 2 weeks of life, the homozygous mice become progressively hypothyroidic and exhibit a growth arrest. Small intestine and bones showed a strongly delayed maturation. In contrast to the negative regulatory function of the T3R beta gene on thyroid hormone production, our data show that the T3R alpha gene products are involved in up-regulation of thyroid hormone production at weaning time. Thus, thyroid hormone production might be balanced through a positive T3R alpha and a negative T3R beta pathway. The abnormal phenotypes observed on the homozygous mutant mice strongly suggest that the T3R alpha gene is essential for the transformation of a mother-dependent pup to an 'adult' mouse. These data define crucial in vivo functions for thyroid hormones through a T3R alpha pathway during post-natal development.  相似文献   

Summary We have developed an organ culture system of the anuran small intestine to reproduce in vitro the transition from larval to adult epithelial form which occurs during spontaneous metamorphosis. Tubular fragments isolated from the small intestine ofXenopus laevis tadpoles were slit open and placed on membrane filters in culture dishes. In 60% Leibovitz 15 medium supplemented with 10% charcoal-treated serum, the explants were maintained in good condition for at least 10 days without any morphologic changes. Addition of triiodothyronine (T3) at a concentration higher than 10−9 M to the medium could induce cell death of larval epithelial cells, but T3 alone was not sufficient for proliferation and differentiation of adult epithelial cells. When insulin (5 μg/ml) and cortisol (0.5 μg/ml) besides T3 were added, the adult cells proliferated and differentiated just as during spontaneous metamorphosis. On Day 5 of cultivation, the adult cells rapidly proliferated to form typical islets, whereas the larval ones rapidly degenerated. At the same time, the connective tissue beneath the epithelium suddenly increased in cell density. These changes correspond to those occurring at the onset of metamorphic climax. By Day 10, the adult cells differentiated into a simple columnar epithelium which possessed the brush border and showed the adult-type lectin-binding pattern. Therefore, the larval epithelium of the small intestine responded to the hormones and transformed into the adult one. This organ culture system may be useful for clarifying the mechanism of the epithelial transition from larval to adult type during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle is known to be a target for the active metabolite of thyroid hormone, i.e., 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T(3)). T(3) acts by repressing or activating genes coding for different myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms via T(3) receptors (TRs). The diverse function of T(3) is presumed to be mediated by TR-alpha(1) and TR-beta, but the function of specific TRs in regulating MHC isoform expression has remained undefined. In this study, TR-deficient mice were used to expand our knowledge of the mechanisms by which T(3) regulates the expression of specific MHC isoforms via distinct TRs. In fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle, TR-alpha(1)-, TR-beta-, or TR-alpha(1)beta-deficient mice showed a small but statistically significant decrease (P < 0.05) of type IIB MHC content and an increased number of type I fibers. In the slow-twitch soleus, the beta/slow MHC (type I) isoform was significantly (P < 0. 001) upregulated in the TR-deficient mice, but this effect was highly dependent on the type of receptor deleted. The lack of TR-beta had no significant effect on the expression of MHC isoforms. An increase (P < 0.05) of type I MHC was observed in the TR-alpha(1)-deficient muscle. A dramatic overexpression (P < 0.001) of the slow type I MHC and a corresponding downregulation of the fast type IIA MHC (P < 0.001) was observed in TR-alpha(1)beta-deficient mice. The muscle- and fiber-specific differences in MHC isoform expression in the TR-alpha(1)beta-deficient mice resembled the MHC isoform transitions reported in hypothyroid animals, i.e., a mild MHC transition in the EDL, a dramatic but not complete upregulation of the beta/slow MHC isoform in the soleus, and a variable response to TR deficiency in different soleus muscle fibers. Thus the consequences on muscle are similar in the absence of thyroid hormone or absence of thyroid hormone receptors, indicating that TR-alpha(1) and TR-beta together mediate the known actions of T(3). However, it remains unknown how thyroid hormone exerts muscle- and muscle fiber-specific effects in its action. Finally, although developmental MHC transitions were not studied specifically in this study, the absence of embryonic and fetal MHC isoforms in the TR-deficient mice indicates that ultimately the transition to the adult MHC isoforms is not solely mediated by TRs.  相似文献   

The size of the thyroid hormone receptor in chromatin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have used radiation inactivation and target theory to determine the size of the functional unit for T3 binding in rat liver chromatin. The process involves exposure of frozen chromatin samples to a beam of high energy electrons produced in a linear accelerator and subsequent measurement of the residual capacity to bind hormone. Our experiments were carried out using three forms of solubilized chromatin: 1) sonicated, containing the receptor in fragments which sedimented faster than 30 S; 2) digested by nuclease, containing the receptor in a form which sedimented at 5-6 S; 3) digested by nuclease and made 0.5 M in KCl, containing the receptor in a form which sedimented at 3.8 S. We have shown that in each sample preparation the receptor retained the ability to bind T3 with the same capacity and affinity that had previously been measured with high molecular weight chromatin. Irradiation caused a reduction in the capacity to bind T3 but did not change the affinity of the remaining receptors for the hormone. In each preparation, the radiation resulted in a simple exponential loss of binding capacity with dose, indicating that a single target size was detected. Within the variation of the measurements, the target size for each form of the receptor was the same, 59,000 daltons.  相似文献   

Cell kinetics in the mouse small intestine during immediate postnatal life   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The cell proliferation kinetics in the small intestine of newborn Balb/c mice were studied, from day 1 through to day 21 after birth. The size of the functional compartment and the proliferation compartment was determined as well as the cell production rate in the crypt using the micro-dissection technique combined with metaphase arrest method. The effect of weaning on cell proliferation was studied. The results suggest that: (1)There is continuous increase in cell proliferation and in the size of the functional and proliferative compartment over the 21 days. (2) The cell proliferation proceeds at a slower rate than in adult animals. (3) There is a sharp increase in cell production rate during the third week of postnatal life. (4) The cell proliferation was faster in conventionally weaned litters than the non-weaned group. (5) The intestinal mucosa in newborn mice is not in a steady-state conditions as in adults; cell production rate exceeds cell loss.  相似文献   

Neonatal hypothyroidism increases adult Sertoli cell populations by extending Sertoli cell proliferation. Conversely, hyperthyroidism induces premature cessation of Sertoli cell proliferation and stimulates maturational events like seminiferous tubule canalization. Thyroid hormone receptors alpha1 and beta1, which are commonly referred to as TRalpha1 and TRbeta1, respectively, are expressed in neonatal Sertoli cells. We determined the relative roles of TRalpha1 and TRbeta1 in the thyroid hormone effect on testicular development and Sertoli cell proliferation using Thra knockout (TRalphaKO), Thrb knockout (TRbetaKO), and wild-type (WT) mice. Triiodothyronine (T3) treatment from birth until Postnatal Day 10 reduced Sertoli cell proliferation to minimal levels in WT and TRbetaKO mice versus that in their untreated controls, whereas T3 had a diminished effect on TRalphaKO Sertoli cell proliferation. Seminiferous tubule patency and luminal diameter were increased in T3-treated WT and TRbetaKO testes. In contrast, T3 had no effect on these parameters in TRalphaKO mice. In untreated adult TRalphaKO mice, Sertoli cell number, testis weight, and daily sperm production were increased or trended toward an increase, but the increase in magnitude was smaller than that seen in WT mice following neonatal hypothyroidism. Conversely, in TRbetaKO mice, Sertoli cell number, testis weight, and daily sperm production were similar to those in untreated WT mice. In addition, Sertoli cell number and testis weight in adult WT and TRbetaKO mice showed comparable increases following hypothyroidism. Our results show that TRalphaKO mice have testicular effects similar to those seen in WT mice following neonatal hypothyroidism and that TRbetaKO mice, but not TRalphaKO mice, have normal Sertoli cell responsiveness to T3. Thus, effects of exogenous manipulation of T3 on neonatal Sertoli cell development are predominately mediated through TRalpha1.  相似文献   

Determining whether a stressful event will lead to stress‐resilience or vulnerability depends probably on an adjustable stress response set point, which is most likely effective during postnatal sensory development and involves the regulation of corticotrophin‐releasing hormone (CRH) expression. During the critical period of thermal‐control establishment in 3‐day‐old chicks, heat stress was found to render resilient or sensitized response, depending on the ambient temperature. These two different responses were correlated with the amount of activation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis. The expression of CRH mRNA in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus was augmented during heat challenge a week after heat conditioning in chicks which were trained to be vulnerable to heat, while it declined in chicks that were trained to be resilient. To study the role of CRH in HPA‐axis plasticity, CRH or Crh‐antisense were intracranially injected into the third ventricle. CRH caused an elevation of both body temperature and plasma corticosterone level, while Crh‐antisense caused an opposite response. Moreover, these effects had long term implications by reversing a week later, heat resilience into vulnerability and vice versa. Chicks that had been injected with CRH followed by exposure to mild heat stress, normally inducing resilience, demonstrated, a week later, an elevation in body temperature, and Crh mRNA level similar to heat vulnerability, while Crh‐antisense injected chicks, which were exposed to harsh temperature, responded in heat resilience. These results demonstrate a potential role for CRH in determining the stress resilience/vulnerability balance. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 75: 842–853, 2015  相似文献   

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