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BackgroundDengue is an emerging infectious disease of global significance. Suspected dengue, especially in children in Nicaragua’s heavily-urbanized capital of Managua, has been well documented, but unsuspected dengue among children and adults with undifferentitated fever has not.Conclusions/SignificanceDengue is an important and largely unrecognized cause of fever in rural western Nicaragua. Since Zika virus is transmitted by the same vector and has been associated with severe congenital infections, the population we studied is at particular risk for being devastated by the Zika epidemic that has now reached Central America.  相似文献   



Infection-related acute kidney injury (AKI) is an important preventable cause of morbidity and mortality in the tropical region. The prevalence and outcome of kidney involvement, especially AKI, in scrub typhus is not known. We investigated all patients with undiagnosed fever and multisystem involvement for scrub typhus and present the pattern of renal involvement seen.


From September 2011 to November 2012, blood samples of all the patients with unexplained acute febrile illness and/or varying organ involvement were evaluated for evidence of scrub typhus. A confirmed case of scrub typhus was defined as one with detectable Orientia tsutsugamushi deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in patient''s blood sample by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the gene encoding 56-kDa antigen and without any alternative etiological diagnosis. Renal involvement was defined by demonstration of abnormal urinalysis and/or reduced glomerular filtration rate. AKI was defined as per Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) definition.


Out of 201 patients tested during this period, 49 were positive by nested PCR for scrub typhus. Mean age of study population was 34.1±14.4 (range 11–65) years. Majority were males and a seasonal trend was evident with most cases following the rainy season. Overall, renal abnormalities were seen in 82% patients, 53% of patients had AKI (stage 1, 2 and 3 in 10%, 8% and 35%, respectively). The urinalysis was abnormal in 61%, with dipstick positive albuminuria (55%) and microscopic hematuria (16%) being most common. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and shock were seen in 57% and 16% of patients, respectively. Hyperbilirubinemia was associated with AKI (p = 0.013). A total of 8 patients (including three with dialysis dependent AKI) expired whereas rest all made uneventful recovery. Jaundice, oliguria, ARDS and AKI were associated with mortality. However, after multivariate analysis, only oliguric AKI remained a significant predictor of mortality (p = 0.002).


Scrub typhus was diagnosed in 24% of patients presenting with unexplained febrile illness according to a strict case definition not previously used in this region. Renal abnormalities were seen in almost 82% of all patients with evidence of AKI in 53%. Our finding is contrary to current perception that scrub typhus rarely causes renal dysfunction. We suggest that all patients with unexplained febrile illness be investigated for scrub typhus and AKI looked for in scrub typhus patients.  相似文献   

Enteroviruses (Picornaviridae family) are a common cause of human illness worldwide and are associated with diverse clinical syndromes, including asymptomatic infection, respiratory illness, gastroenteritis, and meningitis. In this study, we report the identification and complete genome sequence of a novel enterovirus isolated from a case of acute respiratory illness in a Nicaraguan child. Unbiased deep sequencing of nucleic acids from a nose and throat swab sample enabled rapid recovery of the full-genome sequence. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that human enterovirus 109 (EV109) is most closely related to serotypes of human enterovirus species C (HEV-C) in all genomic regions except the 5′ untranslated region (5′ UTR). Bootstrap analysis indicates that the 5′ UTR of EV109 is likely the product of an interspecies recombination event between ancestral members of the HEV-A and HEV-C groups. Overall, the EV109 coding region shares 67 to 72% nucleotide sequence identity with its nearest relatives. EV109 isolates were detected in 5/310 (1.6%) of nose and throat swab samples collected from children in a pediatric cohort study of influenza-like illness in Managua, Nicaragua, between June 2007 and June 2008. Further experimentation is required to more fully characterize the pathogenic role, disease associations, and global distribution of EV109.The genus Enterovirus (EV) in the family Picornaviridae is a group of related viruses that are associated with a spectrum of disease, ranging from subclinical infections to acute respiratory and gastrointestinal illness to more severe manifestations, such as aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, and acute flaccid paralysis (16, 32). Enteroviruses are small, nonenveloped viruses that share a genomic organization. The RNA genome is a ∼7.5 kb single-stranded, positive-sense, polyadenylated molecule, with a single, long open reading frame flanked by 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions (UTRs). The 5′ UTR is ∼700 nucleotides in length and contains highly structured secondary elements with internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) function. The ∼2,200-amino-acid (aa) polyprotein is cotranslationally processed by viral proteases to yield structural (VP4, VP2, VP3, and VP1) and nonstructural (2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D) proteins (32). Current enterovirus classification is based on the high sequence divergence within the VP1 capsid region, which has been shown to correspond with serotype neutralization (27, 28). Human enterovirus (HEV) types are currently classified into four species, human enterovirus A (HEV-A), HEV-B, HEV-C (including poliovirus), and HEV-D, based on the four phylogenetic clusters observed in comparisons of the coding region sequences. An enterovirus is considered a new type within a species if it possesses <75% nucleotide identity and <85% amino acid identity with known members across the VP1 sequence (27, 30). Molecular identification methods play a crucial role in rapid, sensitive enterovirus diagnostics and have led to the recent discovery of several novel enteroviruses (29, 31, 40, 42, 44). Most approaches target a limited number of conserved regions in the 5′ UTR and VP4-VP2 junction or seek to ascertain serotype information by probing antigenic regions, such as VP1 (5).Picornavirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerases are highly error prone and lack proofreading ability, resulting in a misincorporation frequency of 1 per 103 to 104 nucleotides (48). The relative infidelity of these polymerases is believed to enable rapid adaptability under selective pressure. Large-impact evolutionary events, such as recombination within and between enterovirus serotypes, also contribute to their evolution and genetic diversity (3, 8, 26, 39) and may lead to changes in disease associations with human enterovirus infections. Human enteroviruses are classified into four species based on coding region sequence phylogeny, and intraspecies recombination events between enteroviruses that are closely related in the coding region are well documented (26, 38, 39). All known enterovirus 5′ UTR sequences, however, cluster into two groups containing either HEV-A and -B sequences or HEV-C and -D sequences. Recent findings have described enterovirus genomes with a coding region that clusters with one species and a 5′ UTR that clusters with a different species, suggesting possible interspecies recombination events (41, 44). Understanding the recombination-driven evolution of HEV-C viruses is of particular public health concern due to the viruses'' ability to recombine with vaccine poliovirus, resulting in circulating, highly neurovirulent vaccine-derived polioviruses (17, 21, 34). It is unclear whether recombination events between poliovirus and HEV-C viruses allow for the rapid acquisition of traits that increase pathogenic and circulation potential.The enterovirus pathogenicity spectrum is related to tissue tropism and is largely determined by cellular receptor usage. Most picornaviruses use receptors from the immunoglobulin superfamily of proteins, such as intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) or coxsackievirus-adenovirus receptor (CAR) (36). A distinct subgroup of HEV-C viruses, which includes coxsackievirus (CAV) A1, A19, and A22 and enterovirus 104, has not yet been grown successfully in cell culture, and the receptor molecule for this subgroup is unknown (6). HEV-C viruses are believed to be the ancestral source of poliovirus, which resulted from a capsid mutation that caused a cellular receptor switch from ICAM-1 to CD155 (poliovirus receptor [PVR]) (17).In this study, we report the discovery and characterization of a novel human enterovirus type within species HEV-C, for which we propose the designation human enterovirus 109 (EV109). Sequence analysis reveals considerable nucleotide divergence in the 5′ UTR between EV109 and other HEV-C types, and scanning bootstrap analysis supports the hypothesis that EV109 is the product of an interspecies recombination event with an ancestral member of the HEV-A group. Viral capsid amino acid alignments and homology modeling reveal the predicted three-dimensional arrangement of divergent and conserved residues of EV109 compared with other related enteroviruses. We also report highly similar EV109 isolates within multiple cases of acute pediatric respiratory illness in Managua, Nicaragua.  相似文献   

In the past decade, malaria control has been successfully implemented in Cambodia, leading to a substantial decrease in reported cases. Wide-spread use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) has revealed a large burden of malaria-negative fever cases, for which no clinical management guidelines exist at peripheral level health facilities. As a first step towards developing such guidelines, a 3-year cross-sectional prospective observational study was designed to investigate the causes of acute malaria-negative febrile illness in Cambodia. From January 2008 to December 2010, 1193 febrile patients and 282 non-febrile individuals were recruited from three health centers in eastern and western Cambodia. Malaria RDTs and routine clinical examination were performed on site by health center staff. Venous samples and nasopharyngeal throat swabs were collected and analysed by molecular diagnostic tests. Blood cultures and blood smears were also taken from all febrile individuals. Molecular testing was applied for malaria parasites, Leptospira, Rickettsia, O. tsutsugamushi, Dengue- and Influenza virus. At least one pathogen was identified in 73.3% (874/1193) of febrile patient samples. Most frequent pathogens detected were P. vivax (33.4%), P. falciparum (26.5%), pathogenic Leptospira (9.4%), Influenza viruses (8.9%), Dengue viruses (6.3%), O. tsutsugamushi (3.9%), Rickettsia (0.2%), and P. knowlesi (0.1%). In the control group, a potential pathogen was identified in 40.4%, most commonly malaria parasites and Leptospira. Clinic-based diagnosis of malaria RDT-negative cases was poorly predictive for pathogen and appropriate treatment. Additional investigations are needed to understand their impact on clinical disease and epidemiology, and the possible role of therapies such as doxycycline, since many of these pathogens were seen in non-febrile subjects.  相似文献   



Leptospirosis is a global zoonotic disease. Although important for the assessment of the burden of leptospirosis, data on the duration of the illness and the occurrence of post-leptospirosis complaints are not well documented. Hence the main objective of this study was to estimate the occurrence of persistent complaints and duration of hospital stay in laboratory confirmed leptospirosis patients in the Netherlands during 1985 to 2010. Additionally, several risk factors potentially impacting on the occurrence of post-leptospirosis complaints were investigated.

Methods/Principal Findings

The duration of the acute phase of leptospirosis was 16 days (IQR 12–23); 10 days (IQR 7–16) were spent hospitalized. Eighteen fatal cases were excluded from this analysis. Complaints of leptospirosis patients by passive case investigations (CPC) derived from files on ambulant consultations occurring one month after hospital discharge, revealed persistent complaints in 108 of 236 (45.8%) laboratory confirmed cases. Data on persistent complaints after acute leptospirosis (PCAC), assessed in 225 laboratory confirmed leptospirosis cases collected through questionnaires during 1985-1993, indicated 68 (30.2%) PCAC cases. Frequently reported complaints included (extreme) fatigue, myalgia, malaise, headache, and a weak physical condition. These complaints prolonged in 21.1% of the cases beyond 24 months after onset of disease. There was no association between post-leptospirosis complaints and hospitalization. However, individuals admitted at the intensive care unit (ICU) were twice as likely to have continuing complaints after discharge adjusting for age and dialysis (OR 2.0 95% CI 0.8-4.8). No significant association could be found between prolongation of complaints and infecting serogroup, although subgroup analysis suggest that infection with serogroups Sejroe (OR 4.8, 95%CI 0.9-27.0) and icterohaemorrhagiae (OR 2.0, 95%CI 0.9-4.3 CI) are more likely to result in CPC than infections with serogroup Grippotyphosa.


In addition to the acute disease, persistent complaints have an impact on the burden of leptospirosis.  相似文献   

Twenty-one cases of leptospirosis, including three that were fatal, were reported in California during 1961-1965. An additional 18 cases were detected for the same period by screening sera from patients with central nervous system (CNS) disease of suspected viral origin. This finding supports a hypothesis that leptospirosis frequently is not considered in the differential diagnosis of CNS disease in which viral infection is suspected.The 39 patients, six of them females, ranged in age from six to 66 years. Most infections occurred in the summer. A history of exposure to animals or of swimming in potentially contaminated waters was obtained from 32 of the 39.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2014,20(3):e42-e46
ObjectiveTo demonstrate that xanthogranuloma is a rare cause of idiopathic central diabetes insipidus in the early phase of the disease and that it presents as a suprasellar mass at a later stage. In addition, we emphasize the importance of identifying the cause of idiopathic central diabetes insipidus and review the literature concerning endocrine disturbance in central xanthogranuloma.MethodsReview of recently published case reports of central xanthogranuloma with endocrine disorders. The case of a 35-year-old man who presented with a very large suprasellar mass is also reported. The patient was diagnosed with idiopathic central diabetes insipidus 20 years ago with normal brain magnetic resonance imaging.ResultMost cases of this disease present as supra-or parasellar masses with endocrine involvement, the most common of which (in approximately 75% of patients) is sex hormone deficiency. Diabetes insipidus was found in 65% of patients.ConclusionXanthogranuloma should be in the differential diagnosis of idiopathic central diabetes insipidus and sellar and parasellar masses. A detailed skin examination is very important in making the diagnosis of central diabetes insipidus. (Endocr Pract. 2014;20:e42-e46)  相似文献   

It has long been known that pathogenic Leptospira can mobilize the immune system but the specific contribution of neutrophils to control the infectious challenge remains to be clarified. We herein analyzed the phenotype of circulating neutrophils of patients with leptospirosis and healthy controls for the expression of toll-like receptor (TLR) type 2 (TLR2, to sense the leptospiral LPS) and several activation markers: interleukin 8 chemokine receptor CD182 (CXCR2), CD11b of the integrin/opsonin complement receptor type 3 (CR3) and CD15 (ligand of the selectin). The plasmatic level of the main CD182 ligand, interleukin 8 (CXCL8), was measured by ELISA. Hospitalized leptospirosis cases showed marked neutrophilia, particularly in the most severe cases. Interestingly, TLR2 was significantly increased in leptospirosis but identical levels of CD182 and CD11b were detected when compared to controls. CD15 was significantly decreased on neutrophils in leptospirosis but returned to normal within 1 month. Basal levels of IL-8 were measured in control subjects and were not increased in leptospirosis cases at the initial stage of the disease. In conclusion, we observed that neutrophils failed to regulate the expression of several of the receptors involved in cell activation and recruitment. This study further emphasizes the paradigm that neutrophils may be impaired in their overall capacity to thwart bacterial infection in leptospirosis patients.  相似文献   

IntroductionNon-malaria febrile illnesses such as bacterial bloodstream infections (BSI) are a leading cause of disease and mortality in the tropics. However, there are no reliable, simple diagnostic tests for identifying BSI or other severe non-malaria febrile illnesses. We hypothesized that different infectious agents responsible for severe febrile illness would impact on the host metabololome in different ways, and investigated the potential of plasma metabolites for diagnosis of non-malaria febrile illness.MethodologyWe conducted a comprehensive mass-spectrometry based metabolomics analysis of the plasma of 61 children with severe febrile illness from a malaria-endemic rural African setting. Metabolite features characteristic for non-malaria febrile illness, BSI, severe anemia and poor clinical outcome were identified by receiver operating curve analysis.ConclusionsThis study demonstrates the potential use of plasma metabolites to identify causality in children with severe febrile illness in malaria-endemic settings.  相似文献   

Pulmonary histoplasmosis is a rare disease in Spain. Moreover, it is difficult to diagnose due to unspecific clinical and radiological symptoms. The isolation of the fungus is essential for a proper diagnosis. Nevertheless, it is very difficult to identify the fungus itself in respiratory stains and we usually need invasive techniques. For all these reasons and taking into account the increase in journeys and immigration, we believe that it is probably underdiagnosed in our country. We report a case of acute pulmonary histoplasmosis in a Spanish traveller and emphasize the importance of the anamnesis and the value of the microbiologist's experience to obtain the diagnosis.  相似文献   



Inpatient case fatality from severe malaria remains high in much of sub-Saharan Africa. The majority of these deaths occur within 24 hours of admission, suggesting that pre-hospital management may have an impact on the risk of case fatality.


Prospective cohort study, including questionnaire about pre-hospital treatment, of all 437 patients admitted with severe febrile illness (presumed to be severe malaria) to the paediatric ward in Sikasso Regional Hospital, Mali, in a two-month period.


The case fatality rate was 17.4%. Coma, hypoglycaemia and respiratory distress at admission were associated with significantly higher mortality. In multiple logistic regression models and in a survival analysis to examine pre-admission risk factors for case fatality, the only consistent and significant risk factor was sex. Girls were twice as likely to die as boys (AOR 2.00, 95% CI 1.08–3.70). There was a wide variety of pre-hospital treatments used, both modern and traditional. None had a consistent impact on the risk of death across different analyses. Reported use of traditional treatments was not associated with post-admission outcome.


Aside from well-recognised markers of severity, the main risk factor for death in this study was female sex, but this study cannot determine the reason why. Differences in pre-hospital treatments were not associated with case fatality.  相似文献   



With apparent declines in malaria worldwide during the last decade and more widespread use of malaria rapid diagnostic tests, healthcare workers in low-resource areas face a growing proportion of febrile patients without malaria. We sought to describe current knowledge and identify information gaps of the etiology severe febrile illness in low-and middle-income countries.

Methods and Findings

We conducted a systematic review of studies conducted in low-and-middle income countries 1980–2013 that prospectively assessed consecutive febrile patients admitted to hospital using rigorous laboratory-based case definitions. We found 45 eligible studies describing 54,578 patients; 9,771 (17.9%) had a positive result for ≥1 pathogen meeting diagnostic criteria. There were no eligible studies identified from Southern and Middle Africa, Eastern Asia, Oceania, Latin American and Caribbean regions, and the European region. The median (range) number of diagnostic tests meeting our confirmed laboratory case definitions was 2 (1 to 11) per study. Of diagnostic tests, 5,052 (10.3%) of 49,143 had confirmed bacterial or fungal bloodstream infection; 709 (3.8%) of 18,142 had bacterial zoonosis; 3,488 (28.5%) of 12,245 had malaria; and 1,804 (17.4%) of 10,389 had a viral infection.


We demonstrate a wide range of pathogens associated with severe febrile illness and highlight the substantial information gaps regarding the geographic distribution and role of common pathogens. High quality severe febrile illness etiology research that is comprehensive with respect to pathogens and geographically representative is needed.  相似文献   

BackgroundFebrile illnesses are pre-eminent contributors to morbidity and mortality among children in South-East Asia but the causes are poorly understood. We determined the causes of fever in children hospitalised in Siem Reap province, Cambodia.ConclusionWe identified a microbiological cause of fever in almost 50% of episodes in this large study of community-acquired febrile illness in hospitalized children in Cambodia. The range of pathogens, antimicrobial susceptibility, and co-morbidities associated with mortality described will be of use in the development of rational guidelines for infectious disease treatment and control in Cambodia and South-East Asia.  相似文献   



The syndrome of fever is a commonly presenting complaint among persons seeking healthcare in low-resource areas, yet the public health community has not approached fever in a comprehensive manner. In many areas, malaria is over-diagnosed, and patients without malaria have poor outcomes.

Methods and Findings

We prospectively studied a cohort of 870 pediatric and adult febrile admissions to two hospitals in northern Tanzania over the period of one year using conventional standard diagnostic tests to establish fever etiology. Malaria was the clinical diagnosis for 528 (60.7%), but was the actual cause of fever in only 14 (1.6%). By contrast, bacterial, mycobacterial, and fungal bloodstream infections accounted for 85 (9.8%), 14 (1.6%), and 25 (2.9%) febrile admissions, respectively. Acute bacterial zoonoses were identified among 118 (26.2%) of febrile admissions; 16 (13.6%) had brucellosis, 40 (33.9%) leptospirosis, 24 (20.3%) had Q fever, 36 (30.5%) had spotted fever group rickettsioses, and 2 (1.8%) had typhus group rickettsioses. In addition, 55 (7.9%) participants had a confirmed acute arbovirus infection, all due to chikungunya. No patient had a bacterial zoonosis or an arbovirus infection included in the admission differential diagnosis.


Malaria was uncommon and over-diagnosed, whereas invasive infections were underappreciated. Bacterial zoonoses and arbovirus infections were highly prevalent yet overlooked. An integrated approach to the syndrome of fever in resource-limited areas is needed to improve patient outcomes and to rationally target disease control efforts.  相似文献   

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