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Seed Rain and Seed Limitation in a Planted Gallery Forest in Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With seeds collected monthly during one year from 53 1‐m2 seed traps, we investigated the seed rain and seed limitation in a gallery forest planted in 1994 in SE Brazil. Contrasting animal‐ (zoochorous) and wind‐dispersed (anemochorous) plants we investigated (1) which aspects of the composition and structure of the vegetation influence the abundance and species richness of the seed rain; (2) if such influences differ between zoochorous and anemochorous seeds; (3) if the abundance and richness of the seed rain sampled under zoochorous and nonzoochorous plant species differ; and (4) if seed limitation (given by the proportion of sites to which seeds were not dispersed) differs between zoochorous and anemochorous plant species, and also between species that have been planted and those that further colonized the area (colonists). Seed rain was intense and dominated by anemochorous species. The overall seed rain was not influenced by the vegetation parameters we analyzed (canopy height and cover, plant size, abundance, and richness) or by the plant species above the seed trap. The abundance and richness of zoochorous seeds in a given spot was influenced by the abundance and richness of zoochorous plants in its immediate vicinity. Seed limitation was higher for anemochorous than zoochorous species and higher for planted than for colonist species. We concluded with recommendations for the initial establishment of a planted forest, including the homogeneous distribution of zoochorous plants to permit a spatially homogeneous zoochorous seedfall, which will likely enhance the chances of survival and successful establishment of seeds.  相似文献   

The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is an extensive land use in the United States, which restores cultivated land to perennial vegetation through seeding. Low precipitation and high potential evapotranspiration are major limitations to the establishment and growth of seeded species in semiarid regions. We tested the rate of development of plant functional types across a chronosequence of restored fields using a model of plant succession. We also determined how the seeding of non‐native (introduced) relative to native perennial grasses influenced plant community recovery. In contrast to the native shortgrass steppe (SGS), recently seeded CRP fields had high cover of annuals, forbs, C3, and introduced species. The seed mix determined which perennial grasses dominated the plant community within 18 years, but slow establishment prolonged early seral stages, allowed for the spread of colonizing perennial grasses, and limited recovery to less than half the canopy cover of undisturbed shortrass steppe. Species density declined in restored fields as seeded perennial grass cover increased and was lower in CRP fields seeded with introduced compared to native perennial grasses. Plant community composition transitioned to C4 and native species, even if fields were not seeded with these species, and was modified by shifts in the amount and seasonality of precipitation. Thus, in semiarid CRP fields, we found that the potential for recovery depended on time since CRP enrollment, seed mix, and climatic variability. Full recovery, based on similarity to vegetation cover and composition of undisturbed SGS, requires greater than 20 years.  相似文献   

Four hypotheses were tested using long-term observations of vegetation development (12 years) and present-day seed bank data in a sandy grassland area overgrazed by domestic geese: i) Gap regeneration is crucial in maintaining species richness; thus, closed vegetation of the lower sites prevents continuous establishment of short-lived species. ii) Short-lived, early successional species comprise most of the seed banks and late successional perennials have at most sparse seed banks. iii) Composition of seed banks is more similar to pioneer vegetation than to later successional stages. iv) The similarity is higher between vegetation and seed banks in the upper-positioned plots than in the closed, lower-positioned ones. Two sites, located in the upper part of dune slopes, and another two, positioned on the lower part, were studied. In each site five 2?×?2 m permanent plots were surveyed between 1991 and 2002. Percentage cover was estimated three times a year. In the last study year, soil seed banks were sampled. Two vertical segments (0–5, 5–10 cm) were separately analyzed. The seedling emergence method was applied on concentrated samples. We found that the vegetation developed from open, annual dominated weedy assemblages to grasslands dominated by perennial graminoids. In the lower-positioned sites perennial clonal grasses (Cynodon dactylon, Poa angustifolia and P. pratensis) formed more closed vegetation, which was accompanied by lower species richness compared to the upper-positioned sites. Seed density varied between 10,300 and 40,900 seeds/m2. Significantly higher seed densities were found in upper sites than in the lower ones. Annuals and short-lived perennial dicots comprised most of the seed bank. The dominant perennial graminoids also built up dense seed banks. We found a low to medium similarity between vegetation and the seed bank; similarity was the highest with the vegetation of the 1994–1998 period. In the upper sites the similarity between seed bank and the vegetation of the last studied years was also high. The vertical position had a significant effect on regeneration after overgrazing. The large cover of grasses in lower sites decreased species richness and it also decreased the seed density preventing the seed bank formation of annuals and short-lived perennials. Here, further management practices are needed to increase the species richness.  相似文献   

福建闽清福建青冈天然林种子雨和种子库   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
对福建闽清黄楮林自然保护区的福建青冈(Cyclobalanopsis chungii)天然林的种子雨和土壤种子库进行了观测和分析.结果表明,福建青冈种子雨持续2个月,其高峰期在11月下旬~12月上旬,总量为12.44个m~(-2),在种子散布过程中完好种子、虫蛀种子、败育种子、霉烂种子和萌发种子的比例差异明显,其中虫蛀种子是萌发种子的19.44倍.土壤种子库中虫蛀种子占53.79%,与种子雨相比,完好种子和萌发种子数量分别减少2.15个m~(-2)和0.20个m~(-2).土壤种子库种子存活率仅13.51%,动物捕食率达45.90%,说明动物的捕食和搬运是福建青冈种子缺失的原因之一.福建青冈天然林土壤种子库有69种植物种子,但种子数量较少,且分布不均匀,种子库中78.42%种子分布在2~5 cm土层中.福建青冈天然林中实生幼苗少与福建青冈种子本身特性及其生长环境密切相关,福建青冈种子发育成熟后因动物侵扰、虫蛀、霉烂和败育等情况发生,难以在土壤中长期保存,以致福建青冈林分天然更新严重受阻.  相似文献   



Current plant – herbivore interaction models and experiments with mammalian herbivores grazing plant monocultures show the superiority of a maximizing forage quality strategy (MFQ) over a maximizing intake strategy (MI). However, there is a lack of evidence whether grazers comply with the model predictions under field conditions.


We assessed diet selection of sheep (Ovis aries) using plant functional traits in productive mesic vs. low-productivity dry species-rich grasslands dominated by resource-exploitative vs. resource-conservative species respectively. Each grassland type was studied in two replicates for two years. We investigated the first grazing cycle in a set of 288 plots with a diameter of 30 cm, i.e. the size of sheep feeding station. In mesic grasslands, high plot defoliation was associated with community weighted means of leaf traits referring to high forage quality, i.e. low leaf dry matter content (LDMC) and high specific leaf area (SLA), with a high proportion of legumes and the most with high community weighted mean of forage indicator value. In contrast in dry grasslands, high community weighted mean of canopy height, an estimate of forage quantity, was the best predictor of plot defoliation. Similar differences in selection on forage quality vs. quantity were detected within plots. Sheep selected plants with higher forage indicator values than the plot specific community weighted mean of forage indicator value in mesic grasslands whereas taller plants were selected in dry grasslands. However, at this scale sheep avoided legumes and plants with higher SLA, preferred plants with higher LDMC while grazing plants with higher forage indicator values in mesic grasslands.


Our findings indicate that MFQ appears superior over MI only in habitats with a predominance of resource-exploitative species. Furthermore, plant functional traits (LDMC, SLA, nitrogen fixer) seem to be helpful correlates of forage quality only at the community level.  相似文献   

United States energy policy mandates increased use of renewable fuels. Restoring grasslands could contribute to a portion of this requirement through biomass harvest for bioenergy use. We investigated which plant community characteristics are associated with differences in biomass yield from a range of realistic native prairie plantings (n = 11; i.e., conservation planting, restoration, and wildlife cover). Our primary goal was to understand whether patterns in plant community composition and the Floristic Quality Index (FQI) were related to productivity as evidenced by dormant season biomass yield. FQI is an objective measure of how closely a plant community represents that of a pre-European settlement community. Our research was conducted in planted fields of native tallgrass prairie species, and provided a gradient in floristic quality index, species richness, species diversity, and species evenness in south-central Wisconsin during 2008 and 2009. We used a network of 15 randomly located 1 m2 plots within each field to characterize the plant community and estimate biomass yield by clipping the plots at the end of each growing season. While plant community composition and diversity varied significantly by planting type, biomass yield did not vary significantly among planting types (ANOVA; P >0.05). Biomass yield was positively correlated with plant community evenness, richness, C4 grass cover, and floristic quality index, but negatively correlated with plant species diversity in our multi-season multiple linear mixed effects models. Concordantly, plots with biomass yield in the lowest quartile (biomass yield < 3500 kh/ha) had 8% lower plant community evenness and 9% lower FQI scores than those in the upper quartile (biomass yield > 5800 kh/ha). Our results suggest that promoting the establishment of fields with high species evenness and floristic quality may increase biomass yield, while simultaneously supporting biodiversity.  相似文献   

为了解陆均松(Dacrydium pierrei)的自然更新能力,对海南霸王岭陆均松进行为期3年的种子雨、种子库及幼苗幼树观测,并分析其与环境因子的关系。结果表明,陆均松种子雨和种子库有效种子数量太少并存在季节性差异;其结实存在大小年现象;种子雨的扩散密度随着距母树距离的增加而逐渐减少;土壤种子库种子数量在枯枝落叶层所占比例最大,但有活力种子数量极少。幼苗幼树适宜生存的海拔范围为800~1 400 m,经度、纬度、坡度与幼苗幼树分布有明显相关性。因此,选择适宜季节采摘种子,提高种源数量和质量,清除林下枯枝落叶,增加种子萌发能力等以减少陆均松更新的限制条件的人工抚育措施应适当考虑。  相似文献   

不同年龄香果树种子雨和种子库及其更新特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对宝天曼自然保护区香果树种子雨、土壤种子库进行了观测,并进行不同微生境播种实验,研究其种子萌发及幼苗生长动态。结果表明:(1)不同龄级香果树种子雨持续时间及其高峰期有所不同,种子雨强度存在极显著差异。(2)20~50龄级香果树的种子饱满率、土壤种子库中种子密度均显著低于其他龄级,但其不同类型种子的水平和垂直分布规律一致;大约80%的香果树种子在其萌发前消失,剩余种子中以霉烂种子密度最高(9.81粒·m-2),饱满种子密度最低(1.94粒·m-2)。(3)野外育苗实验表明,不同龄级香果树所产饱满种子的萌发率及幼苗存活率差异不显著,其种子萌发率约为16.93%,但仅有3.86%的幼苗寿命超过5个月;不同微生境对香果树幼苗存活率产生显著影响,林窗是其最适宜微生境。研究认为,人工采集香果树种子,于次年4月份在原生境下播种;清理母树冠下和冠缘的地被物,增加林缘空地地被物覆盖度,以减少香果树种子的损失,改善香果树种子萌发和幼苗生长的光照条件,以利于幼苗根系的生长,促进香果树的自然更新。  相似文献   



In eukaryotes, the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) ensures that chromosomes undergoing mitosis do not segregate until they are properly attached to the microtubules of the spindle.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We investigated the mechanism underlying this surveillance mechanism in plants, by characterising the orthogolous SAC proteins BUBR1, BUB3 and MAD2 from Arabidopsis. We showed that the cell cycle-regulated BUBR1, BUB3.1 and MAD2 proteins interacted physically with each other. Furthermore, BUBR1 and MAD2 interacted specifically at chromocenters. Following SAC activation by global defects in spindle assembly, these three interacting partners localised to unattached kinetochores. In addition, in cases of ‘wait anaphase’, plant SAC proteins were associated with both kinetochores and kinetochore microtubules. Unexpectedly, BUB3.1 was also found in the phragmoplast midline during the final step of cell division in plants.


We conclude that plant BUBR1, BUB3.1 and MAD2 proteins may have the SAC protein functions conserved from yeast to humans. The association of BUB3.1 with both unattached kinetochore and phragmoplast suggests that in plant, BUB3.1 may have other roles beyond the spindle assembly checkpoint itself. Finally, this study of the SAC dynamics pinpoints uncharacterised roles of this surveillance mechanism in plant cell division.  相似文献   

香果树为我国Ⅱ级野生保护植物,由于原生境中香果树种群的数量迅速减少,目前已濒临灭绝,种群亟待恢复。研究了武夷山不同海拔的香果树种群种子雨、种子库及其幼苗存活现状,目的是阐明不同海拔地区的香果树种群自然更新的动态过程,寻找其更新脆弱的环节及其影响因素,为香果树自然种群的恢复提供理论依据。以分布于不同海拔高度(819、980、1 140及1 301 m)的香果树母树为中心,在其周围(东、南、西、北四个方位)布设种子雨收集框和土壤种子库样方,连续观测种子雨和种子库的动态,并对不同地表覆盖物中种子萌发及幼苗数量进行观测和记录。结果表明,武夷山香果树种群种子雨持续时间近2个月,尤其是11月底至12月中旬为种子雨高峰期;随着海拔的上升,香果树种子总密度以及虫蛀种子密度均显著降低,但千粒重以及饱满种子密度则有所增加;香果树土壤种子库为瞬时种子库,其水平分布以母树南侧和西侧种子密度较大,母树北侧种子密度最小。香果树种子的垂直分布主要集中于枯落物和苔藓层;3月时香果树土壤种子库中存留的饱满种子仅占种子散布后1.80%,而1年实生苗存活率为6.18%,土壤种子库的损耗是其种群自然更新困难的主要原因;不同地表覆盖物对香果树幼苗的存活产生显著影响,枯落物及苔藓层的幼苗死亡率显著高于土壤表面。建议清理林内枯落物及苔藓,增加林内裸露土壤的面积,减小地上草本的盖度,以减少种子霉烂、虫蛀的几率,增加香果树实生苗胚根与土壤接触的几率以及改善光照条件,促进香果树自然更新。  相似文献   

茂兰喀斯特森林林隙种子雨、种子库空间变异   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以贵州茂兰国家级自然保护区喀斯特森林为研究对象,研究了林隙植被的种子雨、种子库的数量特征及动态变化规律。结果表明:观察期林隙种子雨量达117.4±32.6粒/m2,其中未成熟种子56.3±10.3粒/m2,成熟被害种子15.7±4.7粒/m2,成熟有效种子45.4±8.2粒/m2,林隙更新的种子来源比较丰富。林隙中种子雨的丰富度具有时空异质性特征,将对林隙植物的更新格局产生深刻影响。枯落物层中的种子密度、物种数及Shannon-wiener多样性指数从林隙中心至非林隙林地递减,而土层中的种子变化则相反。林隙中心、近中心、林隙边缘的种子密度分别为2415±639粒/m2、2218±421粒/m2和1815±311粒/m2,林隙植物有很好的更新潜力。林隙与非林隙中枯落物层种子的相似性系数最大,5~10cm土层的次之,0~5cm土层的相似性系数最小。林隙与非林隙中均表现为枯落物层的种子库与现存植被的相似性较大,并随土层的加深而减小。研究结果表明茂兰喀斯特森林林隙植被的更新主要来源于土壤种子库,土壤种子库对林隙填充与发育的贡献较大。  相似文献   



The prevalence of different biotic processes (limiting similarity, weaker competitor exclusion) and historical contingency due to priority effects are in the focus of ongoing discussions about community assembly and non-random functional trait distributions.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We experimentally manipulated assembly history in a grassland biodiversity experiment (Jena Experiment) by applying two factorially crossed split-plot treatments to all communities: (i) duration of weeding (never weeded since sowing or cessation of weeding after 3 or 6 years); (ii) seed addition (control vs. seed addition 4 years after sowing). Spontaneous colonization of new species in the control treatment without seed addition increased realized species richness and functional richness (FRic), indicating continuously denser packing of niches. Seed addition resulted in forced colonization and increased realized species richness, FRic, functional evenness (FEve) and functional divergence (FDiv), i.e. higher abundances of species with extreme trait values. Furthermore, the colonization of new species led to a decline in FEve through time, suggesting that weaker competitors were reduced in abundance or excluded. Communities with higher initial species richness or with longer time since cessation of weeding were more restricted in the entry of new species and showed smaller increases in FRic after seed addition than other communities. The two assembly-history treatments caused a divergence of species compositions within communities originally established with the same species. Communities originally established with different species converged in species richness and functional trait composition over time, but remained more distinct in species composition.


Contrasting biotic processes (limiting similarity, weaker competitor exclusion) increase functional convergence between communities initially established with different species. Historical contingency with regard to realized species compositions could not be eradicated by cessation of weeding or forced colonization and was still detectable 5 years after application of these treatments, providing evidence for the role of priority effects in community assembly.  相似文献   

Woody plant encroachment into grasslands has been globally widespread. The woody species invading grasslands represent a variety of contrasting plant functional groups and growth forms. Are some woody plant functional types (PFTs) better suited to invade grasslands than others? To what extent do local patterns of distribution and abundance of woody PFTs invading grasslands reflect intrinsic topoedaphic properties versus plant-induced changes in soil properties? We addressed these questions in the Southern Great Plains, United States at a subtropical grassland known to have been encroached upon by woody species over the past 50-100 years. A total of 20 woody species (9 tree-statured; 11 shrub-statured) were encountered along a transect extending from an upland into a playa basin. About half of the encroaching woody plants were potential N2-fixers (55% of species), but they contributed only 7% to 16 % of the total basal area. Most species and the PFTs they represent were ubiquitously distributed along the topoedaphic gradient, but with varying abundances. Overstory-understory comparisons suggest that while future species composition of these woody communities is likely to change, PFT composition is not. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) ordination and variance partitioning (Partial CCA) indicated that woody species and PFT composition in developing woody communities was primarily influenced by intrinsic landscape location variables (e.g., soil texture) and secondarily by plant-induced changes in soil organic carbon and total nitrogen content. The ubiquitous distribution of species and PFTs suggests that woody plants are generally well-suited to a broad range of grassland topoedaphic settings. However, here we only examined categorical and non-quantitative functional traits. Although intrinsic soil properties exerted more control over the floristics of grassland-to-woodland succession did plant modifications of soil carbon and nitrogen concentrations, the latter are likely to influence productivity and nutrient cycling and may, over longer time-frames, feed back to influence PFT distributions.  相似文献   



Knowledge about how change the importance of soil seed bank and relationship between seed mass and abundance during vegetation succession is crucial for understanding vegetation dynamics. Many studies have been conducted, but their ecological mechanisms of community assembly are not fully understood.


We examined the seasonal dynamics of the vegetation and soil seed bank as well as seed size distribution along a successional gradient. We also explored the potential role of the soil seed bank in plant community regeneration, the relationship between seed mass and species abundance, and the relative importance of deterministic and stochastic processes along a successional gradient.

Principal Findings

Species richness of seed bank increased (shallow layer and the total) and seed density decreased (each layer and the total) significantly with succession. Species richness and seed density differed significantly between different seasons and among soil depths. Seed mass showed a significant negative relationship with relative abundance in the earliest successional stage, but the relationships were not significant in later stages. Seed mass showed no relationship with relative abundance in the whole successional series in seed bank. Results were similar for both July 2005 and April 2006.


The seed mass and abundance relationship was determined by a complex interaction between small and larger seeded species and environmental factors. Both stochastic processes and deterministic processes were important determinants of the structure of the earliest stage. The importance of seed bank decreased with succession. The restoration of abandoned farmed and grazed meadows to the species-rich subalpine meadow in Tibetan Plateau can be successfully achieved from the soil seed bank. However, at least 20 years are required to fully restore an abandoned agricultural meadow to a natural mature subalpine meadow.  相似文献   

Understanding the environmental factors that shape microbial communities is crucial, especially in extreme environments, like Antarctica. Two main forces were reported to influence Antarctic soil microbes: birds and plants. Both birds and plants are currently undergoing relatively large changes in their distribution and abundance due to global warming. However, we need to clearly understand the relationship between plants, birds and soil microorganisms. We therefore collected rhizosphere and bulk soils from six different sampling sites subjected to different levels of bird influence and colonized by Colobanthus quitensis and Deschampsia antarctica in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Maritime Antarctic. Microarray and qPCR assays targeting 16S rRNA genes of specific taxa were used to assess microbial community structure, composition and abundance and analyzed with a range of soil physico-chemical parameters. The results indicated significant rhizosphere effects in four out of the six sites, including areas with different levels of bird influence. Acidobacteria were significantly more abundant in soils with little bird influence (low nitrogen) and in bulk soil. In contrast, Actinobacteria were significantly more abundant in the rhizosphere of both plant species. At two of the sampling sites under strong bird influence (penguin colonies), Firmicutes were significantly more abundant in D. antarctica rhizosphere but not in C. quitensis rhizosphere. The Firmicutes were also positively and significantly correlated to the nitrogen concentrations in the soil. We conclude that the microbial communities in Antarctic soils are driven both by bird and plants, and that the effect is taxa-specific.  相似文献   

Abstract: The diversity of a hummingbird plant community in the eastern Andes of southern Ecuador was studied on the equivalent of a hectare (two 500 ' 10 m transects) at 1920 - 2100 m a.s.l. over the course of a year. A total of 3186 flowering individuals, representing 12 plant families, 29 genera and 72 species, were found to be visited by hummingbirds. Bromeliaceae had the most species visited, followed by Orchidaceae and Ericaceae. The majority of visited plant species were represented by a very few individuals, and only a few species of the Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae appeared in large numbers of visited individuals. With regard to life forms visited by hummingbirds, epiphytes predominated (59 %), followed by trees and shrubs (29 %), vines (8 %) and herbs (4 %). Visited flowers usually had short- to medium-long floral tubes which were either functionally or morphologically tubiform or campanulate. Fifty percent of the species had red-coloured flowers, and a considerable number of the blossoms (43 %) displayed contrasting colours. The 72 plant species received visits from 26 species of Trochilidae (hummingbirds) and two species of Coerebidae (honeycreepers). A mere eight species of hummingbirds were seen frequently at the study area; the remaining species were only occasionally sighted. The eight frequently sighted species of hummingbirds made use of a total of 74 % of all hummingbird-visited plant species growing in the study area.  相似文献   

Abstract Successful control of invasive exotic plants depends to a large degree on the regeneration potential of the target exotic species and other species that might also be influenced by the removal effort. In coastal grasslands of California, exotic French broom (Genista monspessulana) forms both dense stands aboveground and abundant seed banks belowground. Land managers attempt to reduce broom cover and the seed bank through prescribed burning, but before this study, no investigators had examined the effect of repeated burning on French broom and associated grassland species. We found that the soil seed bank of stands that were burned had fewer broom seeds than unburned areas but that repeated burning did not reduce the seed bank beyond what was observed after one fire. Fire also did not have any consistent effect on the seed banks of other grassland species. We also examined the relationship between broom stand age and seed bank size but did not find a strong relationship between them. Our data suggested that the broom seed bank stays constant or declines slightly with stand age. We did, however, find that nonbroom seed numbers decreased as broom stands aged. Our results suggest that fire does reduce the size of the broom seed bank and that control of broom need not be limited to only the youngest stands.  相似文献   

To compare community assemblage patterns in tropical northeastern and subtropical central eastern Australia across selected gradients and scales, we tested the relationship of species traits with phylogenetic structure, and niche breadth. We considered phylogenetic relationships across current‐day species in assemblages in relation to rain forest species pool sizes, and trait values along gradients including elevation and latitude. Trait values were quantified across scales for seed size, leaf area, wood density and maximum height at maturity for 1137 species and 596 assemblages using trait gradient analysis (TGA). Local assemblages of subtropical species had narrower trait ranges, and higher niche breadth values than corresponding assemblages of tropical species. Leaf size and seed size increased at low latitudes, and community phylogenetic structure was most strongly correlated with seed traits in the subtropics, reflecting dispersal and re‐colonization processes. Elevation accounted for little of the variance in community phylogenetic structure or trait variation across local and regional scales. Stable moist forest areas retained many species from ancestral rain forest lineages across a range of temporally conserved habitats; species within assemblages were less related; and rain forest assemblages had higher functional diversity, but lower niche breadth. This suggests that on average, assemblages of species in stable areas had greater trait variation and narrower distributions. Historic and recent rain forest contraction and re‐expansion can result in recolonized areas that are dominated by species that are more related (phylogenetically) than by chance, have smaller, widely dispersed seeds, and greater niche breadth (broader distributions).  相似文献   

采用种子萌发法对洋县药用植物群落土壤种子库物种组成、单位面积种子密度、物种丰富度及与地上群落结构的关系进行了研究。结果显示,研究区内共有种子植物50种(包括药用植物21种),隶属于28科47属,其中草本植物45种、乔木5种;不同药用植物群落间土壤种子库种子密度差异显著,从大到小依次为:2年生凹叶厚朴(Magnolia officinalis Rehd.et Wils.subsp.biloba(Rehd.et Wils.)Law)4年生凹叶厚朴7年生凹叶厚朴11年生凹叶厚朴杜仲-凹叶厚朴(Eucommia ulmoides Oliver-Magnolia officinalis Rehd.et Wils.subsp.biloba(Rehd.et Wils.)Law)7年生厚朴(Magnolia officinalis Rehd.et Wils.)杜仲山茱萸(Cornus officinalis Sieb.et Zucc.)山茱萸-凹叶厚朴;土壤种子库具有表聚性,土层深度与种子数量成负相关;药用植物群落土壤种子库与地上群落结构相似性普遍较低。低林龄群落的土壤种子库密度大于高林龄群落,因此低林龄群落有利于天然更新,它们在植被恢复和生物多样性保护中的潜在价值更大。本研究结果可为洋县药用植物群落天然更新提供理论指导。  相似文献   

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