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The brush border (BB) Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE3 is rapidly activated or inhibited by changes in trafficking, which mimics renal and intestinal physiology. However, there is a paradox in that NHE3 has limited mobility in the BB due to its binding to the multi-PDZ domain containing the NHERF family. To allow increased endocytosis, as occurs with elevated intracellular Ca(2+), we hypothesized that NHE3 had to be, at least transiently, released from the BB cytoskeleton. Because NHERF1 and -2 are localized at the BB, where they bind NHE3 as well as the cytoskeleton, we tested whether either or both might dynamically interact with NHE3 as part of Ca(2+) signaling. We employed FRET to study close association of NHE3 and these NHERFs and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching to monitor NHE3 mobility in the apical domain in polarized opossum kidney cells. Under basal conditions, NHERF2 and NHE3 exhibited robust FRET signaling. Within 1 min of A23187 (0.5 μm) exposure, the NHERF2-NHE3 FRET signal was abolished, and BB NHE3 mobility was transiently increased. The dynamics in FRET signal and NHE3 mobility correlated well with a change in co-precipitation of NHE3 and NHERF2 but not NHERF1. We conclude the following. 1) Under basal conditions, NHE3 closely associates with NHERF2 in opossum kidney cell microvilli. 2) Within 1 min of elevated Ca(2+), the close association of NHE3-NHERF2 is abolished but is re-established in ~60 min. 3) The change in NHE3-NHERF2 association is accompanied by an increased BB mobile fraction of NHE3, which contributes to inhibition of NHE3 transport activity via increased endocytosis.  相似文献   

Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor (NHERF) proteins are a family of PSD-95/Discs-large/ZO-1 (PDZ)-scaffolding proteins, three of which (NHERFs 1-3) are localized to the brush border in kidney and intestinal epithelial cells. All NHERF proteins are involved in anchoring membrane proteins that contain PDZ recognition motifs to form multiprotein signaling complexes. In contrast to their predicted immobility, NHERF1, NHERF2, and NHERF3 were all shown by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching/confocal microscopy to be surprisingly mobile in the microvilli of the renal proximal tubule OK cell line. Their diffusion coefficients, although different among the three, were all of the same magnitude as that of the transmembrane proteins, suggesting they are all anchored in the microvilli but to different extents. NHERF3 moves faster than NHERF1, and NHERF2 moves the slowest. Several chimeras and mutants of NHERF1 and NHERF2 were made to determine which part of NHERF2 confers the slower mobility rate. Surprisingly, the slower mobility rate of NHERF2 was determined by a unique C-terminal domain, which includes a nonconserved region along with the ezrin, radixin, moesin (ERM) binding domain. Also, this C-terminal domain of NHERF2 determined its greater detergent insolubility and was necessary for the formation of larger multiprotein NHERF2 complexes. In addition, this NHERF2 domain was functionally significant in NHE3 regulation, being necessary for stimulation by lysophosphatidic acid of activity and increased mobility of NHE3, as well as necessary for inhibition of NHE3 activity by calcium ionophore 4-Br-A23187. Thus, multiple functions of NHERF2 require involvement of an additional domain in this protein.  相似文献   

Sod2 is the plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. It provides salt tolerance by removing excess intracellular sodium (or lithium) in exchange for protons. We examined the role of amino acid residues of transmembrane segment IV (TM IV) (126FPQINFLGSLLIAGCITSTDPVLSALI152) in activity by using alanine scanning mutagenesis and examining salt tolerance in sod2-deficient S. pombe. Two amino acids were critical for function. Mutations T144A and V147A resulted in defective proteins that did not confer salt tolerance when reintroduced into S. pombe. Sod2 protein with other alanine mutations in TM IV had little or no effect. T144D and T144K mutant proteins were inactive; however, a T144S protein was functional and provided lithium, but not sodium, tolerance and transport. Analysis of sensitivity to trypsin indicated that the mutations caused a conformational change in the Sod2 protein. We expressed and purified TM IV (amino acids 125–154). NMR analysis yielded a model with two helical regions (amino acids 128–142 and 147–154) separated by an unwound region (amino acids 143–146). Molecular modeling of the entire Sod2 protein suggested that TM IV has a structure similar to that deduced by NMR analysis and an overall structure similar to that of Escherichia coli NhaA. TM IV of Sod2 has similarities to TM V of the Zygosaccharomyces rouxii Na+/H+ exchanger and TM VI of isoform 1 of mammalian Na+/H+ exchanger. TM IV of Sod2 is critical to transport and may be involved in cation binding or conformational changes of the protein.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of angiotensin II (A-II) on membrane expression of Na+/H+ exchange isoforms NHE3 and NHE2 in the rat renal cortex. A-II (500 ng/kg per min) was chronically infused into the Sprague-Dawley rats by miniosmotic pump for 7 days. Arterial pressure and circulating plasma A-II level were significantly increased in A-II rats as compared to control rats. pH-dependent uptake of 22Na+ study in the presence of 50 μM HOE-694 revealed that Na+ uptake mediated by NHE3 was increased ∼88% in the brush border membrane from renal cortex of A-II-treated rats. Western blotting showed that A-II increased NHE3 immunoreactive protein levels in the brush border membrane of the proximal tubules by 31%. Northern blotting revealed that A-II increased NHE3 mRNA abundance in the renal cortex by 42%. A-II treatment did not alter brush border NHE2 protein abundance in the renal proximal tubules. In conclusion, chronic A-II treatment increases NHE3-mediated Na+ uptake by stimulating NHE3 mRNA and protein content.  相似文献   

With-no-lysine (K) kinase 4 (WNK4) is a protein serine/threonine kinase associated with a Mendelian form of hypertension. WNK4 is an integrative regulator of renal transport of Na+, K+, and Cl as shown in Xenopus oocyte system. In addition, WNK4 enhances the surface expression of epithelial Ca2+ channel TRPV5, which plays a key role in the fine tuning of renal Ca2+ reabsorption. Variations in the magnitude of WNK4-mediated regulation on TRPV5 in Xenopus oocytes suggest additional cellular components with limited expression are required for the regulation. In this study, we identified the Na+/H+ exchanger regulating factor 2 (NHERF2) as a critical component for the positive regulation of TRPV5 by WNK4. NHERF2 augmented the positive effect of WNK4 on TRPV5, whereas its homolog NHERF1 had no effect when tested in the Xenopus oocyte system. The C-terminal PDZ binding motif of TRPV5 was required for the regulation by NHERF2. While NHERF2 interacted with TRPV5, no association between NHERF2 and WNK4 was detected using a GST pull-down assay. WNK4 increased the forward trafficking of TRPV5; however, it also caused an accelerated decline of the functional TRPV5 channels at later stage of co-expression. NHERF2 stabilized TRPV5 at the plasma membrane without interrupting the forward trafficking of TRPV5, thus prevented the decline of functional TRPV5 channel caused by WNK4 at later stage. The complementary and orderly regulations of WNK4 and NHERF2 allow TRPV5 functions at higher level for a longer period to maximize Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

The multivesicular body (MVB) is an endosomal intermediate containing intralumenal vesicles destined for membrane protein degradation in the lysosome. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the MVB pathway is composed of 17 evolutionarily conserved ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport) genes grouped by their vacuole protein sorting Class E mutant phenotypes. Only one integral membrane protein, the endosomal Na+ (K+)/H+ exchanger Nhx1/Vps44, has been assigned to this class, but its role in the MVB pathway has not been directly tested. Herein, we first evaluated the link between Nhx1 and the ESCRT proteins and then used an unbiased phenomics approach to probe the cellular role of Nhx1. Select ESCRT mutants (vps36Δ, vps20Δ, snf7Δ, and bro1Δ) with defects in cargo packaging and intralumenal vesicle formation shared multiple growth phenotypes with nhx1Δ. However, analysis of cellular trafficking and ultrastructural examination by electron microscopy revealed that nhx1Δ cells retain the ability to sort cargo into intralumenal vesicles. In addition, we excluded a role for Nhx1 in Snf7/Bro1-mediated cargo deubiquitylation and Rim101 response to pH stress. Genetic epistasis experiments provided evidence that NHX1 and ESCRT genes function in parallel. A genome-wide screen for single gene deletion mutants that phenocopy nhx1Δ yielded a limited gene set enriched for endosome fusion function, including Rab signaling and actin cytoskeleton reorganization. In light of these findings and the absence of the so-called Class E compartment in nhx1Δ, we eliminated a requirement for Nhx1 in MVB formation and suggest an alternative post-ESCRT role in endosomal membrane fusion.  相似文献   

The cloning of cDNA and an examination of the tissue distribution of Na+/H+ exchanger 3 (NHE3) were carried out in the Japanese black salamander, Hynobius nigrescens. The cellular localization of Hynobius NHE3 was examined by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry during ontogeny in the nephron of the pronephros and mesonephros of the salamander. The partial amino acid sequence of Hynobius NHE3 was 81% and 72% identical to rat NHE3 and stingray NHE3, respectively. Hynobius NHE3 mRNA and protein were exclusively expressed along the late portion of the distal tubule to the anterior part of the pronephric duct of premetamorphic larvae (IY stages 43–50). NHE3 mRNA was expressed in the pronephros but not in the external gills in the larvae at the digit differentiation stage (IY stage 50). In the adult, mRNA was strongly expressed in the mesonephros but not in the ventral and dorsal skin. In juvenile and adult specimens, NHE3 immunoreactivity was observed at the apical membrane of the initial parts of the distal tubules of the mesonephric kidney. Immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies suggested that Na+ absorption coupled with H+ secretion via NHE3 occurred in the distal nephron of the pronephros and mesonephros. This is the first study to indicate NHE3 expression during ontogeny in amphibians. This work was supported in part by a research grant (a priority project in Science Faculty) from the University of Toyama to M.U.  相似文献   

In most cells, cationic amino acids such as l-arginine, l-lysine, and l-ornithine are transported by cationic (CAT) and y+L (y+LAT) amino acid transporters. In human erythrocytes, the cysteine-modifying agent N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) has been shown to inhibit system y+ (most likely CAT-1), but not system y+L (Devés, R., Angelo, S., and Chávez, P. (1993) J. Physiol. 468, 753–766). We thus wondered if sensitivity to NEM distinguishes generally all CAT and y+LAT isoforms. Transport assays in Xenopus laevis oocytes established that indeed all human CATs (including the low affinity hCAT-2A), but neither y+LAT isoform, are inhibited by NEM. hCAT-2A inhibition was not due to reduced transporter expression in the plasma membrane, indicating that NEM reduces the intrinsic transporter activity. Individual mutation of each of the seven cysteine residues conserved in all CAT isoforms did not lead to NEM insensitivity of hCAT-2A. However, a cysteine-less mutant was no longer inhibited by NEM, suggesting that inhibition occurs through modification of more than one cysteine in hCAT-2A. Indeed, also the double mutant C33A/C273A was insensitive to NEM inhibition, whereas reintroduction of a cysteine at either position 33 or 273 in the cysteine-less mutant led to NEM sensitivity. We thus identified Cys-33 and Cys-273 in hCAT-2A as the targets of NEM inhibition. In addition, all proteins with Cys-33 mutations showed a pronounced reduction in transport activity, suggesting that, surprisingly, this residue, located in the cytoplasmic N terminus, is important for transporter function.  相似文献   

Megumi Hirono 《BBA》2007,1767(12):1401-1411
The H+-translocating inorganic pyrophosphatase is a proton pump that hydrolyzes inorganic pyrophosphate. It consists of a single polypeptide with 14-17 transmembrane domains (TMs). We focused on the third quarter region of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) H+-pyrophosphatase, which contains a long conserved cytoplasmic loop. We assayed 1520 mutants for pyrophosphate hydrolysis and proton translocation, and selected 34 single-residue substitution mutants with low substrate hydrolysis and proton-pump activities. We also generated 39 site-directed mutant enzymes and assayed their activity. The mutation of 5 residues in TM10 resulted in low energy-coupling efficiencies, and mutation of conserved residues Thr409, Val411, and Gly414 showed neither hydrolysis nor pumping activity. The mutation of six, five, and four residues in TM11, 12, and 13, respectively, gave a negative effect. Phe388, Thr389, and Val396 in cytoplasmic loop i were essential for efficient H+ translocation. Ala436 and Pro560 in the periplasmic loops were critical for coupling efficiency. These low-efficiency mutants showed dysfunction of the energy-conversion and/or proton-translocation activity. The energy efficiency was increased markedly by the mutation of two and six residues in TM9 and 12, respectively. These results suggest that TM10 is involved in enzyme function, and that TM12 regulate the energy-conversion efficiency. H+-pyrophosphatase might involve dynamic linkage between the hydrophilic loops and TMs through the central half region of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The digestive function of the stomach depends on acidification of the gastric lumen. Acid secretion into the lumen is triggered by activation of a cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) cascade, which ultimately results in the insertion of gastric H,K-ATPases into the apical plasma membranes of parietal cells. A coupling protein is ezrin whose phosphorylation at Ser-66 by PKA is required for parietal cell activation. However, little is known regarding the molecular mechanism(s) by which ezrin operates in gastric acid secretion. Here we show that phosphorylation of Ser-66 induces a conformational change of ezrin that enables its association with syntaxin 3 (Stx3) and provides a spatial cue for H,K-ATPase trafficking. This conformation-dependent association is specific for Stx3, and the binding interface is mapped to the N-terminal region. Biochemical analyses show that inhibition of ezrin phosphorylation at Ser-66 prevents ezrin-Stx3 association and insertion of H,K-ATPase into the apical plasma membrane of parietal cells. Using atomic force microscopic analyses, our study revealed that phosphorylation of Ser-66 induces unfolding of ezrin molecule to allow Stx3 binding to its N terminus. Given the essential role of Stx3 in polarized secretion, our study presents the first evidence in which phosphorylation-induced conformational rearrangement of the ezrin molecule provides a spatial cue for polarized membrane trafficking in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

We place 15N nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation analysis and functional mutagenesis studies in the context of our previous structural and mutagenesis work to correlate structure, dynamics and function for the seventh transmembrane segment of the human Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1. Although G261-S263 was previously identified as an interruption point in the helical structure of this isolated transmembrane peptide in dodecylphosphocholine micelles, and rapid conformational exchange was implicated in the NOE measurements, the six 15N labelled residues examined in this study all have similar dynamics on the ps-ns time scale. A mathematical model incorporating chemical exchange is the best fit for residues G261, L264, and A268. This implies that a segment of residues from G261 to A268 samples different conformations on the μs-ms time scale. Chemical exchange on an intermediate time scale is consistent with an alternating-access cycle where E262 is bent away from the cytosol during proton translocation by the exchanger. The functional importance of chemical exchange at G261-A268 is corroborated by the abrogated activity of the full-length exchanger with the bulky and restricting Ile substitutions F260I, G261I, E262I, S263I, and A268I.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) on intestinal Na(+)/H(+) exchanger (NHE) activity and the cellular signaling pathways involved in T84 cells. T84 cells express endogenous NHE1 and NHE2 proteins, detected by immunoblotting, but not NHE3. The rank order for inhibition of NHE activity in acid-loaded T84 cells was 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)-amiloride (EIPA; IC(50)=519 [465, 579] nM)>cariporide (IC(50)=630 [484, 819] nM)>amiloride (IC(50)=19 [16, 24] microM); the NHE3 inhibitor S3226 was found to be devoid of effect. This different inhibitory sensitivity indicates that both NHE1 and NHE2 isoforms may play an active role in Na(+)-dependent intracellular pH (pH(i)) recovery in T84 cells. Short-term exposure (0.5 h) of T84 cells to 5-HT increased NHE activity in a concentration-dependent manner. The stimulation induced by 5-HT (30 microM) was partially inhibited by both WAY 100135 (300 nM) and ketanserin (300 nM), antagonists of 5-HT(1A) and 5-HT(2) receptors, respectively. NHE activity was significantly increased by 8-OH-DPAT and alpha-methyl-5-HT, agonists of, respectively, 5-HT(1A) and 5-HT(2) receptors. An incubation of T84 cells with anti-G(s) and anti-G(beta) antibodies complexed with lipofectin did not prevent the 5-HT-induced stimulation of NHE activity. Overnight treatment with anti-G(ialpha1,2) and anti-G(q/11) antibodies complexed with lipofectin blocked the stimulatory effect induced by 8-OH-DPAT and alpha-methyl-5-HT, respectively. It is concluded that in T84 cells 5-HT enhances intestinal NHE activity through stimulation of G(ialpha1,2)-coupled 5-HT(1A) and G(q/11)-coupled 5-HT(2) receptors.  相似文献   

The mammalian Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) is a ubiquitously expressed pH-regulatory membrane protein that functions in the myocardium and other tissues. It is an important mediator of the myocardial damage that occurs after ischemia-reperfusion injury and is implicated in heart hypertrophy. Regulation of NHE1 has been proposed as a therapeutic target for cardioprotection. We therefore examined mechanisms of control of NHE1 in the myocardium. Several different amino acids have been implicated as a being critical to NHE1 regulation in a number of tissues including Ser703, Ser770, and Ser771. In the myocardium, NHE1 is activated in response to a variety of stimuli including activation by an ERK-dependent sustained intracellular acidosis. In this study, we determined whether Ser703 and p90rsk activity are critical in activation of NHE1 by sustained intracellular acidosis. In vitro phosphorylation of NHE1 C-terminal fusion proteins determined that ERK-dependent phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic region was not dependent on Ser703; however, phosphorylation by p90rsk required Ser703. A Ser703Ala mutation decreased basal NHE1 activity in CHO cells but not in cardiomyocytes. NHE1 with a Ser703Ala mutation was activated in response to sustained intracellular acidosis in CHO cells. In addition, sustained intracellular acidosis also activated the Ser703Ala mutant protein in isolated cardiomyocytes and phosphorylation levels were also increased by acidosis. The presence of a dominant-negative p90rsk kinase also did not prevent activation and phosphorylation of NHE1 by sustained intracellular acidosis in isolated cardiomyocytes. We conclude that Ser703 and p90rsk are not required for activation by sustained intracellular acidosis and that p90rsk phosphorylation of Ser703 is independent of this type of activation.  相似文献   

In different species and tissues, a great variety of hormones modulate Na+,K+-ATPase activity in a short-term fashion. Such regulation involves the activation of distinct intracellular signaling networks that are often hormone- and tissue-specific. This minireview focuses on our own experimental observations obtained by studying the regulation of the rodent proximal tubule Na+,K+-ATPase. We discuss evidence that hormones responsible for regulating kidney proximal tubule sodium reabsorption may not affect the intrinsic catalytic activity of the Na+,K+-ATPase, but rather the number of active units within the plasma membrane due to shuttling Na+,K+-ATPase molecules between intracellular compartments and the plasma membrane. These processes are mediated by different isoforms of protein kinase C and depend largely on variations in intracellular sodium concentrations.  相似文献   

In the gills of rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon, the alpha1a- and alpha1b-isoforms of Na,K-ATPase are expressed reciprocally during salt acclimation. The alpha1a-isoform is important for Na(+) uptake in freshwater, but the molecular basis for the functional differences between the two isoforms is not known. Here, three amino acid substitutions are identified in transmembrane segment 5 (TM5), TM8 and TM9 of the alpha1a-isoform compared to the alpha1b-isoform, and the functional consequences are examined by mutagenesis and molecular modeling on the crystal structures of Ca-ATPase or porcine kidney Na,K-ATPase. In TM5 of the alpha1a-isoform, a lysine substitution, Asn783 --> Lys, inserts the epsilon-amino group in cation site 1 in the E(1) form to reduce the Na(+)/ATP ratio. In the E(2) form the epsilon-amino group approaches cation site 2 to force ejection of Na(+) to the blood phase and to interfere with binding of K(+). In TM8, a Asp933 --> Val substitution further reduces K(+) binding, while a Glu961 --> Ser substitution in TM9 can prevent interaction of FXYD peptides with TM9 and alter Na(+) or K(+) affinities. Together, the three substitutions in the alpha1a-isoform of Na,K-ATPase act to promote binding of Na(+) over K(+) from the cytoplasm, to reduce the Na(+)/ATP ratio and the work done in one Na,K pump cycle of active Na(+) transport against the steep gradient from freshwater (10-100 microM: Na(+)) to blood (160 mM: Na(+)) and to inhibit binding of K(+) to allow Na(+)/H(+) rather than Na(+)/K(+) exchange.  相似文献   

K+-dependent Na+/Ca2+-exchanger isoform 4 (NCXK4) is one of the most broadly expressed members of the NCKX (K+-dependent Na+/Ca2+-exchanger) family. Recent data indicate that NCKX4 plays a critical role in controlling normal Ca2+ signal dynamics in olfactory and other neurons. Synaptic Ca2+ dynamics are modulated by purinergic regulation, mediated by ATP released from synaptic vesicles or from neighbouring glial cells. Previous studies have focused on modulation of Ca2+ entry pathways that initiate signalling. Here we have investigated purinergic regulation of NCKX4, a powerful extrusion pathway that assists in terminating Ca2+ signals. NCKX4 activity was stimulated by ATP through activation of the P2Y receptor signalling pathway. Stimulation required dual activation of PKC (protein kinase C) and CaMKII (Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II). Mutating T312, a putative PKC phosphorylation site on NCKX4, partially prevented purinergic stimulation. These data illustrate how purinergic regulation can shape the dynamics of Ca2+ signalling by activating a signal damping and termination pathway.  相似文献   

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