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Abstract: We investigated the dynamics of 8 populations of a bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) metapopulation in Hells Canyon, USA from 1997 to 2003. Pneumonia was the most common cause (43%) of adult mortality and the primary factor limiting population growth. Cougar (Puma concolor) predation was the second most-frequent source (27%) of adult mortality but did not reduce the rate of population growth significantly. Most pneumonia-caused mortality occurred in fall and early winter and most cougar predation occurred in late winter and early spring. Average annual survival of adult males (0.84) was lower than females (0.91). Pneumonia was the most common known cause of lamb mortality (86%), and pneumonia-related mortality was detected whenever summer lamb survival was <50%. Pneumonia-caused mortality rates in lambs were high from 21 days to 91 days of age and peaked at 42 days to 70 days. Summer pneumonia epizootics in lambs were independent of pneumonia-caused mortality in adults. Pneumonia-caused mortality occurred at the population level and was not synchronized geographically or temporally among populations. Although catastrophic all-age pneumonia-epizootics have previously been described in bighorn sheep, we found that chronic, although sporadic, pneumonia-caused mortality in adults and lambs can also have important effects on the dynamics of bighorn sheep populations.  相似文献   

Gillnet sampling and analyses of otolith shape, vertebral count and growth indicated the presence of three putative Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus L.) populations mixing together over the spawning season February–June inside and outside an inland brackish water lake (Landvikvannet) in southern Norway. Peak spawning of oceanic Norwegian spring spawners and coastal Skagerrak spring spawners occurred in March–April with small proportions of spawners entering the lake. In comparison, spawning of Landvik herring peaked in May–June with high proportions found inside the lake, which could be explained by local adaptations to the environmental conditions and seasonal changes of this marginal habitat. The 1.85 km2 lake was characterized by oxygen depletion occurring between 2.5 and 5 m depth between March and June. This was followed by changes in salinity from 1–7‰ in the 0–1 m surface layer to levels of 20–25‰ deeper than 10 m. In comparison, outside the 3 km long narrow channel connecting the lake with the neighboring fjord, no anoxic conditions were found. Here salinity in the surface layer increased over the season from 10 to 25‰, whereas deeper than 5 m it was stable at around 35‰. Temperature at 0–5 m depth increased significantly over the season in both habitats, from 7 to 14°C outside and 5 to 17°C inside the lake. Despite differences in peak spawning and utilization of the lake habitat between the three putative populations, there was an apparent temporal and spatial overlap in spawning stages suggesting potential interbreeding in accordance with the metapopulation concept.  相似文献   

Norwegian Spring Spawning herring (NSSH) Clupea harengus L. spawn on coastal banks along the west coast of Norway. The larvae are generally transported northward in the Norwegian Coastal Current (NCC) with many individuals utilizing nursery grounds in the Barents Sea. The recruitment to this stock is highly variable with a few years having exceptionally good recruitment. The principal causes of recruitment variability of this herring population have been elusive. Here we undertake an event analysis using data between 1948 and 2010 to gain insight into the physical conditions in the NCC that coincide with years of high recruitment. In contrast to a typical year when northerly upwelling winds are prominent during spring, the years with high recruitment coincide with predominantly southwesterly winds and weak upwelling in spring and summer, which lead to an enhanced northward coastal current during the larval drift period. Also in most peak recruitment years, low-salinity anomalies are observed to propagate northward during the spring and summer. It is suggested that consistent southwesterly (downwelling) winds and propagating low-salinity anomalies, both leading to an enhanced northward transport of larvae, are important factors for elevated recruitment. At the same time, these conditions stabilize the coastal waters, possibly leading to enhanced production and improved feeding potential along the drift route to Barents Sea. Further studies on the drivers of early life history mortality can now be undertaken with a better understanding of the physical conditions that prevail during years when elevated recruitment occurs in this herring stock.  相似文献   

The predatory mite Neoseiulus womersleyi shows a significant correlation between its olfactory response and dispersal tendency in different geographical populations. This study investigated the genetic background of the relationship using isofemale lines. Y-tube olfactometer tests confirmed that there was a genetic component in predator response to herbivore-induced plant volatiles. Wind tunnel tests in the absence of the herbivore-induced plant volatiles revealed that the dispersal tendencies of N. womersleyi exhibited genetic variation among isofemale lines, and other experiments revealed the existence of significant differences in prey consumption rate, fecundity, and developmental time. However, there was no genetic correlation between behavioral traits (olfactory response, innate dispersal) and the other traits, suggesting that the positive correlation between the behavioral traits was not caused by genetic factors.  相似文献   

Mistletoes are aerial hemiparasitic plants which occupy patches of favorable habitat (host trees) surrounded by unfavorable habitat and may be possibly modeled as a metapopulation. A metapopulation is defined as a subdivided population that persists due to the balance between colonization and extinction in discrete habitat patches. Our aim was to evaluate the dynamics of the mistletoe Psittacanthus robustus and its host Vochysia thyrsoidea in three Brazilian savanna areas using a metapopulation approach. We also evaluated how the differences in terms of fire occurrence affected the dynamic of those populations (two areas burned during the study and one was fire protected). We monitored the populations at six-month intervals. P. robustus population structure and dynamics met the expected criteria for a metapopulation: i) the suitable habitats for the mistletoe occur in discrete patches; (ii) local populations went extinct during the study and (iii) colonization of previously non-occupied patches occurred. The ratio of occupied patches decreased in all areas with time. Local mistletoe populations went extinct due to two different causes: patch extinction in area with no fire and fire killing in the burned areas. In a burned area, the largest decrease of occupied patch ratios occurred due to a fire event that killed the parasites without, however, killing the host trees. The greatest mortality of V. thyrsoidea occurred in the area without fire. In this area, all the dead trees supported mistletoe individuals and no mortality was observed for parasite-free trees. Because P. robustus is a fire sensitive species and V. thyrsoidea is fire tolerant, P. robustus seems to increase host mortality, but its effect is lessened by periodic burning that reduces the parasite loads.  相似文献   

Clonal species normally have low seed production, low recruitment rates and long lifespans, and it is expected that the rates of long-distance dispersal (LDD) of seeds will be low as well. Banksia candolleana is a clonal shrub in Mediterranean-type, fire-prone sclerophyll shrublands of southwestern Australia, whose reproductive biology and population dynamics contrast with those of co-occurring nonclonal congeneric species, all of which are restricted to a mosaic of sand dunes set within a matrix of inhospitable swales. Using microsatellite markers, we genotyped 499 plants in all 15 populations of B. candolleana within a 12-km2 area, assessed population genetic differentiation, and quantified the effective rate of interpopulation seed dispersal through genetic assignment of individuals to populations. We measured life history, reproductive and demographic attributes, and compared these with two co-occurring Banksia species, a non-clonal resprouter and a nonsprouter. B. candolleana has much higher levels of population genetic differentiation, and one-third the rate of interpopulation seed migration, as the other two species (2.2% vs 5.5−6.8% of genotyped plants inferred to be immigrants), though distances reached by LDD are comparable (0.3−2.3 km). The low rate of interpopulation dispersal was supported by an analysis of the age structure of three populations that suggests a mean interdune migration rate of <800 m in 200 years, and 60% of suitable dunes remain uninhabited. Thus, B. candolleana has poor properties for promoting long-distance dispersal. It is unclear if these are idiosyncratic to this species or whether such properties are to be expected of clonal species in general where LDD is less critical for species survival.  相似文献   

Closely related species in nature often show similarities in suites of direct and indirect traits that reveal aspects of their phylogenetic history. Here we tested how common descent affects trait evolution in several closely related parasitoid species in the genera Cotesia and Microplitis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Microgastrinae) by comparing development, resource use and allocation into reproduction and maintenance. Parasitoids in these genera exhibit traits, like haemolymph feeding as larvae and external pupation that are rare in most parasitoid lineages. The growth of parasitized hosts was reduced by 90 % compared with healthy hosts, and maximum host size depended to a large extent on adult parasitoid size. Development time was longer in the more generalist parasitoids than in the specialists. Adult body mass was sexually dimorphic in all Cotesia species, with females being larger, but not in Microplitis spp. In contrast, in one of the Microplitis species males were found to be the larger sex. Egg load dynamics during the first 6 days after emergence were highly variable but egg number was typically higher in Cotesia spp. compared to Microplitis spp. Longevity in the various species was only greater in female than in male wasps in two Microplitis sp. There was a clear inverse relationship between resource use and allocation, e.g. maximum egg load and longevity, in these parasitoids. Our results reveal that adaptation to constraints imposed by host quality and availability has resulted in trait convergence and divergence at the species, genus and subfamily level.  相似文献   

People divide their time unequally among their social contacts due to time constraints and varying strength of relationships. It was found that high diversity of social communication, dividing time more evenly among social contacts, is correlated with economic well-being both at macro and micro levels. Besides economic well-being, it is not clear how the diversity of social communication is also associated with the two components of individuals’ subjective well-being, positive and negative affect. Specifically, positive affect and negative affect are two independent dimensions representing the experience (feeling) of emotions. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between the daily diversity of social communication and dynamic affect states that people experience in their daily lives. We collected two high-resolution datasets that capture affect scores via daily experience sampling surveys and social interaction through wearable sensing technologies: sociometric badges for face-to-face interaction and smart phones for mobile phone calls. We found that communication diversity correlates with desirable affect states–e.g. an increase in the positive affect state or a decrease in the negative affect state–for some personality types, but correlates with undesirable affect states for others. For example, diversity in phone calls is experienced as good by introverts, but bad by extroverts; diversity in face-to-face interaction is experienced as good by people who tend to be positive by nature (trait) but bad for people who tend to be not positive by nature. More broadly, the moderating effect of personality type on the relationship between diversity and affect was detected without any knowledge of the type of social tie or the content of communication. This provides further support for the power of unobtrusive sensing in understanding social dynamics, and in measuring the effect of potential interventions designed to improve well-being.  相似文献   

The nematode Pristionchus pacificus is of growing interest as a model organism in evolutionary biology. However, despite multiple studies of its genetics, developmental cues, and ecology, the basic life-history traits (LHTs) of P. pacificus remain unknown. In this study, we used the hanging drop method to follow P. pacificus at the individual level and thereby quantify its LHTs. This approach allowed direct comparisons with the LHTs of Caenorhabditis elegans recently determined using this method. When provided with 5×109 Escherichia coli cells ml–1 at 20°C, the intrinsic rate of natural increase of P. pacificus was 1.125 (individually, per day); mean net production was 115 juveniles produced during the life-time of each individual, and each nematode laid an average of 270 eggs (both fertile and unfertile). The mean age of P. pacificus individuals at first reproduction was 65 h, and the average life span was 22 days. The life cycle of P. pacificus is therefore slightly longer than that of C. elegans, with a longer average life span and hatching time and the production of fewer progeny.  相似文献   

A sequence of complex conformational changes is required for insulin to bind to the insulin receptor. Recent experimental evidence points to the B chain C-terminal (BC-CT) as the location of these changes in insulin. Here, we present molecular dynamics simulations of insulin that reveal new insights into the structural changes occurring in the BC-CT. We find three key results: 1) The opening of the BC-CT is inherently stochastic and progresses through an open and then a “wide-open” conformation—the wide-open conformation is essential for receptor binding, but occurs only rarely. 2) The BC-CT opens with a zipper-like mechanism, with a hinge at the Phe24 residue, and is maintained in the dominant closed/inactive state by hydrophobic interactions of the neighboring Tyr26, the critical residue where opening of the BC-CT (activation of insulin) is initiated. 3) The mutation Y26N is a potential candidate as a therapeutic insulin analogue. Overall, our results suggest that the binding of insulin to its receptor is a highly dynamic and stochastic process, where initial docking occurs in an open conformation and full binding is facilitated through interactions of insulin receptor residues with insulin in its wide-open conformation.  相似文献   

We studied the diel timing of spawning in the demersally spawning Hawaiian damselfish, Dascyllus albisella, from mid-June to late-September 1997 at two small patch reefs in Hawaii. Our objectives were to elucidate daily timing of spawning in relation to water temperature, diel timing of hatching, and short-period spawning synchrony. Spawning occurred every 5–7 days at both reefs, with all spawning on a reef concluded either within a single day (1-day spawning) or within two successive days (2-day spawning). Spawning began in early morning and continued for most of the day. There was a significant, positive linear relationship between mean daily average water temperature (= daily average temperature averaged over the period starting from the day following the last spawning day of the preceding nest cycle till the day before the first spawning day of the current cycle) and peak spawning hour of day, for 1-day spawning, and the first and second days of 2-day spawning at both reefs. The relationship between mean daily average water temperature and peak spawning hour of day was comparable among all spawning-day classes and reefs. Hatching occurred on the fourth day of development throughout the study despite the 26.5–29.1°C change in water temperature during the study period, and hatching was restricted to within two hours after sunset. We propose that D. albisella's peak spawning time is positively correlated with increased water temperature because it maintains the benefits of synchronous spawning within two constraints: the narrow daily period of hatching, and the inverse relationship between water temperature and embryo developmental time.  相似文献   

Spawning of hermatypic corals in Bermuda: a pilot study   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Wyers  S. C  Barnes  H. S.  Smith  S. R 《Hydrobiologia》1991,(1):109-116
This study investigates spawning of 4 hermatypic coral species from the subtropical environment of Bermuda. Laboratory evidence of spawning behaviour is supported by synchronous field observations. Development of scleractinian planulae to postlarval stages is recorded. Diploria strigosa, D. labyrinthiformis, Montastrea annularis and M. cavernosa shed highly buoyant, pigmented eggs (300–440 µm diam.) during July to September 1986. Brief spawning periods, synchronous between conspecific colonies, were recorded for M. annularis (July and August) and M. cavernosa (August) within 1 d of the last quarter of the lunar cycle. In August, there were overlaps amongst the spawning dates of D. strigosa and the Montastrea species. Nocturnal spawning periods differed between M. annularis and M. cavernosa. This constitutes the first evidence from an Atlantic community of overlapping spawning dates amongst several faviid species, and of the accumulation of scleractinian eggs and planulae in surface slicks.  相似文献   

In this study I analyzed dynamic of ramet number on 18 half-sib and 63 full-sib families of rhizomatous perennial herb Iris pumila originating from two Deliblato Sand populations and grown in two nutrient levels (full strength and 1/10 of full strength Hoagland solution). Contrary to most studies dealing with response to different nutrient availability, I failed to detect significant mean nutrient level effect on dynamic of module emergence. Such absence of consistent response to tenfold variation in solution strength indicate that I. pumila have low saturation rates of nutrient uptake and presumably experienced both utilized nutrition levels as rich ones. Genetic variability for plastic response was lacking either. On the other hand, presence of between-population differentiation for the trait itself indicates that I. pumila harbors considerable amounts of within-species genetic variability for ramet dynamics.  相似文献   

Mitochondria trigger apoptosis by releasing caspase activators, including cytochrome c (cytC). Here we show, using a pH-sensitive green fluorescent protein (GFP), that mitochondria-dependent apoptotic stimuli (such as Bax, staurosporine and ultraviolet irradiation) induce rapid, Bcl-2-inhibitable mitochondrial alkalinization and cytosol acidification, followed by cytC release, caspase activation and mitochondrial swelling and depolarization. These events are not induced by mitochondria-independent apoptotic stimuli, such as Fas. Activation of cytosolic caspases by cytC in vitro is minimal at neutral pH, but maximal at acidic pH, indicating that mitochondria-induced acidification of the cytosol may be important for caspase activation; this finding is supported by results obtained from cells using protonophores. Cytosol acidification and cytC release are suppressed by oligomycin, a FoF1-ATPase/H +-pump inhibitor, but not by caspase inhibitors. Ectopic expression of Bax in wild-type, but not FoF1/H+-pump-deficient, yeast cells similarly results in mitochondrial matrix alkalinization, cytosol acidification and cell death. These findings indicate that mitochondria-mediated alteration of intracellular pH may be an early event that regulates caspase activation in the mitochondrial pathway for apoptosis.  相似文献   

Metapopulation models predicting the persistence of species on the verge of extinction in fragmented landscapes have to include local population dynamics. In this paper, we report on a 9-yr study in which a patchy population of the bog fritillary was monitored each year, with special focus on quantifying demographic parameters. We parameterised various constrained linear models (CLM) with capture-mark-recapture (CMR) data collected in the field each year and we tested the effects of several variables on demographic parameters. Selecting the best CLM, we estimated the mean and the variance of (1) individual parameters (survival and catchability) and (2) population features (population size, sex-ratio and recruitment). Survival was not related to the age of the individual but decreased continuously during the flight period, which means that lifetime expectancy is conversely related to the delay between the moment of the emergence of a given individual as compared to the emergence of the first adult in the population. Survival was lower in males than in females, as a consequence of male mate-locating behaviour. Daily population size fits a parabolic distribution in both sexes, males appearing, reaching their abundance peak and dying before females. Yearly variation in the sex-ratio is the consequence of the between-sex difference in the recruitment curve. Total adult population size shows large variations between years. Analysis of the relation between growth rate and abundance indicates density dependence, probably related to parasitism of the larval stages. Density at the equilibrium is about 200 adults/ha.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of developmental stability and variability of morphological traits was examined in a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster in order to compare these two parameters as indicators of temperature stress. Morphometric (thorax length and wing length) and meristic (number of sternopelural and orbital bristles) were studied. Variability was measured as the coefficient of variation. Stability of development was estimated as fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of bilateral traits. Thorax length and wing length did not exhibit consistent seasonal trends whereas wing loading significantly decreased. Significant seasonal changes in FA were not detected in any trait examined. Two traits showed reduced variation in autumn. The use of FA as an indicator of ecological stresses in insects is discussed on the basis of these results and the literature evidence.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - A decrease in the rate of growth in fish, which is one of the most important characteristics of stock dynamics, can result in a decrease in their abundance, as...  相似文献   

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