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It is not rare that newly hatched chicks remain without feed for about 24 to 48 h before they are placed on farms due to a series of logistic operations. Furthermore, the spread in hatching time can also mount up to 30 to 48 h for late v. early hatchers. In other words, the practice is a complex combination of spread of hatch and delayed feed access. The present study was aimed to investigate the combined effects of hatching time with a delay in feed access of 48 h, starting from their hatch-time (biological age). When chicks had access to feed immediately after hatch, late hatchers had a higher feed intake and relative growth rate up to day 5 compared with their early hatched counterparts. Feed deprivation during the first 48 h resulted in retarded early growth rate, which was further aggravated by an impaired feed intake after refeeding. In addition, the differential effects of hatching time on relative growth rate and feed intake observed in immediately fed chicks were eliminated by the 48 h feed delay. The yolk utilization after hatch was faster for the late hatchers up to biological day 2 regardless of the feeding treatments. Hatching muscle glycogen content was higher in the late hatchers compared with that of their early counterparts at hatch and at biological day 2 independent of feeding treatment. Moreover, the liver glycogen content of the late hatchers was also higher at hatch. For the immediately fed chicks, the proportional breast muscle weight of the late hatchers was higher at biological day 2 and 5. For the starved chicks, on the other hand, this effect was only observed after they had access to feed (biological day 5). The different plasma T3 levels at hatch may have contributed to the different post hatch performance. It is concluded that the spread of hatch influenced post hatch performance, especially appetite and growth at least until day 5. Moreover, the delay in feed access interacted with the hatching time and caused adverse effects on the post hatch performance.  相似文献   

From ~35 days of age fast growing meat chickens spend extended periods sitting or lying and less time standing. In a fast-feathering parent line lower early incubation temperatures which delayed chick hatch time, improved bone ash and extended their standing time. This incubation study assessed the consequences of incubation temperatures, hatch time and chick management at hatch/take off on femoral bone ash (BA) in Cobb 500 meat chickens. Embryos were incubated under either Control (between 37.8°C and 38.2°C egg shell temperature (EST)) or a Slow start (from 37.2°C at sett (the start of incubation), reaching 37.8°C EST at day 13 incubation), temperatures. Hatched chicks were identified at 492 h (20.5 days of incubation – classified as early (E)) or, between >492 and ⩽516 h (>20.5 and ⩽21.5 days of incubation – classified as late (L)), from setting. The E hatch chicks were allocated across three post-hatch treatments; treatment 1: E hatch chicks that were sampled E at 492 h from setting; treatment 2: E hatch chicks that were fed for a further 24 h in a floorpen before being sampled L at 516 h from setting; treatment 3: E hatch chicks that spent a further 24 h in the incubator before being sampled L at 516 h from setting. All L hatch chicks formed one treatment group which was sampled L at 516 h (i.e. L hatch chicks sampled L). It is not possible to sample L hatching chicks E hence this treatment is absent from the experimental design. Slow start incubation resulted in a higher total hatch percentage with a greater proportion of chicks hatching L, compared with the Control incubation. The L hatching chicks had significantly higher BA than the E hatching chicks. Of the E hatching chicks, those sampled both E and L had significantly lower BA than E hatching chicks fed for 24 h before L sampling. The E hatch, fed and sampled L chicks had the numerically highest BA, which was not significantly different from the BA of the L hatching chicks sampled L These results demonstrate that BA at hatch can be improved, either by extending the incubation period through a Slow start incubation profile, inducing L hatch, or alternatively, via the prompt provision of feed to E hatching chicks.  相似文献   

A series of incubation and broiler growth studies were conducted using one strain of broiler chicken (fast feathering dam line) observing incubation effects on femoral bone ash % at hatch and the ability of the bird to remain standing at 6 weeks of age (Latency-To-Lie). Egg shell temperatures during incubation were consistently recorded. Parsimonious models were developed across eight studies using stepwise multiple linear regression of egg shell temperatures over 3-day periods and both bone ash at hatch and Latency-To-Lie. A model for bone ash at hatch explained 70% of the variation in this factor and revealed an association with lower egg shell temperatures during days 4–6 and 13–15 and higher egg shell temperatures during days 16–18 of incubation. Bone ash at hatch and subsequent Latency-To-Lie were positively correlated (r = 0.57, P<0.05). A model described 66% of the variation Latency-To-Lie showing significant association of the interaction of femoral ash at hatch and lower average egg shell temperatures over the first 15 days of incubation. Lower egg shell temperature in the early to mid incubation process (days 1–15) and higher egg shell temperatures at a later stage (days 16–18) will both tend to delay the hatch time of incubating eggs. Incubation profiles that resulted in later hatching chicks produced birds which could remain standing for a longer time at 6 weeks of age. This supports a contention that the effects of incubation observed in many studies may in fact relate more to earlier hatching and longer sojourn of the hatched chick in the final stage incubator. The implication of these outcomes are that the optimum egg shell temperature during incubation for broiler leg strength development may be lower than that regarded as ideal (37.8°C) for maximum hatchability and chick growth.  相似文献   

Unlike most embryos that hatch on a predetermined timetable, California Grunion Leuresthes tenuis can prolong the embryonic period up to three times longer than the time required for hatching readiness. L. tenuis are teleosts that spawn tidally around the highest spring tides of spring and summer, incubating eggs above the water line. Embryos are competent to hatch in 10 days, however they do not hatch until triggered by an environmental cue, agitation in seawater, as the next spring tides rise. This study examined the growth and survival of L. tenuis embryos and larvae that were all fertilized on the same day, then triggered to hatch after different durations of incubation, up to 35 days post fertilization. L. tenuis embryos that survive extended incubation had decreased yolk reserves and did not advance appreciably in morphological development, even when incubation time was extended to its upper limit. After extended incubation, length of hatchlings was significantly longer than hatchlings from the primary incubation time. Regardless of the duration of incubation, larvae provided food ad libitum grew rapidly and were not significantly different in length at three weeks post hatch. Dry mass increased over time and was not significantly different between larval groups within any post-hatch age. Larval growth and survival after one additional tidal cycle of incubation are not adversely affected, but longer incubation significantly decreases embryonic and larval survival. Large reproductive output, environmentally cued hatching, and plasticity in incubation duration enable L. tenuis to reproduce successfully in the unpredictable sandy intertidal ecosystem.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of non-ventilation of the incubator during the first 10 days of incubation on carbon dioxide (CO(2)) concentrations in the incubator and its effects on the embryonic and post-hatch development of the chicken (Gallus gallus). Two different incubation conditions were created, one incubator was kept at standard conditions, with adequate ventilation (V) and a second incubator was non-ventilated (NV) during the first ten days of incubation, allowing the CO(2) to rise. After the first 10 days, both incubations were continued under standard conditions. The experiment was repeated twice with different ages of the breeders (45 and 60 wks) which resulted in different CO(2) levels at ED10 (1.5 and 1%). The CO(2) concentration in the V incubators remained below 0.1% in these first 10 days. The eggs of the NV incubation showed higher pCO(2) levels in the air cell from ED10 until ED14 compared to the eggs of the V group. The NV embryos had significantly higher absolute and relative (to egg weight) body weights from ED10 until ED18, pointing to an accelerated embryonic growth. At internal pipping, the NV chick embryos had higher plasma corticosterone and T(3) levels and higher pCO(2) in the air cell. Chicks incubated under NV conditions hatched 10 h earlier in the first and 15 h earlier in the second experiment and the spread of hatch was narrower. During the post-hatch period, the NV chickens had a higher body weight compared to the V chickens. From these results, it is clear that higher levels of CO(2) during the first ten days of incubation have persistent (epigenetic) effects during the incubation and early post-hatch period.  相似文献   

The quality of day old chicks is crucial for profitable broiler production, but a difficult trait to define. In research, both qualitative and quantitative measures are used with variable predictive value for subsequent performance. In hatchery practice, chick quality is judged on a binomial scale, as chicks are divided into first grade (Q1-saleable) and second grade (Q2) chicks right after hatch. Incidences and reasons for classifying chicks as Q2, and potential of these chicks for survival and post-hatch performance have hardly been investigated, but may provide information for flock performance. We conducted an experiment to investigate (1) the quality of a broiler flock and the relation with post-hatch flock performance based on a qualitative score (Pasgar©score) of Q1 chicks and based on the incidence of Q2 chicks and (2) the reasons for classifying chicks as Q2, and the potential of these chicks for survival and post-hatch growth. The performance was followed of Q1 and Q2 chicks obtained from two breeder flocks that hatched in two different hatching systems (a traditional hatcher or a combined hatching and brooding system, named Patio). Eggs were incubated until embryo day 18, when they were transferred to one of the two hatching systems. At embryo day 21/post-hatch day 0, all chicks from the hatcher (including Q2 chicks) were brought to Patio, where the hatchery manager marked the Q2 chicks from both flocks and hatching systems and registered apparent reasons for classifying these chicks as Q2. Chick quality was assessed of 100 Q1 chicks from each flock and hatching system. Weights of all chicks were determined at days 0, 7, 21 and 42. There were no correlations between mean Pasgar©score and post-hatch growth or mortality, and suboptimal navel quality was the only quality trait associated with lower post-hatch growth. Growth was clearly affected by breeder flock and hatching system, which could not be linked to mean Pasgar©score or incidence of Q2 chicks. Q2 chicks showed lower post-hatch growth compared to Q1 chicks but effects on flock performance at slaughter weight were limited because early mortality in Q2 chicks was high (62.50% at 7 days). We concluded that chick qualitative scores and the incidence of Q2 chicks may be informative for the quality of incubation, but are not predictive for post-hatch flock performance. Culling Q2 chicks after hatch is well-founded in terms of both animal welfare and profitability.  相似文献   

Wellicome TI 《Oecologia》2005,143(2):326-334
In most animals, siblings from a given reproductive event emerge over a very short period of time. In contrast, many species of birds hatch their young asynchronously over a period of days or weeks, handicapping last-hatched chicks with an age and size disadvantage. Numerous studies have examined the adaptive significance of this atypical hatching pattern, but few have attempted to explain the considerable intrapopulation variation that exists in hatching asynchrony. I explored proximate determinants of hatching asynchrony by monitoring 112 Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) nests in the grasslands of southern Saskatchewan, Canada, over 4 years. Age disparities between first- and last-hatched siblings (i.e., hatching spans) varied considerably, ranging between 1 and 7 days (mode = 4 days). These hatching spans increased with increased hatching success. Hatching spans also increased with larger clutches, but the increase was less than predicted given the increased time required to lay more eggs. Hatching span was unrelated to number of prey cached in the nest during egg laying (an index of food availability), and was unaltered by a year of super-abundant prey. Furthermore, pairs given extra food during laying had hatching spans equal to those of unsupplemented control pairs. These results were inconsistent with both the energy constraint and facultative manipulation hypotheses, which predict that hatching asynchrony should vary with the level of food during laying, when incubation onset is determined. Burrowing Owls were apparently free of food limitation early in breeding, yet may not have been able to optimize hatching spans because food conditions during laying were largely unrelated to food conditions during brooding. Thus, one of the premises for facultative manipulation of hatching asynchrony—that laying females are able to forecast post-hatch food conditions—may not have been met for this population of Burrowing Owls.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts that natural selection favours parents who balance investment across offspring to maximize fitness. Theoretical studies have shown that the optimal level of parental investment from the offspring's perspective exceeds that of its parents, and the disparity between the two generates evolutionary conflict for the allocation of parental investment. In various species, the offspring hatch asynchronously. The age hierarchy of the offspring usually establishes competitive asymmetries within the brood and determines the allocation of parental investment among offspring. However, it is not clear whether the allocation of parental investment determined by hatching pattern is optimal for parent or offspring. Here, we manipulated the hatching pattern of the burying beetle Nicrophorus quadripunctatus to demonstrate the influence of hatching pattern on the allocation of parental investment. We found that the total weight of a brood was largest in the group that mimicked the natural hatching pattern, with the offspring skewed towards early hatchers. This increases parental fitness. However, hatching patterns with more later hatchers had heavier individual offspring weights, which increases offspring fitness, but this hatching pattern is not observed in the wild. Thus, our study suggests that the natural hatching pattern optimizes parental fitness, rather than offspring fitness.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is considered to be an important factor during incubation of eggs. Effects attributed to higher CO2 concentrations during experiment might be due to confounding effects of other environmental conditions, such as incubation temperature. To disentangle effects of eggshell temperature (EST) and CO2 concentration, an experiment was conducted. A total of 630 Cobb 500 hatching eggs from 37 to 45 wk commercial breeder flocks were collected and incubated according to treatments. The experiment was setup as a complete randomized 2 × 3 factorial design, resulting in 6 treatments. From day 8 of incubation onward, broiler eggs were exposed to one of two EST (37.8 or 38.9 °C) and one of three CO2 concentrations (0.1, 0.4 or 0.8%). Eggs were incubated in climate-respiration chambers and metabolic heat production was determined continuously. At day 18 of incubation and at 6 h after hatching, embryo and chicken quality were determined by evaluation of organ weights, navel condition, blood metabolites and hepatic glycogen. Hatching time and chicken length at 6 h after hatching showed an interaction between EST and CO2 concentration (both P = 0.001). Furthermore, no effect of CO2 concentration was found on embryo development or chicken quality. Metabolic heat production between day 8 and 18 of incubation was not affected by either EST or CO2. At day 18 of incubation, an EST of 38.9 °C resulted in a higher egg weight loss, longer embryos, higher yolk free body mass (YFBM) and lower heart weight than an EST of 37.8 °C (all P < 0.008). At 6 h after hatching, an EST of 38.9 °C resulted in a higher residual yolk weight and lower YFBM, liver weight and heart weight than an EST of 37.8 °C (all P < 0.003). Lactate, uric acid and hepatic glycogen were not affected by EST at either day 18 of incubation or at hatch. Glucose was not affected by EST at day 18 of incubation, but at hatch, it was higher at an EST of 37.8 °C than at an EST of 38.9 °C (P = 0.02). It can be concluded that effects of CO2 concentration (at concentrations ≤0.8%) on embryonic development and chicken quality appear to be limited when EST is maintained at a constant level. Moreover, a higher EST from day 8 of incubation onward appears to negatively affect chicken quality at hatch.  相似文献   

The effects of exposing meat-type breeder eggs to magnetic field (MF) before incubation on hatchability traits (percents of hatchability and hatchability failures of eggs), chick weight at hatch, and post-hatch performance (weight gain, feed intake, and feed conversion ratio (FCR)) from 1 to 39 d of age were investigated. Eggs from a Ross flock at 38 weeks of age were exposed to MF of 18 Gauss (1.8 mT) at 50 Hz for 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, and 75 min (MF0, MF15, MF30, MF45, MF60, and MF75) before incubation.Exposing eggs to MF did not influence hatchability of eggs and chick weight at hatch. However, chickens of MF60 and MF75 treatments had lower weight gain and feed intake than those of the non-exposed treatment at 39 d of age. MF exposure of eggs did not influence FCR of chickens between 1 and 21 d of age, but tended to increase FCR, albeit non-significantly, between 22 and 39 d of age.It is concluded that exposing meat-type breeder eggs to MF of 18 Gauss (1.8 mT) at 50 Hz for up to 75 min did not influence hatchability traits and chick weight at hatch. However, MF exposure of eggs for 60 and 75 min reduced body weight gain and feed intake of chickens over the 39-d experimental period.  相似文献   

The conventional commercial hatcheries used today do not allow the newly hatched chicks to consume feed or water. Combined with natural variation in hatching time, this can lead to early hatched chicks being feed-deprived for up to 72 h before being unloaded at the rearing site. This study investigated the effects of hatching time on time to first feed intake and development of organs, digestive enzymes and productivity in terms of growth and feed conversion ratio in chicks hatched on-farm. Chicks were divided into three hatching groups (early, mid-term and late), and assessed over a full production cycle of 34 days. The results revealed that chicks remain inactive for a considerable amount of time before engaging in eating-related activities. Eating activity of 5% (i.e. when 5% of birds in each hatching group were eating or standing close to the feeder) was recorded at an average biological age (BA) of 25.4 h and a proportion of 50% birds with full crop was reached at an average BA of 30.6 h. Considering that the hatching window was 35 h in this study, the average chick probably did not benefit from access to feed and water immediately post-hatch in this case. At hatch, mid-term hatchlings had a heavier small intestine (30.1 g/kg bw) than both early (26.4 g/kg bw) and late (26.0 g/kg bw) hatchlings. Relative length of the small intestine was shorter in late hatchlings (735 cm/kg bw) than in mid-term (849 cm/kg bw) and early (831 cm/kg bw) hatchlings. However, the relative weight of the bursa fabricii was greater in mid-term (1.30 g/kg bw) than in early hatchlings (1.01 g/kg bw). At hatch, late hatchlings were heavier than early and mid-term hatchlings (P < 0.05), but by 3 days of age early hatchlings were heavier than mid-term and late hatchlings (P < 0.01). The only effect persisting throughout the study was a difference in the relative weight of the small intestine, where late hatchlings had heavier intestines than early hatchlings (P < 0.05). Thus, while there were differences between hatching groups, this study showed that the hatchlings seemed capable of compensating for these as they grew.  相似文献   

Lower egg shell temperatures (EST) during the first 2 weeks of incubation, notionally known as Slow start incubation, extended the standing time of a 5-week-old fast feathering meat chicken parent line. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of Slow start incubation on the standing ability of commercial meat chickens. Eggs from two strains of meat chickens, Strains 1 and 2, were incubated using either the Slow start incubation, (the initial EST was 36.75°C followed by a gradual increase in EST, reaching 37.8°C at day 16 of incubation), or Control incubation (EST 37.75°C to 38°C from the start of incubation until day 18 of incubation). Eggs were observed every 6 h from 468 h until 516 h of incubation to identify chick hatch window. At 516 h of incubation all chicks were taken out of the incubator (take-off). Chicks from each Strain and incubation treatment were randomly selected for assessment of chick weight, chick length, yolk sac weight, serum Ca and P, and femoral bone ash (BA). All unhatched eggs were inspected to determine the stage of embryo failure. Remaining chicks were grown for 5 weeks in floorpens. Weekly feed intake (FI), chick weight and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were determined. At 35 days of age the standing ability of visibly male birds was assessed in a latency-to-lie test. Compared to the Control, Slow start incubation delayed the average hatch time of both strains by ∼13 h, and reduced hatchability with 4.6% live but unhatched chicks, which was most evident in Strain 2. Significant differences due to main effects only were observed at take-off. Strain 1 chicks were significantly heavier and longer with higher serum Ca but significantly lower BA and serum P than Strain 2. Slow start incubation generated significantly heavier chicks that were shorter, but had significantly heavier yolk sacs, lower serum Ca but higher serum P than Control incubated chicks. During the 1st week post hatch Strain 1 Control incubated chicks had significantly higher FI and higher FCR than all other Strain and incubation treatments. At 35 days of age Slow start incubated birds of both Strains stood significantly longer than those from the Control incubation. This experiment clearly demonstrated the ability of Slow start incubation of commercial meat chickens to improve their leg strength.  相似文献   

Chicks are bipedal precocious vertebrates that achieve adaptive locomotor skill within hours after hatching. Development of limb movement has been extensively studied in the chicken embryo, but few studies have focused on the preparations leading to precocious locomotor skill. Chicks typically hatch after 21 days of incubation, and recent studies provided evidence that the neural circuits for intralimb control of stepping are established between embryonic days (E) 18–20. It has also been shown that variations in light exposure during embryogenesis can accelerate or delay the onset of hatching and walking by 1 to 2 days. Our earlier work revealed that despite these differences in time to hatch, chicks incubated in different light conditions achieved similar locomotor skill on the day of hatching. Results suggested to us that light exposure during incubation may have accelerated development of locomotor circuits in register with earlier hatching. Thus, in this study, embryos were incubated in 1 of 3 light conditions to determine if development of interlimb coordination at a common time point, 19 days of incubation, varied with light exposure during embryogenesis. Leg muscle activity was recorded bilaterally and burst analyses were performed for sequences of spontaneous locomotor-related activity in one or more ankle muscles to quantify the extent of interlimb coordination in ovo. We report findings indicating that the extent of interlimb coordination varied with light exposure, and left-right alternating steps were a more reliable attribute of interlimb coordination for embryos incubated in constant bright light. We provide evidence that morphological development of the leg varied with light exposure. Based on these findings, we propose that light can accelerate the development of interlimb coordination in register with earlier hatching. Our results lead us to further propose that alternating left-right stepping is the default pattern of interlimb coordination produced by locomotor circuits during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Blood was obtained by heart puncture from 19-day-old Black Sex link chicken embryos and from Black Sex link chickens at 1.5, 6, or 24 h post-hatching. Plasma testosterone was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry associated with stable isotope dilution. At 19 days the plasma of male and female chick embryos contains measurable amounts of testosterone and levels do not differ between sexes. After hatching plasma testosterone gradually declines from pre-hatch concentrations in males and females, but in all the post-hatch ages studied, plasma testosterone was significantly higher in male than in female chicks. These results indicate that in male chickens, contrary to mammals at birth, there is no surge in plasma testosterone at hatching.  相似文献   

Eggs were stripped from gravid Atlantic silversides collected on two occasions, once during the early part and once during the late part of the natural spawning season. Unfertilized egg diameter was not correlated with length of the female, nor was it significantly larger during the early part of the season. Eggs were fertilized and incubated in the laboratory. Larval length at hatch was measured every 24 h during the hatching period after embryos were incubated at 18 or 25° C. Lower incubation temperature caused a significantly greater length at hatch for the offspring of each of the 20 females studies. In most cases (17 out of 20 at 25° C, 10 out of 20 at 18° C), there was a significant decrease in length at hatch during the hatching period for a given female's eggs incubated at a given temperature. In the natural environment, larvae hatched early in the season under cooler temperatures could average 12% longer than those hatched later under warmer temperatures, and therefore may have a greater chance of survival. The results help to explain the observation that field-caught M. menidia that hatched early in the season are larger at any given age than those that hatched late in the season.  相似文献   

The effects of in ovo feeding (IOF) of creatine pyruvate (CrPyr) on the hatchability, growth performance and energy status of embryos and broilers (Arbor Acres) were investigated. Five treatments were arranged as non-injected treatment (Control), 0.6 ml physiological saline (0.75%) injected treatment (Saline), and IOF treatments injected with 0.6 ml physiological saline (0.75%) containing 3, 6 or 12 mg CrPyr (CrPyr3, CrPyr6 or CrPyr12) into the amnion per fertile egg on day 17.5 of incubation. After hatching, 80 male chicks from each treatment with similar weight close to the average BW of their pooled group were selected and randomly assigned into eight replicates of 10 chicks each. The results showed that the hatchability was not affected among groups, whereas the hatching weight of broilers in CrPyr12 was significantly higher than the control and saline groups (P<0.05). At 21 day post-hatch, the BWs of broilers in CrPyr6 and CrPyr12 were increased relative to the control and saline groups (P<0.05). Chickens in CrPyr6 and CrPyr12 exhibited higher BW gain and feed intake than the control and saline groups during 8 to 21 days post-hatch and the entire experiment period (P<0.05). Compared with the control and saline groups, the total and relative weight of pectoral muscle of embryos or chickens were greater in CrPyr6 and CrPyr12 at 19th day of incubation (19 E), hatch, 3 and 21 days post-hatch (P<0.05). The concentrations of glucose and glycogen in liver were increased in CrPyr6 and CrPyr12 at 19 E and hatch (P<0.05). Neither glycogen nor glucose concentration in pectoral muscle was altered among treatments (P>0.05). Irrespective of dosage, the concentrations of creatine and phosphocreatine, and activities of creatine kinase in embryos were enhanced in CrPyr treatments at 19 E when compared with the control and saline groups (P<0.05). The activities of glucose-6-phosphatase in liver in CrPyr6 and CrPyr12 treatments were higher than the control and saline groups at 19 E (P<0.05). In conclusion, these results indicated that IOF of CrPyr, especially at the level of 12 mg/egg, could improve energy status of embryos and hatchlings, which was useful for enhancing hatching weight, BW and pectoral muscle weight until the end of the experiments at 21 days post-hatch in broilers.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The grasshopper Chorthippus brunneus has been shown to increase egg size with maternal age under constant laboratory conditions, such that late-laid eggs are larger than early laid eggs. In this study, an increase in the size of eggs (and hatchlings from those eggs) was recorded with date of oviposition in a field cage population. This suggests that the relationship between maternal age and egg size, observed previously in the laboratory, also occurs in the field. There was, however, some evidence that the behaviour of the maternal females in field cages was modified by the onset of autumnal weather at the end of the breeding season. Only a small number of eggs was laid in the last 3 weeks of the summer but these yielded relatively small hatchlings.
2. The date on which eggs were laid was correlated positively with their date of hatch in the following year. A consequence of this relationship, and that between oviposition date and egg size, was that size at hatch increased with date of hatch through most of the spring but then declined as the last few eggs hatched. Temporal variation in size at hatch parallelled temporal variation in the maternal females' investment in egg size in the previous year.
3. An undisturbed field population was monitored to assess whether the temporal variation in size at hatch resulted in size variation at eclosion in subsequent developmental stages. There were negative correlations between size at eclosion and date of eclosion at the third and fourth instars, suggesting that despite their smaller size at hatch, early hatchers experienced more favourable conditions for juvenile growth than late hatchers. The larger size at hatch of late hatchers may enhance their survival and compensate (albeit incompletely) for their reduced opportunity for growth. Female reproductive behaviour may represent an adaptive response to a predictable seasonal decline in offspring fitness at hatch.  相似文献   

The present work investigated early hatching differences in naturally occuring field populations and newly reared populations of potato cyst nematodes from the Canary Islands. Hatching behavior of the two species appears to be distinct, with more juveniles hatched from G. pallida that hatch earlier and over a shorter time than G. rostochiensis. The hatching rate of 3-year-old PCN populations was more than double (mean 44.5% ñ 1) that shown by newly reared populations (mean 19.1% ñ 12.5), and those that could be classified as pathotype Pa 1 (Pa 1 and P 13) were found to hatch particularly poorly. Significant differences were also observed in the juveniles released in tap water between newly reared populations of both species, with mean hatch significantly higher for G. rostochiensis. The results are discussed in relation to the implication that these findings may have for competition between the two species of PCN in the field.  相似文献   

Villus growth, enterocyte migration and proliferation were measured in the small intestine of poults (Meleagridis gallopavo) to determine if hen age and/or egg size influences these characteristics during the first week after hatching. At hatching, distal jejunal villi were 22.8 μm longer in poults from the older (48 weeks) versus the younger (34 weeks) hens (P<0.05). Similarly, labeled enterocytes in distal jejunal sections from poults from the older hens had migrated 28 μm (10%) farther along the crypt-villus axis at hatching, as compared to poults from the younger hens (P<0.05). Villus growth differences and enterocyte migration were not consistently affected by hen age or egg weight class in poults from 1 to 7 days old. These results suggest that even though intestinal villi may be more advanced developmentally at hatch in poults from the older hens, however post-hatch growth of the intestine or the poult is not affected by hen age or egg weight class.  相似文献   

Intestinal development during late embryogenesis and early post-hatch has a long-term influence on digestive and absorptive capacity in chickens. The objective of this research was to obtain a global view of intestinal solute carrier (SLC) gene family member expression from late embryogenesis until 2 weeks post-hatch with a focus on SLC genes involved in uptake of sugars and amino acids. Small intestine samples from male chicks were collected on embryonic days 18 (E18) and 20 (E20), day of hatch and days 1, 3, 7 and 14 post-hatch. The expression profiles of 162 SLC genes belonging to 41 SLC families were determined using Affymetrix chicken genome microarrays. The majority of SLC genes showed little or no difference in level of expression during E18–D14. A number of well-known intestinal transporters were upregulated between E18 and D14 including the amino acid transporters rBAT , y + LAT-2 and EAAT3 , the peptide transporter PepT1 and the sugar transporters SGLT1 , GLUT2 and GLUT5 . The amino acid transporters CAT-1 and CAT-2 were downregulated. In addition, several glucose and amino acid transporters that are novel to our understanding of nutrient absorption in the chicken intestine were discovered through the arrays ( SGLT6 , SNAT1 , SNAT2 and AST ). These results represent a comprehensive characterization of the expression profiles of the SLC family of genes at different stages of development in the chicken intestine and lay the ground work for future nutritional studies.  相似文献   

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