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Herein are reported unique properties of the human 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex (OGDHc), a rate-limiting enzyme in the Krebs (citric acid) cycle. (a) Functionally competent 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (E1o-h) and dihydrolipoyl succinyltransferase components have been expressed according to kinetic and spectroscopic evidence. (b) A stable free radical, consistent with the C2-(C2α-hydroxy)-γ-carboxypropylidene thiamin diphosphate (ThDP) cation radical was detected by electron spin resonance upon reaction of the E1o-h with 2-oxoglutarate (OG) by itself or when assembled from individual components into OGDHc. (c) An unusual stability of the E1o-h-bound C2-(2α-hydroxy)-γ-carboxypropylidene thiamin diphosphate (the “ThDP-enamine”/C2α-carbanion, the first postdecarboxylation intermediate) was observed, probably stabilized by the 5-carboxyl group of OG, not reported before. (d) The reaction of OG with the E1o-h gave rise to superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide (reactive oxygen species (ROS)). (e) The relatively stable enzyme-bound enamine is the likely substrate for oxidation by O2, leading to the superoxide anion radical (in d) and the radical (in b). (f) The specific activity assessed for ROS formation compared with the NADH (overall complex) activity, as well as the fraction of radical intermediate occupying active centers of E1o-h are consistent with each other and indicate that radical/ROS formation is an “off-pathway” side reaction comprising less than 1% of the “on-pathway” reactivity. However, the nearly ubiquitous presence of OGDHc in human tissues, including the brain, makes these findings of considerable importance in human metabolism and perhaps disease.  相似文献   

An increase in production of reactive oxygen species resulting in a decrease in nitric oxide bioavailability in the endothelium contributes to many cardiovascular diseases, and these reactive oxygen species can oxidize cellular macromolecules. Protein thiols are critical reducing equivalents that maintain cellular redox state and are primary targets for oxidative modification. We demonstrate endothelial NOS (eNOS) oxidant-induced protein thiyl radical formation from tetrahydrobiopterin-free enzyme or following exposure to exogenous superoxide using immunoblotting, immunostaining, and mass spectrometry. Spin trapping with 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO) followed by immunoblotting using an anti-DMPO antibody demonstrated the formation of eNOS protein radicals, which were abolished by superoxide dismutase and L-NAME, indicating that protein radical formation was due to superoxide generation from the eNOS heme. With tetrahydrobiopterin-reconstituted eNOS, eNOS protein radical formation was completely inhibited. Using mass spectrometric and mutagenesis analysis, we identified Cys-908 as the residue involved in protein radical formation. Mutagenesis of this key cysteine to alanine abolished eNOS thiyl radical formation and uncoupled eNOS, leading to increased superoxide generation. Protein thiyl radical formation leads to oxidation or modification of cysteine with either disulfide bond formation or S-glutathionylation, which induces eNOS uncoupling. Furthermore, in endothelial cells treated with menadione to trigger cellular superoxide generation, eNOS protein radical formation, as visualized with confocal microscopy, was increased, and these results were confirmed by immunoprecipitation with anti-eNOS antibody, followed by immunoblotting with an anti-DMPO antibody. Thus, eNOS protein radical formation provides the basis for a mechanism of superoxide-directed regulation of eNOS, involving thiol oxidation, defining a unique pathway for the redox regulation of cardiovascular function.  相似文献   

S-Nitrosylation is a ubiquitous post-translational modification that regulates diverse biologic processes. In skeletal muscle, hypernitrosylation of the ryanodine receptor (RyR) causes sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium leak, but whether abnormalities of cardiac RyR nitrosylation contribute to dysfunction of cardiac excitation-contraction coupling remains controversial. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that cardiac RyR2 is hyponitrosylated in heart failure, because of nitroso-redox imbalance. We evaluated excitation-contraction coupling and nitroso-redox balance in spontaneously hypertensive heart failure rats with dilated cardiomyopathy and age-matched Wistar-Kyoto rats. Spontaneously hypertensive heart failure myocytes were characterized by depressed contractility, increased diastolic Ca2+ leak, hyponitrosylation of RyR2, and enhanced xanthine oxidase derived superoxide. Global S-nitrosylation was decreased in failing hearts compared with nonfailing. Xanthine oxidase inhibition restored global and RyR2 nitrosylation and reversed the diastolic SR Ca2+ leak, improving Ca2+ handling and contractility. Together these findings demonstrate that nitroso-redox imbalance causes RyR2 oxidation, hyponitrosylation, and SR Ca2+ leak, a hallmark of cardiac dysfunction. The reversal of this phenotype by inhibition of xanthine oxidase has important pathophysiologic and therapeutic implications.  相似文献   

The quinol-linked cytochrome bd oxidases are terminal oxidases in respiration. These oxidases harbor a low spin heme b(558) that donates electrons to a binuclear heme b(595)/heme d center. The reaction with O(2) and subsequent catalytic steps of the Escherichia coli cytochrome bd-I oxidase were investigated by means of ultra-fast freeze-quench trapping followed by EPR and UV-visible spectroscopy. After the initial binding of O(2), the O-O bond is heterolytically cleaved to yield a kinetically competent heme d oxoferryl porphyrin π-cation radical intermediate (compound I) magnetically interacting with heme b(595). Compound I accumulates to 0.75-0.85 per enzyme in agreement with its much higher rate of formation (~20,000 s(-1)) compared with its rate of decay (~1,900 s(-1)). Compound I is next converted to a short lived heme d oxoferryl intermediate (compound II) in a phase kinetically matched to the oxidation of heme b(558) before completion of the reaction. The results indicate that cytochrome bd oxidases like the heme-copper oxidases break the O-O bond in a single four-electron transfer without a peroxide intermediate. However, in cytochrome bd oxidases, the fourth electron is donated by the porphyrin moiety rather than by a nearby amino acid. The production of reactive oxygen species by the cytochrome bd oxidase was below the detection level of 1 per 1000 turnovers. We propose that the two classes of terminal oxidases have mechanistically converged to enzymes in which the O-O bond is broken in a single four-electron transfer reaction to safeguard the cell from the formation of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

A nitrated guanine nucleotide, 8-nitroguanosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (8-nitro-cGMP), is formed via nitric oxide (NO) and causes protein S-guanylation. However, intracellular 8-nitro-cGMP levels and mechanisms of formation of 8-nitro-cGMP and S-guanylation are yet to be identified. In this study, we precisely quantified NO-dependent formation of 8-nitro-cGMP in C6 glioma cells via liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Treatment of cells with S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine led to a rapid, transient increase in cGMP, after which 8-nitro-cGMP increased linearly up to a peak value comparable with that of cGMP at 24 h and declined thereafter. Markedly high levels (>40 μm) of 8-nitro-cGMP were also evident in C6 cells that had been stimulated to express inducible NO synthase with excessive NO production. The amount of 8-nitro-cGMP generated was comparable with or much higher than that of cGMP, whose production profile slightly preceded 8-nitro-cGMP formation in the activated inducible NO synthase-expressing cells. These unexpectedly large amounts of 8-nitro-cGMP suggest that GTP (a substrate of cGMP biosynthesis), rather than cGMP per se, may undergo guanine nitration. Also, 8-nitro-cGMP caused S-guanylation of KEAP1 in cells, which led to Nrf2 activation and subsequent induction of antioxidant enzymes, including heme oxygenase-1; thus, 8-nitro-cGMP protected cells against cytotoxic effects of hydrogen peroxide. Proteomic analysis for endogenously modified KEAP1 with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight-tandem mass spectrometry revealed that 8-nitro-cGMP S-guanylated the Cys434 of KEAP1. The present report is therefore the first substantial corroboration of the biological significance of cellular 8-nitro-cGMP formation and potential roles of 8-nitro-cGMP in the Nrf2-dependent antioxidant response.  相似文献   

Soluble guanylate cyclase is an NO-sensing hemoprotein that serves as a NO receptor in NO-mediated signaling pathways. It has been believed that this enzyme displays no measurable affinity for O(2), thereby enabling the selective NO sensing in aerobic environments. Despite the physiological significance, the reactivity of the enzyme-heme for O(2) has not been examined in detail. In this paper we demonstrated that the high spin heme of the ferrous enzyme converted to a low spin oxyheme (Fe(2+)-O(2)) when frozen at 77 K in the presence of O(2). The ligation of O(2) was confirmed by EPR analyses using cobalt-substituted enzyme. The oxy form was produced also under solution conditions at -7 °C, with the extremely low affinity for O(2). The low O(2) affinity was not caused by a distal steric protein effect and by rupture of the Fe(2+)-proximal His bond as revealed by extended x-ray absorption fine structure. The midpoint potential of the enzyme-heme was +187 mV, which is the most positive among high spin protoheme-hemoproteins. This observation implies that the electron density of the ferrous heme iron is relatively low by comparison to those of other hemoproteins, presumably due to the weak Fe(2+)-proximal His bond. Based on our results, we propose that the weak Fe(2+)-proximal His bond is a key determinant for the low O(2) affinity of the heme moiety of soluble guanylate cyclase.  相似文献   

The activation of pyruvate formate-lyase (PFL) by pyruvate formate-lyase activating enzyme (PFL-AE) involves formation of a specific glycyl radical on PFL by the PFL-AE in a reaction requiring S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet). Surface plasmon resonance experiments were performed under anaerobic conditions on the oxygen-sensitive PFL-AE to determine the kinetics and equilibrium constant for its interaction with PFL. These experiments show that the interaction is very slow and rate-limited by large conformational changes. A novel AdoMet binding assay was used to accurately determine the equilibrium constants for AdoMet binding to PFL-AE alone and in complex with PFL. The PFL-AE bound AdoMet with the same affinity (∼6 μm) regardless of the presence or absence of PFL. Activation of PFL in the presence of its substrate pyruvate or the analog oxamate resulted in stoichiometric conversion of the [4Fe-4S]1+ cluster to the glycyl radical on PFL; however, 3.7-fold less activation was achieved in the absence of these small molecules, demonstrating that pyruvate or oxamate are required for optimal activation. Finally, in vivo concentrations of the entire PFL system were calculated to estimate the amount of bound protein in the cell. PFL, PFL-AE, and AdoMet are essentially fully bound in vivo, whereas electron donor proteins are partially bound.  相似文献   

Complex I (NQR) is a critical site of superoxide () production and the major host of redox protein thiols in mitochondria. In response to oxidative stress, NQR-derived protein thiols at the 51- and 75-kDa subunits are known to be reversibly S-glutathionylated. Although several glutathionylated domains from NQR 51 and 75 kDa have been identified, their roles in the regulatory functions remain to be explored. To gain further insights into protein S-glutathionylation of complex I, we used two peptides of S-glutathionylated domain (200GAGAYICGEETALIESIEGK219 of 51-kDa protein and 361VDSDTLCTEEVFPTAGAGTDLR382 of 75-kDa protein) as chimeric epitopes incorporating a “promiscuous” T-cell epitope to generate two polyclonal antibodies, AbGSCA206 and AbGSCB367. Binding of AbGSCA206 and AbGSCB367 inhibited NQR-mediated generation by 37 and 57%, as measured by EPR spin-trapping. To further provide an appropriate control, two peptides of non-glutathionylated domain (21SGDTTAPKKTSFGSLKDFDR40 of 51-kDa peptide and 100WNILTNSEKTKKAREGVMEFL120 of 75-kDa peptide) were synthesized as chimeric epitopes to generate two polyclonal antibodies, Ab51 and Ab75. Binding of A51 did not affect NQR-mediated generation to a significant level. However, binding of Ab75 inhibited NQR-mediated generation by 35%. None of AbGSCA206, AbGSCB367, Ab51, or Ab75 showed an inhibitory effect on the electron transfer activity of NQR, suggesting that antibody binding to the glutathione-binding domain decreased electron leakage from the hydrophilic domain of NQR. When heart tissue homogenates were immunoprecipitated with Ab51 or Ab75 and probed with an antibody against glutathione, protein S-glutathionylation was enhanced in post-ischemic myocardium at the NQR 51-kDa subunit, but not at the 75-kDa subunit, indicating that the 51-kDa subunit of flavin subcomplex is more sensitive to oxidative stress resulting from myocardial infarction.  相似文献   

Although receptor-interacting protein 1 (RIP1) is well known as a key mediator in cell survival and death signaling, whether RIP1 directly contributes to chemotherapy response in cancer has not been determined. In this report, we found that, in human lung cancer cells, knockdown of RIP1 substantially increased cytotoxicity induced by the frontline anticancer therapeutic drug cisplatin, which has been associated with robust cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation and enhanced apoptosis. Scavenging ROS dramatically protected RIP1 knockdown cells against cisplatin-induced cytotoxicity. Furthermore, we found that, in RIP1 knockdown cells, the expression of the hydrogen peroxide-reducing enzyme catalase was dramatically reduced, which was associated with increased miR-146a expression. Inhibition of microRNA-146a restored catalase expression, suppressed ROS induction, and protected against cytotoxicity in cisplatin-treated RIP1 knockdown cells, suggesting that RIP1 maintains catalase expression to restrain ROS levels in therapy response in cancer cells. Additionally, cisplatin significantly triggered the proteasomal degradation of cellular inhibitor of apoptosis protein 1 and 2 (c-IAP1 and c-IAP2), and X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) in a ROS-dependent manner, and in RIP1 knockdown cells, ectopic expression of c-IAP2 attenuated cisplatin-induced cytotoxicity. Thus, our results establish a chemoresistant role for RIP1 that maintains inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) expression by release of microRNA-146a-mediated catalase suppression, where intervention within this pathway may be exploited for chemosensitization.  相似文献   

Unlike mammals, bony fish have two type II interferons, IFNγ and IFNγrel, whose pro-inflammatory functions have not been fully characterized. To elucidate the distinct roles of these type II interferons of bony fish, we examined the effects of recombinant goldfish (rg) IFNγ and IFNγrel on the macrophage antimicrobial responses, immune gene expression, and their signaling pathways. Our findings indicate that rgIFNγ and rgIFNγrel possess unique capacities to mediate each of the above processes. Q-PCR analysis revealed similar expression of both cytokines in tissues and immune cell populations of the goldfish, although IFNγ mRNA levels were generally higher in most tissues and cell types. Whereas rgIFNγ had long-lasting effects on the priming of goldfish monocyte ROI production, the rgIFNγrel had relatively short-lived ROI priming potential and eventually down-regulated the priming of ROI production induced by rgIFNγ or rgTNFα2. Whereas rgIFNγ induced relatively modest phagocytic and nitric oxide responses of goldfish macrophages, rgIFNγrel induced significantly higher phagocytosis, iNOSA and iNOSB gene expression and nitric oxide production compared with rgIFNγ. The rgIFNγ and rgIFNγrel induced different gene expression profiles in goldfish monocytes. These differences included significantly higher induction of TNFα2, CXCL8, ceruloplasmin, and interferon regulatory factor (IRFs) expression after activation of monocytes with rgIFNγrel. The rgIFNγrel was more abundant in whole cell lysates compared with rgIFNγ. Both cytokines induced the phosphorylation of Stat1, while the nuclear localization of Stat1 was only observed following treatment of monocytes with rgIFNγ. Our findings suggest the presence of functional segregation of the induction of macrophage antimicrobial functions by type II interferons of bony fish.  相似文献   

Caspase 1 activation can be induced by oxidative stress, which leads to the release of the proinflammatory cytokines IL1β and IL18 in myeloid cells and a potentially damaging inflammatory response. However, little is known about the role of caspase 1 in non-immune cells, such as hepatocytes, that express and activate the inflammasome but do not produce a significant amount of IL1β/IL18. Here we demonstrate that caspase 1 activation protects against cell death after redox stress induced by hypoxia/reoxygenation in hepatocytes. Mechanistically, we show that caspase 1 reduces mitochondrial respiration and reactive oxygen species by increasing mitochondrial autophagy and subsequent clearance of mitochondria in hepatocytes after hypoxia/reoxygenation. Caspase 1 increases autophagic flux through up-regulating autophagy initiator beclin 1 during redox stress and is an important cell survival factor in hepatocytes. We find that during hemorrhagic shock with resuscitation, an in vivo mouse model associated with severe hepatic redox stress, caspase 1 activation is also protective against liver injury and excessive oxidative stress through the up-regulation of beclin 1. Our findings suggest an alternative role for caspase 1 activation in promoting adaptive responses to oxidative stress and, more specifically, in limiting reactive oxygen species production and damage in cells and tissues where IL1β/IL18 are not highly expressed.  相似文献   

The structure of the major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex (LHCII) was analyzed by pulsed EPR measurements and compared with the crystal structure. Site-specific spin labeling of the recombinant protein allowed the measurement of distance distributions over several intra- and intermolecular distances in monomeric and trimeric LHCII, yielding information on the protein structure and its local flexibility. A spin label rotamer library based on a molecular dynamics simulation was used to take the local mobility of spin labels into account. The core of LHCII in solution adopts a structure very similar or identical to the one seen in crystallized LHCII trimers with little motional freedom as indicated by narrow distance distributions along and between α helices. However, distances comprising the lumenal loop domain show broader distance distributions, indicating some mobility of this loop structure. Positions in the hydrophilic N-terminal domain, upstream of the first trans-membrane α helix, exhibit more and more mobility the closer they are to the N terminus. The nine amino acids at the very N terminus that have not been resolved in any of the crystal structure analyses give rise to very broad and possibly bimodal distance distributions, which may represent two families of preferred conformations.  相似文献   

The feline leukemia virus subgroup C receptor (FLVCR) is a heme export protein that is required for proerythroblast survival and facilitates macrophage heme iron recycling. However, its mechanism of heme export and substrate specificity are uncharacterized. Using [55Fe]heme and the fluorescent heme analog zinc mesoporphyrin, we investigated whether export by FLVCR depends on the availability and avidity of extracellular heme-binding proteins. Export was 100-fold more efficient when the medium contained hemopexin (Kd < 1 pm) compared with albumin (Kd = 5 nm) at the same concentration and was not detectable when the medium lacked heme-binding proteins. Besides heme, FLVCR could export other cyclic planar porphyrins, such as protoporphyrin IX and coproporphyrin. However, FLVCR has a narrow substrate range because unconjugated bilirubin, the primary breakdown product of heme, was not transported. As neither protoporphyrin IX nor coproporphyrin export improved with extracellular hemopexin (versus albumin), our observations further suggest that hemopexin, an abundant protein with a serum concentration (6.7–25 μm) equivalent to that of the iron transport protein transferrin (22–31 μm), by accepting heme from FLVCR and targeting it to the liver, might regulate macrophage heme export and heme iron recycling in vivo. Final studies show that hemopexin directly interacts with FLVCR, which also helps explain why FLVCR, in contrast to some major facilitator superfamily members, does not function as a bidirectional gradient-dependent transporter. Together, these data argue that hemopexin has a role in assuring systemic iron balance during homeostasis in addition to its established role as a scavenger during internal bleeding or hemolysis.  相似文献   

Long-lasting mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) openings damage mitochondria, but transient mPTP openings protect against chronic cardiac stress. To probe the mechanism, we subjected isolated cardiac mitochondria to gradual Ca(2+) loading, which, in the absence of BSA, induced long-lasting mPTP opening, causing matrix depolarization. However, with BSA present to mimic cytoplasmic fatty acid-binding proteins, the mitochondrial population remained polarized and functional, even after matrix Ca(2+) release caused an extramitochondrial free [Ca(2+)] increase to >10 μM, unless mPTP openings were inhibited. These findings could be explained by asynchronous transient mPTP openings allowing individual mitochondria to depolarize long enough to flush accumulated matrix Ca(2+) and then to repolarize rapidly after pore closure. Because subsequent matrix Ca(2+) reuptake via the Ca(2+) uniporter is estimated to be >100-fold slower than matrix Ca(2+) release via mPTP, only a tiny fraction of mitochondria (<1%) are depolarized at any given time. Our results show that transient mPTP openings allow cardiac mitochondria to defend themselves collectively against elevated cytoplasmic Ca(2+) levels as long as respiratory chain activity is able to balance proton influx with proton pumping. We found that transient mPTP openings also stimulated reactive oxygen species production, which may engage reactive oxygen species-dependent cardioprotective signaling.  相似文献   

Iron chelation therapy was initially designed to alleviate the toxic effects of excess iron evident in iron-overload diseases. However, some iron chelator-metal complexes have also gained interest due to their high redox activity and toxicological properties that have potential for cancer chemotherapy. This communication addresses the conflicting results published recently on the ability of the iron chelator, Dp44mT, to induce hydroxyl radical formation upon complexation with iron (B.B. Hasinoff and D. Patel, J Inorg. Biochem.103 (2009), 1093-1101). This previous study used EPR spin-trapping to show that Dp44mT-iron complexes were not able to generate hydroxyl radicals. Here, we demonstrate the opposite by using the same technique under very similar conditions to show the Dp44mT-iron complex is indeed redox-active and induces hydroxyl radical formation. This was studied directly in an iron(II)/H2O2 reaction system or using a reducing iron(III)/ascorbate system implementing several different buffers at pH 7.4. The demonstration by EPR that the Dp44mT-iron complex is redox-active confirms our previous studies using cyclic voltammetry, ascorbate oxidation, benzoate hydroxylation and a plasmid DNA strand-break assay. We discuss the relevance of the redox activity to the biological effects of Dp44mT.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) stimulate cytoplasmic [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]c) signaling, but the exact role of the IP3 receptors (IP3R) in this process remains unclear. IP3Rs serve as a potential target of ROS produced by both ER and mitochondrial enzymes, which might locally expose IP3Rs at the ER-mitochondrial associations. Also, IP3Rs contain multiple reactive thiols, common molecular targets of ROS. Therefore, we have examined the effect of superoxide anion (O2) on IP3R-mediated Ca2+ signaling. In human HepG2, rat RBL-2H3, and chicken DT40 cells, we observed [Ca2+]c spikes and frequency-modulated oscillations evoked by a O2 donor, xanthine (X) + xanthine oxidase (XO), dose-dependently. The [Ca2+]c signal was mediated by ER Ca2+ mobilization. X+XO added to permeabilized cells promoted the [Ca2+]c rise evoked by submaximal doses of IP3, indicating that O2 directly sensitizes IP3R-mediated Ca2+ release. In response to X+XO, DT40 cells lacking two of three IP3R isoforms (DKO) expressing either type 1 (DKO1) or type 2 IP3Rs (DKO2) showed a [Ca2+]c signal, whereas DKO expressing type 3 IP3R (DKO3) did not. By contrast, IgM that stimulates IP3 formation, elicited a [Ca2+]c signal in every DKO. X+XO also facilitated the Ca2+ release evoked by submaximal IP3 in permeabilized DKO1 and DKO2 but was ineffective in DKO3 or in DT40 lacking every IP3R (TKO). However, X+XO could also facilitate the effect of suboptimal IP3 in TKO transfected with rat IP3R3. Although in silico studies failed to identify a thiol missing in the chicken IP3R3, an X+XO-induced redox change was documented only in the rat IP3R3. Thus, ROS seem to specifically sensitize IP3Rs through a thiol group(s) within the IP3R, which is probably inaccessible in the chicken IP3R3.  相似文献   

Cancer cells undergo mitosis more frequently than normal cells and thus have increased metabolic needs, which in turn lead to higher than normal reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Higher ROS production increases cancer cell dependence on ROS scavenging systems to balance the increased ROS. Selectively modulating intracellular ROS in cancers by exploiting cancer dependence on ROS scavenging systems provides a useful therapeutic approach. Essential to developing these therapeutic strategies is to maintain physiologically low ROS levels in normal tissues while inducing ROS in cancer cells. GMX1778 is a specific inhibitor of nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase, a rate-limiting enzyme required for the regeneration of NAD(+) from nicotinamide. We show that GMX1778 increases intracellular ROS in cancer cells by elevating the superoxide level while decreasing the intracellular NAD(+) level. Notably, GMX1778 treatment does not induce ROS in normal cells. GMX1778-induced ROS can be diminished by adding nicotinic acid (NA) in a NA phosphoribosyltransferase 1 (NAPRT1)-dependent manner, but NAPRT1 is lost in a high frequency of glioblastomas, neuroblastomas, and sarcomas. In NAPRT1-deficient cancer cells, ROS induced by GMX1778 was not susceptible to treatment with NA. GMX1778-mediated ROS induction is p53-dependent, suggesting that the status of both p53 and NAPRT1 might affect tumor apoptosis, as determined by annexin-V staining. However, as determined by colony formation, GMX1778 long term cytotoxicity in cancer cells was only prevented by the addition of NA to NAPRT1-expressing cells. Exposure to GMX1778 may be a novel way of inducing ROS selectively in NAPRT1-negative tumors without inducing cytotoxic ROS in normal tissue.  相似文献   

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