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Research on optimal outbreeding describes the greater reproductive success experienced on average by couples who are neither too closely related, nor too genetically dissimilar. How is optimal outbreeding achieved? Faces that subtly resemble family members could present useful cues to a potential reproductive partner with an optimal level of genetic dissimilarity. Here, we present the first empirical data that heterosexual women select partners who resemble their brothers. Raters ranked the facial similarity between a woman's male partner, and that woman's brother compared to foils. In a multilevel ordinal logistic regression that modeled variability in both the stimuli and the raters, there was clear evidence for perceptual similarity in facial photographs of a woman's partner and her brother. That is, although siblings themselves are sexually aversive, sibling resemblance is not. The affective responses of disgust and attraction may be calibrated to distinguish close kin from individuals with some genetic dissimilarity during partner choice.  相似文献   

Intraspecific cooperation and interspecific mutualisms can be promoted by mechanisms that reduce the frequency with which cooperative organisms are exploited by unhelpful partners. One such mechanism consists of changing partners after interacting with an uncooperative individual. I used McNamara et al.'s (Nature, 451, 2008, 189) partner switching model as a framework to examine whether this mechanism can select for increased cooperative investment by house sparrows (Passer domesticus) collaborating to rear offspring; previous research on this species has shown that substantial cooperative investments by both pair members are required to achieve high pay‐offs from collaborating. I found that the poorer the outcome of a breeding attempt relative to the number of eggs the female invested, the greater the likelihood of partner switching. The incidence of partner switching changed seasonally, with peak switching coinciding with an increase in the number of alternative partners available to females. After females switched partners, their breeding outcomes rose to match those of females that remained with the same partner; this was not the case for males that switched partners. Consistent with the model's prediction, males in stable partnerships achieved over 25% higher than average reproductive success, which was attributable to both persistently good breeding outcomes and their older partners' high fecundity. These results provide empirical support for the hypothesis that partner switching favours increased cooperative investment levels, and they demonstrate that variation in the relative value of by‐product benefits can enhance that process.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether deciding to either stay with or leave a social relationship partner, based on a sequence of collaborative social interactions, is impacted by (1) observed and (2) anticipated gains and losses associated with the collaboration; and, importantly, (3) whether these effects differ between social and nonsocial contexts. In the social context, participants played an iterated collaborative economic game in which they were dependent on the successes and failures of a game partner in order to increase their monetary payoff, and in which they were free to stop collaborating with this partner whenever they chose. In Study 1, we manipulated the actual success rate of partners, and demonstrated that participants decided to stay longer with ''better'' partners. In Study 2, we induced prior expectations about specific partners, while keeping the objective performance of all partners equal, and found that participants decided to stay longer with partners whom they expected to be ''better'' than others, irrespective of actual performance. Importantly, both Study 1 and 2 included a nonsocial control condition that was probabilistically identical to the social conditions. All findings were replicated in nonsocial context, but results demonstrated that the effect of prior beliefs on stay/leave decision-making was much less pronounced in a social than a nonsocial context.  相似文献   

Synopsis Serranus tabacarius (Serranidae), the tobaccofish, is a simultaneous hermaphrodite which belongs to a group of seabasses that exhibit a wide variety of social and mating systems. The reproductive behavior of tobaccofish is similar to other hermaphroditic seabasses, with individuals assuming sex-specific spawning behaviors that allow for the assignment of male and female roles in a mating sequence. Virtually all matings involved pairs of individuals, although streaking, an alternative male mating tactic, was observed once. Pairs engage in egg trading, where individuals divide their daily clutch into a series of sequentially released parcels and take turns releasing eggs for their partner to fertilize. Individuals mate over a late afternoon spawning period with a number of partners sequentially. Larger individuals have both more total matings and more spawning partners. Egg trading is not symmetrical, the number of male and female matings for an individual in a spawning sequence is often unequal. Overall, the ratio of male to female matings increases with individual size. Large individuals are socially dominant, chase conspecifics during the reproductive period, and are more likely to end a spawning bout with a partner immediately after mating in the male role. In addition, larger individuals are less likely to reciprocate female matings by a partner, either by only mating once (as a male) in a spawning bout or by mating consecutively as a male within a series of matings. Although larger individuals show this relative specialization in the male role, they maintain their simultaneous hermaphroditism and obtain a substantial percentage of their mating success through female function. Egg trading appears to reduce the opportunity for large individuals to specialize as pure males, and thus interacts with the environmental potential for polygamy in shaping the mating system and sex allocation pattern in this species.  相似文献   

Reusing heat through process integration in heat exchanger networks has long been a key measure for increasing energy efficiency in energy‐intensive industries. Thermal pinch analysis is commonly used for a systematic matching of process streams and thus planning of optimal process integration in large chemical plants. The possible savings increase with the amount of heat and the number of integrated process streams. Therefore co‐ siting of several companies in a symbiotic network opens new opportunities for process integration even in small and medium‐size enterprises (SMEs), but also introduces new challenges. Thermal pinch analysis is extended here to account for piping distances and fluctuations and limited availability of energy flows by adding additional costs for the piping system and a backup utility system in the optimization function. Cooperative game theory is proposed to derive a sharing of savings between the partners of the industrial symbiosis that is optimal for each partner and should prevent partners from leaving the network because of higher benefits in a subgroup or alone. It is argued that knowledge about the optimality of a network for each partner creates trust between the partners that is a necessary base for the long‐term commitment needed in industrial symbioses. An exemplary symbiotic network combining the production of pulp and woody biomass energy carriers is used to illustrate the proposed approaches.  相似文献   

Mutual helping for direct benefits can be explained by various game theoretical models, which differ mainly in terms of the underlying conflict of interest between two partners. Conflict is minimal if helping is self-serving and the partner benefits as a by-product. In contrast, conflict is maximal if partners are in a prisoner''s dilemma with both having the pay-off-dominant option of not returning the other''s investment. Here, we provide evolutionary and ecological arguments for why these two extremes are often unstable under natural conditions and propose that interactions with intermediate levels of conflict are frequent evolutionary endpoints. We argue that by-product helping is prone to becoming an asymmetric investment game since even small variation in by-product benefits will lead to the evolution of partner choice, leading to investments by the chosen class. Second, iterated prisoner''s dilemmas tend to take place in stable social groups where the fitness of partners is interdependent, with the effect that a certain level of helping is self-serving. In sum, intermediate levels of mutual helping are expected in nature, while efficient partner monitoring may allow reaching higher levels.  相似文献   

In animals with separate sexes, male fitness usually increases with the number of matings, whereas female fitness more directly depends on the amount of accessible reproductive resources. In simultaneous hermaphrodites, such differences in fitness pay‐offs between male and female sexual function can result in a preference to copulate in one particular sex role, generating conflicts over mating roles if mates share the same preference. Sperm trading, i.e. the conditional exchange of sperm between mates as found in some hermaphrodites, is often considered a possible solution for the conflict over mating roles. Conditional sperm exchange has recently been demonstrated in Chelidonura hirundinina (Opisthobranchia, Aglajidae), but its functional causes remain obscure. Based on a detailed characterization of mating in this species, we here assess two potential benefits of sperm trading, the balancing of sperm exchange between partners, and the acquisition of information about the partner’s fecundity. We found that the number of sperm droplets exchanged between partners varied more between than within pairs, supporting the first hypothesis. Moreover, larger individuals donated more sperm droplets and are known to produce more eggs. As body size is tightly linked to fecundity, a sperm recipient may use the number of received sperm droplets as an honest signal of the female quality of the sperm donor. Our findings thus help to elucidate how sperm trading may contribute to optimizing the investment of costly sperm in response to partner quality.  相似文献   

In polygamous mating systems, a capability to discriminate against familiar mates may be beneficial to both sexes. Polyandrous females, for instance, may enhance the odds of finding sires with optimal genetic compatibility or high genetic quality by mating with multiple different males; polygynous males, in addition, may more efficiently invest their limited ejaculates across multiple (rather than single) females. The Coolidge effect facilitates this kind of mate discrimination, as sexual motivation declines across consecutive copulations with a familiar partner but resurrects with a novel mate. In simultaneous hermaphrodites, we expect the Coolidge effect to show sex role‐dependent patterns and vary with previous sex‐specific mating activity. Using the promiscuous hermaphroditic sea slug Chelidonura sandrana, we investigated (1) whether sexual motivation indeed declines when repeatedly exposed to familiar partners, (2) whether the Coolidge effect occurs in a sex‐specific manner and (3) whether ejaculation is strategic with respect to partner familiarity. We found neither mating latency, nor penis intromission duration, mating propensity or the frequency of sex role alternations to vary significantly with treatments. Furthermore, slugs did not donate larger ejaculates to novel than to familiar partners. Partner novelty thus elicited no detectable response in sexual motivation or mating effort in C. sandrana. We suggest that the sea slugs' promiscuous mating system in often large mating aggregations makes mate discrimination based on novelty obsolete in comparison with more relevant criteria such as partner body size or mating history.  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey of 500 consecutive patients consulting their general practitioners was undertaken to compare job sharing part time partners and full time partners in respect of patients'' perception of and satisfaction with the availability of the doctor they wished to consult. Comparison of linear analogue scales of patients'' satisfaction with the availability of their chosen doctor showed no significant difference between job sharing partners and full time partners. Nevertheless, significantly fewer patients were able to see the full time partner of their choice within two days than were able to see the job sharing partner of their choice within the same period. In this study patients were as satisfied with the availability of job sharing partners as they were with that of full time partners; the findings highlight important considerations for practices wishing to appoint partners with a limited commitment.  相似文献   

Neodymium is one of the most important enabling materials for next‐generation clean technologies, especially electric vehicles and wind turbines. As the world's largest producer of rare earth minerals, China dominates the global neodymium supply and a considerable amount of primary neodymium resources are from illegal mining. Many studies have been conducted on the material flow of neodymium in different regions, but few studies focus on China. In this study, a static material flow analysis of neodymium is conducted to quantitatively analyze the industrial chain structure of neodymium in China and to calculate the neodymium output from illegal mining. The results quantitatively depict the neodymium material flow of each stage of China's neodymium industrial chain in 2016, which indicates that 12.3–17.0 kt of primary neodymium resources were from illegal mining. On the basis of the results, reasonable conclusions can be drawn that the recycling of neodymium from end‐of‐life products provides an important opportunity to both reduce illegal rare earth mining and cope with increasing neodymium demand.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster Heterochromatin Protein 1a (HP1a) is an essential protein critical for heterochromatin assembly and regulation. Its chromo shadow domain (CSD) homodimerizes, a requirement for binding protein partners that contain a PXVXL motif. How does HP1a select among its many different PXVXL-containing partners? HP1a binds tightly to Heterochromatin Protein 2 (HP2), but weakly to PIWI. We investigated differences in homodimerization and the impact of the C-terminal extension (CTE) by contrasting HP1a to its paralogue, HP1b. HP1a and HP1b differ in the dimerization interface, with HP1a having an Arg at position 188 rather than Glu. We find that while this substitution reduces the dimerization constant, it does not impact the binding surface as demonstrated by unchanged partner binding affinities. However, the CTE (only 4 residues in HP1a as compared with 87 residues in HP1b) is critical; the charged residues in HP1a are necessary for tight peptide binding. Examining a panel of amino acid substitutions in the HP1a CSD, we find that Leu-165 in HP1a interacts with HP2 but not PIWI, supporting the conclusion that different sites in the binding surface provide discrimination for partner selection. Partner sequence is also critical for affinity, as the remaining difference in binding between HP2 and PIWI polypeptides is eliminated by swapping the PXVXL motifs between the two. Taken together, these studies indicate that the binding surface of the HP1a CSD plus its short CTE provide the needed discrimination among HP1a''s partners, and that the CTE is important for differentiating the interactions of the Drosophila HP1 paralogs.  相似文献   

Biotic specialization holds information about the assembly, evolution, and stability of biological communities. Partner availabilities can play an important role in enabling species interactions, where uneven partner availabilities can bias estimates of biotic specialization when using phylogenetic diversity indices. It is therefore important to account for partner availability when characterizing biotic specialization using phylogenies. We developed an index, phylogenetic structure of specialization (PSS), that avoids bias from uneven partner availabilities by uncoupling the null models for interaction frequency and phylogenetic distance. We incorporate the deviation between observed and random interaction frequencies as weights into the calculation of partner phylogenetic α‐diversity. To calculate the PSS index, we then compare observed partner phylogenetic α‐diversity to a null distribution generated by randomizing phylogenetic distances among the same number of partners. PSS quantifies the phylogenetic structure (i.e., clustered, overdispersed, or random) of the partners of a focal species. We show with simulations that the PSS index is not correlated with network properties, which allows comparisons across multiple systems. We also implemented PSS on empirical networks of host–parasite, avian seed‐dispersal, lichenized fungi–cyanobacteria, and hummingbird pollination interactions. Across these systems, a large proportion of taxa interact with phylogenetically random partners according to PSS, sometimes to a larger extent than detected with an existing method that does not account for partner availability. We also found that many taxa interact with phylogenetically clustered partners, while taxa with overdispersed partners were rare. We argue that species with phylogenetically overdispersed partners have often been misinterpreted as generalists when they should be considered specialists. Our results highlight the important role of randomness in shaping interaction networks, even in highly intimate symbioses, and provide a much‐needed quantitative framework to assess the role that evolutionary history and symbiotic specialization play in shaping patterns of biodiversity. PSS is available as an R package at https://github.com/cjpardodelahoz/pss.  相似文献   

齐宇  朱坦  高帅  王军锋  汲奕君  张墨  卜欣欣 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7335-7345
产业园区循环化改造是我国在"十二五"期间和今后一个时期内的一项重要工作,也是在园区层面实施循环发展的主要内容。物质流分析(MFA)是产业生态学的核心分析方法,正在成为资源环境管理领域有效的分析工具。通过梳理物质流分析方法的发展历程,指出产业园区循环化改造应用物质流分析存在注重物质规模而忽视环境影响、黑箱过程不利定量研究、小区域研究适用性不强以及隐藏流造成的数据误差等方面问题,同时通过大量调查实践,认为园区循环化改造可从企业开展清洁生产、促进园区内和园区间的产业共生、加强园区资源循环基础设施建设3个领域入手,在将园区全部企业分为生产性企业、再生性企业和资源循环基础设施企业3种类型基础上,提出关键流概念及其识别思路,探索构建物质流路径归类评价方法框架,归纳出8条典型物质流路径,为提升园区物质流管理水平提供方法依据,并选取天津经济技术开发区作为典型案例进行研究,最后对我国产业园区循环化改造应用物质流分析方法进行了展望。  相似文献   

This article presents work carried out as part of the robot sécurisé d’assistance à la chirurgie endoscopique (Rosace) project (funding ANR TecSan06), involving both academic and clinical partners along with an industrial partner in charge of technology integration. The main subject is a lightweight and compact robot for assistance in the endoscopic surgery field. The goal of the project has been to improve then transfer on a medical-grade product some technologies initially developed by the two academic partners. These technologies are: a first prototype of a robotic endoscope holder, an original method for visual servoing based on instrument tracking and some work done on comanipulation concept which consists in synergic interaction between robot and user. In accordance with the initial goals, major improvements have been obtained on these three aspects of the project. Robotic architecture improvement has contributed to enhance robot's versatility while robot command has been made more efficient and simple to use thanks to instrument tracking and comanipulation. After this 3-year project, initial prototype has turned into a commercially available product integrating (or that will integrate in a few months) these new technologies.  相似文献   

Social animals cooperate with bonding partners to outcompete others. Predicting a competitor''s supporter is likely to be beneficial, regardless of whether the supporting relationship is stable or transient, or whether the support happens immediately or later. Although humans make such predictions frequently, it is unclear to what extent animals have the cognitive abilities to recognize others’ transient bond partners and to predict others'' coalitions that extend beyond the immediate present. We conducted playback experiments with wild chimpanzees to test this. About 2 h after fighting, subjects heard recordings of aggressive barks of a bystander, who was or was not a bond partner of the former opponent. Subjects looked longer and moved away more often from barks of the former opponents’ bond partners than non-bond partners. In an additional experiment, subjects moved away more from barks than socially benign calls of the same bond partner. These effects were present despite differences in genetic relatedness and considerable time delays between the two events. Chimpanzees, it appears, integrate memories of social interactions from different sources to make inferences about current interactions. This ability is crucial for connecting triadic social interactions across time, a requirement for predicting aggressive support even after a time delay.  相似文献   

The sea slug Navanax inermis (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia) is a well‐known example of a simultaneous hermaphrodite in which mating partners trade sperm. According to previous work by others, sperm trading follows from a general preference for the female role when the expected variance in reproductive success in the male role is higher and the risk of failure therefore larger. However, this view contradicts theoretical and empirical studies of other systems, which predict a general preference for the male role; sperm trading is assumed to follow from the fact that individuals benefit from sperm receipt as a nutritional compensation for sperm investment. In this study, we investigate the behaviour of N. inermis in more detail. In addition to observations of regular pairs, we also paired individuals with a partner that had been isolated for 33 days in order to induce changes in sex‐role preference in the non‐isolated partner. We also collected all clutches produced throughout the study to check for signs of infertility as a consequence of allosperm depletion. Fertility of field‐collected and isolated individuals suggested that sperm depletion occurs under natural conditions and may be caused by a lack of partners. Although this argues in favour of female preference, low mating rates both reduce variance in male reproductive success and remove the intent to use sperm for nutritional purposes, thus eliminating the conditions under which both hypotheses are intended to operate. The observational data indicate that animals are eager to mate as males, particularly at the beginning of a mating session. Intromissions lasted longer when a simultaneous intromission was received from the partner. Increases in intromission were recorded in non‐isolated individuals with partners which were previously isolated and therefore more attractive as females. This response would not have been expected were the female role the preferred one. A summary of the arguments concerning preference for either gender suggests some preference for the male role, but indicates that sexual preferences may actually change or become neutral within an individual, even in the course of a mating session. Overall, our results clearly confirm previously published observations of sperm trading in N. inermis . © 2003 The Linnean Society of London. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 78 , 105?116.  相似文献   

Su Y  Zou Z  Feng S  Zhou P  Cao L 《Journal of biotechnology》2007,129(3):373-382
Maximization of the soluble protein expression in Escherichia coli (E. coli) via the fusion expression strategy is usually preferred for academic, industrial and pharmaceutical purposes. In this study, a set of distinct protein fusion partners were comparatively evaluated to promote the soluble expression of two target proteins including the bovine enterokinase largely prone to aggregation and the green fluorescent protein with moderate native solubility. Within protein attributes that are putatively involved in protein solubility, the protein acidity was of particular concern. Our results explicitly indicated the protein fusion partners with a stronger acidity remarkably exhibited a higher capacity to enhance the solubility of the target proteins. Among them, msyB, an E. coli acidic protein that suppresses the mutants lacking function of protein export, was revealed as an excellent protein fusion partner with the distinguished features including high potential to enhance protein solubility, efficient expression, relatively small size and the origin of E. coli itself. In principle, our results confirmed the modified solubility model of Wilkinson-Harrison and especially deepened understanding its essence. Meanwhile, the roles of other parameters such as protein hydrophilicity in solubility enhancement were discussed, a guideline to design or search an optimum protein solubility enhancer was also proposed.  相似文献   

Because ancestral women faced trade-offs in choosing mates, they may have evolved to pursue a dual-mating strategy in which they secured investment through one partner and obtained good genes through others. The dual-mating theory predicts that women will display greater interest in extra-pair sex near ovulation, especially if they are mated to a primary male partner who is low in sexual attractiveness. Forty-three normally ovulating women rated their partner's sexual attractiveness and separately reported their own desires and their partner's mate retention behaviors at high and low fertility (confirmed using luteinizing hormone tests). In the high-fertility session relative to the low, women who assessed their partners as being lower in sexual attractiveness reported greater extra-pair desires and more expressed love and attention from their male partners. Women's desire for their own partners did not differ significantly between high and low-fertility sessions.  相似文献   

For cooperation to evolve via direct reciprocity, individuals must track their partners' behavior to avoid exploitation. With increasing size of the interaction group, however, memory becomes error prone. To decrease memory effort, people could categorize partners into types, distinguishing cooperators and cheaters. We explored two ways in which people might preferentially track one partner type: remember cheaters or remember the rare type in the population. We assigned participants to one of three interaction groups which differed in the proportion of computer partners' types (defectors rare, equal proportion, or cooperators rare). We extended research on both hypotheses in two ways. First, participants experienced their partners repeatedly by interacting in Prisoner's Dilemma games. Second, we tested categorization of partners as cooperators or defectors in memory tests after a short and long retention interval (10 min and 1 week). Participants remembered rare partner types better than they remembered common ones at both retention intervals. We propose that the flexibility of responding to the environment suggests an ecologically rational memory strategy in social interactions.  相似文献   

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