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oskar mRNA localization to the posterior of the Drosophila oocyte defines where the abdomen and germ cells form in the embryo. Although this localization requires microtubules and the plus end-directed motor, kinesin, its mechanism is controversial and has been proposed to involve active transport to the posterior, diffusion and trapping, or exclusion from the anterior and lateral cortex. By following oskar mRNA particles in living oocytes, we show that the mRNA is actively transported along microtubules in all directions, with a slight bias toward the posterior. This bias is sufficient to localize the mRNA and is reversed in mago, barentsz, and Tropomyosin II mutants, which mislocalize the mRNA anteriorly. Since almost all transport is mediated by kinesin, oskar mRNA localizes by a biased random walk along a weakly polarized cytoskeleton. We also show that each component of the oskar mRNA complex plays a distinct role in particle formation and transport.  相似文献   

Drosophila Staufen protein is required for the localization of oskar mRNA to the posterior of the oocyte, the anterior anchoring of bicoid mRNA and the basal localization of prospero mRNA in dividing neuroblasts. The only regions of Staufen that have been conserved throughout animal evolution are five double-stranded (ds)RNA-binding domains (dsRBDs) and a short region within an insertion that splits dsRBD2 into two halves. dsRBDs 1, 3 and 4 bind dsRNA in vitro, but dsRBDs 2 and 5 do not, although dsRBD2 does bind dsRNA when the insertion is removed. Full-length Staufen protein lacking this insertion is able to associate with oskar mRNA and activate its translation, but fails to localize the RNA to the posterior. In contrast, Staufen lacking dsRBD5 localizes oskar mRNA normally, but does not activate its translation. Thus, dsRBD2 is required for the microtubule-dependent localization of osk mRNA, and dsRBD5 for the derepression of oskar mRNA translation, once localized. Since dsRBD5 has been shown to direct the actin-dependent localization of prospero mRNA, distinct domains of Staufen mediate microtubule- and actin-based mRNA transport.  相似文献   

Mammalian H/ACA RNPs are essential for ribosome biogenesis, pre-mRNA splicing, and telomere maintenance. To form mature RNA-protein complexes, one H/ACA RNA associates with four core proteins. In the cell, this process is assisted by at least one nuclear assembly factor, NAF1. Here we report several unanticipated dynamic aspects of H/ACA RNP proteins. First, when overexpressed, NAF1 delocalizes to the cytoplasm. However, its nucleocytoplasmic shuttling properties remain unaffected. These observations demonstrate a subtle equilibrium between NAF1 expression levels and the availability of NAF1 nuclear binding sites. Second, although NAF1 is excluded from mature RNPs in nucleoli and Cajal bodies, NAF1 associates with mature H/ACA RNA in cell lysates. This association occurs post-lysis because it is observed even when NAF1 and the H/ACA RNA are expressed in separate cells. This documents a protein-RNP association in cell lysates that is absent from intact cells. Third, in similar experiments, all H/ACA core proteins, except NAP57, exchange with their exogenous counterparts, portraying an unexpected dynamic picture of H/ACA RNPs. Finally, the irreversible association of only NAP57 with H/ACA RNA and the conundrum that only NAP57 is mutated in X-linked dyskeratosis congenita (even though most core proteins are required for maintaining H/ACA RNAs) may be more than a coincidence.  相似文献   

A complex program of translational repression, mRNA localization, and translational activation ensures that Oskar (Osk) protein accumulates only at the posterior pole of the Drosophila oocyte. Inappropriate expression of Osk disrupts embryonic axial patterning, and is lethal. A key factor in translational repression is Bruno (Bru), which binds to regulatory elements in the osk mRNA 3′ UTR. After posterior localization of osk mRNA, repression by Bru must be alleviated. Here we describe an in vivo assay system to monitor the spatial pattern of Bru-dependent repression, separate from the full complexity of osk regulation. This assay reveals a form of translational activation—region-specific activation—which acts regionally in the oocyte, is not mechanistically coupled to mRNA localization, and functions by inhibiting repression by Bru. We also show that Bru dimerizes and identify mutations that disrupt this interaction to test its role in vivo. Loss of dimerization does not disrupt repression, as might have been expected from an existing model for the mechanism of repression. However, loss of dimerization does impair regional activation of translation, suggesting that dimerization may constrain, not promote, repression. Our work provides new insight into the question of how localized mRNAs become translationally active, showing that repression of osk mRNA is locally inactivated by a mechanism acting independent of mRNA localization.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous nuclear protein complexes (hnRNP) containing the precursor RNA from the adenovirus early region 2 were analysed to determine the specificity of protein-RNA interaction. RNA precursor sequences were present in isolated hnRNP complexes and endogenous 30S particles. At least 20-40 bases long fragments were protected when RNase A was used to remove unprotected RNA sequences in hnRNA complexes. Similarly around 40 bases of RNA were protected in 30S particles. These sequences represent discrete regions of the adenovirus genome. Especially sequences complementary to the EcoRI-F fragment encoding the first leader and the major intron for the DNA binding protein (DBP) RNA precursor, were analysed in detail. Tentatively, sequences resistant to RNase A were located in the middle of the intron and at the splice-donor junction of the first leader of the DBP precursor RNA. The same sequences were identified irrespective whether hnRNP complexes or 30S particles were used suggesting that 30S particles originate from hnRNP complexes. A 38.000 dalton protein appears to be in direct contact with RNA sequences complementary to the EcoRI-F fragment.  相似文献   

The p97-Ufd1-Npl4 ATPase complex is associated with the response to DNA damage and replication stress, but how its inactivation leads to manifestation of chromosome instability is unclear. Here, we show that p97-Ufd1-Npl4 has an additional direct role in the G2/M checkpoint. Upon DNA damage, p97-Ufd1-Npl4 binds CDC25A downstream of ubiquitination by the SCF-βTrCP ligase and facilitates its proteasomal degradation. Depletion of Ufd1-Npl4 leads to G2/M checkpoint failure due to persistent CDC25 activity and propagation of DNA damage into mitosis with deleterious effects on chromosome segregation. Thus, p97-Ufd1-Npl4 is an integral part of G2/M checkpoint signaling and thereby suppresses chromosome instability.  相似文献   

The localization of Oskar at the posterior pole of the Drosophila oocyte induces the assembly of the pole plasm and therefore defines where the abdomen and germ cells form in the embryo. This localization is achieved by the targeting of oskar mRNA to the posterior and the localized activation of its translation. oskar mRNA seems likely to be actively transported along microtubules, since its localization requires both an intact microtubule cytoskeleton and the plus end-directed motor kinesin I, but nothing is known about how the RNA is coupled to the motor. Here, we describe barentsz, a novel gene required for the localization of oskar mRNA. In contrast to all other mutations that disrupt this process, barentsz-null mutants completely block the posterior localization of oskar mRNA without affecting bicoid and gurken mRNA localization, the organization of the microtubules, or subsequent steps in pole plasm assembly. Surprisingly, most mutant embryos still form an abdomen, indicating that oskar mRNA localization is partially redundant with the translational control. Barentsz protein colocalizes to the posterior with oskar mRNA, and this localization is oskar mRNA dependent. Thus, Barentsz is essential for the posterior localization of oskar mRNA and behaves as a specific component of the oskar RNA transport complex.  相似文献   

The localization of mRNAs to discrete cytoplasmic sites is important for the function of many, and perhaps all, cells. Many mRNAs are thought to be localized in a directed fashion along microtubule tracts. This appears to be the case for several mRNAs that are synthesized in Drosophila nurse cells and then transported into, and localized within, the oocyte. In this report, we compare the transport/localization kinetics and dynamics of three such mRNAs, K10, bicoid, and oskar. We generated flies carrying heat shock—K10, -bicoid, or -oskar fusion genes, which allowed us to carry out the molecular genetics equivalent of a pulse chase experiment. Our analyses indicate that K10, bicoid, and oskar mRNA transport and localization are a continuous process involving multiple movements of the same mRNA molecules. The transport and early localization dynamics of the three mRNAs are indistinguishable from each other and, in order, include accumulation in the apical regions of nurse cells, transport to the posterior pole of the oocyte, and movement to the oocyte's anterior cortex at stage 8. We also show that the rate of transport is the same in each case, ∼︁1.1 μm/min. Only after stage 8 are RNA-specific movements seen The similarities in the transport/early localization kinetics and dynamics of K10, bicoid, and oskar mRNAs suggest that such events are mediated by a common set of factors. We also observe that all three mRNAs localize to the apical regions of somatic follicle cells when expressed in such cells, suggesting that the transport/early localization factors are widespread and involved in the localization of mRNAs in many tissues. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Localization of oskar mRNA includes two distinct phases: transport from nurse cells to the oocyte, a process typically accompanied by cortical anchoring in the oocyte, followed by posterior localization within the oocyte. Signals within the oskar 3’ UTR directing transport are individually weak, a feature previously hypothesized to facilitate exchange between the different localization machineries. We show that alteration of the SL2a stem-loop structure containing the oskar transport and anchoring signal (TAS) removes an inhibitory effect such that in vitro binding by the RNA transport factor, Egalitarian, is elevated as is in vivo transport from the nurse cells into the oocyte. Cortical anchoring within the oocyte is also enhanced, interfering with posterior localization. We also show that mutation of Staufen recognized structures (SRSs), predicted binding sites for Staufen, disrupts posterior localization of oskar mRNA just as in staufen mutants. Two SRSs in SL2a, one overlapping the Egalitarian binding site, are inferred to mediate Staufen-dependent inhibition of TAS anchoring activity, thereby promoting posterior localization. The other three SRSs in the oskar 3’ UTR are also required for posterior localization, including two located distant from any known transport signal. Staufen, thus, plays multiple roles in localization of oskar mRNA.  相似文献   

Subcellular localization of glutathione and thermal sensitivity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were exposed to various concentrations of diethylmaleate (DEM) during a 42 degrees C incubation to determine if glutathione (GSH) compartmentalization was a factor in modification of thermal sensitivity. Cytoplasmic and mitochondrial GSH were isolated from CHO cells immediately after a hyperthermic treatment consisting of 2 h at 42 degrees C. Under these experimental conditions differential GSH depletion between the cytosol and mitochondrial compartments were observed. For example, 12 microM DEM was needed to deplete cytoplasmic GSH by 50% compared to 24 microM DEM needed to deplete mitochondrial GSH to the same level. Further, an ln-ln plot of the relative cytosolic GSH concentration vs the DEM concentration indicated a linear relationship (slope = -1.0). In contrast, the mitochondrial GSH plot exhibited a shoulder followed by a linear removal (slope = -0.90). Essentially the two linear curves were parallel. Analysis of thermal dose-response curves for cells exposed to between 10 and 100 microM DEM indicated that cell survival was unaffected by the addition of DEM until a critical concentration was surpassed. This threshold response was interpreted to mean that mitochondrial GSH depletion was the limiting factor.  相似文献   

Shulman JM  Benton R  St Johnston D 《Cell》2000,101(4):377-388
In C. elegans, the PAR-1 kinase is localized to the posterior of the zygote and is required for anterior-posterior axis formation. Here, we report that a Drosophila PAR-1 homolog localizes to the posterior of the oocyte with oskar mRNA. Furthermore, par-1 mutants show a novel polarity phenotype in which bicoid mRNA accumulates normally at the anterior, but oskar mRNA is redirected to the center of the oocyte, resulting in embryonic patterning defects. These phenotypes arise from a disorganization of the oocyte microtubule cytoskeleton, consistent with reports that mammalian PAR-1 homologs regulate microtubule dynamics. Thus, Drosophila PAR-1 may remodel the oocyte microtubule network to define the posterior as the site for oskar localization. These results identify a molecular parallel between anterior-posterior polarization in Drosophila and C. elegans.  相似文献   

The coupled regulation of oskar mRNA localization and translation in time and space is critical for correct anteroposterior patterning of the Drosophila embryo. Localization-dependent translation of oskar mRNA, a mechanism whereby oskar RNA localized at the posterior of the oocyte is selectively translated and the unlocalized RNA remains in a translationally repressed state, ensures that Oskar activity is present exclusively at the posterior pole. Genetic experiments indicate that translational repression involves the binding of Bruno protein to multiple sites, the Bruno Response Elements (BRE), in the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of oskar mRNA. We have established a cell-free translation system derived from Drosophila ovaries, which faithfully reproduces critical features of mRNA translation in vivo, namely cap structure and poly(A) tail dependence. We show that this ovary extract, containing endogenous Bruno, is able to recapitulate oskar mRNA regulation in a BRE-dependent way. Thus, the assembly of a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex leading to the translationally repressed state occurs in vitro. Moreover, we show that a Drosophila embryo extract lacking Bruno efficiently translates oskar mRNA. Addition of recombinant Bruno to this extract establishes the repressed state in a BRE-dependent manner, providing a direct biochemical demonstration of the critical role of Bruno in oskar mRNA translation. The approach that we describe opens new avenues to investigate translational regulation in Drosophila oogenesis at a biochemical level.  相似文献   

The motility genes motA and motB of Escherichia coli were placed under control of the Serratia marcescens trp promoter. After induction with beta-indoleacrylic acid, the levels of MotA and MotB rose over about a 3-h period, reaching plateau levels approximately 50-fold higher than wild-type levels. Both overproduced proteins inserted into the cytoplasmic membrane. Growth and motility were essentially normal, suggesting that although the motor is a proton-conducting device, MotA and MotB together do not constitute a major proton leak. Derivative plasmids which maintained an intact version of motB but had the motA coding region deleted in various ways were constructed. With these, the levels of MotB were much lower, reaching a peak within 30 min after induction and declining thereafter; pulse-chase measurements indicated that a contributing factor was MotB degradation. The low levels of MotB occurred even with an in-frame internal deletion of motA, whose translational initiation and termination sites were intact, suggesting that it is the MotA protein, rather than the process of MotA synthesis, that is important for MotB stability. Termination at the usual site of overlap with the start of motB (ATGA) was not an absolute requirement for MotB synthesis but did result in higher rates of synthesis than when translation of motA information terminated prematurely. Even in the total absence of MotA, the MotB that was synthesized was found exclusively in the cytoplasmic membrane fraction. In wild-type cells, MotA was estimated by immunoprecipitation to be in about fourfold excess over MotB; a previous estimate of 600 +/- 250 copies of MotA per cell then yielded an estimate of 150 +/- 70 copies of MotB per cell.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitter release from presynaptic nerve terminals is regulated by soluble NSF attachment protein receptor (SNARE) complex–mediated synaptic vesicle fusion. Tomosyn inhibits SNARE complex formation and neurotransmitter release by sequestering syntaxin-1 through its C-terminal vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP)–like domain (VLD). However, in tomosyn-deficient mice, the SNARE complex formation is unexpectedly decreased. In this study, we demonstrate that the N-terminal WD-40 repeat domain of tomosyn catalyzes the oligomerization of the SNARE complex. Microinjection of the tomosyn N-terminal WD-40 repeat domain into neurons prevented stimulated acetylcholine release. Thus, tomosyn inhibits neurotransmitter release by catalyzing oligomerization of the SNARE complex through the N-terminal WD-40 repeat domain in addition to the inhibitory activity of the C-terminal VLD.  相似文献   

Mitochondria divide and fuse continuously, and the balance between these two processes regulates mitochondrial shape. Alterations in mitochondrial dynamics are associated with neurodegenerative diseases. Here we investigate the physiological and cellular functions of mitochondrial division in postmitotic neurons using in vivo and in vitro gene knockout for the mitochondrial division protein Drp1. When mouse Drp1 was deleted in postmitotic Purkinje cells in the cerebellum, mitochondrial tubules elongated due to excess fusion, became large spheres due to oxidative damage, accumulated ubiquitin and mitophagy markers, and lost respiratory function, leading to neurodegeneration. Ubiquitination of mitochondria was independent of the E3 ubiquitin ligase parkin in Purkinje cells lacking Drp1. Treatment with antioxidants rescued mitochondrial swelling and cell death in Drp1KO Purkinje cells. Moreover, hydrogen peroxide converted elongated tubules into large spheres in Drp1KO fibroblasts. Our findings suggest that mitochondrial division serves as a quality control mechanism to suppress oxidative damage and thus promote neuronal survival.  相似文献   

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