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The specific volumes of six 1,2-diacylphosphatidylcholines with monounsaturated acyl chains (diCn:1PC, n=14-24 is the even number of acyl chain carbons) in fluid bilayers in multilamellar vesicles dispersed in H(2)O were determined by the vibrating tube densitometry as a function of temperature. From the data obtained with diCn:1PC (n=14-22) vesicles in combination with the densitometric data from Tristram-Nagle et al. [Tristram-Nagle, S., Petrache, H.I., Nagle, J.F., 1998. Structure and interactions of fully hydrated dioleoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers. Biophys. J. 75, 917-925.] and Koenig and Gawrisch [Koenig, B.W., Gawrisch, K., 2005. Specific volumes of unsaturated phosphatidylcholines in the liquid crystalline lamellar phase. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1715, 65-70.], the component volumes of phosphatidylcholines in fully hydrated fluid bilayers at 30 degrees C were obtained. The volume of the acyl chain CH and CH(2) group is V(CH)=22.30 A(3) and V(CH2) =A(3), respectively. The volume of the headgroup including the glyceryl and acyl carbonyls, V(H), and the ratio of acyl chain methyl and methylene group volumes, r=V(CH3):V(CH2) are linearly interdependent: V(H)=a-br, where a=434.41 A(3) and b=-55.36 A(3) at 30 degrees C. From the temperature dependencies of component volumes, their isobaric thermal expansivities (alpha(X)=V(X)(-1)(partial differential V(X)/ partial differential T) where X=CH(2), CH, or H were calculated: alpha(CH2)=118.4x10(-5)K(-1), alpha(CH)=71.0x10(-5)K(-1), alpha(H)=7.9x10(-5)K(-1) (for r=2) and alpha(H)=9.6x10(-5)K(-1) (for r=1.9). The specific volume of diC24:1PC changes at the main gel-fluid phase transition temperature, t(m)=26.7 degrees C, by 0.0621 ml/g, its specific volume is 0.9561 and 1.02634 ml/g at 20 and 30 degrees C, respectively, and its isobaric thermal expansivity alpha=68.7x10(-5) and 109.2x10(-5)K(-1) below and above t(m), respectively. The component volumes and thermal expansivities obtained can be used for the interpretation of X-ray and neutron scattering and diffraction experiments and for the guiding and testing molecular dynamics simulations of phosphatidylcholine bilayers in the fluid state.  相似文献   

The specific volumes of seven 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholines with symmetric, unbranched acyl chains containing one, four, or six cis double bonds per chain, or with a saturated sn-1 chain and one, four, or six cis double bonds in the sn-2 chain were determined by the neutral buoyancy method. Experiments were conducted in the liquid crystalline lamellar phase over the temperature range from 5 to 35 °C. It is demonstrated that the molecular volume of phosphatidylcholines can be well approximated as the sum of a constant volume of the polar lipid head region and the temperature-dependent volumes of hydrocarbon chain CH2, CH, and terminal CH3 groups. A linear dependence of chain segment volumes on temperature was observed. A self-consistent set of partially temperature-dependent volumes is obtained that allows prediction of phosphatidylcholine molecular volumes within very tight error margins.  相似文献   

Sphingolipids have been found to have single methyl branchings both in their long-chain base and in their N-linked acyl chains. In this study we determined how methyl-branching in the N-linked acyl chain of sphingomyelin (SM) affected their membrane properties. SM analogs with a single methyl-branching at carbon 15 (of a 17:0 acyl chain; anteiso) had a lower gel-liquid transition temperature as compared to an iso-branched SM analog. Phytanoyl SM (methyls at carbons 3, 7, 11 and 15) as well as a SM analog with a methyl on carbon 10 in a hexadecanoyl chain failed to show a gel-liquid transition above 10 °C. Only the two distally branched SM analogs (iso and anteiso) formed ordered domains with cholesterol in a 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) bilayer. However, domains formed by the branched SM analogs appeared to contain less sterol when compared to palmitoyl SM (PSM) as the saturated phospholipid. Sterol-enriched domains formed by the anteiso SM analog were also less stable against temperature than domains formed by PSM. Both the 10-methyl and phytanoyl SM analogs failed to form sterol-enriched domains in the POPC bilayer. Acyl chain branching weakened SM/sterol interactions markedly when compared to PSM, as also evidenced from the decreased affinity of cholestatrienol to bilayers containing branched SM analogs. Our results show that methyl-branching weakened intermolecular interactions in a position-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Stargardt disease-3 (STGD3) is a juvenile dominant macular degeneration caused by mutations in elongase of very long chain fatty acid-4. All identified mutations produce a truncated protein which lacks a motif for protein retention in endoplasmic reticulum, the site of fatty acid synthesis. In these studies of Stgd3-knockin mice carrying a human pathogenic mutation, we examined two potential pathogenic mechanisms: truncated protein-induced cellular stress and lipid product deficiency. Analysis of mutant retinas detected no cellular stress but demonstrated selective deficiency of C32-C36 acyl phosphatidylcholines. We conclude that this deficit leads to the human STGD3 pathology.  相似文献   

Membrane microdomains, such as caveolae and rafts, are enriched in cholesterol and sphingomyelin, display liquid-ordered phase properties, and putatively function as protein organizing platforms. The goal of this investigation was to identify sterol and sphingomyelin structural features that modulate surface compression and solubilization by detergent because liquid-ordered phase displays low lateral elasticity and resists solubilization by Triton X-100. Compared to cholesterol, sterol structural changes involved either altering the polar headgroup (e.g., 6-ketocholestanol) or eliminating the isooctyl hydrocarbon tail (e.g., 5-androsten-3beta-ol). Synthetic changes to sphingomyelin resulted in homogeneous acyl chains of differing length but of biological relevance. Using a Langmuir surface balance, surface compressional moduli were assessed at various surface pressures including those (pi > or =30 mN/m) that mimic biomembrane conditions. Sphingomyelin-sterol mixtures generally were less elastic in a lateral sense than chain-matched phosphatidylcholine-sterol mixtures at equivalent high sterol mole fractions. Increasing content of 6-ketocholestanol or 5-androsten-3beta-ol in sphingomyelin decreased lateral elasticity but much less effectively than cholesterol. Our results indicate that cholesterol is ideally structured for maximally reducing the lateral elasticity of membrane sphingolipids, for enabling resistance to Triton X-100 solubilization, and for interacting with sphingomyelins that contain saturated acyl chains similar in length to their sphingoid bases.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry-based methods have become increasingly important in structural biology — in particular for large and dynamic, even heterogeneous assemblies of biomolecules. Native electrospray ionization coupled to ion mobility-mass spectrometry provides access to stoichiometry, size and architecture of noncovalent assemblies; while non-native approaches such as covalent labeling and H/D exchange can highlight dynamic details of protein structures and capture intermediate states. In this overview article we will describe these methods and highlight some recent applications for proteins and protein complexes, with particular emphasis on native MS analysis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Mass spectrometry in structural biology.  相似文献   

Lipids are involved in many biological processes and their study is constantly increasing. To identify a lipid among thousand requires of reliable methods and techniques. Ion Mobility (IM) can be coupled with Mass Spectrometry (MS) to increase analytical selectivity in lipid analysis of lipids. IM-MS has experienced an enormous development in several aspects, including instrumentation, sensitivity, amount of information collected and lipid identification capabilities. This review summarizes the latest developments in IM-MS analyses for lipidomics and focuses on the current acquisition modes in IM-MS, the approaches for the pre-treatment of the acquired data and the subsequent data analysis. Methods and tools for the calculation of Collision Cross Section (CCS) values of analytes are also reviewed. CCS values are commonly studied to support the identification of lipids, providing a quasi-orthogonal property that increases the confidence level in the annotation of compounds and can be matched in CCS databases. The information contained in this review might be of help to new users of IM-MS to decide the adequate instrumentation and software to perform IM-MS experiments for lipid analyses, but also for other experienced researchers that can reconsider their routines and protocols.  相似文献   

Clostridium perfringens alpha-toxin degrades phosphatidylcholine (PC) in the bilayer of liposomes and destroys the membrane. The effect of the type and position of unsaturation in the fatty acyl chain of PC (18:0/18:1 PC) synthesized on the toxin-induced leakage of carboxyfluorescein (CF) from PC liposomes was examined. Differential scanning calorimetry showed that the phase transition temperature (Tm) was minimal when the triple bond was positioned at C (9) in the sn-2 acyl chain. The toxin-induced CF leakage decreased with the migration of the bond from C (9) to either end of the acyl chain in PC. The PC containing the cis-double bond had a similar Tm to that with the triple bond, but a lower value than the PC containing the trans-double bond. Furthermore, the toxin-induced leakage from liposomes composed of PC containing the cis-double bond resembled that with PC having the triple bond and was greater than that from liposomes with PC having the trans-double bond. The binding of a H148G mutant to PC liposomes showed a reciprocal relationship in terms of the Tm value of PC containing the triple bond. These results indicate that the toxin-induced membrane damage is closely related to membrane fluidity in liposomes.  相似文献   

Lung surfactant protein B (SP-B) is critical to minimizing surface tension in the alveoli. The C-terminus of SP-B, residues 59-80, has much of the surface activity of the full protein and serves as a template for the development of synthetic surfactant replacements. The molecular mechanisms responsible for its ability to restore lung compliance were investigated with circular dichroism, differential scanning calorimetry, and 31P and 2H solid-state NMR spectroscopy. SP-B59-80 forms an amphipathic helix which alters lipid organization and acyl chain dynamics in fluid lamellar phase 4:1 DPPC:POPG and 3:1 POPC:POPG MLVs. At higher levels of SP-B59-80 in the POPC:POPG lipid system a transition to a nonlamellar phase is observed while DPPC:POPG mixtures remain in a lamellar phase. Deuterium NMR shows an increase in acyl chain order in DPPC:POPG MLVs on addition of SP-B59-80; in POPC:POPG MLVs, acyl chain order parameters decrease. Our results indicate SP-B59-80 penetrates deeply into DPPC:POPG bilayers and binds more peripherally to POPC:POPG bilayers. Similar behavior has been observed for KL4, a peptide mimetic of SP-B which was originally designed using SP-B59-80 as a template and has been clinically demonstrated to be successful in treating respiratory distress syndrome. The ability of these helical peptides to differentially partition into lipid lamellae based on their degree of monounsaturation and subsequent changes in lipid dynamics suggest a mechanism for lipid organization and trafficking within the dynamic lung environment.  相似文献   

The decomposition stage and stabilization of organic matter in biowaste (mixture of yard waste and kitchen waste), originating from an open windrow process, were investigated using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and pyrolysis-field ionization mass spectrometry (Py-FIMS). These investigations provided detailed information about chemical constituents and their behavior during the composting process. The chemical compounds were classified by their molecular signals in Py-FIMS. Multivariate statistical analysis revealed, that during the composting process, the group containing lipids, fatty acids and other chemical compounds with aliphatic skeletons changed the most. Corresponding with Py-FIMS findings changes were observed in absorbance bands of infrared spectra that reflect this group of organic compounds: the aliphatic methylene bands at 2925 and 2850cm-1, the band of C=O vibrations of carboxylates at 1640cm-1, the O=H in-plane bend of carboxylic acids, the CO2 stretch of carboxylates and the CH2 group of alkanes at around 1430cm-1. During decomposition these bands decreased up to a steady level that indicated stabilization. The band at 1260–1240cm-1 that can be assigned to the C=O stretch of carboxylic acids or to the C=N stretch of amides and the band of aromatic amines at 1320cm-1 disappeared completely. The nitrate band at 1384cm-1 appeared at a later stage of the composting process. The relative increase of chemical compounds like moieties of lignin, humic acids and tannins in the composted material contributed to the aromatic C=C band at around 1640cm-1.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of phospholipids on PON1 activities, purified PON1 was exposed to phospholipids prior to the determination of arylesterase and paraoxonase activities. Phosphatidylcholines with saturated acyl chains (C10-C16) showed a stimulation of both activities, chain length-dependent, with a greater stimulation of arylesterase activity, suggesting the implication of lipid bilayer in the stimulatory action. Such a preferable stimulation of arylesterase activity was more remarkable with phosphatidylcholines with polyunsaturated acyl chains or oxidized chains at sn-2 position, implying that the packing degree of acyl chain may be also important for the preferable stimulation of arylesterase activity. Separately, 1-palmitoyl-lysoPC also stimulated arylesterase activity preferably, indicating that the micellar formation of lipids around PON1 also contributes to the stimulatory action. Additionally, phosphatidylglycerols slightly enhanced arylesterase activity, but not paraoxonase activity. In contrast, phosphatidylserine and phosphatidic acid (≥0.1 mM) inhibited both activities Further, such a preferable stimulation of arylesterase activity by phosphatidylcholines was also reproduced with VLDL-bound PON1, although to a less extent. These data indicate that phosphatidylcholines with polyunsaturated acyl chains or oxidized chain, or lysophosphatidylcholine cause a preferable stimulation of arylesterase activity, thereby contributing to the decrease in the ratio of paraoxonase activity to arylesterase activity.  相似文献   

In vivo oxidation of glycerophospholipid generates a variety of products including truncated oxidized phospholipids (tOx-PLs). The fatty acyl chains at the sn-2 position of tOx-PLs are shorter in length than the parent non-oxidized phospholipids and contain a polar functional group(s) at the end. The effect of oxidatively modified sn-2 fatty acyl chain on the physicochemical properties of tOx-PLs aggregates has not been addressed in detail, although there are few reports that modified fatty acyl chain primarily determines the biological activities of tOx-PLs. In this study we have compared the properties of four closely related tOx-PLs which differ only in the type of modified fatty acyl chain present at the sn-2 position: 1-palmitoyl-2-azelaoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (PazePC), 1-palmitoyl-2-(9′-oxo-nonanoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (PoxnoPC), 1-palmitoyl-2-glutaroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (PGPC), and 1-palmitoyl-2-(5′-oxo-valeroyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POVPC). Aggregates of individual tOx-PL in aqueous solution were characterized by fluorescence spectroscopy, size exclusion chromatography, native polyacrylamide and agarose gel electrophoresis. The data suggest that aggregates of four closely related tOx-PLs form micelle-like particles of considerably different properties. Our result provides first direct evidence that because of the specific chemical composition of the sn-2 fatty acyl chain aggregates of particular tOx-PL possess a distinctive set of physicochemical properties.  相似文献   

Lipids that are labeled with the NBD (7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl) group are widely used as fluorescent analogues of native lipids in biological and model membranes to monitor a variety of processes. The NBD group of acyl chain labeled NBD lipids is known to loop up to the membrane interface in fluid phase membranes. However, the organization of these lipids in gel phase membranes is not resolved. In this paper, we monitored the influence of the membrane phase state on the looping up behavior of acyl chain labeled NBD lipids utilizing red edge excitation shift (REES) and other sensitive fluorescence approaches. Interestingly, our REES results indicate that NBD group of lipids, which are labeled at the fatty acyl region, resides in the more hydrophobic region in gel phase membranes, and complete looping of the NBD group occurs only in the fluid phase. This is supported by other fluorescence parameters such as polarization and lifetime. Taken together, our results demonstrate that membrane packing, which depends on temperature and the phase state of the membrane, significantly affects the localization of acyl chain labeled NBD lipids. In view of the wide ranging use of NBD-labeled lipids in cell and membrane biology, these results could have potentially important implications in future studies involving these lipids as tracers.  相似文献   

Siderophores are known virulence factors, and their biosynthesis is a target for new antibacterial agents. A non-ribosomal peptide synthetase-independent siderophore biosynthetic pathway in Dickeya dadantii is responsible for production of the siderophore achromobactin. The D. dadantii achromobactin biosynthesis protein D (AcsD) enzyme has been shown to enantioselectively esterify citric acid with l-serine in the first committed step of achromobactin biosynthesis. The reaction occurs in two steps: stereospecific activation of citric acid by adenylation, followed by attack of the enzyme-bound citryl adenylate by l-serine to produce the homochiral ester. We now report a detailed characterization of the substrate profile and mechanism of the second (acyl transfer) step of AcsD enzyme. We demonstrate that the enzyme catalyzes formation of not only esters but also amides from the citryl-adenylate intermediate. We have rationalized the substrate utilization profile for the acylation reaction by determining the first X-ray crystal structure of a product complex for this enzyme class. We have identified the residues that are important for both recognition of l-serine and catalysis of ester formation. Our hypotheses were tested by biochemical analysis of various mutants, one of which shows a reversal of specificity from the wild type with respect to non-natural substrates. This change can be rationalized on the basis of our structural data. That this change in specificity is accompanied by no loss in activity suggests that AcsD and other members of the non-ribosomal peptide synthetase-independent siderophore superfamily may have biotransformation potential.  相似文献   

Arachidonoyl ethanolamine (anandamide) and pros­taglandin ethanolamines (prostamides) are biologically active derivatives of arachidonic acid. Although available through different precursor phospholipids, there is considerable overlap between the biosynthetic pathways of arachidonic acid-derived eicosanoids and anandamide-derived prostamides. Prostamides exhibit physiological actions and are involved in ocular hypotension, smooth muscle contraction, and inflammatory pain. Although topical application of bimatoprost, a structural analog of prostaglandin F ethanolamide (PGF-EA), is currently a first-line treatment for ocular hypertension, the endogenous production of prostamides and their biochemical precursors in corneal tissue has not yet been reported. In this study, we report the presence of anandamide, palmitoyl-, stearoyl-, α-linolenoyl docosahexaenoyl-, linoleoyl-, and oleoyl-ethanolamines in rabbit cornea, and following treatment with anandamide, the formation of PGF-EA, PGE2-EA, PGD2-EA by corneal extracts (all analyzed by LC/ESI-MS/MS). A number of N-acyl phosphatidylethanolamines, precursors of anandamide and other fatty acyl ethanolamines, were also identified in corneal lipid extracts using ESI-MS/MS. These findings suggest that the prostamide and fatty acid ethanolamine pathways are operational in the cornea and may provide valuable insight into corneal physiology and their potential influence on adjacent tissues and the aqueous humor.  相似文献   

Chemical cross-linking of proteins in combination with mass spectrometric analysis of the reaction products has gained renewed interest as a method of obtaining distance constraints within a protein and determining a low-resolution three-dimensional structure. We present a method for identifying spatially close sulfhydryl groups in proteins employing chemical cross-linking with the fluorogenic, homobifunctional cross-linker dibromobimane, which cross-links thiol pairs within approximately 3-6A. The applicability of our strategy was demonstrated by cross-linking the sulfhydryl groups of Cys-18 and Cys-78 in gamma-crystallin F, which are within a distance of 3.57A according to the X-ray structure. Intramolecularly cross-linked gamma-crystallin was first separated from reaction side products by reversed-phase chromatography on a C-4 column. Subsequently, the fraction containing the reacted protein was enzymatically digested with trypsin, and the resulting peptide mixture was separated by a second reversed-phase chromatographic step on a C-18 column, in which the cross-linked peptides were tracked by their fluorescence. The cross-linking product between Cys-18 and Cys-78 in gamma-crystallin F was identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. This strategy presents a rapid method for mapping sulfhydryl groups separated by a distance of approximately 3-6A within a protein.  相似文献   

Nanospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry has been used to study the assembly of the heptamer of the Escherichia coli cochaperonin protein GroES, a system previously described as a monomer-heptamer equilibrium. In addition to the monomers and heptamers, we have found measurable amounts of dimers and hexamers, the presence of which suggests the following mechanism for heptamer assembly: 2 Monomers <--> Dimer; 3 Dimers <--> Hexamer; Hexamer + Monomer <--> Heptamer. Equilibrium constants for each of these steps, and an overall constant for the Monomer <--> Heptamer equilibrium, have been estimated from the data. These constants imply a standard free-energy change, DeltaG(0), of about 9 kcal/mol for each contact surface formed between GroES subunits, except for the addition of the last subunit, where DeltaG(0) = 6 kcal/mol. This lower value probably reflects the loss of entropy when the heptamer ring is formed. These experiments illustrate the advantages of electrospray mass spectrometry as a method of measuring all components of a multiple equilibrium system.  相似文献   

In this report, we introduce a liquid chromatography single-mass spectrometry method for metabolome quantification, using the LTQ Orbitrap high-resolution mass spectrometer. Analytes were separated with hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography. At a working resolution of 30,000 (at m/z 400), the limit of detection varied from 50 fmol to 5 pmol for 25 metabolites tested. In terms of metabolite concentration, the linearity was about 2 to 3 orders of magnitude for most compounds (R2 > 0.99). To determine the accuracy of the system in complex sample matrices, the isotope dilution method was evaluated from mixtures of pure compounds and uniformly 13C-labeled cell extracts. With the application of this method, quantification was possible within single runs even when the pool sizes of individual metabolites varied from 0.13 to 55.6 μM. As a case study, intracellular concentrations of central metabolites were determined for Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 during growth on two different carbon sources, methanol and succinate. Reproducible results from technical and biological repetitions were obtained that revealed significant variations of intracellular metabolite pool sizes, depending on the carbon source. The LTQ Obitrap offers new perspectives and strategies for metabolome quantification.  相似文献   

Husson SJ  Schoofs L 《FEBS letters》2007,581(22):4288-4292
Cellular synthesis of naturally occurring, bioactive peptides requires the proprotein convertase PC2/EGL-3 for cleavage from the larger peptide precursors. A neuroendocrine chaperone 7B2 is needed for the proteolytical activation of proPC2, as extensively studied in mouse models. To determine the role of its orthologue in Caenorhabditis elegans, we analyzed wild-type and 7B2-null strains by HPLC and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, which allowed the identification of a novel neuropeptide gene, flp-33. The presence and/or absence of some neuropeptides in 7B2-null animals strongly differs form the peptide profile in wild-type, suggesting a specific and determined action of 7B2 in C. elegans.  相似文献   

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