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Abnormal phosphorylation (“hyperphosphorylation”) and aggregation of Tau protein are hallmarks of Alzheimer disease and other tauopathies, but their causative connection is still a matter of debate. Tau with Alzheimer-like phosphorylation is also present in hibernating animals, mitosis, or during embryonic development, without leading to pathophysiology or neurodegeneration. Thus, the role of phosphorylation and the distinction between physiological and pathological phosphorylation needs to be further refined. So far, the systematic investigation of highly phosphorylated Tau was difficult because a reliable method of preparing reproducible quantities was not available. Here, we generated full-length Tau (2N4R) in Sf9 cells in a well defined phosphorylation state containing up to ∼20 phosphates as judged by mass spectrometry and Western blotting with phospho-specific antibodies. Despite the high concentration in living Sf9 cells (estimated ∼230 μm) and high phosphorylation, the protein was not aggregated. However, after purification, the highly phosphorylated protein readily formed oligomers, whereas fibrils were observed only rarely. Exposure of mature primary neuronal cultures to oligomeric phospho-Tau caused reduction of spine density on dendrites but did not change the overall cell viability.  相似文献   

The aggregation of Tau into paired helical filaments is involved in the pathogenesis of several neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer disease. The aggregation reaction is characterized by conformational conversion of the repeat domain, which partially adopts a cross-β-structure in the resulting amyloid-like fibrils. Here, we report the selection and characterization of an engineered binding protein, β-wrapin TP4, targeting the Tau repeat domain. TP4 was obtained by phage display using the four-repeat Tau construct K18ΔK280 as a target. TP4 binds K18ΔK280 as well as the longest isoform of human Tau, hTau40, with nanomolar affinity. NMR spectroscopy identified two alternative TP4-binding sites in the four-repeat domain, with each including two hexapeptide motifs with high β-sheet propensity. Both binding sites contain the aggregation-determining PHF6 hexapeptide within repeat 3. In addition, one binding site includes the PHF6* hexapeptide within repeat 2, whereas the other includes the corresponding hexapeptide Tau(337–342) within repeat 4, denoted PHF6**. Comparison of TP4-binding with Tau aggregation reveals that the same regions of Tau are involved in both processes. TP4 inhibits Tau aggregation at substoichiometric concentration, demonstrating that it interferes with aggregation nucleation. This study provides residue-level insight into the interaction of Tau with an aggregation inhibitor and highlights the structural flexibility of Tau.  相似文献   

Alzheimer disease neurons are characterized by extraneuronal plaques formed by aggregated amyloid-β peptide and by intraneuronal tangles composed of fibrillar aggregates of the microtubule-associated Tau protein. Tau is mostly found in a hyperphosphorylated form in these tangles. Glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) is a proline-directed kinase generally considered as one of the major players that (hyper)phosphorylates Tau. The kinase phosphorylates mainly (Ser/Thr)-Pro motifs and is believed to require a priming activity by another kinase. Here, we use an in vitro phosphorylation assay and NMR spectroscopy to characterize in a qualitative and quantitative manner the phosphorylation of Tau by GSK3β. We find that three residues can be phosphorylated (Ser-396, Ser-400, and Ser-404) by GSK3β alone, without priming. Ser-404 is essential in this process, as its mutation to Ala prevents all activity of GSK3β. However, priming enhances the catalytic efficacy of the kinase, as initial phosphorylation of Ser-214 by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) leads to the rapid modification by GSK3β of four regularly spaced additional sites. Because the regular incorporation of negative charges by GSK3β leads to a potential parallel between phospho-Tau and heparin, we investigated its interaction with the heparin/low density lipoprotein receptor binding domain of human apolipoprotein E. We indeed observed an interaction between the GSK3β-promoted regular phospho-pattern on Tau and the apolipoprotein E fragment but none in the absence of phosphorylation or the presence of an irregular phosphorylation pattern by the prolonged activity of PKA. Apolipoprotein E is therefore able to discriminate and interact with specific phosphorylation patterns of Tau.  相似文献   

Alzheimer disease (AD) is a degenerative tauopathy characterized by aggregation of Tau protein through the repeat domain to form intraneuronal paired helical filaments (PHFs). We report two cell models in which we control the inherent toxicity of the core Tau fragment. These models demonstrate the properties of prion-like recruitment of full-length Tau into an aggregation pathway in which template-directed, endogenous truncation propagates aggregation through the core Tau binding domain. We use these in combination with dissolution of native PHFs to quantify the activity of Tau aggregation inhibitors (TAIs). We report the synthesis of novel stable crystalline leucomethylthioninium salts (LMTX®), which overcome the pharmacokinetic limitations of methylthioninium chloride. LMTX®, as either a dihydromesylate or a dihydrobromide salt, retains TAI activity in vitro and disrupts PHFs isolated from AD brain tissues at 0.16 μm. The Ki value for intracellular TAI activity, which we have been able to determine for the first time, is 0.12 μm. These values are close to the steady state trough brain concentration of methylthioninium ion (0.18 μm) that is required to arrest progression of AD on clinical and imaging end points and the minimum brain concentration (0.13 μm) required to reverse behavioral deficits and pathology in Tau transgenic mice.  相似文献   

肝素对人类神经tau蛋白分子聚集及磷酸化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在老年性痴呆患者的脑中,肝素与超磷酸化的tau蛋白共存[7].采用NCLK(neuronalcdc2-likekinase)及PP2B(phosphoproteinphosphatase2B)在含肝素的体系中对人类神经tau蛋白进行磷酸化和脱磷酸化,结果表明,肝素具有促进tau蛋白被磷酸化的功能,并促进该蛋白磷酸化分子二聚体的形成和单体的减少,其一级动力学常数分别为2.88×10-3s-1和1.74×10-3s-1.PP2B可使磷酸化的tau蛋白脱磷酸化,并且脱磷酸化作用随肝素浓度的增加而增强,提示肝素可能具有调节tau蛋白磷酸化状态的作用  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the connexin43 C-terminal (Cx43CT) domain regulates gap junction intercellular communication. However, an understanding of the mechanisms by which phosphorylation exerts its effects is lacking. Here, we test the hypothesis that phosphorylation regulates Cx43 gap junction intercellular communication by mediating structural changes in the C-terminal domain. Circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance were used to characterize the effects of phosphorylation on the secondary structure and backbone dynamics of soluble and membrane-tethered Cx43CT domains. Cx43CT phospho-mimetic isoforms, which have Asp substitutions at specific Ser/Tyr sites, revealed phosphorylation alters the α-helical content of the Cx43CT domain only when attached to the membrane. The changes in secondary structure are due to variations in the conformational preference and backbone flexibility of residues adjacent and distal to the site(s) of modification. In addition to the known direct effects of phosphorylation on molecular partner interactions, the data presented here suggest phosphorylation may also indirectly regulate binding affinity by altering the conformational preference of the Cx43CT domain.  相似文献   

An insight into the conformation and dynamics of unfolded and early intermediate states of a protein is essential to understand the mechanism of its aggregation and to design potent inhibitor molecules. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy has been used to study the effects of several model protein stabilizers on the conformation of the unfolded state and early folding dynamics of tetramethyl rhodamine-labeled cytochrome c from Saccharomyces cerevisiae at single molecular resolution. Special attention has been given to arginine, which is a widely used stabilizer for improving refolding yield of different proteins. The value of the hydrodynamic radius (rH) obtained by analyzing the intensity fluctuations of the diffusing molecules has been found to increase in a two-state manner as the protein is unfolded by urea. The results further show that the presence of arginine and other protein stabilizers favors a relatively structured conformation of the unfolded states (rH of 29 Å) over an extended one (rH of 40 Å), which forms in their absence. Also, the time constant of a kinetic component (τR) of about 30 μs has been observed by analyzing the correlation functions, which represents formation of a collapsed state. This time constant varies with urea concentration representing an inverted Chevron plot that shows a roll-over and behavior in the absence of arginine. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first applications of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to study direct folding kinetics of a protein.  相似文献   

The role of oxidative post-translational modifications of human superoxide dismutase 1 (hSOD1) in the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) pathology is an attractive hypothesis to explore based on several lines of evidence. Among them, the remarkable stability of hSOD1WT and several of its ALS-associated mutants suggests that hSOD1 oxidation may precede its conversion to the unfolded and aggregated forms found in ALS patients. The bicarbonate-dependent peroxidase activity of hSOD1 causes oxidation of its own solvent-exposed Trp32 residue. The resulting products are apparently different from those produced in the absence of bicarbonate and are most likely specific for simian SOD1s, which contain the Trp32 residue. The aims of this work were to examine whether the bicarbonate-dependent peroxidase activity of hSOD1 (hSOD1WT and hSOD1G93A mutant) triggers aggregation of the enzyme and to comprehend the role of the Trp32 residue in the process. The results showed that Trp32 residues of both enzymes are oxidized to a similar extent to hSOD1-derived tryptophanyl radicals. These radicals decayed to hSOD1-N-formylkynurenine and hSOD1-kynurenine or to a hSOD1 covalent dimer cross-linked by a ditryptophan bond, causing hSOD1 unfolding, oligomerization, and non-amyloid aggregation. The latter process was inhibited by tempol, which recombines with the hSOD1-derived tryptophanyl radical, and did not occur in the absence of bicarbonate or with enzymes that lack the Trp32 residue (bovine SOD1 and hSOD1W32F mutant). The results support a role for the oxidation products of the hSOD1-Trp32 residue, particularly the covalent dimer, in triggering the non-amyloid aggregation of hSOD1.  相似文献   

The tandem pore domain halothane-inhibited K+ channel 1 (THIK1) produces background K+ currents. Despite 62% amino acid identity with THIK1, THIK2 is not active upon heterologous expression. Here, we show that this apparent lack of activity is due to a unique combination of retention in the endoplasmic reticulum and low intrinsic channel activity at the plasma membrane. A THIK2 mutant containing a proline residue (THIK2-A155P) in its second inner helix (M2) produces K+-selective currents with properties similar to THIK1, including inhibition by halothane and insensitivity to extracellular pH variations. Another mutation in the M2 helix (I158D) further increases channel activity and affects current kinetics. We also show that the cytoplasmic amino-terminal region of THIK2 (Nt-THIK2) contains an arginine-rich motif (RRSRRR) that acts as a retention/retrieval signal. Mutation of this motif in THIK2 induces a relocation of the channel to the plasma membrane, resulting in measurable currents, even in the absence of mutations in the M2 helix. Cell surface delivery of a Nt-THIK2-CD161 chimera is increased by mutating the arginines of the retention motif but also by converting the serine embedded in this motif to aspartate, suggesting a phosphorylation-dependent regulation of THIK2 trafficking.  相似文献   

In BCR-ABL-expressing cells, sphingolipid metabolism is altered. Because the first step of sphingolipid biosynthesis occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), our objective was to identify ABL targets in the ER. A phosphoproteomic analysis of canine pancreatic ER microsomes identified 49 high scoring phosphotyrosine-containing peptides. These were then categorized in silico and validated in vitro. We demonstrated that the ER-resident human protein serine palmitoyltransferase long chain-1 (SPTLC1), which is the first enzyme of sphingolipid biosynthesis, is phosphorylated at Tyr164 by the tyrosine kinase ABL. Inhibition of BCR-ABL using either imatinib or shRNA-mediated silencing led to the activation of SPTLC1 and to increased apoptosis in both K562 and LAMA-84 cells. Finally, we demonstrated that mutation of Tyr164 to Phe in SPTLC1 increased serine palmitoyltransferase activity. The Y164F mutation also promoted the remodeling of cellular sphingolipid content, thereby sensitizing K562 cells to apoptosis. Our observations provide a mechanistic explanation for imatinib-mediated cell death and a novel avenue for therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Dynamic microtubule changes after a cell stress challenge are required for cell survival and adaptation. Stathmin (STMN), a cytoplasmic microtubule-destabilizing phosphoprotein, regulates interphase microtubules during cell stress, but the signaling mechanisms involved are poorly defined. In this study ectopic expression of single alanine-substituted phospho-resistant mutants demonstrated that STMN Ser-38 and Ser-63 phosphorylation were specifically required to maintain interphase microtubules during hyperosmotic stress. STMN was phosphorylated on Ser-38 and Ser-63 in response to hyperosmolarity, heat shock, and arsenite treatment but rapidly dephosphorylated after oxidative stress treatment. Two-dimensional PAGE and Phos-tag gel analysis of stress-stimulated STMN phospho-isoforms revealed rapid STMN Ser-38 phosphorylation followed by subsequent Ser-25 and Ser-63 phosphorylation. Previously, we delineated stress-stimulated JNK targeting of STMN. Here, we identified cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) signaling as responsible for stress-induced STMN Ser-63 phosphorylation. Increased cAMP levels induced by cholera toxin triggered potent STMN Ser-63 phosphorylation. Osmotic stress stimulated an increase in PKA activity and elevated STMN Ser-63 and CREB (cAMP-response element-binding protein) Ser-133 phosphorylation that was substantially attenuated by pretreatment with H-89, a PKA inhibitor. Interestingly, PKA activity and subsequent phosphorylation of STMN were augmented in the absence of JNK activation, indicating JNK and PKA pathway cross-talk during stress regulation of STMN. Taken together our study indicates that JNK- and PKA-mediated STMN Ser-38 and Ser-63 phosphorylation are required to preserve interphase microtubules in response to hyperosmotic stress.  相似文献   

Drug-resistant pathogenic fungi use several families of membrane-embedded transporters to efflux antifungal drugs from the cells. The efflux pump Cdr1 (Candida drug resistance 1) belongs to the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of transporters. Cdr1 is one of the most predominant mechanisms of multidrug resistance in azole-resistant (AR) clinical isolates of Candida albicans. Blocking drug efflux represents an attractive approach to combat the multidrug resistance of this opportunistic human pathogen. In this study, we rationally designed and synthesized transmembrane peptide mimics (TMPMs) of Cdr1 protein (Cdr1p) that correspond to each of the 12 transmembrane helices (TMHs) of the two transmembrane domains of the protein to target the primary structure of the Cdr1p. Several FITC-tagged TMPMs specifically bound to Cdr1p and blocked the efflux of entrapped fluorescent dyes from the AR (Gu5) isolate. These TMPMs did not affect the efflux of entrapped fluorescent dye from cells expressing the Cdr1p homologue Cdr2p or from cells expressing a non-ABC transporter Mdr1p. Notably, the time correlation of single photon counting fluorescence measurements confirmed the specific interaction of FITC-tagged TMPMs with their respective TMH. By using mutant variants of Cdr1p, we show that these TMPM antagonists contain the structural information necessary to target their respective TMHs of Cdr1p and specific binding sites that mediate the interactions between the mimics and its respective helix. Additionally, TMPMs that were devoid of any demonstrable hemolytic, cytotoxic, and antifungal activities chemosensitize AR clinical isolates and demonstrate synergy with drugs that further improved the therapeutic potential of fluconazole in vivo.  相似文献   

Nck family proteins function as adaptors to couple tyrosine phosphorylation signals to actin cytoskeleton reorganization. Several lines of evidence indicate that Nck family proteins involve in regulating the activity of Rho family GTPases. In the present study, we characterized a novel interaction between Nck-1 with engulfment and cell motility 1 (ELMO1). GST pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation assay demonstrated that the Nck-1-ELMO1 interaction is mediated by the SH2 domain of Nck-1 and the phosphotyrosine residues at position 18, 216, 395, and 511 of ELMO1. A R308K mutant of Nck-1 (in which the SH2 domain was inactive), or a 4YF mutant of ELMO1 lacking these four phosphotyrosine residues, diminished Nck-1-ELMO1 interaction. Conversely, tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor treatment and overexpression of Src family kinase Hck significantly enhanced Nck-1-ELMO1 interaction. Moreover, wild type Nck-1, but not R308K mutant, significantly augmented the interaction between ELMO1 and constitutively active RhoG (RhoGV12A), thus promoted Rac1 activation and cell motility. Taken together, the present study characterized a novel Nck-1-ELMO1 interaction and defined a new role for Nck-1 in regulating Rac1 activity.  相似文献   

Trp-Asp (WD) repeat protein 68 (WDR68) is an evolutionarily conserved WD40 repeat protein that binds to several proteins, including dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated protein kinase (DYRK1A), MAPK/ERK kinase kinase 1 (MEKK1), and Cullin4-damage-specific DNA-binding protein 1 (CUL4-DDB1). WDR68 affects multiple and diverse physiological functions, such as controlling anthocyanin synthesis in plants, tissue growth in insects, and craniofacial development in vertebrates. However, the biochemical basis and the regulatory mechanism of WDR68 activity remain largely unknown. To better understand the cellular function of WDR68, here we have isolated and identified cellular WDR68 binding partners using a phosphoproteomic approach. More than 200 cellular proteins with wide varieties of biochemical functions were identified as WDR68-binding protein candidates. Eight T-complex protein 1 (TCP1) subunits comprising the molecular chaperone TCP1 ring complex/chaperonin-containing TCP1 (TRiC/CCT) were identified as major WDR68-binding proteins, and phosphorylation sites in both WDR68 and TRiC/CCT were identified. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments confirmed the binding between TRiC/CCT and WDR68. Computer-aided structural analysis suggested that WDR68 forms a seven-bladed β-propeller ring. Experiments with a series of deletion mutants in combination with the structural modeling showed that three of the seven β-propeller blades of WDR68 are essential and sufficient for TRiC/CCT binding. Knockdown of cellular TRiC/CCT by siRNA caused an abnormal WDR68 structure and led to reduction of its DYRK1A-binding activity. Concomitantly, nuclear accumulation of WDR68 was suppressed by the knockdown of TRiC/CCT, and WDR68 formed cellular aggregates when overexpressed in the TRiC/CCT-deficient cells. Altogether, our results demonstrate that the molecular chaperone TRiC/CCT is essential for correct protein folding, DYRK1A binding, and nuclear accumulation of WDR68.  相似文献   

In order for neurons to perform their function, they must establish a highly polarized morphology characterized, in most of the cases, by a single axon and multiple dendrites. Herein we find that the evolutionarily conserved protein Kidins220 (kinase D-interacting substrate of 220-kDa), also known as ARMS (ankyrin repeat-rich membrane spanning), a downstream effector of protein kinase D and neurotrophin and ephrin receptors, regulates the establishment of neuronal polarity and development of dendrites. Kidins220/ARMS gain and loss of function experiments render severe phenotypic changes in the processes extended by hippocampal neurons in culture. Although Kidins220/ARMS early overexpression hinders neuronal development, its down-regulation by RNA interference results in the appearance of multiple longer axon-like extensions as well as aberrant dendritic arbors. We also find that Kidins220/ARMS interacts with tubulin and microtubule-regulating molecules whose role in neuronal morphogenesis is well established (microtubule-associated proteins 1b, 1a, and 2 and two members of the stathmin family). Importantly, neurons where Kidins220/ARMS has been knocked down register changes in the phosphorylation activity of MAP1b and stathmins. Altogether, our results indicate that Kidins220/ARMS is a key modulator of the activity of microtubule-regulating proteins known to actively regulate neuronal morphogenesis and suggest a mechanism by which it contributes to control neuronal development.  相似文献   

Expression of the VACM-1/cul5 gene in endothelial and in cancer cell lines in vitro inhibits cellular proliferation and decreases phosphorylation of MAPK. Structure-function analysis of the VACM-1 protein sequence identified consensus sites specific for phosphorylation by protein kinases A and C (PKA and PKC) and a Nedd8 protein modification site. Mutations at the PKA-specific site in VACM-1/Cul5 (S730AVACM-1) sequence resulted in increased cellular growth and the appearance of a Nedd8-modified VACM-1/Cul5. The aim of this study was to examine if PKA-dependent phosphorylation of VACM-1/Cul5 controls its neddylation status, phosphorylation by PKC, and ultimately growth. Our results indicate that in vitro transfection of rat adrenal medullary endothelial cells with anti-VACM-1-specific small interfering RNA oligonucleotides decreases endogenous VACM-1 protein concentration and increases cell growth. Western blot analysis of cell lysates immunoprecipitated with an antibody directed against a PKA-specific phosphorylation site and probed with anti-VACM-1-specific antibody showed that PKA-dependent phosphorylation of VACM-1 protein was decreased in cells transfected with S730AVACM-1 cDNA when compared with the cytomegalovirus-transfected cells. This change was associated with increased modification of VACM-1 protein by Nedd8. Induction of PKA activity with forskolin reduced modification of VACM-1 protein by Nedd8. Finally, rat adrenal medullary endothelial cells transfected with S730AVACM-1/cul5 cDNA and treated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (10 and 100 nm) to induce PKC activity grew significantly faster than the control cells. These results suggest that the antiproliferative effect of VACM-1/Cul5 is dependent on its posttranslational modifications and will help in the design of new anticancer therapeutics that target the Nedd8 pathway.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors can be reconstituted as monomers in nanodiscs and as tetramers in liposomes. When reconstituted with G proteins, both forms enable an allosteric interaction between agonists and guanylyl nucleotides. Both forms, therefore, are candidates for the complex that controls signaling at the level of the receptor. To identify the biologically relevant form, reconstituted monomers and tetramers of the purified M2 muscarinic receptor were compared with muscarinic receptors in sarcolemmal membranes for the effect of guanosine 5′-[β,γ-imido]triphosphate (GMP-PNP) on the inhibition of N-[3H]methylscopolamine by the agonist oxotremorine-M. With monomers, a stepwise increase in the concentration of GMP-PNP effected a lateral, rightward shift in the semilogarithmic binding profile (i.e. a progressive decrease in the apparent affinity of oxotremorine-M). With tetramers and receptors in sarcolemmal membranes, GMP-PNP effected a vertical, upward shift (i.e. an apparent redistribution of sites from a state of high affinity to one of low affinity with no change in affinity per se). The data were analyzed in terms of a mechanistic scheme based on a ligand-regulated equilibrium between uncoupled and G protein-coupled receptors (the “ternary complex model”). The model predicts a rightward shift in the presence of GMP-PNP and could not account for the effects at tetramers in vesicles or receptors in sarcolemmal membranes. Monomers present a special case of the model in which agonists and guanylyl nucleotides interact within a complex that is both constitutive and stable. The results favor oligomers of the M2 receptor over monomers as the biologically relevant state for coupling to G proteins.  相似文献   

Corticosterone, the major stress hormone, plays an important role in regulating neuronal functions of the limbic system, although the cellular targets and molecular mechanisms of corticosteroid signaling are largely unknown. Here we show that a short treatment of corticosterone significantly increases α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR)-mediated synaptic transmission and AMPAR membrane trafficking in pyramidal neurons of prefrontal cortex, a key region involved in cognition and emotion. This enhancing effect of corticosterone is through a mechanism dependent on Rab4, the small GTPase-controlling receptor recycling between early endosome and plasma membrane. Guanosine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (GDI), which regulates the cycle of Rab proteins between membrane and cytosol, forms an increased complex with Rab4 after corticosterone treatment. Corticosterone also triggers an increased GDI phosphorylation at Ser-213 by the serum- and glucocorticoid-inducible kinase (SGK). Moreover, AMPAR synaptic currents and surface expression and their regulation by corticosterone are altered by mutating Ser-213 on GDI. These results suggest that corticosterone, via SGK phosphorylation of GDI at Ser-213, increases the formation of GDI-Rab4 complex, facilitating the functional cycle of Rab4 and Rab4-mediated recycling of AMPARs to the synaptic membrane. It provides a potential mechanism underlying the role of corticosteroid stress hormone in up-regulating excitatory synaptic efficacy in cortical neurons.  相似文献   

A key process underlying an innate immune response to pathogens or cellular stress is activation of members of the NOD-like receptor family, such as NLRP3, to assemble caspase-1-activating inflammasome complexes. Activated caspase-1 processes proinflammatory cytokines into active forms that mediate inflammation. Activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome is also associated with common diseases including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and Alzheimer disease. However, the molecular details of NLRP3 inflammasome assembly are not established. The adaptor protein ASC plays a key role in inflammasome assembly. It is composed of an N-terminal pyrin domain (PYD) and a C-terminal caspase recruitment domain, which are protein interaction domains of the death fold superfamily. ASC interacts with NLRP3 via a homotypic PYD interaction and recruits procaspase-1 via a homotypic caspase recruitment domain interaction. Here we demonstrate that ASC PYD contains two distinct binding sites important for self-association and interaction with NLRP3 and the modulatory protein POP1. Modeling of the homodimeric ASC PYD complex formed via an asymmetric interaction using both sites resembles a type I interaction found in other death fold domain complexes. This interaction mode also permits assembly of ASC PYDs into filaments. Furthermore, a type I binding mode is likely conserved in interactions with NLRP3 and POP1, because residues critical for interaction of ASC PYD are conserved in these PYDs. We also demonstrate that ASC PYD can simultaneously self-associate and interact with NLRP3, rationalizing the model whereby ASC self-association upon recruitment to NLRP3 promotes clustering and activation of procaspase-1.  相似文献   

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