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记述了浙江土鸥螺属1新种,即杭州土鸥螺Georissa hangzhounensis sp.nov.土鸥螺属的种类主要分布于东亚、南亚及太平洋沿岸和岛屿.我国主要分布于长江流域,浙江、江苏、安徽、江西、广西、湖南、湖北等省区.本文对新种的形态特征进行了详细描述,并与近似种进行了比较和讨论.  相似文献   

连云港市发现震旦鸦雀   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
震旦鸦雀是我国稀有特产鸟类,它在我国有两个亚种,即指名亚种(Paradoxornis h.heudei)和黑龙江亚种(P.h.poliuanoui)。前者分布于长江下游,九江至江阴和浙江杭州,后者分布于黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市扎龙渔场及兴凯湖(郑作新,1976)。  相似文献   

杭州石荠苎和石香薷(唇形科)的传粉生物学比较研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杭州石荠苎(MoslahangchouensisMatsudas)和石香薷(M.chinensisMaxim.)是一对种对,前零星分布于浙江,后广布于长江流域以南地区。杭州石荠苎以异花传粉为主,花粉/胚珠(P/O)为756=-6163;石香薷以自花传粉为主,P/O=110。  相似文献   

报道1种发现于浙江的中国归化植物新记录——北美细叶芹(Chaerophyllum tainturieri Hook. et Arn.),凭证标本保存于杭州植物园植物标本室(HHBG)。  相似文献   

《中国真菌学杂志》第三届编委会会议于2009年4月16日在浙江杭州召开。参加本次会议的有本刊新一届编委、特邀编委40余名。  相似文献   

2007—2009年在浙江杭州对三叶斑潜蝇的发生情况进行了调查。结果表明,在杭州地区范围内该虫的分布已很广,与其他斑潜蝇混合发生。春夏季以美洲斑潜蝇为害为主,6月是为害盛期。秋冬季为多种斑潜蝇混合为害,9月是混发盛期,期间以三叶斑潜蝇为害占多数。目前查到有13种寄主作物受三叶斑潜蝇为害。  相似文献   

浙江省水鳖科植物的种类与分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浙江省有水鳖科植物5属8种,均属淡水种类,其中无尾水筛、有尾水筛和密齿苦草为浙江分布新记录。在水平分布上,水筛属分布局限于浙江东南部,苦草属则分布于浙江大部分地区而未见于浙江南部。在垂直分布上,水筛属的种数和分布量,在海拔600米以下,随海拔增高而增加,再向上又有减少的趋势;其余各属的种数和分布量则随海拔增高而减少。它们的分布主要受各自适宜的生境在水平和垂直带的不同分布所制约。浙江水鳖科植物区系与我国亚热带各省区尤其是相邻省的关系十分密切。  相似文献   

对浙江木犀属植物资源的种类、分布及其开发与利用进行论述,给出了分布于浙江的该属植物的检索表与详细分布地点,分析了浙江开发该属植物的有利条件,以期对于浙江本属植物的开发与利用提供参考.  相似文献   

《生态平衡与自然保护》一书,于1987年9月由浙江科学技术出版社出版,浙江杭州大学生物系诸葛阳教授编著。全书共分十二章简明而扼要地阐述了生态学的基本知识,论述了生态学对于生产实践的重要性。共266页,计十九万字。定价1.7O元。  相似文献   

中华虎凤蝶是世界珍稀蝶类。分布在我国长江以南的湖北长阳,江苏南京,江西九江,浙江杭州、天目山、平阳等地。近年来,由于植物破坏和被捕杀,数量日趋减少。我国已将之列为Ⅱ级保护动物。我们对该蝶进行了三年人工饲养和观察,现将结果简报如下。 年生活史 中华虎凤蝶在国内各分布地一年发生一代。以蛹在地表的枯枝落叶层中越冬。成虫出现期因各地气温不同而有差异。浙南为2月下旬,杭州3月上中旬,南京3月中下旬,天目山4月下旬至5月初,庐山5月上旬。我们在浙江丽水饲养三年,其年生活史见图1。  相似文献   

湿地土壤有机碳研究是全球碳循环研究的基础性工作, 对于准确评估湿地固碳增汇和全球温室气体减排都具有重要意义。以鄱阳湖国家自然保护区为研究区域, 选择六种景观类型(湿地洲滩景观包括受人工控制的碟形湖泊常湖池、半人工控制的碟形湖泊蚌湖、不受人工控制的洲滩前缘泗洲头以及岗地景观包括林地、田地和菜地), 湿地洲滩景观在各1 m高程(泗洲头和蚌湖采样高程10-17 m, 常湖池采样高程12-17 m)内的浅土壤采取3个土壤样品, 岗地景观浅层土壤各采取3个土壤样品, 分析浅层土壤有机碳含量。结果表明, 鄱阳湖不同景观类型的浅层土壤有机碳含量差异性显著。湿地洲滩浅层土壤(特别是0-10 cm土层)的有机碳随高程梯度变化呈现倒U型变化, 即低海拔与高海拔土壤有机碳的含量较中海拔土壤有机碳的含量低, 泗洲头洲滩土层0-10 cm的有机碳含量最高值出现在13-14 m高程, 其中0-10 cm土层的土壤有机碳含量变化值为1.56-12.29 g·kg-1, 10-20 cm土层的土壤有机碳含量变化值为0.96-8.19 g·kg-1; 蚌湖洲滩土层0-10 cm的有机碳含量最高值出现在14-15 m高程, 其中0-10 cm土层的土壤有机碳含量变化值为6.36-23.32 g·kg-1, 10-20 cm土层的土壤有机碳含量变化值为4.14-8.88 g·kg-1; 常湖池洲滩土层0-10 cm的有机碳含量最高值出现在16-17 m高程, 其中0-10 cm土层的土壤有机碳含量变化值为6.51-18.91 g·kg-1, 10-20 cm土层的土壤有机碳含量变化值为3.83-10.05 g·kg-1。岗地浅层土壤有机碳(特别是0-10 cm土层)田地的土壤有机碳含量最高, 菜地土壤有机碳含量最低。比较六种景观类型的浅层土壤有机碳含量, 泗洲头洲滩浅层土壤有机碳含量最低, 蚌湖洲滩浅层土壤有机碳含量最高。六种景观类型的浅层土壤有机碳含量呈现一致的现象是土层0-10 cm的机碳含量明显高于土层10-20 cm的有机碳含量, 说明鄱阳湖国家自然保护区内土壤有机碳含量主要富集在土壤浅层的特征。土壤pH值对湿地土壤有机碳呈显著负相关性, 而土壤含水量、地上部分生物量与土壤有机碳呈显著正相关性。  相似文献   

青蛤的营养成分分析与评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
测定了61、2月份青蛤(Cyclina sinensis)的营养成份,并对其营养价值进行综合评定。结果表明,6月份青蛤的营养较12月份好,其粗蛋白比12月的高出2.84%,粗脂肪含量高出1.74%;6月和12月的氨基酸总含量分别为826.3 mg/g蛋白质和804.0 mg/g蛋白质,其中必需氨基酸分别占36.1%和33.6%,氨基酸计分(AAS)和化学评分(CS)是6月的较高,必需氨基酸指数(EAAI)则分别为64.23和59.88。其不饱和脂肪酸占脂质总量的67.7%,其中单烯酸占24.9%,多烯酸占42.8%,“脑黄金”DHA和EPA的含量分别达到11.3%和18.4%。还含有多种微量元素和维生素。  相似文献   

To assess the role of prefabricated SFI-Bar in peri-implant bone loss around immediately axially loaded and straight implants. This study comprised of 40 complete denture wearer patients who received two axially parallel implants connected by SFI-Bars in group I and two 15° mesially tilted implants connected by SFI-Bars in group II. Peri- implant bone loss (PiBL) was measured at 1 year, 2 years and 3 years. The mean PiBL at 1 year in group I was 0.21 mm and I group II was 0.22, at 2 years in group I was 0.26 mm and in group II was 0.23 mm and at 3 years, in group I was 0.29 mm and in group II was 0.34 mm. The difference was significant at 3 years (P< 0.05). The mean mesial PIBL at 1 year in group I was 0.18 mm, in group II was 0.20 mm, at 2 years in group I was 0.19 mm and in group II was 0.07 mm and at 3 years, in group I was 0.25 mm and in group II was 0.29 mm. The difference found to be significant in each time duration in both groups (P< 0.05).The mean distal PIBL at 1 year in group I was 0.23 mm, in group II was 0.22 mm, at 2 years in group I was 0.33 mm and in group II was 0.39 mm and at 3 years, in group I was 0.34 mm and in group II was 0.39 mm. The difference found to be significant at 2 and 3 years in both groups (P< 0.05). Authors found that mandibular overdentures retained with Prefabricated SFI-Bar with axial and straight inserted implants may be useful in patients with reduced bone height.  相似文献   

The flower-inducing and -inhibiting activities of phloem exudate (PE) prepared from cotyledons of Pharbitis seedlings were examined, using apex cultures in vitro from Pharbitis as a bioassay system.The PE was prepared from photoperiodically-induced cotyledons (SD-PE). The SD-PE was subjected to the following fractionations: When the SD-PE was extracted with CHCl3 and then ethyl acetate, the inducing activity was located in the final aqueous fraction. The activity was localized in the diffusate when the aqueous fraction was dialyzed (molecular weight cut off was 10,000). The diffusate was fractionated by ion exchange chromatography, and flower-inducing activity was found in the fraction adsorbed onto anion exchange resin. When the fraction was applied to a Sep-Pak C18 cartridge, the activity eluted with 25% MeOH. As a result of the above fractionation, activity was increased about 30-fold.The nature of the flower-inhibiting activity of the PE taken from cotyledons exposed to continuous-light conditions was examined (CL-PE). The inhibiting activity was decreased as the cotyledons were exposed to longer dark periods; it appeared to be heat-stable. The CL-PE also inhibited flowering in Lemna. The CL-PE was subjected to the following fractionations: When the CL-PE was extracted with CHCl3 and ethyl acetate, activity was located in the final aqueous fraction. Activity was localized in the diffusate when the aqueous fraction was dialyzed (molecular weight cut off was 10,000). When the diffusate was fractionated by ion exchange chromatography, the activity was found in the flow-through fraction. When the fraction was applied to a hydroxyapatite cartridge, the activity eluted with 25 mM sodium phosphate buffer. When the fraction was re-dialyzed (molecular weight cut off was 1,000), the diffusate contained the activity. As a result of the above fractionation, activity was increased about 10-fold.  相似文献   

粗柄独尾草不同器官蒽醌类成分的消长规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马淼  骆世洪  刘会良   《广西植物》2007,27(3):444-447,430
采用高效液相色谱法对沙生类短命植物粗柄独尾草苗期、营养生长期、初花期、盛花期、果期各器官中大黄素、大黄酚、大黄酸、芦荟大黄素含量的消长规律进行了研究。结果表明:叶中,芦荟大黄素的含量在苗期和初花期都较高,在盛花期时最低;大黄酸的含量在苗期最高,盛花期时最低;大黄素的含量在苗期达到最高,初花期和盛花期最低;大黄酚的含量也以苗期最高,盛花期和果期最低。且在初花期时,4种蒽醌类物质含量均呈现明显的叶先端>叶中部>叶基部的空间差异性。根中,芦荟大黄素的含量在苗期和营养生长期较高,而以盛花期和果期较低;大黄酸的含量在果期最高,其余时期差异不显著;大黄素的含量以苗期和初花期较高;大黄酚的含量在果期达最高,而盛花期时最低。同时期的根叶蒽醌含量相比,叶中的芦荟大黄素要高于根,而根中大黄酚含量要高于叶。同时期各器官蒽醌总量相比:叶>根>花>花葶。故若选取粗柄独尾草作为蒽醌类药材利用,建议最佳采集方式为采集初花期的叶先端部分。  相似文献   

韩建明  侯喜林  史公军  耿建峰  邓晓辉 《遗传》2007,29(9):1149-1153
应用主基因+多基因6个世代联合分离分析方法, 对不结球白菜SI×秋017组合的叶片重和叶柄重性状进行了分析。结果表明, SI×秋017组合的叶片重性状遗传受1对负向完全显性主基因+加性-显性多基因(D-4)控制, 主基因加性效应为1.8991, 显性效应为-1.8991; 多基因加性效应为-1.2934, 显性效应为1.7933; 势能比值为-1.3865, 显性度为-1.0000; B1、B2和F2世代群体叶片重的主基因遗传率分别为6.98%、4.33% 和36.08%; B1、B2和F2世代群体叶片重的多基因遗传率为16.03%、7.39%和23.96%。叶柄重的遗传受1对加性主基因+加性-显性多基因(D-2)控制, 主基因加性效应为-1.1457, 显性效应为0; 多基因加性效应为1.3472, 多基因显性效应为2.5788; 势能比值为1.9142, 显性度为0。B1、B2和F2世代群体叶柄重的主基因遗传率分别为31.72%、5.27%和57.94%。B1、B2和F2世代群体叶柄重的多基因遗传率分别为0.42%、4.59%和4.80%。对SI×秋017组合叶片重性状的改良要在晚代选择; 对叶柄重的改良要以主基因为主, 可在早代选择。  相似文献   

产碱性蛋白酶芽孢杆菌的鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过测量比较在碱性蛋白平板上产生的蛋白水解圈直径,从土壤中筛选到一株高产蛋白酶菌株Bacillus sp.HFBL0079,根据生理生化特性、16S rDNA序列,鉴定为B.amyloliquefaciens。其最适培养温度为35°C-37°C,最适生长pH 8.0,在特定培养条件下16 h达到稳定期,菌体生长和蛋白酶合成同步进行。以大豆分离蛋白为氮源时发酵液具有最高酶活。发酵液在pH 10时具有最高酶活,表明为碱性蛋白酶。该菌株产生的碱性蛋白酶可水解多种天然蛋白质,对胶原蛋白水解度高于其他蛋白质,对羽毛角蛋白也有一定水解能力,提示该酶具有一定新颖性。  相似文献   

基于MODIS-EVI的重庆植被覆盖时空分异特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱林富  谢世友  杨华  马明国 《生态学报》2018,38(19):6992-7002
利用MODIS-EVI数据,采用像元二分模型结合距平百分率、变异系数和分布指数对2000—2015年重庆植被覆盖度变化时空分异特征进行了分析,结果表明:(1)重庆植被年际、夏、秋季和2008—2015年春季以中覆盖度为主,冬季以及2000—2007年春季以低覆盖度为主。(2)植被覆盖年际变化不明显;劣覆盖度在2000、2002、2003年春季,2001、2006年秋季以及2011年冬季异常偏多;低覆盖度在2000、2001年秋季异常偏多;高覆盖度在2000、2008年秋季和2014年春季异常偏少。(3)植被的波动变化除了冬季以中度为主外,年际、春、夏、秋季均以轻度为主;稳定比例最高为夏季,轻度比例最高为秋季,中度和重度比例最高为冬季。(4)稳定和轻度波动类型主要分布在山地森林和草地区,中度和重度波动类型主要是城镇、水域及其周边区域。在400m以下,植被变化为重度波动;在400—800m,植被年际和夏季趋于稳定分布,而春、秋、冬季为轻度波动;在800—1300m,植被年际和夏季为中度波动,春、秋、冬季为稳定分布;在1300m以上,植被年际和夏季呈现轻度波动,春季为中度波动,秋、冬季为稳定分布。  相似文献   

The effect of fetal age on the ability to diagnose gender during the last half of pregnancy was evaluated in 85 mares using a 3.5 MHz linear-array transducer. Diagnosis of fetal gender was completed in 19 of 21 attempts (90%) during Months 5–6 and was independent of fetal presentation; the percentage of cranial, caudal, and transverse presentations was 52, 29 and 19%, respectively. Fetal gender was diagnosed in only 4 of 64 (6%) attempts during Months 7 to 11; fetal presentation was predominantly cranial (95%). Attempts at gender diagnoses were always successful when the fetus was in caudal or transverse presentation. Overall accuracy for fetal gender diagnoses was 89%. Absolute accuracy verified after birth of the foal was 100% when expected accuracy, estimated at the time of the examination, was ≥80%. During Month 5, the penis was a hyperechogenic trilobulated structure located near the fetal umbilical attachment. During Months 6 to 11, the penis was pendulous; it appeared circular in cross section and rectangular in longitudinal section. The anogenital raphe was a narrow hyperechogenic structure between the hind limbs and along the perineum. During Months 5 to 11, the clitoris was hyperechogenic, trilobulated, and located in the perineal region. The labia could be delineated when the entire perineum was imaged. The mammary gland was a triangular hyperechogenic structure between the hind limbs in frontal and cross-sectional planes. In both genders the anus was identified as a hyperechogenic structure located immediately below the tail. Ultrasonic fetal gender diagnosis was readily accomplished and most accurate during Months 5 to 6, but thereafter the diagnostic areas were usually inaccessible.  相似文献   

Dry wt, protein, free amino-N, RNA, DNA and the levels of hydrolytic enzymes have been measured in high lysine and normal sorghum grain during development. Dry wt was higher in CSV-5 throughout development. Protein accumulation/grain was lower in the later stages of development of IS 11 758 than in CSV-5. The lower rate of protein accumulation in IS 11758 is not due to a limitation of free amino-N. CSV-5 had a higher proportion of prolamine. A major part of the prolamine in CSV-5 was deposited in a relatively short period from day 24 to 31. In this period much less prolamine was synthesized in IS 11758. RNA content was higher in IS 11758. DNA content, however, was higher in CSV-5 than IS 11758 during early stages of development. RNase activity at maturity was lower in IS 11758. Amylase activity/grain in both was similar, however, on a fr. wt basis it was higher in CSV-5. Protease level/grain was higher in IS 11758.  相似文献   

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