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Somatic embryos and embryogenic callus were initiated from immature zygotic embryos of ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer). These somatic embryos were multiplied by adventitious (secondary and tertiary) embryogenesis and their growth and development were dependent on growth hormones in the medium. Auxins, 2,4-d, NAA, and IAA at 1.0 mg l-1 were effective in inducing secondary and tertiary somatic embryos, which proliferated directly from the apical or cotyledonary portions of the primary somatic embryos. Single somatic embryos or clusters or embryos developed from the explanted primary embryos. Cytokinin (Kn, BA) inhibited adventitious embryogenesis. Secondary somatic embryos developed to maturation and later regenerated into plantlets in two stage process; firstly elongation of the shoot axes on MS +1.0 mg l-1 Kn, secondly formation of root on 1.0 mg l-1 Kn+1.0 mg-1 GA3 medium.Abbreviations 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid - IAA in-doleacetic acid - Kn kinetin - BA benzylaminopurine - PSE primary somatic embryo - SSE secondary somatic embryo - TSE tertiary somatic embryo  相似文献   

Summary Addition of activated charcoal to the medium for plant tissue cultures improves growth by adsorbing toxic metabolites. This research was supported in part by the National Science Council, Republic of China  相似文献   

Clonal propagation of high-value forest trees by somatic embryogenesis can help meet industry needs for uniform and high quality raw materials. Low embryogenic tissue initiation frequencies for loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) pose a limitation in work towards commercialization of this technology. At the time our research began most work on somatic embryo culture initiation in loblolly pine reported success in the range of 1–5%. Activated carbon (AC) has been reported to improve many tissue culture systems including embryogenic tissue initiation in Douglas-fir. To improve initiation frequencies in loblolly pine, the development of an AC-containing system was explored. In order to better understand the availability of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in initiation medium, we tracked media surface concentrations of free or available 2,4-D. Media containing 1/2 modified P6 salts, 1.5% maltose, 2% myo-inositol, case amino acids, glutamine, vitamins, and 0.4% Gelrite were modified to include 0.625 – 2.5 g l–1 of activated carbon (Sigma C-9157, acid washed) and 110 –440 mg l–1 2,4-D. Adsorption and availability of 2,4-D in AC-containing medium was tracked by C14 labeled 2,4-D present in surface moisture absorbed into filter paper. High correlations were found between–available 2,4-D and time when AC and initial 2,4-D concentrations were held constant,–available 2,4-D and AC concentration when initial added 2,4-D and time were held constant, and–available 2,4-D and initial 2,4-D when AC and time were held constant.All of these relationships were exponential, not linear. Multiple regression models inputting initial 2,4-D added to medium in mg l–1, activated carbon added to medium in %, and time in days, were able to explain 85–88% of the variability in available 2,4-D. These models can be used to achieve target levels of available 2,4-D by adjustment of initial 2,4-D levels or AC content.  相似文献   

The effect of activated charcoal, autoclaving and culture media on sucrose hydrolysis in tissue culture media was investigated. Activated charcoal acidified an aqueous sucrose (5%) solution and culture media by about 1 to 2 units after autoclaving. Sucrose hydrolysis in tissue culture media and/or aqueous sucrose (5%) solutions containing activated charcoal (buffered to pH 5.8) was dependent on both the hydrogen ion concentration (pH) and autoclaving. After autoclaving, 70%, 56% and 53% sucrose hydrolysis were respectively recorded in a 5% sucrose solution, Murashige and Skoog (MS) and Gamborg B5 (B5) liquid media in the presence of 1% activated charcoal, added before autoclaving. In the absence of activated charcoal, autoclaving resulted in about 20% of the sucrose being hydrolyzed.  相似文献   

Summary Tissue cultures capable of plant regeneration were successfully initiated from extremely immature shoot meristems of 21 randomly selected genotypes of wheat on nutrient media containing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). By means of scanning electron microscopy it was demonstrated that cultures consisted of teratomatous primordia, which were kept in a proliferating budding state by the 2,4-D. These are characteristic of cereal tissue cultures. Release of the primordia and outgrowth of normal shoots and roots occurred when the cultures were no longer exposed to 2,4-D. Shoot primordia which were clearly identifiable were always associated with root primordia in a quasi-bipolar fashion. Sometimes regions assumed the shape of zygotic embryos, but the transition from apparently normal embryos with scutellum to abnormal configurations with shoot and root regions was gradual. The differences between genotypes in shoot regeneration potential was minimal compared to cultures derived from explants which were taken from regions temporally and spatially more distant from the shoot apex. It is concluded that the ability to give rise to cultures capable of shoot regeneration was lost within a fraction of a millimeter distance from the apical meristem in many genotypes. The proliferating tissues were subcultured at regular intervals over a period of one year and the regeneration potential was monitored. Areas capable of shoot regeneration tended to deteriorate more or less rapidly and were overgrown by root-type tissue in a number of genotypes. The results are discussed in the context of the frequently observed, but largely unexplained, variability in the regeneration potential of cereal tissue cultures.  相似文献   

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) strongly promoted betacyanin accumulation in suspension cultures of Phytolacca americana L. The betacyanin accumulation attained a maximum at 5 μ M 2,4-D, when betacyanin content per cell reached 252% as compared to the control (2,4-D free). 2,4-D elevated the level of free tyrosine, which is the precursor of betacyanin. The addition of 1 m M tyrosine to the medium partially reversed the reduction of betacyanin accumulation caused by the removal of 2,4-D. Tracer experiments using labelled tyrosine showed that 2,4-D activated the biosynthetic pathway from tyrosine to betacyanin. These results indicate that a sufficient supply of tyrosine and the activation of biosynthesis of betacyanin from tyrosine by 2,4-D elevate the level of betacyanin.  相似文献   

The role of activated charcoal in plant tissue culture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Activated charcoal has a very fine network of pores with large inner surface area on which many substances can be adsorbed. Activated charcoal is often used in tissue culture to improve cell growth and development. It plays a critical role in micropropagation, orchid seed germination, somatic embryogenesis, anther culture, synthetic seed production, protoplast culture, rooting, stem elongation, bulb formation etc. The promotary effects of AC on morphogenesis may be mainly due to its irreversible adsorption of inhibitory compounds in the culture medium and substancially decreasing the toxic metabolites, phenolic exudation and brown exudate accumulation. In addition to this activated charcoal is involved in a number of stimulatory and inhibitory activities including the release of substances naturally present in AC which promote growth, alteration and darkening of culture media, and adsorption of vitamins, metal ions and plant growth regulators, including abscisic acid and gaseous ethylene. The effect of AC on growth regulator uptake is still unclear but some workers believe that AC may gradually release certain adsorbed products, such as nutrients and growth regulators which become available to plants. This review focuses on the various roles of activated charcoal in plant tissue culture and the recent developments in this area.  相似文献   

Summary Medium sterilization techniques (autoclaving, filter sterilization and separate sterilization of medium components), combined with preculture exposure to activated charcoal (AC) were evaluated for effects on maize anther culture response. The addition of AC to filter sterilized medium had no effect on the number of embryo-like-structures (ES) produced. For autoclaved medium, pre-culture AC treatment resulted in a 3-fold increase in ES yield over medium lacking AC. When AC was included, autoclaved medium was more productive than filter sterilized medium. Autoclaved media without AC gave lower response than filter sterilized medium. Separate sterilization of sucrose or FeEDTA was beneficial for media autoclaved in the absence of AC. However, when all components were autoclaved together in the presence of AC, there was no advantage to separate sterilization. The maximum ES frequency (224.6 ES/100 anthers) was obtained with the genotype ETH-M 52 cultured in autoclaved medium which had been exposed to AC (5 g/L) for 96 h prior to culture initiation. It is supposed that the higher ES frequencies observed with AC-treated, autoclaved media were due to the availability of glucose and fructose following heat-induced hydrolysis of sucrose and the AC-mediated adsorption of inhibitory compounds produced during autoclaving.  相似文献   

Summary We explored the feasibility of using mixed cultures for herbicide degradation, with the ultimate aim of application for effluent treatment. The present study reports on mixed cultures which were developed to grow aerobically with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) as the sole carbon substrate. Degradation of 2,4-D was verified by HPLC and UV-spectroscopic analysis of the residual 2,4-D concentration in the test cultures. Cultures that were initially developed with 2,4-D also grew readily with glucose, but the degradation of 2,4-D was effectively prevented under mixed substrate conditions. Mamor intermediates or metabolites resulting from 2,4-D degradation were not detected with the HPLC methodology except 2,4-dichlorophenol which appeared to accumulate transiently in the growth medium.  相似文献   

Plants resistant to the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) were produced through the genetic engineering of a novel detoxification pathway into the cells of a species normally sensitive to 2,4-D. We cloned the gene for 2,4-D monooxygenase, the first enzyme in the plasmid-encoded 2,4-D degradative pathway of the bacterium Alcaligenes eutrophus, into a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter expression vector and introduced it into tobacco plants by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Transgenic tobacco plants expressing the highest levels of the monooxygenase enzyme exhibited increased tolerance to 2,4-D in leaf disc and seed germination assays, and young plants survived spraying with levels of herbicide up to eight times the usual field application rate. The introduction of the gene for 2,4-D monooxygenase into broad-leaved crop plants, such as cotton, should eventually allow 2,4-D to be used as an inexpensive post-emergence herbicide on economically important dicot crops.  相似文献   

Few studies have been done to evaluate the transfer of catabolic plasmids from an introduced donor strain to indigenous microbial populations as a means to remediate contaminated soils. In this work we determined the effect of the conjugative transfer of two 2,4-D degradative plasmids to indigenous soil bacterial populations on the rate of 2,4-D degradation in soil. We also assessed the influence of the presence of 2,4-D on the number of transconjugants formed. The two plasmids used, pEMT1k and pEMT3k, encode 2,4-D degradative genes (tfd) that differ in DNA sequence as well as gene organisation, and confer different growth rates to Ralstonia eutropha JMP228 when grown with 2,4-D as a sole carbon source. In an agricultural soil (Ardoyen) treated with 2,4-D (100 ppm) there were ca. 107CFU of transconjugants per gram bearing pEMT1k as well as a high number of pEMT3k bearing transconjugants (ca. 106 CFU/g). In this soil the formation of a high number of 2,4-D degrading transconjugants resulted in faster degradation of 2,4-D as compared to the uninoculated control soil. In contrast, only transconjugants with pEMT1k were detected (at a level of ca. 103 CFU/g soil) in the untreated Ardoyen soil. High numbers of transconjugants that carried pEMT1k were also found in a second experiment done using forest soil (Lembeke) treated with 100 ppm 2,4-D. However, unlike in the Ardoyen soil, no transconjugants with pEMT3k were detected and the transfer of plasmid pEMT1k to indigenous bacteria did not result in a higher rate of decrease of 2,4-D. This may be because 2,4-D was readily metabolised by indigenous bacteria in this soil. The results indicate that bioaugmentation with catabolic plasmids may be a viable means to enhance the bioremediation of soils which lack an adequate intrinsic ability to degrade a given xenobiotic.  相似文献   

Cultures of inflorescence and plumular tissues of coconut palm (Cocos nucifera L.) were maintained in the presence of the auxin, [14C]2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), so that its metabolic fate could be studied. Thin layer chromatography of methanol extracts of the plumular tissue showed that four classes of metabolites, as well as the unchanged acid, were recovered in the extract. In inflorescence tissue, only the unchanged acid and the most polar class of metabolites (metabolite I) were recovered. Metabolite I was shown to consist mostly of a mixture of sugar conjugates and metabolite II (the next most polar) was an unidentified basic metabolite. Metabolites III and IV were both novel triacylglycerol analogues in which one of the natural fatty acids was replaced with a chain-elongated form of 2,4-D. Reversed-phase thin layer chromatography was used to identify the 2,4-D-derived acids and it was found that metabolite III contained the 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-moiety attached to a chain-length of between 2 and 12 carbons, whereas metabolite IV contained 12, 14 and 16 carbon chain lengths. In inflorescence tissue, and in plumular tissue at low sucrose or 2,4-D concentrations and after short periods in culture, metabolite I predominated. The other metabolites increased as a percentage when plumular culture was prolonged or when sucrose or 2,4-D concentrations were raised. These changes correlated with better development of the explant.  相似文献   

Tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun) plants were treated once with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) at the 8-leaf stage. The effect of the herbicide on leaf metabolism was followed over 7 days by determination of the ribonucleotide pools, including NAD+, NADP+ and UDP-sugars, by high-preformance liquid chromatography. 2,4-D treatment resulted in large changes in the nucleotide concentrations, the magnitude and sign of which were dependent upon the leafage. The nucleotide pools decreased in the apical tissue, but increased strongly in the mature leaves with the highest relative increase in the oldest leaf tested. The time course of the changes revealed a maximum on day 5 after 2,4-D treatment. The increase in the adenine nucleotide pools, energy charge and the NADVNADP+ ratio are interpreted to indicate a stress situation. The different responses of young, mature and senescent tissue to the synthetic auxin could reflect their different inherent sensitivity due to the natural auxin gradient.  相似文献   

Summary Agar and activated charcoal (AC) are commonly used in tissue culture. However, their deeper actions and functions are largely unknown. This experiment investigated the effect of agar and AC, singly and jointly, on gibberellin (GA) uptake by corn shoots. Corn seeds were germinated on Murashige and Skoog medium (MS). Shoot excised from 1-wk-old seedlings were cultured on liquid (0.0 g l−1 agar) or solid (8 g l−1 agar) MS containing 3 μM indole-3-acetic acid, 13.3 μM N6-benzyladenine, and 6000 CPM ml−1 [3H]GA4 as tracer. Both liquid and solid media had two treatments, one without AC and one supplemented with 5 g l−1AC. Uptake of [3H]GA4 and morphogenesis of corn shoots were recorded after 2 wk of culture. Corn explants cultured in AC-free media acquired high levels of [3H]GA4, while explants from AC-containing media showed only traces of [3H]GA4. Explants cultured in AC-free liquid medium contained about twice the amount of [3H]GA4 as those from AC-free solid medium. Addition of agar reduced shoot length, while addition of AC increased both shool and root length. It is concluded that: (1) agar reduced the uptake of GA4; and (2) GA4 was irreversibly adsorbed by AC, and thus became unavailable to corn explants.  相似文献   

The genotoxic effects of 2,4-D and its commercial derivative 2,4-D DMA were studied by measuring sister chromatid exchange (SCE), cell-cycle progression and mitotic index in human whole blood (WBC) and plasma leukocyte cultures (PLC). Concentrations of 10, 25, 50 and 100 microg herbicide/ml were used during 72 h. In WBC, a significant increase in SCE frequency was observed within the 10-50 microg 2,4-D/ml and 25-100 microg 2,4-D DMA/ml dose range. Contrarily, in PLC, none of the concentrations employed affected the SCEs frequency. A significant delay in cell proliferation was observed in WBC after treatments with 25 and 50 microg 2,4-D/ml and 50 and 100 microg 2,4-D DMA/ml. In PLC, only 100.0 microg 2,4-D/ml altered cell-cycle progression. For both chemicals, a progressive dose-related inhibition of mitotic activity was observed. The results demonstrated that the presence of erythrocytes in the culture system modulated the DNA and cellular damage inflicted by 2,4-D and 2,4-D DMA into human lymphocytes in vitro as well as both 2,4-D and 2,4-D DMA were more potent genotoxic agents in the presence of human red cells.  相似文献   

The very basal, highly immature regions of dissected young leaves of Triticum aestivum L. cv. Kite formed adventitious roots on a nutrient medium supplemented with comparatively low concentrations (0.16 to 0.63 μ M ) of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Higher concentrations (up to 640 μ M ) had to be applied to stimulate growth from more mature regions higher up the leaf. Yet, already at 2.5 μ M roots were less distinct and more callus-like, and eventually (at 10 to 640 μ M ) only a subculturable callus of apparently suppressed, slowly proliferating root primordia developed. Furthermore, at the most basal, highly immature regions growth was significantly retarded when the auxin concentration was raised. The leaf culture system appears to reflect the dual action of 2,4-D known from herbicide research, namely growth stimulation from differentiating (or differentiated) cells, but growth suppression at or in the vicinity of apical meristems. Correspondingly, when the callus of apparently suppressed, slowly proliferating root primordia was transferred to media without 2,4-D or with low concentrations (0.16–2.5 μ M ) rapid proliferation commenced, leading to profuse root outgrowth. The system demonstrates the ambiguous role which this auxin appears to have, at least in wheat tissue culture.  相似文献   

`Isubgol', the mucilaginous husk derived from the seeds of Plantago ovata, was successfully used as a gelling agent in tissue culture media for in vitro seed germination, shoot formation and rooting in Syzygium cuminii and anther culture in Datura innoxia. For seed germination, Knop's basal medium supplemented with 1% sucrose was employed, whereas for the development of shoots the epicotyl segments excised from in vitro-developed seedlings were cultured on MS basal medium supplemented with 4% sucrose and 1 mg/l 6-benzyladenine. Shoots that developed from the epicotyl segments were rooted on Knop's medium enriched with 2% sucrose and 1 mg/l indole-3-acetic acid. The anthers of D. innoxia excised at the late uninucleate to early binucleate stages of microspore development were cultured on Nitsch's basal medium containing 2% sucrose. Media were either gelled with 0.9% agar or 3% `Isubgol'. The response on media gelled with `Isubgol' in each of the cases was similar to that on media solidified with agar. Received: 9 October 1996 / Revision received: 22 July 1996 / Accepted: 30 July 1997  相似文献   

It is known that reducing the partial pressure of O2 influences the induction of somatic embryogenesis. We tested the hypothesis that O2 causes changes in the endogenous levels of exogenously supplied benzyladenine (BA) or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Embryogenic tissue of Picea abies was incubated under reduced (2.5, 5 kPa) and ambient (21 kPa) levels of O2 for 1, 3, 7 and 11 days and the endogenous concentrations of BA and 2,4-D were measured. For all treatments the concentration of BA in the tissue increased until the third day. At day 3, the ratio of BA in the tissue relative to the initial concentration in the medium, was 3.9, 2.8 and 1.9 for tissue incubated under 2.5, 5 and 21 kPa O2, respectively. The BA concentration then declined gradually. Uptake of 2,4-D was inhibited at low O2 levels. However, 2,4-D gradually accumulated in tissue grown under hypoxia, so that high levels were reached by day 11. These shifts in the BA and 2,4-D levels also caused a transient increase in the BA to 2,4-D ratio in tissue incubated under hypoxia. Although relevant for the previously reported effects of oxygen on induction of embryogenic tissue, it is unlikely that oxygen-induced alterations in BA and 2,4-D levels alone suffice to explain these findings.  相似文献   

Fertilized hens' eggs were externally treated, before starting incubation, with a single dose of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic butyl ester (2,4-D b.e., 3.1 mg/egg). Chicks at different developmental stages were examined, extending from 10 day embryos to one day after hatching. Previously, we demonstrated that 2,4-D b.e. produces hypomyelination in chicks born from treated eggs. In search of the causes of this hypomyelination, myelin markers such as sulphatides, cerebrosides and 2 3-cyclic nucleotide 3-phosphohydrolase (CNPase) activity, as well as protein and nucleic acid contents were determined in the embryonic brains. We have shown in the present study that the chemical alterations occurred even before the period of active myelination, since myelin appears in chicken brain stem and cerebrum approximately after 17 days of incubation, and most of the chemical parameters studied are diminished before that time. The DNA content in brain of treated group is increased from the 14th embryonic day (with a transient diminution at 12th day) to the first hatching day, when compared to the control, suggesting a proliferation of glial cells, possibly oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

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