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Vegetation assessment protocols used in research, monitoring and statutory planning often rely on the consistent application of methods by multiple assessors. Consequently, a study was undertaken to evaluate the application of a vegetation condition assessment protocol by a range of assessors. The aim of the study was to quantify variation among assessors in their measurement of field‐based vegetation attributes using Queensland’s BioCondition protocol, and to determine the effect of variability on the final condition score. The study consisted of 77 assessors, ranging from nil to 25 years experience in vegetation assessment, who each undertook an assessment at one site following training. Six of the 20 attributes used to derive the final condition score were not assessed consistently, this being because of a small number of assessors who had misinterpreted the protocol and had inappropriately assessed some attributes. Despite inclusion of outliers, 82% of assessors were within 10 points of the median condition score for the site. Based on the results, the definition and measurement of problematic attributes have been either clarified or removed from the revised assessment procedure. The study demonstrated that with training prior to use, assessors were able to consistently assess condition at the study site.  相似文献   

Rapid assessment techniques are commonly used for measuring vegetation condition at sites. Techniques for measuring site condition need to be quantitative, repeatable, rapid and simple. The key challenge is achieving a balance between simple techniques and adequate discrimination of condition between sites. This study compared a grassland condition index with the existing BioMetric condition index and showed that (i) the grassland index provided a strong measure of the relationship of temperate montane grassland sites with disturbance level, and differentiated condition of sites to a high degree and (ii) the simpler BioMetric index provided a strong measure of the relationship of the grassland sites with disturbance and differentiated their condition to a moderate degree. The choice of index to assess grassland condition should depend on purpose, cost and capacity.  相似文献   

Summary Much of the tree and shrub planting that has been conducted on farms in Western Australia over the past three decades has not been done with the specific intention of creating habitat or conserving biodiversity, particularly commercially oriented monocultures like oil mallee plantings. However, such plantings may nonetheless provide some habitat resources for native plants and animals. This study assessed the habitat quality of farm plantings (most of which were not planted with the primary intention of biodiversity conservation) at 72 sites across a study region in the central wheatbelt of Western Australia. Widely accepted habitat metrics were used to compare the habitat resources provided by planted farmland vegetation with those provided by remnant woodland on the same farms. The impact of adjacency of plantings to woodland and, in the case of oil mallees, the planting configuration on predicted habitat quality is assessed. Condition Benchmarks for five local native vegetation communities are proposed. Farmland plantings achieved an average Vegetation Condition Score (VCS) of 46 out of a possible 100, while remnant woodland on the same farms scored an average 72. The average scores for farm plantings ranged from 38–59 depending on which of five natural vegetation communities was used as its benchmark, but farm plantings always scored significantly less than remnant woodland (P < 0.001). Mixed species plantings on average were rated more highly than oil mallees (e.g. scores of 42 and 36 respectively using the Wandoo benchmark) and adjacency to remnant woodland improved the score for mixed plantings, but not for oil mallees. Configuration of oil mallees as blocks or belts (i.e. as an alley farming system) had no impact on the VCS. Planted farmland vegetation fell short of remnant woodland in both floristic richness (51 planted native species in total compared with a total of more than 166 naturally occurring plant species in woodland) and structural diversity (with height, multiple vegetation strata, tree hollows and woody debris all absent in the relatively young 7–15‐year‐old farm plantings). Nonetheless farmland plantings do have measurable habitat values and recruitment and apparent recolonization of plantings with native plant species was observed. Habitat values might be expected to increase as the plantings age. The VCS approach, including the application of locally relevant Benchmarks is considered to be valuable for assessing potential habitat quality in farmland vegetation, particularly as a tool for engaging landholders and natural resource management practitioners.  相似文献   

Summary   Rapid, on-ground assessments of vegetation condition are frequently used as a basis for landholder education, development applications, distributing incentive funds, prescribing restoration treatments and monitoring change. We provide an overview of methods used to rapidly assess vegetation condition for these purposes. We encourage those developing new approaches to work through the steps we have presented here, namely define management objectives and operational constraints; develop an appropriate conceptual framework for the ecosystems under consideration; select an appropriate suite of indicators; and consider the options available for combining these into an index. We argue that information must be gained from broader scales to make decisions about the condition of individual sites. Remote sensing and spatial modelling might be more appropriate methods than on-ground assessments for obtaining this information. However, we believe that spatial prediction of vegetation condition will only add value to on-ground assessments rather than replace them. This is because the current techniques for spatially predicting vegetation condition cannot capture all of the information in a site assessment or at the required level of accuracy, and maps cannot replace the exchange of information between assessors and land managers that is an important component of on-ground assessment. There is scope for more sophistication in the way on-ground assessments of vegetation condition are undertaken, but the challenge will be to maintain the simplicity that makes rapid on-ground assessment a popular vehicle for informing natural resource management. We encourage greater peer review and publishing in this field to facilitate greater exchange of ideas and experiences.  相似文献   

Summary   The assessment of vegetation condition is seen as an increasingly important requirement for effective biodiversity conservation in Australia. Condition assessments that operate at the scale of the site are well established. However, there is a need for mapped representations of vegetation condition at regional scales to: (i) assist with regional planning and target setting; (ii) provide regional context for site-based assessment; and (iii) monitor the change in vegetation condition at multiple scales. This paper describes a methodology for converting site condition data collected in plots into maps of vegetation condition across entire regions using a predictive statistical modelling framework (Generalized Additive Modelling) combined with a GIS. The research demonstrates how explanatory variables including topographic position, terrain roughness, landscape connectivity and remote sensing derived indices can be used to map the condition of native vegetation at the scale of a subcatchment. The inclusion of indices derived from remotely sensed imagery (SPOT4) as explanatory variables in the modelling is a novel component of this research. Although the methodology generates statistically and ecologically plausible models of vegetation condition, there are nevertheless limitations associated with the way plot data were collected and some of the explanatory variables, which impacts upon model utility. We discuss how these problems can be minimized when embarking upon studies of this type. We demonstrate how maps produced from exercises such as this could be used for conservation planning and discuss the limitations of these data for monitoring.  相似文献   

Abstract.  South Africa has an important responsibility to global biodiversity conservation, but a largely inadequate conservation area network for addressing this responsibility. This study employs a coarse-filter approach based on 68 potential vegetation units to identify areas that are largely transformed, degraded or impacted upon by road-effects. The assessment highlights broad vegetation types that face high biodiversity losses currently or in the near future due to human impacts. Most vegetation types contain large tracts of natural vegetation, with little degradation, transformation or impacts from road networks. Regions in the grasslands, fynbos and forest biomes are worst affected. Very few of the vegetation types are adequately protected according to the IUCN's 10% protected area conservation target, with the fynbos and savanna biomes containing a few vegetation types that do achieve this arbitrary goal. This investigation identifies areas where limited conservation resources should be concentrated by identifying vegetation types with high levels of anthropogenic land use threats and associated current and potential biodiversity loss.  相似文献   

Summary Landholder adoption of conservation practices has been extensively researched in dryland areas, but there has been less research into the adoption of biodiversity conservation practices in irrigation areas. The Murray Catchment Management Authority (MCMA) and Murray Irrigation Limited (MIL) in south‐west New South Wales offer landholders monetary incentives to enhance native vegetation management. However, uptake of the incentives and recommended practices has been slower in the irrigation areas than in dryland areas serviced by the MCMA. We explored landholder participation in native vegetation management in the MIL area using semistructured interviews with landholders and extension staff. Our findings suggest there are important differences between irrigation and dryland contexts. Landholders in irrigation districts face higher opportunity costs and are more likely to mistrust government intentions. Other constraints to adoption include lack of financial resources, restricted time to carry out works and a high turnover of extension staff. Landholders adopted recommended vegetation management practices because those practices matched their values and goals. The importance of regular contact with a positive and enthusiastic extension officer was also evident. These findings have important implications for conservation policies and programs. Extension should move beyond arousing interest and include substantial follow‐up contact to maintain landholder motivation and confidence, as well as provide recognition for past landholder efforts. Incentive programs should be designed to provide wider landholder support with different entry points allowing participants to adapt, learn and build confidence. Incentives should address the constraints experienced by landholders, particularly at times of peak workloads and during drought. Work targets set for field staff can be too high and result in program staff focusing on accomplishing on‐ground work, rather than developing irrigators’ longer‐term commitment to vegetation conservation.  相似文献   

Summary Southwest Western Australia has a particularly rich biodiversity. Clearing for agriculture has greatly reduced the extent of native vegetation in wheatbelt catchments; it also set into train hydrogeological and hydrological changes that are still evolving toward a new equilibrium. With those changes come widespread land salinization that presents a further risk to remnant vegetation, particularly in low portions of the landscape. The equilibrium position of shallow groundwater was modelled for the Blackwood Catchment, and used to assess the extent of risk to a set of remnant vegetation classes. A total of 37 368 ha of remnant vegetation was identified to be at risk of salinization when hydrological equilibrium is reached. Further hydrological modelling assessed the rate of development of these watertables (and hence the rate of impact on remnants), as well as the potential to protect remnants by controlling groundwater recharge with revegetation. The results demonstrate that only high levels of revegetation are effective at protecting high value remnants in the longer term. The timing of events is dependant on the accuracy of estimating recharge.  相似文献   

Assessing the future global impacts of ozone on vegetation   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Ozone is a major secondary air pollutant, the current concentrations of which have been shown to have significant adverse effects on crop yields, forest growth and species composition. In North America and Europe, emissions of ozone precursors are decreasing but in other regions of the world, especially Asia, where much less is known about its impacts, they are increasing rapidly. There is also evidence of an increase in global background ozone concentrations, which will lead to significant changes in global ozone exposure over this century, during which direct and indirect effects of other changes in the global atmosphere will also modify plant responses to ozone. This paper considers how far our current understanding of the mechanisms of ozone impacts, and the tools currently used for ozone risk assessment, are capable of evaluating the consequences of these changing global patterns of exposure to ozone. Risk assessment based on relationships between external concentration and plant response is inadequate for these new challenges. New models linking stomatal flux, and detoxification and repair processes, to carbon assimilation and allocation provide a more mechanistic basis for future risk assessments. However, there are a range of more complex secondary effects of ozone that are not considered in current risk assessment, and there is an urgent need to develop more holistic approaches linking the effects of ozone, climate, and nutrient and water availability, on individual plants, species interactions and ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Summary   Landscape scenario modelling is a useful aid to planning for biodiversity conservation. Vegetation condition modelling is increasingly being integrated into such analysis. Model complexity and model uncertainty are critical factors that must be addressed when tailoring vegetation condition modelling to individual applications. We describe three approaches that we have used to compare the effects of different landscape scenarios on vegetation condition. The first is a simple land-use–condition approach where vegetation condition is determined solely by land use. The second is a land-use–regeneration approach that introduces transition functions to model vegetation condition dynamics associated with land use change. The third is a threat–regeneration approach, which models vegetation condition dynamics based on the interaction between regeneration and a range of mapped threats. The three approaches represent a progression towards increased refinement and realism, but also increased complexity and data requirements. We examine the relative usefulness of the three approaches and conclude that there is no single 'silver bullet' solution but recommend judicious matching of approaches to applications within a collaborative and adaptive setting.  相似文献   

Summary The landscape modification model proposed by McIntyre and Hobbs (1999) was used to assess the modification of Tasmania’s native vegetation and its potential implications for biodiversity conservation. The inclusion of new ‘substates’ in the model allowed the varying degrees of landscape variegation and fragmentation observed in Tasmania to be quantified. The mapped extent of Tasmania’s native vegetation is approximately 5.06 million ha or 74% of the land area. The extent of native vegetation varies across bioregions from a low of around 36% in the Tasmanian Northern Midlands bioregion to a high of 94% in the Tasmanian West bioregion. Overall, the Tasmanian landscape can be described as medium variegated as the State retains 76% cover of native vegetation, by area. Two of Tasmania’s nine bioregions are in an intact state, four are variegated, and three are fragmented. Seven of the State’s 48 catchments are in an intact state, 24 catchments are variegated, and 17 are fragmented. Tasmania was estimated to support 33 760 patches of native vegetation. Fewer than 3% of these patches exceed 50 ha in area. Small and medium patches occur predominantly on freehold land with grazing as a major land use, whereas large patches occur predominantly on crown land with conservation and production forestry as the major land uses. One feature of the State’s native vegetation is the large tract of native vegetation ecosystems in western Tasmania. Opportunities arise to sustain the resilience of these native ecosystems both by consolidating the formal protection of vegetation within catchments such as the Arthur and Pieman and by strengthening environmental management in adjacent areas. Bioregions and catchments where climate change may be of particular concern for biodiversity conservation and management include the Tasmanian Northern Midlands bioregion and Cam catchment in north‐western Tasmania. The maintenance and enhancement of patches of remnant vegetation in these areas will be challenging and appears likely to require strategic, multiscale and coordinated natural resource management over decades. Limiting the loss of native vegetation across the entire range of landscape states in Tasmania appears essential to mitigate the further decline of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Summary The habitat hectares approach is an explicit, quantitative method for assessing the quality of vegetation by adding scores that are assigned to 10 habitat attributes. We believe it will be more repeatable and transparent than other methods that rely on subjective judgement. However, we have four principal criticisms of the method as it is currently proposed: (i) measurement of some of the attributes may be subject to considerable error that varies among assessors; (ii) the comparison of each measure with a single benchmark does not accommodate appropriate disturbance regimes; (iii) the proposed combination of attributes leads to some apparent internal inconsistencies; and (iv) it is not clear how the method will actually be used in practice. We suggest modifications to address these concerns and improve the proposed method. Finally, we make additional suggestions about the method's potential application, including: separate reporting of the extent and quality of different vegetation types to avoid the inappropriate combination of measures of area and quality; valuing appropriate disturbance regimes in natural areas; and considering very carefully the application of compensation or mitigation measures.  相似文献   

Recent studies highlight the importance of selecting the appropriate scale and indices of invasion level for evaluating the abundance and impact of alien plants. Our survey considers the use of vegetation plot databases compared with floristic checklists to address invasion patterns regarding alien–native relationships across vegetation types by means of a multi-scale approach. We analysed the alien–native richness relationship in 1077 vegetation plots from the Basque Country (N. Spain) at ecosystem level and phytosociological class and alliance levels. According to our results, the alien species richness (Alo)–native species richness (Nat) relationship is variable and depends not only on the scale but also on the vegetation type. In contrast with other multi-scale approaches, no negative correlation has been detected at any studied level. The strong correlation existing between plot number and cumulative Alo and cumulative Nat highlights the constraints of using checklists to generalize invasion patterns. Our results demonstrate that the combined use of both relative alien species richness and relative alien species cover facilitates the understanding of invasion patterns across plant communities at different scales. In addition to climate, disturbance and propagule pressure, habitat type proved to be an important filter for alien species, capable of explaining such patterns.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the relationships between the physical features of rivers and the distribution of macrophyte vegetation. Field work was undertaken at 207 stations along the Scorff River and its tributaries, a salmon river system in southern Brittany (western France). The physical features were considered using a principal component analysis (PCA). Stepwise multiple regression models made it possible to assess their relationships with the botanical data. The first five axes of the physical PCA (used as explicative variables) were initially linked to the most frequently surveyed species, then to their eco-morphological types, and, finally to Arber’s (1920. Water Plants. A Study of Aquatic Angiosperms. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 414 pp) morphological classification. It was concluded that plant morphology was closely related to these environmental factors. This could contribute to the development of predictive models for plant distribution and could increase the knowledge of reference vegetation related to bioindication systems.  相似文献   

Biodiversity offsetting is a globally influential policy mechanism for reconciling trade-offs between development and biodiversity loss. However, there is little robust evidence of its effectiveness. We evaluated the outcomes of a jurisdictional offsetting policy (Victoria, Australia). Offsets under Victoria's Native Vegetation Framework (2002–2013) aimed to prevent loss and degradation of remnant vegetation, and generate gains in vegetation extent and quality. We categorised offsets into those with near-complete baseline woody vegetation cover (“avoided loss”, 2702 ha) and with incomplete cover (“regeneration”, 501 ha), and evaluated impacts on woody vegetation extent from 2008 to 2018. We used two approaches to estimate the counterfactual. First, we used statistical matching on biophysical covariates: a common approach in conservation impact evaluation, but which risks ignoring potentially important psychosocial confounders. Second, we compared changes in offsets with changes in sites that were not offsets for the study duration but were later enrolled as offsets, to partially account for self-selection bias (where landholders enrolling land may have shared characteristics affecting how they manage land). Matching on biophysical covariates, we estimated that regeneration offsets increased woody vegetation extent by 1.9%–3.6%/year more than non-offset sites (138–180 ha from 2008 to 2018) but this effect weakened with the second approach (0.3%–1.9%/year more than non-offset sites; 19–97 ha from 2008 to 2018) and disappeared when a single outlier land parcel was removed. Neither approach detected any impact of avoided loss offsets. We cannot conclusively demonstrate whether the policy goal of ‘net gain’ (NG) was achieved because of data limitations. However, given our evidence that the majority of increases in woody vegetation extent were not additional (would have happened without the scheme), a NG outcome seems unlikely. The results highlight the importance of considering self-selection bias in the design and evaluation of regulatory biodiversity offsetting policy, and the challenges of conducting robust impact evaluations of jurisdictional biodiversity offsetting policies.  相似文献   

Habitat restoration within large rivers to enhance early life stages of fish is an emerging field. Prior to restoration, assessment of what constitutes “good” habitat is needed. We exemplify this with a study of larval Alosa sapidissima (American shad) in the Hudson River estuary in New York State, United States, which examines the quality of four main shallow water habitat types that have been reduced greatly by dredging activities. The larval stage has been identified as a sensitive period in need of mortality reduction. Habitats were examined as nursery habitat by comparing ambient conditions to known suitability indexes and by comparing relative abundance, loss rate, daily growth, and relative condition among habitats. Areas of lower velocity had greater abundances of shad ≤15.0 mm in length and shad growth was significantly higher. As shad became larger, those in areas of higher velocity had significantly higher relative condition, suggesting a shift in habitat use as larvae metamorphose into the juvenile stage. Contiguous backwater and secondary channel habitats had reduced loss rates during 2011 when there was high river discharge. No single habitat type examined in this study was found to be overall poor quality, and it is recommended that restoration sites be examined on an individual basis. More broadly, habitat diversity appears needed both for within‐year ontogeny as well as for longer‐term resiliency in the face of disturbance, such as storm‐driven high flows.  相似文献   

Pavlides  G. 《Hydrobiologia》1997,351(1-3):41-60
We studied the vegetation of the aquatic ecosystems ofLake Mikri Prespa. The lacustrine vegetationcomprises three distinct forms: floating plants,benthic hydrophytes and helophytes, which aredescribed and classified from the phytosociologicalpoint of view, as follows: (a) the vegetation of thefloating plants belong to the Lemnetea class and isrepresented by two plant communities; (b) thevegetation of the benthic hydrophytes, belongs to thePotametea class consisting of two differentcategories, namely the submersed formations and theemergent formations of the hydrophytes. Various plantcommunities were recognised in this type of vegetationand three among them are considered as the mostrepresentative; (c) the vegetation of helophytes, theprevailing life form in this wetland, belongs to thePhragmitetea class and is represented mainly by sevenwell organised plant communities. The respectivevegetation of two of the five more important wetlandsites is described.The terrestrial vegetation is composed of forestand meadow vegetation. The forest vegetation of theNational Park belongs to the class Querco-Fagetea andshows the following zonation: (a) in the vicinity ofthe lake, at the elevation of 860–1000 m, twoassociations have been found: the mixed deciduous andevergreen forests of Ostryo-Carpinion orientalis andthe evergreen forests of Ostryo-Carpinion adriaticum;(b) the deciduous oak forests surround the previouszone at the altitude of 900–1300 m with two principalassociations, namely the Quercetum frainetto and theQuercetum petraeae; (c) in the upper forest layerbetween 1200–1800 m asl, dominate beech forests of theassociation Fagion moesiacum and the less extensiveoccurrence of the mixed beech-fir stands (Ass.Abieti-Fagetum moesiacum).The zone above the tree limit is distinguished by itssubalpine character semi-shrub vegetation extendinghigher than the forest (1800–2000 m), whereas alpine meadowscover the vegetation at higheraltitudes. On the plains and in the forest clearingsexist herbaceous meadow formations of variablestructure, in parallel with the vegetation of specifichabitats, such as nitrophilous and ammophilousplants.  相似文献   

Summary   All forests, including commercial plantations, provide a range of habitats for conserving and enhancing elements of native biodiversity. However, the biodiversity values of commercial plantations will depend on the management practices adopted on site, as well as the landscape context of the plantation. The present study describes a generic, quantitative method for assessing the potential biodiversity benefits that might be derived from a plantation, depending on the management practices adopted. This method is based on existing ecological design and management principles. The Plantation Biodiversity Benefits Score (PBBS) was designed to be repeatable and practical to apply. The method can be used either as a stand-alone tool or as part of an integrated framework to assess and compare the commercial and environmental benefits that can be derived from different layouts, management practices and locations of plantations anywhere in Australia.  相似文献   

植被(植物群落)稳定性研究评述   总被引:48,自引:4,他引:48  
稳定性是植物群落结构与功能的一个综合特征。本文对影响植被稳定性的主要干扰因索、群落多样性(复杂性)与稳定性的关系、植被稳定性的判定与测度指标、稳定性的机制等方面的研究进展进行了阐述。指出应加强干扰对植被稳定性影响及提高干旱区人工植被稳定性的技术措施的的研究,以指导自然植被的保护利用和人工植被的建设,对植被稳定性机制的认识需要从植物群落内部的生物学生态学过程方面进行深入研究。  相似文献   

We welcome the constructive comments of McCarthy et al . (2004), and are grateful for the opportunity to respond.  相似文献   

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